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Mods 6/7/8
Artem Kholodenko
Notes for pgs. 997 – 1003
The New Frontier,
The Election of 1960
“To Get America Moving
Kennedy’s Domestic
John K. Galbraith
Rachel Carson
Clean Air Act of 1963
Kennedy and Civil Rights
Massive resistance to integration was present in 1960
In N.C. Agricultural and Technical (A&T) College blacks
faces discrimination
Black students couldn’t vote, eat w/whites
On 2/1/60, 4 black males walked in cafeteria and sat
down and wouldn’t move until served
20 students joined them the next day in protest, day
after, 60 sat; 6 months later blacks were allowed to sit
Sit-ins became a popular form of protest
Kennedy got appeal from wealth and good looks
His father, Joe P. Kennedy made a fortune in business
and wanted his kids to be politically active
JFK won election to House of Rep. in ‘46
He won in senate in ’52 & 6 years later too
JFK became president in ’60, youngest & 1st catholic
Kennedy ran against Nixon, who had more appeal with
middle-aged folks who wanted stability and Ike era
JFK was benefiting from the U-2 incident & current
recession; The election was close, 49.7 – 49.5%
JFK started a new generation, with new young politicians
in his cabinet
JFK frequently appeared on TV, getting USA appeal
JFK couldn’t enact some reform measures due to the
strong (R) presence in the congress
He made economic growth his domestic priority;
persuaded congress in ’61 to boost defense budget 20%
The Special Forces “Green Berets” were established
He proposed lower income tax through investment
credits & allowances
JFK enforced wage-and-price restraints for inflation low
U.S. Steel jacked prices up by $6, and forced a threat of
antitrust suits
He rejected ’63 proposals of expanding social programs
When his life ended, JFK had enforced the longest
economic prosperity of USA, but critics said that corp.
incomes rose 5x that of personal
He argued that the air and water were too polluted and
began the environmental movement
Writer of Silent Spring, which discussed the hazards of
pesticides, especially DDT
The act regulated car & industrial emissions and dumping
waste (added in ’66)
When mentioning new tasks, JFK didn’t mention racism
He feared the racial issue would split the (D) party
He worked around the problem instead of solving it
In spring of ’61 the Congress of racial Equality (’42)
an interracial protest group organized a freedom ride in
the deep south to dramatize the ’60 Supreme court
James Meredith
The African-American
desegregation decision
The KKK beat the riders in Anniston, AL and burned their
JFK only dispatched marshals after a vicious attack in
Force was again used when fed. court let James
Meredith, a WWII air-force vet go to Uni. Of Miss. And
white rioted against it
Fed. troops restored order to rioting students & parents
The climax came in Birmingham, AL, where Martin Luther
King, Jr. initiated a series of marches, sit-ins, and prayer
Arrests increased and the city police comm. said that
soon Jr. would run out of blacks
Electric prods & high pressure hoses were used to control
the people
Increase in white support to equality forced JFK to
completely end segregation in stores and upgrading black
When in June ’63 Gov. Wallace of AL didn’t allow 2 black
students to enter U. of AL, JFK forced his by court to
order desegregation
On June 18, JFK proposed an extensive civil rights
Some 250,000 Americans went to the Capitol on Aug. 28
to persuade congress to enact the measure, but the
racism was too strong and the measure didn’t pass