上海财经大学《 》课程考试卷(A)

True and False
<TOTAL20 marks>
For each of the following, place a “T” if the statement is “true”, “F” if the
statement is false. (20 marks, 2 marks/ Question)
___F___ 1. “Marketing” is best described as “selling”.
____F__ 2. Market share can be defined in both currency as well as in units sold.
Because both ratios calculate market share, market share will be the same for a firm
regardless which measurement is used.
____F___3. A “high-involvement purchase” usually involves a considerable amount
of time researching the product and the product is a routine purchase.
____F___4. A cohesive marketing mix consists of the product, promotion, price,
and personnel.
____F___ 5. The first step in the purchase decision process is information search.
_____F__6. When the price setter stresses the supply or cost side of the pricing
problem, they are using demand-oriented approach.
____F___7. Retail position matrix makes use of these two dimensions: Service and
Value added.
____F___8. A market segment would have a collection of prospective buyers that
are ready to buy。
_____F__9. The perceptual map is a means of display or graphing in two
dimensions the location of products or brands in the minds of managers.
____F__ 10. The difference between a direct channel and an indirect channel is that
the consumers must go to internet to purchase in direct channel.
SECTION 2: Multiple Choice:Choose Just One Answer
(Total 38, 2 Marks/Question)
1. At what stage of the PLC (Product Life Cycle) can a higher price usually be
Introduction or
R&D Era
2. Using Price as a measure of the quality of a product and setting price high is:
A. Prestige pricing
B. Pricing Lining
C. Pricing odd-even
D. Target pricing
3. All activities involved in selling renting, and providing goods and services to
ultimate consumers for personal, family or household use are known as:
A. Marketing
B. Retailing
C. Personal Selling
D. Sales promotion
4. The store carries a mix of automotive, outdoor, sporting, and decoration goods
as well as house wares. What term would describe its product line?
A. Complexity
B. Breadth
C. Depth
D. Richness
5. Selling brand-name products at lower than regular price is:
A. Guaranteed to cause a loss not a wise business decision.
B. Off-price retailing
C. Markup
D. Shrinkage.
6. Any paid form of non personal communication about an organization, good,
service or idea by an identified sponsor is called:
A. Publicity
B. Public relation.
C. Advertising
D. Promotion
7. Questions such as:”What ads do you remember seeing yesterday?” are an
example of what type of post-test?
A. Aided recall
B. Unaided recall
C. Inquiry test
D. Attitude test.
8. Norms and expectations about the way people do things in a specific country are
referred to as:
A. National character
B. Customs
C. Values
D. Preferences
9. The main reasons a firm segments its markets are:
A. To refine sales forecasts and allow for more product differentiation.
B. To create more word-of-mouth in a market.
C. To focus advertising and monitor sales
D. To respond to different needs and wants in market and increases sales and
10. One of the following is NOT a criteria when forming segments:
A. Potential for higher profits and ROI.
B. Similarity of needs
C. Difference in needs of buyers among segments
D. Fewer customer complaints.
11. Selecting target markets means using criteria such as cost of reach the segment
and __:
A. Size and expected growth
B. Marketing investment
C. Density of population
D. Values of customers.
12. The framework to relate the market segments of potential buyers to products
offered or potential marketing actions by the firm is called:
A. Action grid
B. Relation grid
C. Product grid
D. Market grid.
13. Intermediaries make the flow of products from producers to buyers possible by
performing three basic functions:
A. Production, transmission and display
B. Assorting, storing and sorting
C. Transactional, logistical and facilitation
D. Buying sorting and financing
14. Risk taking, transporting and grading. Professional managed and centrally
coordinated marketing channels designed to achieve channel economies and
maximum marketing impact are called:
A. Vertical marketing systems
B. Horizontal marketing systems
C. Centrally coordinated systems
D. Professional coordinated marketing systems.
15. During the introduction stage of the PLC, sales gradually increase and
A. Competition becomes tough
B. Profits are minimal if not negative.
C. More investors needed
D. The promotion is finished.
16. The marketing objective for the maturity stage of PLC is to
A. Maintain brand loyalty
B. Stress differentiation
C. Harvest
D. Gain awareness
17. When a company retains the product but reduces marketing support costs it is in
what stage of the PLC
A. Decline
B. Maturity
C. Growth
D. Introduction
18. If, after buying a product, the customers is anxious about the choice she/he
made, this is called:
A. Post purchase behavior
B. Cognitive dissonance
C. Comparative tension
D. Buyers’ dissatisfaction.
19. Learning refers to behaviors that result from
A. Repetition of experience
B. Thinking
C. Observation
D. Repetition of experience, thinking and observation.
Section 3: Short Answers (Total 42 Marks)
1. In your own words, and in 1 or 2 lines, describe what is marketing? <7
Understanding consumer needs and wants
Delivering consumer satisfaction and value
Deliver Customer Satisfaction at a profit.
An organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and
delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that
benefit the organization and its stakeholders.
2. Chumby Industries has primarily relied on internet for promoting the Chumby.
Suppose it comes to you to learn more about other promotional options:
a. Briefly explain the concept of IMC to the Chumby Industries
management. (6marks)
The coordination and integration of all promotional activities for a product or
service to deliver a clear, consistent and compelling messages to target market
(1 mark).
Mentioning the four parts of IMC: Advertising, Sales Promotion, Personal
Selling and Public Relations
b. Provide the management a key advantage of using an IMC. (2mark)
More effective way to communicate than any single promotional mix.(1 mark)
c. Alert the management to at least two potential difficulties that they
would need to be careful about when designing an IMC for Chumby. (2
High cost to implement (1 mark) and difficult to coordinate (1 mark)
Or any disadvantage of the five elements are fine.
3. Buffalo-based Bell Aerospace Inc. is preparing to commercialize its patented
“Jet Pack”. (Total 25)
The Jet Pack straps on to the back of its wearer like a knapsack. The wearer, then,
using a hand-held thruster, is able to transport himself/herself a distance of up to
100 meters by “flying through the air.” A wearer of the Jet Pack can reach heights
of up to 20 meters.
Bell’s Jet Pack is made of light weight aluminum. It is
rectangular in design (dimensions: 22cm x 22cm x 8 cm)
and weighs 12 lbs when filled with fuel. It is fueled by
peroxide, can reach speeds of up to 15 kms/hour and is
silver. Bell Aerospace expects the product to be available
for adults between the weights of 130 and 150 lbs in
November 2005.
a) Assuming the Bell Jet Pack is targeted towards the consumer marketplace (ie
NOT business to business), please choose your target market, explain the reason for
choosing that target market and describe that target market. (15)
No specific answer.
Require students to be able to segment the market on a base and describe the
market from different variables.
Be able to use the professional terms: demographical, social-status, personality,
value, psychological, geographical, behavioral etc.
Require students be able to understand the criteria to choose a target market:
The size and potential growth
The fit between the product and the benefits sought by the target market
The synergy between product lines of the company
The purchase power of the customers.
Cost of reaching the market
Compatibility with the firms’ objectives
Competitive position
2) Would you recommend a skimming pricing or penetration pricing strategy for
this new product? Why?(10)
Either one is fine.
Students are required to consider the three Cs, customer, competitor and
cost/company to set a price level.
• Willing to buy
• Enough demand
• Customer’s interpretation of high price as high quality
• Not attract competition
• High R&D cost.
Price sensitive consumers
Discourage competition
Unit cost decreases dramatically with the sales volume.