ONLY TIME WILL TELL Title: Only Time Will Tell Description: Students will be asked to consider what job they will do in the future. They will participate in various tasks to become familiar with the use of the future tense in English and they will be asked to apply that knowledge by writing a short text about their personal future using a model. Cycle: Elementary cycle 3. Duration: Approximately 4 hours Broad area of learning: Personal and Career Planning - Awareness of the connection of his/her self-knowledge and plans for the future; visualization in various roles. Other competencies -To cooperate with others Evaluation criteria – Appropriate attitudes and behaviors Evaluation means – Self-monitoring / Teacher observation ESL Competencies and criteria: Interacts orally in English (C1): Use of functional language; Use of strategies; Participation in exchanges; pronunciation. Reinvests the understanding of texts (C2): Use of strategies; Demonstration of understanding of key elements and overall meaning; Use of knowledge to create a personalized product. To write texts (C3): Compliance with instructions; language conventions targeted for tasks; characteristics of final product; Use of strategies. Evaluation means: Teacher’s comments/annotations (Could be written in the Student Booklet). Teacher’s rubrics Functional language – It is related to the future and the notion of working with others in a group. (Refer to Word Bank on the last page of the Student Booklet) Strategies - Accepting not being able to understand everything listened to or read; Scanning; Skimming; Resourcing; Taking risks; Self-monitoring; Planning Language conventions: Use of will / will not Text conventions: Speech bubbles; complete sentences; paragraphs Material needed: Teacher’s Guide Student Booklet Note: Extra activities have been added to the Teacher’s Guide for differentiation purposes. LES – Only Time Will Tell – Overview (60 minutes periods) Class 1 Look at pictures on cover page Present the LES – Guiding questions 1) What do you like to do? 2) What job will you do in the future? Draw something you like to do. Draw the job you will do in the future. Mind reader activity – red or black? Mini survey – Where will you live in the future? Battleship – Occupation/Place/Transportation Class 2 Matching - Occupations Review question words Read texts – Answer questions – Correct What will each person do? Option 1 – Change of Pace Option 2 – Fortune Teller Activity C2 Time 5 min. 5 min. Page SB1 SB1 10 -15 min. 10 -15 min. 10 -15 min. 10 -15 min. SB 1 Time 10 - 15 min. 5 min. 30 min. 10 min. 10 min. 10 -15 min. Page SB 4 SB 2 SB 2 SB 3 SB 5 SB 5 - 8 SB 9 SB 16 TB – Annex 2 Class 3 Word Bank Group work – Write about a fictitious person C1 Self-monitoring group work Final Task draft copy - Write about yourself using the model texts C2 /C3 Time 5 min. 25 min. 5 min 25 min. Page SB 21 SB 10 SB 11 SB 12 -13 Class 4 Final Task – Editing – Write good copy Time 15-30 min. 5 min. 10 min. 10 min. Page SB 14 Self-monitoring Wrap up Optional: Battleship or another activity C3 SB 15 SB 15 Annex 1 Class 1 Intro A Teacher’s role Introduction Ask students to look at the pictures on the cover page and guess what the LES will be about by looking at the pictures. Hopefully, they’ll see that it involves life in the future. Explain to students that they will be starting a new LES and that, at the end, they will have to answer two questions: What do you like to do? and What job will you do in the future? Student’s role Guess what the LES will be about by looking at the pictures. Time 10 min. Page SB 1 Teacher’s role Intro B Ask students to draw pictures of what activities they like to do now and what job they think they would like to do in the future. Student’s role Draw what they like to do now and draw what job they think they would like to do in the future. Time 10 min. Page SB 1 Teacher’s role Act. 1 For this activity you need a deck of cards. Pick one card at a time and have students predict if it will be red or black. Student’s role For each card the teacher will pick, choose if it will be red or black. After, they calculate their score and indicate if they feel they can predict the future. Time 10 min. Act. 2 Page SB 2 Teacher’s role Have students conduct a survey in the classroom. They must ask other students where they will live in the future and write the number of students for each possible answer (Canada, United States, another country). Student’s role Conduct a survey in the classroom. Put checkmarks in the appropriate box and calculate the number of students for each country. Students may wish to refer to the map on page 17 SB to find the countries mentioned. Time 15 min. Page SB 2 Teacher’s role Act. 3 Have students play Battleship. Model the activity with one student in front of the class. Note: This activity can also be played with cards (Teacher’s Guide Annex 1) Student’s role Find a teammate. Individually, choose an occupation, a place and a means of transportation. Hide their answers. Use the model questions provided and try to guess what their teammate has chosen. The first one to guess the correct answer for each category wins. Repeat two more times with different students. Write your scores. Time 15 min. Page SB 3 Class 2 Teacher’s role Act. 4 Matching: Look at page 4 SB with students. Show them the model. Ask them to match the occupations and the descriptions with the corresponding images. Show students the help box on SB p. 5 and review question words before they begin working. Student’s role Match the occupations and the descriptions with the images. Time 15 min. Page SB 4 Teacher’s role Act. 5 Show students the help box on SB p. 5 and review question words before they begin working. Model by doing the first text with students. This activity can be done in teams or individually. Note: Possibility of evaluating C2 doing this activity Student’s role Read the texts and answer the questions. Use the help box on SB p. 5, if required Time 30 min. Page SB 5 - 8 Teacher’s role Act. 6 Ask students to look at the pictures and predict what each person will do. Students should use the answers provided at the bottom of page 9. This activity can be done individually or in small groups. Student’s role Use the examples to complete this task. Time 10 min. Extra act. Page SB 9 Teacher’s role Optional: Show students the Change of Pace page. Student’s role Attempt the activities on the Change of Pace page. Time 10 min. Page SB 16 Teacher’s role Extra act. Optional: Fortune Teller activity – Make one copy of the fortune teller page for each student. - Put up copies of 40 Predictions About Your Future in the classroom. Student’s role Write down four numbers between 1 and 40 at random. Write down what the fortune teller predicts for your future. Time 10 - 15 min. Page TB Annex 2 Class 3 Teacher’s role Act. 7 Refer to Word Bank with students (last page of the SB). Ask students to work in small groups. They have to describe a fictitious person. Model the negotiation process necessary to complete the text. Remind students they can use the previous texts as models. Show them the word box and ask them to make sure that the information written is coherent (ie: using the same name throughout the story). Ask students to draw the fictitious person and to complete the speech bubble. Note: This is an opportunity to evaluate C1 If time, for some students, write a quick comment regarding their group work. Students might want to share their work with another group as well. Student’s role Fill in the text with their group by negotiating the information that they write (agreeing, disagreeing). Use the help box if necessary. Draw the fictitious person. Time 30 min. S-M chart Write a message in the speech bubble. Page SB 10 Teacher’s role Ask students to complete the self-monitoring chart . Write a comment for certain students if you have time. Student’s role Reflect on personal performance and complete self-monitoring chart. Time 5 min. Page SB 11 Teacher’s role Draft Copy Read the instructions for the final task with the students. Remind them to use the text model from the previous activity and to follow instructions carefully. Student’s role Write the draft of their text in the SB following instructions (write their name, age, school, grade, etc.) and using the model if necessary. Pair up with a teammate to correct their texts and exchange feedback. Time 25 min. Page SB 12-13 Class 4 Teacher’s role Final Ask students to reread their draft copies and edit their texts. Tell students to write the final copy on page 14. Collect final copies and correct. Copy Student’s role Check their draft copy for errors and rewrite a final version on a loose-leaf paper. Time 15 min – 30 min. Page SB 14 Teacher’s role S-M chart Ask students to think about which strategies they used during the LES. Tell them to complete the selfmonitoring chart . Student’s role Complete the self-monitoring chart about strategies. Time 5 min. Page SB 15 Teacher’s role Wrapup Have the students complete the Wrap-up activity individually. Ask them to reflect upon what they liked best in this learning and evaluation situation. Ask them what they found to be difficult. Ask them to indicate some words they learned by doing the LES. Discuss answers with the class. Student’s role Complete the Wrap-up activity. Share answers with the class. Time 10 min. Page SB 15 Teacher’s role Extra Act. Optional: Have students do the Battleship activity again. Student’s role Play Battleship. Time 10 min. Page TB Annex 1 Annex 1 Battleship Cards Occupation cards Place cards Transportation cards Hairdresser Sherbrooke Train Florist New York Airplane Nurse Toronto Motorcycle Plumber Maniwaki Boat Astronaut Ottawa Snowmobile Policeman Laval Truck Secretary Chicoutimi Helicopter Instructions Cut out one set of these cards for each group of two students. The students make three piles. The students shuffle the cards in each pile. The students choose one card from each pile. The students take turns asking questions. They begin with the Occupation Cards. They ask, “Will you be a ___________________ ?” Their partner will answer either, Yes, I will or No, I won’t. The first student to find their partner’s occupation wins a point. The students continue with the Places Cards and then with the Transportation Cards in the same way. Annex 2 Fortune Teller Activity At random, choose four numbers between 1 and 40. Write the four things that the fortune teller predicts for your future. # _____ # _____ # _____ # _____ a) You will _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ b) You will _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ c) You will _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ d) You will _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Annex 2 - Once the students have chosen their four numbers, they should refer to this sheet to find what the fortune teller predicts for their future. Copies could be placed at different locations in the classroom. 40 Predictions About Your Future 1. You will win a lottery. 2. You will become a famous actor. 3. You will get married and have ten children. 4. You will travel around the world. 5. You will live in New York someday. 6. You will travel in space. 7. You will live to be very old. 8. You will invent a fantastic machine. 9. You will write a book. 10. You will become a professional athlete. 11. You will speak four languages. 12. You will go to Montreal. 13. You will become a professional cook. 14. You will fly an airplane. 15. You will go to university. 16. You will be in super shape. 17. You will act on TV. 18. You will work in a hospital. 19. You will buy a boat. 20. You will live in China someday. 21. You will become a scientist. 22. You will have a robot in your home. 23. You will write poetry. 24. You will buy a house. 25. You will live on a farm. 26. You will have a pet. 27. You will wear plastic clothes. 28. You will travel to Africa. 29. You will be famous. 30. You will learn to juggle. 31. You will climb a mountain. 32. You will have a very small car. 33. You will find a diamond ring. 34. You will make a movie. 35. You will give lots of money to a charity. 36. You will compete in the Olympics. 37. You will become the prime minister of Canada. 38. You will learn to play a musical instrument. 39. You will build a house. 40. You will live on an island. Annex 3 Let’s practice! Look at the following sentences. Indicate which ones are in the future tense. I will go to Montreal on Saturday. He rides his bicycle everyday. They will write the text on the paper. Tomorrow I will play basketball against the best team in the league. I have a sister and two brothers. An elephant is sitting on my desk! You are an intelligent student. It will be your birthday in two days. We won’t eat French fries in the cafeteria. July is my favourite month of the year. Words that help me decide if a sentence is in the future tense Can you put the following sentences in order? basketball will Jim play recess at ? am years I old twelve . won’t She school at today be . Class ________________________ Class Poster Activity Annex 4 Our Predictions We think that ___________________________ will win hockey team the next Stanley Cup championship. We believe that there will be _____________ students number present in our classroom on March 24. We predict that _________________________ will be singer named the best singer at the next Grammy Awards. We think that ____________________________ will ___________________________________. Appendix 5 Pronunciation Use of functional language Participation in exchanges Evaluation Criteria I think that… Competency 1 Rubric To interact orally in English 10 - 9 8-7 6 I participate very often. I participate regularly. I participate sometimes. I use common classroom language (e.g. Can you repeat that?) and new vocabulary during my discussions with my teammates. I use a wide range of classroom language and new vocabulary correctly. I use classroom language and new vocabulary correctly or mostly correctly. I sometimes use classroom language and new vocabulary correctly. I use classroom language and new vocabulary correctly only when someone helps me. I have difficulty using common classroom language or new vocabulary. I pronounce words clearly in English. I always pronounce words clearly in English I pronounce most words clearly in English. I sometimes pronounce words clearly in English. I need help pronouncing words clearly in English. My pronunciation is not clear. I participate in small groups and in classroom discussions. For example: -I express my opinion. –I react to others’ opinions. –I ask questions. –I give examples. . 5-4 I participate only when someone helps me. 3-0 I almost never participate. Appendix 6 Competency 2 Rubric To reinvest understanding of oral and written texts I Use of knowledge Evaluation Criteria think that… Selection of information/ideas from texts, relevant to task • Coherence of organization of selected information/ideas • Use of words and expressions from texts • Delivery of a personalized product by: – combining information/ideas from texts with own ideas and language 10 - 9 8-7 6 5-4 3-0 The students text contains lots of information and language from a variety of texts and presents a high degree of originality. The students text contains a good amount of information and language from texts and presents a good degree of originality. The students text contains some information and language from texts and presents an adequate degree of originality. The students text contains very little information and language from texts and presents a low degree of originality. The students text does not contain information and language from texts and presents a poor degree of originality. Appendix 7 Evaluation Criteria Compliance with instructions Language conventions targeted for task Characteristics of final product My teacher observes whether … Competency 3 Rubric To write texts 10 - 9 8-7 6 5-4 3-0 I follow the instructions to write a text. I follow all of the instructions I follow most of the instructions. I follow some of the instructions. I follow very few of the instructions. I do not follow any of the instructions The words in my text are spelled correctly. There are no spelling errors. There are few spelling errors. There are several spelling errors. Most or all words are misspelled. Capital letters, question marks, commas and periods are used correctly. Punctuation is used correctly in my letter. There are little punctuation errors in my letter. There are several punctuation errors in my letter. There are lots of punctuation errors in my letter. Verb tenses are used appropriately. (future tense) Verbs are conjugated appropriately. Most verbs are conjugated appropriately Several verbs are not conjugated appropriately. Lots of verbs are not conjugated appropriately. My text is personalized, easy to read, clear and understandable. My text is clear from the first reading. My text is somewhat clear from the first reading. My text is clear after a second reading. My text is somewhat clear after a second reading. - OR - My text copies word for word from one of the texts I have read. - OR - My message is off topic.