The Odyssey by Homer Name: ______ Hour: ______ People

The Odyssey
by Homer
Name: ______________________________ Hour: ________
Odyssey Characters
Antinous :
Eumaeus :
Gods & Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses:
Odyssey Study Guide
Tell the Story: (pg. 651)
1. Who does Homer appeal to, and what does he ask her for? (Summary @ top of 651)
2. What is Odysseus trying to do? (lines 5-9)
3. What happens to his men? (lines 10-15)
Part 1: Wanderings
Calypso, the Sweet Nymph (pg. 652)
4. What is Hermes sent to do and by whom? (summary @ top of 652)
5. Describe Odysseus’ condition when Hermes arrives. What is he doing? (lines 71-79)
6. What does Calypso want from Odysseus, and what does he tell her? (lines 101-119)
I am Laertes’ Son (pg. 656)
7. Who is Odysseus telling his story to, and why? (summary @ top of 656)
8. Where is Odysseus from, and how does he describe this place? (lines 130-137)
9. What happened with Calypso, and how does Odysseus justify this? (lines 137-143)
10. How do Odysseus and his men behave towards the Cicones? What do you think
of this? Do armies behave like this in modern times? Explain. (lines 149-160)
11. What does this episode suggest about the problems Odysseus has with his men?
12. What god is upset with Odysseus and his men? How does he show this? (lines 179190)
13. What is your first impression of Odysseus? Which of his qualities and values seem
most admirable to you?
The Lotus Eaters (pg. 658)
14. What were the Lotus Eaters like? (lines 204-210)
15. What happened to the crewmembers that ate the Lotus plant, and what does
Odysseus do about it? (lines 207-218)
The Cyclops (pg.660)
16. Describe Polyphemus. (summary @ top of 660)
17. Which goddess guides Odysseus, and what is she the goddess of? (summary @ top of
18. How does Odysseus answer the Cyclops’ question about where his ship was, and
why does he answer it in this way? (lines 273-276)
19. How did the men realize that this creature was certainly not friendly? (lines 277-288)
20. Why doesn’t Odysseus kill the Cyclops while he is sleeping? (lines 289-296)
21. What does Odysseus tell the Cyclops his name is? Why does he do this? (lines 358361)
22. What is the “gift” Polyphemus “gives” Odysseus after Odysseus answers his
question? (lines 362-364)
23. How does Odysseus save his men and himself? (details!)
24. What things does Odysseus tell the Cyclops after the men are free? Is this a good
idea? (lines 502-506)
25. What happens as a result of these words? (lines 529-539)
26. What new characteristics does this section show us about Odysseus? How does
Homer show us these things?
The Enchantress Circe (pg. 673)
27. What gift does Aeolus give Odysseus, and why? (summary @ top of 673)
28. How does this plan go awry? (summary @ top of 673)
29. Who is Circe and what does she do to Odysseus’ men? (lines 565-576)
30. Compare and contrast how Cyclops and Circe treat guests: How do they violate
the laws of hospitality?
31. What does Circe tell Odysseus he must do to get home? (summary @ top of 675)
The Land of the Dead (pg. 675)
32. What does Odysseus do to get the souls of the dead to appear to him? (lines 584592)
33. What does Tiresias warn Odysseus (and his men) not to do? (lines 624-633)
34. What will happen if he does not obey this warning? (lines 630-637)
The Sirens; Scylla and Charybdis (pg. 678)
35. What four things does Circe warn Odysseus of, and why is each dangerous? (lines
36. What are the Sirens, and what harm could they bring to the crew? (lines 661-668)
37. What does Odysseus tell his men that Circe said they must do to protect them all
from the Sirens? (lines 717-731)
38. What does Odysseus do to protect his men? (lines 740-746)
39. How does Odysseus react to the Sirens’ song? (lines 748-763)
40. Gods, goddesses, and other characters in mythology often represent basic human
qualities. What do the Sirens represent to you, and why?
41. Is Odysseus right to keep his decision to sail toward Scylla from his men? Give
reasons for your answer.
42. As Odysseus and his crew near Scylla and Charybdis, how do the men react? (lines
43. How does Odysseus show himself to be an effective leader of men? (lines770-789)
44. Describe Charybdis. (lines 802-816)
45. What happens to six of Odysseus’ men? (lines 817-832)
The Cattle of the Sun God (pg. 684)
46. When the men land, what does Odysseus warn them of? (lines 853-858)
47. Why does Odysseus leave his men and go inland? What does he do there? (lines
48. What happens while he is gone? (lines 879-908)
49. How do the men justify what they have done? (lines 892-894)
50. What happens when they do go to sea? Why (specifically) does this
happen(think: Gods)? (summary @ bottom of 686)
Part II: Coming Home (pg. 690)
51. Who appears to help Odysseus, and what does she do for him? (summary on 690)
52. Whose hut does Odysseus seek out? Describe this individual. (summary on 690)
53. Who is Telemachus, and what has he been doing for the past year? (summary on
54. What has happened at Odysseus’ home while he was gone? (summary on 690)
The Meeting of Father and Son (pg.691)
55. Describe the reunion between Telemachus and Eumaues. (lines 944-955)
56. Why does Telemachus tell Odysseus he can’t stay in the palace hall? (summary @
bottom of 692)
57. Why is Telemachus suspicious of Odysseus? Do you think that this suspicion is
justified? Explain. (summary @ bottom of 692 – line 1008)
The Beggar and the Faithful Dog (pg.694)
58. What background do we learn on Argos? (lines 1036-1048)
59. How does he react when he hears Odysseus’ voice? (lines 1049-1052)
60. Odysseus asks Eumaeus why the dog is in the condition he is. What does
Eumaeus tell him? (lines 1063-1077)
61. Why doesn’t Odysseus greet Argos?
62. What happens at the end of this segment? Is it just a coincidence? Explain. (lines
The Epic Continues (pg. 696)
63. How does Penelope unknowingly “warm her husband’s heart”? (summary on 696)
64. How does Eurycleia recognize Odysseus? (summary on 696)
65. What deity has been with Odysseus throughout his entire ordeal? What does she
tell Odysseus will happen the next day? (summary on 696)
The Test of the Great Bow (pg.698)
66. What “impossible task” does Penelope come up with to test her suitors? (lines 11161121)
67. Which three men prove to be loyal to Odysseus? (lines 1127-1139)
68. What has Telemachaus done in advance to help ensure Odysseus’ victory over the
suitors? (summary on 701)
69. What is the suitors’ reaction when “the beggar” takes up the bow? (lines 1174-1184)
70. What “sign” comes from the Heavens, and who sends it? (lines 1194-1198)
71. What does Odysseus (still disguised as the beggar) do once the bow is strung? (lines
72. What does Odysseus say to his son? What does he mean by this?(lines 1208-1215)
Death at the Palace (pg. 703)
73. Who is Odysseus’ first target, and why did he choose him? Describe what
happened. (lines 1225-1240)
74. How do the other suitors react to this? (lines 1241-1252)
75. What does Eurymachus suggest to Odysseus? (lines 1264-1279)
76. What are Odysseus’ reasons for slaying the suitors? (lines 1280-1287)
77. Do you think Odysseus’ revenge is justified? Explain.
Odysseus and Penelope (pg. 706)
78. Why is Telemachus displeased with his mother, Penelope? (lines 1314-1321)
79. What is her response to his complaint? (lines 1322-1328)
80. What changes does Athena perform on Odysseus? (lines 1338-1347)
81. What is Penelope’s test, and how does Odysseus pass it? (lines 1355-1389)