
Topic - Sin
Separation from God
Breaking of God's commands
Missing the mark.
Why do we Sin?
How do we combat this?
1) Temptation
a) lead yourself not into temptation
b) escape
c) resist
d) prayer at time of temptation
2) Lack of love for God
a) Get to know Him (prayer and bible)
3) Love of sin
a) Pray to God for Him to make you hate sin
b) fasting
c) think of consequences
4) Don't realize gravity
a) think of consequences and its effect (don't study then fail, commit
crime pay the price)
5) Inherited
a) Christ came down to die once and for all, and then through baptism,
we have a new nature.
1) Lose peace
2) Sorrow and distress
3) Loss of hope
4) Bad relationships
5) Fall under God's wrath
“When desire conceives, it gives birth to sin and sine when it is full grown, brings forth death.” Js 1:15
“For the wages of sin is death” Rom 6:23
1) In Romans 6, what does Paul say needs to happen to be freed from sin?
2) In Romans 6, what are the wages of sin? Find a similar verse from James?
3) Is sin only the bad things I do? Explain your answer using a verse from James 4.
4) In Leviticus ch 4 & 5, God explains to Moses what needs to happen when you sin unintentionally
or in Num 15:30 ntentially. Using that as a reference, please explain what happens when you sin
a. Intentionally
b. Unintentially (briefly)
This exercise is for you only, and not to be handed in.
Please write down your 3 biggest sins that you do most often. For each one, set it up in this manner:
How will I combat it?
When handing in your homework, just mention that you did this exercise, but please be honest.