1 - intemphils

Joel Wayne Ganibe
International Community Development and Knowledge Management Specialist
: February 5, 1969
: Filipino
: International Technology Management Corp. (intem)
4th Floor Makati Finance Building, 7823 Makati Avenue,
Makati City, Philippines
:intem@pldtdsl.net, nadetg@yahoo.com
6. EDUCATION (The Years In Which Various Qualifications Were Obtained Must Be Stated)
 ATS, Master of Business Administration, ongoing
 Southern Negros College, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, 1993-’94
 Trinity College of Quezon City, AB-Mass Communication, 1987-1991
 University of the Philippines, College of Fine Arts, Certificate 1987
 Participant, “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Qualitative Research” and
“Grounded Analysis: Going Beyond Description to Derive Theory from Qualitative Data”
by Dr. Ralph S. Bower, Florida State University, National College of Public Administration
and Governance, University of the Philippines, March 16-17. 2007.
 Mind Mapping & other cutting Edge Learning Technologies, ATS MBA
 Managerial Acctng., & Financial Mgt. Feb-12-16, 2007 ATS MBA
 Strategic Planning & Control Jan 8-12, 2007 ATS MBA
 Fund Raising, OD and Integrated Mktg Modules (2006 Oct.-Dec) ATS MBA
 RA9184 Orientation & Training for BAC Observers, (an anti-corruption initiative) IMPHIL ,
Jan. 10 2005
 ADB-COFILCO Seminar on Development Of Filipino Consulting Services. Nov 11-12,
2004 At The Astoria Plaza, Ortigas Business District, Pasig City
 Graphic Expo, 2003 AIM-ACCEED Conference ctr Makati City Phils , November
 Ex-Post Terminal Evaluation Strategies, JICA Philippines , January . 2003
 Project Cycle Management, JICA Philippine Office . January 2003
 “Winning Strategies for the New Economy” AIM-ACCEED, April, 2001
 IT-Outsourcing for the Philippines
 Self learned: Corel Draw 10, Adobe Illustrator 10, Adobe Photoshoppe CS,
 JICA Training Workshop on Project Evaluation, January 2003, JICA Philippine Office
 Co-facilitator, Strategic Planning for the Board of the Philippine Wesleyan Graduate
School of Asia May 2006, Wesleyan Bible College, Rosales, Pangasinan
 Facilitator, Rapid Turn-around Strategies workshop for the Phil-Thailand SNAS
Corporation Tagaytay, February, 2006
 Resource Person and Training Design Specialist, In-Service Training for about 600 public
school teachers in Romblon, Philippines, October 18-22, 2005.
 Facilitator, Team Building Workshop for Imageworks, Digital Days and Prime Cable Sept.
3-5, Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija
 Facilitator, Strategic Planning Workshop, Young Entrepreneurs’ Society Philippines
JTEnterprise Dev. Center, Pangil, Laguna Feb. 2003
 Co-Facilitator, Strategic Planning Workshop Progressive Times-Philippines Strata 100.
Ortigas, November, 2002
 Facilitator, Team Building & Strategic Planning for small media enterprises, Imageworks,
Inc., San Juan, Metro Manila August, 2002
Joel Wayne Ganibe
International Community Development and Knowledge Management Specialist
8. LANGUAGE & DEGREE OF : English – Excellent (Oral and Written)
Filipino – Excellent (Oral and Written)
Khmer -- Basic/Poor (oral)
Bahasa -- Basic/Poor (oral)
 Secretary, Institute of Management Consultants of the Philippines, (IMPHIL) 2004
 Chair, Strategic Communications Committee, Global Filipinos Coalition 2003-present
 Member, Board of Directors, Progressive Times Action Group
 Owner/Moderator:Pinoy_Consultants@yahoogroups.com; EnviHealth@yahoogroups.com;
 Founding Chair, Young Entrepinoys Society-Initiatives for Creative Advancement Network
(YES I CAN) 2003-present
 As an International Community Development/ Monitoring & Evaluation and mind
mapping specialist, his technical skills include research/technical appreciation of
Institutional/Organizational strengthening issues and processes. He is experienced in
innovative applications of Appreciative Inquiry, Balance Scorecard, 7-S, 6-Box and other
participatory planning tools and frameworks (PRA, RRA, PLA) as applied to both public and
private enterprises from national to community level. From Strategic Planning to creative
resource generation and mobilization for non-profits/people’s/community-based organizations
Mr. Ganibe adds even more value with sharp documentation, Monitoring & Evaluation, PCM
and social marketing know-how. Experienced in various phases of Project Cycle
Management to include project formulation, project implementation and management
(including technology transfer, capacity building, organizational strengthening, structural
reforms, budgeting, financial and economic analysis) and project monitoring & evaluation;
 Prepared various operations manuals, procedural systems and project implementation plans;
 Worked with all levels of the government system for various funding agencies (USAID, JICA,
JBIC and WB) in the Philippines and some developing countries such as the Philippines,
Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand;
 Proven leadership (team leader experience) qualities and commitment to team building and
to inter-institutional networking; proven capacity to work under stress and tight deadlines with
persons from a wide range of backgrounds and understanding (academics, national, provincial
and local government officials, community organizations).
 over 14 years of professional journalism experience for traditional tri-media and digital-media
channels and is well versed in both creative and technical data gathering, analysis and
information packaging. As a former reporter/editor, he has proven his mettle in developing his
own information network from grassroots sources to key gatekeepers of information in both
public and private sectors. As interviewer/researcher, he is adept in putting his target
informants at ease and gaining their trust and confidence. As a field tactical cell leader, he is
an able trainer, coach and task manager.
 As a keen, patient and appreciative observer he has trained himself in the discipline of strategy
development from reportage to PR and Advertising/Marketing Communications strategy and
tactics development as creative director/ and later creative communications consultant, he
began studying how to improve the organization itself, expanding his exposure from private
for-profit firms to non-profit and public organizations; from start-ups to going-concerns;
planning and corporate governance. His focus was on developing quick turnaround
strategies for often change-resistant organizations. Drawing from these experiences he
later ventured in the field of ICT where his interest was in developing ERP (enterprise resource
planning) solutions for private/public sector enterprises. This demanded an even much keener
appreciation of processes and practical dynamics in order to introduce change/progress. His
subsequent exposure to Monitoring & Evaluation Projects for Intem’s clients (JICA, ADB,
WorldBank) has greatly enhanced this appreciation of problems and issues for organizational
effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and sustainability
Joel Wayne Ganibe
International Community Development and Knowledge Management Specialist
(In this column, list tasks one by
one and support each task by
project experience in the right
hand side column)
(In this column, list project name, location, year,
position held, i.e., Team Leader, Hydrologist,
Agricultural Economist, etc. and exact duties rendered
and time spent on each project.)
1. Conduct Rapid review of
experiences and practices in
monitoring, evaluation and learning
across donor supported operations
in Cambodia (and if possible
elsewhere) and drawing lessons for
possible consideration in designing
appropriate M&E and learning
systems for the USIP2 project)
 As the international Community Development Specialist, for
2. Formulating a logframe of
objectives and indicators for M&E in
four key result areas of the project,
 As Interm’s CIO and Learning strategist, he is abreast with the
latest development management technologies for ODA, such
as trends in M&E policies, procedures, as well as the system
distinctions of the various multilateral (ADB, WB) and
bilateral (USAID, JICA, JBIC, CIDA) funding organizations.
He is well experienced and a bit partial to the appropriateness
of JBIC/JICA’s PCM methods and its many applications for
project management and monitoring & evaluation.
 Among the learning tools he has recently mastered is
MINDMAPPING for strategic project planners/ implementers/
 His competencies include social marketing/change
management and integrated information, communications and
advocacy—critical skill sets to the successful campaign for
increased demand for good governance, and thus would be in
position to design key objectives and success indicators into
the project logframe.
Enhanced demand for good
governance from both state and
non-state actors
Improved capacities and
effectiveness of the state and nonstate institutions and programs to
promote or address DFGG
Improved responsiveness and
accountability of the state in the
performance of the reform priorities
addressed by this project
Productive engagement of state
and non-state actors in the
implementation of governance
3. Designing a plan for gathering
baseline data on the result areas
against which to measure the
performance of project interventions
4. Designing a plan for developing the
systems and procedures to gather
and document data on the project’s
inputs, activities, outputs and
outcomes, including through
participatory monitoring by internal
and external stakeholders. External
monitoring will involve CSO, media,
local communities and other
FERP-FMM, was responsible for the series of Hazard
Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis using PRA, RRA and
literature surveys for flash flood prone, poor riverine
communities in Kampong Speu, Prey Veng, Tuk Thla, etc.
Cambodia wherein he oriented the local consultants on the
appreciative inquiry approach and PRA as applied to disaster
management and mitigation using participatory methods. Part
of his tasks was to do a rapid review of experiences of
disaster preparedness actors in Cambodia, China, Philippines
and other Asian countries--the main objective of is to analyze
lessons learned from the severe impacts caused by the 2000
floods and the measures that have been taken since in order
to help conceptualize strategic policy guidelines and
environmental management instruments to reduce
vulnerability to similar phenomena in the future.
 Part of his appreciation for the project was a rapid scan of
institutional capabilities particularly in knowledge
management and monitoring & evaluation of the various
local development actors from national to village level
As project director, team leader/asst team leader for various
baseline studies, in the Philippines and in Cambodia he has
developed methodologies, instruments and directly handled field
operations for data collection and analysis .
FERP-Flood Management & Mitigation (WB/MOWRAM)
FERP- External Monitoring and Evaluation of the Policy
Framework for Resettlement, (WB/Ministry of Planning,
2nd Women’s Health World Bank/ Department of Health:
Facility-Based Survey: 2nd Women’s health and Safe
Motherhood Project
As Project Dep. Team Leader/Editor: The Fisheries Sector
Report, JICA, March, 2004 Mr. Ganibe helped manage a team
of international and local consultants in the preparation of the
Joel Wayne Ganibe
International Community Development and Knowledge Management Specialist
relevant groups.
5. Ensure appropriately differentiated
use of tested tools and mechanisms
(citizen report cards and other user
surveys, community scorecards,
citizen juries, oversight committees,
participatory budgeting and other
performance monitoring
approaches) for the different levels
(national/local) of project
implementation and stakeholders
(public officials/local communities)
6. Identifying, ex-ante, the focus areas
for strategic lesson-learning from
the project’s implementation,
monitoring, and evaluation. These
should, at a minimum, include
criteria for success or failure, and
lessons learned in the following
domains: building multi-stakeholder
oversight arrangements; design of
instruments for institution building
and support to programs and
networks; provision of capacity
building support to state and nonstate institutions; design of
mechanisms for linking activities on
the supply and demand-sides of
governance; promoting interaction
of state and non-state actors in
governance reforms; design of
internal and external monitoring of
project implementation and results;
design of transparency and anticorruption measures; and, the
capturing and application of lessons
learned to adjust or improve project
performance and promote scaling
up of good practice
7. Designing a system or process for
systematic gathering and learning
of lessons across these domains,
linking the learning process to the
monitoring and evaluation activities,
and appropriate documentation
national survey report which aims to provide JICA with baseline
information for planning and formulation of future technical
cooperation within the Philippine fisheries sector. He was
responsible for final packaging of the Report as well as
preparation of presentation materials to JICA.
As a communications strategist, has developed both vertical and
horizontal coordination/cooperation mechanisms for NGOs,
Media Organizations and public agency clients for various
sector-focused initiatives.
As an OD practitioner, he is experienced in innovative
applications of Appreciative Inquiry, Balance Scorecard, 7-S, 6Box and other participatory planning tools and frameworks
(PRA, RRA, PLA) as applied to both public and private
enterprises from national to community level. From Strategic
Planning to creative resource generation and mobilization for
non-profits/ people’s/community-based organizations Mr.
Ganibe adds even more value with sharp documentation,
Monitoring & Evaluation, PCM and social marketing know-how.
Experienced in various phases of Project Cycle Management
to include project formulation, project implementation and
management to (include technology transfer, capacity building,
organizational strengthening, structural reforms, budgeting,
financial and economic analysis) and project monitoring &
These projects were a Grant Aid(GA) and a follow-up Project
Type Technical Cooperation (PTTC) which involved capability
building inputs and activities with two implementing agencies
(The Bureau of Plant Industry and the Food and Pesticide
Authority, both of the Philippine Department of Agriculture)
caught in an on-going process of decentralized governance.
As Intem’s CIO, Mr. Ganibe gave major inputs in the
appreciation of the JICA studies: Ex-Post Evaluation Study
for Pesticide Monitoring and System Development (PTTC);
Post Assessment Study of the Grant Aid for the Project on
the Improvement of the National Monitoring Program on
Pesticide Residue in Agriculture and the Environment and
Pesticide Formulation using the PCM methods, breaking down
the project logframe for the key points of investigation, then recrafting the Project Design Matrix for Evaluation (PDMe) for the
Applying graphic and conceptual skills he designed diagrams of
intended and actual impacts and other supporting graphics for
both study teams and strengthened the analysis of findings in
order to extract institutional, technical and financial problems
and issues and to draw corresponding insights and
recommendations for sustained impacts on project’s overall
 As Project Director/Editor for The Study for Basic
Information System(Survey A) Regional Facts & Figures
(Survey B): JICA, April 2004 managed a team of local
consultants in the implementation of the Survey covering all 15
regions, processing basic statistical data into easily
understandable graphics representing each region. The survey
included major development actors: government agencies,
NGOs, LGUs and other donor agencies and a list of projects
implemented by other donors. Accompanying this, the egovernance unit under his leadership designed and
Joel Wayne Ganibe
International Community Development and Knowledge Management Specialist
installed a new Project Information Database for JICA, as a
tool for more effective project management using FILEMAKER
PRO 6. (SQL as back-end) Basic Information System involved
the setting up of an enhanced data capture system for all
JICA projects, for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
Regional Fact and Figures involved the gathering of relevant
data and statistics for all regions in the Philippines for the
implementation of effective cooperation using a regional rather
than a sectoral approach.
JICA Philippine Office has
introduced a new system in which each staff is in charge of
some regions. S/he is expected to have basic knowledge,
network and linkages in the region to be able to contribute to the
formulation of new projects based on the region’s practical
needs. The system compiled basic information of each region
that will be utilized as a reference tool for project formulation.
8. Identifying learning practices in
other programs in Cambodia
against which meaningful
comparison can be made with the
selected institutions and programs,
and developing a process for
assessing the effectiveness of
learning in the DFGG project from
cross-comparison with what
worked, what didn’t and why, in the
other programs
9. Designating clear responsibilities for
the implementation of the various
parts of the M&E and Learning
Plan, and developing a capacity
building plan of action to equip the
project leaders and staff, and
stakeholders, to implement the
M&E and Learning plans
10. Preparing an M&E and Learning
Manual for the Project which
consolidates all these outputs and
draws from global best practice
For the FERP-FMM project, as the international community
development consultant, Mr. Ganibe, surfaced and documented
local disaster management and mitigation knowledge and
response systems, highlighting these as available local
technology that should be considered in developing a national
FMM strategy for Cambodia. In his interface with various
development actors, particularly active CSOs at the provincial
and village levels, Mr. Ganibe noted the various learning
systems employed. He has also done various multi-sectoral
project evaluations for JICA/IDCJ specifically to assess the
effectiveness and efficiency of Technical Assistance projects of
JICA in the Philippines.
As an OD practitioner, has the tools and resources to design
sustainable institutional capacity building initiatives in planning,
implementing and evaluating development projects. He
understands the nuances and culture of public institutions, CSOs
and funders as well.
Has more than 5 years professional experience having
designed, co-written and edited various manuals for institutional
knowledge management initiatives.
Contract Manager
Provided inputs to institutional review and assessment (Bureau of
Plant Industry and the Fertilizer Pesticide Authority).
: 0.5 month
: April 9-16, 2007
: Integrator
DUTIES RENDERED: utilized mind mapping technology and PCM for technical appreciation of USAID’s
GEM3, AusAid’s Bohol Agricultural Value Chain Study; and the Metro Iloilo - Guimaras Integrated Tourism
Action Plan projects to surface an overall strategy for a technical proposal for VIAP according to intended
strategic impacts. Oriented team members on mind-mapping technology.
Joel Wayne Ganibe
International Community Development and Knowledge Management Specialist
June 2006-January 2007
Book Development Project entitled “Making Services Work for the People:
Some Examples of Leading Practices in Improving Service Delivery”
International Technology Management Corporation
Editorial Consultant
Description: This publication is a product of collaborative efforts of the National College of Public
Administration and Governance, University of the Philippines and the International Technology
Management Corporation. This publication is a collection of selected articles written by
graduate school students of the NCPAG that highlight leading practices in good governance
and improved service delivery, based on an evaluation of programs actually implemented at
the national or local levels of government. The articles revolve around various themes of good
governance, among others, citizen participation, ICT application to improve tax generation,
solid waste management, livelihood generation and health care provision for the poor were
This collection of articles was put together for publication with the objective of providing
alternative ideas to people in government, by providing them factual accounts of workable
and results-oriented approaches for improving service(s) delivery. It highlights the role of
public administration and the difference it makes if innovations and public participation are
emphasized in the management equation.
As Editorial Consultant, formatted and edited for clarity all manuscripts selected and
supervised the general book design and pre-press activities including cover concept and
technical specifications.
: Environmental Health: Putting Theory Into Results
: Metro Manila, Philippines
: 4 months
: June 2006 to June 2007
: Communications Specialist 1
DUTIES RENDERED: Helped prepare the technical report that presents an overview of the state of
environmental health in the Philippines demonstrating the inter-linkages between envi-health and
environmental quality, the burden of diseases as a result of air pollution, water pollution, solid waste, toxic
and hazardous waste; identifies the cross-sectoral linkages, problems and opportunities for cost-effective
interventions and propose remedial measures; and then develop healthcare waste and agrochemicals
pollution management pilots for targeted collaboration among different sectors for macro, sectoral and
project levels. As value added, he created EnviHealth@yahoogroups.com as a venue for initiatives for
mainstreaming environmental health into the development priorities of the various Philippine stakeholders.
: Philippines
: 1.5 month
: December 1-January 20, 2006
: Project Consultant
DUTIES RENDERED : Promoted study program for Masteral Studies (Economics) to Japan and generate
eligible and highly qualified applicants for the available 8 scholarship slots with 5 government departments
as follows: Department of Finance, Department of Budget and Management, Central Bank of the
Philippines, Department of Trade and Industry and Department of Foreign Affairs.
The Consultant coordinated with HRD Managers in each of the above named public offices. Then, based
on the curricula vitae, identified qualified candidates in these offices. Identified qualified candidates were
invited to a meeting where a presentation of the proposed masteral degree in Economics was presented
highlighting the benefits which will be derived from said schooling.
: Philippine Wesleyan Graduate School of Theology
Resource Generation Task Force
: Metro Manila, Rosales (Pangasinan)
: 1 month
Joel Wayne Ganibe
International Community Development and Knowledge Management Specialist
: May 2006 to June 2006
: Resource Generation Strategy Development
DUTIES RENDERED: Oriented the Board and stakeholder-base on the latest trends on strategic planning,
convened the Task Force for Resource Generation and provided briefings on Fund Raising solutions for
non-profit organizations then designed the Framework for Resource Generation Strategy based on a clear
appreciation of internal and external environments/SCOT analysis.
Client and Project Name: Philippine-Thailand SNAS Corporation
Location & Year:
Metro Manila
February 2006 to May, 2006
Corporate Strategy Development
Duties Rendered:
After a brief management audit to trace the problems of this start-up distributor of Ready-to-Drink (RTD)
product line, oriented the Board on the latest trends on strategic planning, and walked the Client into
defining its corporate strategy; Developing tactical Marketing solutions and brand management strategy.
Realizing the client’s serious limit in capacity, designed an exit strategy to minimize losses and prepare the
young Board for its second, more organized foray into the real business world.
: Study for the Pesticide Monitoring System Development Project
and the Post Assessment Study for The Project for the
Improvement of the National Monitoring Program on Pesticide
Residue in Agriculture and the Environment and Pesticide
: Philippines
: 1.5 months
: 2004
: Project Director
DUTIES RENDERED : These projects were a Grant Aid(GA) and a follow-up Project Type Technical
Cooperation (PTTC) which involved capability building inputs and activities with two implementing
agencies (The Bureau of Plant Industry and the Food and Pesticide Authority, both of the Philippine
Department of Agriculture) caught in an on-going process of decentralized governance. As Intem’s CIO,
Mr. Ganibe gave major inputs in the appreciation of the studies using the PCM methods, breaking down
the project logframe for the key points of investigation, then re-crafting the Project Design Matrix for
Evaluation (PDMe) for the consultants. Applying graphic and conceptual skills he designed diagrams of
intended and actual impacts and other supporting graphics for both study teams and strengthened the
analysis of findings in order to extract institutional, technical and financial problems and issues and to draw
corresponding insights and recommendations for sustained impacts on project’s overall goal.
Mr. Ganibe led the team in appreciating the institutional environment within the DA context and within the
new national monitoring system installed for pesticide residue and formulation, exploring the relationships
and inter-organizational dynamics of both implementing agencies as influenced by organizational design
(one answered to an Undersecretary while the other to an Assistant Secretary) and moving within the
limits of established policy and the constraint given of limited resources.
:Flood Emergency Rehabilitation Project-Flood Management and
Mitigation Study
: Cambodia
:3 months
: April 11-June 30, 2005
: Community Development Specialist,
DUTIES RENDERED : As the international Community Development Specialist, was responsible for the
series of Hazard Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis using PRA, RRA and literature surveys for flash flood
prone, poor riverine communities in Kampong Speu, Prey Veng, Tuk Thla, etc. Oriented the local
consultants on the appreciative inquiry approach as applied to disaster management and mitigation using
participatory methods. The main objective of the Flood Mitigation Study is to analyze lessons learned from
the severe impacts caused by the 2000 floods and the measures that have been taken since in order to
help conceptualize strategic policy guidelines and environmental management instruments to reduce
vulnerability to similar phenomena in the future. The FERP-FMM aims to serve as an input to enhancing
Joel Wayne Ganibe
International Community Development and Knowledge Management Specialist
efforts of coordination and cooperation between agencies and development actors within Cambodia, in
particular, and the Mekong Region, in general, so that future vulnerability is decreased and the on-going
process of development becomes more sustainable. It aims to provide focus on helping the Ministry of
Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM) in formulating an effective National Flood Management
and Mitigation (FMM) Strategy.
He produced a projected impact-diagram and logframe for possible downstream projects.
: World Bank/ Department of Health: Facility-Based Survey:
2nd Women’s health and Safe Motherhood Project
: Philippines
:1.5 months
: October 2004,
Researcher/Field Anchor for Western Samar
DUTIES RENDERED: Devolution or decentralized governance initiatives resulted in the separation of
authority between the provincial and municipal authorities for key parts of the health system. This in turn
disrupted the referral system, weakened supervision systems, took staff away from career pathways and
in-service training opportunities and made adequate sector-financing difficult to ensure. Amidst these
challenges is the clear need to identify ways to resolve financial, technical and organizational issues for
the smooth operation of health services, to strengthen the provision of health services at the LGU level,
and to ensure that Dept. Of Health is able to provide the required technical support and to monitor the
delivery of service effectively. These are what the 2nd Women’s health and Safe Motherhood Project
sought to address.
Mr. Ganibe helped design the winning technical proposal and was eventually fielded as the field anchor for
Western Samar to conduct the Facility-Based Survey that includes ocular inspection of provided
equipment, key informant interviews with medical and technical personnel as well as exit interviews of
local clients/users of medical services in government health hospitals, centers and other facilities.
Center for Community Transformation (CCT), Philippines
Monitoring and Evaluation of Micro-Credit/Enterprise Development
4 months
August –December 2004
Team Leader/M& E, IEC consultant
DUTIES RENDERED : As Team Leader, Mr. Ganibe made a brief organizational audit of this fast growing
NGO (from a base of 2,000 members to 50,000 members in less than 5 years) and installed the Strategic
Communications Unit, and founded, Pamilyang Pinoy Magazine, as a channel for horizontal and vertical
communications. He led a team of specialists to compile, consolidate and analyze intra and interorganizational communications data, field information on on-going programs and developed
communications strategies for CCT, a national NGO involved in micro-finance, women and children’s
rights, socialized housing and health insurance. Solutions include the setting up of a community-based
women’s Information network and the establishment of the NGO’s own mass-circulated publication,
Pamilyang Pinoy. As Editor-In-chief of the magazine, he is concerned with the overall strategy and
operations, Training & Orientation, logistics support of all reporters/contributors, work briefing before and
after field sorties.
: The Study for Basic Information System(Survey A) Regional Facts
& Figures (Survey B): JICA, managed a team of local consultants in
the implementation of the.
: Survey covering all 15 regions, processing basic statistical data
into easily understandable graphics representing each region
:1 month
: February -April 2004
: Project Director
Joel Wayne Ganibe
International Community Development and Knowledge Management Specialist
DUTIES RENDERED: : The survey included major development actors: government agencies, NGOs,
LGUs and other donor agencies and a list of projects implemented by other donors. Accompanying this, the
e-governance unit under his leadership designed and installed a new Project Information Database for JICA,
as a tool for more effective project management using FILEMAKER PRO 6.
JICA’s project information database was created in 1996 to help keep an organized project files that can
be accessed by the office. Since the creation of the database, the program encountered several difficulties
for effective utilization as a project management tool. Basic Information System involved the setting up
of a data capture system for all JICA projects, for monitoring and evaluation purposes. The system was
revised and updated for better access and enhanced usage.
:Basic Study of the Fishery Sector of the Philippines
: Davao and General Santos, Pangasinan, Iloilo, Capiz, Laguna de
Bay, 3 priority bays identified by BF.
:1.5 months
:February 4-March 19, 2004
:Project Coordinator
DUTIES RENDERED : Assessment of current situation of the fisheries sector. Analysis of critical
problems and issues affecting the development of the sector in general and its sub-sectors (municipal,
commercial, aquaculture) in particular; Review of policies, plans and programs of the Philippine
Government related to fisheries sector development to include the AFMA of 1997 and the Fisheries Code
of 1998. It also included subsequent fishery-related legislation and policies issued by the DA, BFAR and
other agencies.
Reviewed roles and mandates of various government agencies involved in fisheries sector development to
include DA, BFAR, PFDA, LLDA, DOST, DENR, SUCs, LGUs, among others. Reviewed the fisheries
research and extension activities and programs of the government and private sector including BFARNIFRDC, SEAFDEC, PCAMRD, ICLARM, among others.
Review of the status of government fisheries programs relating to the development of fish ports, ice plants
and cold storage, fisheries post-harvest facilities and other fisheries-related infrastructure. Review of the
role and activities of NGOs, industry groups and fisherfolk organizations and their contribution to the
overall development of the fisheries sector.
:TA on Sustainable Social Protection ADB/BAPPENAS
:1 month
: January-February 2004
: Project Director
DUTIES RENDERED : Oversaw a team of international and local consultants in the implementation of the
TA on Social protection. The TA’s objective is to develop viable sustainable social protection schemes that
address the needs of the poor to reduce and cope with risks and vulnerability. The TA will assist the
Government of Indonesia in preparing a draft policy framework for integrated social protection and
proposals to identify social protection schemes especially for the informal sector. The policy draft will
incorporate the shift from a centralized to a decentralized approach to services delivery, including
community-based interventions and time bound strategies for financing and operating social protection
:JICA Terminal Evaluation Studies
: Manila, Alabang, Cebu, Davao, Camarines Sur---Bangkok,
,Phnom Penh
: 1 month
: February -March 2003
: Deputy Project Manager
DUTIES RENDERED : As Deputy Team Leader, he has helped in the preparation of the project evaluation
matrix, design of survey questionnaires and actual field interviews and photo-documentation as well as
data analysis and the preparation of key recommendations. Project areas covered:
Joel Wayne Ganibe
International Community Development and Knowledge Management Specialist
The Third Country Training Program on Mainstreaming Gender and Development (GAD) in
Technical Vocation Education and Training (TVET), conducted by TESDA Women’s Center since
1999 up to 2003 (hereinafter referred to as “TWC Program” The Third Country Training Program
on Technology Applications in Education: Teachers and Teacher Trainers, conducted by
SEAMEO-INNOTECH since 1999 up to 2003 (hereinafter referred to as “SEAMEO-INNOTECH
Program”); The In-Country Training Program on National Tuberculosis Control Program, conducted by
DOH-RITM since 1999 up to 2003 (hereinafter referred to as “DOH-RITM Program”)
The Consultant evaluated the above-mentioned projects based on the following criteria: relevance,
effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact. The survey will apply both quantitative and qualitative
research methodologies. The Study Team was responsible for :
 Collection and sorting of the existing information and data of the programs
 Expound on the “Activities” part and clarify the “Input” part of the Project Design Matrix and make
the Evaluation Grid.
 Drafting a questionnaire for ex-participants and program organizers
 Conducting interviews with program organizers and/or key informants related organizations, and
selected ex-participants of the programs
 Coordinating the interview schedules and make the required letters
 Analyzing the collected information and data along with the PDM and Evaluation Grid, and
 Preparing the Terminal Evaluation Study based on items in Annex IV and the summary of the
Evaluation Results.
Deputy Team Leader, JICA Study on the Characteristics and Effectiveness of Japanese Technical
Cooperation in the Philippines (Project Location within Country: Manila, Cebu, Bohol, Butuan,
Pampanga, Tarlac, Laguna, Negros Oriental, Surigao) he prepared the project evaluation matrix,
designed the survey questionnaires and did actual field interviews and photo-documentation as well as
data analysis and the preparation of key recommendations.
Main Author, Cebu Socio-Economic Empowerment and Development Project (Cebu SEED) of the
Provincial Government of Cebu —Project was intended to be a model in decentralized governance with
emphasis on building the technical, institutional and financial capabilities of Cebu Province. Study report
included in-depth analysis of contributing and limiting factors to organizational effectiveness and efficiency
and drew insights on knowledge management for public enterprises.
Research and Development Project on High Productivity Rice Technology, Philippine Rice Institute,
Department of Agriculture, a JICA Study on the Characteristics and Effectiveness of Japanese Technical
Cooperation in the Philippines--subcontracted to INTEM Corp. by the International Development Center of
Japan (IDCJ). —survey, interviews and focused group discussions, photo documentation
Editor, Family Planning/ Maternal and Child Health (FP/MCH) Project Department of Health (DOH)
facilities survey and project evaluation report (Region 3) —survey, interviews and focused group
discussions, photo documentation
In-Country Training Program on the National Tuberculosis Project (NTP) facilities survey and project
evaluation report (NCR, Region 7, Region 4)—survey, interviews and focused group discussions.
Editor, Philippine Pharmacopoeia Project facilities survey and project evaluation report (Bureau of Food
and Drugs/Department of Health) —survey, interviews and focused group discussions, photo
Training Services Enhancement Project for Rural Life Improvement of the Agricultural Training
Institute of the Department of Agriculture. —survey, interviews and focused group discussions, photo
The Study Team was tasked to verify whether the established hypotheses on the effectiveness of
technical cooperation can be confirmed in Japanese TC by examining the characteristics and their
consequences (assumed positive impacts) of the selected JICA projects.
The study was conducted by interviewing relevant project stakeholders to confirm whether each
hypothesis can be substantiated by the JICA projects following the four steps of analysis (Characteristic,
Consequence, Mechanism, Precondition). Three types of outputs were produced and submitted by the
Joel Wayne Ganibe
International Community Development and Knowledge Management Specialist
Study Team: 1) Interview Record for each interview conducted, 2) Fact Sheet per studied JICA project
composed of a description of the project and an examination of the project, and 3) Project Analysis Paper
following a specific format and contents to be included.
Mr. Ganibe is an expert in public awareness campaigns using both above-the-line (tri-media) and below
the line (non-trad) communications strategies.
Children’s Rights Advocacy. As scriptwriter and public relations coordinator for the Phil. Children’s
Television Foundation, producer of the multi and internationally awarded “Batibot,” developed creative
treatments for mainstreaming the universal rights of children as declared by the U.N. Apart from TV scripts
and live productions and media relations, he contributed concepts on product merchandising for the
show’s puppets and proprietary characters. Also as editor for “Bata-Batuta” comics, developed characters
and funny presentations/stories that promoted good values and general well-being for kids. As a member
of KUTING (samahan ng mga kuwentistang pang-tsikiting), an organization for children’s book writers, is
involved in both story writing and public reading activities and also volunteers for free arts and writing
workshops for children. His maximalist novelette for elementary and highschool students, “The Last
Firefly” to be published by YES-I CAN in cooperation with CCT/ Visions of Hope focuses on environmental
preservation and children’s rights.
Women’s rights/Urban Poor/Livelihood/OFWs/Disabled. As consultant to Christian development
organizations (CCT, ATS Lay Institute, etc.) Helps mainstream transformation values, proactive/self-help
initiatives through communications workshops, newsletter production and publicity support through his
network of media professionals. He has unconditionally volunteered his services for organizations such as
the Microfinance Council of the Philippines, Inc., the Philippine Bible Society; Foundation for Social
Investments, Merge Foundation, AKAP (Asosasyon ng mga may Kapansanan sa Pilipinas) and others
He is founding-chair of YES-I CAN (Young Entrepinoys Society-Initiatives for Creative Advancement
Network) a self-help, non-profit group of young professionals, entrepreneurs and students who want to
mainstream simple but workable wealth and value-creation technologies through the use of e-groups,
inter-networking of sub-interest groups, workshops and public fora as well as print and broadcast
promotions. He is also an active member and chair of the strategic communications committee of
ProgressiveTimes and Global Filipinos, a coalition of OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers) organizations all
over the world who successfully lobbied for the absentee voting bill.
Environment/Tourism. As owner moderator of PhilEnvi_Health@yahoogroups.com, created a public
forum for mainstreaming environmental health in Philippine development priorities. Members include
officials and key personnel of WorldBank Philippines, USAID, ADB, DENR, DOH, DOST, local media and
academe. As convenor of TYPe (Tourism Young Professionals e-group) an offshoot of his active
participation of the DOT Secretary Gemma Cruz Araneta’s Tourism Week initiated the creation of a database for young professionals in the Tourism industry to lobby for progressive developments in all related
sectors, supported by DOT, PTA and the private companies (travel consultants, transportation, hotels, tour
operators, etc.) As VP-operations of Imageworks’s PowerPlay TV series, extensively featured the
country’s most interesting people, places and events over 3 successful seasons in Channel 5. In his
published feature articles/photos/novelettes and comics scripts, and even in the pr and advertising copy
and visuals he creates, he actively promotes love of nature and appreciation for the country’s rich cultural
Leadership/Communications. Mr. Ganibe has conducted various leadership training seminars; done
the concept and final artwork for the promotional collateral design for the 1st International Conference on
Servant Leadership on Nov. 4-5 2003 at the PICC, as organized by the Center for Servant Leadership
Philippines (CSLP) as well as the pre-production (editing, layout design & digital color sep) of the Servant
Leadership Inventory ( a psychometric test) manual, test booklets and answer kit. He is a facilitator on
leadership, communications and Team formation for SpeechPower Core (Nissin Monde, LandBank, Intel,
etc.) Next Grand Wave, ATS Lay Institute, YES-I CAN, COPI-ME, MediaMinds, ITMC, Imageworks, etc.
On political advocacy, Mr. Ganibe is occasionally consulted by personalities for specific campaigns. He
has also assisted the Institute of Studies for Asian Church and Culture in the voters education komiks
series “Doon Po Sa Amin”
DISASTER PREPAREDNESS. Was the production design consultant for The Integrated Community
Joel Wayne Ganibe
International Community Development and Knowledge Management Specialist
Disaster Planning Model (ICDPM) Manual, for the Philippine National Red Cross. May 2003 then later
international community development specialist fro flood management and mitigation in Cambodia (see list
of project above) as consultant to the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM).
Development Frontline: Plugging The Gaps in Development Publications in the Philippines, is now in preproduction stage for joint publication by the Global Filipino Coalition and the Young Entrepinoys’ Society
Initiatives for Creative Advancement (YES I CAN) as a joint dev. communications venture.
: President
: Shinfield Consultancy Philippines Incorporated
: 02-8906848,8959857
: shinfield@pldtdsl.net
:02-9295188 cell: 09279145889
I certify that this curriculum vitae is accurate and I acknowledge my willingness and availability
to participate in the PPF for Demand for Good Governance (DFGG) in the role for which I have
been nominated.
April 25, 2007
Full Name of nominee: JOEL WAYNE GANIBE
Full Name of authorized representative: BERNADETTE V. GONZALES
Signature of authorized company representative: