6 Kingdoms of Life Project

Kingdoms of Life Project
For the next few weeks, you will be creating a webpage about the kingdoms of life. Your page
should be detailed, well thought-out, and colorful. You should design it to be read by middle school
students. Your page will have sections showing the following kingdoms of life: viruses, bacteria
(archaebacteria & eubacteria), protists (animal-like & plant-like), fungi, plants and animals. Your page
will have a title, illustrations, diagrams and easy to read information on the assigned sections. Each
section, or kingdom, will describe what the organisms are like in that specific kingdom and what makes
them unique, how those organisms reproduce and other special information. The requirements for each
section are listed below.
You will have until ______________ to complete your page. The webpage will be your own
design so feel free to arrange the pages any way you like. However, each page must contain specific
information to be counted for full credit. Below is a list of requirements for each page or section.
Title (Each group must have a title)
 Title should be specific to the section (ex. Bacteria) Author (By: Your Names)
 A picture that shows organisms from the kingdoms of life.
– Viruses
 A diagram of a virus
 The shapes and names of viruses
 A description of what a virus is
 A description of how viruses reproduce
 Examples of diseases caused by viruses
– Bacteria
 A diagram or picture of bacteria
 A description of what bacteria is and the two types of bacteria (archaebacteria and eubacteria)
 The shapes of bacteria and a description of each
 A description of how bacteria reproduce
 Examples of diseases caused by bacteria
Group 2
– Protists
 A diagram of a protist (it can be plant-like or animal-like)
 A description of what a protist is and explain the difference between plaint-like and animal-like
 A description about how protists move (include three types of movement)
 A description of how protists get food
 A description of how protists reproduce
– Fungi
 A drawing or diagram of different fungi
 An explanation of what fungi are and how they grow
 Descriptions of different types of fungi (molds, mushrooms, lichens)
A description of how fungi reproduce
Describe how fungi get their food
Group 3
– Plants (general information)
 Diagrams of different plant parts (leaf, root, stem)
 A basic description of a plant (what makes a plant a plant)
 A description of non-vascular plants
 A description of vascular plants
 An explanation of why plants are important to our biosphere (food, oxygen, etc.)
– Plants (reproduction)
 A description of how non-seed plants reproduce (spores)
 A description of how conifers reproduce
 A description of how flowering plants reproduce
 Labeled diagram showing the structure of a flower
 Explain the difference between monocots and dicots using a chart with pictures
 Explanation of how fruit helps plants reproduce and spread their offspring
Group 4
– Animals (general information)
 A diagram of an animal cell
 A description of what an animal is (how are animals different from other forms of life)
 Difference between vertebrates and invertebrates. Include several examples.
 An explanation of how animals get their food
 Describe how animals reproduce
 Describe some types of animal behavior
– Simple Animals (sponges, jellyfish, mollusks)
 Drawings/pictures of different simple animals
 Descriptions of the different types of simple animals (sponges, jellyfish, mollusks)
 A description of how each of the above gets its food
 Description of how they reproduce
 Description and examples of different body symmetry
Group 5
– Arthropods (insects, spiders, and crustaceans)
 Drawings/pictures of different arthropods
 Descriptions of the different types of simple arthropods (insects, spiders, shellfish)
 Explanation of why these organisms are all classified as arthropods
 A description of how each of the above gets its food
 Describe the adaptations that allow arthropods to survive in their environments
 Description of how they reproduce
– Amphibians and Reptiles
 Drawings/pictures of different amphibians and reptiles
 A description of amphibians (How are amphibians different from other animals?)
 A description of reptiles (How are reptiles different from other animals?)
 A description of how each of the above gets its food
 Describe how each reproduces (difference between amphibian egg and reptile egg)
Describe the adaptations of some amphibians and reptiles that allow them to live in their
Group 6
– Fish
 Drawings/pictures of different fish
 A description of what a fish is (How are fish different from other animals?)
 Describe the three main types of fish living today with an example of each
 Describe the adaptations that fish have to allow them to live in water
 A description of how fish get their food
 Describe how fish reproduce
– Birds
 Drawings/pictures of different birds
 A description of what a bird is (How are birds different from other animals?)
 Describe the adaptations that allow for flight
 A description of how birds get food
 Describe how birds reproduce and the type of egg produced
 Describe the adaptations that various birds have that allow them to survive within their
Group 7
– Mammals
 Drawings/pictures of different mammals
 A description of what a mammal is (How are mammals different from other animals?) Include
 An explanation of the difference between carnivores, omnivores and herbivores. Include specific
 Description of several mammals and the adaptations that allow them to survive within their
 Include a section on monotreme mammals. How are they different from regular mammals?
What are examples of monotreme mammals?
 Include a section on marsupials. How are they different from other mammals? Where in the
world do they live? Give examples.
 Include a section on aquatic mammals, and a section on primates.