Common Neurological Disorders

Common Neurological Disorders
Study Guide
References: Adult Health Nursing, 4th Edition
Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing, Timby and Smith, 8th Edition, Chpt 45,
pp 606-608 & Chpt 46, pp 640-644.
Student Study Assignment: Christensen, pages 612-622
Terminal Learning Objective:Given a patient with a selected neurological
disorder, provide safe and effective care IAW Christensen
Enabling Learning Objectives:
A: Describe the etiology of common types of headaches and their
B: Identify the nursing assessment, diagnostic test, medical management and
nursing interventions for headache patient.
C: Describe the causes, symptoms, diagnosis medical treatment and nursing
assessment of neurological pain
D: Relate the signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure to the
brain pathophysiology involved.
E: Describe the medical/surgical, pharmacological and nursing management
of a patient with increased intracranial pressure
F: Identify the medical and nursing management of the patient with an
alteration in muscle tone and motor function
G: List the medical and nursing interventions for a patient with an alteration in
sensory and perceptual function
A. Describe common types of headaches and their characteristics.
1. The three categories of headaches are:
B. Identify the nursing assessment, diagnostic test, medical management and
nursing interventions for a headache patient.
1. Assessment for a patient with headaches would include what subjective
and objective data?
a. Subjective data
b. Objective data
Common Neurological Disorders
Study Guide
2. Diagnostic test for headaches include what?
3. Discuss medical management for a patient with headaches.
a. Diet Changes
b. Psychotherapy
c. Medication
4. The Primary nursing interventions are:
C. Describe the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, medical treatment and nursing
assessment of neurological pain.
1. A common cause for neurological pain is lesions involving:
2. Pain receptors can be activated by:
3. What data would you collect during you assessment of the patient with
neurological pain?
(1) Subjective data
(2) Objective data
Common Neurological Disorders
Study Guide
4. Discuss transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) or Spinal cord
5. List four surgical procedures for neurological pain.
6. Name two nursing interventions for the following diagnoses:
Disuse syndrome, risk for related to lack of use of a body part as a result of
Self-care deficit: feeding, bathing/hygiene, related to pain
D. Relate the signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure to the
brain pathophysiology involved.
1. List some common causes of ICP.
2. The cranial vault is rigid and not expandable. As pressure increases within
the cranial cavity compensation occurs by:
3. Define supratentorial shift.
4. Discuss the subjective and objective data to be collected during an
assessment of a patient with increased ICP.
Common Neurological Disorders
Study Guide
E. Describe the medical/surgical, pharmacological and nursing management
of a patient with increased intracranial pressure.
1. Diagnosis of ICP includes:
2. There are three types of ICP monitoring devices, what are they:
3. Treatment for ICP includes:
4. Medical therapies can be categorized as ___________________,
________________, or _____________________.
5. Discuss mechanical treatments for increased ICP.
6. List five nursing interventions for the patient with increased ICP.
F. Identify the medical and nursing management of the patient with an alteration in
muscle tone and motor function.
1. Motor function disturbance results from
2. Manifestations of motor function disturbance are:
3. When assessing a patient, a nurse understands that he/she must collect
subjective and objective data. What specific data is important?
Common Neurological Disorders
Study Guide
(a) Subjective
(b) Objective
4. Diagnostic test performed for a patient with a motor function disturbance
5. Describe the three medical management techniques used:
6. Identify the three most important nursing interventions:
8. As a nurse, patient teaching must be done from the time of admission to
discharge. Name five patient teaching items you would cover with your
G. List the medical and nursing interventions for a patient with an alteration in
sensory and perceptual function.
1. List two nursing interventions for the following:
Safety needs
Activity needs
Activities of daily living