The History of Miss University of Miami Caribbean

Official Rules and Guidelines
as set forth by
The Caribbean Students Association
Executive Board 2008-2009
Application Due: October 22, 2008
University of Miami Caribbean Students Association
1306 Stanford Drive • Room 209
Coral Gables • Florida
The History of Miss University of Miami Caribbean
In the spring 2005 election for the new Executive Board of the Caribbean
Students Association; then vice presidential candidate Kareem Nelson Hull proposed a
“Miss UM Caribbean Pageant” in his speech. Moments later, in her presidential election
speech, candidate Tianna Williams proposed the same idea. A former pageant winner
herself, it was only natural that she wanted to introduce other girls to pageantry. Both
Kareem and Tianna were elected vice president and president respectively and the
executive board began to plan the first Miss UM Caribbean.
25 young ladies signed up when the pageant was first introduced during a Friday meeting
of the CSA in the fall. Of the 25 young ladies, seven returned application forms and after
an interview with the executive board all seven girls were selected as contestants. This,
some would say was luck as the president expressed that the first pageant should cater for
seven young ladies only as anything higher would call for eliminations.
The first seven girls were Vanessa Pilar Kuljis from Puerto Rico, Alba Gonzalez from the
Dominican Republic, Elizabeth Louis, Kenta Joseph and Darlene Sainvil representing
Haiti, Ambia Lockhart from the United States Virgin Islands and Richina Bicette
representing St. Lucia. The pageant was themed “The Seven Pearls of the Caribbean”
and the girls were assigned pearls of Beauty, Dignity, Ingenuity, Spirituality, Unity,
Festivity and Loyalty to represent. Two of the contestants were later unable to continue
with pageant training and the number of the contestants was set at five and the theme
changed to “The Pearls of the Caribbean”. The pageant was also assigned sea foam and
coral as official colors chosen for their names, which are unique organisms from
Caribbean sea life.
The Miss UM Caribbean Pageant was set for Thursday 2nd March, 2006 at 7 p.m. at the
Hillel Jewish Centre. Tickets were five dollars pre-sold and seven dollars at the door.
The first contestants competed in Off Stage Interview, Introduction, Swimwear, Talent,
Evening Gown and Question and Answer. Richina Bicette won the first runner-up
placement and Darlene Sainvil was second runner-up. Miss Photogenic went to Kenta
Joseph and Miss Congeniality to Darlene Sainvil, Ambia Lockhart was crowned the first
Miss UM Caribbean by Miss University of Miami 2005 Sarah Grace Patcher and Miss
Florida Caribbean 2005 Rochelle Hussey before an audience of about 150 people.
Executive Board Members of the first Miss UM Caribbean Pageant
Mrs. Marva Slaughter- Advisor
Tianna Williams- President and Official Chaperone
Kareem Nelson Hull- Vice President and Pageant Producer
Shivonne Johnson- Treasurer and Opening Production Choreographer
Jemilia Harrison- Secretary and Visiting Royalty Hospitality
Ruthanna Young- Community Service Chair and Pageant Hospitality
Lynette Otwoma, Jenna Dewar and Elycia Brown- Pageant Public Relations
Samantha Daley- Fundraising and Judges Hospitality
Who Can Be Miss UM Caribbean
The Miss UM Caribbean Pageant is open to all young ladies born in the
Caribbean or of Caribbean decent.
Anyone expressing interest to compete for the
pageant must be enrolled as full-time student at any campus of the University of Miami.
The candidate must fulfill the following:
Good academic standing at the time of applying
Have no academic alert or any form of social discipline
Must not be pregnant now or have ever been pregnant
Must have been a woman at the time of birth and presently
Be an active, dues paid member of the University of Miami’s Caribbean Students
Cannot be a candidate for graduation in the same year as the pageant
Cannot be serving as an Executive Board member of the University of Miami’s
Caribbean Student Association at the time of applying
Cannot be the current holder of any other pageant title that may conflict with the
duties of a Miss UM Caribbean
Miss UM Caribbean Segments
The Miss UM Caribbean Pageant is comprised of sections on and off stage. These
segments are:
Opening Dance- Not Judged
Interview with the Judges- 25%
Introduction- 10%
Swimwear, Lifestyle and Fitness- 20%
Talent and Performance- 25%
Evening Gown and Question and Answer- 20%
GPA- 5% (In years that the pageant committee shall decide)
NB- In years that the pageant committee decides to include percentage points
based on GPA, the GPA will count for five percent and the interview with the
judges will count for 20%
The Segment Descriptions
*GPA- 5%
The Miss UM Caribbean Pageant is a scholarship pageant and so each contestant has the
chance to be awarded for their academic performance. GPA percentage points will be
given in the following way:
3.5- 4.0 = 5%
3.0- 3.4 = 4%
The percentage points will decrease accordingly.
Interview with the Judges- 25%
The people that get to judge you all night should get to know you first. Here is their
chance to ask a few questions and your chance to shine. The pre pageant interview will
take place on a day of the committee’s choosing. Each interview will be limited to 10
minutes. Questions will come from the full panel of judges and will relate to the
information given on the application form. Each judge can choose to add more questions
to get to know each contestant better.
You will be judged on presence, clarity of thoughts expressed, spontaneity and
content within answers.
Introduction- 10%
Each contestant will compose an introduction for the beginning of the pageant. The aim
of the introduction is to tell the audience who you are and other relevant information
about you. Each contestant may be asked to include information on a theme for the
pageant. Introductions are limited to one minute and 30 seconds.
You will be judged on presence, content, diction and clarity and overall
Swimwear, Lifestyle and Fitness- 20%
Each contestant will model a swimsuit in this segment. One piece or two piece swimsuits
are allowed and must be approved by the committee. The committee may choose to
synchronize colors, colors or styles at their discretion.
You will be judges on fit of suit, personal fitness, deportment and comfort.
Talent and Performance- 25%
Each contestant can choose a talent or performance of her choice. Each performance is
limited to 3 minutes and 30 seconds with a 30 second grace period. Contestants can
choose to base their talent around the theme of the pageant at their discretion, but this is
not mandatory. No expletives or indecent behavior will be tolerated in any talent
performance. One minute is allowed for set up of props.
You will be judged on natural ability, self-expression, cohesion, flow and audience
Evening Gown and Question and Answer- 20%
Each contestant will model a gown of her choice. Gowns should be chosen for elegance
and should be complimentary to the contestant. Excessive cleavage and distasteful
exposure of the buttocks, legs or any other region will not be tolerated in any gown.
Gown must be approved by the committee.
You will be judged on fit of gown, deportment, poise and confidence.
Contestants will then answer a question selected from a transparent apparatus for the
Question and Answer segment. Questions will be based on a range of topics generally
specific to the Caribbean.
You will be judges on spontaneity, diction, clarity and content.
Miss UM Caribbean Contestant Application
Full Name
Current Address
Telephone Number ______________________________________________________
Date of Birth
Country of Decent
Class Standing
Major and Minor
Previous Semester GPA
*Please attach an Unofficial Transcript, a list of Community Service Activities,
Honors Received, Organizational Involvement, Current Resume and a Head Shot
when submitting this application form. Your application is not considered complete
until all of the above requested items have been received.
Why do you want to be Miss UM Caribbean?
What would you do with the title of Miss UM Caribbean?
Why are you a good candidate for Miss UM Caribbean?
What do you do in your spare time?
I_________________________________ herby certify that I have read the Official
Rules and Guidelines of the Miss UM Caribbean Pageant as set forth by the Caribbean
Students Association and have answered all questions honestly and to the best of my
ability. I am consenting to enroll on this pageant and to give of my time and talent to
help this organization freely and of my own free will.
Officials Only
Please sign on the appropriate line after the information has been reviewed by the
President of the CSA or the Official Chaperone for the Pageant and the CSA Advisor.
If Denied, please state why below.
UMCSA- 2008 - 2009