Unit Four

AP Human Geography
Unit 4 Syllabus
Political Organization of Space (13-17%)
Rubenstein Chapter 8: Political Geography
October 15th
October 16th
October 19th
October 20th
October 21st
October 22nd
October 23rd
October 27th
October 28th
October 29th
October 30th
Class Activities
What are States?
Types of Government Chart
Mapping types of Governments
around the world
Map of Asia – preview for Quiz
Mental Maps
Reading Quiz 8.1 &8.2
Europe and Balkan Peninsula Boundaries
Map of Asia Quiz
United Nations
Super Nationalism
Power of Place Supernationalism
and Devolution
European Union
Reading Quiz 8.3 & 8.4
European Union Cont…
What does the future hold?
Failed States Research
Read & Take Notes on Key Issue
Study for Reading Quiz
Read & Take Note on Key Issue
& Study for Map Quiz
Read Chapter 4 in workbook
Read & Take Notes on Key Issue
& Study for Reading Quiz
Practice FRQ – Quiz Grade
Complete Vocabulary for unit
Complete Review questions for
Complete multiple choice for unit
(in workbook)
Study for Midterm
Study for Midterm
Unit 4 Exam (70/30) 1 FRQ
Midterm Review
Midterm (Units 1-4) (worth two
test grades) 100 Multiple Choice
* 8.1 = Chapter 8, Key Issue 1
* LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTED. Please plan accordingly.
At the end of this unit you should have:
- Read Chapter 8 in your textbook, take notes and complete review questions
- Read Chapter 4 in your workbook
- Complete the multiple choice practice in your workbook
- defined the vocabulary on the back of this sheet using your workbook & textbook
- Learn the location of all Asian countries
Essential Questions
1. Where are states located?
2. Why do boundaries cause problems
3. Why do states cooperate with each other?
4. Why has terrorism increased?
What should you know, understand and be able to do at the end of this unit?
1. Analyze the territorial dimensions of politics.
2. Trace and analyze how current political patterns have evolved over time and space.
3. Analyze and evaluate current challenges to political and or territorial settings.
IV. Political Organization of Space (13-17%)
Territorial dimensions of politics
The concept of territoriality
The nature and meaning of boundaries
Influences of boundaries on identity, interaction, and exchange
Evolution of the contemporary political pattern
The nation-state concept
Colonialism and imperialism
Federal and unitary states
Challenges to inherited political-territorial arrangements
Changing nature of sovereignty
Fragmentation, unification, alliance
Spatial relationships between political patterns and patterns of ethnicity, economy, and
Electoral geography, including gerrymandering
Review Questions: Please answer the following questions in complete sentences and hand in
on the day of the test.
1. Distinguish between the concepts of country, state, nation and nation-state.
2. Why is the concept of nation-state currently in transition?
3. How is sovereignty evident among the world’s nations?
4. Explain the differences between the following types of disputes: positional, territorial,
resource, functional. Give both historical and current day examples.
5. Boundaries
a. Cultural – define and give three examples
b. Geometric – define and give three examples
c. Physical – define and give three examples
d. Why is the concept of “boundary” at the center of the study of political
6. How does the shape of a nation (or other political construct) impact issues of
governance and the development of political policy (internal and foreign)?
7. How do development, technology, and markets act as agents of change in a region?
8. How have colonialism and imperialism been both constructive and disruptive forces
since the Age of Exploration?
9. How does religious missionary activity cause political and cultural conflict in an area?
How does it relate to the changing nature of sovereignty?
10. What are the forms of supranationalism in the contemporary world?
11. How are fragmentation, unification and alliances the causes of conflict? cooperation?
Political Organization Terms
For each vocabulary term write the definition and either give the significance or an example.
This should be done on index cards.
1. balance of power
2. boundary
3. city-state
4. colonialism
5. colony
6. compact state
7. elongated state
8. enclaves v. exclaves
9. European Union
10. federal state
11. forward capital
12. fragmentation
13. fragmented state
14. frontier
15. gerrymandering
16. imperialism
17. landlocked state
18. Mackinder, Sir Halford’s heartland
19. marketization v. privatization
20. microstate
21. multicore state
22. multinational state
23. nation-state
24. perforated state
25. prorupted state
26. Ratzel, Friedrich theory of
27. sovereignty
28. Spykman, Nicholas’ Rimland theory
29. state
30. stateless nation (Palestine)
31. supranational organization
32. unitary state