Fahrenheit 451 Something to Think About Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: 1. In today’s world, writers and artists are not as important to society as scientists and engineers. 2. Laws are always written for the protection of the citizens. 3. Some books are evil and should be destroyed. 4. It is impossible to be really close friends with people who think differently than you or differently from your friends and relatives 5. A responsible person will do their job, even if they are very uncomfortable about doing it, because when you have a job, you do not have the right to make decisions based on your own personal judgment. 6. If most people believe something, then it must be rue even if there is no proof. 7. If something is really bothering you, it is best to put it out of your mind, because thinking a great deal about something that bothers you can never lead to happiness. 8. People who follow society’s laws and rules are always people of higher moral character than those who break the rules because of their personal beliefs. 9. Only those who are hired to protect society’s laws, such as police officers, should be allowed to own and use guns. 10. There are some things so important in life that they are worth risking your life for. The KidReach Reading Center http:/www.westga.edu/~kidreach/Fahrenheit.html Fahrenheit 451 DEFINE THE FOLLOWING WORDS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Stolid gorging Minstrel Burntcorked Waft marionette Mausoleum Tallow Stratum Melancholy Salamander Proboscis multi - faceted trajectory transcription erected fevered platinum proclivities Asylum Accusation fervor Tower of Babel Jargon Fathoms Centrifuge Luminescence Feigning Ruddy Pastepudding Pratfall Unitarians Dictum Breach Titillation Pagan Bestial Theremin Tactile Bewilderedly The KidReach Reading Center http:/www.westga.edu/~kidreach/Fahrenheit.html Fahrenheit 451 Study Guide Questions for Fahrenheit 451 Part I: The Hearth and the Salamander 1. What is the “great python?” 2. What is Guy Montag’s occupation? 3. What scent does Montag carry? 4. Who is Clarisse McClellan? 5. What is against the law? 6. What is the difference between the firemen in history lessons and the firemen of Montag’s company? 7. Why was Clarisse’s uncle jailed? 8. What does Montag’s wife have in her ears as she sleeps? 9. Where does Montag need to take Mildred? Why? What happens there? 10. What does Mildred want for the house? 11. What is the Hound? 12. What does Clarisse say about school? 13. What happens at 11 No. Elm, City ? 14. Describe Montag and Mildred’s relationship. 15. Why does Montag want to call in sick? What does Beatty say to Montag? 16. According to Beatty, what was happening to society to bring about the changes? 17. What does Montag pull out from the ventillator? 18. Who is Faber? Why does Montag seek his company? 19. What dream does Beatty have about Montag? 20. How does Montag feel about his job at the beginning of the novel? The KidReach Reading Center http:/www.westga.edu/~kidreach/Fahrenheit.html Fahrenheit 451 21. What is so different about Clarisse? Immediately after meeting her, how does Montag feel? 22. Compare and contrast Clarisse and Mildred. Consider their attitudes, how they approach life, what they expect from themselves and other people, and how they react to their world. 23. Why does the Hound growl at Montag? Does this foreshadow something? Explain your answer. 24. Would you like to live in Montag's society? Why? 25. Describe the history Bradbury creates for firemen. Why do you suppose he does this? 26. The fire in the old woman's house is a crisis for Montag. A case can be made for considering this the climax in the plot. What changes are made at this point? 27. Beatty takes great pains to give reasons for burning books. What points could you make to his arguments? The KidReach Reading Center http:/www.westga.edu/~kidreach/Fahrenheit.html Fahrenheit 451 Part II: The Sieve and the Sand 1. Where does Beatty stop the fire engine at the end of part 2? 2. What has happened to Clarisse? 3. Explain who Professor Faber is and why Montag visits him. 4. What are Faber's reasons for the fear this society has for books? 5. Montag gets Faber to help him. What is their plan? 6. Montag reads a poem to Mildred and her friends. What is their reaction to this reading? The KidReach Reading Center http:/www.westga.edu/~kidreach/Fahrenheit.html Fahrenheit 451 Part III: Burning Bright 1. What is Mildred’s reaction? 2. What are Beatty’s orders? 3. What is Montag’s attitude as he follows this command? 4. Who called in the alarm? Where is the call at? 5. When Beatty finds the green bullet, what does he threaten? 6. Montag attacks Beatty. Would you consider this murder? Why or why not? 7. What is Montag’s condition? 8. What 2 pieces of news are broadcast across the airwaves? 9. Describe Montag’s close encounter with the Beetle? 10. What does Montag go to Mrs. Black’s House? 11. Where will Faber go? 12. What does Faber advise Montag to do? 13. What will the new mechanical hounds do? 14. Why does he take a suitcase of Faber’s clothes? 15. How does Montag escape from the city and where does he end up? 16. What does Granger explain to Montag? 17. What can Montag offer his new group? 18. What happens to the city? 19. If you were the "dust jacket for a book," which book(s) would you choose to remember? The KidReach Reading Center http:/www.westga.edu/~kidreach/Fahrenheit.html Fahrenheit 451 The KidReach Reading Center http:/www.westga.edu/~kidreach/Fahrenheit.html