US history, culture, life and institutions

Souborná postupová zkouška uzavírá první etapu pětiletého učitelského studia a studenti k ní
mohou přistoupit po dokončení 3. roku studia.
Zkouška se skládá z těchto částí:
1. Lingvistika - komplexní rozbor textu, ve kterém budou zvýrazněny lingvistické jevy, které budou
předmětem diskuse. Zkouška bude založena na znalostech všech lingvistických disciplín
probraných v 1. až 3. ročníku.
2. Kulturně-historický přehled na základě předem stanovených okruhů.
3. Literatura - zkoušení na základě rozboru literárního textu.
K souborné postupové zkoušce student předloží seznam přečtených děl britských a amerických
Tento návrh je platný od ledna 2001. Předem stanovené okruhy ke zkoušení jednotlivých disciplín
budou vyvěšeny na příslušné nástěnce.
British history, culture, life and institutions
The historical development of Parliament and its present form and powers.
The historical development of central and local government and their present forms.
The historical development of law and justice up to the present.
The changing position of the monarch from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present.
The position of Britain in the world: from being an insignificant country on the outskirts of the
world, through its position as a superpower, to becoming one of the family of “middle powers”.
The rise and decline of the British Empire. The British Commonwealth of Nations from its birth to
the present. Its chief member states.
Britain’s economic development from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present.
The system of education in Britain: from medieval schools and universities to the modern system.
The development of British science and philosophy through the ages.
The chief religious denominations in Britain and their importance in the past and the present.
A brief outline of Irish history and the historical roots of the present conflict in Northern Ireland.
A brief outline of Scottish history and the Anglo-Scottish relations through the ages.
Historical, political and cultural differences between England and the Celtic Fringe. A survey of the
history of Wales.
The development of British art (architecture, painting, sculpture and music) as a reflection of
social, political and historical development from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present.
U. S. history, culture, life and institutions
1) “Inventing” America. Settling the colonies. Puritanism. New England. Colonial culture.
2) The Frontier West. What was the frontier? How the West was settled. Native Americans. The
frontier spirit and culture.
3) American Revolution (the War of Independence). Declaration of Independence. Forming the new
nation. Constitution. American political system.
4) The Civil War. A political and cultural perspective of slavery and abolitionism. Defining the South.
Southern culture and its distinctive features. The role of African Americans in the U.S.A.
5) The U.S.A. after the Civil War until the end of the 19th century. Reconstruction. The Gilded Age.
Industrialization of America. Growth of major cities. The immigrant experience. Cultural
background of this period.
6) Economic and social rise of the USA in the 1st half of the 20th century. The role of the USA in
World War I and II. The “Roaring Twenties”. Depression in the thirties. Roosevelt and the New
Deal. Modernist tendencies in American culture. American economy.
7) America in the 2nd half of the 20th century. A cultural, historical and political view of post-war
America. America as a world power. Wars in Korea, Vietnam; the Gulf War etc.
8) America as a multicultural society. Cultural pluralism. Ethnic cultures. The information revolution.
American mass media. Role of education in the U.S.A. Culture in post-modern era.