Grade Level

Vivian Cai
EDCP 349-102 Unit Plan
Subject and Grade Level:
Science 4
Visual Art 4
Music 4
Big Ideas:
Light and sound in everyday
Corresponding Textbook(s):
BC Science Probe 4
Unit Title:
Light and Sound All Around!
8-10 weeks ~25 hours
Corresponding Chapter(s):
Chapters 4-7
Established Goals:
Prescribed Learning Outcomes:
Processes of Science 1: Make predictions, supported by reasons and relevant to
the content
Physical Science 1: Identify sources of light and sound
Physical Science 2: Explain properties of light
Physical Science 3: Explain properties of sound
A3 create images that show the use of the following visual elements and principles
of design, alone and in combination, to produce a variety of effects: form, contrast,
B2 compare and apply various visual elements and principles of design including:
form, contrast, emphasis
D3 demonstrate the ability to work co-operatively to develop a group display
B2 sing or play from aural sources
B6 demonstrate appropriate use of classroom instruments
D1 apply skills and attitudes appropriate to a range of music experiences,
demonstrating: audience engagement, performance skills, respect for the
contributions of others
Unit Rationale:
This will be the third and final unit of science in grade 4. This unit is focused on light
Vivian Cai
EDCP 349-102 Unit Plan
and sound with a cross-curricular tie into the art curriculum as well. Students will learn
the properties of light and sound while also creating visual art using the properties of
light and music with the properties of sound. By using a hands-on approach, students
will be able to better understand the abstract concepts of light and sound rather than just
learning from the text in a traditional way.
The flow of this unit will start with light. Students will learn more traditionally the
concept of light and how it works; then we will introduce light through visual artwork.
Silhouette sketching, drawing examples of prisms, learning how light creates colour, are
all some examples that will be used.
After about 4-5 weeks, we will move onto sound. Again, students will learn the
theoretical aspects of sound. A big project we will be doing is building instruments and
learning how certain vibrations make certain sounds. This will cover the music portion of
the curriculum. If possible, students will collaborate and create their own songs.
Through interdisciplinary hands-on investigation, students will gain understanding of the
study of matter and energy such as light and sound. By doing this, students will build
connections between light and sound and how it affects everyday life.
Unit Objectives:
Students Will be Able To:
Become familiar with the properties of natural and artificial light by observing
how light interacts with various objects in the environment. Through
investigations, they gain understanding of light sources.
Discover that light travels in a straight path, and the type of material it strikes
determines whether it is absorbed, reflected, or refracted. They also learn that
forms of light are either visible or non-visible.
Explore the properties of sound by discovering how sounds are made, how they
change, and how sound travels. Through experimentation with a variety of
objects, they discover how different materials transmit, reflect and absorb sound.
They produce sounds and control frequency and pitch in the sound made.
Define light, sound and their properties
Explain that light is energy that travels in a straight line, can be reflected
Explain that sound travels in waves and all directions
Vivian Cai
EDCP 349-102 Unit Plan
Essential Questions:
What are sources of light in my community?
What are the properties of light?
Where does light come from?
How are rainbows made?
How do I hear sound?
What are properties of sound?
Why is noise considered a type of pollution?
Why do I hear different sounds, volumes, and pitches?
Assessment Evidence
Performance Task:
 Complete unit title page based on criteria given
 APK strategies
 Completion of various worksheets
 Participation
 Pastel project demonstrating light travels in a straight line
 Checking for understanding
 Light Quiz
 Group work
 Build your own instrument
 Reflections
 Sound Quiz
 Fieldtrip behavior
 Checking classroom temperature
 Peer-evaluation
 Self-evaluation
1. Introduction
Sources of light & sound (45 min)
Assess prior knowledge by giving students a graphic organizer to fill out regarding what they already know about sources
of light and sound.
Create a unit title page
Science: Identify sources of light and sound
Point out light and sound sources around the school community
See the differences in various types of light and sound
Discuss the sources of light and sound displayed in the picture handouts.
Take a walk around the school (inside and outside) as a class and see if you can find any of those sources.
Discuss why they are different (emphasize on natural and artificial light, loud and soft sounds)
Go back to class and complete “Things that give us light and sound” graphic organizer
PLOs covered
Vivian Cai
EDCP 349-102 Unit Plan
Adaptations &
10 minutes work alone quietly, complete with person beside you after 10 minutes if students are having difficulty
completing the worksheet.
If there is time at the end of class, quick class discussion of what the students wrote on their lists to check for
BC Science Probe 4 pg. 79-81, 114-115
For students who finish quickly, begin creating unit title page on a blank piece of paper.
Title page must have: unit title, students name, 3 illustrations relating to light, 3 illustrations relating to sound
Tell students title page will be marked out of 5.
/1 title, /1 name, 0.5 for each illustration
Formative assessment:
Check for- worksheet completion, participation in class discussion, ability to work with a partner
2. Light
Natural Light (45 min)
PLOs covered
Science: Explain properties of light
Make predictions, supported by reasons and relevant to the content
With teacher guidance, understand the concept of natural light
Be able to identify and draw a few bioluminescent animals
Hook: read “Sam and the Firefly” to class. Discuss if fireflies are a source of light.
Give definition of natural light, ask students to predict what types of natural light surround us right now.
Read aloud textbook.
Show video:
Do 3 questions of ‘check for understanding’ section on page 85
BC Science Probe 4 pg. 82-87
TED-ED The Brilliance of Bioluminescence:
Finish title page when done. Due by next class
For those done early, ask students to sketch and draw 2 bioluminescent animals from the TED-ED video.
Formative assessment:
Check for- “check for understanding” completion, participation in class discussion
Adaptations &
3. Light
Artificial Light (40 min)
Vivian Cai
EDCP 349-102 Unit Plan
PLOs covered
Science: Explain properties of light
Make predictions, supported by reasons and relevant to the content
With teacher guidance, understand the concept of artificial light
Identify sources of artificial light in the classroom
Adaptations &
Collect Title Page
Give example of artificial light, ask students to predict sources of artificial light.
Read aloud textbook
Use sparklers to demonstrate artificial light.
Get students moving by asking them to stand beside/under one source of artificial light in the classroom
Complete “check for understanding” on pg. 90
Close: Go through questions together to confirm understanding of lesson
BC Science Probe 4 pg. 88-91
Bring in more forms of artificial light for demonstration
Formative assessment:
Check for- “check for understanding” completion, participation in class discussion
Summative assessment:
Mark title page; give mark of 5 according to previously given criteria.
4. Light
Properties of light 1 (50 min)
PLOs Covered
Science: Explain properties of light
Art: A3 create images that show the use of the following visual elements and principles of design, alone and in
combination, to produce a variety of effects: form, contrast, emphasis
Understand that light travels in a straight line
Create a pastel art project demonstrating that property of light by sketching.
Read aloud text together
Demonstrate first property of light (that it travels in a straight line) with flashlight
Check for understanding by asking for summaries of property
Pastel art project: shine light in one direction; shade it on black paper with white/yellow pastels as accurately as possible.
Emphasize the importance of straight lines, use rulers/straight edges, etc.
(Have an example prepared before the lesson)
Close: Classroom gallery walk, place all of the art pieces on the ground and walk around as a class pointing out interesting
Vivian Cai
EDCP 349-102 Unit Plan
Adaptations &
parts of each piece of art that relate to light.
BC Science Probe 4 pg. 96-99
Bring various sources of light to demonstrate light travels in a straight line: candle, lamp, etc.
For art project, use different textures such as yellow/white yarn or uncooked noodles/spaghetti to demonstrate straight
lines on top of pastel.
Formative assessment:
Check for- participation in discussion/read aloud
Completion of pastel project
5. Light
Properties of light 2 (50 min)
PLOs covered
Science: Explain properties of light
With teacher guidance, understand 2 more properties of light
Ask for volunteers to read aloud parts of the textbook
Check for understanding by asking for summaries of the properties of light covered today:
1. opaque, transparent, translucent
2. reflection/absorption
To demonstrate, put a white piece of fabric and a black piece of fabric under a lamp. Turn all lights off except the lamp.
Watch Magic School Bus episode, and then ask for a few volunteers to feel each piece of fabric. The black should be
warmer because it has absorbed the light from the lamp.
Close: Check for understanding by asking students to summarize key points from the video, check classroom temperature
(using thumbs)
BC Science Probe 4 pg. 100-105
The Magic School Bus Gets A Bright Idea:
Use different materials under the lamp; for example paper, plastic, rubber, rocks, etc.
Adaptations &
Formative assessment:
Check for- understanding, participation in discussion/read aloud, volunteers
6. Light
Properties of light 3 (50 min)
PLOs covered
Science: Explain properties of light
Art: B2 compare and apply various visual elements and principles of design including: form, contrast, emphasis
Vivian Cai
EDCP 349-102 Unit Plan
With teacher guidance, understand the last two properties of light
Write reflection of what they have learned/not learned so far
Adaptations &
Ask for volunteers to read aloud parts of the textbook
Check for understanding by asking for summaries of the properties of light covered today:
1. refraction
2. light is separated into colours
Watch Bill Nye
Ask students to write a reflection on what we have covered so far (5 properties of light). Include: 3 things they’ve learned,
2 things they don’t quite understand, 1 question.
BC Science Probe 4 pg. 106-109
Bill Nye – Light and color:
If time permits, place a prism on the overhead and turn the lights off. Ask students to sketch the colours of the rainbow
using pastel on black paper (similar to previous art project).
Worksheet for increasing understanding:
Formative assessment:
Check for- participation in discussion/read aloud, volunteers
Reflection of understanding/questions
7. Light
Light Review (35 min)
PLOs covered
Science: Identify sources of light and sound
Explain properties of light
Review what we have covered so far and prepare for quiz next class
Go over what we have covered so far and ask if students have any questions
Play question/answer game in teams using definitions, properties of light, and other review questions
Give students a short work period to review for next lessons quiz.
Allow students to work in pairs.
BC Science Probe 4 pg. 92-95, 110-113
Adaptations &
Use review chapters from text and worksheet ideas for students to have something to study with.
Set up a game of Jeopardy for review purpose: break students into teams
Mr Collinson resource is also a good review
Vivian Cai
EDCP 349-102 Unit Plan
8. Light
Light Quiz (50 min)
PLOs covered
Science: Identify sources of light and sound
Explain properties of light
Explain test procedure to students
Give quiz, students have 45 minutes to finish
BC Science Probe 4 pg. 92-95, 110-113
Use review questions directly from the text to create quiz
If class is struggling from previous review lesson, offer them a chance for a retest of the same topic but different questions.
For grade 3’s, create an easier quiz (ie: matching, multiple choice instead of fill in the blanks.)
Adaptations &
Summative Assessment
Mark test, give score out of /?
9. Sound
Vibrations (45 min)
PLOs covered
Science: Identify sources of light and sound
Explain properties of sound
Create tomato can “instrument” and experiment with it
Complete and mark worksheet based on today’s lesson
Hook: Play Honda choir commercial, discuss voice as a sound and how many amazing sounds can be made with our voice
Read aloud textbook
Use tomato can/wet string experiment to demonstrate how vibrations can make sound
Let students build their own and experiment in groups of 4
Complete worksheet
Mark worksheet
Honda commercial:
BC Science Probe 4 pg. 115-123
Show video clips of different instruments and their vibrations if actual instruments are unavailable.
Adaptations &
Formative assessment- participation, completion of worksheet
Vivian Cai
EDCP 349-102 Unit Plan
10. Sound
Sound waves, loudness, pitch (45 min)
PLOs covered
Science: Explain properties of sound
Music: B2 sing or play from aural sources
Participate in singing in different pitches and volumes
Experiment with tomato can instruments
Demonstrate various pitches using tomato can instruments
Complete worksheet
Lead class in a sing-along
Sing the same song in different pitches and volumes
Read aloud textbook
Use tomato can/wet string experiment to demonstrate how different lengths of string create different pitches
Use tomato cans from last class to experiment in groups of 4
Hand out worksheet and complete
BC Science Probe 4 pg. 128-135
Extension of lesson if time permits:
Adaptations &
Formative assessment
Participation, completion of worksheet, ability to work well in groups
11. Sound
Sound Travels (45 min)
PLOs covered
Science: Explain properties of sound
With teacher guidance, understand two properties of sound
Build and experiment with echoes
Record observations made from experiment
Mark worksheet from previous day
Read aloud text
Check for understanding of properties of sound covered today:
1. Sound travels through liquids, solids, gases
2. Materials can transmit, reflect, or absorb sound
Conduct “echoes” experiment with class, ask students to build and try it for themselves in groups
Record observations on worksheet
Vivian Cai
EDCP 349-102 Unit Plan
Remind students to bring materials to build your own instrument for next class
BC Science Probe 4 pg. 139-149
Adaptations &
Formative assessment
Participation, ability to work in groups,
12. Sound
Build your own instrument! (60 min)
PLOs covered
Science: Explain properties of sound
B6 demonstrate appropriate use of classroom instruments
D1 apply skills and attitudes appropriate to a range of music experiences, demonstrating: audience engagement,
performance skills, respect for the contributions of others
Create your own instrument using household recyclable items
Reflect on this process
Have examples of Kleenex box guitars, drums, and other homemade instruments
Discuss the materials used to build these – recyclable? Sustainable? Reusable?
Give students time to build their own instruments (in pairs or by themselves)
Have students write reflection of the process of making their instrument. What worked? What didn’t?
BC Science Probe 4 pg. 146-149
If time permits, have the class perform a well known song together with their own instruments while singing together. This
lesson might have to be broken into 2 lessons.
Summative assessment:
Give mark for instrument: materials /5 creativity /5 reflection /5
Formative assessment:
Participation, effort, ability to work with others
Peer evaluation in groups
Self evaluation
Adaptations &
13. Sound
Sound Review (40 min)
Science: Identify sources of light and sound
Vivian Cai
EDCP 349-102 Unit Plan
Explain properties of sound
Review unit so far and prepare for next class’s quiz
Go over what we have covered so far for sound and ask if students have any questions
Give students a short work period to review for next lessons quiz.
Allow students to work in pairs.
BC Science Probe 4 pg. 124-125, 144-145
Use review chapters from text and worksheet ideas for students to have something to study with.
Set up a game of Jeopardy for review purpose: break students into teams
Mr Collinson resource is also a good review
14. Sound
Sound Quiz (50 min)
PLOs covered
Science: Identify sources of light and sound
Explain properties of sound
Explain test procedure to students
Give quiz, students have 45 minutes to finish
BC Science Probe 4 pg. 124-125, 144-145
Use review from text to make quiz questions
If class is struggling from previous review lesson, offer them a chance for a verbal discussion(assessment) with me during
lunch/after school regarding the unit.
For grade 3’s, create an easier quiz (ie: matching, multiple choice instead of fill in the blanks.)
Summative Assessment:
Mark quiz, give mark out of /?
PLOs covered
Adaptations &
Adaptations &
15. Sound
Wrap-up- Field trip (Morning or Afternoon)
PLOs covered
Science: Identify sources of light and sound
Explain properties of sound
Fieldtrip to Science wrold
Prior to leaving, review fieldtrip behavior, safety issues, what to do if you get lost, etc.
Students will be able to see and hear various string instruments, similar to the ones they made in class
Adaptations &
Vivian Cai
EDCP 349-102 Unit Plan
Formative Assessment:
Fieldtrip behavior, cooperation
Reflection of fieldtrip and entire unit. Again, include 3 things you learned, 2 things you don’t understand, 1 question.
Annotated Bibliography
BC Integrated Resource Package: Science 4
BC Science Probe 4: Classroom textbook for Science Exhibition at science world relating to music and sound. Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, good end of unit fieldtrip idea if you are planning on
making homemade instruments with your class.
5. Art gallery, good end of unit fieldtrip idea if looking for artwork relating to light/dark
6. awesome unit plans by a teacher from Ontario, contains grade 1-4 science
units with full worksheets.
7. fun compilation of games and websites for this unit
8. bank of websites/worksheets with definitions and
9. The Magic School Bus Gets A Bright Idea:
10. The Magic School Bus Makes A Rainbow – The Secrets of Colors:
11. Bill Nye – Light and color:
12. Bill Nye – Sound:
13. The brilliance of bioluminescence:
14. Sam and the Firefly by P.D. Eastman
15. Honda commercial: - amazing commercial using choir as sound for all car
parts/surrounding environment