Math 210 Calculus III Course Syllabus Fall 2015 INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Instructor: Mrs. Mary Beth Hampshire Email: ; Office: BTC 228 Office Phone: 629-4866 (x4866 from campus) Office Hours: TBD Web Site: COURSE DESCRIPTION: Topics covered for the Calculus portion of the course include: vectors in a plane and in space, vector-valued functions, functions of several variables with partial derivatives and multiple integrals, mathematical modeling using the vector calculus, vector fields, line integrals, and Green’s Theorem. Topics from the Linear Algebra portion of the course include: solving systems of linear equations by Gaussian elimination and matrix algebra, determinants, vector spaces, subspaces, basis vectors, and eigenvalues/eigenvectors. REQUIRED MATERIALS: Text(s): Calculus, Chapters 11-15, 10th Edition, Larson and Edwards; (or packaged custom edition at HVCC bookstore) Elementary Linear Algebra 7th edition by Larson, Edwards and Falvo (or packaged custom edition at HVCC bookstore) Calculator: A graphing calculator is recommended. A scientific calculator (at a minimum) is required. Maple: Campus computers provide the necessary access to Maple software Prerequisites: Calculus II (Math 190) or equivalent Grading Scale: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 60-69 C D <60 F 1 Grade Composition: Component Class Participation Take Home Assignments Unit Exams Final Exam Percent of Final Grade 5 10 60 25 Description Graded in-class assignments General participation in class Subset of the practice problems or similar Lowest take home assignment will be dropped 3-5 tests, each counted equally Comprehensive final exam given at the end of the semester Final exam grade may replace your lowest test score (provided the final exam grade is greater than the lowest test grade) Grade Composition Details Class Participation and Attendance: The class participation grade will include graded in-class assignments that may be completed individually or more often, in groups. The grade will also consist of your general participation in class. You cannot be graded on participation if you are not in class. Only true emergencies should warrant an absence. If absent, you are responsible for any work you miss (including any graded in-class assignments) and any announcements made in class. I recommend that you get to know some of your classmates so that it is easy to get a copy of class notes/announcements in the event you do have an emergency and must miss a class. I will take attendance at the beginning of every class. If you come in late and attendance has already been taken, it is your responsibility to notify me to add you to the roll at the end of that class period. I will not go back and change the attendance record after we have left the class for that day. Practice Problems: In order to develop the skills needed to be successful in Calculus, you must work through the assigned practice problems. There is just no substitute for it. Even though only a subset of these problems will be collected for a grade, do not make the assumption that working only the graded problems will prepare you adequately for the exams. You should plan to work the practice problems first and then go through the graded take-home assignments. Take Home Assignments “Take Home Assignments” are essentially graded homework. Most of the problems on the takehome assignments will be taken directly from the practice problems that have been assigned or at least will be very similar to the assigned practice problems. The due date will be listed on each assignment. The take home assignments will be due at the beginning of class on the due date. 2 Important Policies and Guidelines Exam “Make-up” policy: If an emergency should arise on a test day, you may take a make-up exam. Only one exam may be taken as a make-up. Make-up exams will only be given at the end of the semester (usually during the last two weeks of classes; available dates and times TBD) Late Take Home Assignment Policy: I expect any graded take-home assignment to be submitted at the beginning of class on the day it is due. I will accept late assignments only during the last week of class. A 50% penalty will be subtracted from any late assignments. Computer Lab Policy: When our class meets in a computer lab, either everyone is on the computers or no one is on the computers. Only Maple software will be approved for use unless directed otherwise by your instructor. No surfing, emailing, printing term papers, etc. at any time when we are in the computer labs. Electronic Device Policy: The only electronic device approved for use at all times in class is your calculator. Turn off all cell phones, ipods, mp3 players, laptops, pagers, etc. before entering the classroom. If for some reason you have a family/personal emergency where you must wait for a call, tell me before class and then set the phone to vibrate mode. On an exam day if such an emergency exists, leave the cell phone with me. To answer or even pick up a cell phone during an exam is to risk the forfeiture of the exam – i.e. exam grade = zero. Use of unapproved electronic devices in class may result in dismissal from class and/or loss of any class participation points for that day. Z-grade Policy: The grade of "Z" (Absent Without Withdrawal) will be assigned to any student who has not attended class or submitted assigned work after the official college date of withdrawal for the semester and has not already withdrawn from the course. The withdrawal deadline can be found on the academic calendar. HVCC Civility, Code of Conduct and Academic Ethics: Academic dishonesty of any form is unacceptable and is subject to disciplinary action. It is never appropriate to present someone else’s work as your own…whether you are taking an in-class exam or working on a graded take home assignment. Solutions should never be copied from another student, a web site, a solution manual, or any other outside source 3 and presented as if you did the work yourself. For additional detailed information related to the Academic Ethics policy of the college, please refer to the college catalog. GENERAL CLASS PROCEDURES/EXPECTATIONS: 1. I prefer a dynamic, interactive classroom environment. Participate in class. Ask questions. Answer questions. 2. Show respect for others in the classroom. Respect your classroom community in terms of style, opinions, ideas. If someone else is speaking, listen! 3. Keep a positive attitude. 4. If you do not understand, ask! In class. During office hours. 5. Come to class. Every class (unless, of course, an emergency prevents your attendance). 6. Come prepared to class. Make sure you have worked the practice problems beforehand! Always bring your calculator, text, something to write on and something to write with. 7. Come to class on time! If you are late, you might miss a homework question – the same question you have. You may miss a group assignment. Also, remember, I take attendance at the very beginning of class. If you arrive after the attendance is taken, it is your responsibility to notify me immediately after class. 8. I try to reserve the first 5-10 minutes of class time for homework questions from the prior topic. If the questions go beyond a 5-10 minute review, please feel free to stop by office hours or schedule an appointment with me. 9. Office hours are NOT a substitute for attending class. If you must miss a class, get the notes from a classmate and attempt the homework FIRST. Then come and talk to me if you have questions. 10. Have fun! Calculus can be very rewarding if given the appropriate amount of time and practice! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: In case of inclement weather, please call the student information hotline number: 629-4822 or check the website at for delays or cancellations. Test Accommodations: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Hudson Valley Community College is committed to ensuring educational access and accommodations for all its registered students, in order to fully participate in programs and course activities or to meet course requirements. Hudson Valley Community College's students with documented disabilities and medical conditions are encouraged to access these services by registering with the Center for Access and Assistive Technology or the Learning Disabilities Specialist to discuss their particular needs for accommodations. For information or an appointment contact the Center for Access and Assistive Technology, located in room 130 of the Siek Campus Center or call 518-629-7154/TDD: 518629-7596 or contact the Learning Disabilities Specialist located in the Learning Assistance Center, in the lower level of the Marvin Library, phone number 629-7552. Academic Calendar: All students are expected to know important semester dates that are printed on the Academic Calendar (holidays, last date to withdraw, etc.). You may access a copy of the Academic Calendar by selecting “Quick Find” from the main web site and then clicking on the link “Academic Calendar”. 4 UNIT I Practice Problem Assignment Sheet Chapter/Section 11.1 Vectors in the Plane (2D) 11.2 Vectors in Space (3D) 11.3 Dot Product of Two Vectors 11.4 Cross Product of Two Vectors 11.5 Lines and Planes in Space 11.6 Surfaces in Space 12.1 Vector-Valued Functions 12.2 Differentiation and Integration of Vector-Valued Functions 12.3 Velocity and Acceleration Review for Exam #1 EXAM I Assignment 1-9 odd, 15-19 odd, 21-25, 27-39 odd, 43-57 odd, 58, 60, 67, 73, 75, 79-85 odd, 86, 90 1-27 odd, 31, 33, 37-53 odd, 61-65 odd, 71-77 odd, 82, 83, 87, 89 1-21 odd, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 44, 45, 48, 50, 53, 61 1-6, 9, 11, 12, 15, 17, 23-27 odd, 33, 37, 42-44, 46-48, 53 1, 3-21 odd, 25, 31, 35-43 odd, 49, 51, 57, 59, 65-69 odd, 83, 85, 90, 100 1-6, 7, 9-12, 13-23 odd, 25, 26, 30 1-5 odd, 9-17 odd, 18, 19, 21, 23, 27, 32, 45, 49, 53, 57, 63-67 odd, 82 1, 3, 7-13 odd, 17, 25, 37, 41, 45, 49, 57 1-9 odd, 13, 19 Tuesday, September 22 (tentative) 5