UNIVERZITA SV. CYRILA A METODA V TRNAVE UNIVERSITY OF SS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS IN TRNAVA ECTS- Courses for Incoming Students Faculty of Natural Sciences a) Study programme: Applied Informatics Bc./BSc. ECTS course: Algorithms and Programming Annotation: The students will acquire the fundamental knowledge of algorithmisation - general structures of executive statements (Sequences, Selections and Iterations), basic structures of entities (field and record), procedures and functions, objects. The lessons include the work with the C model language (“case study”). The students will obtain basic skills in working with the C language and learn to model all the structures in this language, as explained in the lectures. The course includes creation, analysis and implementation of algorithms. Language: English Number of credits: 6 Semester: autumn Lecturer: doc. Ing. Michal Čerňanský, PhD., Ing. Jana Jurinová, PhD. ECTS course: Computer Architectures Annotation: The student will acquire the knowledge of principles computer system and computer hardware. The student will also learn about the basic parts of a computer system including the interaction between individual components. Language: English Number of credits: 6 Semester: autumn Lecturer: doc. Ing. German Michaľčonok, CSc., PaedDr. Miroslav Ölvecký, PhD. ECTS course: Operating Systems I. Annotation: The aim of the course is to familiarize the students with the principles and mechanisms underlying modern operating systems. The students will gain theoretical knowledge of the principles of activities of individual algorithms forming multitasking operating systems. The students will learn to understand scheduling algorithms, the use of fibres in the operating system, the ways of synchronisation of processes in the operating system such as semaphores and monitors. They will also understand the concepts of deadlock, detection, and prevention. Language: English Number of credits: 5 Semester: autumn Lecturer: Mgr. Marián Hosťovecký, PhD. ECTS course: Computer Networks I. Annotation: The aim of the course is to familiarise the students with the problems of local area and wide area computer networks, their standards, transmission media, and access methods. Language: English Number of credits: 5 Semester: autumn Lecturer: Ing. Marek Šimon, PhD. ECTS course: Information System Design Annotation: Deepening the knowledge of the software development process, mastering advanced software engineering techniques, including object-oriented analysis and design, UML, the testing process and work with CASE systems. Acquiring the practical modelling tools and techniques using OO technology Unified Process and UML. Language: English Number of credits: 5 Semester: autumn Lecturer: Ing. Miroslav Beňo, PhD. ECTS course: Information Security Annotation: Acquiring the basics of information security - defining the scope of the problem, basic characteristics of safety equipment and measures, applying systematic approach in addressing the information system security. Language: English Number of credits: 5 Semester: autumn Lecturer: doc. RNDr. PaedDr. Ladislav Huraj, PhD. ECTS course: Basics of Management - Seminar Annotation: A specialist course offers a comprehensive system of knowledge in the field of management. It describes the development of methods, principles and functions of management as a process, i.e. planning, organising, leading and controlling. Language: English Number of credits: 3 Semester: autumn Lecturer: Ing. Andrea Vadkertiová ECTS course: Marketing – Seminar Annotation: Providing the students with the thematic focus and content of individual lectures and seminars. The subject comprises the knowledge in the field of marketing and management. Language: English Number of credits: 3 Semester: autumn Lecturer: Ing. Andrea Vadkertiová ECTS course: Internet Technologies Annotation: The aim of the course is to provide the students with information about technologies used on the Internet. The students will understand the difference between static and dynamically generated pages. They will learn to independently develop a full-fledged web presentation using the technologies cooperating with databases. Language: English Number of credits: 5 Semester: summer Lecturer: PaedDr. Miroslav Ölvecký, PhD. ECTS course: Object-oriented Programming Annotation: Introduction to the Object Oriented Programming for experienced programmers in procedural languages. The course enables the students to gain practical experience in the basics of programming language "C #" and "C + +". Language: English Number of credits: 6 Semester: summer Lecturer: doc. Ing. Michal Čerňanský, PhD., Ing. Jana Jurinová, PhD. ECTS course: Computer Graphics Annotation: The students will acquire the knowledge of 2D computer graphics, graphical programming, and basic information about 3D graphics. They will understand the principles of raster and vector computer graphics and will get an overview of the basic raster graphics algorithms. Attention is focused mainly on algorithms for drawing lines, filling areas, cropping, geometric transformations, and other fields. The students will gain the basic knowledge of modelling curves and surfaces, as well as fractals. They will master the basics of graphical programming using the multiplatform integrated development environment. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: summer Lecturer: Ing. Mgr. Roman Horváth, PhD. ECTS course: Computer Networks II Annotation: Comparison of ISO OSI and TCP/IP, description of TCP/IP layers and protocols on them, DNS, routing in TCP / IP, network monitoring, security networks, encryption, VPN, firewall, IDS. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: summer Lecturer: Ing. Marek Šimon, PhD. ECTS course: Operating Systems II Annotation: The aim of the course is to provide the students with theoretical knowledge of the principles of activities of individual algorithms constituting the distributed operating systems. The course also aims to teach students to model and create algorithms used in distributed operating systems. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: summer Lecturer: Mgr. Marián Hosťovecký, PhD. ECTS course: Graphical and Multimedia Systems Annotation: The students will be familiarised with the basic software and basic technologies in the field of computer image processing, digital photography, audio, video, animation, and their integration. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: summer Lecturer: Ing. Jana Jurinová, PhD. ECTS course: Modelling and Simulation Annotation: The students will acquire the basic theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of modelling and simulation of dynamic processes. They will be familiarised with the programming means for modelling and simulation of dynamic processes. They will gain the knowledge and skills necessary for processing the data from a dynamic process in mathematical models of individual processes with the aim to optimize the data processing. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: summer Lecturer: Ing. Darja Gabriška, PhD. ECTS course: Encoding and Data Compression Annotation: The course aims to provide the students with information about technologies used on the Internet. The students will understand the difference between static and dynamically generated pages. They will learn to independently develop a full-fledged web presentation using the technologies cooperating with databases. Language: English Number of credits: 3 Semester: summer Lecturer: Ing. Miroslav Beňo, PhD. ECTS course: Advanced Internet Technologies Annotation: The students will acquire the basic knowledge about the latest trends and technologies used on the Internet. They will understand the life cycle and security policy of Internet applications. They will also learn to use the PHP language for the Internet application development. The course provides an overview of, and orientation in the development environments intended for PHP (Eclipse, NetBeans). The students will obtain the basics of creating GUI applications in PHP. Language: English Number of credits: 3 Semester: summer Lecturer: PaedDr. Miroslav Ölvecký, PhD. b) Study programme: Biotechnology Bc./ BSc. c) Study programme: Applied Biology Bc./BSc. ECTS course: Biológia I /BIOLOGY I Annotation: The purpose of the course is to present a comprehensive survey of basic principles, relations and inherent laws of biosystems. The focus is on understanding the aims of specific branches of biology, the origin and development of living matter, and basic relations between the chemical structure and the function of organelles in basic structures of biosystems. Language: English Number of credits: 5 Semester: 1. winter term Lecturer: RNDr. Juraj Faragó, PhD. ECTS course: Laboratórne cvičenia z biológie I /LABORATORY EXERCISES IN BIOLOGY I Annotation: Laboratory jobs with the aim of practical verification of the properties of a microscope, chemical composition of a living cell. Cell and the environment. Basic ways of biological material treatment before microscoping. Research methods. Observing of plant tissues of bodies. Language: English Number of credits: 3 Semester: 1. winter term Lecturer: RNDr. Juraj Faragó, PhD. ECTS course: Biotechnologické informácie/ BIOTECHNOLOGICAL INFORMATION Annotation: The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with the basic categories of information, archiving methods, methods of information acquisition from primary and secondary sources, possibilities of utilising computer technique in information acquisition, access to the data on the WWW, basic procedures of background research. The subject includes practical application of the acquired knowledge, i.e. elaboration of a background research on a given topic. Language: English Number of credits: 5 Semester: 1. winter term Lecturer: RNDr. Martin Pipíška, PhD. ECTS course: Biológia II /BIOLOGY II Annotation: The students will obtain the knowledge of fundamental life processes and their regulation in specific biosystems. The course includes the explanation of inherent laws of variability of biosystems and the methods of their modification. The importance of biological systems for practise will be pointed out as well. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: 2. summer term Lecturer: RNDr. Juraj Faragó, PhD. ECTS course: Úvod do biotechnológii/ INTRODUCTION TO BIOTECHNOLOGIES Annotation: The aim of the course is to explain the development, role and significance of biotechnologies in a biological stage of scientific-technical revolution and in solution to global earth problems, and to define the aspects of the development of this revolution. Language: English Numberof credits: 3 Semester: 1. winter term Lecturer: doc. Ing. Stanislav Šilhár, CSc. ECTS course: Mikrobiológia /MICROBIOLOGY Annotation: The course will provide information about taxonomy of viruses, prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms, their sub-cellular structure, diagnostics, role of microorganisms in the nature, and applicability in practice. Development of knowledge about the structure and properties of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, with regard to current developments in the field of molecular genetics. Morphology, subcellular organisation, genetics and metabolic functions of a cell. Taxonomy of viruses, bacteria, micromycetes, protozoa, and photosynthesising microorganisms. Industrial, medicinal and environmental microbiology. Language: English Numberof credits: 4 Semester: 3. winter term Lecturer: Ing. Viera Horváthová, PhD. ECTS course: Biochémia/ BIOCHEMISTRY Annotation: The course continues the preceding study of basic chemical disciplines. It introduces the students into the problems of chemical compounds occurring in biosystems (amino acids, peptides, proteins, nucleotides and nucleic acids, saccharides and polysaccharides, lipids and their components, other bioactive compounds) in a close connection with their biological functions.Living systems, their composition and organisation. Characteristics of biosystems. Material composition of organisms. Cellular structure. Organisation of living systems. Biopolymers – basis of living systems. General characteristics. Peptides and proteins, chemistry, spatial structure, physico-chemical and biological properties. Chemistry of nucleotides and nucleic acids. Supramolecular structures. Biomembranes, structure and function. Enzymes – general characteristics and classification. Structure and the forms of occurrence. Mechanism of the effect. Influence of reaction conditions on enzyme activity. Regulation of activity. Enzyme engineering. Saccharides and their metabolism. Natural mono- oligo-, and polysaccharides. Lipids and isoprenoids – definition, functions and their main parts. Division. Language: English Numberof credits: 4 Semester: 4. summer term Lecturer: Ing. Tibor Maliar, PhD. ECTS course: Laboratórne cvičenia z mikrobiológie/ LABORATORY EXERCISES IN MICROBIOLOGY Annotation: The aim of the course is to complete theoretical knowledge of microbiology with practical skills, with regard to their further application in professional practice of the students. Basic microbiological techniques – microscoping, inoculation, cultivation, and basic characteristics of bacteria, yeast, and filamentous fungi. Language: English Numberof credits: 3 Semester: 3. winter term Lecturer: Ing. Viera Horváthová, PhD. ECTS course: Chemické a biologické výpočty/ BIOCHEMICAL DATA AND CALCULATIONS Annotation: The aim of the course is to teach the students to work with (i) the Internet molecular-biological databases storing the data on nucleotide sequences of genes and amino acidic sequences of proteins, and (ii) with the basic computer program which enables to compare these sequences. In addition, the students will be informed about the importance of the study of genomes of living organisms and the study of interconnections between the evolution of species and evolution of proteins. Language: English Numberof credits: 2 Semester: 1. winter term Lecturer: RNDr. Miroslav Horník, PhD. ECTS course: Laboratórne cvičenia z biochémie/ LABORATORY EXERCISES IN BIOCHEMISTRY Annotation: During the Laboratory Exercises, the students will be acquainted with the basic laboratory techniques and will practice them in a biochemical laboratory. The purpose is to complete theoretical knowledge with practical skills, with regard to their further application in the students’ professional practice.Determination of the percentage of water and dry substance in vegetable material. Determination of the percentage of ashes by flame annealing. Proof and determination of glucose. Determination of starch after hydrolysis as reducing saccharides. Determination of proteins by Biuret-Lowry method. Proof of proteins by Pettenkoffer reaction. Determination of fats in milk according to Rose and Gottlieb. Isolation and division of lecithin and cephalin from the egg yolk. Division of chlorophyll pigments by TLC. Spectrophotometric determination of chlorophylls. Spectrophotometric determination of antocyanines. Proof reactions of saccharides. Paper chromatography of saccharides. Identification of unknown sample of saccharides. Determination of proteolytic activity. Spectrophotometric determination of L-ascorbic acid. Proof reactions of vitamins B1, A, D. Isolation of DNA from spleen. Language: English Numberof credits: 3 Semester: 4. winter term Lecturer: Ing. Ivana Pšenáková ECTS course: Molekulová biológia / MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF EUKARYOTES Annotation: During the course, the students will familiarise with the fundamentals of molecular biology of eukaryotes, its inherent laws, the structure and organisation on nucleic acids, biosynthesis of molecular acids, and with protosynthesis and its organisation. Language: English Numberof credits: 4 Semester: 5. winter term Lecturer: Ing. Andrej Godány, CSc. ECTS course: Bioinformatika/ BIOINFORMATICS Annotation: The aim of the course is (i) to improve the work with molecular-biological sequential databases, (ii) with specific computer program with the help of which it is possible to compare amino-acidic sequences of evolutionally remotely affine proteins, and (iii) to learn the fundamentals of work with Internet servers oriented to bioinformatics of proteins. At the same time, the aim is to point out the existence of families of affine proteins and evolutionary relations between functionally different proteins.Families of proteins, evolutionally closely and remotely affine proteins, structural and functional affinity. Method of HCA (Hydrophobic Cluster Analysis) - analysis of hydrophobic clusters, corresponding to sequential fragments, structural and functional domains and motifs. Identification of zones in amino acidic sequences of remotely affine proteins. Internet “tool” for search of sequential similarities and evolutionary affinity of proteins - BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool). Processing of data acquired via BLAST (CLUSTLAW, manual adjustment of aligned amino acidic sequences with the use of literary data, TreeView). Language: English Numberof credits: 4 Semester: 6. summer term Lecturer: Ing. Štefan Janeček, DrSc. ECTS course: Génové manipulácie a GMO / GENE MANIPULATIONS AND GMO Annotation: The purpose of the course is to present basic approaches, methodologies and knowledge of cloning of DNA, gene manipulations and characterisations of recombinant DNA in prokaryotic cells. Restriction-modification systems. Plasmid and bacteriophage DNA. Methods of their utilisation for preparation of cloning vectors. Restrictive analysis of DNA, preparation of restrictive maps of plasmid and phagus DNA. Host bases for plasmid and phagus vectors. Preparation of competent cells, transformation, development of safe bacterial host bases. Enzymes and biopreparations for gene manipulations. Methods of preparation of recombinant DNA. and types of vectors, cloning strategy, linkers, adaptors, gene cloning in plasmid and phagous vectors, preparation of gene libraries. Isolation and characterisation of cloned genes, restriction analysis of recombinant plasmids, search probes. Synthesis of cDNA, strategy of cDNA cloning, search of positive clones, Northern, Southern blot, colonial hybridisation. Sequential analysis of DNA. Maxam-Gilbert method, Sanger method, cloning in phagus M 13 for sequential analysis of DNA. Expression of genes, express vectors, promoters, terminators. Amplification of DNA by means of PCR. Employment of PCR in cloning, characterisation and detection of genes. Language: English Numberof credits: 4 Semester: 6. summer term Lecturer: Ing. Andrej Godány, CSc. d) Study programme: Chemistry and Applied Chemistry ECTS course: Všeobecná chémia/ GENERAL CHEMISTRY Annotation: The course will introduce the students to the study of chemistry, acquaint them with the fundamental apparatus of notions also used in other subjects, such as Inorganic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry. Language: English Number of credits: 7 Semester: 1. winter term Lecturer: prof. Ing. Roman Boča, DrSc. ECTS course: Laboratórne cvičenie z chémie/ LABORATORY EXERCISES IN CHEMISTRY Annotation: The lessons include laboratory tasks aimed at basic practical activities in a chemical laboratory. The objective is to obtain basic knowledge of laboratory methods and acquire skills in common laboratory operations needed to perform practical tasks, mainly in preparative inorganic and preparative organic chemistry. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: 1. winter term Lecturer: RNDr. BeátaVranovičová, PhD. ECTS course: Anorganická chémia/ INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Annotation: The subject of Inorganic Chemistry presents basic knowledge of the structure and properties of chemical elements and compounds. Language: English Number of credits: 7 Semester: 2. summer term Lecturer: prof. Ing. Roman Boča, DrSc. ECTS course: Laboratórne cvičenie z anorganickej chémie/ LABORATORY EXERCISES IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Annotation: Laboratory exercises are focused on acquiring basic knowledge and skills in the area of preparative inorganic chemistry. The exercises include sets of practical tasks, qualitative chemical analysis of products and intermediate products of reactions. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: 2. summer term Lecturer: RNDr. Beáta Vranovičová, PhD. ECTS course: Fyzikálna chémia I/ PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I Annotation: The subject has a form of a basic course which acquaints the students with the physical rules controlling chemical reactions. Physical Chemistry I provides basic information about the structure and the description of states of substances. On the basis of laws of thermodynamics, the subject explains and describes the effects accompanying physicalchemical and chemical processes, and determines their spontaneous flow lines. It also explains and describes the behaviour of one-component and multi-component systems. Language: English Number of credits: 6 Semester: 3. winter term Lecturer: doc. Ing. Pavel Kovařík, CSc. ECTS course: Organická chémia I / ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Annotation: Organic Chemistry deals with the chemistry of carbon compounds. It explains the basic notions: chemical bond, organic compounds structure, types of isomerism, tautomerism, electron effects. The subject introduces the system of organic compounds from the simplest alkanes, cycloalkanes, unsaturated carbohydrates and aromates up to their derivatives. The subject includes halogen derivatives and their substitution nucleophilic reactions; hydroxide derivatives, sulphur and nitrogen organic compounds, in that connection the notions of acidity and basicity are explained. Individual derivatives are explained in regard to the influence of the functional group on physico-chemical properties and reactivity of compounds. The aim of a seminar is to introduce the students to the nomenclature of organic compounds, solve chemical reactions and simple synthetic procedures, following the subject-matter of the lectures. Stereo-chemical problems are explained on the examples and models. Language: English Number of credits: 6 Semester: 3. winter term Lecturer: doc. Mgr. Renáta Gašparová, PhD. ECTS course: Laboratórne cvičenie z organickej chémie I/ LABORATORY EXERCISES IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Annotation: The objective of laboratory exercises is to prepare the students for the work in an organic laboratory. The emphasis is laid on the knowledge of the structure of reaction equipment and managing the laboratory technique on an adequate level. Elementary synthetic operations are supported by theoretical knowledge obtained during the lectures on inorganic chemistry. In the framework of laboratory exercises, the emphasis is put on improving the knowledge of nomenclature of organic compounds and reaction mechanisms of the performed tasks. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: 3. winter term Lecturer:doc. Mgr. Renáta Gašparová, PhD. ECTS course: Fyzikálna chémia II/ PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II Annotation: Physical chemistry II presents basic knowledge of chemical equilibria in chemical and electrochemical systems. It describes conduction of electricity in electrolytic solutions, explains formation of electric potential on electrodes and electromotive force in galvanic cells. The subject also describes the rate of simple and complex reactions, and explains it on the basis of the theories of chemical kinetics. The subject explains connections between physical properties of molecules and their structure. Language: English Number of credits: 6 Semester: 4. summer term Lecturer: doc. Ing. Pavel Kovařík, CSc. ECTS course: Laboratórne cvičenie z fyzikálnej chémie / LABORATORY EXERCISE IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Annotation: Laboratory exercise in physical chemistry forms an integral part of the study of physical chemistry. The students in laboratories apply their basic knowledge of physical chemistry, and acquire necessary laboratory skills and ability of independent processing of experimental results. Laboratory exercise includes all the areas of physical chemistry: properties of gases and liquids, chemical thermodynamics, electrical chemistry, and chemical kinetics. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: 4. summer term Lecturer: RNDr. Ladislav Rábara, PhD. ECTS course: Organická chémia II / ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II Annotation: Organic Chemistry II builds upon the knowledge acquired by the study of Organic Chemistry I. The subject emphasises the relation between the structure and reactivity of functional groups, such as: carbonyl and carboxyl groups, and their derivatives. It introduces chemistry of simple heterocyclic compounds with regard to their biological significance. It focuses on the basics of chemistry of natural substances: saccharides, proteins, enzymes, steroids, terpenes, vitamins. Macromolecular substances and organic dyes are explained on the level of structure, chemical properties and their technical and practical importance. Language: English Number of credits: 6 Semester: 4. summer term Lecturer: doc. Mgr. Renáta Gašparová, PhD. ECTS course: Laboratórne cvičenie z organickej chémie II/ LABORATORY EXERCISES IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II Annotation: Laboratory Exercise in Organic Chemistry II follows up Laboratory Exercise in Organic Chemistry I and continues in preparing the students for work in an organic laboratory. Emphasis is put on the knowledge of reaction equipment construction, managing laboratory technique on an adequate level an managing more complex laboratory jobs. Synthetic work follows up theoretical knowledge obtained during the lectures on Organic Chemistry. In the framework of laboratory exercise, the emphasis is put on improving the knowledge of the nomenclature of organic compounds and reaction mechanisms of the performed work. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: 4. summer term Lecturer: doc. Mgr. Renáta Gašparová, PhD. ECTS course: Analytická chémia I /ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY I Annotation: Analytical Chemistry I provides explanation of the subject of analytical chemistry and analytical methods. As regards qualitative analysis, the students will get a survey of division and evidence of cations and anions, functional group analysis, and of general procedure in analysing an unknown sample. From the point of view of quantitative analysis, the students will be informed about exploitation of chemical reactions in volumetry, with presentation of practical examples and evaluation of the obtained results. Language: English Number of credits: 5 Semester: 4. summer term Lecturer: doc. Ing. Ernest Beinrohr, DrSc. ECTS course: Laboratórne cvičenie z analytickej chémie I / LABORATORY EXERCISE IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY I Annotation: Laboratory Exercises in Analytical Chemistry are partially focused on application of the knowledge of inorganic chemistry and execution of proof reactions of cations and anions, with their utilisation in the process of separation from an unknown compound. The aim of volumetric analysis is to gain practical skills in preparation of volumetric solutions, execution of titration with the emphasis on analytical accuracy and consecutive calculation for determination of analyte (analytical separator, analytical reagent) content in the given sample. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: 4. summer term Lecturer: RNDr. Viera Mrázová, PhD. ECTS course: Analytická chémia II/ ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY II Annotation: The objective of Analytical chemistry II is to present a survey of modern instrumental techniques, which are based on exploitation physico-chemical properties of substances. The course proceeds from the basis of a particular technique, through its instrumentation to utilisation of the technique in quantitative and qualitative analyses. Language: English Number of credits: 5 Semester: 5. winter term Lecturer: doc. Ing. Ernest Beinrohr, DrSc. ECTS course: Laboratórne cvičenie z analytickej chémie II/ LABORATORY EXERCISE IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY II Annotation: The objective of the Laboratory Exercises in Analytical Chemistry II is to acquire skills in the area of instrumental methods, evaluate the measured results, and interpret the obtained analytical information. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: 5. winter term Lecturer: RNDr. Viera Mrázová, PhD. ECTS course: Organická chémia III / ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III Annotation: The students will be acquainted with the set of factors influencing the course of organic reactions: kinetic and thermodynamic characteristics, influence of the structure of substrate and agent on reactivity, the role of different types of catalysis, influence of solvent. The objective is to provide the latest information about all the basic mechanisms of chemical reactions and to describe the relevant transient states, stable and highly reactive intermediates. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: 5. winter term Lecturer: doc. Mgr. Renáta Gašparová, PhD. ECTS course: Kvantová chémia/ QUANTUM CHEMISTRY Annotation: Acquaint the students with the basic knowledge of quantum chemistry, modelling and calculations. Language: English Number of credits: 5 Semester: 6. summer term Lecturer: prof. Ing. Milan Remko, DrSc. ECTS course: Bioorganická chémia/ BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY Annotation: To present the information and methods in which modern organic chemistry contributes to the study and exploitation of biopolymers, mainly peptides and amino acids. To acquaint the students with the methods of synthesis of enantiomerically pure α-amino acids, with the modes of peptide bonds formation in peptides, or phosphodiester bond formation in oligonucleotides in laboratory conditions. To present information on biocatalysts which can be used in enantio-selective syntheses of organic substances. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: 6. summer term Lecturer: prof. Ing. Viktor Milata, DrSc. ECTS course: Spektrálne metódy/ SPECTRAL METHODS Annotation: The objective of the subject is to elucidate the relation between spectral properties and the structure of organic compounds, which allows us to determine the structure of the analysed compound and its purity on the basis of the measured spectral data. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: 6. summer term Lecturer: prof. Ing.Peter Rapta, DrSc. ECTS course: Laboratórne cvičenie z organickejchémie III / LABORATORY EXERCISES IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY III Annotation: The subject is aimed at further development of abilities and skills acquired during Laboratory Exercises in Organic Chemistry I and II. The subject includes synthetic work in which more demanding laboratory techniques, such as distillation under the lowered pressure, azeotropic distillation, and rectification are used. Part of synthetic work and insulation techniques is aimed at acquiring the technique of work with small amounts. In simple cases, IR and NMR spectra of starting substances and products are measured. Language: English Number of credits: 5 Semester: 6. summer term Lecturer: Ing. Jozef Miklovič, PhD. ECTS course: Syntéza prírodných látok/ SYNTHESIS OF NATURAL SUBSTANCES Annotation: To acquaint the students with modern synthetic procedures in a laboratory preparation of more complex organic compounds – natural substances or their analogues, with special emphasis on synthesis of enantiomerically pure products, which can be used as cures or pesticides with minimised ecological risk. Language: English Number of credits: 3 Semester: 6. summer term Lecturer: doc. Mgr. Renáta Gašparová, PhD. e) Study programme: Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry ECTS course: Chemometria / CHEMOMETRICS Annotation: The objective of the subject is to learn the basics of chemometrics, which integrates knowledge of chemistry, mathematics and computer science to create or select optimal methods and experiments, as well as to mastering the principles of chemometrics to get the final user-oriented information that will make a clear and objective statement in the decision making process. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: 1. winter term Lecturer: Ing. Dáša Kružlicová, PhD. ECTS course: Fyzikálna organická chémia/ PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Annotation: The aim of the object is to present the information about the classification of physical properties of organic compounds and their structurerelationship. Discuss in detail the forces acting between particles, the theory mesomerism and resonance properties of the shifts of atomic nuclei, the properties caused by changes in electron density, magnetic phenomena and properties of liquid and solid phases. Language: English Number of credits: 5 Semester: 1. winter term Lecturer: prof. Ing. Viktor Milata, DrSc. ECTS course: Moderné analytické metódy/ MODERN ANALYTICAL METHODS Annotation: TheModern Analytical Methodsare partially focused on application of the knowledge of the chemical and physical principles of the analytical signal, the possibility of its isolation and detection methods in modern instrumental techniques, focusing on the identification of substances, structural and quantitative analysis. Get effective option of joining the analytical techniques in order to increase selectivity and reduce the limit of determination. Language: English Number of credits: 5 Semester: 2. summer term Lecturer: doc. Ing. Ernest Beinrohr, DrSc. ECTS course: Metódy separácie látok/ METHODS OF SEPARATING SUBSTANCES Annotation: The objective of methods of Separating Substances is to present a theoretical foundations of separation methods and give an overview of the possibilities of using separation techniques with emphasis on application in the analysis (a) complex organic systems, (b) environmental samples, (c) of food samples, and (d) of biological material andexplanation of the specific requirements applicable in trace analysis. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: 1. winter term Lecturer: prof. Ing. Jozef Lehotay, DrSc. ECTS course: Bioanalytická chémia/ BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Annotation: The students will be acquainted with the most important means of biochemical analysis of samples representing different application areas in practice and with the fundamentals of creation, processing and interpretation of the analytical signal, focusing on the use of biochemical or biological methods and detection systems. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: 3. winter term Lecturer: RNDr. Viera Mrázová, PhD. ECTS course: Chémia koordinačných a organokovových zlúčenín / CHEMISTRY OF COORDINATION AND ORGANOMETALLIC COMPOUNDS Annotation: The aim is to acquaint students with the basic knowledge of the preparation, structure, properties and reactivity of coordination and organometallic compounds. Explain the relationship between structure and chemical properties of these compounds. Clarify the relationship between structure-binding parameters and thermodynamic and kinetic parameters conditional reactivity. Language: English Number of credits: 5 Semester: 2. summer term Lecturer: prof. Ing. Roman Boča, DrSc. ECTS course: Xenobiochémia / XENOBIOCHEMISTRY Annotation: Basic principles of biodegradation of chemical compounds contaminating environment. The role of metabolic activity in biodegradation processes: carbon cycle. The main metabolic pathways in bacteria, higher plants and animals. Quantitative relationships between biodegradability and chemical structures of organic compounds. Biological and abiological conversions of inorganic compounds. The role of microorganisms and higher plants in bioremediation processes of contaminated soils. Molecular biology in xenobiochemistry: present state and perspectives. Language: English Number of credits: 4 Semester: winter term Lecturer: prof. Ing. Jozef Augustín, DrSc. ECTS course: Ochrana životného prostredia I/ GLOBAL PROBLEMS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION I Annotation: The aim of the course is to introduce the students with basic principles characterised the state of environment and its protection on the basis of physico-chemical processes in atmosphere, hydrosphere and pedosphere. The accent is oriented to dispersion contaminants (especially heavy metals and radionuclides) in atmosphere and in hydrosphere, as well as to evaluation of risk characteristics of compounds and to characterisation of analysis and monitoring of environment approaches. Language: English Numberof credits: 4 Semester: winter term Lecturer: Assoc. prof. Dr.habil. RNDr. Juraj Lesný, PhD. ECTS course: Jadrová chémia/ NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Annotation: The course deals with chemistry of natural and artificial radioisotopes, stabile isotopes as well as with chemical effects of nuclear radiation, nuclear reactions and chemical problems in connection with nuclear reactors. Also, the course will be informing with isotopes techniques in terms of specific methods applied in chemical research especially for nuclear analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry and biotechnology or in remediation techniques. Individual part will be dealing with radiation chemistry, biological effects and detection of nuclear radiation. Language: English Numberof credits: 4 Semester: 6. summer term Lecturer: Assoc. prof. Dr.habil. RNDr. Juraj Lesný, PhD. ECTS course: Environmentálna chémia/ ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY Annotation: Chemistry fundamentals, the basic principles and concepts of environmental chemistry and chemical processes. Hydrospheric chemistry and water treatment (fundamentals of aquatic chemistry, reactions in freshwaters, dissolution/precipitation, complexation reactions, species distribution, modeling aquatic systems, metals, nutrients, sediments, organic matter and organic chemicals in water). Chemistry of the atmosphere (stratospheric and tropospheric chemistry, photochemistry, nitrogen oxides, ozone, hydrocarbons, sulfur, halogen chemistry). Geochemistry (mineral components of soil, weathering processes, organic components, soil pH and redox potential, soil acidity and alkalinity, influence of pH on soils, chemical reactions in soil, and in soil solution, ion and ligand exchange, complexation/chelation, precipitation/dissolution). Language: English Numberof credits: 4 Semester: 4. summer term Lecturer: Assoc. prof. Ing. Stanislav Hostin, PhD. ECTS course: Dekontaminačné a remediačné technológie/ RECONTAMINATION AND REMEDIATION TECHNOLOGY Annotation: The main goal of the course is to provide an introduction to remediation and remediation technologies and their application in organic and inorganic compounds removing from contaminated soils and waters. The course will be focused not only on conventional methods based on physical and physico-chemical procedures but also alternative methods based on utilization of biological systems will be discussed. Language: English Numberof credits: 4 Semester: winter term Lecturer: RNDr. Martin Pipíška, PhD. f) English ECTS course: Anglický jazyk I/ ENGLISH LANGUAGE I Annotation: The course of English Language I for the students of Biotechnologies,of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Remediation Technologies is aimed at developing basic communication skills, practicing grammar structures needed to form correct lexical and sentence patterns, building up general and subject-specific vocabularies, acquiring the techniques of written and oral utterances, elaborating a bilingual glossary of terms based on reading a specialised text, and performing a short speech on a specific topic. Language: English Number of credits: 2 Semester: 1/winter term Lecturers: Mgr. Helena Zárubová, Mgr. Juraj Miština, PhD. ECTS course: Anglický jazyk – seminár I/ ENGLISH LANGUAGE – SEMINAR I Annotation: The course of English Language I for the students of Applied Informatics is aimed at developing basic communication skills, practicing grammar structures needed to form correct lexical and sentence patterns, building up general and subject-specific vocabularies, acquiring the techniques of written and oral utterances, elaborating a bilingual glossary of terms based on reading a specialised text, and performing a short speech on a specific topic. Language: English Number of credits: 1 Semester: 1/winter term Lecturers: Mgr. Helena Zárubová, Mgr. Juraj Miština, PhD. ECTS course: Anglický jazyk III/ ENGLISH LANGUAGE III Annotation: The objective of the course of English Language III for the students of Biotechnologies, of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Remediation Technologies is to improve their language knowledge, develop communication competencies, enlarge vocabulary needed to conduct face-to-face conversations with native speakers, work with subject-specific texts including grammatical and stylistic analysis of the text, its translation into Slovak, and oral presentation of the chosen topic. Language: English Number of credits: 2 Semester: 3/winter term Lecturers: Mgr. Helena Zárubová, Mgr. Juraj Miština, PhD. ECTS course: Anglický jazyk II/ ENGLISH LANGUAGE II Annotation: The course of English Language II for the students of Biotechnologies, of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Remediation Technologies is aimed at reinforcing the gained communicative skills, practicing topical vocabulary in monologues and dialogues, improving accuracy in oral and written communication through the study of grammar structures, improving pronunciation and listening comprehension, cultivating independent thinking in a foreign language, techniques of written expression, work with specialised texts, academic and professional dictionaries, specifics of technical texts including grammar patterns and specialised terminology, differences between general and technical texts. Language: English Number of credits: 2 Semester: 2/summer term Lecturers: Mgr. Helena Zárubová, Mgr. Juraj Miština, PhD. ECTS course: Anglický jazyk – seminár II/ ENGLISH LANGUAGE – SEMINAR II Annotation: The course of English Language – Seminar II for the students of Applied Informatics is aimed at reinforcing the gained communicative skills, practicing topical vocabulary in monologues and dialogues, improving accuracy in oral and written communication through the study of grammar structures, improving pronunciation and listening comprehension, cultivating independent thinking in a foreign language, techniques of written expression, work with specialised texts, academic and professional dictionaries, specifics of technical texts including grammar patterns and specialised terminology, differences between non-technical and technical texts. Language: English Number of credits: 2 Semester: 1/winter term Lecturers: Mgr. Helena Zárubová, Mgr. Juraj Miština, PhD. ECTS course: Anglický jazyk IV/ ENGLISH LANGUAGE IV Annotation: The course of English Language IV for the students of Biotechnologies ,of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Remediation Technologies is designed to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities including elaboration of an effective presentation in the PowerPoint Program, graphical representation of statistical data, oral delivery of the research project, creating a scientific poster in an appropriate format, making a short video film about a specific problem, writing a research article with an abstract and key words, setting up bibliographic data according to the valid standards, writing an application for a job, completing the Europass curriculum vitae and the language passport online, using the European Language Portfolio website. Language: English Number of credits: 2 Semester: 4/summer term Lecturers: Mgr. Helena Zárubová, Mgr. Juraj Miština, PhD.