SUBJECTS INFORMATION BOOKLET TRINITY BAY STATE HIGH SCHOOL YEAR 9: 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHOOSING SUBJECTS ...................................................................................................................... 3 ONESCHOOL: SUBJECT SELECTION GUIDE .................................................................................. 6 ENGLISH ........................................................................................................................................... 9 ENGLISH ....................................................................................................................................... 9 WORDS WORK ............................................................................................................................ 10 MATHEMATICS ............................................................................................................................ 11 SCIENCE ......................................................................................................................................... 12 SCIENCE...................................................................................................................................... 12 SCIENCE ACADEMY .................................................................................................................... 13 HISTORY ...................................................................................................................................... 14 GEOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................... 14 CIVICS ......................................................................................................................................... 14 HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION ............................................................................................. 15 HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION .......................................................................................... 15 RUGBY LEAGUE STUDIES ........................................................................................................... 16 THE TALENTED ATHLETE ACADEMY (FORMALLY INSTITUTE OF SPORT)............................................ 17 THE ARTS ........................................................................................................................................ 18 VISUAL ARTS ............................................................................................................................... 18 VISUAL ART ................................................................................................................................. 18 ART& DESIGN (PREVIOUSLY PRACTICAL ART) ................................................................................... 19 MEDIA STUDIES .......................................................................................................................... 20 PERFORMING ARTS .................................................................................................................... 21 DANCE......................................................................................................................................... 21 DRAMA ........................................................................................................................................ 22 MUSIC ......................................................................................................................................... 23 PRACTICAL MUSIC ...................................................................................................................... 24 TECHNOLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 25 BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 25 APPLIED BUSINESS COMPUTING ............................................................................................... 25 BUSINESS VENTURES ................................................................................................................ 26 HOME ECONOMICS..................................................................................................................... 27 FASHION FUSION ........................................................................................................................ 27 FOOD @ TBAY .............................................................................................................................. 28 THE TEST KITCHEN ..................................................................................................................... 29 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY ......................................................................................................... 30 GRAPHICAL COMMUNICATION (GRAPHICS) ............................................................................... 30 SHOP A (PREVIOUSLY PRODUCT DESIGN & MANUFACTURE) ................................................................ 31 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN ....................................................................................... 32 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY ............................................................... 33 GAME ON: GAME DESIGN & PROGRAMMING ........................................................................... 33 LANGUAGES ................................................................................................................................... 34 MANDARIN CHINESE .................................................................................................................. 34 JAPANESE ................................................................................................................................... 35 Current Course Information at time of printing reviewed: 22 July 2013 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 2 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet C h o o s i n g S u bj e c t s There are many important decisions you have to make while at school. Some of the most important are concerned with the choice of subjects. These are important decisions as they can also directly affect your success at school and how you feel about school. OVERALL PLAN As an overall plan, it is suggested that you choose subjects: in which you have already had some success which may help you reach your chosen career/s or at least keep many careers open to you which will develop skills, attitudes and knowledge useful throughout your life. This may sound difficult, but if you approach the task calmly, follow the guidelines provided and ask for help along the way, you should come up with a list of subjects which meets your needs. GUIDELINES Keeping your options open Many students in Year 9 have thought about their future, but are still uncertain about courses or careers they would like to follow after they have finished school. It is wise, therefore, when looking at subject choice, to “keep your options open”. This means choosing a selection of subjects which makes it possible for you to continue thinking about career choice. Find out about the list of subjects are offered Even though you have studied a wide range of subjects to date in Year 8, it is important to find out as much as possible about the subjects offered. Many of the subjects offered will be new/have different names to those offered in Semester 1. To find out about our subjects: read the subject descriptions in this booklet ask heads of departments and teachers of particular subjects look at books and materials used by students in the subjects listen carefully at class talks and subject selection nights. When investigating a subject to see if it is suitable for you, find out about the content (ie what topics are covered in the subject), how the subject is taught and assessed, and the cost of materials. For example: Does the subject mainly involve learning from a textbook? Are there any field trips, practical work or experiments? How much assessment is based on exams compared to assignments, theory compared to practical work, written compared to oral work? Remember too, that your choice of subjects now may affect your choice in later years. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 3 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet Choosing Subjects (Continued.../) For example: Music and Languages in the Senior years require previous study at a the middle school level. Students contemplating an apprenticeship in the future are strongly recommended to study Graphics in Years 8 to 12 (depending on the industry related area). Make a decision about a combination of subjects that suits you It is important to remember that you are an individual and that your particular needs and requirements in subject selection will be quite different from those of other students. This means that it is unwise to either take or avoid a subject because: someone told you that you will like or dislike it your friends are or are not taking it you like or dislike the teacher “all the boys or girls take that subject” (All subjects have equal value for males and females). There is little to be gained by continuing with or taking advanced levels of subjects that have proved difficult even after you have given your best effort. Similarly, if your career aims require the study of certain subjects do you have the ability and determination to work hard enough to achieve the necessary level of results in those subjects? Thinking about careers It is helpful to have some ideas about possible career choices at this stage, even though you may change plans or review decisions over coming years. Trinity Bay has the resources to help you with career exploration; talk to our guidance officer and check these sources of information on subjects, courses and careers; Queensland Job Guide and other careers information in your school at The OZJAC computer program - in high school, Job Centres, or Career Reference centres. The booklet Queensland Tertiary courses - for careers requiring university study. (This is more important when choosing subjects for Year 11.) After checking through this information, it is likely that you will come up with a list of subjects needed for courses and careers that interest you. If details are still unclear, check with your guidance officer. The responsibility for meeting course requirements ultimately rests with the student. Trinity Bay State High School students who attend class and complete all assessments are eligible to make a successful transition into the senior phase of learning. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 4 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet OUTLINE OF SUBJECT SELECTIONS YEAR 9 - 2014 This year, students will need to LOG IN TO ONESCHOOL and do their Subject Selections online. See Page 5 of the Subject Selection Booklet for instructions on how to do this. These subjects are compulsory subjects from the National Curriculum :LINE 1 ENGLISH LINE 2 MATHS LINE 3 SCIENCE LINE 4 SOCIAL SCIENCE When you Log In to choose your subjects, you MUST still TICK the boxes to do English, Maths, Science and Social Science. After you tick each one of those boxes, move on to choose your electives below. You must choose ONE SUBJECT from EACH of the LINE COLUMNS 5 to 8 below (4 subjects in total). One of your subjects MUST be Health and Physical Education (HPE). HPE is COMPULSORY. You must also choose 2 back-up subjects (from any column) just in case you don’t get into one of your electives. LINE 5 Applied Business Computing (ABC) Art (ART) Drama (DRA) Food & Nutrition (FTB) Health and Physical Education (HPE) Japanese (JAP) Practical Music (PMA) Science Academy (SCA) Shop A (SHA) LINE 6 LINE 7 LINE 8 Art & Design (PAR) Art (ART) Business Ventures (BUV) Chinese (CHI) Industrial Technology and Design (ITD) Game On (GAO) Art & Design (PAR) Applied Business Computing (ABC) Dance (DAN) Dance (DAN) Game On (GAO) Drama (DRA) Food and Nutrition (FTB) Food Technology (TEK) Health & Physical Education (HPE) Talented Athlete’s Academy (TAA) Media Studies (MED) Shop A (SHA) Words Work (WOW) Game On (GAO) Graphics (GPH) Health & Physical Education (HPE) Japanese (JAP) Practical Music (PMU) Textiles Technology (FAF) Rugby League Studies (RLS) Health & Physical Education (HPE) Industrial Technology and Design (ITD) Media Studies (MED) Music (MUS) Shop A (SHA) Words Work (WOW) My TWO back-up subjects are: 1. 2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 5 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet ONESCHOOL: SUBJECT SELECTION GUIDE Every Year 8 student needs to log into OneSchool after Wednesday 24th July 2013, using their USER NAME AND PASSWORD. This needs to be completed by Tuesday 6th August 2013 or you risk MISSING OUT ON your favourite subjects. At all times refer to your subject selection booklet. Page 4 is the key page with all possible subjects listed. 1. Log on to the internet. 2. Type in into the URL bar. 3. Log on to MIS using your school user name and password. Log on with school username and password ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 6 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet OneSchool: Subject Selection Guide (Continued.../) 4. Click on OneSchool Login OneSchool Log in 5. Accept Agreement (if this is the first time you have logged on to OneSchool.) Accept Agreement ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 7 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet OneSchool: Subject Selection Guide (Continued.../) 5. Click on My Education Plan Click on My Education Plan Subject Selection Subject Selections Edit – click to add you subject selections 6. Use the tabs along the top to select SUBJECT SELECTION. Follow the screens until you have chosen all your subjects. Make sure you SAVE your selections. Make sure you also choose 2 alternative preferences before you SAVE. If you need any help see Mrs Bannister in B27 or the Tutors in J17. You can Log in to do your subject selections in these rooms at morning tea and lunch times. Remember, you MUST choose one subject from EVERY line and choose a 2 nd (back up) subject from Lines5, 6, 7 and 8 in case you can’t GET you first choice. This must be done by Tuesday 6 th August ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2013. Page | 8 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet KEY LEARNING AREAS ENGLISH ENGLISH Contact: Miss S Logan, Acting Head of Department– D Block Staffroom AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM In Year 9 students interact with peers, teachers, individuals, groups and community members in a range of faceto-face and online/virtual environments. They experience learning in familiar and unfamiliar contexts, including local community, vocational and global contexts. Students engage with a variety of texts for enjoyment. They interpret, create, evaluate, discuss and perform a wide range of literary texts in which the primary purpose is aesthetic, as well as texts designed to inform and persuade. These include various types of media texts, including newspapers, film and digital texts, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, dramatic performances and multimodal texts, with themes and issues involving levels of abstraction, higher order reasoning and intertextual references. Students develop critical understanding of the contemporary media, and the differences between media texts. The range of literary texts comprises Australian literature, including the oral narrative traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as well as the contemporary literature of these two cultural groups, and classic and contemporary world literature, including texts from and about Asia. Literary texts that support and extend students in Years 9 and 10 as independent readers are drawn from a range of genres and involve complex, challenging and unpredictable plot sequences and hybrid structures that may serve multiple purposes. These texts explore themes of human experience and cultural significance, interpersonal relationships, and ethical and global dilemmas within real-world and fictional settings and represent a variety of perspectives. Informative texts represent a synthesis of technical and abstract information (from credible/verifiable sources) about a wide range of specialised topics. Text structures are more complex including chapters, headings and subheadings, tables of contents, indexes and glossaries. Language features include successive complex sentences with embedded clauses, a high proportion of unfamiliar and technical vocabulary, figurative and rhetorical language, and dense information supported by various types of graphics and images. Students create a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive types of texts including narratives, procedures, performances, reports, discussions, literary analyses, transformations of texts and reviews. Below lists the material to be covered in the 3 Strands of English. LANGUAGE LITERATURE LITERACY Language variation and change; language for interaction; text structure and organisation; expressing and developing ideas; sound and letter knowledge. Literature and context; responding to literature; examining literature; creating literature. Texts in context; interacting with others; interpreting, analysing, evaluating; creating texts. YEAR 9 ACHIEVEMENT STANDARD By the end of Year 9 students listen to, read and view a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts, recognising how events, situations and people can be represented from different perspectives, and identifying stated and implied meaning in texts. They infer meaning by interpreting and integrating ideas and information from different parts of texts. They draw conclusions about characters, events and key ideas, justifying these with selective use of textual evidence. They interpret and critically evaluate the use of visual and non-verbal forms of language used to establish relationships with different audiences. They identify and explain how text structures and language features of texts, including literary techniques, are designed to appeal to audiences. They compare, contrast and evaluate their own responses to texts and different interpretations presented by others. ASSESSMENT Six written tasks (3 tests) and two spoken tasks will be given over the course of the year. These tasks count as summative assessment. Student’s bookwork and homework will be also formally assessed. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 9 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet English (Continued.../) WORDS WORK SUBJECT INTRODUCTION Good readers have a toolbox of strategies to help them read with understanding. Good readers are good learners and do better at school – in ALL their subjects - than those students who struggle to understand what they read. This course will help students build up that toolbox and become a good reader. It will help students become more confident and proficient at reading. ASSESSMENT Students will be given a context for reading in each term. Each lesson will contain: an opportunity to do some reading for pleasure. some word building to help students understand how words work together. vocabulary building opportunities. some direct teaching on particular aspects of reading for meaning. an opportunity to write simple, small texts about their reading. Assessment All summative tasks will be written but oral activities will be included within the course of study. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 10 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS Contact: Mr B Wilson, Head of Department – L Block Staffroom AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM In 2012 all schools across Australia introduced the National Curriculum. The proficiency strands Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning are an integral part of the mathematics content across the three strands: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. The proficiencies reinforce the significance of working mathematically within the content and describe how the content is explored or developed. They provide the language to build in the developmental aspects of the learning of mathematics. NUMBER & ALGEBRA Real Numbers, Money & Financial mathematics, Patterns & Algebra, Linear & Non-Linear Relationships, Rates and Proportion. MEASUREMENT & GEOMETRY Using units of Measurement, Geometric Reasoning, Pythagoras & trigonometry, Congravence and Similarity. STATISTICS & PROBABILITY Chance, Data representation and Interpretation YEAR 9 ACHIEVEMENT STANDARD By the end of Year 9, students express numbers in scientific notation and apply the index laws to numbers. They expand and factorise algebraic expressions and solve problems involving simple interest. Students solve linear equations using graphical and algebraic techniques. Students list outcomes, assign and determine probabilities for events. They construct displays and investigate the position of the mean and median and describe the shape of the distribution. Students calculate areas of shapes and volume and surface area of right prisms. They investigate similar and congruent triangles and problems involving Pythagoras’ theorem. Students recognise the connection between similarity and the trigonometric ratios and use trigonometry to solve right-angled triangle problems. ASSESSMENT Five written tests and one assignment will be given over the course of the year. These assessment pieces count as summative assessment. Student’s bookwork, homework and use of mathematical instruments will be formally assessed. Class assessment items and mental Arithmetic tests will be given at stages throughout each term. Task centres are used in the practical assessment of mathematics. GENERAL INFORMATION Year 9 students will be streamed into 3 different levels according to their year 8 results. All students will be covering the same content material. Differentiated instruction will occur in the classroom and students will be given the opportunity to achieve at A, B and C standard of work. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 11 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet SCIENCE SCIENCE Contact: Mr B Liddle, Head of Department – A Block Staffroom SPECIFIC SUBJECT MATTER AND ASSESSMENT Students inquire into ways in which energy can be transferred through different TERM 1: materials. Students have opportunities to form hypotheses and investigate ENERGY ON THE MOVE quantitative and qualitative variations to the transmission of electricity and heat energy. They use these findings and the information of secondary data sources in order to form evidence based arguments. Students make informed decisions by quantifying resistance and insulation values. MAKING WAVES Students build on their knowledge of energy transfer to include the wave-based transfer of energy including sound and light. Students investigate wave motion and the variations to sound and light transfer caused by differing materials. They explore ways in which humans have used and controlled sound and light energy transfer for practical purposes. Students design investigations and apparatus using available materials to transmit a form of energy through a medium. ASSESSMENT: Written test (Understanding and Skills criteria) TERM 2: IT’S ELEMENTARY THE CHANGING EARTH ASSESSMENT: TERM 3: MY LIFE IN BALANCE Students explore the historical development of understandings of atomic structure. Students model an atom according to currently accepted understandings. They identify the work of selected early researchers into natural radiation and examine the concepts of isotopes and half-life. They explore practical applications of natural radiation. Students reflect on the theory and practical limitations of carbon dating. Students will explore the historical development of scientific theories via the investigation of earth movement. It introduces the technological developments that have aided scientists in the study of tectonic plate movement, and explores the impact on humans of events such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes related to geological activity. Written essay under exam conditions (Understanding and Skills criteria) In this unit, students build on their understanding of the human body systems and their ability to respond to change. RESPONDING TO CHANGE In this unit, students examine change and sustainability within an ecosystem. ASSESSMENT: Written test (Understanding and Skills criteria) TERM 4: CHEMICAL PATTERNS HEAT-AND-EAT ASSESSMENT: EXTRA CURRICULA ACTIVITIES: In this unit students will explore and represent a variety of chemical reactions and their applications in daily life. In this unit, students will investigate chemical reactions for use as an energy source in a Heat-and-Eat meal container. They will explore and explain chemical reactions in a range of every day contexts such as food preparation, including detoxifying food, bushfires and remedies for relieving indigestion. Written scientific report (Understanding and Skills criteria) Students in year 9 will take part in Science Expo Week where they will meet a number of scientists and work with the CSIRO on a variety of projects including forensics and robotics. Students will have the opportunity to participate in the Science and Engineering challenge, the Wonders of Science project and the Rio Tinto Science Competition to name a few of the over 25 possible out of class experiences we run. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 12 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet Science (Continued.../) SCIENCE ACADEMY SUBJECT INTRODUCTION In year 9, Science Academy is an elective subject chosen by students with an interest in Science and looking for a challenge. The year 9 course runs for the entire year. TOPICS STUDIED Some of the topics studied include: A National Science competitions unit designed to improve students thinking and test taking skills Astronomy and Starlab unit Extended experimental investigations into areas of individual student interest Extended experimental investigations on teacher given fun Science topics Crest Awards Program Robotics Science parent nights Preparations for the senior science classroom and laboratory Science on the oval program. Electrophoresis and DNA Wonders of science competition Science and engineering challenge GREAT OPPORTUNITIES IN SCIENCE Parent nights, science week and visits from primary schools to participate in specially designed Trinity Bay High School Science programs are a regular occurrence. All of these events are a fun way to allow our students to showcase and share their knowledge and project work with the community. Overall many opportunities outside of the classroom also exist for the keen Science student. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 13 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet STUDY OF SOCIETY & THE ENVIRONMENT Contact: Mrs B Duffy, Head of Department – G Block Staffroom From 2013 all year 9 students will study ONE SEMESTER of HISTORY (first year of the National Curriculum) followed by ONE TERM EACH of GEOGRAPHY and CIVICS. In History, all Queensland schools are given the required content material to be taught and the type of assessment to be used. HISTORY The study of History is a window into the past that provides understanding of the present day, and how individuals, nations, and the global community might develop into the future. UNITS 1. Progressive Ideas & Movements 2. Asia & The World 3. World War 1 ASSESSMENT Multimodal presentation, script & research Log Response to stimulus In class essay GEOGRAPHY Geography is about, in and for the environment and society in which you live. It develops inquiry skills which are essential to knowing about people and places. UNITS 1. Weather ASSESSMENT Knowledge exam Essay CIVICS Civics allows students to explore their rights and responsibilities as a member of a community; and how this may be changing as ICTs change. UNITS 1. Digital Citizenship ASSESSMENT Learning Log Project ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 14 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Contact: Mr J Stanton, Head of Department – J Block Staffroom DESCRIPTION Health & Physical Education is one of the Key Learning Areas (KLA’s) studied by all students in Yr 8 and 9. Students use their interests in and experiences of health and physical activity issues to explore how the dimensions of health and physical activity are related. HPE offers students opportunities for making informal decisions about: the various dimensions of health and wellbeing developing skills and knowledge in physical activities enhancing personal development. STUDENTS WILL CONTINUE IN THEIR CURRENT CLASSES DURING SEMESTER TWO OF YEAR 8, HOWEVER WILL BE REORGANISED INTO NEW CLASS GROUPS IN YEAR 9 (GENERALLY GENDER BASED). YEAR 9 COURSE OUTLINE/ORGANISATION: TOPIC Physical Activity Personal Development Health DESCRIPTION Individual Skills Aquatics: Stroke Improvement; Resuscitation, Water Safety Athletics: Runs, Jumps, Throws, Strength and conditioning Women in Sport: Self Defence, Yoga, Aerobics Sports Journalism: Media and sport. Team Skills: Tactics/ Knowledge of: Touch, Basketball, Netball, Speedball, Hockey, AFL, Softball, European Handball & Soccer. Outdoor Education: Bush craft, Canoeing, Abseiling, Mountain Biking, Orienteering. Co-operation and Team Work. Values through Games / Sports: Trust, Honesty, Communication, Conflict Resolution and problem solving. Nutrition: Diet, Healthy life style, sports performance, dehydration, food and fitness. Resourceful Adolescent Program: Resilience, emotional intelligence, positive thinking, harm minimisation. Sports Anatomy ASSESSMENT: Theory Practical Written Test and assignment to check knowledge and understanding, investigating and planning skills, applying and reflecting skills. Ongoing teacher observation skills and performance in a range of environments. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 15 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet Health & Physical Education (Continued.../) RUGBY LEAGUE STUDIES DESCRIPTION Rugby League Studies is for Year 9 boys who are interested in playing, learning about, and being involved in Rugby League. This is a highly specialised program that requires an application to enter and a contract to be signed to be eligible for selection. The contract will require high behaviour standards in all subjects, high attendance rates in all subjects, and completion of assessment in all other subjects. This subject is directly aligned with the Northern Pride programs. If a student is not meeting their contractual agreement then they will be removed from this class and return to regular HPE lessons. The students will complete the regular Year 9 theoretical components of the HPE course however, will solely focus on Rugby League practical skills and strategies. Application forms can be collected from the HPE department. A fee (TBA) will need to be paid upon acceptance into this program (includes training singlet and access to Northern Pride facilities and Coaches) YEAR 9 RUGBY LEAGUE STUDIES COURSE OUTLINE: TOPIC DESCRIPTION Preseason & Values in Rugby League Communication, Teamwork, Leadership, Trust, Decision Making, Comprehensive Fitness Testing, Conditioning, Core Ball Skills. Core Skill Development League Journalism Profiles, Reports, Persuasive language, individual Core skill development including attack, defence and positional play. + Rugby Gamesense in Rugby League Individual defensive and attacking strategies, advanced team attacking and defensive strategies. In class 7’s competition and Interschool competitions. Nutrition for Rugby League Food for league performance, training and hydration. Outdoor Education + Camp Re-aligned with all Year 9 HPE. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 16 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet Health & Physical Education (Continued.../) THE TALENTED ATHLETE ACADEMY (formally Institute of Sport) DESCRIPTION The Talented Athlete Academy is an Excellence Program for elite and like minded athletes to develop success in a broad range of sporting areas through exposure to a range of sports and expertise. Students will be provided with a challenging environment that enhances an athlete physically, academically, mentally, and socially. Students will gain exposure to community partners in a range of sporting areas useful for talent ID, and further build on their current skills and knowledge of their chosen sport utilising expert community coaches and facilities. ENTRY TO ACADEMY A Paper application (available from HPE department) is to be completed and previous academic history / attendance /behaviour is considered. The Academy has a limit of 28 students. Successful applicants will sign a contract prior to entry to the Academy. Academy students will be expected to represent Trinity Bay in a range of carnivals, and sporting teams. Academy fee (TBA) will need to be paid upon acceptance into program. Fee includes Singlet, Hat, venue hire, coach fees, some travel. YR 9 TALENTED ATHLETE ACADEMY COURSE OUTLINE: UNIT DESCRIPTION Triathlon Students train for and participate in triathlon. Students learn the physiology of training and the effects on the body. AFL Students are coached by expert AFL Qld coaches to learn skills and strategies. Students complete modules to gain ‘Australian Sports Commission’ coaching certification. Touch Students train touch skills and strategies. Students complete modules to finish ‘Australian Sports Commission’ coaching certification. Soccer Students have access to Coerver qualified Coaches and programs in developing skills and strategies. Netball Students access speciality coaches and facilities to develop skills and strategies. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 17 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet THE ARTS VISUAL ARTS CONTACT: Mrs J Williams, Head of Department – N Block Staffroom VISUAL ART NOTE: Students may not choose Visual Art AND Art & Design. DESCRIPTION The Visual Art course is designed to develop confidence in students in the making and analysis of Art through the teaching of the elements of visual literacy such as tonal values, colour relationships, perspective etc. Students are encouraged to think creatively in response to their social, cultural and physical environment and are taught to value the contribution of artists and craftspeople in our society. AREAS OF STUDY The Visual Art course comprises practical and written tasks in all units of work. Units include: Term 1: Drawing, Printmaking and Artwork Analysis Term 2: Sculpture and Artwork Analysis Term 3: Assemblage and Artwork Analysis Term 4: Painting and Artwork Analysis ASSESSMENT Students complete a wide range of practical and written assessment tasks including resolved artworks, developmental folios, visual diaries, critical analysis and personal reflections. Students will also take part in preparing their work for display in the Gallery. PATHWAYS TO SENIOR STUDIES Completing Year 9 Visual Art will prepare students who wish to select Introduction to Visual Arts in Year 10 and then Senior Authority Visual Art in Year 11 and 12. As such, this subject has a more academic emphasis and a focus on theory and analysis. Students who wish to participate in a more ‘hands-on’ and practical course should select Art & Design. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 18 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet The Arts (Continued.../) ART& DESIGN (previously Practical Art) NOTE: Students may not choose Visual Art AND Art & Design. DESCRIPTION This subject is designed to cater for students who will enjoy a more ‘hands-on’ and practical course. Art & Design has an emphasis on developing patterns and decorative designs. Designs are inspired by exploring the arts and crafts of other cultures from around the world as well as cultures represented in the school’s population. Whenever possible, craftspeople from our community are invited to contribute their knowledge and talents to the course. AREAS OF STUDY Art & Design involves two lessons per week that consist mainly of practical work. The four units of work covered throughout the year cover a number of practical areas: drawing and patterning, ceramics and illustration, reduction lino printing and digital artworks. In all units time is spent looking at related arts, crafts and designs from other cultures and eras. GENERAL ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS Students complete a wide range of practical assessment tasks including resolved artworks, developmental folios and short written reflections. Students will also take part in preparing their work for display in the Gallery. PATHWAYS TO SENIOR STUDIES Art & Design prepares students for a vocational arts pathway as they progress through their schooling. The course is designed to develop skills that students can apply in Introduction to Creative Industries in Year 10 and Visual Art Studies in Year 11 and 12. As such Art & Design has LESS emphasis on theory and written work, students who wish to follow a more academic arts pathway should select Visual Art in Year 9. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 19 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet The Arts (Continued.../) MEDIA STUDIES DESCRIPTION Media Studies is a course designed to develop skills in a range of digital technologies. The subject explores many aspects of traditional and new media and students will gain understanding of the crucial role they play in our society. Students will have an opportunity to experiment with graphic design, photography, animation, film making and advertising. Students have access to an excellent computer room equipped with Mac computers, digital cameras, scanners and projector. AREAS OF STUDY In this subject students will gain an understanding of key concepts and skills in a range of media areas. Students will have an opportunity to develop skills in basic drawing and design, photographic animation, 2D graphic design, digital video production and short film making. The course is comprised of 4 units of study: Term 1: Japanese Anime Term 2: Stop-frame Animation Term 3: Advertising Term 4: Short Film Making GENERAL ASSESSMENT ITEMS Throughout the course students will be assessed in the areas of designing, producing and analysing. They will complete assessment items such as: Designing: scripts, storyboards, treatments, proposals Producing: graphic design folios, movie posters, magazine advertisements, animation, television commercials, short films Analysing: short critical analysis, personal reflections. PATHWAYS TO SENIOR STUDIES Year 9 Media is designed to prepare students for Introductions to Film & Television and New Media in Year 10 as well as senior Film & Television and New Media in Year 11/12. Students will also be able to apply skills gained in this course to senior subjects such as Photography, Media Art and Visual Art. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 20 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet The Arts (Continued.../) PERFORMING ARTS CONTACT: Mrs J Gibbins, Head of Department – M Block Staffroom DANCE DESCRIPTION Dance is an active, creative and challenging subject that lets students present, create and respond to dance in a range of contexts. Dance develops confidence and team work alongside an understanding of the body as a means of expression and communication. COURSE OUTLINE Students learn to apply, manipulate and analyse dance components to create meaningful choreographic works. They learn physical, expressive and interpretive performance skills in a range of dance styles including jazz, tap, musical theatre, cultural dances around the world, Indigenous Australian and contemporary dance. Students develop literacy and ICT skills through dance appreciation, with the opportunity to analyse their own and professional dance works. ASSESSMENT The assessment instruments used in this course are as follows: Creating: Constructing dances in various dance styles with both teacher and student devised themes. Group tasks. Presenting Performance of teacher and student choreography A range of dance styles. Performed in groups but assessed individually An opportunity to perform for a large audience at the annual ‘Dance Night’. Responding Written assignments Written exams Research tasks. OTHER INFORMATION Previous dance experience is not a pre-requisite for this subject. Students will be required to bring comfortable clothing to move in and should expect to participate in group rehearsals outside of normal class time. A public performance at ‘Dance Night’ is also an expectation in this subject. If a student is in the Junior CAD Dance Program, it is ESSENTIAL that they choose Dance as a classroom subject. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 21 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet The Arts (Continued.../) DRAMA DESCRIPTION Drama is an exciting, creative and challenging subject which allows students to build skills in self expression, team-work, analysis and self confidence. Students develop an understanding of the world, and themselves, through exploring the forms, styles and purposes of drama in various contexts. It is important that students understand that while drama is a mostly practical subject, the written component is just as important. Students selecting this subject should be prepared to attempt all areas of study in this course. COURSE OUTLINE/ ORGANISATION Drama introduces students to a range of dramatic styles and concepts, including mime, realism, acting skills, characterisation, movement and improvisation. Study is divided into three equally weighted areas, allowing students the opportunity to form drama (creating), perform drama (presenting) and analyse drama (responding). ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS Both practical and written tasks are weighted equally. Students complete assessment in each of the three areas: Creating: practical tasks, such as improvisation; and written tasks, such as script writing. Presenting: practical presentations of drama. Responding: written analysis and response to viewed drama works. VOCATIONAL PATHS As well as being an introduction to senior studies in drama (an Authority Subject), drama allows students to build life skills such as team-work, collaboration, self-confidence and public speaking. Drama gives students a solid grounding to enter the expanding realm of creative industries, including acting, theatre, arts, media, television and script writing. OTHER INFORMATION Previous drama experience is not a pre-requisite for this subject. Students are required to bring theatre blacks (black shirt and pants) for assessment, and should expect to participate in group rehearsals outside of class time (lunch times, etc). Excursions to view local theatre also form part of this course and may occur outside of class time. Students in CAD Drama must choose Drama as a subject. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 22 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet The Arts (Continued.../) MUSIC DESCRIPTION The subject Music focuses on students making music and developing the ability to think and express themselves in sound. Through immersion in repertoire from various cultural and historical contexts, students learn to create, present and respond to music. This develops the ability to hear what is seen and see what is heard. Students learn to recognise and interpret the emotional and expressive content in the music they hear and perform. Abilities, experience, needs and prior knowledge of students is kept in mind to accommodate students’ needs. By singing and playing instruments, listening and analysing, improvising and composing, students experience satisfaction and enjoyment as they learn. This course is aimed at students who have prior musical training and experience. Students who do this subject own or hire their instrument and have tuition within the school or privately. Music students are involved in extra-curricula activities such as concert band, stage band and orchestra. COURSE OUTLINE/ORGANISATION Students work through a series of units which reflects a balance between popular and rock styles and non-western and Australian Music. Some units focus on – Musicals, Program Music, Australian Rock Music, Keyboard Music and Music of other Cultures. GENERAL ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS A variety of assessment strategies are used, such as formal and informal assessment: Formal Assessment: Creating – composing music for keyboard, song writing. Presenting – performance of music studied Responding – written analysis exams. FUTURE PATHWAYS Students interested in further developing musical skills will be well prepared for senior studies in music, whilst others will leave the course with an appreciation of many styles of music, skills in music technology, an understanding of other cultures, skills in vocal and instrumental playing, and their own sense of communication and enjoyment through music. TECHNOLOGY Technology is a key component of the Music course. Students use the computers to compose music and record music they have written. They learn to manipulate musical elements to create new and innovative end products that they are then able to keep. OTHER INFORMATON Students in CAD MUSIC must choose MUSIC as a classroom subject. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 23 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet The Arts (Continued.../) PRACTICAL MUSIC DESCRIPTION The subject Practical Music focuses on students making music and developing the ability to think and express themselves in sound. Through immersion in repertoire from various cultural and historical contexts, students learn to create, present and respond to music. This develops the ability to hear what is seen and see what is heard. Students learn to recognise and interpret the emotional and expressive content in the music they hear and perform. Abilities, experience, needs and prior knowledge of students is kept in mind to accommodate students’ needs. By singing and playing instruments, listening and analysing, moving, improvising and composing, students experience satisfaction and enjoyment as they learn. This course is aimed at students who have no music training but have basic skills gained from Year 8 music. The development and training of skills – vocal and instrumental, music technology, composing and listening are the focus of the course which is centred around playing instruments and singing. COURSE OUTLINE/ORGANISATION Students work through a series of units which reflect a balance between popular and rock styles and non-western and Australian music. Some units focus on – Music in Film, Rock Music, Australian Rock Music, Keyboard Music, Music of others Cultures. GENERAL ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS A variety of assessment strategies is used, such as formal and informal assessment. Formal Assessment: CREATING - composing music for keyboard, song writing PRESENTING - performance of music studied RESPONDING - written exams. FUTURE PATHWAYS Students should leave the course with an appreciation of many styles of music, an understanding of other cultures, technology in music, skills in vocal and instrumental playing, and a development of their own sense of communication and enjoyment through music. This course leads to Certificate II (Year 10) and III (Year 11 & 12) in Music. TECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCE Technology is a key component of the Practical Music course. Students use the computers to compose music and record music they have written. They learn to manipulate musical elements to create new and innovative end products that they are then able to keep. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 24 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY CONTACT: Mrs B Duffy, Head of Department – G Block Staffroom APPLIED BUSINESS COMPUTING DESCRIPTION Applied Business Computing is a PRACTICAL subject that integrates business concepts into the study of common business software (such as Word, Excel, Access, Publisher and Powerpoint). Students will also develop skills and knowledge in: file management and internet research connecting, using and maintaining peripherals (monitors, datashows, scanners, digital cameras etc) composition and design of business documents such as emails, flyers, brochures, posters, newsletters, simple reports, surveys etc COURSE OUTLINE In particular, students will study: Desktop Publishing and Graphics - to design Logos, Business cards and Letterheads Advanced Word Processing – preparation and use of mail merge, multi-page documents, table of contents etc Excel Spreadsheeting - to record inventory lists and calculate pay sheets Access Database – to survey, query, graph and prepare reports on business issues Powerpoint – to present information Integration of all MSOffice software Keyboard Mastery/Speed & Accuracy development Many students say “I’ve learnt Word/Excel/Access” but can only demonstrate basic skills. ABC is an INDEPTH study of these packages. ASSESSMENT Projects of 2-4 weeks duration are commonly used to assess students at the completion of each term/unit. TECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCE Students will use business software such as Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, Powerpoint) and Typequick Typing Tutor throughout the course. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 25 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet Technology (Continued.../) BUSINESS VENTURES DESCRIPTION In this subject, students will investigate enterprising people and groups in order to identify the skills and attributes needed to become a successful entrepreneur. Students then work in small groups to generate their own enterprising ideas, develop their business concept, undertake the venture, market their product and evaluate the outcomes of their venture. Business Ventures involves both THEORY and PRACTICAL work. COURSE OUTLINE In particular, students will study: Enterprising people and groups (eg John Cowin – KFC; Dominoes; Lindsay Fox - transport) Skills and attributes needed to be a successful entrepreneur. (eg risk-taker; motivated) Opportunities in the marketplace for enterprising activity. Surveying/researching needs and wants in order to generate business ideas. Marketing and production procedures to produce and sell quality products Methods for evaluating their products and procedures. Factors affecting business decisions (eg prices, interest rates, competition) Consumer rights and responsibilities (eg faulty/unsafe goods, misleading advertising). Preparation and interpretation of basic FINANCIAL records (Profit & Loss Statements and Balance Sheets) ASSESSMENT Students will be assessed at the end of each term (approx every 8 or 9 weeks) via teacher observation, peer appraisal, oral presentations and/or tests/assignments. TECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCE Students will use business software such as Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, Powerpoint), business simulation packages (Lemonade Game and Zoo Tycoon), and the Internet throughout the course. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 26 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet Technology (Continued.../) HOME ECONOMICS CONTACT: Mrs S. Cahill - B Block Staffroom FASHION FUSION DESCRIPTION A Textiles subject, available to all students with a passion for fashion and sewing. It focuses on knowledge required to make sound textile decisions and the skills to complete high quality sewing products. COURSE ORGANISATION Term 1: The Sewing Machine – An introduction to sewing for beginners with little or no previous experience. Students decorate fabric and sew a basic cushion while developing skills and knowledge around the use of a sewing machine and the functional and aesthetic requirements of textiles. Term 2: Sewing Savvy – Students further develop their sewing skills while making a pair of PJ boxer shorts using a commercial pattern. They also gain knowledge and understanding about fibres and fabrics to enable them to make informed fabric choices. The overlocker as a tool is introduced. Term 3: Skirts with Fun and Flare! – Students practice some basic pattern styling techniques, add to their fibre knowledge and improve their sewing skills while making a skirt and keeping a Design Diary of their decisions and progress. Term 4: Waste to Wear - An opportunity for students to put all their knowledge and skills together to create a textile article that has been created with a ‘sustainable conscience’. A lot of fun designing and creating using recycled fabrics. Students’ knowledge and understanding will be assessed by a written test each semester and a Design Diary for each sewing project (a diary of decisions made when choosing what to sew!) Skills and application will be assessed by practical sewing. GENERAL ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS/FUTURE SENIOR STUDIES Senior Home Economics, Certificate courses in Clothing Production, Bachelor of Education (Home Economic), Fashion Retail. SOME COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS While Fashion Fusion is a lot of practical work, students must realise that the theory work is just as important and informs the decisions that they are required to make in the planning and construction of their articles. Sewing Projects: It is the responsibility of the students and their families to provide the fabric and sewing notions required for ‘sewing assignments’ by the stated due dates. These are essential elements of the course and materials need to be purchased and brought to school by the due date. Parents may contact the Teacher to discuss solutions if there are any difficulties in the provision of these materials. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 27 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet Technology (Continued.../) FOOD @ TBAY DESCRIPTION A Food and Nutrition subject that is available to all students. The semester units focus on the characteristics of nutrients and their impact on health and well being. COURSE ORGANISATION Semester 1: Nuts about Nutrition – The Australian Dietary Guidelines and nutrition facts will provide the basis for building student knowledge about the importance of nutrition for good health. All students will participate in theory and practical cookery lessons. GENERAL ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS Semester 2: Should I Eat This? - Students will investigate the wide variety of pre-prepared and packaged foods and their nutritional value. Energy value, salt and fibre content along with labelling and nutritional claims will all be put under the microscope to determine “Should I eat this?” Students’ knowledge and understanding will be assessed by written tests and reports, while practical exams will assess their production and application skills. VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS/FUTURE SENIOR STUDIES Senior Home Economics, Certificate courses in Hospitality, Bachelor of Education (Home Economics), Dietician, Food Industry careers. TECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCES Student will use current Kitchen Technology and appliances relevant to food preparation and service. SOME COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS While Food and Nutrition is a lot of practical work, students must realise that the theory work is just as important. Our department is proud of our achievement in providing all students with equal opportunity to participate in all learning activities. The Materials fee/levy is used to purchase all cooking ingredients. We buy in bulk and order goods on behalf of students. Therefore saving busy parents the time and inconvenience of shopping weekly for cooking and ensuring fresh ingredients for all cooking lessons. Prompt payment of fees ensures your child receives cookery ingredients, use of textbooks, photocopied materials etc. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 28 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet Technology (Continued.../) THE TEST KITCHEN DESCRIPTION A Food Technology subject that is available to students with a passion for food design and food science. It focuses on the functional characteristics of ingredients and their application in food product design and presentation. COURSE ORGANISATION Semester 1: Kitchen Skills 101 In this unit students go back to basics to discover the functional properties of food groups. They will apply their knowledge of these properties in the preparation and presentation of recipes. Semester 2 : Gourmet Food Products Students will research and trial recipes to manufacture, package and label a range of gourmet food products according to standards required by industry. Products will be marketed and sold to customers at the school to develop an insight into the financial transactions required to meet this boutique marketing initiative. Students will participate in teams and individually in practical cookery classes. As well as cookery skills, they will develop interpersonal skills of cooperation, organisation, reliability and self-motivation. GENERAL ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS Students’ knowledge and understanding will be assessed by written tests. A process journal (a diary of decisions made when choosing what to cook!) will also assess their knowledge, understanding and application. VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS/FUTURE SENIOR STUDIES Senior Home Economics, Certificate courses in Hospitality, Bachelor of Education (Home Economics), Food Analysts, Food Industry careers. TECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCES Students will use current kitchen technology and appliances relevant to food preparation and service. SOME COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS While Food Technology is a lot of practical work, students must realise that the theory work is just as important. Our department is proud of our achievement in providing all students with equal opportunity to participate in all learning activities. The Materials fee/levy is used to purchase all cooking ingredients. We buy in bulk and order goods on behalf of students. Therefore saving busy parents the time and inconvenience of shopping weekly for cooking and ensuring fresh ingredients for all cooking lessons. Prompt payment of fees ensures your child receives cookery ingredients, use of textbooks, photocopied materials etc. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 29 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet Technology (Continued.../) INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Contact: Mr S Smith, Head of Department – F Block Staffroom GRAPHICAL COMMUNICATION (GRAPHICS) DESCRIPTION Year 9 Graphical Communication carries on from basic concepts learnt from Year 8. It covers a wide range of architectural and engineering drawings. Graphical Communication is essential if students wish to continue further studies in this area. The subject is also helpful for students considering studies in Engineering Technology. The subject is designed to give students an appreciation of what is involved in the different areas of Drafting and Technical Drawing using a range of CAD software. COURSE OUTLINE/ORGANISATION This course covers a number of different areas: 2D Orthographic drawings using auto CAD software 3D Modelling using Inventor Software 2D Assembly drawings imported from inventor Software 2D/3D Architectural drawing using Home Design Software. GENERAL ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS Assessment instruments are tests, assignments, classwork and homework. FUTURE PATHWAYS It is essential that students wishing to do Year 11 & 12 Graphics should have studied Graphical Communication to the end of Year 10. SOME COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS One misconception about Graphical Communication is that it is not necessary to have done this subject in order to do a trade or Architecture or Engineering etc. This is misguiding, in that graphical communication and interpretation, is the foundation principle for a lot of technical and manual skills, and while not essential to gain entry to T.A.F.E. or University courses, is certainly an integral part of these tertiary faculties and trade courses. OTHER INFORMATION Graphical Communication is done entirely on computers using a number of software programs. Computers are merely a drawing tool, but are the way of most industries these days, especially in the drawing office. Graphical Communication will be done on computers right from Year 8 to Year 12. Homework and assignments will be done on computers using software that is downloaded for free from the auto desk website. Students should be prepared to purchase a USB drive as a storage device for their classwork, homework and assignments. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 30 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet Technology (Continued.../) SHOP A (previously Product Design & Manufacture) DESCRIPTION Product Design & Manufacture covers a wide range of wood based projects. The course encompasses the use of basic woodworking hand tools and power tools. It is taught in a woodworking workshop rather than a formal classroom, and students progress through a series of woodworking jobs which they take home on completion. COURSE OUTLINE/ORGANISATION The course includes interpreting workshop drawings, setting out projects, marking out, cutting out, fixing together and finishing. These projects include articles such as carry all, foot stool, pantry ladder, camp stool, etc., each requiring slightly different joints, upholstery work and in some cases, own design. A misconception with Product Design & Manufacture is the fact that students think the entire time allocated is spent in the workshop making projects, when in actual fact significant time will be spent doing theory. GENERAL ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS Assessment is carried out throughout the year on the completion of each class project and on theory tests. These results are profiled to get the students final result at the end of each semester. TECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCE There is a broad coverage of all technology related to wood and plastics industry through the theory component; also through the practical use of electric and pneumatic drills, sanders, band saws and routers. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 31 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet Technology (Continued.../) INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN DESCRIPTION Industrial Systems & Control is a course aimed at extending student’s ability into the design, make and appraise area of technical construction. It covers a wide range of technical skills both in the workshop and in the computer room. Many projects are designed on the computer and built in the workshop. This course is designed to extend students of high ability in maths and science but who also desire the hands on approach to designing and making projects through a wide range of materials and workshop processes. A significant part of this course will be practical and only a small amount of time spent on theory. COURSE OUTLINE The course will cover a number of technologies such as: Design and construction of a Catapult powered by a Mouse Trap Term 1: Introduction of technical reports. Design/construction and testing of a Rocket made of Cardboard and Balsa Wood Term 2: Technical report on Rockets Electronics Project Term 3: Theory of Dam Design Mouse Trap Racer. Design/construction and testing of Boat Hull Term 4: Technical Reports on Boat Design. GENERAL ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS Assessment will be carried out on: Practical classroom projects, theory tests, design briefs and technical reports. These involve the knowledge, process and communication of applying design process of electronics, mechanics and computing into real world projects such as model boats, bridges, robots, etc. TECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCE A broad range of most engineering technologies such as: Computer software including Google Sketchup, Model Smart, Intelecta Control Systems, Rocket Simulation Program and Robo Lab Robotics programming. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 32 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet Technology (Continued.../) INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY CONTACT: Mr Steve Johnson – G Block Staffroom GAME ON: GAME DESIGN & PROGRAMMING DESCRIPTION Are you interested in games? Are you interested in mobile technologies, tablets and phones? Do you enjoy using computers? If the answer to any of these questions is yes then Game On may be the subject for you! Over the last 20 years, Queensland's game developers have built an international reputation for their project management and innovative design skills. Companies such as Krome Studios, THQ Studio OZ, The Creative Assembly, Halfbrick Studios and Auran regularly work with the world's largest publishers on popular franchises, such as Star Wars™, Transformers™, Battlestar Galactica™, Avatar™ and Total War™. WHY STUDY AN IT SUBJECT? Students choose to study IT for many reasons. Some enjoy programming, others are keen on gaming, still others enjoy the challenge of solving IT problems with logic. Information technology careers offer avenues for students to design and build products from scratch or offer opportunities to design products that are routinely used by millions of people around the world daily. CAREERS AND FURTHER STUDY People working in the games industry include animators, technical designers, writers, 3D specialists and project managers. Tertiary pathways may include the bachelor of creative industries (media design) offered at James Cook University in Cairns or any number of IT degrees offered in other cities. COURSE OUTLINE Over the course of the year students will explore: Game design Mechanics of games Game graphics Strategy and programming Creativity and ideas ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 33 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet LANGUAGES Contact: Mrs C Clark, Head of Department – A Block Languages Staffroom MANDARIN CHINESE DESCRIPTION Students who studied Mandarin Chinese in year 8 may elect to continue with their studies in year 9. The course continues to develop students’ knowledge through a variety of topics covering all four macro skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) in both the Pinyin (Romatised) script and Chinese characters. This will lead to the more intensive study of the language in senior years. The emphasis in the study of Mandarin Chinese is upon a functional approach which enables students to communicate in both the spoken and written forms. The course draws upon a wide range of texts, worksheets, CDs, DVDs, computer based specific language learning programs etc. Where possible ‘real life’ situations will be utilised eg. Excursions to Chinese temples, restaurants, interaction with background speakers and so on. COURSE OUTLINE Semester 1- Going Places and Shopping Semester 2- Eating Out and Variety Shows. GENERAL ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS Assessment will be carried out at regular intervals throughout the year. Each of the four macro skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) is assessed and each carries equal weighting when a final result is calculated. FUTURE PATHWAYS Chinese will be offered through to Year 12. Australia’s broad and deep economic and cultural relations with China ensure that Australians will be brought increasingly more into contact with Chinese through business, tourism and other facets of life. Academic and vocational opportunities are many and varied for those with Mandarin Chinese communication skills and knowledge of Chinese culture. The importance of the study of a second language (particularly an Asian language) is recognised by the Federal Government, which is encouraging the expansion of the number of Australian students studying an Asian language, including Mandarin Chinese. TECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCE Students will be educated in the use of computers and word processing in Mandarin Chinese, and will be exposed to a number of ‘self-teach’ programs. They will be given opportunities to develop short clips in Mandarin Chinese, to add variety and interest to the course. OTHER INFORMATION It is strongly recommended that any student intending to study Mandarin Chinese in year 9 be achieving a high standard consistently in year 8 Mandarin Chinese. If the student is not meeting this standard, the Mandarin Chinese language staff will be happy to advise and counsel students regarding the selection of this subject for future study. It is also important to note that only students that have studied Mandarin Chinese in year 8 can elect to do it in year 9 and once they exit from the course are unable to re-join in year 10, 11 or 12 if they change their mind. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 34 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet LANGUAGES (Continued.../) JAPANESE DESCRIPTION In Year 9 Japanese a more in-depth study of the language begins. The Year 8 course, which provided an exposure to the language and culture, will be built upon. Students will be introduced to vocabulary from a wide variety of topics, as well as grammatical constructions necessary to facilitate more specific communication. They will also be exposed to far more Japanese culture broadening their cultural understanding. The emphasis in the study of Japanese is upon a functional approach, which will equip students with the skills to communicate both in written and spoken forms rather than just grammar translation. The course draws upon, not only written text but also other relevant learning materials such as videos, voice recordings and computer-based activities. Where possible “real life” situations will be utilised in the form of listening and speaking activities with Japanese native speaker assistants, a visit to a Japanese restaurant, cooking & eating Japanese food, interaction with visiting Japanese high school students, visits to the city centre for reading practice, utilisation of brochures and materials used in the tourist industry and establishing friendships with Japanese students, especially from our sister city. All these learning activities are aimed at encouraging students to use their skills rather than simply study them. COURSE OUTLINE Semester I - personal identification, family matters, going places ... transport and travel Semester II - daily routine (eating, drinking, shopping, etc.) time, money. GENERAL ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS Assessment will be carried out at regular intervals throughout the year. Each of the four communication skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking will be assessed and carry equal weighting when a final result is calculated. FUTURE PATHWAYS Japanese is offered through to Year 12. Australia’s broad and deep economic relations with Japan ensure that Australians are regularly brought into contact with Japanese through business and tourism and also through Japanese people residing in the area. Academic and vocational opportunities are many and varied for those with Japanese communication skills and knowledge of Japanese culture. The importance of the study of a second language (particularly an Asian language) is recognised by the Federal Government which is encouraging the expansion of the number of Australian students studying an Asian language, including Japanese. TECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCE Students studying Japanese are educated in the use of computers and word processing in Japanese. Technology based activities form part of the students’ Japanese course including the creating of an interactive e-book in Japanese, voice record in Japanese and a number of “self teach” programs. OTHER INFORMATION It is strongly recommended that any student intending to study Japanese in Year 9 be achieving a high standard consistently in Year 8 Japanese. If your child is not meeting this standard the Japanese staff will be happy to advise you and counsel your child regarding the selection of this subject for future study. It is also important to note that only students that have studied Japanese in year 8 can elect to do it in year 9 and once they exit from the course are unable to re-join in year 10, 11 or 12 if they change their mind. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 35 Trinity Bay State High School - Year 9 2014 Subject Selection Booklet SUBJECTS INFORMATION BOOKLET TRINITY BAY STATE HIGH SCHOOL YEAR 9: 2014