RESUMÉ JOVENCIA B. GANUB PERSONAL INFORMATION Home Address : Blk. 18, Lot 7, Uptown Phase I Ubujan, 6300 Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines Place of Birth : Anislag, Corella, Bohol Date of Birth : May 3, 1962 Phone Number (Residence) : (038) 411-5357 Telefax Number (Office) : (038) 501-9912 Email Address :; EDUCATION January 2, 2006 to December 31, 2006 Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia January 2005-June 2005 Basic Six Months Caregiver Course St. Martha Development Center Corporation, Tagbilaran City November 2000- March 2004 Master in Public Administration Bohol Institute of Technology, Tagbilaran City Thesis: “Impact of Environmental Management System (EMS) Implementation in the Eleven Pilot Offices, Provincial Government of Bohol: Proposals for Program Sustainability” Adviser: Alma Balite-Diputado, Ph.D. June 1978-October 1982 Bachelor of Arts, major in Mathematics St. Columban College, Pagadian City June 1974-March 1978 High School Education Immaculate Conception College, Ozamis City June 1968-March 1974 Elementary Education Tickwas Elementary School, Dumalinao, Zamboanga del Sur ELIGIBILITIES: Passed the Career Service Professional & Sub-Professional Examinations INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ATTENDED: International Landcare Conference October 8-11, 2006 Melbourne, Australia WORK EXPERIENCES AUGUST 1, 2001 TO DATE Bohol Environment Management Office G/F, Capitol Building, Marapao Street, Tagbilaran City Agricultural Technologist, designated as Acting Administrative Officer Present Functions: As Acting Administrative Officer: Prepares Annual Investment Plans for the 20% Development Fund; Prepares annual Budget for General Fund and 20% Development Fund; Prepares Annual Development Program per sector Prepares Narrative Annual Accomplishment Report every end of the year Takes charge in the effective implementation of office rules, policies and regulations, including that of the Civil Service Commission; Supervision and control of all administrative functions, like budget management, equipment and supplies procurement, office correspondence, reports preparation. As Head of the EMS Secretariat/Internal Auditor Takes charge of all EMS activities, scheduling and follow-up of Internal Audits, Monitroing and Evaluation, assists in the implmentation of the Environmental Management System in the twenty three(23) pilot offices of the Provincial Government of Bohol and the maintenance of the ISO 14001 Certification. Environmental Management System (EMS) is a special program implemented by the Provincial Government of Bohol as a proactive approach of addressing environmental 2 problems and at the same time save the cost of operation; Conducts lectures/orientation of the Environmental Management System to all interested parties both at the Provincial Government and the Municipal Government levels; As Solid Waste Management Trainor Conducts lectures/orientation of the Ecological Solid Waste Management/RA 9003; Facilitates ESWM Trainings As Focal Person, Bohol Integrated Water Resources Management Board (BIWRMB) Secretariat Provide assistance to the Board in carrying out its activities, i.e. meetings, workshops, monitoring and evaluation of projects; Coordinate with the members of the three (3) technical working groups in the performance of their mandated tasks and functions; Facilitate venues, catering, transportation (when needed) for all the activities of the Board and preparation of notices; Take charge of the documentation and proceedings of workshops and meetings; Act as a focal office for all BIWRMB related activities; Take charge of the safekeeping of all BIWRMB records; Establish a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system in the Action Plan of the board; Coordinate in the implementation of the Plans and Programs of the Board; Integrate, promote and advocate programs to address gender development concerns As the Focal Person of the Results-Based Monitoring of the DILG-GTZ WATER & SANITATION PROGRAM Conducts monitoring of different Milestones of all Key Result Areas (KRA) of the the Program; Prepares and presents Monitoring Reports Other Relevant Functions Prepares training and workshop proposals;. Represent the Deputy Head in environmental relative activities/meetings Facilitates in the conduct of the annual Mid-Year Assessment and Planning Workshop; Facilitates Study Tours relevant to the environmental programs of the province, i.e. itinerary preparation, coordination and other arrangements; Attends to trainings, seminars and conferences JULY 1, 1997 TO JULY 31, 2001 Office of the Governor Tagbilaran City Cluster Officer for Agriculture, Veterinarian and Social Services Offices Functions: Effective facilitation of bringing the concerns of the Provincial Agriculture, Provincial Veterinarian 3 JANUARY 1, 1995 TO JUNE 30, 1997 and Social Welfare Offices to the Provincial Governor Communications preparation Provided effective Secretariat services to any events and functions of the Provincial Government of Bohol, including tour itinerary preparation, tour guiding, provision of food and accommodation and documentation of all proceedings of the Management Executive Board Meetings and other meetings; Facilitated trainings and seminars with Technology of Participation as a tool Provincial Agriculture Office Tagbilaran City Functions: Secretary to the Provincial Agricultural Officer (PAO) Provides efficient secretarial services to the PAO Drafts and types communications Increases client satisfection.thru efficient reception of guests and callers Takes down proceedings of all meetings MAY 1, 1989 TO DECEMBER 31, 1995 NOVEMBER 15, 1982 TO APRIL 30, 1989 Department of Agriculture Tagbilaran City Functions: Acting Records Officer and Administrative Assistant Receives, records all incoming communications Updates office files and instroduces effective records retrieval system Drafts and types communications Takes down proceedings of all meetings Conducts inspection of office supplies and materials delivered Provides Secretariat services to the Engineering Team Department of Agriculture Sr. Personnel Aide Pagadian City Functions: Prepares monthly payroll of regular, contractual and casual employees Prepares monthly attendance report Drafts and types communications Reviews supporting documents for appointment of personnel Types Appointments of regular employees both original and promotion Documents proceedings of meetings Updates Personal Files (File 201) of all personnel including field employees Performs janitorial services 4 SKILLS : COMPUTER OPERATION: SOFTWARE APPLICATION (WORD, EXCEL, POW ERPOINT), PROCESS DOCUMENTATION , FACILITATION, TOUR GUIDING INTERESTS Member: Bohol Employees League, Bohol Association of Women in Government Service, Bohol Employees Multi-purpose Cooperative, Rural Multi-purpose Cooperative, Bol-anon Multi-purpose Cooperative Playing volleyball, playing guitar, jogging, nature tripping REFERENCES 1. Mr. Renato C. Villaber, BEMO Deputy Head, Capitol, Tagbilaran City 2. Mr. Romeo S. Teruel, OIC-HRMDO, Capitol, Tagbilaran City 3. Ms. Liza M. Quirog, Provincial Agriculturist, OPA, Tagbilaran City LIST OF TRAININGS ATTENDED TITLE OF SEMINAR/CONFERENCE/ WORKSHOP/SHORT COURSES INCLUSIVE DATES (mm/dd/yyy) NUMBER OF HOURS CONDUCTED/SPONSHORED BY: (Write in full) 16 hrs DILG-GTZ and Provincial Government of Bohol (Write in full) IWRM PLAN FRAMEWORK WORKSHOP FOR BOHOL WASTE ANALYSIS AND CHARACTERIZATION STUDY (WACS) TRAINING RESULTS-BASED MONITORING MISSION ISO 14001:2004 AWARENESS FROM TO 11/26/07 11/27/07 09/19/07 09/21/07 24 hrs The Philippine Environmental Governance 2 Project (ECOGOV2) 08-6-07 08-10-07 40 hrs. DILG-GTZ Water & Sanitation Program PGB-Quality Works Consultancy 07/27/07 8 hrs. 5 TRAINING ORIENTATION WORKSHOP TWOARDS CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FOR THE WATSAN SECTOR TRAINING ON THE PROPOSED INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (PMS) FOR BOHOL COMPONENT 1 TRAINERS’ TRAINING ON SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE FORMULATION AND ESTABLISHMENT BASIC EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT (EMT-B) Corporation DILG-GTZ Water Program 07/9/07 07/10/07 16 hrs. 04/23/07 04/28/07 40 hrs. Integrative (Phils.) 03/20/07 03/21/07 16 hrs. The Philippine Environmental Governance 2 Project (ECOGOV2) 09/11/05 09/24/05 104 hrs Center for Health Department – Central Visayas & Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center 03/15/05 03/16/05 16 hrs. Technisher Uberwachungs Verein (TUV) Philippines – Technical Inspection Association 03/14/05 03/14/05 8 hrs. Technisher Uberwachungs Verein (TUV) Philippines – Technical Inspection Association 09/13/04 09/17/04 40 hrs. Department of Environment & Natural Resources EcoGovernance Project (ECOGOV) - Cebu 08/23/04 08/26/04 32 hrs. Solid Waste Association Philippines (SWAPP) 04/26/04 04/29/04 32 hrs. Provincial Government of Informatics Computer Institute 09/22/03 09/24/03 24 hrs. Human Resource Management & Development Office/Civil Service Commission-Bohol TRAINING ON ENVIRONMENTAL 03/05/03 CONFLICT RESOLUTION 03/07/03 24 hrs. Department of Environment & Natural Resources –EcoGovernance Project - Cebu INTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT TRAINING WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE STANDARD OF ISO 14001:2004 EMS AWARENESS WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE STANDARD OF ISO 14001:2004 TRAINING ON GOOD GOVERNANCE PROCESSES AND TOOLS IN INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRAINING ON THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF A MATERIAL RECOVERY FACILITY COMPUTER TRAINING BASIC CUSTOMER SERVICES SKILLS AND PUBLIC SERVICE ETHICS AND ACCOUNTABILITY 6 and Learning Sanitation International of Bohol the - PRACTICAL COURSE ON 11/04/02 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) AND INTERNAL AUDITING LEAVE ADMINISTRATION COURSE 09/23/02 FOR EFFECTIVENESS (LACE) 11/08/02 40 hrs. Systems Network International-Japan Auditing Company (SNI-JACO) 09/25/02 24 hrs. EFFECTIVE RECORDS 08/13/02 MANAGEMENT FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS 08/14/02 16 hrs. Human Resource Management & Development Office/Civil Service Commission - Bohol Center for Human Research and Development Foundation, Inc. , Davao City FEDERATION OF CANADIAN 01/24/02 MUNICIPALITIES – MUNICIPAL PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM (FCM-MPP) STRATEGIC PLANNING ORIENTATION TRAINING ON 5S IMPLEMENTATION 02/07/01 01/24/02 16 hrs. S. Dean Yaremchuk Federation of Canadian Municipalities Program Coordinator 02/08/01 16 hrs. WORKSHOP ON THE CODE OF CONDUCT FOR RESPONSIBLE FISHERIES TRAINING ON THE NEW PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY OF PARTICIPATION LEVEL II/ HOW TO DESIGN TOP EVENTS CLIENT SATISFACTION SURVEY AND ANALYSIS OF DATA RESULTS SEMINAR WORKSHOP INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF PROCESSES AND PERSONAL GROWTH BASIC TOUR GUIDING SEMINAR 09/11/00 09/15/00 40 hrs. Department of Trade and Industry Tagbilaran City/Provincial Government of Bohol Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) – Sangley Point, Cavite City 08/22/00 08/23/00 16 hrs. Human Resource Management & Development Office (HRMDO)/Civil Service Commission (CSC) - Bohol 12/06/99 12/08/99 24 hrs. Associates for Rural Development (ARD) – Governance in Local Democracy (GOLD) 02/23/99 02/25/99 24 hrs. Divine Word Colege Research Center, Tagbilaran City 01/06/99 01/08/99 24 hrs. Associates for Rural Development (ARD) – Governance in Local Democracy (GOLD) 10/27/98 11/15/98 105 hrs. Department of Tourism Cebu City MEMBERSHIP 08/25/96 08/25/98 8 hrs. Bohol Association of Women Government Service (BAWIGS) 07/09/98 FILIPINO CULTURE AND ITS IMPACT ON LGU CULTURE MODIFICATION 10/16/97 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT 07/10/98 16 hrs. Associates for Rural Development (ARD) – Governance in Local Democracy (GOLD) 10/17/97 16 hrs. MANAGING EFFECTIVE MEETINGS 09/08/97 09/08/97 8 hrs. MANAGEMENT 07/25/97 07/26/97 16 hrs. Associates for Rural Development (ARD) – Governance in Local Democracy (GOLD) Associates for Rural Development (ARD) – Governance in Local Democracy (GOLD) Associates for Rural Development (ARD) – Governance in Local Democracy (GOLD) COOPERATIVE SEMINAR STRATEGIC WORKSHOP 7 in EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT SERIES 06/20/97 AND PROFESSIONAL GROWTH FOR MANAGERS 06/21/97 16 hrs. Associates for Rural Development (ARD) – Governance in Local Democracy (GOLD) FACILITATION TRAINING ON 03/10/97 LITERACY AND NUMERACY FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE FOR PARTICIPATING RESEARCH AND EXTENSION (SAPRE) TRAINING THROUGH 11/07/96 PARTICIPATION – BASIC FACILITATION METHODS LEVEL I 03/14/97 40 hrs. Agricultural Training Farmers Training PFTC0/University of Pahinungod, 11/08/96 16 hrs. Associates for Rural Development (ARD) – Governance in Local Democracy (GOLD) SEASON-LONG VEGETABLE 07/20/96 TRAINING OF TRAINORS ON INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT 12/20/96 DISTANCE LEARNING PROGRAM ON 04/22/96 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION IN THE CIVIL SERVICE 05/20/96 TRAINING ON BASIC COMMUNITY 11/9/95 ORGANIZING 11/27/95 119.5 hrs. Provincial Government of Bohol/Provincial Agriculture Office, Tagbilaran City WORKSHOP ON PERFORMANCE 09/12/95 EVALUATION SYSTEM 09/12/95 8 hrs. CSC-Bohol/Provincial Government of Bohol HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 03/9/95 COURSE 03/11/95 24 hrs. Agricultural Training Institute (ATI)Provincial Farmers Training Center (PFTC) Tagbilaran City Agricultural Training Institute (ATI)Provincial Farmers Training Center (PFTC) Tagbilaran City Institute-Provincial Center (ATIPhilippines (UP) 1 farming Agricultural Training Institute – Regional season Farmers Training Center (ATI-RFTC) Cebu (Monday to Wednesday) 1 DLP Civil Service Commission - Bohol 1st DA-ATI SPECIAL STUDY PROGRAM Semester FOR AGRICULTURAL 1990 TECHNOLOGIST 1 sem 1st Semester 1991 PACKAGE OF TECHNOLOGY ON 05/18/91 1 sem 05/18/91 8 hrs. Department of Agriculture, Tagbilaran City CLERICAL DEVELOPMENT COURSE 06/19/89 TRAINING ON APPOINTMENTS 05/23/88 PREPARATION 06/23/89 40 hrs. Civil Service Commission - Cebu 05/27/88 40 hrs. Civil Service Commission – Zamboanga City BKK LEADERSHIP TRAINING 05/08/87 72 hrs. Civil Service Commission - Zamboanga City VEGETABLE PRODUCTION 04/30/87 8