Electricity Market Grid Regulation


(Published in Official Gazette no. 25001 on 22/01/2003)




Objective, Scope, Legal Basis, Definitions and Abbreviations


Article 1 - The objective of this Regulation is to set forth the principles and procedures regarding the standards applicable for reliable and low-cost operation of the transmission system and ensuring system stability and energy quality in order to establish the market model envisaged in Law no. 4628.


Article 2 This Regulation covers the liabilities of TEİAŞ, the users of the transmission system and other users who are connected to the distribution system but affect the transmission system and the facility design and operation rules they should comply with, and the principles regarding the provision of technical data required for transmission system planning through balancing supply and demand and for the operation of the transmission system in line with the balancing rules.

Legal Basis

Article 3 This Regulation has been issued in compliance with the provisions of

Electricity Market Law no. 4628.

Definitions and Abbreviations

Article 4- For the purposes of interpretation and implementation of this Regulation, the following terms and abbreviations shall bear the following meanings:


Law: Electricity Market Law No. 4628 dated February 20, 2001,


Authority: The Energy Market Regulatory Authority,


Board: The Energy Market Regulatory Board,


RLDC: Regional Load Dispatch Center,


IEC: International Electrotechnic Commission,


CCGT: Combined Cycle Gas Turbine,



Turkish Electricity Transmission Co. Inc.,


TETAŞ: Turkish Electricity Trading and Contracting Co. Inc.,


UCTE: Union for Coordination of Transmission of Electricity,


NLDC: National Load Dispatch Center,


Island: The independent subsystems of the transmission system that have no electrical connection with the remaining parts of the transmission system,


Main interconnected system: 380 kV and 154 kV components of the transmission system, excluding user circuits,



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.


Overexcitation operation: Increasing the excitation voltage of synchronous compensators and/or generators when the system excitation voltage decreases below specified operation values,


European Standards: Specifications and standards in common use in

European Union countries or Turkish standards prepared in accordance with those,


Disconnector: The equipment that connects and disconnects the non-loaded electric circuits,


Connection and/or use of system agreements: The agreements containing the terms and conditions specific to a generation company, an autoproducer or an autoproducer group, a distribution company or consumers for access or connection to a transmission or a distribution system,


Connection point: The site or point where a user connects to the system as per the connection agreements,


Connection request: The request of a user to connect its facility to a certain point on the transmission system,


Bus-bar: The conductor where the feeders of the same voltage connect,


Supply point: The point on the transmission and/or distribution system where the customers are supplied electricity,


Block: For combined cycle power plants, more than one gas turbine and generator that can load and un-load together, including the steam turbine and generator fed by these,


Regional Load Dispatch Center: The control center that monitors generation, transmission and consumption of electricity and responsible for coordination and management of operating maneuvers in a certain region of the transmission system,


Steam Unit: The unit that transmits the energy in the steam to the turbine,


Working permit request: For maintenance and repair works on the equipment that affect the transmission and/or distribution system or creates interruption in the electricity supply to the users; application of a person authorized by the license holding legal entity to RLDC in writing before commencing such works,


Working permit request form: The form, where information related to working permit request is filled in,


Approval of working permit: Approval by RLDC of the working permit request considering the condition of the system and in coordination with other units,


Distribution: The transport of electricity through lines of 36 kV or lower voltage level,


Distribution region: The region defined in the license of a distribution company,


Distribution system: Electricity distribution facilities and grid grid operated and/or owned by a distribution company within its designated distribution region,


Distribution Company: Any legal entity engaged in electricity distribution in a designated geographical region,


Distribution facility : All facilities and grid established exclusively for distribution of electricity at the termination point of transmission facilities,



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.


Fluctuating load: Variable impedance load which lags interrupted current in different amplitudes and distort the waveform of grid voltage,


Balancing: The actions taken by NLDC in order to balance the system supply and demand,


Balancing system: Real-time balancing of supply and demand in the system operation by NLDC, through evaluation of bids and offers of parties subject to Balancing and Settlement Code.


Outage: Automatic or manual outage of a part of the plant and/or equipment due to maintenance, repair or fault,


Low frequency relay: The equipment that gives ‘opening instruction’ to breakers for unloading if the frequency decreases below pre-specified operation values,


Underexcitation or overexcitation: Increasing or decreasing the excitation voltage of synchronous compensators and/or generators in order to regulate system voltage,


Power cut: Cutting the power of plant and/or equipment from every direction via circuit breakers and disconnectors,


Unavailable equipment: Equipment outaged due to reasons like fault, maintenance, and repair,


Available equipment: Equipment ready to operate,


Interconnection: Connection of national transmission system to transmission system of another country,


Interconnection agreement:

Agreement made between TEİAŞ and other party establishing interconnection and/or licensed legal entities receiving service from this interconnection,


Phase unbalance: Different amplitude and phase angles between phase voltages at a certain point of power system,


Phase-to-earth fault factor: Ratio of voltages in operation phase before and after phase-to-earth fault at a certain point of the system,


Feeder: Line or cable outlets which transmit energy to a customer or a customer group from a central busbar,


Physical notification: The active power data offered by units that are parties to the balancing system,


Flicker: Voltage oscillations below 50 Hz, which occur because of fluctuations in load and create discomfort by creating blinks in illumination armatures,


Flicker severity: Level of flicker voltage oscillations defined and measured in accordance with the international standards,


Frequency: The number of alternating current cycles in one second in the system (expressed in Herz),


Sudden voltage changes: Changes occurred in voltage after a switching operation and after completion of temporary regime conditions and following the start of voltage regulators and static VAR compensators and before step change settings and other switching operations,



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.


Voltage waveform distortion: Distortion occurred in the sinusoidal form of voltage,


Voltage regulator: The equipment regulating the terminal voltage of generators,


Power factor: The ratio of active power to apparent power,


Power system stabilizers: The equipment controlling the synchronous generator and turbine to reduce power oscillations via voltage regulator using excitation level, speed, frequency, power or combination of those as input variables,


Safety rules: Rules put in place by TEİAŞ or users to protect personnel working on relevant plant and/or equipment from dangerous events that may occur during the maintenance, repair, and operation of the system,


Harmonic: Each of sinusoidal components occurred in direct multiples of fundamental frequency component in an alternative current or voltage distorted because of non-linear loads or generators, whose voltage waveform is not ideal,


Harmonic voltage value : The effective value of harmonic components in distorted voltage waveform,


Harmonic content: Distortion leading to difference between the effective value of the waveform and effective value of the fundamental component and stating the overall effect of harmonics in the distorted alternative current or voltage wave,


Harmonic limits: Harmonic limits on plant and equipment connected to transmission and distribution system which is determined in international standards and permitted for voltage and current in certain points on the system,


Line: The facilities composed of conductors carrying electricity,


Speed governor: The device regulating the turbine speed,


Speed governor block diagram: Diagram showing the mathematical transfer functions of the components forming the speed governor of the unit and control units and input and output relation between those,


Speed governor speed droop: The percentage of speed change of speed-load characteristic of speed governor between full load and off-load states,


Speed governor gain: The ratio of change in terminal signal of speed governor to entry speed fault signal of speed governor,


Speed governor deadband: Stable condition frequency range, where speed governor does not intervene to frequency change,


Speed governor time constant: the constant showing the response of speed governor to a sudden change in the entry,


Fast start: The ability of a unit to be synchronized and loaded up to full capacity in five minutes following start instruction,


IEC Standard: Technical specifications and standards published by

International Electrotechnic Commission,


Warm reserve: Generation capacity created by altering the operation of units operating as synchronous compensators to operate as generators or the available unit capacity that can be commissioned in one to five minutes,



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.


Internal demand: Total electricity consumption of facility, equipment and other components of a plant required to be operated under normal operating conditions,


Bilateral Agreements: The commercial agreements between real persons or legal entities and licensees or among licensees for the purchase and/or sale of electricity under the provisions of private law and are not subject to Board approval,


Transmission : The transport of electricity through lines higher than 36 kV,


Transmission Control Agreements : The bilateral agreements that are signed under the provisions of private law between TEİAŞ and the license holding legal entities owning or operating private direct transmission lines, and that set forth the minimum terms and conditions for compliance of the private direct transmission lines with the transmission system,


Transmission license: The license granted to TEİAŞ as per the provisions of the Law,


Transmission system: Electricity transmission facilities and network,


Transmission facility: All facilities, including medium voltage feeders of transmission switchyards, starting at the termination point of generating facilities connected at a voltage level higher than 36 kV up to connection points of distribution facilities,


Relevant legislation:

The laws, regulations, communiqués, circulars and

Board decisions regarding the electricity market and the licenses of the related legal entities,


Job security officer: Team chief or responsible person providing the application of necessary security measures before any work on equipment and removal of those measures after the completion of the work and informing the relevant load dispatch center that the equipment can be commissioned again,


Insulation level: Insulation level taken as basis in the design of electrical equipment,


Stable condition: The state of the system operation values of which is accepted as constant after termination of temporary regime conditions,


Circuit breaker: Device used to open/close electricity circuits under loaded or fault conditions,


Short-circuit power: Highest apparent power occurring in a short-circuited bus-bar,


Short-circuit ratio: Per unit value of synchronous reactance of a unit,


Cogeneration: Combined heat and power generation,


Protection settings: Settings of the protection relays,


Protection system dependability index: In system faults, the percentage that protection system successfully trips faulty part,


User: The legal entities engaged in generation and/or distribution companies and/or wholesale companies and/or retail sale companies and/or eligible consumers,


Pole slipping: Distortion of phase-angle balance in unit,



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.



Small power station: The plants with total installed capacity of 10 MW or


Peak demand: Highest demand value in period of 24 hours or one year,


Maneuver: Operations performed with circuit breakers and disconnectors to commission or de-commission various parts of the system,


Maneuver form: For the RLDC maneuvers, the operation sequence form filled by RLDC before the maneuver and communicated to relevant centers in order to specify the maneuver sequence that switchboard personnel will follow,


Maneuver diagram: Diagrams schematically showing the connections of the circuits in switchyard with related numbering and labeling,


Minimum demand: The lowest demand value in period of 24 hours or one year,


Negative component: In an instable electricity system, the vector of first phase of the component with negative phase sequences among positive, negative, and null components which states instability in current or voltage phases,


Negative phase sequence: In an instable electricity system, stable vector group with three components having equal amplitudes, hundred and twenty degrees of phase difference from each other and sequenced in different directions in order to state instability in current or voltage phases,


Normal operating condition: Operating condition where voltage, frequency, and line flows are in specified ranges, demand is met, ancillary services are provided and operation of the system is stable,


Autoproducer: Any legal entity engaged in electricity generation primarily for its own needs,


Autoproducer group: Any legal entity engaged in electricity generation primarily for the needs of its partners,


Private direct transmission line: A transmission line which is not part of the transmission system and constructed and operated in accordance with the provisions of the transmission control agreement to be signed with TEİAŞ and in line with the standards applicable for the national transmission network, providing electricity transmission between a generation facility owned by a legal entity holding a generation, autoproducer or autoproducer group license and its affiliates, partners and/or customers,


Retail: The sale of electricity to consumers,


Retail company: A legal entity authorized to be engaged in the import of electricity and/or capacity, retail sales and provision of retail services to consumers, except those that are directly connected to the transmission system,


Market: The electricity market consisting of the activities of generation, transmission, distribution, retail, wholesale, retail service, sale and purchase or trade, including import and export, of electricity and capacity, and transactions directly related to those activities,


Market Financial Settlement Center:

The unit under the body of TEIAŞ that shall operate the financial system by calculating amounts payable or receivable by legal entities operating in the market, based on differences between actual purchases and



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

sales as a result of the real time physical balancing of energy supply and demand by

NLDC, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation,


Positive component: In an instable electricity system, vector of first phase of the component having positive phase sequence among positive, negative, and null components which states instability in current or voltage phases,


Positive phase sequence: In an instable electricity system, stable vector group with three components having equal amplitudes, hundred and twenty degrees of phase difference among each other and sequenced in same direction in order to state instability in current or voltage phases,


Primary frequency control: Trying to stabilize the system frequency through automatic increase or decrease of unit active power output via speed governor in response to a decrease or an increase of the system frequency,


Reactor: Winding lagging reactive power from its connected line, transformer or busbar and used to lower the voltage,


Amber alert: Warning signal sent by NLDC indicating that there is a clear partial or complete black out risk of transmission system within the next twelve hours,


Secondary frequency control: Automatic increase or decrease of unit active power output via a signal sent from NLDC in response to a decrease or an increase in the system frequency,


Synchronous compensation: Reactive power generation or consumption through adjusting the excitation currents of running synchronous machines in order to keep the power factor in the system at desired level,


Synchronization: Providing the necessary conditions, connection of a unit to transmission system or connection of two separate systems in the transmission system to each other,


Non-eligible consumer: Any real person or legal entity that can purchase electricity energy and/or capacity only from retail sale companies or from a distribution company holding a retail sale license in its region,


Eligible consumer: Any real person or legal entity that has the liberty to choose its supplier, due to its consumption of more electricity than the amount set by the

Board and/or its direct connection to the transmission system;


Hot reserve: Difference between total power that can be taken from the units in the system at any time and the demand,


Null component reactance: Impedance values calculated to find phase-toearth and phase-to-phase earth fault currents and valid for null phase sequence currents,


Null component: In an instable electricity system, each of three equal vectors of the component having null phase sequence among positive, negative, and null components and which state instability in current or voltage phases,


Null phase sequence: In an instable electricity system, three equal vectors used to state instability in current or voltage phases,


Black out: Unintended loss of energy of the electricity system partially or completely,



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.


Subsynchronous resonance: Oscillations below normal system frequencies and rated system frequency occurring between the system and mechanical shaft of the turbine-generator group,


Subsynchronous resonance protection: System providing protection for generators against sub synchronous resonance,


Switchyard: Site containing connection components,


Shunt capacitor: Condenser group generating reactive power and in parallel connection to the system,


Demand: Amount of active and reactive power that will be consumed,


Demand profile: In a certain time period, the curve showing the demand change in the system total demand or at a certain point of the system,


Demand forecast:

Consumption estimates prepared by TEİAŞ for a certain time period considering demand forecasts approved by the Board,


Tariff: The provisions covering prices, terms and conditions related to transmission, distribution and sale of electricity and/or capacity and related services,


The designed minimum output level: Active power output if system frequency is above 50.5 Hz and unit or block does not have high frequency control capacity,


Supplier: Any generation company, autoproducer or autoproducer group, wholesale company, retail company and distribution company holding retail license, providing electricity and/or capacity to customers,


Single line diagram: Single phase diagram showing the connections of elements like busbar, conductor, power transformer and compensation equipment in a certain part of the grid,


Facility: Plant and equipment installed to perform the functions of generation, transmission or distribution of electricity,


Black start capability: Ability to commission at least one unit of a plant in accordance with the instruction of TEİAŞ with its own capability and without external feeding and to energize a part of the system in case of black out,


Total harmonic distortion: The ratio of square root of squares of the total of the effective values of harmonics in the alternating current or voltage to the effective value of the fundamental component and the value that states the distortion in the waveform,


Earthing: After cutting the power of plant and/or equipment via circuit breakers and disconnectors for all directions nullifying the voltages of the conductors of plant and/or equipment by short circuiting to earth,


Earth fault factor: Ratio of after fault voltage and before fault voltage of the working phase in single phase or two phase earth faults,


Wholesale: The sale of electricity for resale,


Wholesale company: Any legal entity engaged in the wholesale, import, export, trade and sale to eligible consumers of electricity and/or capacity,


Consumer: All eligible and non-eligible consumers, purchasing electricity for their own needs,



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.


Total system: All user systems including the transmission system,


National Load Dispatch Center: The unit under the body of TEİAŞ in charge of real-time physical balancing of electricity demand and supply,


International interconnection condition: Ability to operate the national electricity system in a parallel and synchronized manner with the electricity system of other countries and/or ability to operate a generation facility or a unit of a generation facility in the electricity system of another country in parallel to the national electricity system as per the provisions of Grid Regulation and/or Distribution Regulation,


International standards: International design, construction, manufacturing and performance standards prepared, approved and used for electricity system plant and/or equipment,


Three phase symmetrical fault current: Fault current occurring due to short circuit of all phases in a three phase circuit,


Unit: Each generating set which can load and unload independently, and, as for combined cycle power plants, the share of each gas turbine and generator, and the steam turbine and generator connected to the gas turbine and the generator,


Unit load controller: Control circuit in the speed governor controlling unit loading,


Generation: The transformation of energy resources into electricity in generation facilities,


Legal entities engaged in generation activity: Electricity Generation

Company (EUAS), autoproducer, autoproducer group and private sector generation companies,


Generation capacity projection: An estimation of generation capacity required for the security of electricity supply, to be prepared by TEİAŞ based on demand forecasts provided by distribution companies,


Generation company: Any legal entity, except for autoproducers and autoproducer groups, engaged in the generation of electricity and the sale of the output generated,


Generation facility: Facilities generating electricity,


Ancillary services: Services to be provided by all legal entities connected to the transmission and/or distribution system, as per the Grid Regulation and/or the

Distribution Regulation,


Ancillary services agreements: Agreements that set out the terms and conditions, and fees reflecting the total cost of supplying ancillary services to TEİAŞ by generation companies, distribution companies, autoproducers, autoproducer groups or consumers connected to the transmission system as per the provisions of this Regulation and to the holder of the relevant distribution license by generation companies, autoproducers, autoproducer groups, distribution companies and consumers connected to the distribution system in accordance with the Distribution Regulation. The prices to be paid for ancillary services shall cover the total cost of supplying the related services,


Generation facilities based on renewable resources: The generation facilities based on wind, solar, geothermal, wave, tide, biomass, biogas and hydrogen energy and the river and canal type hydroelectric generation facilities without reservoirs



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

and hydroelectric generation facilities with reservoirs and an installed capacity of 20 MW or below


Loading : The situation where a generation unit starts to provide energy to the system or when it increases its output,


Deloading: The situation where a generation unit ceases to provide energy to the system or decreases its output,


Loading curve: Curve showing the loading capacity of a unit as active and reactive,


High frequency response: Automatic reduction of active power output of a unit if system frequency goes above the rated frequency.


Connection to The Transmission System


Principles for Connection to The Transmission System and Parties accordance with this Regulation and the clauses of the regulation related to security and quality of supply.

Principles for connection to the transmission system

Article 5 Connection between the transmission system and any user is built in

Total installed power of a distribution busbar or a distribution system connected to this busbar may not exceed 50 MW. If this power exceeds 50 MW, connection is made at the transmission level. An independent feeder is not assigned for generation facilities below 10 MW.

Connection requests are evaluated and finalized by TEİAŞ in accordance with the related legislation and Article 7 of this Regulation within the appropriate time period.

Parties subject to connection principles

Article 6- Principles for connection to the transmission system apply to; a) TEİAŞ, b) Legal entities that are generating electricity and that are directly connected to transmission system, c) Consumers that are directly connected to transmission system, d) Legal entities holding distribution licenses.

In addition, generation facilities that have a unit capacity of 50 MW or more or a total installed capacity of 100MW or more on the effective date of this Regulation are evaluated within the context of principles for connection to the transmission system.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.


Connection to and/or Use of the Transmission System

Evaluation of connection request

Article 7- TEİAŞ provides the Authority with her opinion accompanied with underlying rationale on a request for connection of generation facilities to the transmission system and/or a request for system usage within forty five days after the date of the written request made by the Authority in accordance with Electricity

Market License Regulation.

Other connection and/or system usage requests except those of generation facilities made to TEİAŞ, are evaluated within forty five days following the application date and written proposal is sent to applicant.

If a connection is made to the system, when expansion investment or new investment is required due to inadequate capacity regarding the system usage and when required funds are not available, the investment can be made after satisfying the technical standards in accordance with the legislation, by a person or a legal entity who is willing to make connection on behalf of TEİAŞ or a person or a legal entity can finance the investment if financing terms and conditions are approved by TEİAŞ. In that case, total expenditure regarding the investment is deducted from the user’s use of system price, in accordance with the connection and/or system usage agreement that is signed between the person or the legal entity and TEİAŞ.

If the connection request can not be accepted due to the provisions of Article 38 of Electricity Market License Regulation and Authority approves the proposed rejection rationale, request is rejected and if possible, another connection point is proposed by TEİAŞ. Authority asks the legal entity who made the application for an opinion about this alternative connection point.

If an alternative connection point can not be proposed or the applicant legal entity does not accept the proposed connection point, applicant legal entity may request to build a private direct transmission line between the generation facility within the scope of license application and partners and/or its customers. Authority receives TEİAŞ’s opinion within thirty days. If the request is approved by the

Authority at the end of the evaluation conducted in accordance with the opinion of

TEİAŞ, the line can be established on the condition that a transmission control agreement is signed between applicant legal entity and TEİAŞ.

If the connection point proposed by the legal entity within the scope of license application is accepted by TEİAŞ or TEİAŞ’s alternative connection point proposal is accepted by the legal entity, after the legal entity is awarded the license, depending on the connection and/or system usage agreement, standard planning data and data about the plant and/or equipment that will be connected to the transmission system which is given in Appendix-5 First Section, is presented to TEİAŞ by the legal entity.

Connection to and/or use of system agreement

Article 8- After the standard planning data which is given in Appendix-5 First

Section and data about the plant and/or equipment that will be connected to the transmission system is presented to TEİAŞ by the legal entity, connection to and/or use of system agreement is proposed to the legal entity within sixty days. If TEİAŞ



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

needs additional information in order to propose connection to and/or use of system agreement, detailed planning data given in Appendix-5 Second Section can be requested from the legal entity. In these cases, the time period allowed for TEİAŞ for proposing the connection to and/or use of system agreement is applied as ninety days.

Legal entity gives a response to TEİAŞ’s agreement proposal within thirty days.

If the parties agree on the terms, connection to and/or use of system agreement containing the terms and conditions regarding the connection to and/or use of system is signed. If TEİAŞ and legal entity holding the license do not agree on terms and conditions of the connection to and/or use of system agreement, disputes are settled by the Authority in accordance with the clauses of the Law and parties’ related licenses and Authority’s decision on the subject is binding.

Same process is applied also for the generation facilities that are currently connected to the transmission system and for the applications made to TEİAŞ regarding the connection to and/or use of system by the persons and legal entities other than generation facilities.

Compliance and tests

Article 9 The user shall notify TEİAŞ that the the user’s generation facilities and/or plant and/or equipment connected to the transmission system are compatible with the plant and/or equipment existing in the system, and compliant with this

Regulation, connection to and/or use of system agreements and ancillary services agreements and where applicaple to the basic rules of the international interconnection condition, within the framework of the following principles and procedures: a) User prepares a draft compliance report, which includes manufacturing test or certificates with all required technical data and parameters of plant and equipment , three months before the commissioning and synchronization of the unit, b) User conducts open and loaded circuit and function tests that are parts of commissioning test schedule conducted on automatic voltage and speed regulators, other control and communication systems, under TEİAŞ’s supervision in accordance with a test program and a schedule agreed upon with TEİAŞ, c) User prepares a final compliance report which includes the results of the tests and final settings of the control system parameters.

System connection approval

Article 10- Within thirty days after the submission of the final compliance report to TEİAŞ, which has been prepared in accordance with connection to and/or use of system agreement, TEİAŞ evaluates the report and informs the user whether the requirements of the connection to and/or use of system agreement are satisfied.

If it is determined that the obligations are satisfied by the user, physical connection date is included in the TEİAŞ’s evaluation response. If connection is not approved, underlying rationale is explained in the evaluation response and user is permitted additional time to complete the deficiencies and missing parts.

TEİAŞ has a right to monitor operation of the user’s plant and/or equipment connected on the transmission system.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Any request for a change on a plant and equipment on the transmission system and/or settings of this plant and/or equipment, shall be notified to TEİAŞ allowing adequate time to enable TEİAŞ to investigate the integrity of transmission system and the effects on other users’ plant and/or equipment. TEİAŞ has the right to refuse changes that might adversly impact the integrity of the transmission system.


Technical Criteria Regarding Transmission System Performance, Plant and


System frequency and variations

Article 11- Rated frequency of the system is controlled by TEİAŞ around 50 Hertz

(Hz) between 49.8-50.2 Hz range. Since system frequency can rise up to 52.0 Hz and decrease down to 47 Hz under exceptional circumstances, the design of the TEİAŞ and users plant and equipment must enable operation of that plant and equipment continuously between 47.5 and 52.0 Hz and for at least 20 seconds between 47.0 and 47.5 Hz.

System voltages and variation limits

Article 12 - Rated voltages of transmission system are 380, 154 ve 66 kV.

Under normal operating conditions; a transmission system of 380 kV is operated between 340 kV and 420 kV and a transmission system of 154 kV is operated between

140 kV and 170 kV. Voltage alteration for a transmission system of 66 kV and lower is

% 10. In addition, distribution level in the transmission system and voltage levels for internal consumption are 34.5, 33, 31.5, 15.8, 10.5 and 6.3 kV.

For eligible consumers and distributor license holding legal entities, basis regarding the correction of power factor that will be applied at the connection point are exercised in accordance with the regulation provisions related to security and quality of supply.

When a system failure occurs, some parts of the 380 kV transmission system can be permitted for an excessive voltage exposure of 450 kV that is determined as the top voltage limit to activate excessive voltage protection.

Transmission system voltage wave shape quality

Article 13- Plant, equipment and connection elements connected to the transmission system are designed in accordance with the values provided in the table in Appendix-1 with regard to harmonic content.

Under normal operating conditions, the maximum total level of harmonic voltage that occurs under outage conditions of a plant or equipment at a connection point in the transmission system, can not exceed; a) At 380 kV, maximum limit for total harmonic distortion of 2 %, with no individual harmonic voltage exceeding the upper limits given in Appendix-1, b) For each harmonic voltage of 154 kV and below, a total harmonic distortion limit of 3 %, without exceeding the upper limits given in Appendix-1.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

TEİAŞ may allow short duration peaks in the harmonic distortion limits given in (a) and (b) under exceptional conditions.

In case of connection to a user’s system, it is specified in the relevant connection agreement that the connected user must ensure that the loads causing harmonic distortion should be within the specified limit range. When harmonic measurement values are requested from the user, suitable equipment that can record harmonic values for twenty four hours is installed and operated by the user. It is stated in the connection agreement that TEİAŞ observer can join the harmonic measurements.

Sudden voltage changes

Article 14- Sudden voltage changes in the system that result from switching operations can not exceed ± 3 % of rated system voltage.

Sudden voltage changesthat happen as a result of shunt compensation switching operations, can not exceed ± 5 % of rated system voltage.

Voltage fluctuations and flicker

Article 15- Related to the voltage fluctuations at a common connection point due to the alternating load of the users who have direct connection to the transmission system; a) Repititive sudden changes of the voltage can not exceed 1% of the voltage level. Larger voltage changes can be permitted up to 3 % by TEİAŞ in exceptional cases provided that the transmission system or another user connected to the transmission system is not put under risk. b) A short term flicker severity of 0.85 units, a long term flicker severity of

0.63 units and for other voltage levels the values given in the table in Appendix-1 are taken as the basis for planning limit values for fluctuating loads connected to 380 kV and 154 kV transmission systems. c) The position of the existing and prospective users’ plant and equipment related to the flicker values are taken into consideration in the assessment of the connection of the fluctuating loads to the transmission system which cause flicker limits below those given in the table in Appendix-1, conducted by TEİAŞ.

In case of connection to a user’s system, it is specified in the relevant connection agreement that the connected user must ensure that the flicker values do not exceed the specified limit values. When flicker measurement values are requested from the user, suitable equipment that can record flicker values for twenty four hours is installed and operated by the user. It is stated in the connection agreement that

TEİAŞ observer can join the flicker measurements.

Phase imbalance

Article 16 All plant and equipment connected to the transmission system and their parts in the switchyards should be designed to stand disturbance in wave shape resulting from to phase imbalance.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Under planned outage conditions of transmission system elements, negative component of system phase voltage should be below 1 % of rated system voltage under normal operating conditions.

Phase imbalances resulting from planned outages of transmission system elements may be permitted upon TEİAŞ’s approval, provided that sum of harmonic components does not exceed 2% such imbalances do net occur very often and they often and they do not last long. This is stated in the connection agreement between the parties.

Technical criteria for plant and equipment

Article 17 It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that all connected users’ plant and equipment meet acceptable technical design and operational criteria specified by TEİAŞ and that they are consistent with the regulation related to security and quality of the supply.

Performance of the transmission system and detailed information about the provisions to be satisfied at the connection point are provided by TEİAŞ upon request of the user.

The substation of a user and/or plant and equipment and materials that will be provided in accordance with a transmission control agreement, are designed, manufactured and tested according to the IEC Standards and to standards determined by TEİAŞ and agreed upon by the user where IEC Standards do not exist.

When there are more than one plant and equipment of a determined capacity at

IEC standards or it is not specially mentioned, user complies with the standards

TEİAŞ determines.

The user shall ensure that the specifications of the plant and equipment at the connection point comply with the security procedures given in the connection agreement.

The user shall ensure that the user’s plant and equipment do not cause interference to and is compatible with the transmission system and that they are compatible with; a) Insulation levels of 380 kV and 154 kV of transmission system, b)

Harmonic voltage limits determined at the connection points by TEİAŞ for the user, and which will be determined again if required, c) Flicker severity limits determined at the connection points by TEİAŞ for the user, and which will be determined again if required.

Compliance of the user to clauses concerning security and quality of supply and to this Regulation can be controlled by TEİAŞ through measurements at the connection points when required.

Protection of the transmission system

Article 18 - User prepares and submits to TEİAŞ’s approval the design related to protection system and the methodology applied in accordance with the regulation



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

related to the security and quality of supply and to the provisions stated in the connection agreement, and implements the coordinated protection settings in to comply with the agreement.

For effective disconnection of plant and equipment from the transmission system during the connection or, when required in accordance with the criteria set out in the connection agreement, protection settings are made by the user under control and coordination of TEİAŞ.

Fault clearance by TEİAŞ and the user includes time for relay operation, opening of the circuit breaker and telecommunication signalling. Maximum fault clearance times for 380 kV and 154 kV overhead lines are 120 and 140 milliseconds, respectively. Fault clearance time can be 2% more than the fault clearance time that is agreed on with TEİAŞ and the user regarding the exceptional circumstances.

Protection system dependability index related to the performance of the circuit breakers should be at least 99 %. The faults of 1 % that can not be cleared by the main protection system should be repaired by the back-up protection system that will be established by the user.

Unless otherwise suggested by TEİAŞ, earth fault factor is 1.4 for 380 kV and

154 kV systems.

Opening time of a distribution feeder circuit breaker owned by TEİAŞ and users is determined depending on short circuit endurance time of step down transformers from tranmission to distribution and relay coordination which is in the dispatch centers existing in the line to which the line feeder is connected.

A user can request a longer fault clearance time than the one stated in the connection agreement for the faults in the transmission system. User’s request is evaluated by TEİAŞ, taking the design and operation conditions of the transmission system into consideration.

The details of the protection settings that the user and TEİAŞ agreed on are stated in the connection agreement. Protection is carried out by the user in accordance with the existing protection principles with regard to the operation security principles of main interconnected transmission system.

Legal entities who operate generation facilities are responsible for installing excitation protection system that shuts down the unit generator when unit excitation system fails.

If required, TEİAŞ may request the fitting of pole slipping protection to the unit after determining the necessary provisions.

If required, TEİAŞ may determine the necessary provisions for fitting of subsynchronous resonance protection to the unit. In addition, when required, TEİAŞ and the user may agree on the installation of sub-synchronious resonance eliminating or decreasing equipment as stated in the connection agreement between TEİAŞ and the user.



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User can work on or make a modification on the protection equipment or alter the settings of the equipment that can affect the transmission system, only under supervision of a technical observer from TEİAŞ.

User has to use isolators at the connection point that satisfy the “contamination level III” as defined in IEC-815 and the minimum rated specific creepage distance of

25 mm/kV and/or other technical provisions stated in the connection agreement.

The line connecting the generation facility to the transmission system shall be constructed by the user in accordance with the clauses of the Electricity Market

Licensing Regulation, responsibility boundaries set out in the connection agreement and site responsibility schedule given in Appendix-3.

User obeys TEİAŞ instructions for the switching order in the switchyard according to the short circuit power at the connection point.

For the connections to the transmission system at 380 kV and lower levels; when a special earthing infrastructure is required, user is informed as soon as possible by TEİAŞ about the technical criteria that should be followed for earthing and evaluation results in case of voltage increase.

The existing standards for the three-phase symmetrical fault current switching and withstand capability for the switchgear of the transmission system are 50 kA for

380 kV and 31.5 kA for 154 kV.

Higher voltage windings of transformers with primary side 66 kV or above must be star connected with the star point suitable for connection to earth. At least 120 mm

2 copper is used for substation primary grounding. Connections will be thermowelding connections or connections approved by TEİAŞ as detailed in the connection agreement.

In areas with high short circuit power, neutral point of power transformers’ secondary side, is grounded via the neutral resistance or neutral reactor in order to limit phase to earth fault currents. In addition, neutral earthing transformer is installed in the distribution busbar for some special circumstances.

Neutral points of primary and secondary windings of 380/154 kV star-star connected autotransformers are directly grounded and neutral points are connected to the earthing network of switchyard. Neutral points of the primary coils of the star-triangle transformers that connect 380 kV to distribution system are directly earthed. Secondary coil of the same transformer is grounded via the grounding transformer. Neutral points of the primary coils of the star-star transformers without tertiary that connect 154 kV to distribution system are directly earthed. Secondary coil of the same transformer is earthed via the earthing impedance.

TEİAŞ installs the low frequency relays required for automatic load shedding.

Load that will be automatically shedded from the system in case of low frequency is determined by October 31 st

for the following one year, by TEİAŞ and put in effect after the Authority is informed.



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Design and Performance Conditions of the Generation Facilities

Design and performance criteria of generation facilities

Article 19 - Design and performance basis for generating units include the technical and design criteria that the units directly connected to the transmission system and the units connected to a user’s system should comply with.

Generating units with an installed capacity below 100 MW or 50 MW unit capacity and generation units based on renewable energy resources that are not designed for frequency and voltage control are not subject to these conditions.

Plant performance requirements

Article 20 - Units should have the capacity to satisfy rated power output between 0.85 power factor of overexcited operation and 0.95 power factor of underexcited operation.

Short circuit ratio of the unit can not be less than 0.5 for thermal and combined cycle gas turbine units, 0.75 for the hydro units with a 10 MW and lower installed capacity and 1.0 for the hydro units with a capacity greater than 10 MW.

Units working as synchronous compensator should be able to work with zero power factor. When thermal units work at overexcited operation, their capacity should be able to produce reactive power upto 75% of their nominal power and when they work at underexcited operation termic units’ capacity should be able to consume reactive power up to 30 % of their nominal power. When hydro units work at overexcited operation, their capacity should be able to produce reactive power upto

75% of their nominal power and when they work at underexcited operation hydroelectric units’ cpacity should be able to consume reactive power up to 60 % of their nominal power. These capacity values are stated in the connection agreement.

TEİAŞ can allow users to change these capacities without discrimination in accordance with the regulation related to security and quality of supply.

Units should have the capacity to; a) Produce constant active power output for the sytem frequency changes within the range 50.5 to 49.5 Hz., b) Produce active power at a level higher than the linear characteristic values given in Appendix 2 for system frequency changes within the range 49.5 to 47 Hz.

Under normal operating conditions, active power output of a unit that is directly connected to the transmission system should not be affected from the voltage changes. In this case reactive power output of the unit should be fully available within the voltage range ± % 5 at 380, 154, 66 kV and lower voltages.

Generator control arrangements

Article 21 - Every unit should contain control mechanisms that can contribute to the frequency and voltage control by continuous modulation of active and reactive power that is given to the connected system.



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Every unit should posses a proportional speed governor or unit load controller or substitute control equipment that performs frequency control under normal operating conditions and gives fast response. This control equipment should have a mechanism that changes the nominal frequency setting continuously or at least within

50 ± 0.1 Hz interval with maximum steps of 0.05 Hz.

Speed governor should be designed and operated in accordance with standards that satisfy the rules of international interconnection condition. When such standards do not exist speed governor should be designed and operated in accordance with

European Union’s frequency control system design and modification standards.

Existing and prospective standards in the UCTE documents are taken as basis in accordance with the targets related to integration of Turkish electric system with

UCTE system. The plants that will participate in primary and/or secondary frequency control should comply with the provisions in these documents. If compliance with standards in UCTE documents on primary frequency is demanded, dead band of the speed governor should be able to be set to 0 (zero).

Standards used for the speed governors are reported to TEİAŞ; a) At application for connection agreement, or, b) At application for a modification in the connection agreement, or, c) Soon as possible prior to any modification on the speed governor.

Speed governor must meet the following minimum requirements; a) Speed governor must be able to control the active power output of the unit to keep it constant within the operating interval in coordination with the other control equipment, b) Speed governor should be able to keep the frequency between 47.5 and 52.0

Hz. when the section that unit is connected is disconnected from the transmission system as an island but the unit continues to feed the demand. However, this should not cause the output power to go below the designed minimum output level of the unit, c) Speed governor is set to work with a speed droop between 2% and 6% for hydro units and 3% and 5% for the other units, d) For units in one block, the dead band of the speed governor should be ±

0.015 Hz, except for the steam unit. For the steam unit, dead band of the speed governor is determined in accordance with the frequency interval given in part (b) and frequency control conditions stated in the balancing rules.

Minimum requirements determined for the speed governor should not affect the negotiations between TEİAŞ and the user about the necessary commercial ancillary services that depend on other parameters.

Equipment to receive and process the signals from NLDC automatic generation control system shall be installed by the user in accordance with provisions in the connection agreement, on to the units selected by TEİAŞ for secondary frequency control within the scope of ancillary services agreement.



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All units should satisfy the profile of minimum frequency control requirement stated in Appendix 4. Generation facilities based on renewable energy resources and cogeneration facilities with a total efficiency of the facility is higher than 70 % which are restricted to regional heating and heat and steam provision commitments to the clients are exception to this minimum frequency control requirement.

Related to the automatic excitation control system that keeps the unit’s voltage constant and voltage regulator; a) Detailed technical information for warning control equipment and power system stabilizers are stated in the connection agreement, b) Reactive power limiters that limit the reactive power output of the unit in accordance with the system stability and excitation current limits in the operating interval, are installed and set as specified in the connection agreement, c) Related to the voltage control, other control facilities including the constant reactive power output control modes and constant power factor modes, are stated in the connection agreement. However, if this facility is already present in the excitation control system, it can be put out of use depending on TEİAŞ’s request, d) When the power of the unit is increased slowly from zero to full load, excitation control system should be accurate enough to make sure that the deviation in the output voltage does not exceed 0.5 % of the predetermined nominal value, e) If the unit is exposed to a drastic voltage change, the excitation control system whose output is controlled by the automatic voltage regulator, should be able to reach lower and upper voltage limits of the generator warning winding in no longer than 50 miliseconds, f) If a sudden voltage change of 10 % or greater occurs in the unit output, excitation control system should be able to provide upper limit value of loaded positive excitation voltage and at the same time negative upper voltage limit value equal to 80 % of positive upper voltage limit. This value should not be less than twice of nominal excitation voltage and 6-7 times the unloaded (no-load) excitation voltage that is stated in the connection agreement, g) Excitation system for the static excitation sources that derive excitation power from the unit output with the help of a power transformer should be able to automaticly trigger, if unit output voltage drops to 20 -30 % of its nominal value, h) Unit should have a power system stabilizer that can provide electrical damping power in the automatic voltage regulator in case of low frequency electromechanical oscillations of 0-5 Hz. that can occur in the system. TEİAŞ and user, together, make the settings of the power system stabilizer.

Steady state output power variations

Article 22 - At steady state, standard deviation in the unit output power within half an hour time should not exceed 2.5 % of the installed capacity of the unit.

Negative component loadings

Article 23 Negative component of voltage in 380 kV and 154 kV system, should not exceed 1 % of positive component. Units should be able to withstand without tripping the negative component loadings that happen due to phase-phase



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

faults in the transmission or user’s system or instable loads, until the clearance of the system by the reserve protection.

Earthing of the neutral points of unit transformer amd generators

Article 24 - Neutral points of the transformer windings that are on the side of the transmission system are earthed directly. In the generation dense regions, in order to limit the single phase earth fault current in the 154 kV system, neutral point of the windings coil that is on the side of the transmission system is completely isolated.

Neutral point of the generators should be earthed over the resistance. Generator earthing resistance, is determined and established in accordance with the provision that rezisting and reactive components of phase earth fault current are equal. Neutral points of the generators should not be isolated completely and should not be earthed directly or over the reactance.

Unit frequency accuracy

Article 25 Legal entity which is involved in generation activity, is responsible for protecting its units against the harms that can occur due to frequencies out of 47-52

Hz range. Legal entity is responsible for cutting the connection between the equipment, unit and the system and taking all of the preventive actions for the security of the facility and/or personnel when the frequency is outside this range.

The provisions about these units with fast-start capability are stated in the connection agreement. Units having this capability can be used for operating reserve and can be initiated by frequency relays at a preset frequency in 49-52 Hz. range.


Communication Conditions responsibilities for the communication and control system that is established for management, operation and control of the communication system between TEİAŞ and the users are stated in the connection agreements.


Article 26 Technical properties, installation and operation and maintenance

Voice communication system

Article 27- Voice communication system is a special communication system between TEİAŞ and control operator of the user that is used for controlling, operating and monitoring the system over a number of communication platforms.

The voice communication between load dispatch and system operation centers and user facilities, is provided by installation of appropriate software and hardware compatible with TEİAŞ’s existing communication facilities by the user. User are responsible for making the required technical changes and modifications that are stated in the connection agreement in the other associated centers.

In order to satisfy effeciency in management, operation and controlling of the communication system, a telephone provided by a public telephone network operator shall be placed in the related control room of the user in accordance with the connection agreement.



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In addition to the telephone line that is connected to the international line, a fax machine using a separate line is kept in the control centers of TEİAŞ and distribution companies, control room of the generation facilities, the control points of the directly connected consumers and at points where commercial transactions are carried out.

Telephone and fax numbers and the changes that will be made in these numbers are reported to TEİAŞ and/or distribution companies before the communication plant and/or equipment are connected to the system.

Protection signalling system

Article 28- The required hardware for the communication of protection signals relating to connection system between the transmission system and the user’s system shall be installed by the user.

Data communication system

Article 29 - Data communication system is where data from user’s system is gathered, processed, evaluated, transmitted to the related load dispatch center and where the required information and instructions are transmitted to the user’s facility from the related dispatch center.

Remote terminal unit, hardware, software, communication link and equipment required for system control and data collection activities are installed in user’s and

TEİAŞ’s related facilities in accordance with the conditions stated in the connection agreement. User connects the required control inputs for TEİAŞ such as signal, indicator, alarm, measurements, circuit breaker, disconnector to the system control and data collection equipment over an information collection panel which will be installed adjacent to the equipment.

If user prefers computer control system which is an integral part of the facility instead of remote terminal unit for data communication; and his preference is accepted by TEİAŞ, suitable system for the required performance is provided by the user.

Data communication between user and TEİAŞ control and system operation centers is established in compliance with the NLDC rules stated in the connection agreement, communication protocol and communication medium.

Data communication is accomplished utilizing at least two separate links one of which is main and the other back-up link.

Data communication network

Article 30 - The data communication network and technical infrastructure of this network which will be used between TEİAŞ and the user for administrative, financial and commercial information exchange and for balancing and settlement activities are established in accordance with standards and rules prepared by TEİAŞ under Authority’s coordination.

Additional communication requirements

Article 31 - The requirements for modifications and adjustments in the user’s existing voice and data communication system for the purpose of reinforcement, development and renovation of the transmission system shell be provided by the user.



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Secondary frequency control equipment

Aricle 32 Equipment and related connection required for secondary frequency control are provided and installed by the user. Connection data to be transmitted to

NLDC and required data for adjustment of control parameters at RLDC are provided by the user.

System and interface required for the secondary frequency control, should be compatible with the signal sent from the automatic frequency control software in the


Signals to be received from the units to monitor transmission system

Article 33 User is informed by TEİAŞ about the voltage, current, active and reactive power and other signals that will be received from the units in order to monitor transmission system and these signals are provided by the user in order to transmit to the related center of TEİAŞ. When, where and how the related equipment for the transmission of these signals will be established and how the related costs will be paid are determined in accordance with the provisions of the connection agreement.




Principles of Planning and Related Parties

Principles of Planning

Article 34 TEİAŞ is the responsible party for preparing the capacity projection for a minimum period of ten years based on demand forecast prepared by the distribution companies, finalized by TEİAŞ and approved by the Board.

By taking into account the economical aspects of opportunities related to the connection to and/or use of the transmission system according to the capacity projections, TEİAŞ is responsible of preparing the transmission system ten year progress report, for the purpose of determining the most suitable regions for energy transmission and providing guidance to investors. Preparation of this statement and the investment plan in accordance with the revenue arrangements performed by the

Authority, and publishing of the statement upon approval of the Board are also performed by TEİAŞ.

The transmission system ten year progress report and the generation capacity projections are yearly submitted to the Board for approval so it can be published on

October 31.

Besides planning of the transmission system, TEİAŞ is also responsible of performing operations related to the existing and proposed connections and identifying and acquiring necessary information from parties subject to planning in order to prepare capacity projections.

Parties subject to planning

Article 35- Principles of planning concerning the transmission system development are applied to;



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

a) TEİAŞ, b) Legal entities engaged in generation, c) Distribution companies.

Responsibilities of parties subject to planning

Article 36- Detailed and standard planning data, included in the attachment 5, that covers the 10 year period following the current year is provided to TEİAŞ by the parties subject to planning by March 31 of the current year.

Where there is no change in the data with respect to the previous year, TEİAŞ is informed by the user in writing of the condition that there is no change in the data between the current and the previous year.

For new applications regarding connection to and/or use of system, standard planning data is presented to TEİAŞ.


Generation Capacity Projection and Transmission System Ten Year

Statement Report

Generation capacity projection

Article 37 TEİAŞ is responsible of preparing the generation capacity projection that covers projection for minimum ten year period, based on the demand forecast that is prepared by the distribution companies, finalised by TEİAŞ and approved by the Board, in order to maintain the quality, continuity and reliability of electricity suply and also to lead the market participants.

Generation capacity projection includes the demand development for the following ten year period, generation, regional demand supply balance, transmission system and transmission system perfromance sections.

Demand development section includes the following items; a) Demand and loss forecasts prepared by the distribution companies, b) Sectoral demand development, c) Analysis regarding the comparisons between the physical realization and the demand forecasts of the previous year, d) The internal consumption amount that generation facilities operating in the distiribution region utilized from the system in the previous year, e) Peak demand information for the previous year along with the main factors affecting the demand.

Generation section includes the following items; a) Total installed capacity in Turkey in the previous year, b) Generation capacity amounts as per energy resource type of the generation facilities connected with the transmission and distribution systems,



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c) Yearly capacity increases necessary for the reliable fulfillment of demand, d) Capacities of the generation facilities that have been licensed but not yet commissioned, e) Imported and exported energy amounts in the previous year, f) Production facilities that have been put out of operations in the previous year and their production capacities, g) Production amount of the units that are expected to be non-operational for longer than a year and the duration of non-operation.

Regional demand and supply balance section includes the following items; a) Regional demand supply balance, b) Recommendations regarding precautions that could be taken in order to ensure security and quality of supply in case of delays in the registered completion dates of the facilities for which licenses have been obtained but not commissioned yet.

Transmission system ten year statement report

Article 38 Transmission system ten year statement report has the objectives of putting forth the opportunities of connection to and/or use of the transmission system, together with their economical aspects, identification of the most suitable regions for electric energy transmission and also leading the new market participants.

The transmission system ten year statement report includes the following items; a) Basic parameters of the transmission system as of the end of the last year, b) Regional characteristics of the transmission system, c) Evaluation of the current performance of the transmission system, d) Improvements planned on a yearly basis, e) Investment plans of the transmission system, f) Regional transmission tariffs.


Planning Data

Data to be prepared

Article 39 Planning data, as it is in the attachment-5 consists of two types; standard and detailed.

Standard planning data is prepared periodically by the users while the detailed planning data is prepared upon TEİAŞ’s request.

Planning data follows the following levels according to the development phases of the project; a) Preliminary project data, b) Committed project data,



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c) Contracted project data.

Preliminary project data

Article 40 Information and documents concerning the user’s connection to and/or use of the transmission system are accepted to be project preliminary data until connection and/or use of system agreement is signed. Data at this level is confidential and cannot be disclosed to third parties by TEİAŞ until further levels have been reached.

Under normal conditions, project preliminary data only consists of standard planning data. Detailed planning data is also included in the preliminary project data in order to perform more detailed transmission system analysis where requested by


Committed project data

Article 41 Additional data requested by TEİAŞ along with data that has been submitted as project preliminary data following the signing of the connection to and/or use of system agreement are accepted as committed project data. This data along with other data belonging to TEİAŞ are utilized to evaluate new applications, to prepare generation capacity projection and transmission system statement reports and also to plan investments.

Committed project data consists of standard and detailed planning data.

Committed project data cannot be disclosed to third parties except under the following circumstances: a) In the preparation of the generation capacity projection and transmission system development reports, b) Operational planning purposes, c) International interconnection works.

Contracted project data

Article 42- Contracted project data can be exchanged with validated actual data before connection to the transmission system is realized. Similarly, future data can be exchanged with updated forecast data by taking into account demand as well. Data provided at this phase will form the basis for the contracts and agreements between parties.

Contracted project data, along with other other data of TEİAŞ, will form the basis for evaluating new applications and transmission system planning.

Contracted project data consists of standard and detailed planning data.

Contracted project data cannot be disclosed to third parties except under the following circumstances: a) In the preparation of the generation capacity projection and transmission system development reports, b) Operational planning purposes,



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c) International interconnection works.


Planning Criteria

Planning Criteria

Article 43- TEİAŞ plans and develops the transmission system in accordance with the provisions set out in the transmission license. Users take into account

TEİAŞ’s views and practices in planning and improvement works concerning their own generation facility and/or network.

Transmission system development plan that is prepared by TEİAŞ based on regulation clauses concerning security and quality of supply comes into effect following the approval of the Board. TEİAŞ publishes generation capacity projection and production safety criteria that is taken as a basis in the preparation of transmission system development plan. This criteria includes calculations of the probability of not meeting the peak demand, based on finalized generation capacity projection.

Probability of not meeting the demand should be equal to or less than 2 % per annum, which indicates not meeting the peak load for a total period of seven days in a year. TEİAŞ includes its views in the annual connection opportunities report in order to reach annual generation capacity projection targets.


Operating Rules


Principles of Demand and Energy Forecast and Related Parties

Principles of demand and energy forecast

Article 44 Demand and energy forecast is performed daily by meeting the criteria concerning system integrity, security and quality of supply and also with information obtained from parties subject to Balancing and Settlement Regulation and in accordance with the system constraints and bids and offers.

Demand and energy forecasts are taken as a basis in the studies concerning the transmission system, in the planned maintenance of generation, transmission and distribution facilities, and in the coordination of outages of the generation facilities.

Parties subject to demand and energy forecast

Article 45 Principles of demand and energy forecast are applicable to; a)

TEİAŞ, b) Distribution companies, c) Legal entities that operate as generators, d) Eligible consumers that are directly connected to transmission system.



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Responsibilities of parties

Article 46 Distribution companies inform TEİAŞ in writing by April 30 for the year following the current one (year 1) of their monthly demand forecast in GWh and weekly minimum and maximum demand forecast in MW and MVAr, and for the year following the next year (year 2) monthly demand forecast in GWh and monthly minimum and maximum demand forecast in MW and MVAr.

Distribution companies inform TEİAŞ in writing within thirty days in case there is a deviation of more than 5 % in the forecasts submitted to TEİAŞ previously.

Daily demand forecasts in MW and MVAr of connection points on hourly basis should be submitted to TEİAŞ in written until 10.00 of the previous day by distribution companies and eligible consumers that are connected to transmission systems and by legal entities that obtain energy from international interconnection.

Production programs of the generation facilities connected to distribution network are taken into consideration in the demand and energy forecasts presented to

TEİAŞ by the distribution company.

In case of discrepancies between demand and energy forecasts provided by users and TEİAŞ’s own forecasts, relevant user’s opinion is asked and final demand forecast is composed by TEİAŞ.

Demand and energy forecasts of the users directly connected to the generation facility are presented to TEİAŞ by the generating legal entity to which such users are connected.


Operational Planning

Principles of operational planning

Article 47- Operational planning involves coordination by TEİAŞ of the outages for maintenance, repair and construction of plant and equipment in accordance with the demand and energy forecast.

TEİAŞ performs operational planning through coordinating the planned outage programs of the units subject to balancing system and transmission system plant and equipment in order to minimize outages that would adversly affect the system and to maintain continuous and reliable fulfillment of demand.

Operational planning includes the following situations that involve planned outage of the units that are subject to the balancing system, transmission or distribution system plant and equipment; a) Situations that adversly affect the availability of units that are subject to the balancing system, b) Situations where the availability of a unit subject to the balancing system decreases because of any problem with the generation services including a problem in the provision of fuel,



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c) Situations that adversly affect the availability of a standby power plant within normal modes of operation, d) Situations which constrain units subject to balancing system from supplying of energy to the transmission system.

Parties subject to operational planning

Article 48 Principles of operational planning are applicable to; a)

TEİAŞ, b) Distribution companies, c) Legal entities directly connected to the transmission system that operate as generators, d) Eligible consumers that are directly connected to the transmission system.

Principles of programmed outages

Article 49- All users should submit their requests for outages of their plant and equipment for Year 1 and Year 2 to TEİAŞ by 30 April of the current year. The information submitted to TEİAŞ must apply to each generating unit and include weekly availability for Years 1 and 2. This notification includes also the availabilities of the units. These requests are included also in the plan which will be prepared by


TEİAŞ shall conduct an analysis of plant margins for Year 1 taking into account transmission system constraints by 31 May every year. TEİAŞ shall on the basis of this analysis prepare the first draft of the annual plan and suggest changes (if any) to the users in writing. Users have until 31st of July, to notify TEİAŞ of any objections to suggestions concerning changes and they shall notify TEİAŞ their alternative suggestions regarding their objections by August 31st.

TEİAŞ prepares the first draft of the annual report by 30 September after negotiations with users on suggested changes and notifies any changes to users whose outage programms are revised.

The annual plan prepared for Year 1 is finalised by 31 September. This information regarding the outages of plants subject to balancing system will be treated as commercially sensitive and confidential by TEİAŞ.

Once a maintenance outage is approved by TEİAŞ it can only be changed; a) by notice from TEİAŞ prior to the commencement of the outage, for reasons of security of supply or security of the power system or safety of user’s staff or public safety, b) by TEİAŞ’s approval following a request by the user for reasons of security of supply or economics of operation, c) by agreement between TEİAŞ and a User where only that user is affected by the proposed changes.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Outage planning procedures for the current year

Article 50- Outage planning procedures for the current year are prepared based on; a) By 1100 hrs each business day, each generating legal entity shall notify

TEİAŞ in writing the forecast return to service of any of their units under planned outage, unplanned outage, forced outage or breakdown for the period from Day 2 ahead to Day 14 ahead and each distribution company shall notify TEİAŞ in writing with corresponding information relating to its distribution system. b) Between 1100 hrs to 1600 hrs each business day, TEİAŞ shall analyse the upper and lower limits of actual generation capacity, taking account both the transmission and the distribution systems’ planned outages, transmission and distribution constraints and including a reasonable contingency allowance for generating unit breakdowns. c) By 1600 hrs each business day, TEİAŞ shall advise each generating legal entity and each distribution company in writing if the availabilities will lead to plant margin shortfalls for the period from Day 2 ahead to Day 14 ahead. d) By 1600 hrs each Wednesday; each generating legal entity shall notify

TEİAŞ in writing any update to the final annual plan for Year 1 and include an estimate of the availability of each unit for the second week following the current week to Week 52 ahead, and each distribution company shall notify TEİAŞ in writing with any update to the final annual plan for Year 1. e) Between 1600 hrs each Wednesday to 1700 hrs each Friday, TEİAŞ shall establish the upper and lower limits of actual generation capacity taking account both the planned outages and the system constraints of the transmission system and the distribution systems and including a reasonable contingency allowance for generating unit losses. f) By 1700 hrs each Friday, TEİAŞ shall advise generating and distributing legal entities in writing the adequacy of plant margins for the period from the following week to week 52 ahead.

Short term planned outages

Article 51- Short term planned outages are scheduled outages which were not notified in the annual plan, but agreed on and have a planned start time and duration.

For outages of less than eight hours the notification period should be not less than twenty-four hours notice.

For outages from eight hours duration up to forty-eight hours duration the notification period should be not less than seven calendar days notice.

Notified unplanned outages

Article 52 Where due to unavoidable circumstances of his plant and equipment, a user needs to arrange an outage, then the user must include in his written notification to TEİAŞ: a) Full details of all plant and/or equipment affected including any restrictions in availability, b) The expected date and start time of the unplanned outage,



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

c) The estimated return to service time and date, of the plant and/or equipment affected and the time and date of the removal of any temporary capacity restrictions, d) Details of any restrictions, or risk of trip, on other plant and equipment caused by the unplanned outage.

TEİAŞ may request the user to advance or defer an unplanned outage where in the opinion of TEİAŞ the unplanned outage would adversely affect the security of the power system. If the user agrees to this alteration then it will send written confirmation to TEİAŞ of the new suggestion regarding the unplanned outage dates.

Forced outages

Article 53 In the event that there is a forced outage, or a decrease in capacity, or disconnection from the transmission or distribution system or there are transmission constraints related to a plant or equipment which is a party to the balancing system without the prior agreement of TEİAŞ, then the user shall immediately notify TEİAŞ of the event.

The user must provide its best estimate of the likely duration of the forced outage of his plant and equipment and such reasonable data as TEİAŞ requires.

Information regarding the outage shall be notified to TEİAŞ as soon as practicable as they get more clear.

Data requirements

Article 54 Each legal entity that is a party to the balancing system, shall notify to TEİAŞ by 31 March in each calendar year data relating to their units such as; any changes to the operating characteristics as detailed in the data registration schedules and/or power purchase agreement with respect to the previous year, the technical specifications of the unit transformer and the unit loading curve (according to

Appendix-6) and the unit planning parameters (according to Appendix-7).


Operating Margin Planning

Principles of Operating Margin Planning

Article 55 During system operation, TEİAŞ plans the adequate generation capacity which make up operating margin to comply with the regulations relating to security and quality of supply.

Operating margins set out for system operation are utilised for the purpose of balancing supply and demand in the system.

Parties subject to generation margin planning

Article 56 Generation margin planning principles apply to; a)


TETAŞ, c) Legal entities that operate as generators, d) Distribution companies.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Operating margin

Article 57 The two types of operating margin are; standby reserve and operating reserve: a) Standby reserve is the margin of generation over forecast demand taken across a 24 hour period starting from real time. Standby reserve is intended to be utilised in conditions where the consumption exceeds the demand forecasts due to conditions that can not be foreseen like the uncertainties plant availabilities and unexpected weather conditions. This reserve is provided by units that are not required to be synchronised but which are held on standby and available to be instructed to synchronise within a defined timescale, as specified in the provisions of this regulation related to balancing. b) Operating reserve is that additional output available from units in service and/or units that can return to service in a short time and/or a reserve caused by a reduction in demand, in order to contribute to stabilising and correcting frequency deviations and to ensure system stability.

The operating reserve is considered across three time zones; a) The ten second response or primary reserve; A unit’s automatic response to reach the determined load within 10 seconds from the time of frequency change, and sustain this response against the decrease in frequency via automatic load control, for up to

30 seconds, b) The thirty second response or secondary reserve; A unit’s automatic response following the ten second response to reach the determined load over the 20 second period from 10 to 30 seconds from the time of frequency change and to sustain this response against the decrease in frequency via automatic load control capability for up to five minutes, c) The five minute response or fast start reserve; A unit’s response to reach the determined load by using additional capacity according to the provisions of this regulation regarding balancing with the instruction of NLDC or within 5 minutes from the time of a frequency change, but excludes the first 10 second and 30 second responses of a unit in service, and/or full availability within 5 minutes of gas turbines or hydros that are not already sychronised but held in fast start, d) Demand managment or load shedding; is the automatic disconnection of predetermined consumers low frequency relays when system frequency decreases to a certain level to ensure decrease in the demands of consumers for the purpose of preventing the decrease in system frequency.

Criteria for standby reserve

Article 58 Standby reserve is determined everyday on a daily basis for the following 7 day period. This reserve will be decided by TEİAŞ on the basis of the availability of units, demand forecasts and the accuracy of the forecast demand to actual demand.

Where standby reserve is to be held on a balancing mechanism unit or block,

TEİAŞ will issue an instuction to hold standby reserve to the generator which will include the length of time to synchronise to the power system. The time to synchronise will be



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

consistent with the relevant contracted project data as registered in the planning or balancing instructions issued under this regulation.

Criteria for operating reserve

Article 59 The amount of operating reserve required will be determined by

TEİAŞ having regard to the demand levels, unit availability shortfalls and the allowance of the loss of the largest loaded unit or block.

Where the power system can become islanded due to failure, then operating reserve will also need to be allocated for this possibility within the framework of the technical capabilities to meet the requirements of each island. Until sufficient standby reserve units can be synchronised, loaded and connected to the other parts of the system to stabilise each islanded power system, demand side management measures are applied by TEİAŞ to maintain system frequency within acceptable limits.

Data requirements

Article 60 The response capability data required for each balancing system unit’s operating reserve characteristics consist of; a) Primary response to frequency change data which describes the unit’s response at different levels of load from minimum generation to normal full load; b) Governor droop characteristics expressed as a percentage of frequency drop, c) Unit control options for maximum droop, normal droop and minimum droop, each expressed as a percentage of frequency drop.

These data will be registered by generating legal entities and will also be notified to

TEİAŞ under this regulation.


Demand Control

Principles of demand control

Article 61 When there is insufficient available generating capacity to maintain the system frequency within the levels defined in article 11, TEİAŞ and users follow the demand control procedures below to reduce demand: a)

Demand control carried out by TEİAŞ and/or users according to the agreement, b)

Reduction of the transmission system voltage by TEİAŞ, c) Planned manual disconnection or emergency manual disconnection of load initiated by TEİAŞ, d) Disconnection of load by automatic relays to preserve security and quality of supply in the transmission system.

TEİAŞ implements demand control as the last option for the purpose of preserving the security and quality of supply in the transmission system and without any discrimination.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Parties subject to demand control

Article 62- Demand control principles apply to; a)

TEİAŞ, b) Distribution companies, c) Eligible consumers directly connected to the transmission system.

User managed demand control

Article 63 Users can manage their own demand control under an agreement with TEİAŞ. TEİAŞ does not perform any demand control activity for such users.

Disconnection of demand by under-frequency relay

Article 64 Demand may be automatically disconnected, in the event of a fall in frequency to the values determined before, by means of an under-frequency relay.

With regular intervals during the year, TEİAŞ performs rotations without any discrimination for frequency levels determined as 49.0, 48.8, 48.6, 48.4 Hz in the system.

Disconnection of demand by under-frequency relay is performed for the purpose of eliminating a short-term supply-demand imbalance.

Planned rotational load shedding

Article 65 In the event of a sustained period of shortfall in the generation capacity-demand balance, either for the system as a whole or for significant parts of the system, then the available power is shared among the customers equitably. This will involve a rotational load shedding programme where customers’ demand are disconnected.

Emergency manual load shedding

Article 66 In the event of an unexpected shortfall in the supply-demand balance or transmission constraints for the system as a whole, or for particular parts of the system, load may be shed manually in order to avoid more widespread load shedding or sustained operation at unacceptably low voltage or frequency levels. This load shedding will be implemented under a programme prepared by TEİAŞ in advance.

Notification of procedures for demand control

Article 67 TEİAŞ, after consultation with users, will prepare demand control procedures. These will consider various scenarios that would require the use of demand control, to maintain the integrity of the power system.

These demand control procedures are to consist of two parts, namely system warnings and demand control. TEİAŞ shall have the ability to amend these procedures when necessary, subject to Authority’s approval.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

System warnings sent to users by TEİAŞ consist of: a) Warning of inadequate system margin when the margin of generation is inadequate is sent to all users of the transmission system, including generating legal entities, b) To provide notice, where possible, only to those users who are likely to receive demand reduction instructions from TEİAŞ at short notice c) Cancellation of demand reduction imminent to all Users who were sent the original demand reduction imminent warning when the possibility of users’ demand reduction has passed.

Demand can be reduced also by reducing the system voltage where agreed by the distribution company without any need for demand disconnection.

Demand control shall be implemented in a number of ways, which include; a) Selective demand reduction by distribution companies or any directly connected customer at the instruction of TEİAŞ, b) In the event of an unexpected shortfall in generation for the entire system, demand reduction shall be instructed by TEİAŞ to avoid sustained operation at unacceptably low frequency or voltage, c) Under conditions of low frequency, demand shall be automatically shed by operation of under-frequency relays.

The demand control procedures will be circulated to all users for comment and where agreement is achieved, for implementation. Where agreement cannot be achieved with a particular user, TEİAŞ will act in line with the comments given by the



Operational Communication and Liaison

Principles of operational communication

Article 68- Operational communication covers the principles regarding the two-way reliable communication system to be established between TEİAŞ and users.

Parties subject to operational communication

Article 69- Principles of operational communication apply to; a)


TETAŞ, c) Legal entities directly connected to the transmission system that operate as generators, d) Distribution companies, e) Eligible customers that are directly connected to the transmission system.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Notification operations and events

Article 70 TEİAŞ and users shall inform to each other regarding the operational activities and events in accordance with the procedures and methods below.

In the case of a planned operation by TEİAŞ regarding system operation, which will lead to a change in the operations of a user’s generation facility or network,

TEİAŞ will notify the user via NLDC or RLDC within the shortest possible period.

In the case of a planned operation performed by a user on a user network or user generation facility which will lead to a change in the operations of the transmission system, the user will notify TEİAŞ. TEİAŞ will notify other users who will be affected by this operational effect.

A notification under conditions above must contain sufficient detail regarding the associated possible risks and their implications. These notifications must be given as far in advance as possible to allow the recipient time to assess the risk and deal with any matters arising.

Where there is not enough time for a written notification for unplanned events in the system like fault or erroneous operation caused by personnel or malfunctioning of equipment and/or control equipment or events that cause deviations from the normal operating conditions, then oral communications can be performed within 30 minutes following the occurance of the event. A written confirmation by fax, e-mail or letter is required afterwards to confirm the oral agreement.

Requirement to notify significant incidents

Article 71- A significant incident includes; system voltage and frequency outside normal operating limits, transmission system instability, overloading of plant and equipment and danger to persons and/or public as a result of these.

When in the opinion of TEİAŞ, the event notified by the user to TEİAŞ is found to have a significant effect on the transmission system, TEİAŞ may request a written significant incident report from the user. This report is prepared in the first business day following the request according to Appendix-11 and sent to TEİAŞ.

TEİAŞ may, when deemed necessary, require a significant incident report, concerning any event, from users.


Article 72-

A warning will be sent by TEİAŞ, usually by telephone, fax or email, to users who may be adversely affected by significant incidents in the transmission system. This warning will indicate the likely reason for the disturbance, the impact on the system, and duration of the disturbance.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.


Access and Work Safety


Article 73- Provisions regarding the access to sites that are owned by or under the responsibility of Users or TEİAŞ are stated in the connection agreement signed by

TEİAŞ and the User.

Principles of work safety

Article 74Principles of work safety specify the procedures for the establishment and coordination of essential safety precautions when one or more than one party is involved in the work to be done on plant and/or equipment.

Parties subject to work safety

Article 75 Principles of work safety apply to; a)

TEİAŞ, b) Distribution companies, c) Legal entities operating as generators that are directly connected to transmission system, d) Eligible consumers that are directly connected to the transmission system.

Safety measures

Article 76- Each party must approve the other party’s safety rules in relation to isolation and earthing prior to any work commencing. Safety rules are maintained until the parties confirm the termination of their work to each other. Where there is a change in safety precautions to either user, the change is confirmed by each of the users and the safety precautions are re-approved.

Authorised persons that can request work permit

Article 77-

TEİAŞ and the user shall produce a list of names of all personnel who can request work permit. TEİAŞ and the user exchange the lists of authorised persons. The new list will be confirmed by both parties when there is a change to the list.

Request for work permit

Article 78- In order that safety precautions can be taken for work to be carried out on plant and/or equipment that connects more than one transmission system or center by a common connection point, the user to perform the work will send the work permit request to the relevant load dispatch center not later than one week prior to the commencement of work by filling in the form given in Appendix-8.

Approval for work permit is granted following the acceptance of the work permit request by the related load dispatch center. The approved work permit request can be cancelled only by approval from the relevant load dispatch center. The forms given in Appendix-9 are filled out for applications regarding request for approval of work permit and cancellation of approved permit.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Commencement of work

Article 79 Coordination of the switchout, isolation and earthing processes of the plant or equipment shall be carried out by the respective control centres of the two parties involved. The form given in Appendix-10 is filled out by the load dispatch center for isolation maneuvers and the maneuvers are performed according to this form.

Agreement on safety precautions to be established and the adequacy of those precautions shall be reached by both parties before any work commences. This agreement shall be recorded in writing at both parties’ control locations.

Before work begins, the safety precautions agreed in advance shall be established by both parties. All isolation points identified in the form with number, nomenclature and position shall be locked and warning notices applied. Completion of this procedure shall be recorded in the safety log at the respective location and confirmed to the other party.

Following the establishment of isolation at all points of infeed, actions to apply agreed earthing may commence. The precise identity of every earth applied shall be checked by the number, nomenclature and position.

All fixed earths shall be locked in the closed position and a warning notice applied. Completion of earthing shall be recorded in the safety log at the respective location and confirmed to the other party. Only when all isolation and all earthing as previously agreed between the two parties has been completed may a work permit be written out.

It is the responsibility of the work safety officer named on the work permit to ensure that safety precautions written on the work permit are maintained and not removed until cancellation of work permit or termination of work. Safety precautions may be removed only when work is completed or work permit is cancelled.

Completion of work

Article 80 When the work has been completed the respective load dispatch center is informed by the work safety officer that the earthing and isolation on his system is no longer required and may be removed. This process regarding the return to service of the plant and/or equipment shall be coordinated by the respective load dispatch/control centres of the two parties.

Safety logs

Article 81-

TEİAŞ and the user, shall maintain at every operational site, a safety log, which shall be a chronological record of all sent and received messages relating to safety at that site. All safety logs shall be retained for at least one year.

Responsibilities regarding safety, training and environment

Article 82- The party performing work on plant and/equipment that is owned by or under the responsibility of one of the parties must perform its operations according to the safety rules and legal obligations related to safety of the party that is the owner. Similarly, TEİAŞ personnel performing work on a site that is owned by or under the responsibility of a user must perform his operations according to the safety



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

rules and the legal obligations related to safety of that user. TEİAŞ and users provide training for their personnel on these issues with periods not longer than 5 years.

Where settings, principle, fundamental procedure, site responsibility schedule and manoeuvre diagram that shows the condition of the site including the boundaries for operations and asset ownership between the parties or that that forms the basis of this concept is requested for the connections of one of the parties, they are given by the party that is the owner to the other party.

TEİAŞ and the users establish the essential precautions related to the protection of the environment during the work they perform.


Power System Restoration

Principles of power system restoration

Article 83 Power system restoration covers the principles related to achievement of continuous supply to all customers as quickly and as safely as possible and with minimum adverse consequences by TEİAŞ in the event of a partial or total shutdown of the power system.

Parties subject to power system restoration

Article 84 Principles of power system restoration apply to; a)

TEİAŞ, including the services acquired according to the ancillary service agreements within the concept of international interconnections, b) The legal entities operating as generators in hydro plants with reservoir and in generation facilities running on natural gas, c) Legal entities that export.

Generation facilities with black start capability

Article 85 Ancillary service agreements are made with generation facilities that can return to service without the need for external power supplies and they are registered by TEİAŞ as having the capability of starting up. Power supplied from a black start station can be used to energise the transmission system, to supply power to the customers and to reconnect the other generation facilities.

Interconnection connections and facilities between islanded power systems shall also be utilised if appropriate to provide a means of power system restoration.

The power system restoration plan

Article 86 - TEİAŞ shall be responsible for producing and updating a detailed power system restoration plan.

The overall restoration strategy to be followed by users will be set out in this plan which shall provide for the following sequential steps: a) The establishment of a number of islanded systems, centred on the start up of black start stations,



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

b) the feeding of local load from the generation facilities, c) the synchronisation of these islanded power systems with each other, d) the final full restoration to normal operation of the total power system.

In addition to setting out the overall restoration strategy to be adopted, the plan shall also address such issues as: a) Restoration priorities, b) Facilities available for restoration, c) Guidelines to be given to generation stations, distribution companies, and other users who must act on TEİAŞ instructions or, in the event of failure of communications, act independently to create an ıslanded system, d) Communication with government, media and the public.

Updating the power system restoration plan

Article 87 - TEİAŞ shall review and update the power system restoration plan when additional plant and/or equipment are connected to the transmission system and when some existing plant and/or equipment are decommissioned. Apart from these conditions, the plan shall be reviewed and updated at least every two years.

TEİAŞ may issue revisions to the plan, to take account of developments affecting the transmission system or other changed circumstances.

Amber alert

Madde 88- The amber alert shall be issued, electronically (if possible), from

NLDC to generation facilities, users and nominated contact locations and control centres of distribution companies. The amber alert signal should be realised without any delay at the receival points and must be acknowledged by the recipient. In the event of failure or nonexistence of electronic communication, the alert may be issued verbally and acknowledged verbally.

The user receiving the amber alert signaling system shall follow the the amber alert procedures. These procedures shall set out the actions required of the user in the event of a shutdown.

The amber alert signaling system and the amber alert procedures shall be reviewed at least biennially by the NLDC overseeing the review of the power system restoration plan. Changes to the amber alert procedures by the user at any location must be notified to

NLDC by the user without any delay.

Implementation of power system restoration plan

Article 89- The power system restoration plan sets out guidance to assist those involved in the restoration process to achieve total restoration of the power system as quickly and as safely as possible.

The power system restorattion plan may vary with the availability of generation facility and/or equipment, with time, with their usage and maintenance needs. When the plan cannot cater for all possible partial or total shutdown scenarios due to the



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

mentioned changes, TEİAŞ, acting through NLDC, will evaluate the status of the

Power System, and determine a new system restoration plan.

Each legal entity operating as generator or distributor shall abide by NLDC instructions during the restoration process, even in the event that they may conflict with certain details contained in the power system restoration plan or the amber alert procedures.

Power system restoration training

Article 90- It shall be the responsibility of each user to ensure that their personnel who are nominated to be involved with the power system restoration plan or the amber alert procedures are adequately trained and have sufficient qualifications and experience.


Significant Event Reporting

Principles of significant event reporting

Article 91- Significant events occurring during operation of the system are reported to TEİAŞ in writing for the purpose of ensuring the essential information exchange between the parties and establishing the operational policy.

Parties subject to reporting

Article 92 Principles of reporting apply to; a) TEİAŞ, b) Legal entities operating as generators that is directly connected to the transmission system, c) Distribution companies, d) Legal entities operating as generators that are connected to the distribution system and that are parties to balancing system, e) Eligible consumers that are directly connected to the transmission system.

Reporting procedures

Articles 93 The reporting of significant events are performed according to the principles below; a) Reports shall be in writing, b) Reports are addressed to the RLDC, c) Reports include the written confirmations of verbal notifications, d) Reports will be submitted during the first business day following the event, e) Reports are prepared in line with the format given in Appendix-8.

TEİAŞ notifies the other users who are likely to be materially affected by the event with approval from the party who originated the report. The reporting user submits a report to TEİAŞ for wider circulation, with commercial information removed. TEİAŞ complies with rules concerning confidentiality during evaluation of the report.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.


Numbering and Nomenclature of Plant and/or Equipment at Connection Points

Principles of numbering and nomenclature

Article 94- Principles of numbering and nomenclature sets out the responsibilities and procedures for determining the numbering and nomenclature of plant and/or equipment to be used at connection points belonging to TEİAŞ or the user including the naming of the substations.

The numbering and nomenclature of plant and/or equipment is to be included in an manoeuvre diagram prepared for connection points.

The format for numbering and nomenclature of plant and/or equipment shall be as shown in Appendix-12.

Parties subject to numbering and nomenclature

Article 95- The principles for numbering and nomenclature of plant and/or equipment at the connection points apply to TEİAŞ and the users 66 kV or higher.


Article 96- The following procedures are applied regarding the numbering and nomenclature of plant and/or equipment at the connection points; a) All users’ plant and/or equipment at a connection point shall have numbering and/or nomenclature which cannot be confused with TEİAŞ’ or any other user’s plant and/or equipment. These numbers and names will be clearly shown on the manoeuvre diagram. b) The manoeuvre diagram shall be maintained and revised by the owner of the plant and/or equipment to show correct numbering and/or nomenclature. A current copy of the manoeuvre diagram shall be clearly displayed at every connection point. c) The numbering of the connection points is carried out by TEİAŞ. d) In case of a dispute regarding the numbering and/or nomenclature at a connection point, TEİAŞ will determine the numbering and/or nomenclature to be implemented, e) The notifications regarding numbering and nomenclature of new connections are done not later than 3 months prior to the commissioning of the unit or at a shorter notice upon the agreement between users.

Labelling of plant and/or equipment

Article 97-

Users, including TEİAŞ, shall provide, erect and maintain clear and unambiguous weatherproof labelling showing the numbering and/or nomenclature of all plant and equipment at connection points. These labels must be fitted before commissioning.




The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

System Tests

Prtinciples of Tests

Article 98- Principles of tests involve controlled application of system tests under conditions apart from normal operating conditions on the user’s system and/or the transmission system.

These tests are carried out by the user or TEİAŞ. Such tests which may have a material impact upon the user’s system and/or the transmission system are undertaken in such a manner to ensure that; a) they do not threaten the safety of personnel or threaten to damage plant and/or equipment and cause the minimum detriment to other users, b) the test and test procedures are notified to TEİAŞ prior to commencement, and where necessary the test results are reported to TEİAŞ.

Parties subject to test

Article 99- Principles of test apply to; a)

TEİAŞ, b) Legal entities operating as generators that are directly connected to the transmission system, c) Eligible consumers that are directly connected to the transmission system, d) Distribution companies.

Test procedure

Article 100- System tests are performed according to the procedures below: a) Test proposal notice;

1) Where a user has decided that it would like to undertake a system test it shall submit a proposal notice to TEİAŞ in writing at least twelve months in advance of the date of the test. The proposal notice shall contain the purpose of the proposed system test and shall indicate the technical properties of the plant and/or equipment involved.

2) If the information set out in the proposal notice is insufficient, further information is requested from the user. The proposal notice will not be accepted until the relevant information is provided.

3) If TEİAŞ wishes to undertake a system test, TEİAŞ shall be deemed to have received a proposal notice. b) Preliminary notice and establishment of test panel;

1) TEİAŞ will determine, which parties (if any) may be affected by the proposed System Test in line with the information provided in the proposal notice submitted, and will sent a preliminary notice to these parties.

2) The system tests of the internationally interconnected parties will not take place unless it is stated in the interconnection agreement that they are subject to the principles of system tests.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

3) TEİAŞ will appoint a a test coordinator that will coordinate the system tests after it has received a proposal notice and in any event prior to the distribution of the preliminary notice. This coordinator shall act as chairman of the test panel and shall be a member of the test panel. c) When the system tests are to be undertaken by TEİAŞ, the test coordinator will be assigned by TEİAŞ. In other circumstances, the test coordinator is assigned by


1) in line with the comments from parties that will be affected by the system test and the party/parties that propose the system test,

2) from among persons nominated by the test proposer provided that the test does not affect the system significantly, but if the party or parties who propose the test are unable or unwilling to nominate a person within seven days after notification by TEİAŞ, then the proposed system test will be cancelled. d) Preliminary notice

The preliminary notice will contain;

1) the identity of the party/parties proposing the test, the details of the nature and purpose of the proposed system test, the technical properties of the plant and/or equipment involved and the identity of the users that will be affected by the test,

2) an invitation to nominate within one month a representative (or representatives, if the test coordinator agrees that it is appropriate) to be a member of the test panel for the proposed system test,

3) the name of the TEİAŞ representative on the test panel,

4) the name of the test coordinator and whom he was nominated by.

The preliminary notice will be sent to the parties within one month of the receipt by

TEİAŞ of all the relevant information that should be included the proposal notice.

The names of representatives nominated to be a member of the test panel must be sent to TEİAŞ by the parties within one month of the date on which the preliminary notice is sent to parties. TEİAŞ assignes the members of the panel notified by the relevant parties and provides their names to all parties.

Any user which has not notified the name of their representative will not be entitled to be represented on the test panel. If the test proposer does not notify the name of his representative, the proposed system test will not take place, and the users that will be affected by the test and the test proposer will be notified accordingly.

The work of the Test Panel

Article 101- A meeting of the test panel will take place within one month of the appointment of the members of the test panel.

The test panel shall consider: a) The operational and risk implications of the proposed system test on the system,



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

b) The possibility of combining the proposed system test with any other tests and with plant and/or equipment outages which arise pursuant to the Operational

Planning requirements, c) Implications of the proposed system test on the system balancing.

TEİAŞ and the parties shall be obliged to supply the test panel, upon request, with such details as the test panel reasonably requires, whether or not they are represented on the Test Panel.

The test panel shall be called to convene by the test co-ordinator as often as he deems necessary.

Proposal Report

Article 102- Within sixty days of first meeting, the test panel will submit a proposal report which will contain: a) Proposals for method for carrying out the system test and the manner in which the system test is to be managed, b) An allocation of costs between the affected parties the general principle being that the test proposer will bear the costs, c) Such other matters as the test panel considers appropriate.

The proposal report will be submitted to TEİAŞ, the test proposer(s) and to each

User affected by the test by the test panel.

Each recipient of the proposal report will respond to the test co-ordinator with its approval of the proposal report or its reason for non-approval within fourteen days of receipt of the proposal report. If any recipient does not respond, the system test will not take place and the test panel will be dissolved. Apart from these, where an agreement can not be reached during the preparation of the proposal report, the system test will not take place and the test panel will be dissolved.

In the event of non-approval by one or more parties, the test panel will meet as soon as practicable in order to determine whether the proposed system test can be modified to meet the objection or objections. If the proposed system test cannot be so modified, the system test will not take place and the test panel will be dissolved. If the proposed system test can be so modified, a revised proposal report is submitted within one month of the meeting.

In the event of non-approval of the revised proposal report by one or more parties, the system test will not take place and the test panel will be dissolved.

Test programme

Article 103- If the proposal report or, as the case may be, the revised proposal report is approved by all parties, the proposed system test can proceed. At least one month prior to the date of the proposed system test, the test panel will submit to

TEİAŞ, the test proposer and the user, a test programme stating the switching sequence and proposed timings of the switching sequence, a list of those staff involved

(including those responsible for site safety) and such other matters as the test panel deems appropriate.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

The test programme will bind all parties to act in accordance with the provisions of the test programme in relation to the proposed system test.

Any problems which arise or are anticipated prior to the day of the proposed system test, must be notified to the test coordinator by the relevant parties as soon as possible in writing. If the test coordinator decides that these anticipated problems merit an amendment to, or postponement of, the system test, he shall notify all the parties accordingly.

If operating conditions are such that any party involved in the proposed system test wishes to delay or cancel the start or continuance of the system test, they shall immediately inform the test coordinator of this decision and the reasons for it. The test coordinator shall then postpone or cancel the system test.

If the system test is postponed, the test coordinator will agree with the test proposer(s), TEİAŞ and all users on another suitable date and time. If he cannot reach such agreement, the test coordinator shall reconvene the test panel, which will endeavour to arrange another suitable time and date for the system test.

Final report

Article 104- At the conclusion of the system test, the test proposer(s) shall be responsible for preparing a written report on the system test for submission to TEİAŞ and other members of the test panel. The final report shall be submitted within three months of the conclusion of the system test unless a different period has been agreed by the test panel.

The final report shall not be submitted to any person or party who is not a member of the test panel unless the test panel shall have approved such submission.

When the final report has been prepared and submitted, the test panel will be dissolved.

Timetable reduction

Article 105 In certain cases a system test may be needed on giving less than twelve months notice. In that case, after consultation with the test proposer(s) and user(s), TEİAŞ shall draw up a timetable for the proposed system test which shall be followed in accordance with that timetable.


Testing, Monitoring and Investigation

Principles of Testing, Monitoring and Investigation

Article 106 Mandatory ancillary services, necessary commercial ancillary services and the commitments for balancing are subject to testing, monitoring and investigation for the purpose of control.

Where the plant and/or equipment owned by the users fail in these tests, the related provisions of connection and/or use of system agreements and the ancillary service agreements will be in force.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Parties subject to testing, monitoring and investigation

Article 107- The principles of testing, monitoring and investigation apply to; a) TEİAŞ, b) Legal entities operating as generators that are party to the balancing system, c) Distribution companies, d) Eligible consumers that are directly connected to the transmission system.

Performance monitoring procedures

Article 108-

TEİAŞ shall be monitoring the performance of; a) The balancing system units and blocks against balancing parameters, b) The users to see whether they perform their activities in compliance with the connection and balancing principles set out this regulation, c) The provision by users of ancillary services which they have agreed to provide.

In the event that a balancing system unit or block fails to meet, in any material respect, the parameters registered as connection and balancing parameters it has agreed to comply with or to provide the ancillary services, TEİAŞ shall notify the relevant user in writing. The relevant user must, as soon as possible, provide TEİAŞ with the details of the precautions he will apply for the purpose of eliminating the reasons for failure. TEİAŞ and the user will then discuss the details of these precautions. Where new operating conditions have been decided to apply for the balancing system unit or block, in the event that agreement on these conditions and the effective date for application cannot be reached within 10 days, TEİAŞ shall be entitled to request a test to be carried out on the unit or block.

Reactive power tests

Article 109-

TEİAŞ may at any time issue an instruction requiring a balancing system unit or connection block to carry out a reactive power test to check the reactive power they have agreed to provide according to the connection principles.

TEİAŞ issues this test instruction to the user within at least 48 hours prior to the test, provided that there will not be a planned outage for the unit or block on the date of the test.

The user shall provide an indication of the physical notification for the date the test will be performed.

The reactive power test will be performed not more than twice in any calendar year.

The test will be performed in accordance with the balancing parameters prevailing on the date the test will be carried out.

The duration of the test will be for a period of up to 60 minutes during which period the voltage is monitored at the transmission connection point for the relevant



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

unit or block to check whether it is maintained within the range set out in the balancing parameters. If necessary, the reactive power of the other units or blocks are changes and the response of the unit or block under test to this change is measured.

The performance of the unit or block will be recorded on a chart recorder in the user’s control room, in the presence of such persons as TEİAŞ may require, synchronously together with the values taken from the unit terminals and will be tested. The unit or block will pass the test if the reactive power output provided during the test is within +5% or -5% of the capability committed. The relevant user must, if requested, demonstrate to TEİAŞ’s satisfaction the calibration and other certificates of the chart recorders.

If the unit or block concerned fails to pass the test and this is accepted by the user, the user must provide TEİAŞ with a written report specifying in reasonable detail the reasons for any failure of the test. This must be provided within three business days after the test.

If a dispute arises between TEİAŞ and the relevant user relating to the failure of the unit, the user may require TEİAŞ to carry out a re-test. TEİAŞ carries out a re-test on 48 hours notice and the test is repeated. If the unit or block concerned fails to pass the re-test, either party may refer the matter for determination under the dispute resolution procedure in the relevant ancillary service agreement.

If it is accepted that the unit or block has failed the test or re-test, the user shall within 14 days submit in writing to TEİAŞ the date and time by which he complies with the reactive power capability he had agreed to provide. TEİAŞ will not unreasonably withhold its approval of the user’s proposal.

If a unit or block fails the test, the user may amend the relevant registered parameters relating to the reactive power capability, registered as contracted project data, and these parameters will be valid for the period until the unit can achieve the parameters previously registered.

Once the user has indicated to TEİAŞ that the unit or block can achieve the reactive power parameters previously registered as contracted project data, TEİAŞ shall either accept that these parameters are met by the notified date and time or request a re-test.

Frequency sensitive testing

Article 110- TEİAŞ instructs for a frequency sensitive test for the purpose of measuring the change in the output of a balancing system unit or block with respect to frequency.

TEİAŞ will notify the test instruction to the user at least 48 hours prior to the time of the test, provided that there will no planned outage of the unit or block on the date of the test.

The user provides TEİAŞ the physical notification in respect of the date the test will be carried out.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

The test of the balancing system unit or block is carried out by using the voltage and current signals provided by the user. Where the performance test at site is requied, the test is undertaken by the sychronous recording of the current, voltage and frequency values taken on the unit side of the generator transformer on a chart recorder in the relevant user’s control room in the presence of such persons as TEİAŞ may require.

If the user requests, measurements of the speed governors pilot oil/valve position are also included to these records.

The unit or block, as the case may be, will pass the frequency sensitive test if; a) Where monitoring of the ten second response and/or thirty second response and/or high frequency response to frequency change on the power system has been carried out, the measured response in MW/Hz is within ± 5% of the level of response specified in the ancillary service agreement for that unit or block, as the case may be, b) The speed governor pilot oil/value position has been measured, such measurements are within the criteria set out in the connection agreement, c) The response measured as a result of the test carried out on the MW/Hz change of the unit or block is within the requirements of Appendix-4 for gas turbine units except for combined cycle gas turbines.

All the conditions which may affect the results of the test are taken into account during the test. The relevant user must, if requested, demonstrate to TEİAŞ’s reasonable satisfaction the calibration and other certificates of the chart recorders.

If the unit or block concerned fails to pass the test and this result is accepted by the user, the user must provide TEİAŞ with a written report specifying in reasonable detail the reasons for any failure of the test within five business days of the test.

If a dispute arises between TEİAŞ and the user relating to the failure of the unit, the user may by notice require TEİAŞ to carry out a re-test. TEİAŞ makes a notification 48 hours before the test and the test is repeated. If the unit or block concerned fails to pass the re-test and a dispute arises, either party may refer the matter for determination under the dispute resolution procedure in the relevant ancillary service agreement.

If the unit or block, as the case may be, has failed the test or re-test, the user shall within 14 days submit in writing to TEİAŞ for approval the date and time by which he can comply with the frequency commitments previously registered. TEİAŞ will not unreasonably withhold its approval of the user’s proposal.

If a unit or block, as the case may be, fails the frequency sensitive test, the user may amend the relevant registered parameters registered as contracted project data, and these parameters will be valid for the period until the unit can achieve the parameters previously registered.

Once the user has indicated to TEİAŞ that the unit can achieve the frequency parameters previously registered as contracted project data, TEİAŞ shall either accept this information or require a re-test.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Five minute response testing

Article 111- TEİAŞ may issue an instruction to for any one or more of the balancing system units or blocks to synchronise and load up in accordance with its indication of the physical notification to tests their five minute response capability.

TEİAŞ will notify test instruction to the user at least 48 hours prior to the time of the test, provided that there will no planned outage of the unit or block on the date of the test.

The user provides TEİAŞ the physical notification in respect of the date the test will be carried out.

This test will be performed not more than twice in any calendar year.

The test will be performed in accordance with the balancing parameters prevailing on the day ahead of the the notification date.

The performance of the unit or block will be recorded on a chart recorder in the user’s control room, in the presence of such persons as TEİAŞ may require, synchronously together with the values taken from the unit terminals and will be tested.

The test will be deemed valid if the test data meets the five minute response criteria given in Article 57. The user must, if requested, demonstrate to TEİAŞ’s reasonable satisfaction the calibration and other certificates of the chart recorders.

If the balancing system unit or block concerned fails to pass the test, and this result is accepted by the user, the user must provide TEİAŞ with a written report specifying in reasonable detail the reasons for any failure of the test within five business days of the test.

If a dispute arises between teiaş and the user relating to the failure, the user may by notice require TEİAŞ to carry out a re-test on 48 hours notice and the test is repeated. If the unit or block, as the case may be, fails to pass the re-test and a dispute arises, either party may refer the matter for determination under the dispute resolution procedure in the relevant ancillary service agreement.

If it is agreed that the unit or block, as the case may be, has failed the test or retest, the user shall within 14 days submit in writing to TEİAŞ for approval the date and time by which the user can meet its five minute response capability. TEİAŞ will not unreasonably withhold its approval of the user proposal.

Once the user has indicated to TEİAŞ that the five minute response capability requirements registered as contracted project data can be achieved, TEİAŞ shall either accept that these parameters are met by the notified date and time or request a re-test.

Black start testing

Article 112-

TEİAŞ may require a black start test on a unit or a block in a black start station, to test the black start capability. Black start test is carried out either while the generation facility remains connected to an external alternating current electrical



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

supply, or while the generation facility is disconnected from all external alternating current supplies.

TEİAŞ notifies the relevant user having black start plant at least 3 days prior to the time of the black start test with details of the proposed black start test.

TEİAŞ shall not require the black start test to be carried out on more than one unit or block at that black start station at the same time.

The generation facility connected to an external alternating current electrical supply will not be required to perform a Black Start Test more than once in each calendar year unless TEİAŞ can justify on reasonable grounds the necessity for further tests or unless the test has failed.

The generation facility disconnected from all external alternating current supplies will not be required to perform a black start test more than once in every two calendar year unless TEİAŞ can justify on reasonable grounds the necessity for further tests or unless the test has failed.

Where local conditions require variations in this procedure the user shall submit alternative proposals, in writing, prior to commencement of the test for TEİAŞ's prior approval.

The following procedure will, in so far as practicable, be carried out in the following sequence for black start tests; a) Black start test carried out either while the generation facility remains connected to an external alternating current electrical supply:

1) The relevant black start unit shall be synchronised and loaded,

2) The black start generation facility shall be de-loaded and desynchronised and all alternating current electrical supplies to its auxiliaries shall be disconnected,

3) The auxiliary gas turbines and/or auxiliary diesel generators and/or

Auxiliary hydro generators to the relevant generation facility shall be disconnected,

4) The auxiliary gas turbines or auxiliary diesel generators or auxiliary hydro generators to the relevant black start unit shall be started, the internal demand busbar of the black start unit is re-energised,

5) The auxiliaries of the relevant unit shall be fed by the internal demand busbar to enable the relevant black start unit to return to synchronous speed,

6) The relevant black start unit shall be synchronised to the system but not loaded, unless the appropriate instruction has been given by TEİAŞ. b) Black start test carried out either while the generation facility is disconnected from all external alternating current supplies;

1) All units at the black start generation facility, other than the unit on which the black start test is to be carried out, and all the auxiliary gas turbines and or auxiliary diesel generators and or auxiliary hydro generators at the black start station, shall be shut down,



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

2) The relevant black start unit shall be de-loaded and de-synchronised,

3) All external alternating current electrical supplies to the unit board and to the station board of the relevant black start station shall be disconnected,

4) An auxiliary gas turbine or auxiliary diesel engine or auxiliary hydro generator at the black start station shall be started, and unit shall re-energise either directly, or via the station board, or the unit station board,

5) The auxiliaries of the relevant unit shall be fed by the internal demand busbar to enable the relevant black start unit to return to synchronous speed,

6) The relevant black start unit shall be synchronised to the system but not loaded, unless the appropriate instruction has been given by TEİAŞ.

All black start tests shall be carried out at the time specified by TEİAŞ and shall be undertaken in the presence of such persons as TEİAŞ may require, who shall be given access to all information relevant to the black start test.

A unit or block shall fail a black start test if the black start test shows that it fails to be synchronised to the power system within 15 minutes after being required.

If a unit or block fails to pass a black start test or the result of the test is not accepted by the user, the user must provide TEİAŞ with a written report specifying in reasonable detail the reasons for any failure of the test within five business days.

If a dispute arises between TEİAŞ and the user relating to the failure, the user may require TEİAŞ to carry out a further black start test on 48 hours notice. If the black start station unit or block fails to pass the re-test and a dispute arises, either party may refer the matter for determination under the dispute resolution procedure in the relevant ancillary service agreement.

If it is accepted that the unit or block has failed the black start tests, within 14 days, the relevant user shall submit to TEİAŞ in writing for approval, the date and time by which the black start capability can be achieved. TEİAŞ will not unreasonably withhold its approval of the user’s proposal.

Once the user has indicated to TEİAŞ that the unit can achieve the black start capability parameters previously registered as contracted project data, TEİAŞ shall either accept that these parameters are met by the notified date and time or request a re-test.

Availability testing

Article 113- Availability tests to determine the availability of a unit or block, either on TEİAŞ’s request in accordance with ancillary service agreements or on

TETAŞ’s request in accordance with the requirements of the relevant provisions of the power purchase agreement for the generation units TETAŞ pays for maintaining available capacity.

The user will comply with the instructions properly given relating to the availability test of the unit or block.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

TEİAŞ, consulting with TETAŞ, will determine whether or not a unit or block has passed an availability test. The prices to be paid for these tests are determined in accordance with the procedures set out in the ancillary service agreements and power purchase agreements which TETAŞ is a party to.

System balancing accuracy testing

Article 114-

TEİAŞ may not more than twice in any calendar year issue an instruction requiring a test to be carried out on any one or more of the user’s unit or block, as the case may be, to demonstrate that the relevant unit or block meets the relevant generation system balancing parameters.

TEİAŞ issues this test instruction to the user at least within 48 hours prior to the test, provided that there is not a planned outage for the unit or block on the date of the test.

The user shall provide an indication of the physical notification for the date the test will be performed.

The user will comply with the instructions properly given relating to the system balancing accuracy testing of the unit or block.

The test will be initiated by generation system balancing parameters prevailing on the day on which the test is called. The duration of the test will be sufficient to measure the relevant generation system balancing parameters.

The performance of the unit or block, as the case may be, will be recorded on a chart recorder synchronously, with measurements taken on the generator side of the generator transformer, in the relevant user’s control room, in the presence of such persons as TEİAŞ may require. The relevant user must, if requested, demonstrate to

TEİAŞ’s satisfaction the calibration and other certificates of the chart recorders.

The unit or block shall be deemed to pass the test if; a) Synchronisation is achieved within +5 minutes of the time it should have achieved Synchronisation, b) The synchronising generation achieved is within an error level equivalent to

2.5% of contracted capacity, c) The unit or block tested for run-up rates achieves the physical notification and, where applicable, the first and or second intermediate breakpoints, each within +3 minutes of the time it should have reached such output and breakpoints from synchronisation, d) The unit or block tested for de-loading rates achieves de-loading within +5 minutes of the time, calculated from registered de-loading rates, that it should have achieved de-loading.

Due account will be taken of any conditions which may affect the results of the test.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

If the unit or block fails to pass the test and this result is accepted by the user, the user must provide TEİAŞ with a written report specifying in reasonable detail the reasons for any failure of the test within three business days of the test.

If a dispute arises between TEİAŞ and the user relating to the failure, the user may by notice require TEİAŞ to carry out a re-test on 48 hours notice and the test is repeated. If the unit or block, as the case may be, fails to pass the re-test and a dispute arises on that, either party may refer the matter for determination under the dispute resolution procedure in ancillary service agreement.

If it is accepted that the unit or block, as the case may be, has failed the test or re-test, the user shall within 14 days submit in writing to TEİAŞ for approval the date and time by which the it complies with the relevant generation system balancing parameters. TEİAŞ will not unreasonably withhold its approval of the user’s proposal.

If a unit or block fails balancing accurasy test, the User may amend the relevant registered parameters relating to Generation System Balancing, registered as

Contracted Project Data, and these parameters will be valid for the period until the unit can achieve the parameters previously registered.

Once the user has indicated to TEİAŞ the date and time that the unit can achieve the parameters previously registered, TEİAŞ shall either accept that these parameters are met by the notified date and time or request a re-test.


Balancing Rules


Generation Planning

Generation planning principles

Article 115- The generation planning shall include i) the preparation of generation-consumption plans for the day ahead by the NLDC in line with the bids and offers submitted by the users, ii) keeping the generation capacity available with sufficient amount of reserves, and iii) ensuring security and quality of supply and system integrity.

Parties subject to Generation Planning

Article 116 The generation planning principles shall be applicable for a)

TEİAŞ, b) Legal entities engaged in generation and subject to balancing, c) Distribution companies, d) Eligible consumers directly connected to the transmission system.


Article 117- The generation planning shall be performed in line with the following procedures:



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

a) Timescale

Within the framework of the timescale of the day before the balancing; at 09.30 the NLDC shall announce the 24x1 demand forecasts for the period between 00:00 and

24:00 .

Until 12:00, the NLDC shall perform daily demand forecast analysis based on the previous day’s data. The RLDC shall notify the NLDC of any changes in the transmission system and generation availabilities.

The NLDC shall perform generation facility ordering, load flow arrangements, security analysis, short circuit analysis and system stability analysis, as it deems necessary for system security.

At 12.00, the legal entities engaged in generation activity subject to balancing and settlement, shall notify the following for each unit of the generation facility:

1) Physical status notification indicating hourly MW values for the day ahead,

2) Availabilities, MWh for hydroelectric plants and MW for other plants,

3) Bid and offer amounts,

4) Operation start and finish times,

5) Hourly bids and offers for settlement periods,

6) Time periods required for acceptance of bids and offers,

7) Minimum stable generation levels,

8) Final contract amounts for each settlement period.

The distribution companies shall notify the NLDC of the operational constraints that affect the transmission system for the day planned.

The NLDC shall officially publish the generation-consumption plan at 16:00.

The bids and offers accepted by the NLDC shall be published hourly for each unit.

These acceptances shall be notified to TETAS, bidders, and RLDCs.

The NLDC may send synchronization orders to the users even before the publication of the generation-consumption plan for the planned day. In case the synchronization is delayed, the users shall immediately notify the NLDC of the situation.

The generation-consumption plans published by NLDC at 17:00 shall be deemed to be officially accepted by the bidders. b) Generation bids

The generation bids shall be notified to the NLDC together with changes in availabilities until 12:00.

The balancing parameters pertaining to the units subject to balancing and settlement shall be submitted to the NLDC by users using the format indicated in Appendix




The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

In cases where any unit or generating block changes its availability status (from non-availability to available status), the users shall submit availability notifications. Such notification shall state that the unit and/or the block may start operating in synchronization with the transmission and/or distribution system as of the any hour notified. c) Distribution system and user’s system data

The distribution companies and users directly connected to the transmission system shall notify the NLDC of the following for the subsequent availability period until 12:00 everyday:


Constraints emerging in the distribution system or user’s system and operation of units connected to the distribution system,

2) Transmission system reserve MVAr requirements.

Physical status notifications, bids and offers

Article 118- The users shall notify the NLDC of all changes in the unit balancing parameters, including availability, physical status, bids and offers, until


The user shall submit physical status notifications for all generation facilities with unit capacities of 50 MW and above or total installed capacities of 100 MW and above. Such notifications shall also include bids and offers for each settlement period.

In case the unit use ancillary fuels, the unit balancing parameters shall be notified separately for each fuel type.

The bids and offers may not be subject to change after they are submitted.

The physical status notifications shall be binding for the related users. On the condition to be permitted by the NLDC and provided that if will not affect the system, the users may alter/transfer the physical status notifications from one unit to another within the same generation facility.

On the condition to be permitted by the NLDC and provided that if will noaffect the system, the users may alter/transfer the physical status notifications from one generation facility to another within the same generation portfolio and from one unit to another within the same generation facility. Such alterations shall not be allowed in cases where the system integrity and security and quality of supply are not ensured.

In cases where the user fails to notify the NLDC of the unit balancing parameters until 12:00, the current (existing) unit balancing parameters and bids and offers shall be deemed to be valid.

The physical status notifications regarding the hydroelectric units used for irrigation purposes shall be published for 24x1 hours.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Preparation of generation timescales

Article 119- The NLDC shall prepare the following schedules regarding the generation-consumption balance for the day ahead: a) Unrestricted contract schedule: This schedule shall indicate the contractual allocation of the outputs of units subject to balancing and settlement, based on the presupposition that the transmission system does not have any constraints, b) Generation-consumption plan: This plan shall indicate the contractual allocation of the outputs of units subject to balancing and settlement, with due regard to the transmission constraints.

The NLDC shall prepare the generation-consumption plan in a manner to consider the transmission constraints, transmission losses, the order of bids and offers and the operational reserves required for meeting the demand.

Evaluation of bids and offers

Article 120- The NLDC shall evaluate the bids and offers with due regard to the following: a) Technical constraints of units, b) Transmission and distribution constraints, c) Unit balancing parameters, d) Bid and offer prices submitted by the unit.

Determination of bids and offers orders in case of bad weather conditions or damage risks

Article 121 In case of bad weather conditions or operational risks in nthe transmission system, the NLDC may deviate from the bids and offers orders determined, as part of the emergency plans, and may prefer to operate another unit.

Synchronization program

Article 122- The operation start and finish times of the units included in the generation-consumption plan shall be determined by the NLDC in a manner to meet the system demand. The units shall be ready for synchronization in line with the generation-consumption plan. The periods required for synchronization of the units indicated therein within the previously determined periods shall be notified to the

NLDC by the users.

Meeting the minimum demand

Article 123- The NLDC shall constitute the amount of reserve capacity required for frequency control operations under minimum load conditions.

Obligation to provide data

Article 124- The user shall notify the NLDC of the parameters of the related unit within the timelimits specified.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.


Ancillary Services

Mandatory ancillary services

Article 125 The mandatory ancillary services to be provided by the legal entities engaged in generation activities shall include the following: a) The reactive power flowing in or out of the system by the units during their operation as generators or synchronized compensators, b) Primary prevention control as indicated in Appendix-4, c) Primary sustainability control as indicated in Appendix-4, d) Primary high frequency control as indicated in Appendix-4.

Commercial ancillary services

Article 126 The legal entities engaged in generation activity may provide the following ancillary services if they reach an agreement with TEİAŞ for provision of such services: a) Secondary frequency control, b) Warm and hot reserves, standing reserves, fast start reserves, c) Frequency control in the form of fast acting reserves, d) Demand control, e) Reactive power capacity (other than capacity that ensures nominal output of units between 0.85 and 0.95 capacity factors), f) Black start.



Real-time balancing principles

Article 127 The balancing principles shall include principles regarding the availability conditions of the units subject to balancing and settlement and acceptance of bids and offers by the NLDC with due regards to the system operation conditions.

Parties subject to real-time balancing

Article 128- The parties subject to balancing include TEİAŞ and legal entities engaged in generation activity and subject to balancing and settlement.


Article 129 The NLDC shall notify the RLDCs of the acceptances based on the load dispatch status in the system. The RLDCs shall notify these acceptances to the generation facilities and receive the related confirmations. The NLDC shall directly inform the bidders that submit bids and offers for more than one plant.

The units subject to frequency control shall automatically change their generation outputs in line with the changes in frequency.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

In case of any changes in availabilities, while evaluating the generation bids and offers, the NLDC shall consider the following factors in addition to the availability status, bids and offers:

1) the failure of the related entity in meeting its obligations arising from its bids and offers,

2) differences between estimated and existing demand,

3) the condition of the units during tests, acceptances and commercial operations.

In cases where two or more users submit the same bids and offers, the NLDC shall prefer the one that is most compliant with this regulation.

The NLDC may re-optimize the generation-consumption plan, when required. The users have to notify the RLDC of any changes in availability status. The users shall first notify the RLDC via telephone and then, confirm the situation in writing.

Acceptance of bids and offers

Article 130 On the condition to be included in the availability notification, the

NLDC may accept the bids and offers of a unit even if it is not included in the generation-consumption plan. The NLDC shall receive the bids and offers of such units from the shift officer in charge at the generation facility.

The acceptances approved by the legal entities engaged in generation activity shall be notified to the NLDC via telephone and/or fax and then, confirmed in writing.

Scope of acceptances for units subject to balancing and settlement

Article 131- The user accepts that its bids and offers are in the form of spinning reserves, unless otherwise stated by the NLDC.

The acceptance may include the following: a) Synchronization time, b) Provision of ancillary services such as frequency control, reactive power, reserves and black start, c) Details regarding the power transformer levels of the units, d) Test orders, e) Weather conditions and its effects.

Order form

Article 132 The final versions of the orders shall be recorded in the order forms, which shall be kept in registry for ten years.

Liabilities of the legal entities engaged in generation activities

Article 133- The legal entities shall comply with all their obligations when their bids and offers are accepted by the NLDC, and shall immediately notify the

NLDC if they are likely to fail meeting their obligations.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Emergency conditions

Article 134- The NLDC shall publish emergency condition orders in order to protect the operational security of the transmission system under emergency conditions. Such orders may bring additional obligations for the users in addition to unit balancing conditions and synchronization notifications. The legal entities engaged in generation activities shall immediately notify the NLDC if they are likely to fail meeting their obligations.


Frequency Control

Frequency control principles

Article 135- The frequency control shall be performed by the NLDC via automatic responses of the units in the frequency control system, load increases and decreases in the units, and demand control methods.

Parties subject to frequency control

Article 136- The frequency control principles shall applicable for a)

TEİAŞ, b) Legal entities engaged in generation activities subject to balancing and settlement, c) International interconnections, d) Eligible consumers with demand decreasing options, e) Distribution companies.


Article 137- The frequency control shall be performed using the following options: a) All generation facilities with unit capacities of 50 MW and above or total installed capacity of 100 MW and above shall be obligated to participate in primary frequency control within the scope of mandatory ancillary services. These facilities shall also participate in secondary frequency control within the scope of commercial ancillary services. The generation facilities with lower installed capacity may participate in primary or secondary frequency control only if they submit proposals to

TEİAŞ and if their proposals are accepted. b) The NLDC shall increase or decrease the load of any unit in line with its bids and offers submitted, c) The units operating via low frequency relays may be used for the following responses:

1) Synchronization and generation from stand-by position,

2) Generation from zero-generation status,

3) Automatic loading.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

The low frequency relay’s operational set-up conditions shall be determined by the

NLDC and the related user. The users may not change these conditions, except for security purposes. In cases where it is revealed that these set-up conditions need to be modified, the user shall immediately notify the NLDC. d) The NLDC may use the “demand control via low frequency relay” method in order to meet frequency control conditions. The users shall comply with these conditions, except for security reasons; and shall notify the NLDC if they fail to meet such conditions. e) In cases where the system frequency falls, the units shall balance the frequency by increasing their output power by 4% for each 0.1 Hz decrease in the frequency. In cases where the system frequency increases, the units shall balance the frequency by decreasing their output powers.

The correction of electrical timing errors shall be performed by the NLDC through balancing actions compliant with nominal system frequency. The NLDC shall be responsible for keeping the electrical timing errors within the pre-determined limits.


Data Recording


Principles Applicable to Data Recording and Subject Parties

Principles applicable to data recording

Article 138 This section covers the procedures applicable to the preparation, updating and recording of operational and planning data which parties request from each other.

Parties subject to data recording principles

Article 139 Data recording principles shall apply to; a) TEİAŞ, b) Legal entities performing generation activities as directly connected to the transmission system, c) Distribution companies, d) Eligible consumers directly connected to the transmission system, e) Legal entities performing generation activities at generation facilities with 50

MW and higher unit capacity or 100 MW and higher total installed capacity, connected at the distribution level, or legal entities performing generation activities at generation facilities with significant impact on the transmission system, f) Legal entities performing import activities, g) Wholesale companies, h) Retail sale companies.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.


Data Groups, Procedures, Obligations

Data groups

Article 140- Data groups are divided into three categories; a) Operational and balancing data, b) Standard planning data, c) Detailed planning data.

Preparation and presentation of data

Article 141- Users shall prepare and present to TEİAŞ the data sheets given in annexes and listed in Article 144 in line with the following principles: a) Data to be prepared pursuant to Sheet 1, 5 and 6 shall be sent to TEİAŞ, b) In case of an agreement between TEİAŞ and the user regarding data communication, the method to be pursued shall be specified through mutual agreement, c) Data to be prepared pursuant to Sheet 5 shall be prepared in line with the instructions of TEİAŞ latest by April 30 every year, d) Users shall take all security measures to protect all data.

Data updating

Article 142- In case of any change in the data recorded at TEİAŞ, user shall notify TEİAŞ thereof promptly.

Missing Data

Article 143- In the event that data prepared by one of the parties does not reach the other or reaches but is incomplete, estimated data shall be prepared and such data shall be communicated to other party in writing.

Data Sheets

Article 144- The data sheets to be prepared are listed below: a) Sheet 1 – Generation unit or combined cycle gas turbine block data, b) Sheet 2 – Generation planning parameters, c) Sheet 3 – Units’ outage programs, usable power and fixed capacity data, d) Sheet 4 – User systems data, e) Sheet 5 – User outage data, f) Sheet 6 – Load characteristics at connection points, g) Sheet 7 – Demand control, h) Sheet 8 – Data to be provided by TEİAŞ to users, i) Sheet 9 – Demand profile and active power data, j) Sheet 10 – Connection point data, k) Sheet 11 – Short circuit data,



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

l) Sheet 12 – Short circuit data, short circuit currents from power plant transformers.

The data sheets applicable to user groups are given below: a) Generation companies directly connected to the transmission system: Sheets

1, 2, 3, 6, 8 and 12, b) Legal entities performing generation activities at generation facilities with

50 MW and higher unit capacity or 100 MW and higher installed capacity, as connected at the distribution level, or legal entities performing generation activities at generation facilities with significant impact on the transmission system: Sheets 1, 3, 8 and 12, c) Legal entities performing generation activities other than those covered by sub-paragraphs (a) and (b): Sheets 1, 8, 12, d) All distribution companies, wholesale companies, retail sale companies, users directly connected to the transmission system and international interconnection network operators: Sheets 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Abbreviations used in sheets






Installed Power

% 100 MVA






N necessary additions,













Standard planning data,

Detailed planning data,

Minimum generation,

Maximum generation,

Percentage of Nominal MVA (%),

Registered capacity,

Percentage of 100 MVA (%),

Generation facility,

Not applicable,

Generation group No. 1,

Generation group will be used by user ‘N’ by making

= Fiscal Year.


Settlement of Disputes, Communication, Notification, Effectiveness and


Settlement of disputes

Article 145 In the event that disputes arising from the implementation of this regulation cannot be settled between TEİAŞ and relevant parties, the Authority shall be competent in settling disputes. The decision to be taken by the Board shall be binding on both parties.

Communication and notices

Article 146- Notifications shall be done in conformity with the provisions of the Notification Law No. 7201.

Provisional Article 1- Of the generation facilities in operation on the publication date of this regulation, those that do not the meet the minimum frequency control



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.

requirement in line with the provisions of Annex-4 shall obtain the software and hardware necessary for participation in frequency control within one year following their license issue date.

Provisions of Article 11 of the Law shall apply to those that do not fulfill their obligations.

Provisional Article 2- The existing demand forecasts prepared until 1/1/2005 by relevant institutions as well as transmission system development and investment plans based on such forecasts shall be used for the preparation of generation capacity projection.


Provisional Article 3 Transmission system ten-year development report shall be prepared for the 380 kV and 154 kV system in the first five years and for the 380 kV system in the last five years.

Provisional Article 4- Of the generation facilities in operation at the publication date of this regulation, those that do not meet the requirements set out in

Article 9 of the regulation shall be exempted for one year starting from their license issue date.

Provisional Article 5- Connection to and/or use of system agreements between

TEİAŞ and the real persons or legal entities that will connect to or use the transmission system shall be signed in line with the provisions of the connection and use of system communiqué to be published by the Authority within 30 days following the publication date of this regulation.

Provisional Article 6- Connection to and/or use of system agreements between

TEİAŞ and users connected to or using the transmission system as of the publication date of this regulation shall be signed latest by November 1, 2003.


Provisional Article 7- Existing demand forecasts prepared by relevant institutions and transmission system development and investmen plans based on the aforementioned demand forecasts are used in preparation of the Generation Capacity Projection until the demand forecasts prepared in accordance with the regulation concerning demand forecasting is enacted is approved by the Board.



Article 147 This regulation shall be effective at the date of its publication.


Article 148 This regulation shall be enforced by TEİAŞ.


Amended by the regulation published in the Official Gazette dated December 31, 2003 and numbered 25333.


Amended by the regulation published in the Official Gazette dated July 19, 2003 and numbered 25173.

3 Inserted by the regulation published in the Official Gazette dated July 15, 2005 and numbered 25967.



The English version of the Electricity Market Grid Regulation is intended to assist interested foreign parties. There may be discrepancies between the Turkish and English versions. In case such discrepancies occur, the Turkish version shall prevail.
