Dimensional Analysis in Word Problems

CP Chemistry Unit 1 Tools of a Chemist-Test Plan
CP Standard/Outcomes
Calculation Basics – Scientific Notation & Significant Figures
Dimensional Analysis
Accuracy and Precision
Essential Vocabulary:
 Scientific notation
 Significant Figures
 Metric System
 SI units
 Dimensional Analysis
 Conversion factors
 Density
 Intensive and extensive properties
 Accuracy
 Precision
 Uncertainty in measurement
 Percent error
 Theoretical
 Experimental
Equations, Calculations, and Applications:
 Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using significant figures
 Single and double unit dimensional analysis converting between metric and
English systems
o Squared and cubed units
 Calculate Density
o Solve for mass and volume using algebra
o Calculate density using water displacement
o Calculate density of liquids and solids
 Calculate percent error
%error 
exp erimental  theoretical
 100
Resources for learning Chemistry:
1. www.chemfiesta.com
2. The course textbook is available from the library. Title: “Chemistry” Author:
Silberberg Here are the appropriate page numbers:
Uncertainty in measurements
Significant figures
Accuracy and Precision
Unit conversion in calculations
Section 1.6, p. 25-26
Section 1.6, p. 26-28
Section 1.6, p. 29-30
Section 1.4, p. 12-13
Conversion Sheet
Metric units: Larger units are on the right, smaller units on the left. Assign the larger unit a
value of 1 and add a zero for each unit you move to the right. Look at the exponents. Not all
change by 10.
Example: 1 dekameter = 1000 centimeters
Nano Micro Milli Centi
Metric to English
1 inch (in) = 2.54 cm
1 pound (lb) = 454 g
1 quart (qt) = 946 mL
1 mile = 1.62 km
1 megaliter = 1000 kiloliters
Deka Hecto Kilo
Other Conversion Factors
1 mL = 1 cm3
1 L = 1 dm3
1 pound (lb) = 16 ounces (oz.)
1 yard = 36 inches (in.)
1 mile = 5280 feet (ft.)
1 gallon = 4 quarts (qt.)
Mega Giga
1 qt = 2 pints (pt)
8 fl. oz. = 1 cup
16 fl. oz. = 1 pint
32 fl. oz. = 1 qt.
1 ton = 2000 lbs
16 fluid oz. = 1 pint
32 fluid oz. = 1 qt.
1 ton = 2000 lbs
Legacy High School
CP Chemistry Course Syllabus
Course Title: CP Chemistry
Any Prerequisites:
Biology or CP Biology
Instructor Name: Mr. Jones
Website: http://legacy.adams12.org/webpages/zjones/index.htm
Mr. Jones is available during:
Periods 5 and 6 in room A208 (office) or A207 (classroom)
Course Description: CP Chemistry is a rigorous course designed for those students planning to attend college or
take higher level AP courses in science. The class exposes students to important topics in Chemistry, the tools
used to study reactions, and gives students hands on lab experience. (See the Essential Learning’s below.)
Grades in the course will be primarily based on eight unit exams and one final exam. Students have the
opportunity to retake each unit test (except unit 5 and the final) if they are eligible. See below to find out what you
have to do to be eligible.
Essential Learning
Tools of a scientist
Calculation basics
Accuracy and precision
Dimensional analysis
Temperature conversions
Atomic structure
Periodic trends
Quantum numbers
Writing chemical formulas
Naming chemical formulas
Lewis structures
Molecular shapes
The mole
Avogadro’s number
Calculations involving the mole concept
Grading Scale
59 or
Percent of
Time Spent
11 %
11 %
14 %
Essential Learning
Balancing equations
Types of reactions
Predicting products of reactions
Limiting Reactant
Excess Reagent
Acid/Base reactions
Acid/Base calculations
Net ionic equations
redox reactions
 Homework
 Labs and Quizzes
 Test
Percent of
Time Spent
11 %
17 %
13 %
15 %
95 %
Student Expectations
Requirements to Be Eligible to Retake Exams:
1. All homework must be at least 70 % correct to be considered proficient. To be eligible for the
retake exam, all homework must be complete and proficient. If you struggle with an assignment, see me
for help.
2. Homework needs to be completed on time. Homework may only be turned in late under the
following conditions: The student comes in to receive help outside of class (on an off period that we have
in common or after school.) The student may be required to grade the assignment so plan to stay 10
minutes in addition to however much time you need for help with the assignment. No homework for a
unit will be accepted after the scheduled unit exam time under any circumstances.
3. The retake must be taken on the assigned day. Retakes are done after school on a scheduled day.
(You will be given a schedule at the beginning of the semester.) . No exceptions will be made for
students that cannot attend on the scheduled dates for this opportunity. If a student elects to retake an
exam, they will be given the grade from the second exam which represents their most current level of
Grading Policy:
The purpose of grading is to communicate to both students and parents what a student knows and can demonstrate at a given point
during the course. In this course, homework will be used to give feedback but will not be calculated into the grade.
Student grades will be based solely on achievement of standards, not effort, behavior, or attitude.
Testing Policy:
Students may retake all unit tests (but not the unit 5/midterm) if they are eligible. To be eligible, students must complete all
homework for the unit at 70% or higher grade. Retakes occur after school according to a published schedule. Retakes are not
required and therefore may only be taken on the day scheduled.
Late Work Policy: All homework for a unit must be completed before the unit test. No webassign late work will be accepted.
Webassign is a long term assignment and therefore must be turned in on time.
Absence Policy: You are expected to make up any work missed because of an absence. You are
responsible to request the make-up assignment(s) outside of class time. If you miss a day, plan time
outside of class to get caught up. Make up work will be provided upon request for a student who has been absent.
Students are eligible to receive full credit for make up work completed and submitted by dates and times established in this policy or
as may otherwise be arranged with the teacher and/or administrator. Credit may be denied for makeup work completed after the
designated deadline.
Tardy Policy: Students are expected to be on time to every class every day. Beginning each semester, if tardy:
verbal warning by teacher and parent contact on 3rd.
teacher will speak with parent/guardian
30 minute after school detention served with the teacher in the classroom. Teacher will
speak to parent/guardian again.
Student Integrity Oath
I agree to conduct myself with integrity in all regards. I commit to presenting my own work, writing, words, and ideas at all times, unless
otherwise attributed. In addition, I will not copy, use communication devices during tests, post assessments for public access, falsely identify
myself, or use inappropriate materials. Engaging in any of these activities represents a breach of this oath and subjects me to the disciplinary
code of Legacy High School and the Adams 12 Five Star School District. It is my honest intention to uphold this oath.
Plagiarism/Cheating Policy: Plagiarism means to present, as one’s own, the work, writing, words, ideas, or computer information
of someone else. (Sources could be published or unpublished.) Cheating is supplying answers, receiving answers, or using
unapproved assistive devices. (Examples: looking at or using someone else’s work, using crib notes/stolen notes, or using
disallowed equipment, etc.)
Consequences for plagiarism and cheating are as follows:
Matrix for Plagiarism/Cheating (covers all classes, lasts all year)
1st – 0 on the assignment, teacher calls home and referral
2nd – 0 on the assignment, 1 day suspension, parent/teacher conference, referral
3rd – 0 on the assignment, 2 days suspension
4th – 0 on the assignment, referral to District Discipline Hearing
General Guidelines:
Assessment and grading standards are applied consistently to students of similarly demonstrated ability.
Assessments are based solely on demonstrated student progress and achievement of reasonable and clear standards.
Students who participate in group projects will receive a grade for work as an individual as well as a group performance
In order to receive feedback from me, it is vital for you to complete all assignments. If you
experience problems with assignments, please see me individually.
Legacy High School
CP Chemistry Course Syllabus
Acknowledgment of Receipt Form
Course Title: CP Chemistry
You can track homework assignments online by having your student login to the
Webassign homework system. You can track class grades using Infinite Campus. If you
don’t have access to Infinite Campus, contact the Legacy front desk at 720-972-6700.
Please share your preferred contact information before signing and returning this form to
the classroom teacher.
Student Name (Please print)
Student E-mail Address
My preference for contact is:
By Email
By Phone
___________________________________ or
Parent/Guardian E-mail Address(s)
Phone Number(s)
Parent/Guardian Signature
Orientation to CP Chemistry
Name: ____________
1. The following are frequently asked questions that you can answer by going to our
class website. Go to the legacy web page and look in the teacher web pages.
Alternatively you can type in the web address to go directly there:
a. What periods do I have available if you need help?
b. Where is my office?
c. How many learning units does CP Chemistry have? (Look at the
homework packet links.)
d. If you misplace your packet, how can you obtain another one? (The
answer is not to see me.)
e. Find the class schedule. List two topics that we are studying in class
2. These are frequently asked questions that can be answered by reading the
syllabus. Remember, the signature page of the syllabus needs to be returned
a. What percentage of your grade is the result of homework assignments?
b. What percentage of your grade is the result of tests?
c. What time of day do the retake exams occur? Can they be scheduled at
other times?
d. What are the 3 requirements that must be accomplished to retake the
e. What score do you need to achieve on homework assignments for it to be
considered “proficient”?
f. What do you need to do if you don’t complete a homework assignment on
Lab Safety
Everyone is Responsible!
"I didn't mean to" and "It wasn't my fault" are two statements that have no
place in the lab. If someone is hurt or equipment is broken, these statements
cannot undo the harm.
Horse-play will not be tolerated. If it occurs, those involved will be disqualified
from the lab and given a zero for the assignment.
Lack of pre-lab preparation is the main threat to safety in our lab. If you and
your group are unprepared, you will be unsure of yourself, waste time, and have
a good chance of making a mistake that leads to a problem.
At the beginning of each lab period, you will be given a chance to ask
questions. If you are unsure of some procedure, now is the time to ask. Always
pay close attention to any verbal instructions given at this time.
Safety Glasses Must
Be Worn in the lab area
Safety glasses are stored in the bin that you will be issued at the start of each lab.
Long hair and bulky clothing are dangerous in the lab.
There is a danger of catching fire, as well as being drawn through chemicals.
Wear appropriate clothing.
Tie back long hair.
Rings, watches, and jewelry are dangerous in the lab.
Corrosive or irritating liquids may get underneath a ring or watch and produce
Dangling jewelry may catch on a piece of labware and cause an accident.
Accidents Can Happen:
 Remain calm! A minor problem quickly becomes a major one if you
Report all accidents immediately, no matter how small.
Types of accidents and how to handle them:
Broken Glass: The most common accident in the lab, even with the best of care.
If you are using the equipment properly, you will not get into trouble for breaking
a piece of glassware.
If you are not using the equipment properly, or if horse-play is involved, you will
be required to pay for the broken glassware.
If glassware is broken, stop where you are. Report the breakage to your
Do not move until your teacher says it is safe to do so. There will most likely
be many small slivers of glass that you do not immediately notice. If anyone is
cut, report it immediately.
Your teacher will collect the broken glass, not you. More minor cuts occur
after this type of accident than during it.
Cuts and Scrapes: Do not come into contact with another person's blood.
Report the situation to your teacher and let him help the injured person.
There is always a possibility of infection, even with the most minor injury. For
this reason you should report any cut or scrape, even if there is no visible blood.
If there is blood at any lab station, everyone is to turn off all burners and move to
your seat in the classroom area until told it is safe to return to the lab.
Chemical Spills: You are to treat all chemical spills as DANGEROUS.
Stop where you are and let your teacher tell you what to do.
 Did any of the spill get on your skin or clothing? Sometimes adding water is the
worst thing you can do.
 Depending on the chemical spilled, we might just have a mess to clean up or we
might have a very dangerous situation.
 The most potentially dangerous chemicals used in our lab are corrosive acids
and bases. Even though you will normally be using chemicals that have been
diluted, you should always treat acids and bases with care.
Fire: When you are not heating something - turn the burner off.
Bunsen burners are the source of most problems. Be aware when a burner is in
use at your lab station. Be extremely careful during that time.
Paper is the most common type of fire in the lab. This type of fire is cause by
carelessness and easily prevented. Take only one lab sheet to your station to
follow your written procedures and record data. Leave all reference materials at
your desk. If you need to refer to reference material, leave the lab area to do so.
Clothing or Hair is the most dangerous type of fire in the lab. Don't panic! If you
are the one involved in a fire - stay where you are - help is coming. "Stop,
drop, and roll" is still the best course of action. If your partner is involved in a fire get the fire blanket. Your teacher will be racing you to the blanket and both of
you will help your partner smother the fire. If the fire is not at your lab station stay away !
Lab Safety
Everyone is Responsible!
"I didn't mean to" and "It wasn't my fault" are two statements that have no place in the lab. If someone is hurt or
equipment is broken, these statements cannot undo the harm.
Horse-play will not be tolerated. If it occurs, those involved will be disqualified from the lab and given a zero for the
Lack of pre-lab preparation is the main threat to safety in our lab. If you and your group are unprepared, you will be
unsure of yourself, waist time, and have a good chance of making a mistake that leads to a problem.
At the beginning of each lab period, you will be given a chance to ask questions. If you are unsure of some
procedure, now is the time to ask. Always pay close attention to any verbal instructions given at this time.
Safety Glasses Must Be Worn in the lab area
Safety glasses are stored in the bin that you will be issued at the start of each lab.
Long hair and bulky clothing are dangerous in the lab.
There is a danger of catching fire, as well as being drawn through chemicals.
Wear appropriate clothing.
Tie back long hair.
Rings, watches, and jewelry are dangerous in the lab.
Corrosive or irritating liquids may get underneath a ring or watch and produce irritation.
Dangling jewelry may catch on a piece of labware and cause an accident.
Accidents Can Happen:
Remain calm! A minor problem quickly becomes a major one if you don't.
Report all accidents immediately, no matter how small.
Types of accidents and how to handle them:
Broken Glass: The most common accident in the lab, even with the best of care.
If you are using the equipment properly, you will not get into trouble for breaking a piece of glassware.
If you are not using the equipment properly, or if horse-play is involved, you will be required to pay for the broken
If glassware is broken, stop where you are. Report the breakage to your teacher.
Do not move until your teacher says it is safe to do so. There will most likely be many small slivers of glass that
you do not immediately notice. If anyone is cut, report it immediately.
Your teacher will collect the broken glass, not you. More minor cuts occur after this type of accident than during
Chemical spills are often involved with glass breakage. When that occurs, follow those safety precautions too.
Cuts and Scrapes: Do not come into contact with another person's blood.
Report the situation to your teacher and let him help the injured person.
There is always a possibility of infection, even with the most minor injury. For this reason you should report any
cut or scrape, even if there is no visible blood.
If there is blood at any lab station, everyone is to turn off all burners and move to your seat in the classroom area
until told it is safe to return to the lab.
Chemical Spills: You are to treat all chemical spills as DANGEROUS. Stop where you are and let your teacher tell you what
to do.
Did any of the spill get on your skin or clothing? Sometimes adding water is the worst thing you can do.
Depending on the chemical spilled, we might just have a mess to clean up or we might have a very dangerous
The most potentially dangerous chemicals used in our lab are corrosive acids and bases. Even though you will
normally be using chemicals that have been diluted, you should always treat acids and bases with care.
Fire: When you are not heating something - turn the burner off.
Bunsen burners are the source of most problems. They have very few malfunctions. If a malfunction occurs, turn off
the gas and notify your teacher- end of problem. Be aware when a burner is in use at your lab station. Be extremely
careful during that time.
Paper is the most common type of fire in the lab. This type of fire is cause by carelessness and easily prevented.
Take only one lab sheet to your station to follow your written procedures and record data. Leave all reference
materials at your desk. If you need to refer to reference material, leave the lab area to do so. If a paper fire occurs,
push the paper into the lab sink and turn on the water - end of problem.
Clothing or Hair is the most dangerous type of fire in the lab. Don't panic! If you are the one involved in a fire - stay
where you are - help is coming. "Stop, drop, and roll" is still the best course of action. If your partner is involved in
a fire - get the fire blanket. Your teacher will be racing you to the blanket and both of you will help your partner
smother the fire. If the fire is not at your lab station - stay away !
Signatures on the back
I have read and understand the safety procedures outlined on the
reverse side of this sheet. I understand that my grade in lab and
my opportunity to participate in future labs is dependent on
adhering to these rules.
Student Name: _____________________ (printed)
Student Signature: _______________________
Parent Signature: ________________________
Return to Mr. Jones
 You will share the bin with a lab partner.
 You should take the bin that you are assigned for the period. YOU ARE
 Inventory the bin at the beginning of the lab:
o Record your name.
o Record the date.
o Put a check next to each piece of equipment that is in your bin.
o See your instructor with a list of things missing at the beginning of the lab.
 Inventory the bin again when you are done. Do not return your bin to the cart
until you have signed the log sheet and had the instructor inspect the bin.
Below is a guide to common glassware. Use it to match names to glassware. NOTE:
We do not have all of this equipment in our bins. The only equipment that you MUST
have in the bin is on the checkout sheet.
Packet Progress Rubric – A grade is assigned to each page
Less than
50 % of
the work
ly 50 % of
the work is
Work is
but poor
effort is
More than 2
are not in
sentences or
a poor effort
was made.
More than 2
l questions
don’t show
work or a
poor effort
was made.
are not
1-2 written
are not in
or a poor
effort was
made. (CS)
al questions
don’t show
work or a
poor effort
was made.
All problems
1-2 written
are not in
sentences or
a poor effort
was made.
al questions
don’t show
work or a
poor effort
was made.
All problems
and questions
sentences are
used for
Work is shown
A best effort
was made on
each question.
Measuring Liquids
Name: _________________
What volume is indicated on each of these graduated cylinders? All measurements
are in mL. Be sure to record the correct number of decimal places!
ChemQuest 1
Name: _________________________
Date: _______________
Hour: _____
Information: Scientific Notation
“Scientific notation” is used to make very large or very small numbers easier to handle.
Example #1: The number 45,000,000 can be written as “4.5 x 107 ”. The “7” tells you that
there are seven decimal places between the right side of the four and the end of the
Standard Number
Scientific Notation
4.5 x 10
Notice: There aren’t 7 zeros, but
there are 7 decimal places.
Example #2: 2.648 x 105 = 264,800  the “5” tells you that there are 5 decimal places
between the right side of the 2 and the end of the number.
Standard Number
Scientific Notation
2.648 x 105
Example #3: Very small numbers are written with negative exponents. For example,
0.00000378 can be written as 3.78 x 10-6. The “-6” tells you that there are 6 decimal places
between the right side of the 3 and the end of the number.
Standard Number
Scientific Notation
3.78 x 10-6
Example #4: 7.45 x 10-8 = 0.0000000745  the “-8” tells you that there are 8 decimal places
between the right side of the 7 and the end of the number.
Standard Number
Scientific Notation
7.45 x 10-8
Draw the “squiggly”
counting line” on this one
like above.
Critical Thinking Questions
1. Two of the following six numbers are written incorrectly. Circle the two that are
a) 3.57
x 10-8
b) 4.23
x 10-2
c) 75.3
x 102
d) 2.92
x 109
e) 0.000354
x 104
f) 9.1
x 104
2. What do you think is wrong about the two numbers you circled?
3. For each of these, write the number in scientific notation:
_____________ (Did you put the decimal to the right of the 4?)
80,340 _____________ (Did you put the decimal to the right of the 8?)
0.00683 _____________
602,000,000 ____________
4. For each of these, convert the number to standard notation (a normal number):
9.1 x 104 ____________
2.92 x 10-2 ____________
6.50 x 10-5 ____________
1.1 x 106 _____________
5. In each of these pairs, circle the larger number. It may help to convert them from
scientific notation to standard numbers to compare.
a. 0.06
or 4.1 x 10-3
b. 3.67 x 102
or 3.67 x 101
c. 8 x 10-3 or 7 x 10-2
d. 21.3 x 10-5
e. 5.4 x 104
or 2.13 x 10-4
or 54 x 104
Instructor signature
ChemQuest 2
Information: Significant Figures
When you take a measurement, some of the digits are truly a result of the measurement while
others are just there as “place holders”. Ones that are actually do to the measurement are
referred to as “significant numbers” or “significant figures”. We can introduce three general
rules to help us identify the significant figures:
1. Zeros at the beginning of a number are never significant (important).
2. Zeros at the end of a number are not significant unless… (you’ll find out later)
3. Zeros that are between two nonzero numbers are always significant.
Therefore, the number 21,500 has three significant figures: only three of the digits are
important—the two, the one, and the five. The number 10,210 has four significant figures
because only the zero at the end is considered not significant. All of the digits in the number
10,005 are significant because the zeros are in between two nonzero numbers (Rule #3).
Critical Thinking Questions
1. Verify that each of the following numbers contains four significant figures. Circle the
digits that are significant.
a) 0.00004182
b) 494,100,000
c) 32,010,000,000
d) 0.00003002
2. How many significant figures are in each of the following numbers?
_____ a) 0.000015045
_____ b) 4,600,000
_____ c) 2406
_____ d) 0.000005
_____ e) 0.0300001
_____ f) 12,000
Information: The Exception to Rule #2
There is one exception to the second rule. Consider the following measured values.
It is 1200 miles from my town to Atlanta.
It is 1200.0 miles from my town to Atlanta.
The quantity “1200.0 miles” is more precise than “1200 miles”. The decimal point in the
quantity “1200.0 miles” means that it was measured very precisely—right down to a tenth of a
Therefore, the complete version of Rule #2 is as follows:
Rule #2: Zeros at the end of a number are not significant unless there is a decimal point
in the number. A decimal point anywhere in the number makes zeros at the end of a
number significant.
Not significant because these
This zero is significant because
are at the beginning .
it is at the end of the number
and there is a decimal
point in the number.
Critical Thinking Questions
3. Verify that each of the following numbers contains five significant figures. Circle the
digits that are significant.
a) 0.00030200
b) 200.00
c) 2300.0
d) 0.000032000
4. How many significant figures are there in each of the following numbers?
_____ a) 0.000201000
_____ d) 24,000,410
_____ b) 23,001,000
_____ e) 2400.100
_____ c) 0.0300
_____ f) 0.000021
Instructor signature
Information: Rounding Numbers
In numerical problems, it is often necessary to round numbers to the appropriate number of
significant figures. Consider the following examples in which each number is rounded so that
each of them contains 4 significant figures. Study each example and make sure you understand
why they were rounded as they were:
42,008,000  42,010,000
12,562,425,217  12,560,000,000
0.00017837901  0.0001784
120  120.0
Critical Thinking Questions
5. Round the following numbers so that they contain 3 significant figures.
a) 173,792
b) 0.0025021
c) 0.0003192
d) 30
6. Round the following numbers so that they contain 4 significant figures.
a) 249,441
b) 0.00250122
c) 12,049,002
d) 0.00200210
Information: Multiplying and Dividing
When you divide 456 by 13 you get 35.0769230769… How should we round such a number?
The concept of significant figures has the answer. When multiplying and dividing numbers, you
need to round your answers to the correct number of significant figures. To round correctly,
follow these simple steps:
1) Count the number of significant figures in each number.
2) Round your answer to the least number of significant figures.
Here’s an example:
3 significant figures
 325.714285714  330
2 significant figures
Here’s another example:
13.11.2039  15.77109  15.8
3 significant
5 significant
Final rounded answer
should have only 2
significant figures since 2
is the least number of
significant figures in this
Final rounded answer should have
3 significant figures since 3 is the
least number of significant figures
in this problem.
Critical Thinking Questions
7. Solve the following problems. Make sure your answers are in the correct number of
significant figures.
a) (12.470)(270) = _______________
c) (310.0)(12) = _________________
e) (125)(1.4452) = _______________
b) 36,000/1245 = ______________
d) 129.6/3 = __________________
f) 6000/2.53 = ________________
Instructor signature
Information: Rounding to a Decimal Place
As you will soon discover, sometimes it is necessary to round to a decimal place. Recall the
names of the decimal places:
The ten
hundred thousands thousan
hundreds tens
tenths hundredth thousandt
thousands place
ds place place
place place
place s place
hs place
If we rounded the above number to the hundreds place, that means that there can be no
significant figures to the right of the hundreds place. Thus, “175,400” is the above number
rounded to the hundreds place. If we rounded to the tenths place we would get 175,398.4. If we
rounded to the thousands place we would get 175,000.
Critical Thinking Questions
8. Round the following numbers to the tens place.
a) 134,123,018 = _______________
b) 23,190.109 = _________________
c) 439.1931 = _________________
d) 2948.2 = _____________________
Adding and Subtracting with Significant Figures Notes
Instructor signature
Critical Thinking Questions
9. a) 24.28 + 12.5 = _________________
b) 120,000 + 420 = __________________
c) 140,100 – 1422 = _______________
d) 2.24 – 0.4101 = ___________________
e) 12,470 + 2200.44 = _____________
f) 450 – 12.8 = ______________________
10. The following are problems involving multiplication, dividing, adding, and subtracting.
Be careful of the different rules you need to follow!
a) 245.4/120 = ___________________
b) 12,310 + 23.5 = ___________________
c) (31,900)(4) = __________________
d) (320.0)(145,712) = _________________
e) 1420 – 34 = ___________________
f) 4129 + 200 = ______________________
Significant Figures Reflection:
In your own words:
1. What is a significant figure? Why aren’t ALL numbers
2. Why do we have to adjust the answer to a calculation to the correct number of
significant figures? What do we mean by one of the numbers being “weaker”
than the other?
3. Contrast how you determine the number of significant figures in an answer when
multiplying/dividing with how you find them when adding in subtracting. How is
the process different
Significant Figures / Scientific Notation
Name: ___________
Determine the number of significant digits in each of the following:
1. 23.30 cm
4. 1,843.02 L
7. 2.00012 km
2. 3.65 kg
5. 8.701oC
8. 0.5 mL
3. 365 kg
6. 2000.12 mm
9. 704,000 h
10. 0.0001010450 sec
Report answers to the following using proper significant figures:
11. 3.414 s + 10.02 s + 58.325 s + 0.00098 s
12. 2.326 h – 0.10408 h
13. 10.19 m x 0.013 m
14. 140.01 cm x 26.042 cm x 0.0159 cm
15. 80.23 m / 2.4 s
16. 4.301 kg / 1.9 cm3
17. An experiment calls for 16.156 g of substance A, 28.2 g of substance B, 0.0058 g of
substance C, and 9.44 g of substance D.
a) How many significant digits are there in each measurement? _____ _____ _____
b) What is the total mass of substances in this experiment? ______
c) How many significant digits are there in the answer to part b? _____
18. (13.6 + 0.0238) =
19. (0.4 x 80) + (16 x 21) =
20. How many significant figures does this calculation have? (choose an answer)
2.341 – 2.305 =
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4 (e) 5
Solve the following, placing your answers in scientific notation with the proper number of
significant digits.
23. (6.6x10-8) / (3.30x10-4) =
26. (1.56x10-7) + (2.43x10-8) =
24. (7.4x1010) / (3.7x103) =
27. (2.5x10-8) x (3.0x10-7) =
25. (2.67x10-3) – (9.5x10-4) =
28. (2.3x10-4) x (2.0x10-3) =
Unit Conversion Tutorial
Go to the following website:
Start by clicking the simple conversions button.
Click on the Need Help? button on the left. Read the tutorial first. When you think that you
understand the idea, go back to the Main Menu and click on simple again.
Simple Conversions
For problems 1, 2, and 3 write down what the completed train track looks like. Cancel the units
that cancel. Circle the unit that doesn’t cancel. Write down the answer to the problem.
For problems 4-10, you can just write down the answer once you have solved it.
4. Calculated Answer:
5. Calculated Answer:
6. Calculated Answer:
7. Calculated Answer:
8. Calculated Answer:
9. Calculated Answer:
10. Calculated Answer:
Instructor signature
Challenging Conversions
For problems 1, 2, and 3 write down what the completed train track looks like. Cancel the units
that cancel. Circle the unit that is the one left at the end. Write down the answer to the problem.
For problems 4-10, you can just write down the answer once you have solved it.
4. Calculated Answer:
5. Calculated Answer:
6. Calculated Answer:
7. Calculated Answer:
8. Calculated Answer:
9. Calculated Answer:
10. Calculated Answer:
Instructor signature
Name: ___________________________________
Complex Conversions
 Work through the challenging problems recording your answer for each one. Don’t forget units!
1. Calculated Answer:
2. Calculated Answer:
3. Calculated Answer:
4. Calculated Answer:
5. Calculated Answer:
6. Calculated Answer:
Cubed and Squared Conversions
 Work through the challenging problems recording your answer for each one. Don’t forget units!
1. Calculated Answer:
2. Calculated Answer:
3. Calculated Answer:
4. Calculated Answer:
Unit Conversions Reflection:
In your own words:
1. What is a conversion factor?
2. Why do units seem to disappear when they get cancelled?
3. Jessica did a conversion and this is what her work looked like:
20 m
3600 s
3600 s
1 inch
1 hr
1 hr
2.54 cm
= 102047244
She forgot to put units on her answer. What unit should be on her
4. Write a question that could be the question that she answered while
doing this work:
Name: _________________
Conversion Factors:
1 horse = 3 cows
10 cows = 1 bird
3 birds = 5 lemons
9 lemons = 1 orange
2 oranges = 5 fords
1 ford = 6 trucks
Using the above units solve the problems STEPWISE. No credit given if “dimensional
analysis” is not used.
1. How many cows in 5 horses?
2. How many lemons in 10 oranges?
3. How many fords in 6 oranges?
4. How many birds in 10 oranges?
5. How many lemons in 18 trucks?
6. How many oranges in 5 horses?
Conversion Factors:
1 horse = 3 cows
10 cows = 1 bird
3 birds = 5 lemons
9 lemons = 1 orange
2 oranges = 5 fords
1 ford = 6 trucks
7. How many cows in 15 fords?
8. How many birds in 2 trucks?
9. How many fords in 1 bird?
10. How many horses in 10 trucks?
Metric prefixes can be applied to any type of units. A prefix is prefix after all!
Consider: The term “ant” is a prefix that means “against” or “opposite”
Anti is used in lots of different words:
(against war)
(opposite of acid)
(not the typical hero)
A metric prefix works the same way. Look at the prefix “centi”:
Our conversion sheet says that 1 ______ = 100 ______
100 centimeters = 1 meter
100 centiliters = 1 liter
100 centiwatts = 1 watt
For each of these, use your conversion sheet to record the correct conversion factor:
1. How many milliliters are in liters?
_______________________ = ________________________
2. How many grams are in hectagrams?
_______________________ = ________________________
3. How many decimoles are in millimoles?
_______________________ = ________________________
4. How many centimeters are in picoliters?
_______________________ = ________________________
5. How many decidonuts are in kilodonuts?
_______________________ = ________________________
6. How many dekavolts are in decivolts?
_______________________ = ________________________
Name: _____________________________
1. How many quarts in 5000 mL?
2. How many mm in 100 cm?
3. How many grams in 300 lbs?
4. Convert 100 km to miles.
Now convert that to inches.
5. Change 1000kg to ounces.
6. How many mm in 4 miles?
7. 1 lb of fleas would be contain how many fleas? (One flea weighs 2 mg.)
Dimensional Analysis with Derived Units
1. If a substance costs 3 cents/ounce, how much would it cost in dollars/ton?
2. If the 100 yard dash can be run in 10 seconds, what is this in miles/hour?
3. The density of water is 1 g/cm3 . Change this to lb/ft3 .
4. If a dog eats 3 grams of food/hour, how much would it eat in tons/century?
5. If a flea jumps 1mm/microsecond, how fast would that be in miles/hour?
(1 microsecond = 1 x 10-6sec)
6. If a man breathes 100 L/min how many gallons per year would he breathe?
7. If a tree grows 100 angstroms/second how many feet in 1 year?
(1 Angrstrom = 1 x 10-8cm)
8. If an elf walks 2mm/microsecond how many mi/year?
Name: _________________
Dimensional Analysis in Word Problems
These questions are designed to practice dimensional analysis in real world examples.
 Show all work using dimensional analysis.
 Strike out any information that is not necessary to solve the problem.
 Convert word statements into their math equivalents:
(“16 miles per gallon” is 16 miles/1 gallon or “15 millimeters squared” is 15 mm2)
 Look for hidden conversion factors.
Examples: (“There are 42 kids in the two classrooms” is 42 kids = 2 classrooms or “16 miles
per gallon” is 16 miles = 1 gallon.)
1. You have made a poster in history class that is 72 cm long when rolled up. If your locker
is 30 inches tall, will the poster fit in your locker?
2. The recommended adult dose of Elixophyllin, a drug used to treat asthma, is 6 mg per
kilogram of body mass. Calculate the dose in milligrams for a 150 lb person.
3. You have a car that has 5.0 liters of engine piston displacement. Your friend has a 1968
Barracuda that has an engine displacement of 320 inches cubed. Who has the bigger
4. In March 1989, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker ran aground and spilled 240,000 barrels of
crude petrolium off the coast of Alaska. One barrel of petroleum will produce 42 gallons
of gas. How many gallons of gas were lost that day?
5. You are planning your long awaited European vacation. You need to exchange a few
dollars for euros before you go. You figure that you will need 280 euros per day based
on your budget. If your trip is 2 weeks long, how many dollars do you need to exchange
into euros at your local bank? (The current exchange rate is 1 euro = 1.20 dollars)
Density Lab
Name: _____________________
Goal: To learn how to measure the density anything.
Part 1: Measure the density of both the water and the vegetable oil. Put any measurements that
you take in this table below.
Vegetable Oil
Record any measurements that you made here:
Record any measurements that you made here:
Check to see if you recorded the correct number
of decimal places!
Check to see if you recorded the correct
number of decimal places!
Density of Vegetable Oil =
Density of Water =
(Show how you calculate density.
Don’t forget units!)
(Show how you calculate density.
Don’t forget units!)
Calculate your percent error:
(see the board for the known value)
Calculate your percent error:
(see the board for the known value)
1. Does the density that you found for Vegetable Oil and Water suggest that water should be
on bottom or on top when they are mixed? (explain)
2. A plastic bottle cap has a density of 0.962 g/mL. Using your measurements:
a. Would the bottle cap float in water? Why?
b. Would the bottle cap float in vegetable oil? Why?
Part 2: How could you figure out the density of a cube? What measurements would you need?
Use one of the wooden blocks and determine its density. Show your measurements and
calculations here:
Part 3: Lastly, we want to find the density of a rock. This can be more challenging. Of the two
variables that we need to know (mass and volume), which will be more difficult to determine
with the rock?___________________
Determine the density of your irregular object (the rock). Write down what you did (a
procedure) in enough detail that someone else could repeat what you did without you being
Calculations and answer:
Density Practice
Name: _____________
Accuracy and Precision Scenarios
1. Two technicians independently measure the density of a substance:
Technician A
Technician B
2.000 g/cm3
1.999 g/cm3
2.001 g/cm3
2.5 g/cm3
2.9 g/cm3
2.7 g/cm3
The correct value is known to be 2.701 g/cm3. Which technician is more accurate?
Which technician is more precise?
2. Sarah and Bob have measured the volume of a liquid 3 times each:
Sarah’s results
Bob’s results
12.3 mL
12.6 mL
12.4 mL
12.25 mL
11.60 mL
11.10 mL
The correct volume is known to be 11.702 mL. Who was more accurate? Who was
more precise?