A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA http://www.uq.edu.au/porphyria/PORGUIDE3.htm Thursday, 10 October 2002 This page left intentionally blank Index WHAT IS PORPHYRIA ? ........................................................................................................................ 1 ACUTE INTERMITTENT PORPHYRIA (AIP): ..................................................................................... 2 VARIEGATE PORPHYRIA (VP) and HEREDITARY COPROPORPHYRIA (HC): ............................. 3 PLUMBOPORPHYRIA (PP): ............................................................................................................... 3 PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA (PCT): ............................................................................................. 3 ERYTHROPOIETIC PROTOPORPHYRIA (EPP): .............................................................................. 3 CONGENITAL PORPHYRIA (CP) ....................................................................................................... 3 THE ACUTE ATTACK ............................................................................................................................. 4 What is an acute attack?:..................................................................................................................... 4 What may bring on an acute attack:? .................................................................................................. 4 What can I do to avoid developing an acute attack?: .......................................................................... 4 THE SKIN IN PORPHYRIA.................................................................................................................. 5 Skin care: ......................................................................................................................................... 5 WHAT ELSE CAN BE DONE FOR PORPHYRIA? ................................................................................. 6 WHAT ABOUT MY CHILDREN? ............................................................................................................. 6 THE PORPHYRIAS: ................................................................................................................................ 7 A MEDICAL GUIDE ............................................................................................................................. 7 Features of the Acute Attack. ........................................................................................................... 7 Precipitating Factors......................................................................................................................... 8 The Drug Lists. ................................................................................................................................. 8 EVALUATION OF DRUGS FOR PORPHYRIC PATIENTS .................................................................... 9 Drug List ............................................................................................................................................. 10 1. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM ................................................................................................... 10 2. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 10 Diuretics ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Anti-hypertensive Agents ............................................................................................................... 11 Calcium Channel Blockers ............................................................................................................. 11 Anticoagulants ................................................................................................................................ 11 3. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: ............................................................................................................ 12 Antihistamines ................................................................................................................................ 12 4. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: .................................................................................................. 13 Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics: ............................................................................................ 13 Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics: ............................................................................................................ 13 Psychoanaleptics: .......................................................................................................................... 14 Anticonvulsants: ............................................................................................................................. 14 Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC: ....................................................................................................... 14 Analgesics: NARCOTICS: .............................................................................................................. 15 Migraine: ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Appetite Suppressants: .................................................................................................................. 15 5. INFECTION: ................................................................................................................................... 16 6. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM:................................................................................................................. 16 Hormone Preparations: .................................................................................................................. 16 Anti-Diabetic Agents: ...................................................................................................................... 17 7. OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND RENAL DISEASE: .......................................................... 17 8. MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION: .............................................................. 17 9. NUTRITION AND BLOOD: ............................................................................................................ 17 10. MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE: ........................................................................... 18 (a) Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents: ................................................................................. 18 (b) Corticosteroids: ......................................................................................................................... 18 (c) Specific Anti-Rheumatic Agents: ............................................................................................... 18 (d) Anti-Gout Agents:...................................................................................................................... 18 (e) Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics: ................................................................................. 19 11. THE EYE: ..................................................................................................................................... 19 12. THE EAR, NOSE AND OROPHARYNX: ..................................................................................... 19 13. THE SKIN: ................................................................................................................................... 19 14. VACCINES - NONE PROVEN UNSAFE ..................................................................................... 19 15. ANAESTHESIA: ........................................................................................................................... 20 ACUTE PORPHYRIA -DIAGNOSIS: ..................................................................................................... 21 Screening of Families ........................................................................................................................ 21 A Preliminary Test for the Presence of Porphobilinogen in the Urine ............................................... 21 MANAGEMENT OF THE ACUTE ATTACK: ......................................................................................... 21 Symptomatic Therapy ........................................................................................................................ 22 Pain: ............................................................................................................................................... 22 Nausea, Vomiting and Constipation: .............................................................................................. 22 Tachycardia and Hypertension: ..................................................................................................... 22 Convulsions: ................................................................................................................................... 23 Neuropathy: .................................................................................................................................... 23 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance: ........................................................................................................ 23 SPECIFIC THERAPY OF THE ACUTE ATTACK: SPECIFIC THERAPY ......................................... 24 Haematin Therapy: ( Haem Arginate ) ........................................................................................... 24 PREVENTION OF ATTACKS: ........................................................................................................... 24 Menstruation: .................................................................................................................................. 25 Pregnancy and Acute Porphyria: ................................................................................................... 25 Anaesthetics: .................................................................................................................................. 25 Photosensitivity: ............................................................................................................................. 26 Prophylaxis and Treatment of Malaria. .......................................................................................... 26 DRUG TREATMENTS IN ACUTE PORPHYRIA .................................................................................. 28 TESTING FOR PORPHYRIA ................................................................................................................ 30 FURTHER READING ............................................................................................................................ 30 APPENDIX I – ALPHABETICALLY DRUG LISTING ............................................................................ 31 A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA WHAT IS PORPHYRIA ? Porphyria is a fairly uncommon condition. It is not one condition, but a group of several related diseases. Most of these are inherited but some may be acquired. People with porphyria may develop skin problems or a condition known as the acute attack. In all the porphyria, the basic dilemma is that excessive amounts of porphyrins and their precursors accumulate in the body. It is under-diagnosed. Many sufferers are completely asymptomatic. All living things, including healthy people produce porphyrins. In porphyria, there is an atypical accumulation of porphyrins as the result of enzyme defects; this results in illness. Our bodies convert two simple substances, 5-aminolaevulinate (ALA) and porphobilinogen (PBG) known as porphyrin precursors, into more complicated substances called porphyrins. These are then converted from one type of porphyrin to the next to form haem, aka heme. Haem is a vital substance in our bodies. Protoporphyrin together with Iron are the building blocks necessary to make haem. Each step on the pathway is completed by a special protein known as an enzyme. In each type of porphyria, a specific enzyme is deficient, and this is why porphyrins accumulate. As shown, each of the eight types of porphyria is associated with a deficiency of one of these enzymes. A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 1 ACUTE INTERMITTENT PORPHYRIA (AIP): AIP is an inherited condition. It is passed on from generation to generation. This means that it may be passed on from parents to their children. This occurs so that half of an affected parent's children are likely to be affected. For example, if you have six children, the chances are that three of them will have porphyria too. Boys and girls stand an equal chance of being affected. Once the condition has entered a family, there is nothing that anyone can do about it. You cannot be blamed for having porphyria or for passing it on to your children! People with AIP are at risk of developing the acute attack, and you should now read the section The Acute Attack in this booklet. If you have AIP, your skin will not be affected (unlike the other forms of porphyria) so the section The Skin in Porphyria is not relevant to you. A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 2 VARIEGATE PORPHYRIA (VP) and HEREDITARY COPROPORPHYRIA (HC): Like AIP, VP and HC are always inherited conditions. People with VP and HC are prone to skin problems, and to the acute attack. You should now read the following sections in this booklet: The Skin in Porphyria and The Acute Attack. PLUMBOPORPHYRIA (PP): PP is an extremely rare condition and in the few cases described is similar to AIP. PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA (PCT): Very rarely, Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (PCT) is inherited from one's parents in the manner described for AIP and VP. Most people with PCT did not inherit the disorder and will not pass it on to their children. Here, PCT is secondary to another condition. It may arise in some people because of taking too much alcohol. Commonly, such people have additionally an excess of iron in their bodies. It may also follow the use of some drugs, such as the oestrogen used in the contraceptive pill or for relief of symptoms of the menopause and after exposure to certain chemicals. It may also develop in people with kidney failure treated with haemodialysis. People with PCT commonly develop skin problems, and should now read the section in this booklet The Skin in Porphyria. They will never suffer an acute attack. Drugs do not hold the same danger for them as they do for people with AIP or VP, (though they should avoid alcohol). ERYTHROPOIETIC PROTOPORPHYRIA (EPP): This is a less common form of porphyria. Like AIP and VP, it is an inherited disorder that is passed on from parents to their children. People with EPP suffer skin problems, and you should read the section The Skin in Porphyria. As in PCT, people with EPP do not develop acute attacks nor are drugs of concern. However the liver may become involved in later years. CONGENITAL PORPHYRIA (CP) This is the rarest of the porphyria. It is primarily a skin condition and uniquely is inherited as a recessive condition. Both parents are asymptomatic carriers. A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 3 THE ACUTE ATTACK People with AIP HC or VP are always at risk of an acute attack of porphyria. This may be very dangerous, and they should read this section carefully and make sure they understand how they can prevent such an attack. Those with PCT, EPP and CP are not at risk, and this section does not apply to them. What is an acute attack?: The acute attack takes place when the levels of the porphyrin precursors become very much raised for one or other reason. One can think of this as an overloading of the body with porphyrins and their precursors. During such an attack, the affected person may experience abdominal pain, cramps, constipation, nausea or vomiting. They may also show marked anxiety or disturbed behaviour. Such attacks can be bad enough to require admission to hospital, and the most severe cases may go on to weakness and paralysis. People have even died of such an attack. Fortunately, a fatal outcome has become rare as modern hospitals now have the facilities to treat such complications. This emphasises the need for people experiencing an acute attack to be admitted to an experienced hospital. It is more common nowadays for people with AIP or VP to develop milder forms of the acute attack with not much more than a feeling of being unwell, some pain in the stomach and, perhaps, nausea. If you are experiencing such problems, it is important that you immediately stop any medication you may be taking and consult your doctor. Yet everyone has some of these symptoms at one time or another and you cannot blame everything on your porphyria! What may bring on an acute attack:? Acute attacks may follow the use of many drugs. Porphyric people are unable to handle these drugs in the normal way and their bodies respond to them by overproducing porphyrins. This is the commonest cause of the acute attack. However, attacks can also be precipitated by alcohol, by an infection and even by dieting. Smoking has been shown to worsen attacks. What can I do to avoid developing an acute attack?: You must understand that there are many medicines that can aggravate your porphyria, possibly resulting in an acute attack. Therefore, you must never take any medicine or remedy without checking that it is safe for porphyrics. This includes drugs given to you by a doctor, pharmacist or dentist, as well as those you can buy without prescription. Always consult our list (which you will find in this booklet) before you take the medicine given to you. Note that this includes tonics, herbal remedies and even the contraceptive pill, which has been a major factor in the development of acute attacks. If you ever need an operation, you must tell the surgeon and anaesthetist that you have porphyria, as some anaesthetic drugs in common use are very dangerous for porphyrics. Safer alternatives can be used. It is desirable to wear a Medic-Alert disc or carry a similar form of identification, so that doctors will know you have porphyria in the event of an accident. Finally, it is wise to eat regular meals and not to go without food for long periods, or to embark on 'crash' diets. Other than this, there is no special diet that needs to be followed. If you wish to lose weight, discuss your diet with your doctor beforehand. It is also best to avoid alcoholic drinks and to stop (or never start) smoking. A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 4 THE SKIN IN PORPHYRIA People with VP, HC, CP and PCT may have a sensitive skin. They complain that it is easily damaged and that even the slightest knock can cause the skin to break. Often these damaged areas take a long time to heal. Sunlight is necessary to cause the skin to become fragile and people with porphyria find that the only parts of their bodies that are affected are those that are exposed to light, particularly their hands, faces, necks, legs and feet. They develop blisters and open sores. In time their skins become thin, dark, scarred and often rather hairy, particularly on the face. EPP and CP are somewhat different to the other porphyria. Firstly, the skin may already be affected as a very young child or even in infancy, whereas the other porphyria usually only become obvious later in life. Secondly, such people often find that they react to sunlight rapidly, developing a sensation of burning or stinging shortly after going into the sun. This is unlike VP, HC and PCT, where the damage takes much longer to develop. Affected people learn to avoid too much light because of this discomfort. Skin care: If you have skin problems because of porphyria you should look after your skin as follows:1. Avoid sunlight as much as possible. This means remaining indoors during the sunniest part of the day, and only going out in the early morning or late afternoon. Unfortunately, sunbathing is OUT if you have skin problems. This is definitely the worst thing a porphyric with skin problems can do. If you have a job that requires you to be in the sun a lot, you may have to consider changing your occupation. Protect sun-exposed areas by wearing long sleeves, gloves and a hat whenever you go out. These should be made of cotton, which screens out the sun better than nylon. No cream or medication is as effective in protecting your skin. The only sunscreen creams that can help are the opaque zinc or titanium oxide creams, which are unfortunately thick and greasy. Ask your pharmacist for such a cream. Note that the usual suntan lotions will not protect your skin. Though they prevent sunburn in normal people, they do not keep out the light which damages a porphyric's skin. 2. Protect your skin from injury: Use a silicone barrier cream and rubber gloves to protect your hands when washing clothes or dishes. Try not to knock your hands; a porphyric's skin is fragile and easily broken. For instance, wear heavy leather workman's gloves when working on your motor car. When your skin is blistered or broken, avoid scratching and keep it clean with water and a mild soap. Avoid strong antiseptics. You can avoid permanent scarring if you look after such sores properly. A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 5 WHAT ELSE CAN BE DONE FOR PORPHYRIA? Unfortunately, there now is no cure for porphyria. Still, there is a lot that you and your doctor can do to make it less severe. With a little care, your symptoms probably will be mild and you can live a normal life, as many porphyrics do. First, you must get an accurate diagnosis so that you can be absolutely certain you have porphyria and if so, what type. Speak to your doctor in this regard. Patients with PCT can be helped by avoiding alcohol or any other known cause of the condition. If the skin remains bad, relief can be obtained by venesection. This means having 500 ml. of blood removed at regular intervals - usually fortnightly - for about eight weeks. Your doctor will arrange this if necessary. People with EPP also must ensure that they have regular medical check-ups as their condition can eventually affect the liver. Regular examinations and blood tests will detect this at an early stage. WHAT ABOUT MY CHILDREN? If you have PCT, your children will almost certainly be free of porphyria. If you have AIP, HC, VP or EPP, each child has a 50:50 chance of being affected. If they are affected, this is not a terrible thing! They will probably not be any more seriously affected than you - they may be milder. In fact, more than 50% of porphyrics do not show signs of the condition at all, though they may be positive on testing - these are known as latent cases. With sensible precautions, your children can live to a normal age, marry and have children themselves. Young children tend not to show signs of their porphyria till after puberty - that is, till after they reach sexual maturity. Laboratory tests usually do not even pick it up till then. An acute attack has developed on only very rare occasions in childhood - even before the tests are positive. Therefore, it is wise to make your children take all the same precautions you do, to minimise this risk. DON'T ALLOW THEM TO HAVE ANY MEDICINES THAT ARE NOT SAFE IN PORPHYRIA AND DO WARN THE DOCTORS BEFORE THEY HAVE ANY ANAESTHETICS. We suggest having your children tested every two years from the age of 12 until they turn 20 years. If the tests are still negative, then they will very likely be free of symptoms of porphyria after that. Unfortunately, a few people are silent cases - though their tests are negative, they carry the defective gene, and porphyria can be precipitated in them if they are exposed to the 'dangerous' medicines on our list. Therefore, the wisest suggestion is that no member of a porphyric family should take any such drug unless essential. It must be emphasised that it is essential to have your children adequately tested in a specialist laboratory. A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 6 THE PORPHYRIAS: A MEDICAL GUIDE The Porphyrias are a heterogeneous group of either inherited or acquired disorders of haem biosynthesis. In these diseases, specific abnormalities of enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway cause generalised clinical abnormalities. They are classified, as shown below, into acute and non-acute porphyria. ACUTE PORPHYRIA NON-ACUTE PORPHYRIA ACUTE INTERMITTENT PORPHYRIA (Swedish Porphyria) VARIEGATE PORPHYRIA (South African Genetic Porphyria) HEREDITARY COPROPORPHYRIA (Coproporphyria) PLUMBOPORPHYRIA (ALA Dehydratase deficiency) PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA (Cutaneous Hepatic Porphyria: Symptomatic Porphyria) ERYTHROPOIETIC PROTOPORPHYRIA (Erythrohepatic Porphyria) CONGENITAL PORPHYRIA (Gunther's disease: Erythropoietic Porphyria) The effects of drugs are most important in the acute porphyria, which are examples of 'Toxico-genetic diseases'. Patients with the acute form of these disorders are at risk of developing life-threatening attacks of porphyria on exposure to certain commonly prescribed drugs. 'Toxico-genetic diseases' - are diseases, genetically acquired, which show an idiosyncratic reaction to drugs. All the acute porphyria are inherited as mendelian autosomal dominants, and each may be linked to lowered activity of one of the enzymes of the haem biosynthetic pathway: in Acute Intermittent Porphyria – a decrease in porphobilinogen deaminase: in Variegate Porphyria - a decrease in protoporphyrinogen oxidase, and in Hereditary Coproporphyria – a decrease in coproporphyrinogen oxidase. Features of the Acute Attack. Attacks of Acute porphyria vary in their clinical presentation. Severe abdominal pain, vomiting and constipation, with tachycardia and hypertension, are the commonest presenting features. Peripheral neuropathy may develop and lead to fatal respiratory paralysis. Tachycardia and hypertension are usually present, and hypertensive encephalopathy may develop. Besides hypertension, severe postural hypotension, resulting in syncope may occur. Hypertension may persist to some extent between attacks. Other manifestations of autonomic dysfunction, such as profuse sweating, pallor and pyrexia may also occur. Severe hyponatraemia, due to inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone, complicates some attacks and sometimes presents as convulsions or deterioration in the conscious level. Another feature of involvement of the Central Nervous System is mental disturbance including agitation, mania, depression, auditory and visual hallucinations, and schizophrenic-like behaviour. A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 7 Grand-mal convulsions are not uncommon at the height of an attack and may persist between attacks. In Variegate Porphyria, and in Hereditary Coproporphyria, there may also be skin involvement, with development of solar photosensitivity. Precipitating Factors It should be emphasised that most subjects who have inherited one of these diseases will enjoy normal health and go through life without any knowledge of his or her disorder or ever experiencing an acute attack. Such, is the latent phase of the disease. All porphyrics, however, are at risk of developing an attack if exposed to various precipitating factors. Drugs are the most common precipitating agents. Other factors that may trigger attacks, include alcohol ingestion, reduced caloric intake, due to fasting or dieting, and infection. We have also noted that smoking can cause more frequent attacks. Hormones are also important. Attacks are more common in females and, rarely, occur before puberty or after the menopause. Pregnancy and oral contraceptives may also precipitate attacks. Some women experience regular attacks, commencing in the week prior to the onset of menstruation. Although most of the drugs incriminated as porphyrinogenic are lipophilic and inducers of the hepatic mixed function oxidase system, it is impossible to reliably predict from chemical structure whether a drug will be safe for use in the porphyric patient. The Drug Lists. Lists in Table 1 (A) and (B) give information, alphabetically, on all drugs about which some information is known. It should be borne in mind that such Lists are far from encyclopaedic, that new drugs are constantly being introduced to the pharmacopoeia, and that any form of combined preparation must be viewed with suspicion, since little is known about metabolic interactions in these diseases. The ultimate aim of investigative programs in the porphyria is to identify as many as possible of the cases latent for these diseases, using sensitive enzyme-screening tests, and by a program of education, especially on drug usage, transform these potentially fatal conditions to mere genetic curiosities. A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 8 EVALUATION OF DRUGS FOR PORPHYRIC PATIENTS This Table is organised under the Therapeutic Headings given in The British National Formulary. The drugs are categorised, as follows: A. Those in the 'unsafe group' which have been reported by three or more workers in the field to be associated with clinical exacerbations of porphyria or, in the 'safe group', those considered by three or more authorities to be harmless to porphyric patients on the basis of their clinical experience. B. Those in the 'unsafe group' which have been reported by two or less workers in the field to be associated with clinical exacerbations of porphyria or, in the 'safe group', those considered by two or fewer authorities to be harmless to porphyric patients on the basis of their clinical experience. In many instances, the clinical experience with drugs in the above two groups will have been corroborated by experimental data. There are two further headings under which the drugs are listed: C. Those which have been evaluated only in animals, with experimentally-produced porphyria. D. Those which have been evaluated only in cell culture systems No clinical experience has been reported with the drugs in these latter two groups. Finally, those drugs for which conflicting data is available have been listed and classified where possible as: S. Probably safe. U. Probably unsafe. NB. While very great care has been taken in the compilation of this table and the drug information is given in the belief that it is correct at the time of publication, all information contained herein and opinions expressed must be taken as information and opinions given for general guidance only. The authors hereby disclaim for themselves, The Porphyria Charitable Trust, the Porphyrias Service, the University of Queensland and Queensland Health, all responsibility for any misstatement or for the consequences to any person of any person acting in reliance on any statement or opinion contained herein. Medical Practitioners and patients must make their own decisions in the circumstances of the particular case about therapy appropriate in any case of acute porphyria. A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 9 Drug List 1. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM UNSAFE Aluminium OH Hyoscine Butylbromide Mebeverine HCl Sulphasalazine C A D C THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Atropine Cisapride Danthron Dicyclomine HCl Diphenoxylate HCl Domperidone Famotidine Liquorice Loperamide Magnesium Sulphate Metopimazine Pirenzepine Propantheline Senna Sorbitol Trimebutine Maleate A B A B B C B B D B D B B A A D CONTENTIOUS Cimetidine Metoclopramide Omeprazole Ranitidine U U S U CONTENTIOUS Disopyramide Fenofibrate Prazosin S SD S CONTENTIOUS Bendrofluazide Chlorothiazide Cyclopenthiazide Mersalyl Trichlormethiazide S S U S S 2. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM UNSAFE Amiodarone HCl Ethamsylate Oxypentifylline Simvastatin D C D C THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Adrenaline Aminocaproic Acid Atropine Buflomedil HCl Clofibrate Digoxin Dipyridamole Glyceryl Trinitrate Heptaminol HCl Naftidrofuryl oxalate Probucol Procainamide HCl Quinidine Tranexamic Acid Trimetazidine HCl B B A D D A D B D D D D C B D THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Acetazolamide Amiloride Bumetanide Ethacrynic Acid Tienilic Acid D B B B D Diuretics UNSAFE Frusemide Hydrochlorothiazide Spironolactone A B C A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 10 Anti-hypertensive Agents UNSAFE Alpha Methyl DOPA Captopril Clonidine Enalapril Hydralazine Lisinopril Phenoxybenzamine A D D B B B D THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Atenolol Diazoxide Guanethidine Guanfacine HCl Labetalol Mecamylamine Metipropanolol Metoprolol Tartrate Propanolol Reserpine Timolol Maleate Tolazoline CONTENTIOUS A D A D B C B B A A D A Calcium Channel Blockers UNSAFE Bepridil HCl Nifedipine Prenylamine Verapamil THOUGHT TO BE SAFE CONTENTIOUS Diltiazem D B D B U Anticoagulants UNSAFE THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Heparin Warfarin Na A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA CONTENTIOUS B B (V1.3) Page 11 3. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: UNSAFE Allyloxy 3-methylbenzamide Astemizole Bemegride Guaiphenesin Nikethamide Pentylenetetrazol Theophylline C D B C A B B THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Beclomethasone dipropionate Ketotifen Mequitazine Pseudoephedrine HCl Salbutamol B D B B B CONTENTIOUS THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Chlorpheniramine Trimeprazine tartrate Tripelennamine A D B Antihistamines UNSAFE Clemastine Dimenhydrinate Diphenhydramine Flunarizine HCl Terfenadine B B B D B A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) CONTENTIOUS Promethazine U Page 12 4. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics: UNSAFE Alprazolam Amylobarbitone Apronalide Carbromal Carisoprodol Chlordiazepoxide Chlormezanone Clotiazepam Diazepam Dichloralphenazone Ethchlorvynol Ethinamate Flunitrazepam Flurazepam Glutethimide Hexapropymate Loprazolam Loxapine Meprobamate Methyprylone Nitrazepam Prazepam Quinalbarbitone Sulpiride Sultopride Tetrazepam Thioridazine D A B B A B B D A A B C B A A D D D A A B D B C D D B THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Benzhexol HCl Chloral hydrate Chlorpromazine Droperidol Lofepramine Methylphenidate Pericyazine Piracetam Prochlorperazine Promazine Temazepam Triazolam Trifluoperazine D A A B B B D D B A B C B THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Chlorpromazine Cyclizine Domperidone Meclozine Prochlorperazine A B C A B CONTENTIOUS Bromazepam Chlormethiazole Clobazam Clonazepam Clorazepate Estazolam Haloperidol Lorazepam Methotrimeprazine Midazolam Oxazepam Promethazine S S U U U DS U S S DS U U CONTENTIOUS Metoclopramide Promethazine U U Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics: UNSAFE Betahistine HCl Cinnarizine Dimenhydrinate Dixyrazine Hydroxyzine Isometheptene-mucate D C B C B C A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 13 Psychoanaleptics: UNSAFE Amineptine HCl Dothiepin HCl Flupenthixol Iproniazid Maprotiline HCl Mianserin HCl Pargyline Phenelzine Tranylcypromine Trazodone HCl Veralipride Viloxazine HCl Zuclopenthixol D C C B C C C C C C D C C THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Fluoxetine HCl Fluvoxamine maleate Lithium salts Lofepramine Methylphenidate Minaprine HCl Pipothiazine palmitate B B B B D D CONTENTIOUS Amitriptyline Carpipramine Clomipramine HCl Imipramine Metapramine HCl Nortriptyline Trimipramine U U DU U DU U U CONTENTIOUS Chlormethiazole Clonazepam Na Valproate Valpromide S U U DU CONTENTIOUS Indomethacin Mefenamic acid Nicergoline S U DU D Anticonvulsants: UNSAFE Barbiturates Carbamazepine Ethosuximide Diazepam Ethotoin Hydantoins Methsuximide Oxazolidinediones Paramethadione Phenobarbitone Phensuximide Phenytoin Primidone Progabide Succinimides Sulthiame Troxidone A A A A B A A B A A A A A D A B B THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Bromides Magnesium-sulphate Paraldehyde A B B Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC: UNSAFE Amidopyrine Antipyrine Floctafenine C C D THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Aspirin Co-codamol Codeine Diflunisal Fenoprofen Glafenine Ibuprofen Naproxen Nefopam HCl Paracetamol A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA A B B B C C B B D A (V1.3) Page 14 Analgesics: NARCOTICS: UNSAFE Dextropropoxyphene Oxycodone Pentazocine Phenacetin Tilidate B C A C B THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Buprenorphine Diamorphine Droperidol Meptazinol Methadone Morphine Pethidine B B A B A A A THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Pizotifen Prochlorperazine B B THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Methylcellulose B CONTENTIOUS Dextromoramide S Migraine: UNSAFE Clonidine HCl Dihydroergotamine-Mesylate Ergotamine Tartrate Isometheptene Mucate Lysuride Maleate Orphenadrine B A A B C C CONTENTIOUS Appetite Suppressants: UNSAFE Fenfluramine Dexfenfluramine Diethylpropion Methamphetamine C D C B A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA CONTENTIOUS (V1.3) Page 15 5. INFECTION: UNSAFE Colistin Chloramphenicol Co-trimoxazole Cycloserine Dapsone Econazole Nitrate Erythromycin Flucloxacillin Flumequine Griseofulvin Ketoconazole Miconazole Nalidixic acid Natamycin Novobiocin Pipemidic acid Pivampicillin Pyrazinamide Rifampicin Sulphonamides Tinidazole Trimethoprim Vibramycin B A B B A B A A D A D D B B B D B A B A D B B THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Acyclovir Aminoglycosides Amoxycillin Amphotericin D Ampicillin Ciprofloxacin Clavulanic Acid Flucytosine Gentamycin Hexamine Josamycin Mefloquine HCl Minocycline HCl Netilmycin Norfloxacin Ofloxacin Oxolinic acid Pefloxacin Penicillin Primaquine Quinine Sodium Fusidate Streptomycin Talampicillin Ticarcillin Vancomycin Zidovudine D B B D A B D D C C D D D D D D D D A B B B A B B B B CONTENTIOUS Cephalosporins Chloroquine Isoniazid Mebendazole Metronidazole Nitrofurantoin Pyrimethamine Tetracyclines U S U S S U S S CONTENTIOUS Androgens Benzylthiouracil Corticosteroids Cyproterone Acetate Ethinyl Oestradiol Nandrolone Prednisolone Progestogens U DS S S S U S U 6. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Hormone Preparations: UNSAFE Bromocriptine Danazol Dydrogesterone Metyrapone Oral Contraceptives Stanozolol D B C D A C THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Buserelin Carbimazole Clomiphene Citrate Corticotrophin (ACTH) Dexamethasone Follicle Stimulating Hormone Glucagon Goserelin Methyluracil Propylthiouracil Thiouracil Thyroxine A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA A B B B B B D B B B B B (V1.3) Page 16 Anti-Diabetic Agents: UNSAFE Sulphonylureas Glipizide A B THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Biguanides Insulin Metformin Phenformin CONTENTIOUS C A C C 7. OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND RENAL DISEASE: UNSAFE Ergometrine Maleate Hyoscine Butyl Bromide Oral Contraceptives A A A THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Dinoprost Oxytocin Propantheline C B B CONTENTIOUS Mifepristone Oestrogens U U CONTENTIOUS Cyproterone-Acetate Ethinyl Oestradiol Melphalan Vinblastine Vincristine S S S UD UD 8. MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION: UNSAFE Aminoglutethimide Busulphan Chlorambucil Cyclophosphamide Cyclosporin Megestrol Mercaptopurine Methotrexate Tamoxifen B C C C C C B C B THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Actinomycin D Azathioprine Cisplatin Doxorubicin HCl Etoposide Zidovudine C C D C B B THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Alpha tocopheryl acetate Ascorbic Acid Vitamins Folic Acid Fructose Glucose Haem Arginate Iron Preparations Pyridoxine HCl Sodium Calcium Edetate (EDTA) Sulbutiamine A A B B A A A A A A A D 9. NUTRITION AND BLOOD: UNSAFE Ethanol A A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA CONTENTIOUS (V1.3) Page 17 10. MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE: (a) Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents: UNSAFE Amidopyrine Azapropazone Benoxaprofen Clometacin Dichloralphenazone Diclofenac Na Dipyrone Flufenamic Acid Oxyphenbutazone Pipebuzone Piroxicam Propyphenazone A C C D A A A B A D D A THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Alclofenac Aspitin Codeine PO4 Dihydrocodeine Fenoprofen Flurbiprofen Ibuprofen Ketoprofen Naproxen Na Nifumic Acid Paracetamol Sulindac Tiaprofenic acid C A A A C B B C C D B C B CONTENTIOUS Indomethacin Mefenamic acid Phenylbutazone S U U CONTENTIOUS Hydrocortisone Prednisolone S S CONTENTIOUS Chloroquine S CONTENTIOUS Probenecid U (b) Corticosteroids: UNSAFE THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Dexamethasone B (c) Specific Anti-Rheumatic Agents: UNSAFE Auranofin Gold-(Sodium Aurothiomalate) B THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Penicillamine B THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Allopurinol Colchicine C B C (d) Anti-Gout Agents: UNSAFE Benzbromarone Piroxicam Sulphinpyrazone D B D A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 18 (e) Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics: UNSAFE Baclofen Carisoprodol Chlormezanone Chlorzoxazone Diazepam Dipyrone Drotaverine Hyoscine Butylbromide Mephenesin Orphenadrine Oxanamide D A B B A A A A D B C THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Domperidone Neostigmine Parapenzolate Br Propantheline Br Suxamethonium Tubocurarine C A D B A B THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Acetazolamide Amethocaine HCl Atropine Dexamethasone Gentamicin Guanethidine Oxybuprocaine Timolol Maleate Zinc sulphate B C A B A C C D A CONTENTIOUS Metoclopramide Pancuronium U S CONTENTIOUS Prednisolone Proxymetacaine Tetracyclines S S S 11. THE EYE: UNSAFE Chloramphenicol Cocaine Hyoscine Butylbromide Mercuric oxide Oxyphenbutazone Sulphacetamide A B A B B C 12. THE EAR, NOSE AND OROPHARYNX: UNSAFE Oxymetazoline THOUGHT TO BE SAFE CONTENTIOUS B 13. THE SKIN: UNSAFE Crystal violet Econazole nitrate Griseofulvin Ketoconazole Miconazole B B A D D THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Canthaxanthin ß Carotene Resorcinol Zinc Preparations (Topical) A A B B CONTENTIOUS Hydrocortisone Butyrate S Note - in sections 11, 12 and 13, substances that are neither absorbed nor metabolised are unlikely to be harmful. 14. VACCINES - NONE PROVEN UNSAFE UNSAFE THOUGHT TO BE SAFE A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA CONTENTIOUS (V1.3) Page 19 15. ANAESTHESIA: UNSAFE Alcuronium Alphaxalone -Alphadolone Barbiturates Carticaine HCl Chloroform Cocaine Enflurane Etidocaine Etomidate Fluroxene Isoflurane Lignocaine Mepivacaine Methohexitone Prilocaine Thiopentone Na C B A D B B C C C B C C D C B A THOUGHT TO BE SAFE Amethocaine HCl Bupivacaine Butacaine SO4 Cyclopropane Diethyl ether Droperidol Fentanyl Flumazenil Meptazinol Midazolam Minaxolone Nitrous oxide Propofol Procaine Suxamethonium Tetracaine Tubocurarine A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA C C D C A C C D B D C A B B C C C (V1.3) CONTENTIOUS Haloperidol Halothane Ketamine Pancuronum Br Propanidid Proxymetacaine U U S S U S Page 20 ACUTE PORPHYRIA -DIAGNOSIS: Acute porphyria should be considered in any patient presenting with unexplained abdominal pain, mental dysfunction or peripheral neuropathy. A further clue to the diagnosis is discolouration of the urine. During an attack, the urine is a dark reddish brown and this becomes more pronounced if it is left standing. A simple bedside test can confirm the diagnosis. Quantitative studies of the different porphyrins and precursors in the urine and faeces should be performed later by a specialist laboratory to identify the particular type of acute porphyria. Successful treatment of an acute attack of Porphyria depends largely on, early diagnosis, removal of precipitating factors, and provision of intensive supportive therapy. On first diagnosing an attack, a careful search should be made for any precipitating factors, and if possible, these should be removed. The patient's current drug therapy should be scrutinised and a search made for any underlying infection. When appropriate, a pregnancy test should be performed. Screening of Families Latent cases in affected families may be diagnosed, either by measurement of porphyrins and their precursors in urine, faeces and blood, or by measurement of the activities of the enzymes of the Haem biosynthetic pathway. Where such screening is required, most Analytical Laboratories, such as our own, prefer to receive samples of urine, stool and heparinized blood. Prophylaxis is extremely important. In particular, Drugs listed in the 'Unsafe Groupings' in Tables 1 and 2, should be avoided. Patients should also be counselled on the dangers of alcohol, smoking and dieting. A Preliminary Test for the Presence of Porphobilinogen in the Urine Equal volumes of Urine and Ehrlich's reagent (An acidic solution of p-dimethyl aminobenzaldehyde) are mixed in a tube. If the solution takes a pink colouration, this indicates the presence of porphobilinogen or urobilinogen. The presence of porphobilinogen may be confirmed by the addition of about 2 volumes of chloroform to the solution and shaking thoroughly. When the mixture is allowed to stand and separate the pink colouration should have remained in the upper aqueous layer. If it moves to the lower chloroform layer the colouration is due to urobilinogen and not porphobilinogen. When urobilinogen concentrations are high it may be necessary to repeat the extraction. MANAGEMENT OF THE ACUTE ATTACK: Specific therapies are few: these include the use of high carbohydrate intake and haematin infusion. Initially, steps should be taken to ensure an adequate carbohydrate intake. Most patients suffer from nausea and vomiting during an attack and their poor carbohydrate intake aggravates the disease process. This cycle must be broken. In mild attacks, this is achieved by ensuring an adequate oral intake of Glucose Polymer drinks, such as Caloreen (Roussel) or Hycal (Beecham Products). In patients experiencing more severe attacks, the constant slow infusion of Carbohydrate solution via a fine bore Teflon nasogastric tube, is helpful. A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 21 If the symptoms are not controlled, an infusion of Haem Arginate should be considered.(See below). This treatment is still on trial and may be obtained from the appropriate drug company on a named patient basis. Symptomatic Therapy Pain: This is a feature of most attacks. When mild, it may be adequately controlled with aspirin, paracetamol or dihydrocodeine. For more severe pain, pethidine (meperidine), morphine or diamorphine may be required. Buprenorphine, which may be administered either sublingually or intramuscularly, is also useful. More constant pain relief may be achieved by the continuous intravenous infusion of analgesics. There is a danger of addiction in patients experiencing frequent attacks, who require large amounts of narcotic analgesics, and every attempt should be made to withdraw all narcotic drugs between attacks. In a few unfortunate patients, the pain is refractory to even very large doses of narcotic analgesics, and signs of respiratory and cardiovascular system depression appear before pain relief is obtained. Many of our patients report that the only time the pain goes away is when they are asleep. This observation may be used to advantage by encouraging sleep for several hours by combining chlorpromazine or promazine with the analgesics and leaving the patient undisturbed in a darkened room. Some patients continue to complain of chronic abdominal pain, unaccompanied by any other symptoms between attacks. This can be very difficult to manage, and the risk of narcotic addiction in these patients is high. Although, sometimes, a psychological overlay may be a factor - in others, the pain is clearly genuine and presumably a manifestation of residual neurological damage. Nausea, Vomiting and Constipation: These are frequent symptoms and may be controlled with chlorpromazine, promazine or prochlorperazine. As the narcotic analgesics used in controlling the pain often aggravate the nausea and vomiting, it is usually helpful to administer antiemetics with or shortly before the analgesics. Besides their antiemetic effects, chlorpromazine and promazine control the agitation and other psychiatric manifestations of the attack. In our experience, some porphyria patients develop extrapyramidal side-effects with phenothiazines, necessitating substitution with cyclizine hydrochloride. Constipation, where it occurs, may be severe - to the point of obstipation - and Neostigmine is beneficial in these circumstances. Tachycardia and Hypertension: These are present in most attacks. They are thought to be the result of sympathetic overactivity and should be controlled with propranolol. The dose can be titrated against its effect on the Cardiovascular System. Frequently very large doses are required. The pulse and blood pressure should be closely monitored, as they tend to be labile and hypertensive encephalopathy may develop. Postural hypotension, leading to syncope, may occur when a patient sits upright, even when the patient has been hypertensive in the supine position. When postural hypotension does occur, the supine blood pressure should still be adequately controlled with propranolol, taking care when moving the patient. Paroxysmal cardiac arrhythmias, sometimes leading to collapse, may also occur. These may be precipitated by the patient suddenly A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 22 sitting upright. Whenever there is evidence of cardiovascular instability, continual ECG monitoring should be performed and full resuscitative facilities kept at hand. Convulsions: Convulsions are not infrequent at the peak of an attack. Their onset may be a sign of hyponatraemia, due to inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, and plasma osmolality, and electrolyte values should be checked. If hyponatraemia is the underlying cause, it should be corrected by restricting fluid intake to not more than 700 ml. The onset of convulsions may also be a sign of hypertensive encephalopathy, and the blood pressure should be checked. Convulsions, occurring during the attack, usually disappear as the attack resolves and, therefore, therapy should be aimed at treating the underlying disease process. Some patients continue to experience convulsions while in remission. This presents a therapeutic dilemma. Phenobarbitone, primidone, phenytoin and carbamazepine all increase cellular haem utilisation by inducing the synthesis of hepatic monoxygenases, and are contraindicated. The benzodiazepines and sodium valproate are not inducers of the monoxygenases and, although they are porphyrinogenic in experimental models of porphyria, there is limited evidence that they are porphyrinogenic in man. Status epilepticus, in our own experience, has been treated successfully with intravenous diazepam. Seizure prophylaxis can be undertaken as a calculated risk with clonazepam or sodium valproate if this is essential, although sporadic clinical reports of porphyr- inogenicity do exist. Sodium bromide and magnesium sulphate are safe, but generally outmoded anticonvulsants. Neuropathy: All patients should be examined for evidence of developing peripheral neuropathy. This may progress rapidly, leading to quadriplegia and bulbar and ventilatory paralysis. The latter is heralded by weakening of the voice. When signs of peripheral neuropathy are present, the expiratory peak flow-rate should be monitored. If there is any reduction in this rate, the blood gases should be checked, and the patient nursed in an Intensive Care Unit with facilities for assisted ventilation. Even in patients in whom there is widespread paralysis requiring assisted ventilation for many months, good functional recovery can still be expected. Attention should be given to splinting of the joints and appropriate physiotherapy in the paralysed patient. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance: Various disturbances of fluid and electrolyte balance are seen during the acute attack. Dehydration may occur, owing to persistent vomiting. Hyponatraemia, secondary to inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, may also occur, sometimes first becoming apparent after commencing intravenous fluids. The hyponatraemia can usually be controlled by restricting fluid intake. To maintain adequate carbohydrate intake while restricting fluid intake, it may be necessary to use higher concentrations of glucose, administered via a central venous line. A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 23 SPECIFIC THERAPY OF THE ACUTE ATTACK: SPECIFIC THERAPY Haematin Therapy: ( Haem Arginate ) So far we have concentrated on treating the acute attack by correcting any factors that may have precipitated it, and providing adequate supportive therapy while the attack spontaneously resolves. It is also possible to treat the underlying disease process more directly by administering the end product of the deranged pathway as intravenous haematin. In the liver, it is thought to supplement the depleted intracellular 'free haem pool', thus repressing the activity of the initial and rate-controlling enzyme of haem biosynthesis, ALA synthase, and reducing the overproduction of porphyrins and precursors formed prior to the enzyme block. In an acute attack of porphyria, the intravenous administration of haematin consistently reduces both the plasma concentration and the urinary excretion of porphyrin precursors. Its effect may be supplemented with inhibitors of the haem degradative enzyme, Haem oxygenase, such as Tin protoporphyrin. The clinical response to the therapy is more difficult to assess. In a disease characterised by spontaneous relapses and remissions, it is difficult to be sure whether improvement is the result of therapy or just the natural course of the disease. Our current impression is that haematin does curtail the clinical attack, and we frequently employ it. No major side-effects have been reported with haematin when used in the standard doses. Phlebitis, around the injection site, occurs in a few patients. This can be prevented by injecting the solution into a large peripheral vein or via a central venous line, or by administering the haematin, with human albumin solution, to which it will bind. During haematin therapy, there is a mild disturbance of coagulation, with prolongation of the prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times, and a slight reduction in the platelet count. This reverts to normal on completion of the haematin course, and has only very rarely resulted in haemorrhagic complications. As mentioned above coagulation indices and the platelet count should be monitored during therapy and haematin should not be used with anticoagulant therapy. Transient acute renal failure has been reported in one patient who received a bolus intravenous injection of 1000 mg of haematin. Yet, no renal complications have occurred with the standard recommended dosages, and even patients with renal insufficiency appear to tolerate haematin well, although it is probably wise to reduce the dosage slightly as an added precaution. A commercially available haematin preparations is: NORMOSANG ( Haem Arginate - Leiras) PREVENTION OF ATTACKS: Patients, who have experienced a clinical attack of porphyria, should be carefully counselled concerning the avoidance of precipitating factors. They should be encouraged to maintain a regular diet and to abstain completely from alcohol and to stop smoking. In addition, they should be warned about the dangers of certain drugs and given a Reference Booklet, showing which drugs are safe and which are unsafe to take (see Tables 1 and 2). It is also important to ensure that the patient's General Practitioner is fully informed about the disease and given advice about management. Patients should be reminded to tell any Medical Attendant that they suffer from porphyria. As an added precaution, they should wear a bracelet or necklace, indicating that they have porphyria, to prevent the administration of dangerous drugs or anaesthetics if an accident or other emergency. A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 24 Menstruation: Some women experience regular attacks in the week prior to the onset of menstruation. These are assumed to be initiated by the hormonal fluctuations, and various attempts have been made to prevent them. Sometimes, merely increasing the carbohydrate intake at the appropriate time of the month is found to be helpful. Interfering with the hormonal fluctuations has produced varying results. Some patients have been reported to benefit from the suppression of ovulation, using various oral contraceptive hormone preparations. However, in our own experience, also that of several other Centres, the contraceptive pill has usually precipitated attacks. Attacks have been successfully prevented by administering haematin, prophylactically, just prior to the time in the month when the attack usually starts and through the long term use of synthetic LHRH analogues. Pregnancy and Acute Porphyria: Pregnancy may precipitate acute porphyria, with attacks being most common in early pregnancy and during the puerperium. The first attack often occurs during pregnancy. In patients with the genetic trait, who have normal porphyrin excretion, who have never experienced a clinical attack, pregnancy is, usually, uneventful. If vomiting is a problem in early pregnancy, the patient should be admitted to the hospital at an early stage and dextrose administered, intravenously, to prevent the reduced dietary intake from inducing an attack. Dextrose should also be administered, intravenously, during labour. Patients who have had clinical attacks of porphyria, and have increased urinary excretion of porphyrins and precursors are likely to experience attacks during pregnancy. We advise such patients not to consider pregnancy until they have been free of symptomatic attacks for at least 18 months. When attacks do occur during pregnancy, they should be treated as already described. But, as there is insufficient information about the effect of Haematin on the foetus, this therapy should be avoided unless the condition of the mother demands it. Most attacks of porphyria during pregnancy settle with adequate supportive therapy, resulting in a successful outcome for both mother and child. We only, rarely, consider therapeutic termination of pregnancy in patients with acute porphyria and then, only in very severe attacks, occurring in early pregnancy. Besides the possible risks of pregnancy, many patients question the advisability of bearing children likely to inherit a genetic disorder. It should be explained to the patient that, although each child will have a 50 per cent chance of inheriting the trait, the majority of porphyrics remain clinically latent throughout life. When affected individuals decide to delay or avoid pregnancy, they should be warned about the dangers of oral contraceptives, and advised about other forms of contraception. Anaesthetics: Provided appropriate precautions are taken, most patients with acute porphyria can tolerate surgery and general anaesthesia. However, patients experiencing frequent attacks of porphyria will be at risk of developing complications, and the indications for surgery should be carefully examined. Care must always be taken in selecting safe anaesthetic agents. Atropine and morphine may be used as premedication. Intravenous propofol and ketamine have been found to be safe alternatives to thiopentone as anaesthetic-inducing agents. Cyclopropane and ether A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 25 are safe inhalation agents with respect to the porphyrias, but they suffer the disadvantages of being potentially explosive and inducing post-operative vomiting. Nitrous oxide, used with intravenous narcotics, and muscle relaxants, may be a more acceptable alternative. Suxamethonium and D-tubocurarine can be used as muscle relaxants and diamorphine, morphine, pethidine or fentanyl are suitable narcotics for controlling post-operative pain. In some situations, epidural anaesthesia may be preferable to general anaesthesia, in which case bupivacaine is the local anaesthetic of choice. To prevent an attack being induced by fasting, an intravenous infusion of dextrose should be commenced prior to surgery, and continued until the patient can eat properly. Photosensitivity: Photosensitivity may be found in Variegate porphyria and Hereditary Coproporphyria. The occurrence of skin lesions depends on the degree of porphyrin overproduction and the amount of exposure to sunlight. Skin lesions should be treated by removing any inducing factors, such as drugs, alcohol, or inadequate diet, that may increase the porphyrin overproduction. There is no specific treatment for the skin photosensitivity occurring in Variegate porphyria and Hereditary coproporphyria, although Betacarotene treatment has been suggested of benefit. Barrier creams may be used. Avoidance of excess sunlight is advised. The dermatological features often subside after the acute attack, as the amount of circulating porphyrin is reduced. Prophylaxis and Treatment of Malaria. The steady encroachment of chloroquine-resistant malaria and increased travel to malarious regions has resulted in a pressing need to re-evaluate the prophylactic strategy for people visiting or residing in areas known to harbour the disease. Many commonly used antimalarials are known to be porphyrinogenic. Chloroquine has been the most widely used prophylactic and therapeutic agent for decades, however most authorities describe its use in porphyrics as 'contentious'. Added to this is the problem of widespread chloroquine resistance, so that chloroquine per se should not be regarded as adequately protective against malaria. The other agents commonly prescribed for prophylaxis, dapsone and sulphadoxine, are definitely contraindicated in porphyrics. Combined preparations as 'Maloprim' and 'Fansidar' should not be used, as they contain one or other of these agents. Pyrimethamine is probably safe, but it should have little place in the prophylaxis of malaria because of relative inefficiency. 'Daraclor', contains both chloroquine and pyrimethamine which are suspect not only for safety in porphyrics, but also for their efficacy in resistant malaria. Finally, there are three remaining drugs primaquine, mefloquine and proguanil. These are thought to be safe, mefloquine and proguanil on cell culture tests and primaquine on human experience. What then, should the porphyric person contemplating a visit to a malarial area be advised to do? An alternative to the use of chloroquine is to consider the prophylactic use of quinine, which is of proven safety in porphyrics. Though widely used as a prophylactic in the past it has the disadvantages of requiring a twice daily administration (compared with once weekly for chloroquine) and of hazardous side-effects, when taken long-term. Yet, it retains efficacy against chloroquine-resistant Falciparum malaria. A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 26 A third strategy, the one that is probably safest to suggest now, is to avoid chemoprophylaxis altogether and adopt the following steps:- 1. Direct prophylactic measures against the vector instead of the parasite, thus reducing the risk of an infected bite. This has been shown to reduce the risk of contracting malaria considerably and entails: i) visiting malarial areas in the dry rather than the wet season; ii) staying in towns rather than the bush; iii) covering up with long sleeves and trousers at sundown; iv) liberal use of insect repellents, both on the person and in the environment; v) the use of mosquito coils; (vi) proper use of mosquito netting. 2. The visitor should be advised to carry a course of quinine sulphate tablets at all times and be instructed on the possible symptoms of malaria, particularly pyrexia, backache, nausea and headache. A course of quinine should be commenced at the first sign of an illness and medical support sought as quickly as possible. Such an approach is favoured by some authorities as a general strategy against chloroquine resistant malaria and hence, if applied to porphyrics, as outlined, does not represent a major departure from current thinking. What of treatment of established malaria in porphyric patients? The course here is clear: They should receive quinine sulphate alone; this will be efficacious against chloroquine resistant malaria and is of proven safety in porphyria. Finally, where malaria, other than Falciparum, is suspected, primaquine may safely be employed to eradicate the exo-erythrocytic cycle of these parasites. A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 27 TABLE 3: DRUG TREATMENTS IN ACUTE PORPHYRIA CONDITION DRUG CATEGORY DRUG SPECIFIC TREATMENTS HAEM ARGINATE GLUCOSE ABDOMINAL PAIN Analgesics ASPIRIN BUPRENORPHINE DIAMORPHINE DIHYDROCODEINE MORPHINE PARACETAMOL PETHIDINE VOMITING Anti-Emetics CHLORPROMAZINE CYCLIZINE PROCHLORPERAZINE PROMAZINE HYPERTENSION AND TACHYCARDIA Anti-Hypertensives ATENOLOL GUANETHIDINE LABETALOL MECAMYLAMINE PROPRANOLOL NEUROSIS, PSYCHOSIS AND SEIZURES Sedatives, Tranquillisers and Anticonvulsants CHLORPROMAZINE CLONAZEPAM LORAZEPAM PROCHLORPERAZINE PROMAZINE TRIFLUOPERAZINE CONSTIPATION Laxatives and Anti-Cholinesterases DANTHRON NEOSTIGMINE SENNA CONDITION DRUG CATEGORY DRUG ALLERGIC REACTIONS Anti-histamines CHLORPHENIRAMINE TRIPELENNAMINE ANAESTHESIA Anaesthetics ATROPINE BUPIVACAINE CYCLOPROPANE DROPERIDOL ETHER FENTANYL KETAMINE NITROUS OXIDE Other Clinical Features: A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 28 CONDITION DRUG CATEGORY DRUG PRILOCAINE PROCAINE PROPOFOL SUXAMETHONIUM TUBOCURARINE ARTHRITIC AND RHEUMATIC CONDITIONS Anti-Inflammatories ALLOPURINOL ASPIRIN COLCHICINE FLURBIPROFEN INDOMETHACIN NAPROXEN PENICILLAMINE CANCER Chemotherapeutic Agents ACTINOMYCIN D CISPLATIN CYPROTERONE-ACETATE DOXORUBICIN MELPHALAN VINCRISTINE SO4 CARDIOVASCULAR Anti-Arrhythmic Drugs and Diuretics CONDITIONS AMILORIDE ATROPINE BUMETANIDE CYCLOPENTHIAZIDE DIGOXIN DISOPYRAMIDE DIABETES Hypoglycaemics INSULIN INFECTION Antibiotics AMOXYCILLIN GENTAMICIN HEXAMINE PENICILLINS MALARIA Anti-Malarials PRIMAQUINE PYRIMETHAMINE QUININE ORGAN TRANSPLANT Immunosuppressives AZATHIOPRINE PREDNISOLONE THYROID DISEASE Anti-Thyroid Drugs METHYL URACIL PROPYLTHIOURACIL A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 29 TESTING FOR PORPHYRIA SAMPLES: 1. URINE 200 ml. ALIQUOT FROM 24-HOUR URINE COLLECTION (with no added preservative) OR SPOT SAMPLE OF AT LEAST 100 ml. URINE 2. BLOOD: 10 ml. WHOLE BLOOD IN LITHIUM HEPARIN CONTAINER 3. FAECES: 5g FAECAL SAMPLE (in sealed container) TO BE SENT (with a short case history) TO THE:PORPHYRIAS SERVICE NRCET PO Box 594 Archerfield 4108 Queensland, AUSTRALIA FURTHER READING Should the reader require further information on this subject, the undernoted books will provide a valuable addition to the information in this booklet 1. DISORDERS OF PORPHYRIN METABOLISM Michael R. Moore, Kenneth E.L. McColl, Claude Rimington and Abraham Goldberg PLENUM PRESS, NEW YORK (1987). 2. PORPHYRIA - CLINICS IN DERMATOLOGY 3 Eds. P.B. Disler and M.R. Moore LIPPINCOTT, PHILADELPHIA (1985). 3. CLINICS IN HAEMATOLOGY 9. THE PORPHYRIAS Eds. A. Goldberg and M.R. Moore SAUNDERS, LONDON (1980). 4. A CENTURY OF PORPHYRIA Ed. M.R. Moore Molecular Aspects of Medicine 2 (1990) 5. BIOSYNTHESIS OF HEME AND CHLOROPHYLLS Ed. H.A. Dailey McGRAW-HILL, NEW YORK (1990) A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA (V1.3) Page 30 APPENDIX I – ALPHABETICALLY DRUG LISTING System/Area NUTRITION AND BLOOD THE EYE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Sub Area Diuretics MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION INFECTION CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ANAESTHESIA MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM NUTRITION AND BLOOD ANAESTHESIA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA THE EYE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION INFECTION CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTION INFECTION INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM NUTRITION AND BLOOD CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Anti-Gout Agents Anti-hypertensive Agents Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Diuretics Psychoanaleptics Psychoanaleptics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Hormone Preparations Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Drug Useability Test (Edta) Acetazolamide Acetazolamide Acetylcholine Actinomycin D Acyclovir Adenosine Monophosphate Adrenaline Alclofenac Alcuronium Allopurinol Allyloxy 3-Methylbenzamide Alpha Methyl Dopa Alpha Tocopherylacetate Alphaxalone - Alphadolone Alprazolam Aluminium OH Aluminium Preparations Amethocaine HCL Amethocaine HCL Amidopyrine Amidopyrine Amiloride Amineptine HCL Aminocaproic Acid Aminoglutethimide Aminoglycosides Aminophylline Amiodarone HCL Amitriptyline Amoxycillin Amphetamines Amphotericin D Ampicillin Amylobarbitone Androgens Antipyrine Apronalide Ascorbic Acid Aspirin Aspitin Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Unsafe Contentious Unsafe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe A B D Comments C D B C C B C A A B D C C C C A B D B B B D U B Note 2 D A A U C B A A A Page 31 System/Area RESPIRATORY SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM THE EYE MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE Sub Area Anti-hypertensive Agents Specific Anti-Rheumatic Agents MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ANAESTHESIA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM RESPIRATORY SYSTEM RESPIRATORY SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION ANAESTHESIA Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics Anti-Diabetic Agents Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Anticonvulsants Hormone Preparations THE SKIN CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Anticonvulsants Diuretics Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Anti-Gout Agents Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Hormone Preparations Calcium Channel Blockers Diuretics Analgesics: NARCOTICS Hormone Preparations Anti-hypertensive Agents Anticonvulsants Hormone Preparations Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Psychoanaleptics Drug Useability Test Astemizole Atenolol Atropine Atropine Atropine Auranofin Aurothiomalate Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe D A A A A B Azapropazone Azathioprine Baclofen Barbiturates Barbiturates Beclomethasone Dipropionate Bemegride Bendrofluazide Benoxaprofen Benzbromarone Benzhexol HCL Benzylthiouracil Bepridil HCL Beta-Carotene Betahistine HCL Biguanides Bromazepam Bromides Bromocriptine Buflomedil HCL Bumetanide Bupivacaine Buprenorphine Buserelin Busulphan Butacaine SO4 Butylscopolamine Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Contentious Unsafe Unsafe Safe Contentious Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Contentious Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe C C D A A B B S C D D DS D Canthaxanthin Captopril Carbamazepine Carbimazole Carbromal Carisoprodol Carisoprodol Carpipramine Carpipramine HCL Safe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Safe A D A B B A A U Comments Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. D C S A D D B C B A C D Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. Note 1 Page 32 System/Area Sub Area ANAESTHESIA INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION INFECTION THE EYE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ANAESTHESIA INFECTION MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM RESPIRATORY SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Anticonvulsants Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Specific Anti-Rheumatic Agents Diuretics Antihistamines Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTION GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION INFECTION RESPIRATORY SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Hormone Preparations Psychoanaleptics Anticonvulsants Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Anti-hypertensive Agents Migraine Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics ANAESTHESIA A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics Antihistamines Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Drug Useability Test Carticaine HCL Cefuroxime Cephalexin Cephalosporins Cephradine Chloral Hydrate Chlorambucil Chloramphenicol Chloramphenicol Chlordiazepoxide Chlormethiazole Chlormethiazole Chlormezanone Chlormezanone Chloroform Chloroquine Chloroquine Chlorothiazide Chlorpheniramine Chlorpromazine Chlorpromazine Chlorpropamide Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Contentious Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Contentious Contentious Safe Safe Safe Unsafe D Chlorzoxazone Cimetidine Cinnarizine Ciprofloxacin Cisapride Cisplatin Clavulanic Acid Clemastine Clobazam Clofibrate Clometacin Clomiphene Clomiphene Citrate Clomipramine HCL Clonazepam Clonazepam Clonidine Clonidine HCL Clorazepate Clotiazepam Cloxacillin Cocaine Unsafe Contentious Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Contentious Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Contentious Contentious Contentious Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Unsafe Safe Unsafe B U C B B D D B U D D Comments Note 2 Note 2 U Note 2 A C A A B S S B B B S S S A A A Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. B DU U U D B U D B Page 33 System/Area THE EYE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM INFECTION THE SKIN CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION ANAESTHESIA INFECTION MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION ENDOCRINE SYSTEM MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION ENDOCRINE SYSTEM GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM INFECTION THE EYE MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Sub Area Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Anti-Gout Agents Hormone Preparations Hormone Preparations Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics Diuretics Hormone Preparations Hormone Preparations Corticosteroids Hormone Preparations Appetite Suppressants Analgesics: NARCOTICS Analgesics: NARCOTICS Analgesics: NARCOTICS Anticonvulsants Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Anti-hypertensive Agents Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Appetite Suppressants Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Drug Useability Test Cocaine Co-Codamol Codeine Codeine PO4 Colchicine Colistin Corticosteroids Corticotrophin (ACTH) Co-Trimoxazole Coumarins Crystal Violet Cyclizine Cyclopenthiazide Cyclophosphamide Cyclopropane Cycloserine Cyclosporin Cyproterone Acetate Cyproterone-Acetate Danazol Danthron Dapsone Desferrioxamine Dexamethasone Dexamethasone Dexamethasone Dexfenfluramine Dextromoramide Dextropropoxyphene Dextrose Diamorphine Diazepam Diazepam Diazepam Diazoxide Dichloralphenazone Dichloralphenazone Diclofenac Na Dicyclomine HCL Dienoestrol Diethyl Ether Diethylpropion Diflunisal Digoxin Dihydralazine Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Contentious Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Contentious Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Contentious Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Contentious Unsafe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Unsafe B B B A D B S B B Comments B B U C C B C S S B A A B B B D S B B A A A D A A A B A C B A Page 34 System/Area Sub Area Drug Useability Test MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Dihydrocodeine Dihydroergotamine Safe Unsafe A Dihydroergotamine-Mesylate Diltiazem Dimenhydrinate Dimenhydrinate Dimercaprol Dimethicone Dinoprost Diphenhydramine Diphenoxylate HCL Dipyridamole Dipyrone Dipyrone Disopyramide Dixyrazine Domperidone Domperidone Domperidone Dothiepin HCL Doxorubicin HCL Doxycycline Droperidol Droperidol Droperidol Drotaverine Dydrogesterone Econazole Nitrate Econazole Nitrate Enalapril Enflurane Ergometrine Maleate Ergot Compounds Unsafe Contentious Unsafe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe A U B B Ergotamine Tartrate Erythromycin Estazolam Estramustine Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Unsafe A A DS Ethacrynic Acid Ethambutol Ethamsylate Ethanol Ethchlorvynol Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe B CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM RESPIRATORY SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND RENAL DISEASE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION ANAESTHESIA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM INFECTION THE SKIN CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND RENAL DISEASE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM NUTRITION AND BLOOD CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Migraine Calcium Channel Blockers Antihistamines Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics Antihistamines Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics Psychoanaleptics Analgesics: NARCOTICS Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Hormone Preparations Anti-hypertensive Agents Migraine Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Diuretics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Comments Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. C B B D A A S C C C C C C C A B A C B B B C A Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. C A B Page 35 System/Area Sub Area Drug Useability Test CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Anticonvulsants Anticonvulsants Unsafe Contentious Contentious Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Contentious Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe C S S CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA ANAESTHESIA MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION Ethinamate Ethinyl Oestradiol Ethinyl Oestradiol Ethionamide Ethoheptazine Citrate Ethosuximide Ethotoin Etidocaine Etomidate Etoposide F.S.H. Famotidine Fenbrufen Fenfluramine Fenofibrate Fenoprofen Fenoprofen Fentanyl Floctafenine Flucloxacillin Flucytosine Flufenamic Acid Flumazenil Flumequine Flunarizine HCL Flunitrazepam Fluoxetine HCL Flupenthixol Flurazepam Flurbiprofen Fluroxene Fluvoxamine Maleate Folic Acid Follicle Stimulating Hormone Fructose Frusemide Fusidic Acid Gentamicin Gentamycin Glafenine Glibenclamide Glipizide Glucagon Glucose Unsafe Safe Safe B D A Hormone Preparations GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ANAESTHESIA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTION INFECTION MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ANAESTHESIA INFECTION RESPIRATORY SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ANAESTHESIA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM NUTRITION AND BLOOD ENDOCRINE SYSTEM NUTRITION AND BLOOD CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM THE EYE INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM NUTRITION AND BLOOD A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Appetite Suppressants Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Antihistamines Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Psychoanaleptics Psychoanaleptics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Psychoanaleptics Hormone Preparations Diuretics Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Anti-Diabetic Agents Hormone Preparations Comments A B C C B B C SD C C C D A D B D D D B B C A B B B B B A A A C C Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. Page 36 System/Area Sub Area Drug Useability Test CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Glutethimide Glyceryl Trinitrate Gold-(Sodium Aurothiomalate) Goserelin Gramicidin Griseofulvin Griseofulvin Guaiphenesin Guanethidine Guanethidine Guanfacine HCL Haem Arginate Haloperidol Haloperidol Halothane Heparin Heptaminol HCL Hexamine Hexapropymate Hydantoins Hydralazine Hydrochlorothiazide Hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone Butyrate Hydroxyzine Hyoscine Hyoscine Butylbromide Hyoscine Butylbromide Hyoscine Butylbromide Hyoscine Butylbromide Ibuprofen Ibuprofen Imipramine Indomethacin Indomethacin Insulin Iproniazid Iron Iron Preparations Isoflurane Isometheptenemucate Isometheptene-Mucate Isoniazid Josamycin Kebuzone Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Safe Contentious Contentious Contentious Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Contentious Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Safe Contentious Contentious Contentious Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Safe Unsafe A B C B INFECTION THE SKIN RESPIRATORY SYSTEM THE EYE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM NUTRITION AND BLOOD ANAESTHESIA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE THE SKIN CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND RENAL DISEASE GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM THE EYE MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM NUTRITION AND BLOOD ANAESTHESIA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTION INFECTION A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Specific Anti-Rheumatic Agents Hormone Preparations Anti-hypertensive Agents Anti-hypertensive Agents Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Anticoagulants Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Anticonvulsants Anti-hypertensive Agents Diuretics Corticosteroids Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Psychoanaleptics Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Anti-Diabetic Agents Psychoanaleptics Migraine Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics Comments A A C C A D A U U U B D C D A B B S S B A A A A B B U S S A B A C B C U D Page 37 System/Area ANAESTHESIA INFECTION THE SKIN MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTION GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE INFECTION MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ANAESTHESIA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Sub Area Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Anti-hypertensive Agents Anti-hypertensive Agents Psychoanaleptics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Psychoanaleptics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Migraine Anticonvulsants Psychoanaleptics Anti-hypertensive Agents Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Drug Useability Test Ketamine Ketoconazole Ketoconazole Ketoprofen Ketotifen L.H.R.H. Labetalol Levonorgestrol Contentious Unsafe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe S D D C D Lignocaine Liquorice Lisinopril Lithium Salts Lofepramine Lofepramine Loperamide Loprazolam Lorazepam Loxapine Lynestrenol Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Contentious Unsafe Unsafe C B B B B B D D S D Lysuride Maleate Magnesium Sulphate Magnesium-Sulphate Maprotiline HCL Mebendazole Mebeverine HCL Mecamylamine Mecillinam Unsafe Safe Safe Unsafe Contentious Unsafe Safe Unsafe C B B C S D C Meclofenoxate HCL Meclozine Medroxyprogesterone Safe Safe Unsafe Mefenamic Acid Mefenamic Acid Mefloquine HCL Megestrol Melphalan Mephenesin Mephenytoin Contentious Contentious Safe Unsafe Contentious Unsafe Unsafe U U D C S D Mepivacaine Meprobamate Meptazinol Unsafe Unsafe Safe D A B Comments B Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. A Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. Page 38 System/Area Sub Area Drug Useability Test CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM RESPIRATORY SYSTEM MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION THE EYE Analgesics: NARCOTICS Diuretics CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Psychoanaleptics Anti-Diabetic Agents Analgesics: NARCOTICS Appetite Suppressants CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Anticonvulsants Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Unsafe Contentious Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe B B B B CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Meptazinol Mequitazine Mercaptopurine Mercuric Oxide Mercury Compounds Mersalyl Mestranol Metapramine HCL Metformin Methadone Methamphetamine Methohexitone Methotrexate Methotrimeprazine Methoxyflurane Methsuximide Methyl Dopa Methyl Sulphonal Unsafe Methylcellulose Methylphenidate Methylphenidate Methyluracil Methyprylone Methysergide Metipropanolol Metoclopramide Metoclopramide Metoclopramide Metopimazine Metoprolol Metoprolol Tartrate Metronidazole Metyrapone Mianserin HCL Miconazole Miconazole Midazolam Midazolam Mifepristone Minaprine HCL Minaxolone Minocycline HCL Minoxidil Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Contentious Contentious Contentious Safe Safe Safe Contentious Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Contentious Contentious Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Appetite Suppressants Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Psychoanaleptics Hormone Preparations Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM Anti-hypertensive Agents CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM INFECTION ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTION THE SKIN ANAESTHESIA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND RENAL DISEASE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA INFECTION Anti-hypertensive Agents A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics Hormone Preparations Psychoanaleptics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Psychoanaleptics Comments S DU C A B C C S A Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. B B D B A B U U U D B S D C D D D DS U D C D Page 39 System/Area Sub Area Drug Useability Test CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Analgesics: NARCOTICS Morphine Nadolol Nadrolone Safe Safe Unsafe A Naftidrofuryloxalate Nalidixic Acid Nandrolone Naproxen Naproxen Na Natamycin Nefopam HCL Neostigmine Netilmycin Nicergoline Nifedipine Nifumic Acid Nikethamide Nitrazepam Nitrofurantoin Nitrous Oxide Nordazepam Norethisterone Safe Unsafe Contentious Safe Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Contentious Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Safe Unsafe Unsafe D B U B C B D A D DU B D A B U A Norethynodrel Norfloxacin Nortriptyline Novobiocin Oestrogens Ofloxacin Omeprazole Oral Contraceptives Oral Contraceptives Orphenadrine Orphenadrine Oxanamide Oxazepam Oxazolidinediones Oxolinic Acid Oxybuprocaine Oxybutynin HCL Oxycodone Oxymetazoline Oxypentifylline Oxyphenbutazone Oxyphenbutazone Unsafe Safe Contentious Unsafe Contentious Safe Contentious Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Unsafe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM INFECTION ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTION ANAESTHESIA INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTION OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND RENAL DISEASE INFECTION GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND RENAL DISEASE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTION THE EYE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM THE EAR, NOSE AND OROPHARYNX CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM THE EYE MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Hormone Preparations Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Calcium Channel Blockers Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Psychoanaleptics Hormone Preparations Migraine Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Anticonvulsants Analgesics: NARCOTICS Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Comments Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. D U B U D S A A C B C U B D C C B D B A Page 40 System/Area OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND RENAL DISEASE MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ANAESTHESIA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTION MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Sub Area Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Analgesics: NON-NARCOTIC Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Anticonvulsants Anticonvulsants Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Psychoanaleptics Specific Anti-Rheumatic Agents Analgesics: NARCOTICS RESPIRATORY SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Analgesics: NARCOTICS Analgesics: NARCOTICS Psychoanaleptics Anti-Diabetic Agents Anticonvulsants CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Anti-hypertensive Agents Anticonvulsants MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Anticonvulsants Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Psychoanaleptics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Anti-Gout Agents Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Migraine Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Drug Useability Oxytetracycline Oxytocin Pancuronium Pancuronium Bromide Pancuronum Br Paracetamol Paracetamol Paraldehyde Paramethadione Parapenzolate Br Pargyline Pefloxacin Penicillamine Penicillin Pentazocine Pentolinium Pentylenetetrazol Perhexiline Pericyazine Pethidine Phenacetin Phenelzine Phenformin Phenobarbitone Phenoperidine Phenoxybenzamine Phensuximide Phentolamine Mesylate Phenylbutazone Phenylhydrazine Phenytoin Pipebuzone Pipemidic Acid Pipothiazine Palmitate Piracetam Pirbuterol Pirenzepine Piritramide Piroxicam Piroxicam Pivampicillin Pivmecillinam Unsafe Safe Contentious Safe Contentious Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Contentious Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Pizotifen Prazepam Safe Unsafe Test Comments B S Note 1 S A B B A D C D B A A B D A C C C A D A U A D D D D B C D B Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. B D Page 41 System/Area CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM THE EYE MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Sub Area Corticosteroids Hormone Preparations Calcium Channel Blockers Anticonvulsants Anti-Gout Agents Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Migraine Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics Anticonvulsants ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Hormone Preparations CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM RESPIRATORY SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND RENAL DISEASE MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ANAESTHESIA Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Antihistamines Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Tranquillisers:Anti-Emetics ENDOCRINE SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE ANAESTHESIA THE EYE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM INFECTION NUTRITION AND BLOOD INFECTION Hormone Preparations Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM INFECTION GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Anti-hypertensive Agents Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Anti-hypertensive Agents Drug Useability Test Prazosin Prednisolone Prednisolone Prednisolone Prenylamine Prilocaine Primaquine Primidone Probenecid Probucol Procainamide HCL Procaine Prochlorperazine Prochlorperazine Prochlorperazine Progabide Progesterone Contentious Contentious Contentious Contentious Unsafe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Contentious Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe S S S S D B B A B D D B B B B D Progestogens Proguanil HCL Promazine Promethazine Promethazine Promethazine Propanidid Propanolol Propantheline Propantheline Propantheline Br Propofol Propranolol Propylthiouracil Propyphenazone Proxymetacaine Proxymetacaine Pseudoephedrine HCL Pyrazinamide Pyridoxine HCL Pyrimethamine Pyrrocaine Quinalbarbitone Quinidine Quinine Ranitidine Reserpine Contentious Safe Safe Contentious Contentious Contentious Contentious Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Contentious Contentious Safe Unsafe Safe Contentious Unsafe Unsafe Safe Safe Contentious Safe U Comments Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. A U U U U A B B B B B A S S B A A S B C B U A Page 42 System/Area Sub Area THE SKIN INFECTION RESPIRATORY SYSTEM GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM NUTRITION AND BLOOD INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM THE SKIN ENDOCRINE SYSTEM INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM NUTRITION AND BLOOD Anticonvulsants MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE THE EYE Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE INFECTION ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE INFECTION MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM RESPIRATORY SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA INFECTION THE EYE A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Diuretics Hormone Preparations Anticonvulsants Anti-Gout Agents Anti-Diabetic Agents Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Anticonvulsants Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Antihistamines Drug Useability Test Resorcinol Rifampicin Salbutamol Senna Simvastatin Sodium Aurothiomalate Sodium Bromide Sodium Calcium Edetate Sodium Fusidate Sodium Oxybate Sodium Valproate Sorbitol Spironolactone ß Carotene Stanozolol Streptomycin Succinimides Sulbutiamine Sulfadoxine Sulindac Sulphacetamide Sulphadiazine Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe B B B A C Sulphadimidine Unsafe Sulphadoxine Unsafe Sulphamethoxazole Unsafe Sulphasalazine Sulphinpyrazone Sulphonamides Sulphonylureas Sulpiride Sulthiame Sultopride Suxamethonium Suxamethonium Talampicillin Tamoxifen Temazepam Terfenadine Tetracaine Tetracyclines Tetracyclines Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Safe Unsafe Safe Contentious Contentious Comments A B U A C A C A A D Note 2 C C Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. C U A A C B D C A B B B B C S S Page 43 System/Area Sub Area Drug Useability Test CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM RESPIRATORY SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM ENDOCRINE SYSTEM MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE INFECTION CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM THE EYE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM INFECTION Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Tetrazepam Theophylline Thiopentone Na Thioridazine Thiouracil Thyroxine Tiaprofenic Acid Ticarcillin Tienilic Acid Tilidate Timolol Maleate Timolol Maleate Tinidazole Tolazamide Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Unsafe Unsafe D B A B B B B B D B D D D Tolazoline Tolbutamide Safe Unsafe A Tranexamic Acid Tranylcypromine Trazodone HCL Triacetyloleandomycin Triamterene Triazolam Trichlormethiazide Trifluoperazine Trimebutine Maleate Trimeprazine Tartrate Trimetazidine HCL Trimethoprim Trimipramine Tripelennamine Troxidone Tubocurarine Tubocurarine Valproate Valpromide Vancomycin Veralipride Verapamil Vibramycin Viloxazine HCL Vinblastine Vincristine Vitamins Safe Unsafe Unsafe Safe Safe Safe Contentious Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe Contentious Safe Unsafe Safe Safe Unsafe Contentious Safe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe Contentious Contentious Safe B C C CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Hormone Preparations Hormone Preparations Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Diuretics Analgesics: NARCOTICS Anti-hypertensive Agents Anti-hypertensive Agents Psychoanaleptics Psychoanaleptics CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM RESPIRATORY SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM RESPIRATORY SYSTEM CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ANAESTHESIA MUSCULO-SKELETAL and JOINT DISEASE Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics Diuretics Hypnotics, Sedatives and Anxiolytics CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM INFECTION CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION NUTRITION AND BLOOD Anticonvulsants A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Antihistamines Psychoanaleptics Antihistamines Anticonvulsants Muscle Relaxants and Anti-Spasmodics Psychoanaleptics Calcium Channel Blockers Psychoanaleptics Comments Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. Associated with acute attacks of porphyria. C S B D D D B U B B C B DU B D B B C UD UD B Page 44 System/Area Sub Area Drug Useability Test CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM INFECTION MALIGNANT DISEASE: and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION THE SKIN THE EYE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Anticoagulants Warfarin Na Zidovudine Zidovudine Zinc Preparations (Topical) Zinc Sulphate Zuclopenthixol Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Unsafe B B B B A C A GUIDE FOR PEOPLE WITH PORPHYRIA Psychoanaleptics Comments Page 45