CSN PMO Development Scope Statement Prepared by: Todd Brindley Version: 1.0 Date: September 17, 2008 Scope Statement Project Name: CSN PMO Development Project Manager: Todd Brindley Date: July 21, 2008 Project Justification: CSN Leadership and stakeholders require that CSN continue to improve its ability to successfully and efficiently complete IT projects and provide necessary IT services to the University. CSN’s need for continuous improvement is imperative when considering upcoming major projects (e.g., new student information system), anticipated budget constraints, and changes due to evolving technology. Developing an effective PMO will help CSN support the University’s and CSN’s initiatives, specifically: University of Nebraska’s Strategic Goal #6: The University of Nebraska will be cost effective and accountable to the citizens of the state, by: o Ensuring that we are doing the right projects, by better aligning efforts with the University’s strategic goals o Executing work more effectively and efficiently o Maximizing our resources, both funding and human capital CSN’s Initiative #4: Promote strategic organizations by developing and supporting operational and strategic planning tools and processes by: o Developing a standardized project and portfolio management delivery process o Implementing a set of tools and standards for demand and resource allocations Product/Service Scope Description: Project Deliverables Deliverable A End to End Project and Portfolio Management Methodology Deliverable B Training Development of a PMO for CSN includes the following: All projects initiated and managed by CSN. Management of all project-related requests for CSN resources on externally managed projects. Deliverable Requirements: Project and Portfolio Management Methodology that includes the following: Processes, Procedures and Templates for the following: o Idea / Business Case Management o Project Prioritization and Selection o Project Portfolio Management (PMI Methodology) o Project Initiation (PMI Methodology) o Project Planning (PMI Methodology) o Project Execution (PMI Methodology) o Project Monitoring & Controlling (PMI Methodology) o Project Closing (PMI Methodology) o Project Benefits Measurement (Benefits Harvesting) o Vendor Selection Processes to include RFI and RFP o Resource Management / Project Work Management o Project Sizing / Classification Criteria Project and PMO Governance o Governance committee including CSN’s CIO and Leadership Team. o Charter, Authority and Responsibility for CSN Portfolio o Membership, training and buy in Provide training sessions and documentation for the following: Project Management o Project Manager Training – Train PM’s on End to End methodology. o Project Team Member Training o Project Sponsor Training Portfolio Management Resource Management Work / Demand Management Deliverable C PMO Support Services Provide support services for PMO to include the following: PMO Tools administrator(s) and Customer Relationship Managers. Facilitate Customers, Project Managers and Project Team members with all aspects of project work. Deliverable D Implement a single integrated tool that addresses the following requirements: Project / Portfolio Project Management Management Tool Portfolio Management (This deliverable has its own Resource Management scope statement) Work / Demand Management Deliverable E Staff the PMO with the following Resources: Staffing for PMO PMO Lead o PMP certified (or actively pursuing certification) o Experience developing / working in a PMO Following resource numbers to be determined by historical project load and rollout schedule. Experienced Project Managers who are PMP certified (or actively pursuing certification) o Number to be determined by historical project load PMO Analysts (analyst would perform the following roles) o Customer Relationship Managers o PMO Tools Administrator o Business Analyst Goals Objectives Ensure the PMO integration is accepted and used by all Provide accountability to the PMO by example of CSN staff, leadership and customers. leadership acceptance of new structure and enforcement of non-complying processes and staff. Implement a single, integrated tool for portfolio, project, resource, and work demand management. Project and Portfolio Governance: Establishing, and continually reviewing and refining, a standardized project management framework. Project Manager Coaching and Development: Providing CSN staff with training, mentoring, and standardized templates to drive project management excellence. Best Practice Collection and Dissemination: Implement a process to analyze project successes and failures to raise awareness, distill best practices and educate others on the benefits project management offers to our organization. Project Idea Screening: Partnering with CSN leadership and our customers to promote the development of effective project business cases, benefits estimations and selection processes. Partner with CSN Customers to create, maintain and manage a CSN project and work portfolio. Implement Portfolio prioritization methodology Portfolio Resource Monitoring and Allocation. Implement a single, integrated tool for portfolio, project, resource, and work demand management that incorporates CSN Project Management methodology and best practices based upon PMBOK and PMI standards to ensure process and project controls resulting in successfully managed projects. Create end to end project / portfolio management framework using PMI methodology as a guide. Train all CSN staff on all relevant project and portfolio management processes. Create a process that mimics PMI’s OPM3 Methodology for continuous improvement. Create a work / project request system that meets defined customer needs. Partner with CSN customers to define their expectations for such a system. Use customer relationship managers (CRM) to facilitate request process for all customer projects. This includes the actual requests, business case development and feasibility studies. Develop a mutual, collaborative relationship with CSN customers. Work with customers to create joint decisions on creation, maintenance, and management of CSN’s project portfolio. Create/Implement comprehensive, fact-based assessment criteria to ensure optimal deployment of CSN capital/resources. Develop/Implement resource tracking tools to monitor resource availability at a sufficient level of granularity to surface potential resource conflicts and shortfalls. Implement Requirements Definition Manage the project management life cycle using actionable performance metrics and project management methodologies that enable us to meet budget scope and schedule goals. Metrics Tracking and Reporting for all projects. Implement Risk Management and Mitigation processes. Develop process for Project Postmortems and Audits Project Boundaries Included: All Projects Managed by CSN All CSN Resource Project Assumptions Experienced Project Management Professional will lead development of process, procedures, and methodologies. The implementation of the PMO will be managed using PMI methodology and by an experienced project management professional. Stakeholders will buy into and use the methodology developed as part of the PMO. Project Manager for PMO Implementation will have needed authority to successfully implement PMO. All staff will be trained on PMO methodologies and tools before project completion. CSN leadership will hold themselves, staff and customers accountable to methodologies, standards and procedures developed as part of the PMO. This project will be the top priority for CSN. After implementation is complete, all new projects will use the created process and methodology without exception. Create requirements process to translate customer needs into specific deliverables and outcomes. Create project performance metrics to include: Time, Cost, Scope and Earned Value. All projects will use standard performance metrics. Develop processes to collect and report project management, demand management and resource management metrics to the appropriate stakeholders to allow for better decision making. Develop a comprehensive process that allows us to audit and track project risks throughout the project life cycle. Develop process which allows for 360-degree view and feedback of the delivery process to the project manager and sponsor. Excluded: Customer Managed Projects utilizing an external project methodology requiring CSN resources Impact if False Methodologies, processes and procedures may not be best practice and thus not beneficial to CSN. Without proper management of this project, it will have a greater chance of going over budget, time, scope and not meeting stakeholder expectations. Standards and processes must be used by all stakeholders; otherwise the benefits and objectives of this project will not be realized. Without proper authority to manage the holistic project, the project manager cannot commit to brining the project in on time, within budget and meeting stakeholder requirements. Without complete staff training, process and procedures will not make sense to them, thus reducing the benefit and effectiveness of the PMO. Without 100% accountability, staff and leadership alike will not have to follow the processes laid out. ‘Rogue projects’ will pose a risk to all aspects of the PMO. If this project is not the number one priority for CSN, then there could be several repercussions (i.e., extended implementation timeline, higher cost, not attaining buy in, declining moral). If ‘rogue’ projects are allowed to survive after implementation of a PMO, then the PMO will not be able to provide maximum benefit. In addition, projects that are implemented ‘the correct way’ may suffer from ‘rogue’ projects taking over resources, priorities, etc. Scope Statement Acceptance The Undersigned have been briefed on and agree with the above Scope Statement. This scope statement takes precedence over any prior documentation related to the scope of the PMO. All changes to the above scope statement will need to be filed through a formal change management process. Walter Weir Executive Sponsor Kimberly Harper Steering Committee Chair (Steering Committee Representative) Steering Committee Members: Don Mihulka Rick Golden Joshua Mauk Sheryl Gartner All changes requested after this approval, must follow the Change Management Process.