122 Kennels Road, R. D.5,
Timaru. 7975
www . plantorama.co.nz
Phone (03) 688 2248
Fax (03) 688 2248
email : plantorama@xtra.co.nz
Nursery open:
Monday to Friday,
10am-4pm Saturday
Closed Sundays and Public Holidays
Our Retail Garden Centre is open 6 days a week specialising in supplying a wide
range of quality hardy ornamental trees and shrubs, roses and climbing plants, fruiting
trees and an extensive selection of shelter and woodlot trees.
Introducing our staff:
Alister Davis
David Caird
Nursery Manager
Kevin Chapman
Nursery Production
Shelly Wilson
Garden Centre Manager
Allan Bolland
LandscapePlanner/Nursery Production
Morton Bartlett
Nursery Production
Sharyn Anglem
Propagation/Garden Centre Assistant
Lynton Ross
Propagation/Garden Centre Assistant
Customers are welcome to browse and select at their leisure or seek advice on plant
selection; we believe we have the plant selection and expertise to help you create the
planting of your desire.
“The planter of trees is a person of vision. They have the wisdom to realise that trees
are needed for their physical comfort and spiritual welfare. They know that trees are
necessary for the well being of the land and protection of stock. Above all they know
that trees are the vital heritage for the future.”
Prices in this catalogue are an indication only; we endeavour
to price all of our plants individually in the Garden Centre.
Abelia Chinensis
Abelia Masoni
Abelia Dwarf White
Acacias (Wattles)
Acacia Baileyana
hardy fast growing bushy shrub with pink tubular bell flowers produced
throughout summer. Good low screening shrub. 180 cm.
rich golden foliaged shrub with pink tube flowers giving excellent
colour in the garden; hardy, easily grown. 140 cm.
a new compact dwarf shrub with white tubular flowers in summer.
Requires shelter when young. 130 cm.
fast growing rounded tree soft blue/grey foliage, gold flowers in spring. A
good evergreen tree for screening or shade. Like all Wattles they enjoy a
sunny well drained site. 6 m.
rich purple young growth on an attractive rounded tree makes this an
outstanding fast growing specimen; gold flowers in spring. 5 m.
soft green ferny foliage and fast growing habit makes this evergreen
tree great quick shelter or shade. Gold flowers in spring.
forms a large bushy shrub or small graceful tree; soft graceful willowlike
habit; cream/gold flowers in spring. 4 m.
The Alpine or Weeping Wattle; sharp triangular grey/green foliage on
drooping branches, lime gold flowers in spring. Hardy . 3 m.
Rounded compact shrub with fine deep green foliage. Soft lemon flowers
in spring. An attractive bushy shrub. 2 m.
(Shelter from strong winds.)
Leaves deeply lobed & cut, colouring rich crimson in autumn.
Acacia Bail. Purpurea
Acacia Dealbata
Acacia Floribunda
Acacia Pravissima
Acacia Riceana
Acer 'Maples'
Acer Aconitofolium
Acer Autumn Blaze
Fresh green summer foliage turning vibrant red/orange autumn colour.
Acer Autumn Moon
Spring colour is pink/orange changing vibrant red in autumn; 2.5 metres
Acer Esk Sunset
Spectacular pink/cream summer/autumn foliage;hardy small tree to 3 m.
Acer Griseum
'Paperbark Maple';a compact upright small tree with attractive peeling
bark.Fiery autumn colour. 3 metres.
Acer Negundo Kelly Gold Cream tassles in spring. Rich gold specimen tree. Keep moist in
summer. 5 m.
Acer Negundo Violaceum Pink tassles in spring. Upright shade specimen. Pink young foliage. 5 m.
Acer Palmatum
'Japanese Maple' a compact rounded tree with fine palmate foliage;
golden autumn colours. Requires summer moisture and wind shelter; 3 m.
Acer P. Atropurpureum Fine rich purple foliage ,rich crimson in autumn; small shade tree. 3 m.
Acer P.Bloodgood
Deep red purple foliage;fiery autumn colours; upright habit. 4 m.
Acer P.Burgundy Lace
Small upright tree with arching branches; deep burgundy wine; 3 m.
Acer P. Chishio
Dwarf growing; shrimp red spring foliage; bronze in autumn. 150 cm .
Delightful tub specimen
Acer P. Katsura
Striking pale yellow spring growth. Light lime green summer foliage
changing rich gold in autumn. Shelter from strong wind. 3 m.
Acer P. Osakasuki
Attractive bright green seven lobed foliage turning brilliant autumn colours.
2.5 metres.
Acer P.Senkaki
Striking red bark;attractive small erect growing tree; 3 m.
Coral Bark Maple
Acer P.Shin Deshojo
A delightful fine foliaged Maple for the smaller garden; scarlet foliage.
Considered one of the best autumn foliage Maples. 2. m.
Acer P.Suminagashi
Strong growing upright tree with reddish purple new growth turning rich
crimson in autumn;leaves boldly serrated; 4 m.
Acer P.Dissectum
Dwarf Weeping Maples
Acer Dis.Crimson Queen Rich crimson Weeping Purple Maple. Dwarf feature tree.
Wind tender. Keep moist in summer. 1 m.
Acer P.Dis Seiryu
Upright growing; finely dissected foliage;soft gold autumn foliage; 2 metres
Acer P. Dissectum Viridis Graceful Dwarf Green Weeping Maple. Forms a delightful garden feature.
Wind tender. 1 m.
Acer P.Shaina
Bright red spring foliage maturing dark crimson; 3 metres
Acer Platonoides
Handsome ornamental shade tree for large gardens. Large green five lobed
leaves; rich gold in autumn. Keep moist in summer. 6 m. Norway Maple
Acer Pl. Crimson King An upright specimen shade tree with large deep purple summer foliage
changing fiery orange crimson in autumn. Hardy;keep moist in summer; 5m
Acer Pl. Drummondii
Large green leaves margined with a creamy band;gold autumn foliage ; 5 m
Acer Rubrum
Brilliant red autumn foliaged specimen tree; 8 metres.
Acer R Brandywine
Emerald green summer foliage turning rich scarlet purple in autumn
Acer R.October Glory
Selected Red Maple; 8 metres
Acer Saccharum
‘Sugar Maple’; attractive specimen tree; brilliant autumn colours; 15 m.
Acer Shirasawanum Aureum
Beautiful soft golden foliaged specimen; shelter & semi shade; 3 metres
Acer Shirasawanum Autumn Moon
Attractive golden leafed specimen. 3 metres
Aesculus 'Chestnuts'
Aesculus C. Briottei
Rosy crimson flowers in upright clusters; Perfect lawn specimen for
summer shade or avenue planting. 6 m.
Aesculus Hippocastanum Horse Chestnut, hardy large stately spreading tree; white flower
pinnacles. 8 m.
Aesculus Indica
A large specimen with glossy green foliage and pale pink flower spikes
in late spring. Attractive large shade specimen. 10 m.
Albizzia Julibrissin Rose 'Silk Tree' delightful specimen tree; Fluffy pink flowers in summer.
Sunny well drained site; deciduous. 5 metres.
Albizzia Red Silk
Attractive form with red flowers in summer.
Alnus Alder
Alnus Cordata
'Italian Alder' a very hardy large conical tree noted for its bright green
glistening foliage. Tolerates a wide range of sites. Good shelter .8 m.
Alnus Rubra
'Red Alder' medium sized fast growing tree of graceful habit. Red
nutlike fruits in winter. fast shelter tree with non encroaching roots. 8 m.
Amelanchier Canadiensis
A neat erect growing shrub with raecemes of lacy white flowers in spring.
the foliage turns a rich red in autumn. Hardy, easily grown. 3 m.
Arbutus Unedo ‘Irish Strawberry Tree’A compact evergreen tree;white ‘Lily of the Valley flowers
in spring;orange fruits in winter.
Arctostepholos Woods Red A hardy evergreen groundcover with pink heathlike flowers in summer.
1 m wide.
Arinaria Aurea
Mounding lime green mosslike groundcover; moist site. 70 cm wide.
Arthropodium Cirrhatum 'Mabel Island Lily'
Long flaxlike leaves, white flowers spikes; moist site. 60 cm.
Arundinaria Gracilis
Fine foliaged Bamboo; fast growing & decorative; good tub plant.
Clump forming non suckering variety.
Attractive compact flax-like ornamental shrubs.
From $13.50
Astelia Chathamalica
‘Silver Spear’Stronger growing flax-like form;silver foliage. 85 cm.
Astelia Nervosa
Compact silver flax form with silver green tufted leaves. 35 cm.
Astelia Westland
Hardy dwarf flax form with reddish foliage. 40 cm.
Aucuba Japanese Laurel
Aucuba Crotonoides
Bold foliage shrubs suitable for shady sites and great for tub planting.
Crotonoides produces red berries when planted with a male. 175 cm.
Aucuba Japonica Male
A green foliaged male form . 175 cm.
Azalea 'Evergreen'
Delightful spring flowering shrubs; great in tubs or planted in groups with
from $17.50
Rhododendrons, Camellias , Natives or other associated plants. They
require a moist well drained sheltered site with soil rich in acid humus.
Flower colours include mainly reds, pink, purple and white. We stock a
selection of varieties throughout the year. As a general rule the smaller
foliage forms are the hardiest. heights range from groundcover to 1 m.
Azalea 'Deciduous'
This hardy group of spring flowering shrubs give brilliant colour displays.
From $27.50
vivid orange, gold, red and pink varieties are all delightfully fragrant.
Rich autumn foliage colour is also a feature. They grow best in a moist well
drained soil planted and mulched with plenty of acid humus. 150 cm.
Azara Microphylla
'Vanilla Tree' A fast erect growing evergreen tree with small dark green
leaves. Strongly scented yellow flowers in spring. Good small
background tree for screening or shelter. 4 m.
Azara Serrata
Hardy fast growing small evergreen tree;great for specimen,screening
or shelter planting. 4 m.
Baekia Virgata
Reasonably hardy fine foliaged shrub producing sprays of decorative white
flowers in summer. An outstanding shrub loved by Florists. 175 cm.
Banksia Birthday Candles A delightful dwarf compact form;yellow cones;prostrate habit.
Banksia Collina Dwarf
A compact rounded shrub growing to 2 metres;yellow cones in winter.
Warm sunny well drained site.
Banksia Ericifolia
Large bushy shrub;large golden cones in winter attract birds
Banksia Integrifolia
Fast erect growing small trees with large yellow cones produced in winter.
Very tolerant of coastal areas; Good food source for birdlife in winter. 4 m.
'Ornamental Barberry'
Berberis Aurea
Brilliant golden foliage through spring summer and autumn. Hardy low
compact shrub; best grown in semi shade. 85 cm.
Berberis Crimson Pygmea Hardy miniature mound of deep purple; outstanding dwarf deciduous
Berberis Keiffers Hybrid Outstanding foliage shrub; silver variegated leaves turning red in
autumn.Hardy for most garden sites. 150 cm.
Berberis Rosy Glow
Colourful pink/cream variegated foliage changing crimson in autumn. An
outstanding hardy contrast shrub. 130 cm
Berberis Thunbergii Atropurpurea
Hardy dark purple foliaged shrub; great colour contrast; 170 cm.
Betula 'Birch'
Betula Alba
The Silver Birch is an outstanding tree planted as a specimen, in groups or
for avenue or screen planting. Fine summer foliage; gold in autumn.
Betula Papyrifera
'Paper Birch' pure white peeling paper bark; large soft green foliage turns
bright gold in autumn. Like all Birch they dislike heavy wet soil. 8 m.
Betula Dalecarlica
'Swedish Birch'; a graceful upright tree with pendulous branches and fine
deeply cut foliage. An outstanding specimen . 8 m.
Betula Jaquemontii
An attractive white barked form of Himilayan Birch; 10 m.
Betula Youngii
'Weeping Silver Birch' a graceful weeping specimen tree with fine
branches weeping to the ground; rich gold autumn foliage. 4 m.
Warm sheltered site; keep moist in summer; plant with peat.
Boronia Heterophylla
Rich deep rosy pink bell flowers in spring and Summer. An outstanding
fragrant shrub; prune after flowering. 1 m.
Boronia Megastigma
The richly fragrant 'Brown Boronia' is outstanding not only for the
delightful brown/gold flowers but for the glorious fragrance. 1 m.
Boronia M. Lutea
'Bright lime/gold flowers with the rich spicy 'Boronia' fragrance make
this form outstanding. Light green foliage. 1 m.
Buddlia 'Butterfly Bush'
Buddlia Globosa
Hardy fast growing screening shrub;golden globe flowers in summer .
Great for attracting butterflies into the garden
Buddlia Silver AnniversaryA hardy fast growing large bushy shrub with silver grey foliage.
White flower spikes attract butterflies throughout summer. 2 m.
Brachyglottis Sunshine
This hardy grey foliaged shrub was formally known as 'Senecio Greyii',
yellow daisy flowers in summer; benefits from light trimming. 160 cm.
Brachyscombe 'Rock Daisy'
The delightful dwarf 'Rock Daisies' give great colour throughout the
summer dying back in winter in more exposed sites. Several colours
are available with the deep blue 'Break of Day' being most
popular.Best for a sunny well drained site. 15 x 40 cm.
Buxus 'Box Plant'
Buxus Semp. Marginata A hardy large erect growing shrub with dark green leaves margined gold.
An excellent plant for formal tubs or shrubbery planting. 180 cm.
Buxus Semp. Gold Tip Compact hardy dwarf shrub often used for 'Box Hedging'. Deep green
foliage often tipped with gold. 80 cm. Hedging grade - $2.50 & $3.95
Buxus Suffruticosa
Compact dwarf Box used for hedging $2.50-3.50
Callistemon C.Splendens Bright Red Bottlebrush flowers cover this fast growing bushy shrub
in summer. Sunny well drained site; trim after flowering. 2 m.
Callistemon Kings Park S Large bushy shrub for the sunny well drained site.
Bright red Bottlebrush flowers in summer; 2 m.
Callistemon Little John A compact growing Red Bottlebrush with dense bushy habit. Bright
red flowers in summer. Sunny well drained site. 1 m.
Never ending pleasure in a garden you will find,
Happiness,deep contentment,joy and peace of mind.
Approx. $25.00
For the cool sheltered areas of the garden the Camellias give great garden
colour and form; the deep glossy green foliage being a perfect background
for the delightful flowers. The Sasanqua varieties flower in the autumn and
are more tolerant of sun. They are great grown as shrubs or espaliered
along walls or fences as climbers. All varieties make good tub plants .
Moist well drained soils rich in acid humus;a few of our popular varieties.
Camellia Japonicas
Deep pink peony form
Coral rose pink peony
Betty Sheffield Pale pink semi double
Bob Hope
Black red semi double
Bobs Tinsie
Bright red mini blooms
Cinnamon Cindy Mini pale rose pink blooms
Rich pink peony form
Formal double bright pink
Dr.Clifford Parks Large semi double red
E.G.Waterhouse Light pink formal double
Ele. Champagne Large white flowers
Elegans Supreme Large rose pink anemone form
Fox’s Fancy
Rich double red
Gay Baby
Small flowers; orchid pink
Gwenneth Morey Deep cream anemone form
Guillio Nuccio Semi double coral pink
Grand Slam
Large red
Jurys Yellow
Cream with yellow centre
Kramers Supreme Glowing turkey red peony.
Margaret Davis White edged pink peony form.
Man Size
White miniature anemone form
Nicky Crisp
Pale pink semi double
Roger Hall
Clear red formal double
Rich red flowers
Lavander pink formal double
Star Above Star Semi double pale lavander
Camellia Sasanquas; great shrub specimen or espaliered as a climber.
Cotton Candy
Large clear pink flowers in autumn.
Plantation Pink Large single pink flowers.
Attractive double white ; autumn flowering.
Sparkling Burgundy
Semi double burgundy red flowers in autumn.
Bright single red white gold stamens; compact.
(Foliage grasses for rockeries, tubs or for natural group planting.)
Carex Evergold Hardy dwarf golden variegated form. Great for pots hanging baskets or
planted in groups in the front of rockeries or shrub planting. 30 cm.
Carex Testacea An attractive 'Tussock' form with reddish brown foliage. It is used
widely for group or island planting. ($3.95 bulk rate)
Carpinus Betulinus
‘Hornbeam’Deeply serrated foliaged pyramidal specimen tree; 10 m.
Excellent tree to espalier for screening.
The hardy 'Spanish Chestnut' a fast growing shade tree with wide
spreading branches. Keep moist in summer; nuts ripen in winter.8 m.
Catalpa Bignonoides
'Indian Bean Tree'; Hardy tree with large green heart shaped leaves and
creamy white flower heads. Bean shaped seed capsules.
Ceanothus Blue Carpet Fast growing groundcover with tiny rich green foliage and an abundance
of deep blue flowers in summer. Well drained site. 2 m wide.
Ceanothus Blue Sapphire Attractive mounding groundcover;deep blue flowers in late spring;dark
ebony coloured foliage; hardy; 1 metre x 2 metres wide.
Ceanothus Diamond Heights
Hardy gold variegated groundcover; up to 2 metres wide
Ceanothus Emily Brown A fast growing groundcover for filling large areas . Small thick dark
green glossy leaves; light blue flowers; well drained site. 3 m wide.
Ceanothus Hurricane Point
Large mounding groundcover with dark green oval leaves and
cornflower blue flowers in summer. Well drained site. 2.5 m wide
Ceanothus Impressus
Dense branches of small dark green leaves; soft sky blue flowers in spring;
Bushy rounded shrub; well drained site. 150 cm.
Ceanothus P.Roweanus Deep blue flowers in early spring cover this hardy fast growing shrub. 2 m.
Great for shelter and screening. Well drained site. Trim after flowering.
Ceratistigma Willmotianum
'The Chinese Plumbago' is a small hardy deciduous shrub with rich
gentian blue flowers in summer; sunny site. 1 m.
Cercidophyllum Japonicum
‘Katsura Tree’
Soft purple foliage maturing dark green;attractive compact tree; 5 m.
Cercis Forest Pansy
Large showy deep purple leaves through spring summer and autumn give
a delightful contrast in garden colour. 3 m.
Cercis Hearts of Gold
Attractive new for with large golden foliage; 3 metres
Cercis Siliquastrum
'Judas Tree' bright pink pea shaped flowers cover this hardy small tree
in spring. Rounded glaucous green foliage in summer. 4 m.
'Japonicas or Flowering Quince' hardy fast growing shrubs climbers
From $12.50
or groundcovers. The bare winter branches give way to a riot of colour
in spring. They benefit from pruning after flowering.
Chaenomeles Alba
Snow white flowers with green center. 2 m x 1.5 m.
Chaenomeles Cameo
Delightful soft apricot blooms in spring.
Chen. Chochuragaki
Large double deep salmon orange flowers. 1.5 m x 1 m.
Chaenomeles Dazzler
Deep crimson flowering groundcover or compact climber.
Chiminanthus Praecox 'Winter Sweet'
From $19.50
Fragrant creamy purple centred flowers cover this hardy bushy deciduous
shrub in winter. Enjoys a sunny site with ample summer moisture.
'C. Lutea' is a selected deep yellow flowering form. 2.5 m.
Choisya Aztec Pearl
Hardy bushy lush green foliaged shrubs ; star white flowers in summer.
The superb new Fine foliaged 'Mexican Orange Blossom. 175 cm.
Choisya Ternata
'Mexican Orange Blossom' a dense rounded evergreen shrub with
fragrant deep glossy green foliage.White flowers in summer. 175 cm.
Standard Mexican Orange Blossoms; Great for specimens or tubs.
Choisya T.Sundance
Rich gold foliaged form giving a rich contrast in the garden ; 150 cm.
'Rock Roses' ; these are a riot of colour throughout summer . The mass of
single flowers appear to be made of crepe paper. They grow best in a sunny
well drained site; trim after flowering.
Cistus Anne Palmer
Pink wavy petalled flowers; 130 cm.
Cistus Bennetts White
Deep green leathery foliage; large white flowers/gold centre. 150 cm
Cistus Brilliancy
Rich pink flowers with yellow stamens. 160 cm.
Cistus Formosa
Yellow flowers with red eye. Grey foliaged mounding shrub. 80 cm x 1 m.
Cistus Luisitanica
White flowers with red eye. Bushy rounded shrub. 150 cm.
Cistus Pink Cloud
Large lavender pink flowers; soft grey foliage. 150 cm.
Cistus Sagifolius
Masses of white flowers; Low mounding shrub. 60 x 150 cm.
Cistus Silver Pink
Soft pink flowers on a low compact rounded bush. 85 cm.
'Kaka Beak' ; interesting colourful native shrubs for the sheltered site.
They can easily be trained (espaliered) as climbers
Clianthus Puniceus
Red Beak-like flowers in summer. 140 cm.
Clianthus P. Albus
White Beak-like flowers in summer. 140 cm.
'Breath of Heaven'; sunny well drained site.
Coleonema Pulchrum
Soft fragrant ferny foliage on a compact rounded bushy shrub; covered in
pink star flowers in spring; trim lightly after flowering. 160 cm.
Coleonema Sunset Gold An outstanding low spreading shrub with dense bright golden aromatic
foliage, covered in summer with fine star pink flowers. Colours best in full
sun. Excellent colourful tub plant. 75 cm. x 1 m.
Coleonema Winter Charm Beautiful compact flowering shrub studded with pink star flowers
from early spring. Fragrant green foliage. Lightly trim after flowering.
Convolvulus Cneorum Grows quickly forming a low mounding silver foliaged shrub. Clusters of
white pink lined trumpet flowers in summer. Well drained site. 1 m wide.
'Mirror Plant'; Hardy glossy foliaged native shrubs and groundcovers;
From $13.50
great fast screening, coastal shelter and tub plants. Semi hardy evergreens.
Some attractive foliaged forms including Kiwi Silver;Scarlet O’Hara;
and Tequila Sunrise are exciting new hybrids
Coprosma Beatsons Gold Fine foliaged golden variegated shrub. 160 cm.
Coprosma Brunneri
Fine foliaged green mounding groundcover. 50 cm x 150 cm.
Coprosma Coppershine Glossy bronze coloured foliage;colours deeper in winter.180 cm.
Coprosma Hawera
Fine green ferny foliaged groundcover.For tubs,baskets or garden.
Coprosma Greensleeves Rich glossy green rounded shrub. 180 cm.
Coprosma Karo Red
Glossy reddish bronze foliage on rounded bushy shrub, 150 cm.
Coprosma Kirkii
Strong growing glossy green foliaged groundcover. 2 m wide.
Coprosma Kirkii Var.
Glossy silver foliaged groundcover. 2 m wide.
Coprosma Pink Splendour Eye catching pink and gold glossy variegated foliage. 150 cm.
Coprosma Pride
Compact form with bright red/green & pink variegations.
Coprosma Red Rock
Hardy bushy shrub with fine lacy branches; 150 cm.
Coprosma Robusta
A fast growing small tree;orange berries;great coastal shelter. 3 m.
Cabbage Trees
Cordyline Australis
Long rich green swordlike leaves cover the tall palmlike
'Cabbage Tree'. Fragrant white pinnacles in summer. 4 m.
Cordyline A.Albertii
Attractive variegated foliaged ‘Cabbage Tree’.
Cordyline Green Goddess Lush green strap-like foliaged small tree to 3 metres.
Cordyline Purple Tower Outstanding rich purple foliaged form; 3 metres
Dogwoods - plant in cool moist well drained sheltered sites.
Cornus Capitata
The evergreen 'Himalayan Strawberry Tree'; a small round headed tree
with large creamy flower bracts in early summer followed by strawberry
berries in autumn and winter. A hardy attractive easily grown tree. 6 m.
Cornus Cherokee Chief Deep red flower bracts; scarlet autumn colours. 3 m.
Cornus Cher. Daybreak Fresh green leaves with a broad cream outer zone.
Salmon pink to purple autumn foliage. 3 m.
Cornus Cher.Sunset
The new growth has orange tones with red blooms in spring. 3 m.
Cornus Cloud Nine
Prolific pure white large flowering variety.
Orange & scarlet autumn foliage. 3 m.
Cornus Controversa
Horizontal branches in tiers, white flowers,dark green foliage, 5 m.
Cornus C.Golden WeddingGolden Wedding Cake Tree
Cornus Con.Variegata
A small tree with horizontal branching & striking silver variegation.
Cornus Ed White Wonder Round headed small tree with large white flower bracts in spring and rich
crimson autumn foliage colour.
Cornus Fl.Pendula
An unusual form with pendant branch habit forming an attractive weeping
Cornus First Lady
Cornus Greenvale
Cornus Kousa Doubloon Semi double pure white flowers;rich green foliage; 3 metres
Cornus Kousa Chinensis Large creamy white star flowers;red strawberry-like fruit; 3m.
Cornus Kousa Satomi
Salmon red star-like blooms in early summer;rich red fall foliage;tolerates
a wider range of sites. 3m.
Cornus Nutalli
Creamy white flower bracts; brilliant autumn foliage; 5 metres.
Cornus Rainbow
Spring and summer foliage rich gold splashed green followed by brilliant
autumn colours. White flowers bracts add to spring foliage colour. 2 m.
Corokia Bronze King
Corokia Buddlioides
Corokia Gentys Ghost
Corokia Gentys Green
Corokia Red Wonder
Corokia Sunsplash
Corokia Yellow Wonder
Correa Marions Marvel
Correa Salmon Pink
Correa Tomatoe Red
Corylopsis Spicata
From $19.50
Corylus Contorta
Corylus M. Purpurea
Cotinus Coggria
Cotinus C. Purpurea
Cotinus Grace
Cotinus Gold Spirit
Cotinus Velvet Cloak
From $12.50
Cotoneaster Conspicua
Cotoneaster Dammeri
Cotoneaster H. Variegata
Crowea Festival
Daboecia Alba
Daboecia Prageri
Daboecia Purpurea
A hardy group of native shrubs noted for their attractive foliage and
winter berry display. They trim well for screening. Well drained site.
Fine bronze foliaged shrub; red berries in winter. 160 cm
Light bronze narrow pointed leaves; hardy bushy shrub; red berries. 2 m.
Soft grey foliaged shrub; delightful contrast shrub;hardy; 130cm.
A hardy compact shrub; lush green foliage; 130 cm.
Attractive bronze foliaged shrub; red berries in winter; 160 cm.
Attractive fine foliaged shrub with gold variegated foliage. 160 cm.
Rounded shrub; soft grey foliage; yellow berries in winter. 160 cm.
The Australian Fuchsias are colourful compact shrubs for the sunny well
drained site. Trim after the flowering which continues throughout the year.
Pink tubes tipped with green. Compact rounded bush. 1 m.
Dwarf compact grower with pink tube flowers in summer. 50 cm.
Compact spreading shrub with bright red flowers; colourful. 60 cm x 1 m.
The 'Winterhazel' is a hardy small tree with raecemes of fragrant yellow
flowers in early spring. 2.5 m.
Hazelnuts; hardy easily grown trees regularly producing good crops of
edible nuts. Best planted in groups with both male and female plants. 3 m.
Corkscrew Hazelnut, 2.5 m.
The ornamental purple foliaged Hazelnut is a hardy compact bushy
small tree giving great colour in any garden setting. 2.5 m.
'Smoke Bush'; smooth rounded green leaves with rich autumn tints;
Fawn coloured plumelike flower heads in summer. 3 m.
Wine purple foliage spring and summer changing richer tones in autumn
make the 'Purple Smoke Bush' one of the finest contrast shrubs. 3 m.
Attractive purple foliage with brilliant autumn colours; 3 m.
Bright gold summer foliage changing deeper tones in autumn 3 m.
Rich dark purple foliaged shrub; brilliant autumn colours; 3 m.
Hardy shrubs, groundcovers, climbers and trailers; these versatile colourful
berrying shrubs give great colour during winter.
A dark green foliaged evergreen groundcover; red berries. 2 m wide.
Lush green strong growing groundcover, red berries. 2 m wide.
Attractive silver variegated foliage, deciduous. 2 m wide.
‘Flowering Hawthorns’ particularly hardy fast growing spring
flowering trees; red flowering ; 6 metres.
A compact rounded shrub with pink star flowers throughout spring and
summer;sunny well drained site;keep moist in summer; 70cm.
'The Irish Heaths' are hardy low growing spreading shrubs producing
colourful bell shaped flowers throughout the year. Sun loving plants but
prefer a moist root zone in summer; plant with acid humus.
White bell flowers on a compact rounded bush. 40 cm
Deep rosy pink flowers on a compact bush. 40 cm.
Colourful purple bell flowers throughout the year. 40 cm.
Daphne Bholua
Daphne Burkwoodii
Daphne Cneorum
Daphne Odora Leucanthe
Daphne Odora L.Alba
Davidia Involucrata
Dodonea Viscosa
Dodonea V. Purpurea
Ericas (hardy)
A hardy group of popular shrubs noted for their delightful fragrance.
They enjoy a warm sunny well drained site with acid humus(eg peat moss)
added to the soil at planting time. Keep moist in summer.
Sweetly scented flowers of deep mauve in winter &early spring. 1 m.
Fragrant pink star flowers cover this hardy semi deciduous shrub in spring
and early Summer; an outstanding shrub. Available as a variegated form.
‘Rock Daphne’delightful pink flowering groundcover; fragrant.
An outstanding fragrant shrub. Heavy glossy evergreen foliage.
Clusters of pink fragrant flowers in spring and early summer. 70 cm.
Custers of white fragrant flowers;prefer semi shade; 70 cm.
‘Handkerchief Tree’,large bracts of white flowers in spring.
Best in a fertile soil,shelter from strong winds, 4 m.
'Ake Ake' small rapid growing native trees ideal for quick shade or
shelter. Good for well drained coastal sites; require frost shelter inland.
Narrow light green leaves; dense bushy small evergreen tree. 3.5 m
Purple foliaged small tree; fast growing; attractive colour contrast. 3.5 m.
A large family of hardy sun loving plants giving flowering colour
throughout the year. Great planted in groups or in association with other
plants. Add plenty of rich acid humus(eg: peat moss)to the soil at planting
time. This assists with drainage and summer moisture retention. Trim
back after flowering. The flowers are excellent for floral work.
Erica Alba Mollis
White bell flowers in summer; soft grey foliage . 30 cm.
Erica Atropurpurea
Deep purple flowers in summer on a mounding bush. 30 cm.
Erica Darleyensis
Mauve flowers on a mounding groundcover in winter. 80 cm wide.
Erica Fiddlestone
Pink flower spikes on a mounding groundcover in summer. 70 cm wide.
Erica Golden Lady
Gold foliaged mounding spreader; white flowers in summer. 50 cm wide.
Erica Gwavas
A neat green spreader with pink bell flowers in summer. 50 cm wide.
Erica Irish Lemon
Golden young spring growth; mass of pink bell flowers in summer. 30 cm.
Erice J.H.Brummage
Gold foliage tinged red in winter;pink flowers in summer;hardy
Erica Kramers Red
Bright mauve/pink flowers in winter; hardy groundcover;60cm.wide
Erica Mrs.D.F.Maxwell Rich pink flower spikes in summer; hardy mounding groundcover.
Erica Pink Spangle
Bright rosy purple flowers in winter; hardy groundcover. 60 cm wide.
Erica Rosslare
Soft lilac flowers in winter. Rounded mounding shrub. 60 cm.
Erica Silver Beads
White flowers cover this compact mound in winter. 40 cm.
Erica Springwoods White Lemon buds opening white. Winter flowering groundcover. 80 cm wide.
Erica Startler
Bright red flowers cover this attractive mounding shrub in summer. 40 cm.
Erica St. Keverne
Deep lilac flowers on compact rounded shrub in winter; colourful. 40 cm.
Erica Vivelli
Deep purple flowers in winter on a hardy groundcover plant . 60 cm wide.
Ericas (semi-hardy)
Erica Can Can
Scarlet waxy bells in terminal clusters in spring and early summer. 60 cm.
Erica Melanthera(Imp)
Masses of pink bells on a vigorous rounded bush in winter. 80 cm.
Erica Ventricosa Globosa Polished waxy globes of pale pink bells. Sunny moist sheltered site. 30 cm
Erica Winter Charm
Fiery red flowers in winter. 50 cm.
Hardy bushy spring flowering shrubs suitable for single shrub planting
or trimmed to form colourful hedges.
Escallonia Bifida
Glossy foliaged bushy shrub;White flowers,attracts Monarch Bbutterflies;
Escallonia Apple Blossom Delightful flowering shrub; soft pink flowers on glossy foliage. 140 cm.
Escallonia Fields Scarlet Fine red flowers on small glossy foliage; spring flowering shrub. 170 cm.
Escallonia Pink Pyramid Attractive foliage shrub;pink flowers in summer;Hardy; 2 metres.
Escallonia Red Elf
Compact growing glossy green foliaged red flowering form; 120 cm.
Hardy fast growing ‘Gum’ trees;great planted for fast shelter
and privacy or for nurse planting of slower trees. Check the shelter section
for larger quantities and varieties.
Euonymus Emerald and Gold
Hardy bright gold mounding foliage shrub; outstanding foliage shrub 1 m.
Euonymus Radicans Variegata
Silver foliaged mounding groundcover . 40 cm. x 80 cm.
The hardy 'English Beech' prefer alkaline loamy soils and a cool moist
well drained root run. Beautiful large deciduous specimen trees.
Fagus Sylvatica
Glossy green foliage; golden autumn colour. 10 m.
Fagus Sylv. Purpurea
Beautiful purple foliaged 'Copper Beech'. 8 m.
Fagus S Purple Fountain
Fagus Sylv. Riversii
Selected deep purple foliaged specimen tree. 8 m.
We stock a good selection of ferns ranging from groundcovers to the
popular 'Tree Ferns'. Plant with humus in a moist sheltered site.
Colourful hardy spring flowering deciduous shrubs noted for their brilliant
golden spring flower display. Prune in winter by thinning a third of the
old wood out at the base and removing any damaged or dead wood.
Forsythia Beatrix Farrand Large golden flowers with orange base. 2 m.
Forsythia Int. Spectabilis Masses of lemon flowers in spring. 2 m.
Forsythia Lynwood Gold Clear gold blooms;an outstanding form. 2 m.
Fraxinus 'Ash'
The Ash are a hardy group of trees ,ideal as specimens , for shade or in
avenue planting. Noted for their fine foliage and rich autumn colours.
Shelter from excessive strong winds to prevent foliage burn.
Fraxinus Excelsior Aurea Attractive compact small specimen;rich golden stems;gold autumn foliage;
Fraxinus E.Aurea Pendula Delightful weeping specimen;Gold foliage & stems; 3 metres
Fraxinus Ornus
'Manna Ash' Compact rounded tree; deep green foliage; white flowers in
spring. 5 m.
Fraxinus Raywoodii
'Claret Ash' Great lawn specimen ,shade or background tree;wine red
autumn foliage. 6 m.
Attractive deciduous shrubs for the cooler areas of the garden. Good for
tubs or hanging baskets. We stock a selection of these in summer.
'Catkin Bush' Long silver catkins clothe the deep green foliaged branches
in winter. Hardy easily grown shrub;Shelter from excessive wind; free
draining site. 2.5 m.
Ginkgo Biloba
'Maidenhair Tree' A large handsome specimen tree with brilliant golden
autumn foliage. Tolerates heat or cold but keep moist in summer. 10 m.
Gleditsia Emerald Cascade
Graceful weeping habit; deep green foliage turning gold . 3 m.
Gleditsia In.Limelight
Excellent small shade or specimen tree;lime gold foliage; 4 m.
Gleditsia T. Ruby Lace Purplish young growth maturing dark green in summer. Sunny well
drained site;shelter from strong winds;keep moist in summer. 5 m.
Gleditsia T.Skyline
Attractive small shade tree with fine green foliage. Shelter from strong
winds; sunny well drained site;keep moist in summer. 5 m.
Gleditsia T. Sunburst
Attractive colourful small shade tree;rich golden young growth. Sunny
well drained site;keep moist in summer;shelter from strong wind.
A wide selection of ornamental grasses are available ranging from
colourful dwarf forms through to the large ‘Toi Toi’useful for shelter
or large ornamental specimens.
From $15.50
The Australian Spider flowers are colourful evergreen shrubs enjoying a
sunny well drained site. They prefer slightly acid soil; add peat moss at
planting time;trim after flowering. Attractive to birds and bees in winter.
Grevillea Bronze Rambler Red toothbrush flowers on an attractive foliaged groundcover. 2 m.wide.
Grevillea Cream and Green Strong growing spreading shrub;greenish white spider flowers. 140 cm.
Grevillea Gaudi Chaudi Prostrate habit; red spider-like flowers; 1 m. across
Grevillea Goldrush
Rich golden spider flowers on a spreading mounding shrub. 150cm.
Grevillea Mt.Tambourine Low compact grower;grey foliage;red spider flowers. 50 cm. x 1 m.
Grevillea Olympic Flame Strong growing bushy shrub;orange spider flowers. 180 cm.
Grevillea Pink Pixie
Bushy compact green foliaged plant;pink spider flowers in winter. 1 m.
Grevillea Prostrata Aurea Lush green groundcover;creamy/yellow spider flowers. 85 cm wide.
Grevillea Red Cloud
Attractive red flowers on grey foliage;upright bush. 160 cm.
Grevillea Robin Hood
Red toothbrush flowers on graceful upright branches. 2 m.
Grevillea Victoria
Attractive grey bushy shrub;burnt orange spider flowers; Hardy. 180 cm
Grevillea White Wings
Large strong growing bushy shrub;white spider flowers. 2 m.
Hardy N. Z. Broadleaf; glossy foliaged shrubs;good coastal plant for
shelter or specimen planting.
Griselinia Littoralis
Excellent screening shrub;rich green foliage. 3 m.
Griselinia L. Variegata Colourful golden variegated foliage;hardy; 3 m.
Witch Hazel; fragrant yellow spider flowers cover these hardy bushy
deciduous shrubs. 'Arnold’s Promise’ is a top variety. 2 m.
Hardy bushy shrubs which have the ability to thrive in most gardens.
From $11.50
They are best in an open free draining site and a light trim after
flowering is beneficial.
Hebe Anomala
Reddish foliage on an attractive rounded shrub;pink flowers. 1 m.
Hebe Boulder Lake
Large rounded shrub;soft green foliage. pale blue flower spikes. 150 cm.
Hebe Buxifolia
Lush green shrub;young growth gold tipped;white flowers. 1 m.
Hebe Christiansii
Dense rounded fine foliaged green mound . 80 cm.
Hebe Cupressoides
Tight conical form. light green foliage;blue flowers. 80 cm.
Hebe Euonosa
Attractive compact habit;light green foliage;White flower spikes. 70 cm.
Hebe Diosmifolia
delightful multibranched rich green shrub;lilac flowers . 70 cm.
Hebe Garden Beauty
Compact bushy fine foliaged shrub;blue flower spikes . 1 m.
Hebe Golden Esk
Soft golden foliaged whipcord form; attractive mounding form. 60 cm.
Hebe Green Globe
Compact dwarf green mound;a delightful dwarf form. 20 cm. x 40 cm.
Hebe James Stirling
Rich green/gold whipcord foliage;dwarf arching habit. 30 cm. x 60 cm.
Hebe McEwanii
Grey foliaged mounding form;pale blue flowers in late spring . 75 cm.
Hebe Odora
Compact green rounded shrub;white flowering. 60 cm.
Hebe Oratia Beauty
A compact shrub with deep green leaves;pale pink flowers. 75 cm.
Hebe Pinguifolia Pagei
Blue foliaged groundcover, white flowers in summer. 1 metre wide.
Hebe Toparia
Light green ball shaped form;white flowers in November. 75 cm.
Hebe Wiri Hybrids
Colourful flowering shrubs including Splash; Image; Cloud.;Mist; Dawn;
Hoheria Augustifolia
A hardy small columnar tree with fine lacey foliage & branches, white
flowers in summer.
Hoheria Populnea
Fast upright growing small native tree; great for quick screening and
shelter in coastal sites;requires some frost protection inland. 4 m.
Hardy deciduous flowering shrubs for the cooler area of the garden.
From $13.50
Large cream,white,blue and pink varieties including an interesting
climbing form. Flower colour may be changed by adding lime for pink
and alum. for blue flowers.
The hardy 'St. John's Wort. Hardy bushy shrubs and groundcovers
equally at home in full sun or semi shade. Open cup shaped golden flowers
cover these shrubs throughout summer. Tolerate severe pruning.
Hypericum Inodorum
Pale yellow flowers followed by decorative red fruits. 150cm.
Hypericum Leschenaulti Fast growing green rounded bush;colourful flowers all summer. 175 cm.
Hypericum M. Tricolor Colourful foliaged groundcover;yellow flowers in summer . 1 m wide.
Ilex Burfordii
Ilex Silver Queen
Indigofera Decora
Laburnum Vossii
Laurus Nobilis
Lush green foliaged; brilliant red berried form; hardy; 2 m.
A hardy colourful foliaged shrub with deep green and silver
foliage clusters of bright red berries through the winter. 2 m.
Charming dwarf shrub with pink racemes of flowers throughout summer.
Hardy easily grown shrub; sunny site; 1 metre.
Delightful flower clusters in spring /early summer;cool moist well drained
site.’Pristine‘(white) ‘Sarah’ (pink) two of several popular varieties.
A hardy graceful deciduous specimen tree. Slender deep golden raecemes
of bloom up to 45 cm. hang from semi leafless branches in November. 3 m.
Bay Laurel; forms a hardy dark green foliaged small evergreen tree. Good
tub plant.Bay leaves used for culinary purposes.
Lavenders;a hardy group of evergreen flowering shrubs noted for the
delightful fragrance of their flowers and foliage. Best suited to sunny well
drained site. They are best trimmed after flowering and are ideal as small
ornamental hedges.
Hedge grades from $4.50 & $3.00
Lavendula Dentata
Strong growing toothed or French Lavender. 140 cm.
Lavendula Scottish Cottage
A hardy compact dwarf form; blue flowers & soft grey foliage; 60 cm
Lavendula Spica
The hardy compact growing 'English Lavender.' 85 cm.
Lavendula Stoechas
The delightful grey foliaged blue flowered 'Spanish Lavender'. 1 m.
Lavendula S.Helmsdale Compact well balanced plant; velvety burgundy purple; 80 cm.
Lavendula S.Marshwood Large flowering delicate mauve violet with touch of reddish pink; 1 m.
Flowering Manukas;these popular spring flowering shrubs are reasonably
From $13.50
hardy;they grow best in a sunny well drained site;trim after flowering and
spray occasionally with summer oil to prevent disease.
Leptospernum Blossom Double pink flowers in summer, 150 cm.
Leptospernum Copper Sheen
Soft reddish foliage; single white flowers. 180 cm.
Leptospernum Martinii
Large single pink flowers in profusion. 140 cm.
Leptospernum Nanum
'Dwarf Manukas' We stock a selection of red,white & pink forms.
Leptospernum Patersoni Erect growing grey foliaged shrub; pink buds opening white. 180 cm
Leptospernum Pink Cascade
Attractive pink flowering groundcover or dwarf weeper. 1 m. wide.
Leptospernum Red Damask
Rich double crimson flowers on reddish foliage. 150 cm.
Leptospernum Red Falls Trains well to form a dwarf weeping shrub or groundcover. 1 m.
Leptospernum Susan
Double white flowering form, 150 cm.
A valuable group of South African native shrubs with colourful
from $17.50
decorative flower bracts. They require a sunny well sheltered site
with open free draining ground.
We stock several varieties of these colourful South African native shrubs.
From $19.50
They require a warm sheltered well drained site.
Libertia Grandiflora
'N. Z. Iris' a hardy dwarf flax-like shrub with bronzy golden foliage;
enjoys an open sunny site; stems of white flowers in spring.25 cm.
Libertia Ixiodes
Compact green foliaged flax-like form; NZ. Iris. 25 cm.
Ligustrum Ovalifolium Marginatum
The hardy colourful 'Golden Privet' gives great foliage contrast
in any garden setting. Good for screening or trims as a hedge. 2 m.
Ligustrum Undulatum
Hardy bushy evergreen shrub; good screening or hedging form; 2 m.
Attractive upright growing deciduous foliage trees noted for the
from $32.50
brilliant display of autumn colour. They enjoy a moist well drained
root run and develop into fine specimen trees. We stock several top
varieties including Burgundy(red),Gumball,Lane Roberts(gold),
Palo Alto;Little Richard and Worplesdon (scarlet/apricot shades.6 m.)
'Tulip Tree' fragrant lime tulip flowers.
Liriodendron Tulipifera Large upright growing deciduous specimen tree with
bright green saddle shaped leaves turning gold in autumn.12 m.
Liriodendron T.Aureo Marginata ;Large gold margined foliage specimen tree.
Lithodora Grace Ward Bright gentian blue flowers in spring and summer. Perfect rockery or
groundcover for the sunny well drained site. 80 cm. wide
from $35.00
moist roots with soil enriched with peat moss; shelter from strong winds.
Magnolia Athene
Large cream & pink bicolor cup shaped blooms; 4 m.
Magnolia Aurora
Large growing;rich glowing reddish/pink early flowering form.
Magnolia Brixton Belle Small rounded tree;large soft pink blooms.
Magnolia Dawn
Masses of warm pink flowers cover a compact bush; 2 m.
Magnolia Denudata Gere ‘Yulan Magnolia’;pure white fragrant flowers early spring; 4 m.
Magnolia Gr.Little Gem Creamy white fragrant flowers on a upright evergreen specimen; 4 m.
Magnolia Gr.Saint Mary Large evergreen tree with cream fragrant flowers in summer. 4 m.
Magnolia Iolanthe
Pure rose pink flowers with cream centre.
Magnolia Jane Platt
Rich pink star flowers on a compact bush; 150 cm.
Magnolia Koban Dori
Attractive yellow flowers; 3 m.
Magnolia Lanarth
Rich cyclamen purple blooms on an upright tree;early flowering 5 m.
Magnolia Lennei Alba
Pure creamy white globular blooms; 3 m.
Magnolia Leonard Messell Masses of starry pink flowers on a bushy small tree; 2.5 m.
Magnolia Lilflora Nigra Dark maroon/purple blooms;compact mutibranched shrub. 2 m.
Magnolia Margaret Helen Rich rose pink bowl shaped flowers ; 3 m.
Magnolia Red As
Deep wine red blooms; 2.5 m.
Magnolia Royal Purple Masses of rich royal purple flowers;erect habit ; 3 m.
Magnolia Serene
Large rosy pink rounded blooms; upright habit . 4 m.
Magnolia Soulangeana
Flowers large globe shaped; creamy white stained rosy purple. 4 m.
Magnolia Sieboldei
Vigorous grower with white goblet shaped flowers with red centre. 5 m.
Magnolia Star Wars
Large clear pink flowers with pointed petals. 5 m.
Magnolia Stellata
Snow white star flowers cover this compact rounded bush in spring; 2 m.
Magnolia St. Rosea
Rose pink buds opening pale star shaped blooms; rounded bush. 2 m.
Magnolia St Waterlily
Delightful white flowering Stellata form;compact bush; 1.5 m.
Magnolia Touch of Class Mid late flowering; rich purple upright globe shaped flowers;3 m.
Mahonia Bealei
Large spiny compound leaves’raecemes yellow flowers in winter; 2 m.
Mahonia Lomarifolia
Deep shiny green compound leaves clustered on erect stems. Hardy shrub.
Yellow flower raecemes in late winter; blue berries in autumn. 175 cm.
Metrosideros Umbellata 'Southern Rata' The hardier South Island form; bright red flowers in mid
summer; an attractive tree; worthy of planting for tub or specimen use. 4 m.
Plant in sun or semi shade;shelter from strong wind;deeply cultivate in
acid humus (peat moss) to the soil prior to planting.
Michelia Doltsopa
delightfully perfumed creamy white Magnolia-like blooms in early
spring. Attractive rich green foliage. 3 m.
Michelia Figo
'Port Wine Magnolia';a rounded shrub with deep green lustrous
foliage; super fragrant cream/purple flowers in spring. 2 m.
Michelia Yunnanensis
Fragrant white flowers in spring; shiny evergreen foliage; 2 m.
Micromyrtus Ciliata
Attractive low growing shrub with ; white flower buds opening pink.
Sunny well drained site; good cut flower.
Myoporum Parviflorum lush green foliaged white flowering groundcover for the sunny
well drained site. Excellent fast growing spreader. 1 m wide.
Myrtus Bullata
Myrtus Floriosa
Myrtus Kathryn
Myrtus Multicolor
Myrtus Plum Duff
Myrtus Purpurea
Myrtus Red Dragon
Myrtus Traversii
From $14.50
Nandina Firepower
Nandina Gulfstream
Nandina Richmond
'N.Z Myrtle or Lophomyrtus'; compact upright evergreen decorative
foliaged trees; Moist sheltered well drained site.
'N.Z. Rama Rama' shining lightly puckered bronze foliage. 2 m.
Dainty rounded light green leaves variegated silver and pink. 2 m.
Fine bright red/bronze large crinkled leaves. 2 m.
Foliage buff to bronze,cream to red changing with the season. 2 m.
Purple foliage,attractive dwarf form; 1 m.
Compact glossy dark purple foliage. 2 m.
Rich bright purple foliage; attractive bushy habit; 2 m.
'Ralphi Var. 'Reddish stems;Glossy golden variegated foliage. 2 m.
A hardy group of colourful foliage shrubs;the foliage colouring best
in open sunny sites; excellent tub plants.
'Dwarf Chinese Bamboo' fiery red foliage on a compact rounded bush. 1m.
Compact growing;fiery red foliage; 1 metre. NEW
Attractive fine 'Bamboo'like foliaged shrub;The foliage colours are soft
green tinged gold and red. Clusters of bright red berries in winter. 160 cm.
'Native Beech' attractive fast growing foliage trees; the decorative foliage
From $19.50
being used extensively for floral work. They are best grown in a sheltered
moist well drained site.
Nothofagus Fusca
'Red Beech' green young growth matures to attractive red leaves. 6 m.
Nothofagus Menziesei
'Silver Beech' erect growing decorative tree;green serrated foliage . 6 m.
Nothofagus Solandrei
'Black Beech' small dark green rounded foliage. Upright tree. 6 m.
'Tupelo' $40.50
Nyssa Sylvatica
Handsome slow growing tree; good in damp sites;red autumn foliage. 4 m.
Hardy native shrubs excellent for both coastal and inland sites.
Olearia Cheesmanii
Clusters of white daisy flowers in spring;hardy bushy flowering
shrub. Trim after flowering. Well drained site. 170 cm.
Olearia Dartoni
Fast growing,hardy,fine foliaged sheltering shrub; 4 m.
Olearia Fiordland
An attractive bushy silver foliaged shrub; dense bushy habit. 170 cm.
Olearia Mucrodonta Nana Compact shrub;heavily serrated dark green foliage. 1 m.
Olearia Paniculata
'Golden Ake Ake' fast growing sheltering small evergreen tree used
extensively for hedging. 3 m.
Olearia Traversii
Broad oval glossy foliaged small shelter tree;great coastal plant. 3 m.
Pachysanadra Terminalis Evergreen carpeting groundcover; tolerates shady dryish sites; great for
underplanting beneath trees.
Hardy dwarf native flowering shrubs growing best in a sunny well drained
site;trim after flowering;keep moist in summer.
Parahebe Baby Blue
Blue flowering mounding groundcover. 25 cm. x 50 cm.
Parahebe Lyalli Snowcap White flowers appear all summer. Green lancelike foliage. 25 cm x 50 cm.
Parahebe L. Rosea
Attractive pink flowering form. 25 cm. x 50 cm.
Parrotia (Persian Witch Hazel)
Parrotia Persica
A spreading tree; crimson stamens in spring;golden autumn colour. 4 m.
Paulonia Tomentosa
Attractive summer flowering shade tree with large handsome foliage
and fragrant lilac trumpet flowers. Shelter from strong winds .
'Champagne Bubble Plant' ; well drained site.
Pernettya Bells Seedling Compact hardy dwarf shrub;small dark green foliage; white flowers in
spring turning to colourful pink berries in autumn and winter. 80 cm.
Pernettya White Pearl
Pure white berries on a hardy compact shrub. 80 cm.
'Satin Wood' fast upright growing small trees great for quick shelter and
screening; their root system is non encroaching but requires good drainage.
Hardy in all but the coldest regions;shelter grade available.
Phebalium Billardieri
Green willowy foliaged evergreen small tree;white flowers. 3 m.
Phebalium Illumination Attractive golden variegated foliage form. Fast growing. 2.5 m.
Philadelphus Frosty Morn
Philadelphus Sybille
Philadelphus Virginal
'Mock Orange Brides Blossom' hardy deciduous flowering shrubs
featuring white super fragrant flowers in December.
Exquisite ,ice white,fragrant double white flowers. 150 cm
Fragrant white single flowers with light mauve centre. 140 cm
Fragrant clear double white flowers;an outstanding shrub. 150 cm
'Flax'; hardy decorative foliaged native shrubs are able to grow happily in
most garden sites or may be used as tub specimens. The taller varieties
give great colourful background shelter.
Phormium Cookianum
The green weeping 'Mountain Flax'. 1 m.
Phormium C. Tricolor
Green and white variegated foliage margined pink;weeping form. 1 m.
Phormium Emerald Green Dwarf growing compact bushy green foliaged form; 85 cm.
Phormium Levels Gold Attractive golden form;graceful weeping habit. 140 cm.
Phormium Maori Maiden Deep crimson striped dwarf form; 85 cm.
Phormium Maori Sunnrise Deep red & pink striped foliage on compact weeping form. 1 m.
Phormium Radiance
Strong golden upright form. 180 cm.
Phormium Tenax
Hardy green Flax; 180 cm.
Phormium T.Jester
Decorative green/red striped foliage. 130 cm.
Phormium T. Purpureum Large growing purple Flax. 180 cm.
Phormium T. Variegata Stiff blades of cream and green foliage. 180 cm.
Phormium Yellow Waves Rich golden weeping foliaged form. 1 m.
'Oriental Redleaf' hardy shrubs noted for the brilliant red colour of the
new growth and fast rate of growth. Great for screening and shelter also
trimming well for colourful hedging. Hedge grade available from $4.50
Photinia Red Robin
Deep glossy crimson foliage. 2 m.
Photinia Robusta
Dense bushy shrub with orange red young growth. 2 m.
Phylica Pubescens
‘Flannel Flower’;a rounded evergreen shrub producing cream feathery
flowers in winter; warm sheltered site.
'Lily of the Valley'; attractive spring flowering evergreen shrubs for the
cool sheltered garden aspect. Acid compost or peat moss added to the soil
at planting time is beneficial.Raecemes of pendulous bell flowers in spring.
Pieris Dorothy Wykoff
Green summer foliage turning red in winter;deep pink buds opening white.
Pieris F. Lord Wakehurst Strong upright habit; red new growth; white flowers. 2.5 m.
Pieris Mountain Fire
Medium sized compact bush;white flowers;red foliage; 150 cm.
Pieris Pink Delight
Charming pink pendant buds opening pale pink.. Compact. 150 cm.
Pieris Shojo
Red flower buds opening pink; compact habit; 1 m.
'Matipoe'; a group of fast growing trees and shrubs suitable for the well
From $17.50
drained cooler areas of the garden. There is a delightful variety
of colours and foliage forms with the larger trees giving great shelter.
Pittosporum Eugenioides Lemonwood, fast growing rounded bushy tree. 3 m.
Pittosp. Eug. Variegata Fast growing bushy small tree;Foliage green margined cream. 2.5 m.
Pittosporum French Lace Fast growing fine wavy silver foliaged form;great screening or specimen.
Pittosporum Gold Star
Compact shrub;brilliant gold and green leaves. 1.5 m.
Pittosporum Golfball
NEW; compact dwarf green mound, trims well; 85cm.
Pittosporum Katie
Attractive screening shrub;cream/green variegated foliage; 1.75 m.
Pittosp.Irene Paterson
Pure white young growth maturing creamy green. Compact. 1.5 m.
Pittosp.James Stirling
Pale silvery leaves on black stems;upright small tree.
Pittosporum Saundersii Compact pyramidal bush;grey foliage margined cream/pink. 2 m.
Pittos.Silver Sheen
Fast growing screening tree;fine silver/green foliage; 3 m.
Pittosp. Tandarra Gold
Fast growing fine golden variegated form; upright habit; 2.5 m.
Pittosporum Ten. Varie. Cream/green variegated foliage on vigorous rounded shrub. 2 m.
Pittosporum Tom Thumb Dwarf rich purple foliaged pyramid;green young growth. 1 m.
Pittosporum Waimea
Fast growing lush green foliaged small tree; 3 m.
Pittosp.Wendell Channon Small rounded fresh green leaves margined white. 1.5 m.
Pittosp.Yellow Waves
Bright golden variegated foliaged form; rounded habit; 2 m.
Plagianthus Betulinus
A hardy fast growing upright fine foliaged deciduous tree. Great for
quick screening;attractive small native tree. 5 m.
Platanus Acerifolia
Platanus Orientalis
Plumbago Capensis
Polygala M. Grandiflora
Populus Hybrid I 214
Populus Crows Nest
Populus Tasman
Populus Yunnanensis
Potentilla Kath.Sykes
Potentilla Red Ace
Potentilla Tangerine
Prostanthera Ballerina
Prostanthera Cuneata
Prostanthera Incisa Rosea
Prostanthera Nivea
Prostanthera Rotundifolia
From $20.50
'Plane Tree'; large spreading deciduous shade trees.
'London Plane'; large palmate leaves; golden autumn foliage. 10 m.
'Oriental Plane' Attractive large deeply cut foliage. 8 m.
A fast growing shrub which can be trained to an attractive climber for
the warm sunny site; delightful sky blue flowers in summer. 150cm
A rounded bushy shrub with purple pea shaped flowers in spring and
summer; Sunny warm sheltered site. 160 cm.
'Poplars'fast growing trees for shade or shelter. Moist site.
Specimen tree for shade shelter and timber; rich autumn colour. 10 m
Similar habit to the 'Lombardy'; fast growing & rust resistant.10 m.
Specimen tree for shade,shelter or timber. Gold autumn colour. 10 m
Chinese Poplar; attractive dark green foliaged deciduous tree. 8 m.
Bushy deciduous shrubs smothered in flower in summer and autumn;hardy
and easily grown;trim back after flowering to encourage further flowering.
Clear yellow 5 petalled flowers;great summer colour. 85 cm.
Rich orange flowers in summer turning rich red in autumn.
60 cm.
Rich golden orange flowers; deeper when cool; compact bush. 70 cm.
'Australian Mint Bush';bushy spring flowering shrubs noted for fragrant
foliage and brilliant flower display. Sunny well drained site.
Forms a ball of white flowers in spring and early summer. 1 m.
Dark green foliage dusted with white flowers in summer.Hardy; 80 cm.
Masses of pink flowers in spring;upright habit. 130 cm.
Showy white flowers on soft ferny foliage. 150 cm.
Deep blue flowering Australian Mint Bush. 175 cm.
South African shrubs for the sunny well drained site requiring shelter
from hard frosts. The large long lasting flowers are much prized for
decorative work. We stock a selection of popular varieties.
The spring flowering 'Blossom Trees' are hardy and easily grown
heralding the spring with a glorious floral display. Soft dappled summer
shade and brilliant autumn foliage colours are also a feature of these
delightful trees.
Malus (Flowering Apples)
From $34.50
Malus Ballerina
Red buds opening to large frilled double pink blossoms, 3 m.
Malus Barbara Ann
Large double red flowers;red fruit;bronze foliage; 5 m.
Malus Charlottae
Large lobbed leaves richly coloured in autumn, semi double pink. 5 m.
Malus Floribunda
Crimson buds opening white;graceful arching branches. 3 m.
Malus Golden Hornet
Small compact tree;white flowers;golden fruit in winter. 3 m.
Malus Gorgeous
Single white to pale pink flowers;brilliant display of ornamental red fruit.3m
Malus Ioensis Plena
Fragrant double pink flowers;attractive foliage;good autumn colour. 3 m.
Malus Jack Humm
Large brilliant red 'Crab Apples' in winter;white flowers in spring. 3 m.
Malus Jelly King
White spring blossom. Crimson/cream fruit in winter; colourful specimen.
Malus Profusion
Deep wine red flowers in spring; vigorous grower; 3 m.
Malus Tom Matthews
Vibrant brilliant scarlet flowers in spring; bronze summer foliage; upright.
Malus Van Eseltine
Small upright tree;red flowers maturing pale pink;yellow fruit. 3 m.
Weeping Malus
Malus Ecthtermeyer
Large crimson flowers & red fruit cloth attractive weeping branches; 2 m.
Malus Ellerslie
Soft crimson flowers & bright red fruit on an attractive weeping tree; 2 m.
Malus Red Jade
Graceful weeping habit;White flowers;small red fruit in winter. 2 m.
(Flowering Cherries)
From $39.50
Prunus Accolade
Small spreading tree;rich pink flowers in pendulous clusters. 5 m.
Prunus Amanogawa
'Lombardy Cherry';small columnar tree;fragrant shell pink flowers. 5 m.
Prunus Autumnalis Rosea Semi double pale pink flowers autumn and spring;compact tree. 4 m.
Prunus Kanzan
Large double pink flowers on stiffly ascending branches. 6 m.
Prunus Pink Perfection
Double rosy pink flowers in drooping clusters on vase shaped tree. 5 m.
Prunus Serrula
Attractive polished mahogany branches; single white flowers. 5 m.
Prunus Shimidsu Sakura Double pale pink flowers on spreading branches in November. 4 m.
Prunus Shirofogen
Large double white late flowering variety ;wide spreading specimen. 8 m.
Prunus Shirotae
'Mt. Fuji'; double white flowers on wide spreading branches. 4 m.
Tai Haku
Stately white flowering form.
Prunus Ukon
Large spreading stately specimen;Lime green to white flowers; 8 m.
Prunus YedoensisAwanui Single almond scented blush white flowers on attracive rounded tree. 4 m.
Weeping Flowering Cherries $52.50 (180 cm.) $42.50 (1 m.)
Prunus Shidara Sakura
Soft double pink blossoms;graceful weeping branches.
Prunus Subhirtella Rosea 'Weeping Flowering Cherry'Dainty pink flowers; weeping branches
Prunus S.Falling Snow
A cascade of dainty white flowers;attractive weeping habit.
Prunus $39.50
'Flowering Plums'
Prunus Blireana
Double pink flowers in spring;wine red summer foliage. 4 m.
Prunus Thundercloud
Single pink blossoms in early spring;dark purple summer foliage. 5 m.
Prunus Triloba Plena
Double pink flowers smother the branches in spring; compact bush. 120 cm.
Pyrus Salicifolia Pendula 'Weeping Silver Pear';graceful weeping silver
From $45.50
foliaged specimen. 3 m.
Pyrus Aristocrat
Attractive foliage specimen tree. 4 m.
Pyrus Pendula
Graceful weeping specimen; Hardy. 3 m.
'Lancewoods' interesting foliage native trees used extensively in modern
From $17.50
landscaping. Easily grown in well drained sites;great for tub planting.
Lancelike foliage on erect stems;for specimen or group planting.
In maturiy the plant changes to a round headed with oval leaves. 4 m.
Pseudopanax Ferox
Dark knobbled Lancewood foliage;good tub or garden specimen 2 m.
Pseudopanax Gold Splash Attractive rounded shrub with glossy gold variegated leaves. 2 m.
Pseudopanax Leatum
Attractive large green foliaged rounded shrubby tree. 3 m.
Pseudop. L. Purpureum Compact rounded shrub with glossy deep purple leaves. 2 m.
Bushy habit;light green narrow trifoliate leaves; 2 m.
Pseudopanax Sabre
A stiff upright small tree with attractive serrated foliage. 3 m.
Hardy fast growing bushy shrubs; white flowers in spring followed by
a brilliant display of colourful berries in winter. Great planted as
specimen shrubs or trained as climbers. Hardy, easily grown.
Pyracantha Brilliant
Clusters of bright red berries on rich green foliage. 2 m.
Pyracantha Mojave
Orange/red berries cover this stong lush evergreen shrub in winter; 2 m.
Pyracantha Shawnee
Masses of rich golden berries in winter. Dark green foliage. 2 m.
Quercus (Oaks)
Attractive hardy trees suitable as specimens and ideal for avenue or
From $29.50
group planting in large areas. They prefer a moist deep rich soil.
Quercus Cerris
‘Turkey Oak’;a hardy large handsome spreading specimen tree;10 m.
Quercus Coccinea
'Scarlet Oak';fine spreading deciduous tree; scarlet foliage in autumn.8 m
Quercus Palustris
'Pin Oak';attractive pyramid shaped specimen;fine red autumn colour.10 m
Quercus Robur
'English Oak';large hardy specimen tree golden autumn foliage. 10 m.
Quercus Robur Fastigata Upright ‘English Oak;great for avenue or specimen planting. 10 m.
Ranging from small shrubs to large trees Rhododendrons are amongst
From $29.50
the most beautiful of all our flowering plants. They grow best in a
moist sheltered well drained site with an acid soil rich in humus; heavy
mulching after planting is beneficial.
A few popular varieties include:
Rhododendron Alice
Large pink truss; mid season.
180 cm.
Anna Rose Whitney
Deep pink truss; late flowering.
2 m.
Apricot Nectar
Truss of soft apricot pink; excellent foliage;late
150 cm..
Autumn Gold
Truss of soft salmon apricot;late season;
150 cm.
Blue Diamond
Blue flowers on small foliaged alpine form;
Black Magic
Dark red;compact habit;late flowering.
130 cm.
Blue Peter
Lavander blue with dark flare; mid season.
2 m.
Bruce Brechtbill
Pink flowers with cream throat; mid season.
180 cm.
Christmas Cheer
Early pink; compact habit
150 cm.
Rhododendron Cornubia
Bright blood red truss; early.
2.5 m.
Fastuosum Plenum
Large truss of rich mauve flowers; late
2 m.
Grace Seabrook
Deep red flowers on a compact hardy bush; mid
Horizon Monarch
Apricot buds opening to creamy yellow; mid/late.
Deep yellow bell shaped flowers; mid season
Dark red trumpets;late flowering;compact bush.
120 cm.
Irene Bain
White with pink margins; compact habit.
1 m.
Jean Marie Montague Bright red flowers;sun tolerant foliage; mid season 130 cm
Jingle Bells
Golden/orange bells. Mid season.
1 m.
John Bull
Fragrant creamy white flowers; compact habit
150 cm,
Superb cherry red flowers;early flowering.
2 m.
Kings Pink Glow
Tall trusses of deep rose pink.mid season.
250 cm
Lemon Lodge
Large primrose yellow flowers;mid season.
130 cm.
Lems Monarch
Large pink & white trusses; mid season.
180 cm.
Mount Everest
Conical truss of pure white;vigorous/free flowering 180 cm.
Light pink flower with striking crimson blotch;mid 120 cm
Superb late flowering white.
180 cm.
Phyllis Korn
Popular Rhodo.white flower trusses mid season.
180 cm.
President Rooseveldt Gold variegated foliage;deep pink truss.
2 m.
Princess Alice
Fragrant white blooms; compact.Mid season.
120 cm.
Rounded trusses of bright red flowers;compact;mid 150 cm
September Snow
Fragrant pure white blooms on compact plant
90 cm.
Trude Webster
Giant clear pink truss; vigorous rounded plant;mid 2 m.
Rounded cream truss; compact bush; mid season.
180 cm.
Vulcans Flame
Free flowering brilliant red; mid season.
150 cm
Attractive foliage and flowering trees; they enjoy a free draining soil and
shelter from strong winds.
Robinia Decaisneana
Large raecemes of pale pink flowers in early summer. 5 m.
Robinia Freisia
Delightful rich golden foliaged specimen tree. 4 m.
Robinia Lace Lady
Dwarf weeping tree with contorted Bonsai effect; tub or garden specimen.
From $47.50
Robinia 'Moptop'
Small tree with compact rounded head;delightful specimen. 2.5 m.
From $52.50
'Rosemary'a group of hardy fragrant blue flowering shrubs and ground
covers. Easily grown in free draining soil.
Rosemary Blue Lagoon Deep blue flowering mounding groundcover. 150 cm wide.
Rosemary Lavandulacea Soft blue flowers on a cascading groundcover ; 150 cm across
Rosemary Officinalis
Soft blue flowers; vigorous bushy plant. 150 cm.
Rosemary Tuscan Blue Compact growing deep blue flowering shrub. 130 cm.
'Willows';hardy fast growing trees best grown in moist sites. They are
From $13.50
excellent screening and shade trees and good nectar producers.
Salix Babylonica
Green Weeping Willow;Glorious weeping specimen. 6 m.
Salix Caprea Pendula
Kilmarnock Willow -male; small umbrella-like tree;dwarf weeping form
Salix Daphneoides
Attractive white stems;White pussy willow flowers in spring. 5 m.
Salix Humboldiana
Narrow erect habit;excellent screening plant;rich gold stems. 5 m.
Salix Matsudana
Fast growing upright 'Pekin Willow'. Good screening tree. 6 m.
Salix M. Tortuosa
Decorative Corkscrew Willow. Hardy screening tree. 4 m.
Salix Sekka
'Fan Palm Willow';attractive palmed stems. Good nectar tree. 3 m.
Salix Vit. Pendula
Golden Weeping Willow;graceful weeping specimen. 6 m.
'Kowhai', hardy evergreen trees; the golden flowers in spring attract
From $16.50
native birdlife; they prefer moist well drained site.
Sophora Microphylla
Fine dainty foliaged small spreading tree;gold flowers in spring. 4 m.
Sophora Dragons Gold
Attractive compact growth; gold flowering dwarf form. 1 m.
Sophora Tetraptera
Large flowering and foliage form;upright small tree. 5 m.
'Rowan Trees,Mountain Ash'. Hardy fast growing upright trees.
The brilliant berry display in winter is a real feature. Hardy,easily grown.
Sorbus Aria Lutescens
'Whitebeam'Attractive silver foliaged tree;crimson berries. 5 m.
Sorbus Aucaparia
Attractive red berried Rowan;upright growing .Gold autumn colour. 5 m.
Sorbus Huphensis
Pearly pinkish white berries; crimson autumn foliage;attractive. 5 m.
Hardy compact deciduous foliage and flowering shrubs suitable and
valuable in most sunny garden sites.
Spirea Gold Flame
A brilliant golden foliaged shrub;pink flower clusters in summer. 1 m.
Spirea Snow Flake
Double white flowers smother this hardy compact shrub in spring. 1 m.
Stachyrus Praecox
Pale yellow flower racemes in early spring cover this medium sized hardy
deciduous shrub.
'Lilacs', hardy super fragrant spring flowering shrubs. Lilacs are happy in
From $25.50
most deeply worked soils and enjoy a topdressing of lime.
Syringa Chas Joly
Dark reddish-purple double flowering; 2 m.
Syringa Mme Lemoine
Double pure white flowers; an old favourite; 2.5 m.
Syringa Mrs.Ed.Harding Claret red shaded pink; late flowering; 2 m.
Syringa Primrose
Single pale primrose yellow. 2 m.
Tamarix Pentandra
A hardy bushy deciduous tree suitable for poor or coastal sites. Fine
pinnacles of pink flowers on fine lacy foliage. Small arching tree. 3 m.
Teucrium Fruticans
'Silver Germander' Large spreading with grey foliage on spikey arching
branches;soft blue flowers in summer. Hardy;strong growing. 2 m x 3 m.
ThryptomeneTaylors WhiteAttractive small shrub for the warm sunny site;Pink buds open to small
starry white flowers in spring and summer;good florists shrub. 1 m.
Tilea Europea
'Lime Tree', attractive lime green foliage on a large upright pyramidal
tree. Gold autumn foliage; a good source of nectar for bees in spring. 15 m.
From $35.00
Ulmus C. Variegata
A hardy graceful fine leafed tree with silver variegated foliage. 6 m.
Ulmus G Horizontalis
Large spreading ‘Umbrella’form; outstanding specimen tree.
Ulmus G Pendula
Small neat compact tree with pendulous branches;good specimen. 4 m
Ulmus P. Van Houteii
Golden Elm;a handsome tree with large golden foliage in summer. 6 m.
Ulmus Parviflora
Chinese Elm; Attractive compact rounded fine foliged shade tree. 5 m.
Hardy bushy evergreen and deciduous shrubs noted for their attractive
from $17.50
leaves flowers and fragrance.
Anne Russell
Clusters of fragrant pink flowers;hardy bushy shrub; 150 cm.
Viburnum Bodnatense
Compact pink flower balls on bare branches during winter A hardy
upright growing shrub. Attractive pendulous foliage. 175 cm
Viburnum Brewleys Var. Attractive variegated foliage,pink flower clusters, 160 cm.
Viburnum Burkwoodii
A long flowering evergreen shrub with clusters of pale pink fragrant
flowers from late winter. Attractive winter foliage; 2 m.
Viburnum Carlesii
Clusters of pink flower buds opening white;fragrant . 150 cm.
Viburnum Davidii
A compact rounded shrub with large green leathery leaves. 1 m.
Viburnum Japonicum
Large glossy green foliaged shrub;Good shrub where a bold evergreen
is needed;excels in a semi shaded site. 160 cm.
Viburnum Opulus Sterile Large White Snowball flowers cover this hardy bushy deciduous shrub
in spring. The large oaklike leaves colour well in autumn. 2 m.
Viburnum Lanarthe
Large white flat flower clusters in spring Attractive foliage on tiered
branches. Hardy deciduous shrub. 2 m.
Viburnum Mariesii
White flower clusters on attractive horizontal branches; 180 cm.
Viburnum Pl. Roseace
Rounded creamy heads lightly tinted pink. 150 cm.
Viburnum RhytidophyllumLarge oblong leathery golden leaves on strong growing upright bush. 250cm
Lush green evergreen shrub flowering with pink cluster in winter.
A delightful shrub for low screening. Trims well for hedging. 2 m.
Viburnum Tinus Eve Price Hardy evergreen shrub;glossy green foliage ;pale pink flower clusters. 2 m.
Viburnum Tom.Roseum Soft pink florets deepening with maturity. 2 m.
Viburnum Versicolor
Bright golden foliage ;hardy bushy shrub to 180 cm.
Weigela Argentea Var.
Weigela Florida
Weigela Minuet
Weigela Newport Red
Weigela Venusta
West. Morning Light
Westringia Rosmarifolia
Hardy bushy deciduous summer flowering shrubs.
Attractive silver variegated foliage;pink flowers. 150 cm.
Attractive shrub massed in pink flowers in summer. 150 cm.
Colourful red flowers in spring on compact bush; hardy; 1 m.
Bright red flowers through summer. 160 cm.
Deep pink flowers throughout summer; 160 cm.
The hardy 'Tasmanian Rosemary's 'flower throughout the summer.
Attractive bushy shrubs for the well drained site.
Silver variegated foliage form. 1 m wide.
Silver grey foliage; blue flowers; 150cm
Ornamental Conifers
Conifers are outstanding in any garden setting providing colour form & beauty, shelter & privacy.
The colours are brilliant in our region. They are hardy and easily grown resenting only the extremes
of wet and dry conditions.
Cedrus Atlantica Glauca
Stately blue specimen. 6 m.
Cedrus Atlantica Pendula
Graceful weeping specimen
Cedrus Deodara
Grey blue drooping foliage; hardy. 6 m.
Cham. Argentea Nana
Compact silver mound. 1 m.
" Columnaris Glauca
Steel blue spire. 2.5 m.
" E. Blue Gem
Compact blue pyramid. 160 cm.
" Ellwoodii Variegata
Blue/cream flecked foliage. 160 cm.
" Erecta Viridis
Erect green column. 2 m.
“ Filfera Aurea
Weeping golden lacelike foliage; 150 cm
“ Filifera Nana
Dwarf bronze weeping form. 1 m.
" Moerhemi
Erect gold pyramid. 2.5 m.
" Silver Queen
Attractive silver pyramid. 2.5 m.
" Wallis Gold
Soft gold pyramid. 2.5 m.
" Tamariskifolia
Compact round green mound. 1 m.
" Pisifera Compacta Nana
Dwarf mounding conifer. 75 cm.
" Pisifera Boulavarde
Compact soft blue pyramid form. 1 m.
“ Pisifera Rogersii
Compact golden pyramid; soft foliage; 150 cm
" Sempervirens Gracilis
Fine foliaged pencil cypress. 3 m.
" Sempervirens Swains Gold Golden pencil cypress. 3 m.
" Sempervirens Totem
Green(roman)pencil cypress. 3 m.
" Thyoides Andeleyensis
(Leptoclada) Grey/blue spire. 3 m.
" Thyoides Ericoides
Soft bronze mound. 150 cm.
" Thyoides Juvenilis Stricta Upright grey spire. 2 m.
Cryptomeria J.Elegans
Japanese cedar; red foliage. 3 m.
Cryptomeria J.Elegans Aurea
Green gold rounded conifer. 2 m.
Cryptomeria J.Elegans Plumosa
Soft bronze foliage. 2 m.
Cryptomeria Vilmoriniana
Compact bronze mound. 80 cm.
Cup. Leylandii Cast. Gold
Strong growing gold pyramid. 5 m.
" Leighton Green
Fast growing green pyramid; hardy. 8 m.
" Arizonica Blue Ice
Hardy blue pyramid. 6 m.
Gold Pillar
Upright gold column. 3 m.
" Golden Halo
Mounding golden spreader. 3 m wide.
Dacrydium Cupressinum
'Rimu;drooping foliaged specimen.
Ginkgo Biloba
Deciduous conifer; gold autumn colour.
Juniper Aorangi Gold
Outstanding golden vase; hardy.
Blue Chip
Rich blue groundcover.
Blue Heaven
Hardy blue pencil spire. 3 m.
Blue Star
Attractive dwarf blue mound. 1 m.
Juniper Communis Compressa
Depressa Aurea
Depressa Star
Gold Coast
Mint Jelup
Pfitzeriana Aurea
Metasequoia Glyptostroboides
Picea Albertiana Conica
Podocarpus Totara
Podocarpus Totara Aurea
Sequoia Sempervirens
Sequoiadendron Giganteum
Thuya Beverleyensis
Thuya Can Can
Thuya Plicata Aurea
Thuya Rheingold
Thuya Rosedalis
Thuya Vervaneana
Thuya Wansdyke Silver
Tsuga Heterophylla
Noahs ark; grey pencil form. 1 m.
Green spreading sand Juniper. 2 m wide.
Rich gold groundcover. 1 m wide.
Green groundcover. 1 m wide.
Hardy gold groundcover. 1 m wide.
Soft blue/green foliage;arching spreading habit.
Green vase shaped Juniper. 2 m wide.
Strong growing gold mound. 2 m. wide
Compact blue/grey pyramid. 160 cm.
Green mounding groundcover. 1 m wide
'Dawn redwood' deciduous specimen tree. 6 m
Compact dwarf Christmas tree. 1 m.
N.Z. Totara; hardy. 8 m.
Rich golden specimen. 4 m.
'Californian redwood' large specimen
'Wellingtonia'large pyramid. 15 m.
Erect gold pyramid;outstanding. 2 m.
Bronze gold tipped pyramid. 2.5 m.
Rich ‘Old Gold' pyramid. 5 m.
Compact deep gold pyramid. 1 m.
Butter gold in spring. 1 m.
Green/gold flecked foliage. 2 m.
Attractive silver foliage. 150 cm.
'Western Hemlock' large specimen.
Climbers & Twiners
Campsis Grandiflora
From $15.50
Gelsemium Sempervirens
Hardenburgia Violaecia
Hedera 'Ivy'
Jasminum Polyanthum
Lonicera 'Honeysuckles'
Mandevillea Suaveolens
Pandora Jasminoides Rosea
Solanum Jasminoides
Sollya Fusiformis
Trachelospernum Jasminoides
Colourful leaf bracts on vigorous climbing plants give outstanding
colour; good for tubs & baskets ; frost tender.
Hardy deciduous climbers with large orange trumpet flowers in
summer;they flower best in a warm sunny site; vigorous climbers.
With great masses of flowers in many colours Clematis rank
amongst the most popular of climbers; They prefer cool moist well
drained root conditions with the tops growing in full sun. Provide
rich loose deeply worked soil; add fine sand & peat to the soil at
planting time & topdress acid soils with lime.A regular spray of
systemic fungicide reduces the risk of Clematis wilt. Plant deep
A hardy fast growing climber for the sunny site;attractive golden
flowers cover this plant in summer.
A fast growing climber for the warm sheltered site; raecemes of
purple pea shaped flowers cover this plant in summer.
Hardy climbers or groundcovers; we stock a selection of
varieties throughout the year.
An excellent evergreen flowering climber for the warm sunny
site;fragrant pale pink flowers produced throughout the year.
Hardy fast growing climbers growing well in most sunny well
drained garden sites; several varieties & colours are available.
These fragrant climbers are semi evergreen depending on site.
Rapid growing deciduous climber;fragrant white trumpet flowers
in summer; best in sun but tolerant of most conditions.
Large pink trumpet flowers in summer & autumnTidy climber for
a warm sheltered site;keep moist in summer.
'Potatoe Vine'; a hardy fast growing evergreen climber; dark
green foliage with clusters of white flowers in summer.
Australian Bluebell Climber;delightful blue bell flowers cover
this compact climber; needs a warm moist site in sun/semi shade.
Delightful fragrant white star flowers;dark green leathery
foliage;frost tender
Virginian Creeper
Vitis Amuriensis
Absolutely Fabulous Fl.
Alexander HT
Ali May
Amber Flush HT
Amberlight HT
Anniversary Fl.
Antique Affair
Aotearoa HT
Auckland Metro HT
Avalanche Fl.
Barkarole HT
Best Friend HT
Betty Boop Fl.
Blackberry Nip HT
Blue River
Blue Sky
Brilliant Pink Iceburg Fl.
Blushing Pink Iceburg Fl.
Burgundy Iceburg Fl.
Caroline Bay Fl.
Carolyn HT
Chicago Peace HT
Class Act Fl.
Claude Monet HT
Clodagh McGredy HT
Colourbreak Fl.
Creme de la Creme
Crimson Bouquet HT
Cup Fever HT
Dear One
Diamonds Forever HT
Easy Going Fl.
Ebb Tide Fl.
Elina HT
Enchantment Fl.
Erotica HT
Faithful Friend HT
Fond Memories Fl.
French Lace Fl.
Friesia Fl.
Frilly Jilly Fl.
Glorious HT
Golden Tribute Fl.
Gold Medal HT
Grand Prix Fl.
Greensleeves Fl.
Hamilton Gardens HT
'Boston Ivy';fast growing hardy twining climber;Maple-like
foliage turning fiery autumn colours; keep moist in summer.
'Ornamental Grape'; a hardy rampant grower providing summer
shade over pergolas or as a large climber; fiery autumn foliage.
Popular hardy fast growing climbers giving a delightful flower
display in spring.We stock an excellent selection of the top
varieties.Keep moist in summer.
From $21.50
Exceptional new and fragrant; abundant rich butter gold blooms.
Strong orange vermillion blooms;tall stately grower;a real avourite.
Perfectly formed blooms amber apricot - upright bushy habit.
Perfectly formed light apricot shades;disease resistant foliage.
Rich porcelain pink blooms; strong healthy rose; free flowering.
Lovely creamy pink blooms with overpowering fragrance.
Well formed creamy white flowers; fragrant; vigorous grower.
A mass of creamy white flowers on a vigorous bush.
Fragrant dark red well formed blooms;strong grower.
Fragrant double pink blooms;robust upright free flowering bush.
Blond yellow ivory edged red blooms in profusion.
Deep purple blooms on long stems; fragrant.
Fragrant semi double;bright cerise pink-silvery white blooms.
Masses of pale pink flowers on strong healthy bush.
Masses of rich burgundy blooms on strong healthy bush.
Sweetly scented dark red with yellow centre;free flowering bush.
Fragrant salmon pink blooms on a very healthy plant.
Pink salmon and apricot tones;healthy vigorous bush.
Semi double lemon flowers of old fashioned form;free flowering.
Fragrant golden apricot flowers with pink stripes; vigorous.
Soft golden amber ruffled petals with delicious fragrance.
Unusual dark apricot 'Old World' shaped blooms.
Superb new generation super healthy rose; vibrant crimson blooms;
Unusual parchment beige; delightful floral rose; strong & healthy.
Heart warming delicate porcelein pink;robust & healthy
Fragrant soft yellow; good picking rose;strong compact growth
Large golden amber fragrant blooms; vigorous bushy plant.
Deep rich royal purple fragrant blooms;compact healthy plant
Pale primrose yellow of excellent form/good exhibition rose.
Gorgeous soft salmon pink old fashioned blooms; outstanding.
Free flowering fragrant velvet crimson; vigorous grower.
Warm golden apricot blooms; rich glossy green foliage.
Lovely soft pink well formed blooms; vigorous healthy plant.
Ivory white to creamy apricot; spicy fragrance.
Outstanding yellow free flowering fragrant rose.
Semi double soft apricot;free flowering.
Attractive clear yellow picking rose;healthy foliage.
Elegant buds open to reveal deep golden flowers;free flowering.
Pointed buds of gold on lush foliaged bush.
Prolific flowering soft apricot/peach fragrant blooms.
Semi double pale pink blooms ageing to creamy green.
Rich salmon pink edged with delicate pink;delightful form.
Hayley Westenra HT
Heart of Gold HT
Honey Child
Hot Chocolate Fl.
Iceberg Fl.
Ingrid Bergman HT
Ivey Hall
Jillian McGredy HT
Julias Rose
Just Joey HT
Kate Sheppard Fl
Kiwi HT
Land of the Long White Cloud HT
Lasting Love HT
Lest We Forget Fl.
Love Heart HT
Loving Memory HT
Lovely Lady HT
Margaret Merril Fl.
Mary’s Love HT
Matawhero Magic HT
Memoire HT
Memorial Day HT
Michelangelo Fl.
Mum In A Million HT
Old Port Fl.
Opulence Fl.
Oranges & Lemons Fl.
Outa The Blue Fl.
Paddy Stevens HT
Pam Bartrum
Pascali HT
Paul Gaugin HT
Peace HT
Phar Lap HT
Playboy Fl.
Precious Platinum HT
Princess of Wales Fl.
Racy lady HT
Raspberry Ice
Remember Me HT
Rhapsody in Blue HT/Fl.
Rosmary Harkness HT
Royal Amethyst HT
Ruby Wedding HT.
Sexy Rexy Fl.
Sir Tristram Fl.
Smokey Joe HT
Speks Centennial Fl.
Spiced Coffee
Starship Fl.
Strawberry Ice Fl.
Fragrant;shades of apricot with highlights of cream & peach.
Deep golden yellow blooms of perfect form
A simmering blaze of apricot orange; upright habit.
Unusual russet apricot blooms on a strong bush.
Clusters of pure white flowers; an outstanding healthy rose.
Large rich velvety red blooms on a sturdy upright bush.
Fragrant soft salmon pink; repeats well.
A rare colour of soft parchment/apricot;a real florists rose
Large fragrant blooms of coppery orange; strong upright bush.
Large clusters of warm pink perfectly formed buds.
Reddish brown flecked white flowers; fragrant; 120cm.
White well formed fragrant flowers;strong grower
Dark dusky pink ; fragrant; healthy vigorous rose.
Rich velvet red blooms in profusion .
Double vibrant red blooms; long stems with few thorns.
Large perfect blooms of rich cherry red/fragrant/vigorous bush.
Large fragrant well shaped salmon pink blooms.
Fragrant pure white blooms tinted pink.
Large flowers of the purest soft pink;medium sized bush
Unique bronze orange tones; nicely shaped blooms; fragrant.
Fragrant large pure white; disease resistant.
Large flowers of orchid pink; superb fragrance.
Large semi double striped blooms of orange & cream.
Stunning fragrant soft pink blooms over long periods;strong healthy
Rich burgundy purple blooms with a strong perfume.
Clusters of rich velvet red blooms.
Double flowers in blend of orange & yellow stripes.
A blend of rich magenta & lavender hues; fragrant, vigorous .
Large perfectly formed blooms of bright pink,coral & gold.
Large fragrant salmon pink blooms;healthy glossy foliage.
Large pure white blooms; perfect form.
Flowers in warm red blushed with white;deep green foliage.
Crimson red flowers with glossy petals;flowers all season.
Delicate yellow edged pink; strong healthy fragrant rose.
Delightful crimson red blooms; strong grower.
Strong growing fiery scarlet red rose;outstanding new variety.
Brilliant orange shading to red & yellow semi double blooms.
Deep crimson red; fragrant; vigorous grower; free flowering.
Masses of pearly white flowers throughout summer.
Large high centred creamy white blooms; medium grower.
Delightful lollie pink margins on ice white base; strong grower.
Coppery orange well formed blooms; strong upright bush.
Very fragrant double slate blue flowers, strong grower
Fragrant orange/pink fading soft orange; 1m.
Rich fragrant deep lavender blooms
Shapely,fragrant red flowers.
Repeat flowering; soft double pink; outstanding.
Rich velvety red flowers,a good variety.
Flowers warm coppery orange with a smokey edge on open looms.
Coppery orange medium sized fragrant blooms.
Pale beige blooms overlaid with lavander pink fragrant blooms.
Masses of brilliant yellow blooms on strong healthy plant.
Outstanding new bright pink blooms .
Ice white with rose pink centre; strong healthy bush.
Summer Dream Fl.
Tequila Sunrise Fl.
The Wedding Rose Fl.
Top Shelf
Valentine Heart Fl.
Warm Wishes HT
Beautiful peachy apricot semi double blooms.
Rich deep golden yellow blooms; free flowering.
Clusters of fragrant pure white blooms; 1 m.
Vibrant glowing orange salmon; lightly fragrant
Double flowers of dusky terra-cotta;upright compact bush.
Brilliant orange scarlet blooms; free flowering.
Soft pink blooms of perfect form.
Large flowers of soft peach coral.
Unfading red blooms in mass;compact habit.
Cottage & Shrub Roses
Abraham Darby
Ballerina - Hybrid Musk
Bow Bells
Charles Austin
Cottage Garden
Cottage Maid
Country Gold
Country Prince
Glamis Castle
Golden Celebration
Golden Wings
Graham Thomas
Happy Child
Hot Lips
Jubilee Celebation
Laura Alexander
Mary Rose
Precious Pet
Sally Holmes
Sharifa Asma
Sweet Juliet
The Fairy
The Prince
Winchester Cathedral
Yellow Charles Austin
From $21.50
Richly fragrant deep peach pink flowers; repeat flowering.
Huge sprays of single pale pink flowers 1.2 metres
Medium sized flowers of rich pink; 1 metre
Large cupped full-petalled flowers of apricot yellow; fragrant.
Blush salmon pink flowering continuously; 1metre
Creamy yellow flowers with salmon overtones;spreading habit
Best yellow shrub rose;flowers continuously
Outstanding shrub;striking blood red flowers;continuous flowering
Double fragrant apricot blooms on strong bushy shrub.
Fragrant apricot/yellow with a hint of pink;repeat flowering.
Double white fragrant flowers;compact habit.
Fragrant large deeply cupped golden yellow blooms.
Large single golden yellow flowers; freeflowering; 2 metres
Pure apricot rosette shaped blooms;repeat flowering
Fragrant deep yellow cupped blooms; perpetual flowering.
Deep yellow fragrant shallow cupped blooms;repeat flowering
Large single lipstick pink flowers;attractive shrub to 1.5 metres
Large single soft pink/apricot; recurrent; 130cm
Large fragrant salmon pink blooms;repeat flowering; 1.4 m.
Large semi double lemon edged pink;vigorous free flowering hrub.
Lovely fragrant sprays of deep apricot.
Fragrant bright crimson flowers; strong free flowering rose.
Richly fragrant double pink blooms.
Deep crimson fragrant cupped flowers.
Stunning bright scarlet blooms on long arching branches.
Lovely delicate pink semi double flowers;compact shrub rose.
Large crimson scarlet;pofuse perpetual flowering; 150 cm.
Clusters of creamy-lemon fragrant blooms.
Delicate blush pink fragrant blooms on an upright bush.
Trusses of semi double pure white flowers;impervious to weather.
Fragrant cup shaped apricot shaded blooms on vigorous plant.
Masses of small pink flowers on a spreading bush.
Cupped rosette flowers of fragrant deep crimson.
Mass of white flowers on a bushy plant .Free flowering.
Fragrant large cupped almost single pale lemon;perpetual, 130 cm.
Lemon yellow cupped flowers on a strong upright bush; fragrant
Standard Roses
Amber Flush HT
Amberlight HT
Aotearoa HT
Auckland Metro HT
Blackberry Nip HT
Brilliant Pink Iceburg Fl.
From $36.50
Glorious apricot scented blooms;great for picking.
Soft golden amber blooms.
Lovely creamy pink blooms with overpowering fragrance.
Well formed creamy white flowers;fragrant.
A mass of creamy white flowers on a strong healthy bush.
Fragrant deep unfading purple blooms; good picking rose.
Free flowering bright cerise pink; free flowering.
Burgundy Iceburg Fl.
Colourbreak Fl.
Crimson Bouquet Fl
Friesia Fl.
Gold Medal HT
Iceberg Fl.
Ingrid Bergman HT
Just Joey HT
Lasting Love HT
Love Me Do HT
Loving Memory HT
Margaret Merril Fl.
Mary Rose
Matawhero Magic HT
Mum In A Million HT
Opulence Fl.
Outa The Blue Fl.
Paddy Stevens HT
Pavrotti HT
Precious Platinum HT
Scentasia Fl.
Sexy Rexy Fl.
The Wedding Rose Fl.
Trumpeter Fl.
Masses of rich burgundy blooms on strong healthy bush.
Unusual dark apricot ‘Old World’ shaped blooms.
Vibrant crimson blooms; super healthy rose.
Outstanding yellow free flowering fragrant rose.
Pointed blooms of gold on strong healthy bush
Clusters of pure white flowers; an outstanding healthy rose.
Large rich velvety red blooms on strong upright bush.
Large fragrant blooms of frilled coppery orange,
Dusky red blooms with powerful fragrance.
Fragrant ivory/pink flowers;healthy dark green foliage.
Large perfect blooms of rich cherry red/fragrant/vigorous bush.
Fragrant pure white blooms tinted pink.
Pink cupped fragrant blooms;repeat flowering.
Beautiful deep apricot flowers;musk perfume;compact habit.
Large soft pink blooms with knockout fragrance.
Clusters of rich velvety red ; freeflowering.
A blend of rich magenta & lavender blooms; fragrant.
Perfect blooms of bright pink,coral & red.
Rich red flowers carried on long stems;flowers all season.
Deep crimson red; fragrant; vigorous grower; free flowering.
Sprays of fragrant cream blooms.
Repeat flowering; soft double pink; outstanding.
Clusters of double pure white blooms;compact growth.
Brilliant orange scarlet; free flowering.
Half Sized Standards
Absolutely Fabulous ; Iceburg ; Margaret Merrill ; Princess of Wales
Climbing Roses
Banksia The Pearl
Banksia Yellow
Bantry Bay
Birthday Present
Breath of Life
Cecile Brunner
City of London
Dublin Bay
Emily’s Rose
Golden Future
Grand Hotel
Kaiteri Gold
Lady Barbara
Leaping Salmon
Parkdirektor Rigger
Penny Lane
Red Sox
From $21.50
Coppery pink with strong fragrance;masses of flowers only once.
Apricot buds opening to golden yellow, free flowering.
A beautiful climber /large lilac blooms/ fragrant.
Hardy almost evergreen climber; massed cream flowers in spring.
Clusters of dainty small yellow flowers in spring.
Rose pink floribunda type flowers; perpetual flowering.
Deep velvety crimson fragrant rose.
Fragrant soft peachy apricot perfectly formed blooms.
Soft yellow fragrant flowers; excellent climber.
Soft pink buttonhole blooms; good pillar or climber.
Fragrant free blooming clear pink rose.
Salmon pink shaded apricot; fragrant & strong growing.
Ever-blooming clusters of semi double bright red flowers.
Huge ivory-green flowers; a beautiful climber
Soft pink double flowers in profusion on a strong healthy rose.
Very fragrant medium yellow;strong climber.
Rich unfading scarlet HT blooms;perpetual flowering.
Attractive cream edged with pink; good pillar rose.
Long sprays of pure white blooms throughout summer.
Large flowers of golden yellow;outstanding new climber.
Beautiful tangerine orange; fruity fragrance.
Large salmon pink blooms of heavy fragrance.
Masses of bright red semi double flowers produced in mass.
Double flowers of rich creamy pearl;repeats well.
Pure bright red flowers,slightly fragrant;a strong grower.
Orange apricot large blooms which repeat well.
Sir Edmund Hillary
Swan Lake
Wedding Day
Highly scented cream flowers ;strong healthy & free flowering.
Soft orange flowers on strong healthy climber.
Large white tinged pink fragrant blooms; good pillar or climber.
Fully double bright velvety red; fragrant.
Fragrant large clusters frilled deep pink; good cut rose.
Fragrant yellow buds opening white produced in mass in spring.
Bronze to salmon apricot; free flowering & fragrant.
Old Fashioned Roses
From $22.50
Medium apricot double repeat flowering.
Dainty Bess
Single silvery pink fragrant clusters; climber
Madam Alfred Carrier
Vigorous fragrant climber; white with salmon pink; recurrent.
Large single pink flushed apricot fragrant climber; recurrent.
Strong growing; single multicolor;yellow/pinks & coppery rimson.
Phyllis Bide
Dainty small lemon /salmon /pink blooms;an excellent rambler
‘Violet Blue’flowers in large sprays on vigorous rambling Rose.
Hybrid Musk
Buff Beauty
Sweetly scented apricot gold double flowers; free flowering.
Very fragrant coral pink flowers on 2 metre plant; good fruiting.
Fragrant double pink/salmon; perpetual.
Fragrant creamy pink semu double flat blooms /orange pink hips.
Fragrant single white;perpetual; 1 metre
Fragrant double blooms ; medium yellow
Blanc Double De Coubert
Rugosa;semi double pure white;fragrant recurrent bloomer.
Frau Dagmar Hatsrupp
Rugosa;fragrant clear pink; hardy;
Perfume de la Hay
Fragrant double carmine/red blooms;vigorous grower.
Roseraie de la Hay
Large loose crimson purple blooms; 2 metres
Standard Weeping Roses (80 cm) $35.00 (180 cm. ) $75.00
Red flowers on attractive weeping branches
Pink Bells
Large clusters of soft double pink flowers.
Miniature Patio Standards (45cm) $32.50
Apricot Scentasia; Beehaive Gold;Bronze Baby;Daltons Gold;Flower Power;Little Opal;
Gentle Touch;Ice Angel;Patio Jewel;Pretty Polly;Reddy Teddy;Rexy's Baby;Sunhit;Sweet Dream;
The Fairy; Top Marks; Wanaka; Waimarie;Whiteout
Miniature Patio Roses From $22.50
Beehive Gold;Bronze Baby;Daltons Gold;Flower Power;Kaikoura;Little Opal;Loving Touch;
My Sister;Patio Jewel;Pretty Polly; Rexy's Baby; ; Sweet Dream;Top Marks; Wanaka;
Climbing Miniature Roses from $22.50
Dusky Dancer; Good as Gold; Jeanne Lajoie; Sugar Plum; Warm Welcome.
Freisia Iceburg; Trumpeter
Ornamental Hedging
Prices quoted are for 10+ plants
from: $2.50
smaller tube grades may be available from $3.50
Fruit Trees
Apples Medium Baujarde;Braeburn,Bramleys Seedling;Cox Orange, Gala; Kidds Orange;Golden
Delicious;Granny Smith;Fuji;Monty’s Surprise;Peasgood Nonsuch;Red
Delicious;Red Gravenstein;Royal Gala;Splendour; Sturmer
From $30.00
Double Graft
Monty’s Surprise/Cox Orange ;Peasgood/Braeburn;Braeburn/Granny Smith;
Peasgood/Montys Surprize;Royal Gala/Granny Smith
From $39.50
Triple Graft
Slendour/Gala/ Braeburn;Cox Orange/Royal Gala/Granny Smith
From $42.50
Ballerina Column Apples: Bolero; Polka;
Fitzroy, Newcastle; Roral Rosa
From $30.00
Dwarf Aprigold / Garden Annie/Golden Glow
Dawson(firm red flesh) Lapins (Dark red/self fertile)
Stella (black SF)Tangshi (Pink SF)
From $30.00
White, Black, Red (hardy easily grown bushes).
Unique and Opal Star (high yielding self fertile, good flavour).
Invicta; virus resistant; sweet green fruit.Pax;(Red thornless form)
Albany Surprise, Iona, Schyler.
Fantasia (Feb., red, good flavour), Goldmine (good flavour white).
Red Gold(dessert/bottling) Firebright (yellow flesh,dessert)
Dwarf Nectarine Garden Delight/
Black edible fruit (warm sheltered wall required).
Blackboy,Elegant Lady,Flamecrest;Glo HavenGolden Queen,
Gordon GloryHiawatha;Red Haven,Wiggins, Yummeyong
Dwarf Peach
Bonanza(White flesh) Kotare Honey;Pixzee;Rose Chiffon
Bon Chretian,dwf Conference,dwf Winter Cole, Packhams Triumph
Doyenne du Commice;dwf Seckle;Winter Nelis
Angelina Burdett;Billington;Black Doris; BurbankCoes Golden Drop
Duffs Early Jewell;Elephant Heart,Fortune;Hawera;Greengage,
Omega,Purple King, Reine Claude, Santa Rosa; Sultan,
Stanley ( Prune)
Billington/Black Doris ; Omega/Santa Rosa
Smyra ; large fruit
Giant of Gascony ;heavy bearing
As well as
Raspberries, Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Chestnuts, Almonds,Olives , Cranberries,Pine Nuts
Pruning Fruit Trees:
Plums produce their fruit on small natural spurs which are situated on the
ends and along the sides of the branches from one year up to five years
old. Prune young plum trees into a vase shape. Once established the
Japanese plums have much more growth requiring hard pruning back to
lateral branches. Mature English plums require little pruning; mainly
thinning out of annual shoot growth.
Peach and Nectarines bear their fruit on the young wood of the previous
years growth. Prune hard during the dormant season to encourage new
growth; remove two thirds of last years branches.
Apricots require heavy pruning for good fruit production. Most fruit are
produced on short spurs on last years growth and continue for up to four
years. Cut back older branches to younger vigorous laterals.
Cherry trees are pruned to shape a good framework for the first few
years; after this little pruning is required. Mature cherries bear fruit on
short spurs which can continue producing up to 12 years.
Apples and Pears can be trained either on central leader, traditional cup shape
or espaliered along a support. On mature trees pruning is mainly removal of
dead wood and weak limbs and thinning of new growth to encourage fruiting
Hedge, Shelter and Forestry
1-10 each
10-50 each
Acacia Dealbata
Acacia Floribunda
Acacia Pravissima
Agapanthus (Blue & White)
Alnus Cordata
Alnus Rubra
Betula Alba
O. G.
Cordyline Australis (Cabbage Tree) R/T
Cortaderia (Toi Toi)
Cham. Palm.( Tree Lucerne}
Cup. Arizonica
Cup. Macrocarpa
Cup. Leylandii
Castlewelllan Gold
Leighton Green
Dodonea Viscosa (Ake Ake)
Dodonea Viscosa Purpurea
Eucalyptus Delegatensis
Eucalyptus Gunnii
Leucoxlyn Rosea
Eucalyptus Nicholli
Eucalyptus Nitens
Eucalyptus Ovata
Leptospernum Scoparium(Manuka}R/T
Lonicera Nitida
Olearia Paniculata
Phormium Cookianum
Phormium Cookianum Purpureum R/T
Phormium Tenax
Pinus Radiata GF 16
O. G.
Pittosporum Crassifolium
Pittosporum Eugenioides
Pittosporum Tenuifolium
Plagianthus (Ribbonwood
Poplar 1 yr.
O. G.
Crowsnest, Flevo, I 214, Tasman, Yunnanensis
Phebalium Billardieri
O. G.
Photinia Robusta
O. G.
Prunus Laurocerasus
Salix Matsudana
O. G
Thuya Plicata
Hedge, Shelter and Forestry Section:
Prices are GST inclusive
Root Trainer Baskets: $5.00 Singles, $10.00 Doubles.
Fully Refundable on return in Good Condition.
100 each
Hedge Shelter and Forestry
'The Wattles' are fast growing trees tolerating the well drained site giving
low/intermediate shelter. Good coastal shelter.
‘Alder’, fast growing deciduous shelter & screening trees, non encroaching root
Betula Alba
'Silver Birch', hardy deciduous trees giving filtered shelter and shade; hardy; well
drained site.
Cham. Palmensis 'Tree Lucerne'fast growing low shelter,well drained site. Can be cut and used for
stock feed.
Cup. Arizonica
Hardy coniferous shelter;tolerates well drained site;trims well for
hedging;attractive grey/blue colour.
Cup. Macrocarpa Hardy;Excellent high grade timber tree;good shelter.
Cup. Leylandii
Hardy fast growing shelter or timber trees;tolerates most sites from coastal to high
country. Outstanding shelter tree.
Dodonea Viscosa Fast growing low shelter;frost tender when young. Glossy green foliage; great
wind screen.
Fast growing trees suitable for well drained sites. Ovata will tolerate a moist site.
All are good woodlot or shelter trees with Nitens,Viminalis and Gunnii popular
coppice firewood trees. Delegatensis and Nitens good timber forms. Leucoxlyn
Rosea is an excellent winter flowering form; attractive to native birdlife.
'Native Matipoes'Low evergreen sheltering shrubs growing to 4 metres. Well
drained site; shelter from excessive frost.
Fast upright growing green shelter;well drained site. Suitable to coastal
sites; dislikes excessive frost.
Phormium Tenax 'Flax'; hardy low evergreen shelter; tolerates a damp site.
Hardy fast growing shelter trees enjoying a moister site. Poplar Tasman and
I 214 are both good timber trees.
Hardy colourful low compact shelter. Brilliant red foliage in spring and summer
Salix Matsudana Fast growing upright deciduous shelter Willow; moist site.
Thuya Plicata
'Western Red Cedar'good shelter or timber species for the average to moist site.
Attractive redish colour.
Approximate Tree Spacings:
Single row evergreen shelter trees 2 metres apart.
Double row: 3 metres apart 2 metres between rows.
Single row Poplars/Willows 1 metre apart.
Woodlot Eucalyptus 2 metres x 2 metres.
General Woodlot Trees 2 metres x 3 metres.
Preparing for Planting:
Where possible deep rip the ground where you are
planting; this not only encourages quick plant
establishment but also makes planting much easier.
Spot spray the planting sites with a suitable
herbicide(Roundup)prior to planting. Plant trees deeper
(approx. 3 cm ) than the nursery depth making sure the
roots are spread in the planting hole. Firm planting is essential.
Beware of Rabbits, Hares and Possums; spray trees with
Repel if there is a problem. Watch for grassgrub at
planting time; Use Diazinon where necessary.
The use of well staked tree protectors for exposed sites
is advisable. These can also be useful protection against
young stock and predators.