The Odyssey During Reading Guide- 9A Answer all questions in

The Odyssey
During Reading Guide- 9A
Answer all questions in complete sentences unless directed otherwise.
“Tell the Story” Close Reading Practice
1. Based on this, identify three upcoming events Homer reveals to the audience.
2. When does Homer say this story will begin? Paraphrase lines 18-29.
3. Which antagonist is revealed in this introduction?
Part One
“The Wanderings”
**Italicized text is summarized content from omitted sections/chapters. DO NOT
skip these areas!
1. At this point, how many years total has Odysseus been gone from home (hint:
do not forget about the Trojan War)?
2. What does “ambrosial” mean as it is used in line 35?
3. How is Calypso’s home described? How is Homer attempting to make the
reader feel (mood) with this description?
4. How does Calypso try to persuade Odysseus to choose to stay with her? Is
she appealing to his sense of logic, emotion, or both? Explain.
5. What literary device is used in lines 119-125?
6. How does Odysseus decline Calypso’s offer and still not offend her?
“I Am Laertes’ Son”
1. What is revealed a bout the Greek custom of “hospitality” in the opening
summary? (Hint: see p. 1049 for further info)
2. What does Odysseus mean when he says, “But in my heart I never gave
consent” (line 143)?
3. Summarize briefly what occurred on Ismarus.
4. What are two contributing factors that led to Odysseus’ crew’s defeat there?
5. Find and copy one example of a literary device used in this section (i.e. simile,
imagery, personification etc). Label the device you identify.
“The Lotus Eaters”
1. Explain the danger on this island.
2. Looking back at Odysseus’ crew in the reading thus far, what weakness has
become evident?
“The Cyclops”
1. What is it believed that Polyphemus represents or symbolizes?
2. To who is Odysseus’ wisdom attributed?
3. Explain how Odysseus’ curiosity could be both an attribute and a detriment.
4. Epic heroes need a mighty opponent to show how resourceful they can be.
How does Homer make it clear that Odysseus faces a formidable foe in the
Cyclops (p. 230)?
5. To what Greek custom is Odysseus referring in lines 257-261?
6. How does Polyphemus feel about the gods? Why may this be? (Hint: reflect
back on unit introduction…)
7. What does Polyphemus do to Odysseus’ men?
8. Find and copy one example of imagery on page 1050.
9. Explain Odysseus’ plan to escape.
10. What does Odysseus give Polyphemus and why?
11. What does Odysseus say his name is?
12. Find and copy one example of imagery on p. 1053.
13. How is Odysseus’ cleverness illustrated on p. 1054?
14. How do the men escape from the cave?
15. Explain the role of fate or destiny in this adventure (1058-9).
16. Reread lines 529-538 and paraphrase Polyphemus’ prayer to Poseidon.
“The Enchantress Circe”
1. List two further obstacles Odysseus and his crew encounter according to the
summary on p. 1059.
2. To what are the lions and wolves compared? What literary device is this?
What is the purpose of this comparison?
3. What does “stealth” mean?
4. The effect of Circe’s potion is similar to a previous obstacle of the men’s.
Which one?
5. In order to return home, where does Circe say Odysseus must visit?
“The Land of the Dead”
1. Explain the symbolism of Tiresias’ blindness.
2. What is the purpose of Odysseus’ actions in lines 584-606?
3. List four things Tiresias foreshadows for Odysseus:
“The Sirens; Scylla and Charybdis”
1. Considering that the story thus far has been told through Odysseus’ memory
and has already occurred, what is this called when a narrator goes back in time
to recall events?
2. What is the lure of the Sirens? What awaits those who encounter them?
3. How does Circe suggest that Odysseus survive the Sirens?
4. Describe Scylla.
5. What is Charybdis?
6. What does “tumult” mean in line 766? Which obstacle is this foreshadowing?
7. Explain Odysseus’ rationale in telling the crew of Charybdis, but not Scylla.
Do you agree with this decision? Explain.
8. Find and copy an example of imagery used in this section.
9. What literary device is used in lines 822-826? What is its purpose?
10. What is Odysseus’ mood at the end of this section? Find and copy a quote
to illustrate this mood.
“The Cattle of the Sun God”
1. Why does Odysseus want t o bypass Thrinakia?
2. Reread the description in lines 844-853. What does this description illustrate
about the Greeks beliefs about the connection between the gods and nature?
3. What unanticipated conflict arises that makes the stop on the island a sure
4. Paraphrase Eurylochus’ plea (how he persuades) to the crew. Is he appealing
to emotion, logic, or both? Explain.
5. Explain Helios’ ultimatum to Zeus in lines 923-930.
6. What does the end of this portion of the story suggest about fate?