College Senate Resolution on Tsunami Relief

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#56 03-04 GC/UC
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: MARCH 1 - Proposals received after March 1 may not be reviewed until next semester.
Submit all proposals to the Faculty Senate President electronically or on a disk with a hard copy.
Please provide cover page information requested.,
Faculty Senate Office, 426 Allen Building
Please be somewhat descriptive, for example, Graduate Probation/Dismissal Proposal rather than Graduate Proposal.
Combined BS/MS Program in Environmental Science and Biology –
This is a proposal for a combined BS/MS degree in Environmental Science and Biology
Senate Office electronically prior to Senate review and vote at
First Submission
27 February 2004
Updated on
April 4, 2005
4. SUBMITTED BY: (contact person)
Joseph Makarewicz
Environmental Science
and Biology
Updated on
April 11, 2005
5. COMMITTEES TO COPY: (Senate office use only)
Forwarded To
__ Budget
Committee Chair
__ College Environment
Executive Committee
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Senate Floor
__ General Education
College President
_X Graduate Curriculum
__ Personnel Policies
__ Student Policies
_X Undergraduate Curriculum
Updated on
3/3/04, 4/4/04
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Department of Environmental Science and Biology, SUNY Brockport
Proposal for
a. Combined BS/MS in Environmental Science and Biology
Programs to be combined – BS in Environmental Science HEGIS 0420 (SED 23535) and
MS in Environmental Science and Biology HEGIS 0420
The Vision
The proposed combined BS/MS Program in Environmental Science and Biology would
attract and improve retention of high parameter undergraduate students majoring in the
Department of Environmental Science and Biology by offering them an efficient, timeshortened degree program and a rich portfolio of courses. The goal of the proposed
combined BS/MS in Environmental Science and Biology is to develop in its students an
advanced understanding of ecosystem structure and function, and how environmental
stressors affect them.
Graduates of SUNY Brockport’s combined BS/MS in
Environmental Science and Biology will be trained in a variety of modern scientific
methods in environmental chemistry and toxicology, ecological genetics, statistical and
computational analysis, and field biology. The interdisciplinary nature of our program will
facilitate interaction among students and faculty with different areas of expertise, both
within SUNY Brockport and across a broad range of academic, governmental and nongovernmental institutions. Our program will encourage students to design and conduct
innovative graduate research projects, and to develop strong written and oral
communication skills through presentations at professional meetings and submission of
manuscripts to peer-reviewed journals.
Graduates of the combined BS/MS Program in Environmental Science and Biology will
be “well rounded specialists” in Environmental Science. They will have solid science
backgrounds with an undergraduate specialty in either Environmental Chemistry, Earth
Science, Aquatic Ecology or Terrestrial Ecology. Courses included in this curriculum will
ensure high levels of oral and written communication skills and technical expertise, will
help students acquire up-to-date knowledge on environmental issues and politics and
develop the strong scientific and analytical skills essential for solving tomorrows vexing
environmental problems.
The proposed combined BS/MS program in Environmental Science and Biology will
provide a solid background in the natural sciences. Students participating in the
graduate potion of the program will take a minimum of 30 credit hours by faculty
advisement. Graduate courses could be taken in at least two of the college’s Schools –
Letters and Sciences and Professions. For example, Environmental Law is offered in
the School of Professions. However, we expect that most course offerings would be
from the School of Letters and Sciences. The program contains courses that integrate
the expertise of faculty in several departments, such as Biological Sciences, Chemistry
and Earth Sciences. Thus, the course sequence selected by the student, in
collaboration with the Thesis Advisory Committee, may include courses from other
disciplines and draw on environmental experts from the larger community. This unique
approach reflects the interdisciplinary nature of the program.
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Graduate students are also important to our ability to attract research funds and develop the
quality of the undergraduate program in Environmental Science and Biology. Graduate students
are an integral part of the vigorous research programs directed by faculty in the Department of
Environmental Science and Biology. Since 1995, our graduate students in the MS program in
Biological Sciences with interests in ecology and environmental science have produced 32 theses
based on original research (Appendix A). Since 1995 research by Drs. Haynes, Norment and
Makarewicz have generated approximately $4.8 million in external funding, much of which has
gone to support graduate student research. During the same period externally-funded research by
faculty with expertise in environmental science and biology has resulted in at least 30 peerreviewed publications, including 15 with graduate student coauthors. Ongoing research by
Department of Environmental Science and Biology faculty in areas such as toxic chemical levels
in Great Lakes biota, water quality problems in the Finger Lakes and Lake Ontario, phytoplankton
and zooplankton dynamics in the Great Lakes, fisheries ecology in Lake Ontario and the Finger
Lakes, stressed stream analyses of watersheds, impacts of zebra mussels, spiny and fishhook
water fleas and other exotic species on Lake Ontario, wildlife use of wetlands; migration ecology
of songbirds; and the breeding biology and habitat selection of grassland birds has brought
SUNY Brockport a regional and, in some areas, national and international reputation for ecological
Evidence of Need
It is difficult to talk in general terms about “Environmental” employment. Whereas
industries like biotechnology, auto manufacturing, and software design have a clear set
of specific employers with relatively similar job titles and descriptions, the environmental
job market is dispersed over thousands of public, private and nonprofit employers.
Some of these employers are identifiable as “environmental,” while other employers
include environmental functions within an apparently unrelated business. Thus an
important aspect of environmental employment is the fact that jobs are widely dispersed
across thousands of small units, rather than being largely centralized in relatively few,
well-known places.
The “Environmental Trends Report: 2002” of the Environmental Careers Organization
(ECO) identified the following important, emerging multidisciplinary eco-careers:
1. Pollution prevention/Waste reduction specialist
2. Conservation biologist/ecosystems manager
3. Environmental information technology/GIS
4. Environmental manager
5. Global climate researcher
6. Renewable energy and energy management
7. “Smart Growth” urban planner
8. Policy integration specialist
9. Community organizer
10. Fundraiser
11. Environmental economist
12. Environmental health specialist
In 2000, 64,000 jobs were identified as available under the category of Environmental
Scientist by the ECO (Environmental Career Trends: 2002). By 2010, ECO projects a
14,000 increase in the number of Environmental Scientists - a 22.3% increase in jobs
(Table 1). Other occupations, such as Conservation Scientist, Forest Conservation
Scientist, Geoscientist, Hydrologist and Environmental Technician, for which students
with an MS in Environmental Science would qualify, show an increase of another
18,000 positions by 2010. Thus, a minimum increase of 32,000 jobs related to
Environmental Science are projected by 2010.
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Projected national job trends indicate that a national and local need exists for trained
scientists with a M.S. in Environmental Science and Biology. The Occupational Outlook
Handbook, published by the U. S. Department of Labor, forecasts that employment of
environmental scientists is “expected to grow faster than the average for all occupations
through 2010”, due to the “continuing need for companies and organizations to comply
with environmental laws and regulations”. The projected increase in jobs for
environmental scientists through 2010 is expected to be between 21 to 35 percent. The
Occupational Outlook Handbook also predicts a growth of jobs as conservation
scientists, another occupation that many graduates of a M.S. program in Environmental
Science and Biology would be qualified of between 3 to 9 percent. Kevin Doyle,
Director of Career Education for the Environmental Careers Organization, also predicts
that the need for Environmental Scientists will increase by over 20% in the coming
decade with the need for conservation scientists increasing by over 8% (Table 1). At the
regional level, continuing concern about environmental issues in the Great Lakes Basin,
protection of air and water quality, conservation of wetlands and the environmental
needs of companies such as Xerox and Kodak should ensure a steady demand for
environmental scientist professionals with graduate degrees. For example, a 1998 survey
by the Environmental Careers Organization of 40 employers in the private sector and
government agencies asked, “When hiring non-seasonal, entry level environmental
professionals, what level of education/training do you prefer?” Forty percent responded
that the undergraduate degree was preferred followed closely (29%) by the Master’s
Locally, the consistently high number of graduate students supervised by Drs. Haynes,
Norment and Makarewicz in their former department, the Department of Biological
Sciences, provides an indication of current and future demand for a M.S. program in
Environmental Science and Biology at SUNY Brockport (Appendix A). Perhaps of
greater importance in illustrating the existence of a local and national job market in
environmental science is the placement record of our M.S. students (Appendix A).
Some have gone on to Ph.D. programs at major research universities, but the majority
has entered the job market. Our former M.S. students are working for the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, New York Sea Grant, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Monroe County Health
Department, Orleans County Soil and Water, Monroe County Pure Waters, Ecology and
Environment, Inc., Battelle Laboratories, Mote Marine Laboratory and Paul Smith’s
College, to name but a few.
The Environmental Careers Organization (ECO) has been serving the needs of environmental employers, students and aspiring
professionals for 25 years. ECO, 179 South Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02210
Table 1. Projected employment by occupation in fields related to Environmental
Science. Data from The Environmental Careers Organization1.
Environmental Scientists
Conservation Biologists
Forest Conservationist
Employment (in 1000s)
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Env. Protection Techs
Biological Scientists
Other Life Scientists
The proposed graduate program will be delivered by innovative faculty, all of whom hold
a PhD and who have extensive research experience, professional achievements, and a
record of collaboration with other researchers in academia, industry and government
(Appendix D). Environmental Science faculty are members of the Department of
Environmental Science and Biology and have directed over 57 M.S. degrees in their
former department, Biological Sciences (Appendix A). This faculty has attracted over
$4.8 million in external funds from NOAA, EPA, Sea Grant, Army Corps of Engineers,
Biological Research Institute, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation, and they have published in peer-reviewed
journals such as Science, Bioscience, Ecological Monographs, Journal of Great Lakes
Research, Environmental Science and Technology, Auk, Condor and Canadian Journal
of Zoology. The vigorous, externally-funded research programs of the faculty has meant
that funding of graduate stipends and research supplies often has been augmented by
external funding sources.
We envision the graduate program as reflecting the interdisciplinary approach of the
undergraduate major in Environmental Science and Biology. Thus, graduate faculty
with supervisory privileges will also include “Associate Faculty” (Appendix D) from
departments other than Environmental Science and Biology who teach courses in the
undergraduate B.S. program in Environmental Science or who, by petition to the
Chairperson of the Department of Environmental Science and Biology, request to be
“Associate Faculty”. Currently, “Associate Faculty” reside in the Departments of Earth
Sciences, Psychology, and Chemistry (e.g. See Appendix D). Appointment of additional
Associate Faculty from other departments is possible in the future. Associate Faculty in
the Departments of Chemistry, Earth Sciences and Psychology with expertise in areas
such as geographic information systems, wetland systems, animal behavior, green
chemistry, surficial geomorphology, and environmental chemistry will be able to
supervise graduate students.
The Environmental Careers Organization (ECO) has been serving the needs of environmental employers, students and aspiring
professionals for 25 years. ECO, 179 South Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02210
With the combined expertise of faculty from the Department of Environmental Science
and Biology and Associate Faculty from other departments, the graduate teaching and
research program in Environmental Science and Biology at SUNY Brockport would
become even stronger with opportunities for students to pursue advanced study in a
much wider range of subjects.
Library Resources: Journals available to graduate students through Drake Memorial
Library are listed in Appendix E.
Resources: No new fiscal or faculty resources are required for this proposal.
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Computer Facilities: Lennon Hall houses a satellite “PC Center” with 24 Gateway
PCs and a SUN equipped center (10 machines) for computer modeling.
Laboratory and Field Facilities:
There is a wide range of well-equipped laboratories and field research equipment
available for environmental research at SUNY Brockport. The Lennon Hall facility,
where the Department of Environmental Science and Biology and the Department of
Earth Sciences are housed, was recently renovated with funds from the National
Science Foundation and the New York State Construction Fund. The ~$13 million
renovation provides state-of-the-art facilities, with new equipment ranging from radiotelemetry gear for tracking birds and fish, a Geographic Information Systems lab, a new
$38,000 fish-electroshocking vessel; a 25-foot lake-going vessel for Lake Ontario
equipped with GPS, marine radio, fathometer, SeaBird CTD, gas powered winch; three
Bran-Luebbe chemical autoanalysers, Perkin Elmer atomic absorption (flame and
graphite) spectrophotometer, HP G1800C Quadrapole GC/MS, Agilent 6890N Network
Gas Chromatograph System, and assorted spectrophotometers, fluorometers and
microscopes. Additional facilities under departmental direction include an aquaculture
facility, aquaculture ponds, diluter room for toxicity testing, a greenhouse, a NELAC
(National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Consortium) certified analytical
laboratory, herbarium, and a large walk-in environmental chamber. Nearby field sites
used on a regular basis for teaching and research include Iroquois National Wildlife
Refuge and Braddock Bay Bird Observatory.
The Combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Science Program
General: Students pursuing the BS/MS degree would be required to complete a
minimum of 138 semester hours. Of these 138 credits, 30 credits would be at the
graduate level and 108 credits would be at the undergraduate level (see Requirements
for the BS/MS in Environmental Science for details). At the graduate level, thirteen
hours of core courses that include a defended thesis based upon original research
would be required. Students would also have to pass an oral comprehensive exam
administered by their “Thesis Advisory Committee”. Students pursuing a BS/MS in
Environmental Science and Biology would be supervised by faculty members in the
Department of Environmental Science and Biology, and by qualified “Associate Faculty”
from the Departments of Earth Science, Psychology and Chemistry, which currently
collaborate with the Department of Environmental Science and Biology on the B.S.
program in Environmental Science.
Admission: Students must apply for admission to the combined degree by the middle
of the second semester of their junior year. Admission to the combined program is
selective, restricted to students with exceptional records and to availability of a faculty
member to serve as a thesis advisor. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.4 or
better through the end of the junior year to be accepted into the program. Transfer
students could be considered for the BS/MS program after taking 30 credits of course
work at SUNY Brockport. Qualified applicants will be interviewed by the Department of
Environmental Science and Biology as a whole, which will make the final decision on
admissions. Achievement of the minimum standards for admission does not guarantee
acceptance. Since the Combined Program will be limited to 10 students per year, the
academic burden on faculty should be manageable.
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Major Advisor and Thesis Advisory Committee: Upon admission to the BS/MS program in
Environmental Science and Biology, the candidate will be assigned a Major Advisor by the
Department of Environmental Science and Biology. This decision will consider the student’s area
of specialization and the willingness of the faculty member to accept the responsibility of serving
as the Major Advisor. The Major Advisor will monitor the student’s academic progress and be
responsible for direction of the Thesis Proposal, Oral Comprehensive Exam and the Thesis
The candidate, with the advice of the Major Advisor, will select two other members who, together
with the Major Advisor, will constitute the candidate’s Thesis Advisory Committee. One member
may be a scientist not from the Brockport campus. The Thesis Advisory Committee will:
With the candidate develop a Plan of Graduate Study (see below);
Act in an advisory capacity concerning thesis research;
Administer and evaluate the candidate’s Oral Comprehensive Exam;
Evaluate the candidate’s written thesis (ENV 704);
Administer and evaluate the Thesis Defense; and,
Terminate the student’s participation in the graduate program if the student does not make
reasonable progress towards completion of the M.S. degree, or does not maintain a 3.0
GPA. Reasonable progress is defined by the following:
a. The maintenance of a GPA of 3.0 in courses listed in the Plan of Graduate Study;
b. The development of a Thesis Proposal and Plan of Graduate Study in a timely
Graduate Dismissal Policy: Students in the Combined BS/MS with a GPA below 3.0 in courses
listed on the Plan of Graduate Study will have one semester to bring the GPA to 3.0. Failure to
bring the GPA to 3.0 will result in the student’s dismissal from the program. Students with a GPA
below 3.0 may not enroll in Thesis (ENV 704).
Duration and Time Limit: Table 2 shows a five-year, full-time course of study for completion of the
Combined Program. The first three years are spent taking undergraduate courses, while in the 4 th
year (>90 undergraduate credits), students may take four (up to 12 credits) graduate courses, with
a fifth year for the remaining graduate courses and research. Due to the vagaries of experimental
and field-related research, completion of a defended thesis may not occur by
Table 2. A suggested five-year course schedule for a BS/MS student in Environmental Science and
Freshmen -Fall
Environmental Science
College Chemistry I
General Education Courses
Academic Planning Session
Sophormore -Fall
Organic Chemistry
General Education/College Electives
Environmental Law
Principles of Biology
College Chemistry II
General Education Courses
Sophomore – Spring
Junior- Fall
Physical Geology
General Education/College Electives
Freshmen- Spring
Intro Meteorology
Analytical Chemistry
General Education/College Electives
Statistics or Calculus l
Junior –Spring
General Education/College Electives
Track Electives
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Year - Fall
Undergraduate Electives (college or track)
Graduate Courses
5th Year - Fall
Graduate Courses
4th Year – Spring
Undergraduate Electives (college or track)
Graduate Courses
Fifth Year – Spring
Graduate Courses
Grand Total
the end of the 5th year. It should be emphasized that a student in the combined BS/MS
program may require more time to complete thesis requirements. Students must
complete the BS/MS program in seven years.
Progression and Fallback Position: Students must have a cumulative 3.4 GPA through the end of
their junior year to be admitted to the combined Program and a continuing GPA of 3.0 or better to
remain in the program.
Students admitted to the Combined Program who fail to meet this
academic standard will have a fallback position, which is to complete all requirements for the BS
degree in Environmental Science. After completing the combined program, students will earn a
BS and an MS in Environmental Science and Biology.
Full-Time Students: Students enrolled in ENV 704 are considered to be full-time students even
though they may have less than 12 credit hours of courses.
Independent Study: Independent study allows students to explore unique areas of interest not
addressed by currently offered courses or to explore to greater depth a topic covered in an
existing course. A student is limited to three credits of Independent Study credit.
Thesis Proposal: A thesis proposal must be written by the candidate and be approved by the
Thesis Advisory Committee prior to beginning thesis research.
Tuition Rate: The tuition rate is subject to college policies when students progress into graduate
Plan of Graduate Study/The Curriculum
Thirty credits or more are required for the M.S. portion of the BS/MS in
Environmental Science and Biology. Of these 30 credits, 15 credits or more are to
be at the 600/700 level. The remainder may be at the 700, 600 or 500 level as
determined by the Thesis Advisory Committee in consultation with the candidate
prior to the end of the seventh semester (normally the fall semester of the senior
year). Thirteen credits of core courses are required as follows: Graduate Research
Seminar (ENV 705), Thesis (ENV 705), Experimental Design (ENV 614). The Plan
of Graduate Study may include supervised independent study which will not exceed
three credits. The Plan of Graduate Study will reflect the student’s expressed desire
to concentrate in some area of Environmental Science and Biology. That is, courses
selected will reflect the expertise required for their thesis, enabling them to help
solve important environmental problems while providing a fully integrated,
interdisciplinary approach to environmental science and biology. This educational
outcome should provide our graduates with the background demanded in the
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marketplace. To accomplish this, the program will use strengths of the School
of Letters and Sciences to provide a strong scientific education at the graduate level.
Furthermore, several courses and internships open to Environmental Science
students include extensive problem-solving exercises provided by members of the
environmental community (government, non-government organizations, and
industry). Members of the environmental community have indicated a willingness
to participate as mentors to students in these problem-solving exercises (e.g.,
Brockport’s paid intern program with NYSDEC).
The courses making up the Plan of Study are to be listed on the Plan of Study Form
and approved by all members of the Thesis Advisory Committee and the
Department Chair. Courses may be from any department on campus, as long as
they contribute to a coherent program of study (See Appendix B for a list of
potential courses). Any changes in the Plan of Graduate Study must be approved by
the Thesis Advisory Committee.
Level of Expectation of Students
The M.S. in Environmental Science and Biology is a rigorous, demanding thesisbased experience. The comprehensive exam, thesis defense and schedule of courses
are designed to challenge students to think critically, independently and creatively,
while providing the intellectual depth and breadth necessary to support the
research formally developed in the thesis proposal.
The oral comprehensive exam is a 2 to 3-hour formal question and answer period
required of every student. Exam questions from each faculty member are
unannounced and may cover any aspect of environmental science and biology
deemed important by the Thesis Advisory Committee.
The written thesis is reviewed by the Thesis Advisory Committee and revised by the
candidate until deemed acceptable for the Thesis Defense by the Committee. The
written thesis (ENV 704 – six credits) will be formally defended before the Thesis
Advisory Committee. The defense, which takes place over a 2 to 3-hour period,
concentrates on aspects of the thesis. That is, the students must be able to
satisfactorily answer questions dealing with experimental design, methodology,
hypotheses, conclusions, etc. developed in the thesis.
The Graduate Research Seminar (ENV 705), required of all students, is designed as
four, one-credit seminars offered in successive semesters (total of four credits).
Each seminar will critically review selected literature (one or two papers per week)
on a topic determined by the faculty member. Over a two-year period, four different
faculty will teach the course, providing students with breadth and depth on a series
of topics.
Experimental Design (ENV 614 – 3 credits) is required of all students. We believe
all students need to have a strong background in design of experiments to be
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successful. Parametric and non-parametric statistics as well as regression and
ANOVA are covered. See Appendix F for the syllabus.
Syllabii of other 600 and 500-level elective courses are provided in Appendix F. 500-level courses
are offered to graduate students and to selected undergraduate students who have taken
prerequisite courses. In 500-level courses, graduate students face a significantly higher level of
expectation than undergraduates. This is accomplished by one or more techniques including
enhanced reading lists, extra papers or projects, presentations before the class, and often a more
rigorous exam. For example, in Limnology (ENV 519) a total of 22 journal articles are read both
by undergraduate and graduate students. In addition, graduate students must read five extra
chapters (218 pages), write an additional term paper on some aspect of their thesis research and
answer extra exam questions. Representative syllabi of nineteen of the Department’s 500 and
600-level courses are presented in Appendix F.
Requirements for the BS/MS in Environmental Science
1. Completion of the core requirements (38 credit hours) for the BS in
Environmental Science (Appendix C).
2. Completion of General Education requirements of SUNY Brockport.
3. Completion of the Plan of Graduate Study as determined by the Thesis Advisory
Committee in consultation with the candidate by the end of the first semester.
4. Successful completion of an oral comprehensive exam administered by the
Advisory Committee by the beginning of the eighth semester of matriculation
(normally the last semester of the senior year). The result of this exam may be
used by the advisory committee to adjust the candidate’s Plan of Graduate
Study. In case of failure of this exam, ONE oral reexamination may be granted by
the committee prior to the start of the fourth semester.
5. Required Core Courses (13 credits)
a) Graduate Research Seminar (ENV 705 – 4 credits, one one-credit course
per semester).
b) Thesis (ENV 704 – 6 credits)
c) Experimental Design (ENV 614 – 3 credits)
6. A minimum of 15 semester hours at the 600/700 level.
7. A minimum of 30 semester hours of credit with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
in the courses listed in the Plan of Graduate Study:
8. A Thesis Defense of a written thesis administered by the Advisory Committee.
9. Submission of five copies of the defended thesis to the department secretary.
10. A minimum of 120 credits are required for graduation.
Quality of the Program: This is an ambitious program for a student. Nevertheless,
quality will be maintained throughout the program. Admission to and continuation in the
Combined Program is dependent on maintaining high academic standards – A GPA
greater than 3.4 for the initial six semesters and greater than 3.0 for the graduate
courses listed in the Plan of Graduate Study. Students in the “Combined BS/MS
Program” must meet the same graduate course requirements as all other students in
the “Traditional MS” program.
Transfer Credit: Up to six credits of graduate course work with a grade of “B” or
better may be transferred from other institutions with the approval of the student’s
Thesis Advisory committee.
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Program Requirements and Side by Side Comparison. A student enrolled in
the “Traditional BS plus MS” program requires a minimum of 150 credits to
graduate, while a candidate in the “Combined BS/MS” program is required to take
138 credits (Table 3). Note that the BS in Environmental Science has a set of
“Core” courses required of all majors, but varying co-requisites and electives in its
four areas of concentration. The concentration areas, or tracks, are Terrestrial
Ecology, Aquatic Ecology, Earth Science and Environmental Chemistry.
Page 12 of 125
Table 3. Side by side comparison of the “Traditional BS+MS” program and the “Combined
BS/MS” program. *=Required Courses.
BS in Environmental Science
Required Core Courses
*ENV 202 Environmental Science
*ENV 111 Principles of Biology
*ENV 303 Ecology
*CHM 205 College Chemistry I
*CHM 206 College Chemistry II
*CHM 303 Analytical Chemistry
*CRJ 440 Environmental Law
*ESC 211 Intro. to Meteorol.
*GEL 201 Intro. Phys. Geol.
*MTH 201 Calculus I or ENV 437 (Bio.
Invest./Data Interp.) or ESC 350 (Comp.
A. Aquatic and Terrestrial Track (Org.
Chem. – CHM 305)
B. Earth Science Track (Org. Chem. or
Coll. Physics)
C. Environmental Chemistry Track
Chm 301, 305, 306, Calc. II&III, Coll.
Physics I&II
SUBTotal for a Track
Aquatic and Terrestrial Track
Earth Science Track
Environmental Chemistry Track
Corequisite Courses for Tracks A and B
Co- and Required Courses for Track C
A. Aquatic and Terrestrial Track
(Org. Chem – CHM 305)
B. Earth Science Track (Org. Chem
or Coll. Physics
C. Environmental Chemistry Track
Chm 301,305, 306, Calc. II&III,
Coll. Physics I&II
SUBTotal for a Track
Aquatic and Terrestrial Track
Earth Science Track
Chemistry Track
Plus General
Education and other
College Electives
Plus General Education and other College
Required Core Courses
*ENV 202 Environmental Science
*ENV 111 Principles of Biology
*ENV 303 Ecology
*CHM 205 College Chemistry I
*CHM 206 College Chemistry II
*CHM 303 Analytical Chemistry
*CRJ 440 Environmental Law
*ESC 211 Intro. to Meteorol.
*GEL 201 Intro. Phys. Geol.
*MTH 201 Calculus I or ENV 437
(Bio. Invest./Data Interp.) or ESC
350 (Comp. Methods)
Corequisite Courses for Tracks A and B
Co- and Required Courses for Track C
Combined BS/MS in
Environmental Science
A) Master’s Degree
*Thesis Research ENV 704
*Graduate Research Seminar (ENV 705)
*Design of Experiment
*Thesis Research ENV 704
*Graduate Research Seminar (ENV
*Design of Experiment
Page 13 of 125
Electives determined by Thesis Advisory
Grand Total of BS plus the traditional MS
Electives determined by Thesis
Advisory Committee
Grand Total of Combined BS/MS
Page 14 of 125
Appendix A. Current (or last known) job placement, thesis title and advisor of MS
students advised by Norment, Haynes and Makarewicz in their former department.
Title of Thesis
Amering, Alan
An organic energy budget for the New
York State Barge Canal
Routine determination of mirex and
photomirex in fish tissue in the
presence of polychlorinated
Stamina and feeding responses of
rainbow trout fitted with dummy
biotelemetry devices.
The effect of temperature and density
on the amplitude of vertical migration
of Daphnia magna.
Devault, David
Mellas, Ernest
Nettles, David
Kent, Brian
Growth response of Anacystis
nidulans to sodium, phosphate and
Effects of wind stress, wind speed and
direction on phytoplankton in the
nearshore region of Lake Michigan
Effect of dummy telemetry transmitter
attachments on swimming
performance and behavior of rainbow
trout and white perch.
Blue-green algal mats from acidified
lakes: Mat structure and pH response
of algal isolates.
Ecology of Lake Ontario brown trout.
Assistant Professor, Paul Smith’s
Mirex and its metabolites: Trends in
levels of Lake Ontario coho and
chinook salmon
Poulin, Kathleen
A review and evaluation of regulatory,
design and environmental impact
considerations for Great Lakes
recreation development.
Firstencel, Heidi
The Black Tern: Breeding ecology in
upstate New York and results of
pesticide residue analyses
Exchange of mirex between Lake
Ontario and its tributaries.
Gerber, Glen
Movements and behavior of
smallmouth bass and rock bass in
southcentral Lake Ontario and two
Kodak, Rochester,NY
V.P. for European
OH Materials
Water Quality
NY Dept
Technical Assistant
Stone and Webster,
Boston, MA
Toxics Chemical
Great Lakes
Program, EPA
Chicago, IL
Professor of Biology,
Monroe Community
College, Rochester,
Assistant Professor,
Genesee Community
NYSDEC, Atlantic
salmon recovery
coordinator for Lake
Raybrook, NY
Director, Quality
Assurance Program.
General Electric,
Syracuse, NY
regulations specialist,
Architectural and
Engineering firms,
Providence RI.
Research Associate,
Cornell Ornithology
Lab, Ithaca, NY
Research Associate,
Research Foundation
Endangered Species
Coordinator, San
Diego Zoo.
Page 15 of 125
tributaries. Ph.D. Vertebrate
Behavior, University of Tennessee.
Mysis relicta: Production, vertical
migration and life history of the Lake
Ontario population.
Leptodora kindtii: Seasonal population
abundance and food web interactions
in Lake Ontario.
Alpha and Pmax as functional
indicators of aquatic ecosystems
Shea, Mary
Koapaha, Joutje
Fry, Barry
Teal, Gregory
Nutrient loadings into Conesus Lake
Puckett, Norma
Letson, Michael
Murray, Michael
Aultman, Dana
Brown, Gary
Crego, Gregory
Miller, Steven
Joule, Stephen
Merner, Mary
Verna, Tony
Trophic interactions and alewife
predation in Conesus Lake
An experimental test of the crayfish as
a control mechanism for submerged
aquatic macrophytes.
Residues of mirex and photomirex in
eggs and fillets of Lake Ontario coho
and chinook salmon.
Trophic interactions: The relative
importance of Dreisena filtration and
Daphnia grazing on phytoplankton
abundance and water clarity.
Spring thermal fronts and salmonine
distributions in Lake Ontario.
Investigation of generalized watershed
loading functions predictions on
Sodus East Creek watershed
Effects of alewife predation on
zooplankton community structure in
Honeoye and Conesus Lakes
Benthic macroinvertebrate community
changes following zebra mussel
colonization of southwestern Lake
An analysis of factors potentially
limiting the abundance of the zebra
mussel in Salmon Creek, Monroe
County, New York.
Amphibians of Iroquois National
Wildlife Refuge: An assessment of
community composition and heavy
Trends in mirex residue in Lake
Ontario salmon: 1997 to 1992
The paleolimnology of Irondequoit
Bay: Trophic history inferred from
sedimentary diatom assemblages
Cloen, Carol
Nale, Helen
Ultraviolet-B penetration in the water
column and its effect on the American
toad, Bufo americanus
Benthic macroinvertebrates of Sandy
Creek: Characterization and use in
water quality analysis
Water Treatment
Plant Operator,
Batavia, NY
Unknown, Returned
to Indonesia
Director of Sales
Columbia Analytical,
Rochester, NY
Lab Director,
Columbia Analytical,
Rochester , NY
Lab Director (retired),
Van Lare STP
CH2 Hill Consultants,
Analytical Lab,
Buffalo, NY
School teacher, Chili
High School
Statistician, Eastman
Kodak Company
Co-Director, Monroe
Co. Environmental
Health Dept
Ph.D program,
Assistant Professor,
Dept. Natural
Resources, Iowa
State University
technician, NYSDEC,
Avon, NY.
Wildlife Biologist
Lab Analyst, VanLare
STP, Rochester,NY
General Motors,
Natural Resource
Adm., WA Dept of
Natural Resources
High school teacher,
Penfield, NY
Page 16 of 125
Cady, Bruce
The effects of zooplankton grazing
and nutrients on the phytoplankton of
Conesus Lake, NY
Avian Community Structure in
Managed Grasslands of Iroquois
National Wildlife Refuge.
Sediment chemistry of Irondequoit,
Kodak (Retired)
Effects of Forest Fragmentation on the
Reproductive Biology of Scarlet
Tanagers (Piranga olivacea)
Trophic interactions in Lake Ontario:
The zooplankton- phytoplankton link
Stopover Ecology of neotropical
migrants on the south shore of Lake
Ontario during spring migration
Habitat requirements stream
spawning walleye.
Wildlife Biologist,
US Fish and Wildlife,
Lab Analyst, Hudson
Valley Health
Nature Conservancy
Rochester, NY
Associate Project
Ph.D. program,
Univ. Florida
Tangorra, Philip
Roberts, Chris
Jones, Gregory
Terninko, John
Watershed management plan for
Wayne County
Cook, George
Chironomids as indicators of water
quality in Irondequoit Creek.
Weaver, Ken
Arnold, Mary
Robinson, Judy
Bland, Stephen
Burke, Brian
Alpha and betadiversity in
zooplankton communities.
Paleolimnological analysis of Sodus
Follow-up vegetational and avifaunal
surveys on wetlands restored through
the U.S. Fish and Widlife Service
Causes of moss distribution in
Alleghany primary order streams
Habitat suitability comparisons for
creek and horneyhead chubs.
Factors affecting the benthic
nepheloid layer
Nocturnal energy levels and stopover
behavior of spring neotropical
migrants along the southern Lake
Ontario shoreline
Ward, Roger
Smith, Sue
Ecological indicators of water quality
in Irondequoit Creek.
Long-term changes mirex levels in
Lake Ontario salmon
Developing an Index of Biotic Integrity
based on fish assemblages in small
lakes in central and western New
Andromous fish
passage coordinator
U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Washington,
Associate Director,
Center for
Aquatic ecology
Rochester, NY
Everglades Park,
Private Consultant,
Diatom Analysis
Specialist, Dept. of
Env. Quality, Virginia
Analyst, VanLage
STP, Rochester,NY
Regulatory Affairs
Officer, NYSDEC
Ph.D. program,
U. Rhode Island
Director, Orleans C.
Soil and Water
Conservation District,
Albion, NY
GC analyst, Battelle
labs, Columbus, OH
Senior Fisheries
Scientist, Mote
Marine Laboratory,
Page 17 of 125
Cercopagis pengoi distribution in Lake
Laxson, Corey
Krebs, Robin
Breeding ecology of Henslow's
Sparrows at Fort Drum, New York.
Walter, Ryan
Rhyne, Randall
Association of reef fish and coral
communities near San Salvador,
Sampling and statistical
considerations for steam invertebrate
D’Auito, Peter
Lake sturgeon ecology in the Niagara
Factors controlling metaphyton in
Conesus Lake
Sarasota, FL
Assistant Professor,
Paul Smiths College,
Env. Educator,
Cornell Cooperative
Instructor, Monroe
Community College,
Rochester, NY
High School teacher,
Fayetteville, NC
Biologist, NYSDEC,
Stony Brook, NY
Everglades Project,
USGS, Florida
Page 18 of 125
Appendix B. List of graduate electives available to candidates for the BS/MS of
Science degree in Environmental Science and Biology. *Required Course. 1Syllabi in
Appendix F.
Title (credits)
700 LEVEL Courses
*ENV 704
*ENV 705
LST 722
Thesis (6)
Graduate Research Seminar (1)
Great Lakes Issues (3)
600 LEVEL Courses
ENV 692
ENV 699
ESC 636
NAS 663
PAD 679
PAD 680
Experimental Design (3)
Water Chemistry (4)
Graduate Internship (3)
Independent Study (3)
Water Resources Topics (3)
Field Natural History (3)
Grant Writing and Management (1)
Public Policy (3)
500 LEVEL Courses
1ENV 521
1ENV 522
1ENV 523
1ENV 527
1ENV 530
1ENV 539
1ENV 540
1ENV 557
1ENV 559
1ENV 583
1ENV 584
1ENV 588
1ENV 590
ENV 595
1ESC 511
1ESC 512
ESC 516
1ESC 518
ESC 521
ESC 555
ESC 530
1ESC 557
1ESC 562
GEL 511
CRJ 540
BIO 526
BIO 567
BIO 568
BIO 515
Topics in Plant Biology (3)
Limnology (3)
Limnology Lab (2)
Population Biology (3)
Pollution Biology (3)
Animal Behavior (4)
Ornithology (4)
Conservation Biology (3)
Herpetology (4)
Field Biology (3)
Mammalogy (4)
Aquatic Invertebrates (4)
Fish Ecology (3)
Environmental Impact Analysis (3)
Fishery Techniques (2)
Plant Ecology (4)
Hydrology Lab (1)
Hydrology (3)
Landform Analysis Lab (3)
Watershed Sciences (3)
Air Pollution Meteorology (3)
Intro to Soil Science (4)
Geo Information Sciences (3)
Geochemistry (3)
Groundwater (4)
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology (3)
Environmental Law (3)
Recombinant DNA (3)
Biochemistry I (4)
Biochemistry II (4)
Molecular Biology (3)
Page 19 of 125
Appendix C
The Major in Environmental Science
Department of Environmental Science and Biology
Summary of Requirements
Core Courses (38 Credits)
ENV 202 Environmental Science
ENV 111 Principles of Biology
ENV 303 Ecology
CHM 205 College Chemistry I
CHM 303 Analytical Chemistry
CRJ 440 Environmental Law
ESC 211 Intro. to Meteorol.
GEL 201 Intro. Phys. Geol.
MTH 201 Calculus I or
ENV 437(Bio. Invest./Data Interp.) or
ESC 350 (Comp. Methods)
Concentration in Aquatic Ecology (24 credits)
15 elective credits chosen by advisement
3 co-requisite courses
CHM 305 Organic Chemistry I, ENV 419 Limnology, ENV 421 Limnology Laboratory
Concentration in Terrestrial Ecology (24 Credits)
20 elective credits chosen by advisement
1 co-requisite course
(CHM 305 Organic Chemistry I)
Concentration in the Earth Sciences (24 Credits)
20 elective credits chosen by advisement
1 co-requisite courses (PHS 115 General Physics with Lab or PHS 201 College
Physics with Lab or CHM 305 Organic Chemistry)
Concentration in Environmental Chemistry (35-37 Credits)
Required Courses
(19 cr)
CHM 301 Chemical Safety
CHM 305 Organic Chemistry I
CHM 306 Organic Chemistry II
CHM 400 Chemistry Seminar
CHM 401 Chemistry Seminar
CHM 405 Physical Chemistry I
CHM 406 Physical Chemistry II
CHM 457 Environmental Geochemistry
Co-requisite Courses (14 cr)
MTH 202 Calculus II (F,S)
MTH 203 Calculus III (F,S)
PHS 201 College Physics I (F)
PHS 202 College Physics II (S)
Electives (2-4 credits)
Page 20 of 125
Appendix D. Vitae of Environmental Science and Biology Faculty and Associate
CURRENT POSITION: Distinguished Professor and Chairman, Department of Environmental
Science and Biology, State University of New York at Brockport, Brockport, New York 14420
(716-395-5747), e-mail:
1969 B.S. (Marine Biology, minor in Chemistry) University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth
1974 Ph.D. (Limnology, Water Resources) Cornell University
Research Assistant, Univ. of Georgia Marine Institute, Sapelo Island, Georgia.
Salt marsh hydrology.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Instructor in Environmental Sciences, Bristol Community College, Fall River,
Instructor in Biology, Southeastern Massachusetts Univ., North Dartmouth,
Research Assistant, Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study, West Thornton, New
Hampshire (Cornell University). Worked on long-term studies of acid precipitation
and ion loss from forested watersheds.
Research Fellow, Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve, Rensselaerville, New York
Assistant Professor of Biology, SUNY at Brockport, NY
1974-present Designed, equipped and maintained a fully equipped (A.A., G.C., Autoanalyser,
phase scopes, etc.) certified (ELAP, NELAC) water quality laboratory: 1975present. Directed 31 graduate students and over 50 undergraduate research
projects; employ and supervise 2-3 technicians per year.
Summer course, (taught "Structure and Function of Marine Plankton
Ecosystems"), Univ. of Massachusetts, Nantucket Field Station
Associate Professor of Biology, SUNY at Brockport, NY
Professor of Biology, SUNY at Brockport, NY
Senior Fulbright Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute fur Limnologie, Germany
1992- present Research Fellow: CILER (Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems
Chairman, Dept. of Biological Sciences, SUNY at Brockport
1998- 2000 Coordinator - Environmental Science major
1998-present Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences, SUNY Brockport, Brockport, NY
Director – Environmental Science Program
2000-present Chairman – Department of Environmental Science and Biology
Coordinator, Director and now Chair of the Department of Environmental Science and Biology
(1998- present). SUNY College at Brockport.
Implemented and developed the curriculum and major and minor in
Environmental Science and Biology.
Set-up a new department from “ground zero” into a functioning department with
Page 21 of 125
four faculty and 3 staff.
Set- up web site, newsletter, space, budget, etc.
In the process of developing an MS degree in Environmental Science
Chairman: Lake Ontario Facilities Development. As Chair, we have developed a campus-wide consensus
report that has been approved by the President of the college to initiate the development of a
research/education facility on the shores of Lake Ontario. At present, ~$100,000 in funding has
been received for preliminary drawings. Activities completed include negotiations with NYS Parks
and Recreation on siting of the facility at a State Park, development of brochures, and initiatives for
funding through federal and state sources. This included meetings and presentations with
appropriate state and federal congressional representatives. Preliminary architectural drawings are
now underway with Bergmann Associates. Inc.
Chairman, Department of Biological Sciences (1991-1997), SUNY College at Brockport.
14 faculty, 2 research associates, 4 service personnel, 300+ undergraduate
majors, 30 graduate students.
Developed and instituted an undergraduate assessment procedure.
Developed and published a departmental newsletter.
Doubled enrollments in the undergraduate major in Biological Sciences through a
multifaceted program that included sending the newsletter to community colleges
letter writing and a phone campaign to students.
Implemented the major in Medical Technology
Lead the development and passage through administrative channels of the
interdisciplinary major (Earth Science, Biology and Chemistry) in
Received funding from the college to set up a 24 station computer facility for the
Initiated the renovation of the Lennon Hall Science building through a National
Science Foundation Infrastructure grant with matching funding from the SUNY
Construction Fund. Total amount of funds attracted for renovation was $13 million.
Hired five new faculty and developed and hired a new position titled instructional
support assistant.
Project Leader - Brockport, Great Lakes Consortium Development (1982-1984).
Responsible for Brockport's interest in developing a research consortium of
colleges for research on the Great Lakes. Brockport and SUNY Oswego received
two development grants for this project. As of 1986 the Consortium was
officially formed and received funding from the New York State Assembly and
has an annual budget of $150,000.
Chairman, Articulation & Recruitment Committee (1982-1984), SUNY Brockport.
Responsible for developing articulation programs with community colleges for
the Department of
Biological Sciences. This necessitated working with
administrators at various colleges while negotiating 10 successful agreements.
The strategy developed has served as a model for other programs and increased
enrollment by approximately 20% within the department within two years.
Principal Investigator of contracts and grant.
Administered and managed 73 grants and contracts ($4,400,000+).
Applied aspects of environmental science, lake and watershed resource management, including
such topics as watershed and ecosystem approaches to determining point and non-point
sources of nutrients in urban and rural watersheds, hydrologic and nutrient budgets, indicators
of successful remediation, strategies and demonstrations projects for reducing nutrient and
organic hydrocarbon from watersheds, atmospheric deposition rates on ecosystems, uptake
dynamics of chlorinated hydrocarbons in aquatic food-webs, top-down and bottom-up effects on
Page 22 of 125
plankton community structure, environmental education, environmental impact statements,
plankton as indicators of success of the phosphorus reduction program in the Great Lakes and
methods of reducing pesticide levels in fish grown in polluted waters. Because of my former
association with the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study in New Hampshire, I also have continuing
interest in acid precipitation and analysis using the small watershed approach.
GRANTSMANSHIP: Administered and managed over 73 grants and contracts ($4,400,000+).
NOAA. MERHAB. Tier-based monitoring for toxic Cyanobacteria in the lower Great
Lakes. 2002-2007. $2.5 million. Co-PI. Collaboration with SUNY ESF, Vermont,
United State Department of Agriculture. 2002-2005. (CRREES). Experimental
manipulation of entire watersheds through best management practices: Nutrients
fluxes, fate and transport $680,000. Project Leader. Collaboration with RIT, SUNY
Geneseo and Cornell Cooperative Extension.
New York Sea Grant. 1999-2001. Cercopagis – a new exotic zooplankter in Lake
Ontario. $220,000. Project Leader. Collaboration with Cornell, Windsor and Guelph.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1999-2001. Cercopagis – a new exotic
zooplankter in Lake Ontario. $80,000.
Niagara County Soil and Water Conservation District. 1998-2000. Identification of
point and non-point nutrient sources in Niagara County, Project Director. $26,200.
Great Lakes Research Consortium. 1988-1999. Travel funds, workshops, seed
grants. $26,500.
Great Lakes Research Consortium. 1998. Research Equipment. SeaBird CTD.
Orleans County Soil and Water Conservation District. 1998-2000. Identification of
point and non-point nutrient sources in Johnson Creek. Project Director. $47,050.
New York Sea Grant. 1996-1999. Impact of pen culture of salmonines in Georgian
Bay. Project Director. $174,815.
Great Lakes Research Consortium. 1998. Developing spatially-explicit models for
assessing production potential of streams. Co-PI. $23,767.
Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District. 1996-1998. Evaluation of
wetland in removal of milk-house wastes. P.I. $2,300.
Oswego County Soil and Water Conservation District. 1997-2001. Evaluation of
muckland demonstration project using a wetland to improve water quality. Project
Director. $42,050.
Water Quality Task Force - Canandaigua Lake. 1997-2001. Determination of the
impact of nutrient loading on Canandaigua Lake. Project Director. $94,000.
Department of Education. 1996-97. The Environmental Quality of Watersheds.
Environmental Studies Project. Development of a training manual for secondary
schools for watershed analysis. Co-PI. $6,500.
Monroe County Health Department. 1997. Carbon dating of a sediment core from
Long Pond. $1,500.
National Science Foundation. 1997. Stressed stream analysis: addressing real
environmental problems to stimulate undergraduate faculty. Co-P.I. $132,423.
Environmental Protection Agency. 1996-99. Chemical and biological factors affecting
trophic status in Lakes Lake Erie and Huron: A canonical correspondence analysis
approach. P.I. $124,575.
Great Lakes Protection Fund. 1996- 1998. Atrazine movement in agricultural
watersheds of Wayne County. P.I. $41,496.
Ontario County Water and Soil Conservation District. 1994-1996. Evaluation of
sources of nutrient loading in Sandy and Eight Mile Creeks. P.I. $55,666.
West Valley Nuclear Services Company. Biological sampling. $7,500.
Onondaga Lake Management Conference. 1995. Limnology of Onondaga Lake. P.I.
Page 23 of 125
National Science Foundation. 1995. Stressed stream analysis: addressing real
environmental problems to stimulate undergraduate faculty. Co-P.I. $113,593.
Environmental Protection Agency. 1995. Phytoplankton and zooplankton composition
of Lake Michigan and Huron. P.I. $100,000.
National Science Foundation and New York State Construction Fund. 1994.
Infrastructure Improvement Grant for Renovating the Lennon Hall Science building.
P.I. $914,738.
National Science Foundation.
Stressed stream analysis: addressing real
environmental problems to stimulate undergraduate faculty. 1993. Co-P.I. $89,941.
Environmental Protection Agency.
Summer, 1993-94.
Limnology Practicum:
Graduate training course on Lake Huron aboard the R.V. Lake Guardian. Topics :
Coring, sediment and water analysis, plankton and chlorophyll analysis, etc. Project
Leader. $6,331.
Monroe County Health Department. 1993. Monitoring four ponds in the town of
Greece. $2,300.
Oswego Soil and Conservation District. 1993-98.
Nutrient loads into Lake
Neatewanta. $39,286.
New York Sea Grant. 1990-94. Uptake of organic contaminants in Lake Ontario fish:
Can fish be grown in contaminated waters for commercial sale? Co-P.I. $62,662.
Livingston County Planning Department. 1990-1993. Land use as a determinant of
watershed chemistry, Conesus Lake. P.I.
Keuka Lake Association . 1992-1997. Water chemistry of Keuka Lake. $33,969.
New York Sea Grant Institute. 1993-94.
Phosphorus cycling in zebra mussel
populations relative to hydrologic loading of phosphorus. P.I. $120,440.
Seneca County Soil and Conservation District. 1989-1997. Evaluations of nutrient
movement from Kendig Creek to the Seneca River. P.I. $45,650.
Wayne County Soil Conservation District, 1987-1997. Rural stream runoff: Nutrient
loading effects on Sodus Bay, Lake Ontario. P.I. $98,972.
Great Lakes Research Consortium. 1989. Equipment (G.C) and student support.
O'Brien and Gere Engineers. 1989. Webster Lake water supply project. P.I. $27,660.
Monroe County Health Department, 1987-1989. Urban runoff: a watershed approach
(surfactant analysis). P.I. $7,985.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1988-1989. Evaluation of the phosphorus reduction
plan in the offshore waters of Lakes Erie, Michigan and Huron 1985. Project
Director. $115, 500.
New York Sea Grant Institute. 1990-91. Trophic interactions: relative importance of
Dreissena and Daphnia grazing on phytoplankton abundance and water clarity.
Great Lakes Research Consortium. 1990.
Concentration and metabolism of
pesticides at the air-water interface in Lake Ontario. $20,000.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1987-1993. Acid Precipitation monitoring at Grand
Isle, Olcott and Sodus Bay. Project Director. $61,854.
National Science Foundation, 1987-1989.
Environmental impact analysis for
secondary school teachers. Co-P.I. $110,000.
New York Sea Grant Institute. 1987. Macrophyte development on Wautoma Shoals.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1989. Sediment core sampling, Olcott Harbor, NY.
Woodward Clyde Consultants, 1988. Hudson River survey in preparation for the
Halfmoon Co-Generation Plant. Project Director. $15,000.
Research Foundation of SUNY. 1989. Research equipment in the aquatic sciences.
Page 24 of 125
NYS Deaprtment of Agriculture and Markets. 1988. Uptake and retention of
contaminants by fish cultured on prepared diets in waters of Lake Ontario. $37,500.
Rochester Gas and Electric Company. 1988. Uptake and retention of contaminants by
fish cultured on prepared diets in waters of Lake Ontario. $27,000.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1985-1988. Chemical and biological processes of
the nearshore of Lake Ontario. Project Director. $231,516.
Monroe County Health Department. 1987. Urban runoff: a watershed approach.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1987. Acid precipitation monitoring at Grand Isle,
Olcott and Sodus Bay. $56,700.
Livingston County Health Department, 1985-1986. Water quality and watershed
analysis of Conesus Lake. Project Director. $31,766.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1984-1985.
Distribution and abundance of
phytoplankton in relation to zooplankton stocks in Lakes Erie, Michigan and Huron,
1983. Project Director. $81,524.
Livingston County Health Department.1985. Watre Quality and watershed analysis of
Conesus Lake. $32,330.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1984. Development of a computer retrieval system
for phytoplankton data from the Great Lakes. Project Director. $18,333.
New York State Sea Grant, 1984. Dynamics of zooplankton in relation to forage fish
stocks in Lake Ontario. Project Director. $22,477.
Research Foundation of the State of New York, 1983. Grant to develop a Lake
Ontario Research Consortium. Project Leader. $20,000.
Department of Transportation, 1983. Fishery survey of the Champlain Section of the
NYS Barge Canal. Project Director. $42,840.
Department of Education, 1983. Development of an interdisciplinary course in
Population Biology. Funded by the Creating Connections Project Director, Center for
Professional Development, Wichita State University. Project Director. $1,500.
Department of Transportation, 1982. Evaluation of dredging in the NYS Barge Canal
(Erie Canal). Principal Investigator. $1,000.
Army Corps of Engineers, 1981-1982. Evaluation of potential dredging in Buffalo
Harbor, Lake Erie, New York. Principal Investigator. $45,132.
Research Incentive Fund Award, 1981. SUNY Brockport. Principal Investigator.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1979. Multivariate analysis of fifty years of plankton
data from water intake cribs at Chicago, Illinois. Principal Investigator. $29,230.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 1978. Long-term analysis
of phytoplankton of Lake Michigan at Chicago. Principal Investigator. $18,000.
Army Corps of Engineers, 1978. Biological Study - Cape Vincent, New York.
Coinvestigator. $10,425.
Army Corps of Engineers, 1978. Biological Study - Oak Orchard, New York.
Coinvestigator. $10,425.
National Science Foundation, 1977. Instructional Scientific Equipment Program.
Principal Investigator. $9,200.
Army Corps of
Engineers, 1977.
Food habits of Irondequoit Bay fishes.
Coinvestigator. $2,900.
Army Corps of Engineers, 1977. Spring movement and spawning activity of fish in
the vicinity of the proposed dredging operations, Irondequoit Bay, New York.
Coinvestigator. $2,300.
Research Foundation of the State of New York, 1977. Niche analysis of a
zooplankton community. P.I. $3,250.
Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve, 1977. Taxonomic identification of a rotifer found in
Lake Myosotis, New York. Principal Investigator. $770.
Army Corps of Engineers, 1976. Impact of opening Irondequoit Bay by dredging to
Page 25 of 125
Lake Ontario. Coinvestigator. $13,865.
Research Foundation of the State of New York, 1976. Niche analysis of a
zooplankton community. P.I. $3,200.
Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve, 1975. Niche analysis of a zooplankton community.
Principal Investigator. $2,000.
Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve, 1975. Generation times of zooplankton in eutrophic
lakes. Research Fellowship. $2,000.
New York State Division of Parks and Recreation, 1974-1976. An ecological study of
the Rochester-Lockport section of the New York State Barge Canal. $56,022.
Have provided expertise to lawyers (e.g., Kehoe & Kehoe). Engineering firms (e.g., MalcolmPirnie, Beak, Ebasco, Halfmoon Generation, Saiki, Larsen, Ecology and Environment) and
private associations (e.g., Port Bay Association, Black Lake Association).
Duggan, S.A. Bailey, R. I. Colautti, D. Gray, J. C. Makarewicz, and H. J. MacIsaac.
Submitted Biological Invasions in Lake Ontario:
Past, Present and Future.
In: The Status of Lake Ontario. M. Munawar, Editor
Laxson, C.L, Kerry N. McPhedran, Joseph C. Makarewicz, Irena V. Telesh and Hugh
J. MacIsaac. 2003. Effects of the invasive cladoceran Cercopagis on the lower
food web of Lake Ontario. Freshwater Biology. In press.
Mills, L. Casselman, R. Dermott, J.D. Fitzsimons, G. Gal, K.T. Holeck, .A. Hoyle,
O.E. Johannsson, B.F. Lantry, J.C. Makarewicz, E.S. Millard, I.F. Munawar, M.
Munawar, R. O’Gorman, R.W. Owens, L.G. Rudstam, T. Schaner, and T.J.
Stewart..2003. Lake Ontario: food web dynamics in a changing ecosystem
(1970-2000). Can. Jour. Fish. Bio. Aquat. Sci. 60: 471-490.
Makarewicz, J.; Damaske, E.; Laxson, C. 2002. Seasonal and Vertical Distribution,
Food Web Dynamics and Contaminant Biomagnification of Cercopagis pengoi
in Lake Ontario. Pages 132-141 in Proceedings of the 11th International
Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, 25-28 February 2002, Alexandria,
VA. The Professional Edge, Pembroke, ON.
Makarewicz, J. C., E. Damaske, T. W. Lewis, M. Merner, and T. Emerson. 2003.
Trend Analysis Reveals a Recent Reduction in Mirex Concentrations in Coho
(Oncorhynchus kisutch) and Chinook (O. tshawytscha) Salmon from Lake
Ontario. Environmental Science and Technology. 37:1521-1527.
Makarewicz, J.C. 2001. Trophic interactions: Changes in phytoplankton community
structure coinciding with alewife introduction. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.
I27: 1780-1786.
J.C. Makarewicz, E. Damaske, C. Laxson, Igor A. Grigorovich , I. V. Telesh and H. J.
MacIsaac. 2002. Seasonal and vertical distribution, food web dynamics and
contaminant biomagnification of Cercopagis pengoi in Lake Ontario.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive
Species, Februray 2003, Alexandria, VA.
Makarewicz, J.C., I.G. Grigovich, E. Mills, E. Damaske, M.E. Cristescu, W. Pearsall,
J. Lavoie, R. Keats, L. Rudstam, P. Hebert, H. Halbritter, T. Kelly, C. Matkovich,
H. MacIssac. 2001. Distribution, fecundity and genetics of Cercopagis pengoi
(Ostroumov) (Crustacean Cladocera) in Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes
Res. 27: 19-32.
Makarewicz, J.C. 2000.
New York’s North Coast: A troubled Coastline. Lake
Ontario Embayment Initiative.
Finger-Lakes-Lake Ontario Watershed
Page 26 of 125
Protection Alliance. 33pp.
Makarewicz, J.C. 2001. Trophic interactions: Changes in phytoplankton community
structure coinciding with alewife introduction. Verh. Internat. Verein Limnol.
27: 1780-1786.
Makarewicz, J. C., Lewis, T. and Bertram, P. 2000. Chemistry of the offshore surface
waters of Lake Erie: Pre- and post-Dreissena introduction. J. Great Lakes Res.
Makarewicz, J. C., Lewis, T. and Bertram, P. 1999. Phytoplankton composition and
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Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis. 2003. Nutrient and sediment loss from a Niagara
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Creek West. Technical Report to the Niagara County Soil and Water Conservation
District. Lockport, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis. 2003. Loading of nutrients from North Shore
tributaries of Oneida Lake: Black, Crandell, Dakins, Little Bay and Threemile Creeks,
Oswego, NY. Technical Report to the Oswego County Soil and Water Conservation
District. Fulton, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis. 2002. Water quality of Pennellville Pond with
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County Soil and Water Conservation District. Fulton, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis. 2002. Segment analysis of Sheldon Creek, the
location of pollution sources, part of the Lake Neatahwanta watershed. Technical
Report to the Oswego County Soil and Water Conservation District. Fulton, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis. 2002. Stressed stream analysis of North Gully and
Southwest Creeks in the Conesus Lake watershed. Technical Report to the Livingston
County Planning Department, Geneseo, NY.
White, D.J., J.C. Makarewicz and T.W. Lewis. 2002. The significance of phosphorus
released from the sediment under anoxic conditions in Sodus Bay, NY. Technical
Report to the Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District, Lyons, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis. 2002. Eighteenmile Creek remedial action plan:
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Page 29 of 125
York. Technical Report to the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation, Albany, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., T.W. Lewis and D. White. 2002. Loss of nutrients and soil from
Sandy Pond tributaries, Oswego County, N.Y. Technical Report to the Oswego County
Soil and Water Conservation District. Fulton, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis. 2002. Small intermittent rivulets versus major
tributaries: the loss of soil and nutrients from selected small subwatersheds compared
to the major subwatersheds of Canandaigua Lake. Technical report to the
Canandaigua Lake Watershed Task Force, Canandaigua, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., I. Bosch and T.W. Lewis. 2002. Update of soil and nutrient loss from
subwatersheds of Conesus Lake 2001. Technical report to the Livingston County
Planning Department, Geneseo, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis. 2001. Segment analysis of Johnson Creek, the
location of sources of pollution. Technical report to the Niagara County Soil and Water
Conservation District, Albion, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 2001. Stressed stream analysis of Deep Run and
Gage Gully in the Canandaigua Lake watershed. Technical report to the Canandaigua
Lake Watershed Task Force, Canandaigua, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., M. Arnold, T.W. Lewis and C. Beal. 2001. Ecological health of
sediments located in the Rochester Embayment, Lake Ontario, NY. Prepared for the
Monroe County Department of Health, Rochester, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis. 2001. Segment analysis of Marsh Creek, the
location of sources of pollution. Part of the Lake Ontario watershed located in Orleans
County, NY. Technical report to the Orleans County Soil and Water Conservation
District, Albion, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C. and T.W. Lewis. 2001. An addendum to: Segment analysis of Sucker
Brook, the location of sources of pollution. Technical report to the Great Lakes Aquatic
Habitat Fund and the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Task Force, Canandaigua, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis. 2001. Canandaigua Lake subwatersheds, time
trends in event loading and the Watershed Index. Technical report to the Canandaigua
Lake Watershed Task Force and the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council,
Canandaigua, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis. 2001. Preliminary water quality study of Pennellville
Pond, Oswego County, NY. Technical report to the Oswego County Soil and Water
Conservation District, Fulton, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis. 2000. Nutrient and sediment loss from Oneida
Lake tributaries. Prepared for the Central New York Regional Planning and
Development Board, Syracuse, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., P.E. Bertram and T.W. Lewis. 2000. Chemistry of the offshore
surface waters of Lake Erie: Pre- and post- Dreissena introduction (1983-1993). J.
Great Lakes Res. 26:82-93.
Makarewicz, J.C., J.M. Haynes, R.C. Dilcher, J.C. Hunter, C.J. Norment and T.W.
Lewis. 2000. Biological survey of Yanty Creek Marsh at Hamlin Beach State Park.
Prepared for the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.
Castile, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis.
2000. Nutrient and sediment loss from the
Page 30 of 125
watersheds of Canandaigua Lake, January 1997 to January 2000. Technical report to
the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Task Force, Canandaigua, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 2000. Nutrient and sediment loss from a Niagara
County watershed, the East branch of Twelvemile Creek. Technical report to the
Niagara County Soil and Water Conservation District, Lockport, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 2000. Segment analysis of Johnson Creek, the
location of sources of pollution. Technical report to the Orleans County Soil and Water
Conservation District, Albion, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 2000. The optimum bio-media for use in the floating
biological contactor. Technical report prepared for FBC Technologies, Inc. Fairport, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 2000. The use of a high speed centrifuge for the
oxygenation of water. Technical report prepared for FBC Technologies, Inc. Fairport,
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 2000. The floating biological contactor’s effect on
the oxygenation of water. Technical report prepared for FBC Technologies, Inc.
Fairport, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 2000. The muckland demonstrations project,
agricultural non-point source pollution control. Technical report to the Oswego County
Soil and Water Conservation District, Oswego, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., T.W. Lewis and S.S. Lewandowski. 1999. Segment analysis of
Sucker Brook, the location of sources of pollution. Technical report to the Great Lakes
Aquatic Habitat Fund and the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Task Force,
Canandaigua, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 1999. The loss of nutrients and materials from the
Naples Creek watershed. Technical report to the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Task
Force, Canandaigua, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 1999. A technique for identifying pollution
sources in a watershed: Stressed Stream Analysis revisited. The Information
Exchange, the newsletter of the Finger Lakes – Lake Ontario Watershed
Protection Alliance. Vol 7(2).
Makarewicz, J.C., R.W. Ward and T.W. Lewis. 1999. Water quality of Cayuga
Lake, 1991-1998. Technical report prepared for the Seneca County Soil and
Water Conservation District.
Makarewicz, J.C., R.W. Ward and T.W. Lewis. 1999. Water quality of Seneca
Lake, 1991-1998. Technical report prepared for the Seneca County Soil and
Water Conservation District.
Makarewicz, J.C., P. Bertram and T.W. Lewis 1999. Chemistry of the offshore surface
waters of Lake Erie: Pre- and post Dreissena introduction (1983 – 1993). J. Great
Lakes Res. 26(1):82-93.
Makarewicz, J.C., T.W. Lewis and H. Halbritter 1999. Cercopagis – a new exotic
zooplankter to Lake Ontario. Dreissena! The digest of the National Aquatic Nuisance
Species Clearinghouse, a Sea Grant publication. Vol 10(1).
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 1999. Nutrient and sediment loss from the
watersheds of Canandaigua Lake, January 1997 to January 1999. Technical report to
the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Task Force, Canandaigua, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 1999. Nutrient and sediment loss from watersheds
of Orleans County – Year 2. Technical report to the Orleans County Soil and Water
Page 31 of 125
Conservation District, Albion, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 1999. Soil and nutrient loss from sub-watersheds in
the Southwest quadrant of Conesus Lake. Technical report to the Livingston County
Health Department and the Livingston County Planning Department, Mount Morris, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 1999. Nutrient loading and segment analysis of
stream entering Lake Neatahwanta with an evaluation of the muckland demonstration
project. Technical report to the Oswego County Soil and Water Conservation District,
Oswego, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 1998. Nutrient and sediment loss from watersheds
of Canandaigua Lake. Technical report to the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Task
Force, Canandaigua, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C., P. Bertram and T.W. Lewis 1998. Changes in phytoplankton sizeclass abundance and species composition coinciding with changes in water chemistry
and zooplankton community structure of Lake Michigan, 1983 to 1992, J. Great Lakes
Res. 24(3) 637-657.
Makarewicz, J.C., and T.W. Lewis 1998. Nutrient and sediment loss from watersheds
of Orleans County. Technical report to the Orleans County Soil and Water
Conservation District, Albion, NY.
Makarewicz, J.C. and Lewis, T. M. 1998 Artificial wetlands as a best management
practice for mucklands.
Makarewicz, J.C. and Lewis, T. 1998. The loss of materials from watersheds in
Orleans County: Johnson, Oak Orchard and Sandy Creeks. Orleans County Soil
and Water Conservation District. 42pp.
Makarewicz, J.C. and Lewis, T. 1998. Nutrient and sediment loss from watersheds of
Canandaigua Lake. Canandaigua Lake Watershed Task Force. 45pp.
Makarewicz, J.C. and Lewis, T. 1997. The loss of nutrients and materials from
watersheds draining into Lake Neantahwanta. Oswego County Soil and Water
Conservation District. 35pp.
Makarewicz, J.C. and T. Lewis. 1997. Factors affecting watershed pollutants in
Sucker Creek. Canandaigua Water Quality Task Force.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1995. Nutrient loading of streams entering Lake Neatahwanta.
Oswego Soil and Water Conservation District. 47pp.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1994. Causes of foaming and surfactant identification in Sandy
Creek. Monroe County Health Department 27pp.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1994. Stress stream analysis of two sub-watersheds of Conesus
Lake. Livingston County Planning Department. 26pp.
Makarewicz, J. C. and T. Lewis. 1996. The Environmental Quality of Watersheds.
Environmental Studies Project. Contains eight teaching modules. Available at the
following web sites.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1995. Phytoplankton, zooplankton, macrobenthos and
ichthyoplankton abundance, biomass, and species composition of Onondaga
Lake. Onondaga Lake Management Conference.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1995. Nutrient Loading of stream entering Lake Neatahwanta.
Oswego Soil and Water Conservation District.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1994. Causes of foaming and surfactant identification in Sandy
Creek. Monroe County Health Department.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1994. Stress stream analysis of two sub-watersheds of Conesus
Lake. Livingston County Planning Department.
Makarewicz, J., T. Lewis, and R. Williams. 1992. Nutrient loading of streams entering
Sodus Bay and Port Bay, N.Y.: A summary of Sodus Bay tributary monitoring.
Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District. 51pp.
Page 32 of 125
Makarewicz, J.C. 1992. Stress stream analysis of two sub-watersheds of Conesus
Lake. Livingston County Planning Department. 17pp.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1991. Nutrient loading of streams entering Sodus Bay and Port
Bay. Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1991. The Conesus Lake Book. A Guide to Reducing Water
Pollution in Conesus Lake. Livingston County Planning Department.
Makarewicz, J.C. and T. Lewis. 1995. Sources of pollutants in the Kendig Creel
watershed. Seneca County Soil and Water Conservation District.
Makarewicz, J.C and T. Lewis. 1992. Sources of pollutants in the Glenmark and
Wolcott Creek watersheds. Oswego Soil and Water Conservation District.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1990. Chemical analysis and nutrient loading of Salmon and Black
Creek. Monroe County Health Department.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1990. Water quality of Long, Cranberry, Buck and Round Ponds.
Monroe County Health Department.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1990. Chemical analysis and nutrient loading of streams entering
Conesus Lake. Livingston County Planning Department.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1990. Chemical analysis and nutrient loading of streams entering
Sodus Bay. Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1989. Limnological Studies of Sodus Bay and its tributaries. Wayne
County Soil and Water Conservation District.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1989. Water Chemistry of Buttonwood, Larkin, Northrup and
Round Pond Creek, Monroe County. Monroe County Health Department. 86 pp.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1986. Water Quality of Conesus Lake, 1985-86. Villages of Avon
and Geneseo and the Town of Livonia.Livingston County Health Department.122 p.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1983. Fisheries Survey of Regions 5, 6 and 7 of Erie Section of
the New York State Barge Canal. New York State Department of Transportation.
74 p.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1983. Fisheries Survey of the Champlain Canal and Upper
Hudson River. New York State Department of Transportation. 242 p.
Makarewicz, J.C., R.C. Dilcher, J.M. Haynes and K. Shump. 1982. Biological
Survey - Buffalo River and Outer Harbor of Buffalo, New York. Army Corps of
Engineers. Vol. 1 (126 p.); Vol. 2 (168 p.).
Makarewicz, J.C., J.M. Haynes and R.C. Dilcher. 1979. Environmental impact of
dredging Oak Orchard Harbor, Lake Ontario, New York. Environmental Impact
Statement to the Army Corps of Engineers. 53 p.
Haynes, J.M., J.C. Makarewicz and R.C. Dilcher. 1979. Environmental impact of
dredging Cape Vincent Harbor, Lake Ontario, New York. Environmental Impact
Statement to the Army Corps of Engineers. 50 p.
Makarewicz, J.C.1977. Food habits of Irondequoit Bay fishes. Environmental Impact
Statement to the Army Corps of Engineers. With R. Ellis and T.Haines. 61 p.
Haines, T., J.C. Makarewicz and R.H. Ellis. 1977. Spring movement and spawning
activity of fish in the vicinity of the proposed dredging operations, Irondequoit Bay,
New York. Environmental Impact Statement to the Army Corps of Engineers. 33 p.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1977. Environmental impact of opening the mouth of Irondequoit
Bay, Lake Ontario, New York. Environmental Impact Statement to the Army Corps
of Engineers. With R.H. Ellis and T. Haines. 58 p.
Likens, G.E., and J.C. Makarewicz et al. 1976. A brief limnological survey of Lincoln
Pond, New York. Research Report to the Biological Research Station of the
Edmund Niles Huyck. Preserve. 18 p.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1976. An ecological study of the Rochester-Lockport section of the
New York State Barge Canal. New York State Department of Parks and
Recreation. With T. Haines and R.H. Ellis. 167 p.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1976. A brief limnological survey of Lake Myosotis, New York.
Ninth Annual Report of the State University College at Oneonta Biological Field
Page 33 of 125
Station, Cooperstown, New York. 12 p.
Makarewicz, J.C. 1976. Generation time of rotifers in lakes of varying trophic status.
Research Report to the Biological Research Station of the Edmund Niles Huyck
Preserve. 19 p.
Available on request.
Among 38 scientists honored by the Chancellor of the SUNY system for outstanding
scholarship and grantsmanship. 2002
Recipient of the Chandler Meisner Award for best manuscript, International Association
of Great Lakes Research. 2002.
Named a member of the “Environmental 25”. In celebration of the Rochester Center for
Environmental Studies 25th Anniversary, 25 people from New York State were
“Environmentalist” of the quarter century. 1999.
Excellence in Environmental Teaching. Center for Environmental Information, 1999.
Career Achievement Award. Research Foundation of the State University of New York
and SUNY Brockport. 1997, 1998 and 2002.
New York State Conservation Districts Special Award. In recognition of his
desire to educate and advance Soil and Water Conservation Districts in their
of water resources management.
Phi Beta Delta College International Scholar's Award. 1995.
SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching. 1994.
Senior Fulbright Research Fellow. 1989/90. Max Planck Institute fur Limnologie.
Fellow of CILER. Elected member of the Cooperative Institute for Lake Experimental
Research Achievement Award. Research Foundation of the State University of New
York and SUNY Brockport. 1992.
Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District. Acknowledgment and Appreciation
for assistance and excellence in the development of the District's water quality
monitoring program.
Researcher of the Month Award (1984) - SUNY Researcher
Faculty Research Award (1983) - Society of Sigma Xi at Brockport
New York State Scholar Incentive Award (1974)
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Scholarship (1968)
Water Quality Analysis, Water Chemistry, Stress Stream Analysis, Limnology Practicum,
Limnology, Environmental Impact Analysis, Population Biology, General Biology, Aquatic
Biology, General Chemistry, Marine Plankton Ecology.
Executive and Personnel Committee, Sponsored Programs Advisory Council, Research
Foundation of the State of New York (1991-present).
Member of Board of Representatives, Great Lakes Consortium (1985-present)
Chairman, Search Committee for Director of Sponsored Research
Scientific Advisory Committee, New York Sea Grant and Federation of Lake Associations
Reviewer for NSF (24 grants)
Member of Board of Representatives, Great Lakes Consortium (1985-present)
Chairman, Search Committee for Director of Sponsored Research
Reviewer for EPA (8 grants)
Page 34 of 125
Reviewer for New York Sea Grant (16 grants)
Reviewer for USDA ( 2 grants)
Individual and panel reviewer for the Great Lakes Research Consortium (>50 grants)
Reviewer for the Great Lakes Protection Fund (4 grants)
Reviewer for Ohio Sea Grant (3 grants)
Reviewer for Michigan Sea Grant (one grant)
Reviewer for Louisiana Sea Grant (one grant)
Reviewer for ERDA (one grant)
Reviewer for Hydrobiologica
Reviewer for International Association for Great Lakes Research
Reviewer for Ohio Journal of Sciences.
Reviewer for the Canadian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries
Reviewer for Ecology
Reviewer for Physiology and Behavior
Reviewer for Limnology and Oceanography
Reviewer for Canadian Journal of Aquatic and Fish Biology
Reviewer for Journal of Freshwater Ecology
Session Convener (Ecology), Annual Meeting of the Rochester Academy of Sciences (1976,
Liaison Officer. Rochester Meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes Research.
Program Committee. Oswego Meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes
Session Convener. Rochester Academy of Sciences. Brockport and St. John Fisher Meetings.
Program Committee and Participant. 1983. Buffalo Symposium on Research at SUNY
Session Chair - Lake Ontario Fishery. 1983. Symposium on Lake Ontario. Center for
Environmental Information. This is an International Symposium on the status of Lake
Ontario held in Rochester, N.Y.
Sea Grant Advisory Committee. 1985-1992. New York Sea Grant.
Planning Committee. 1986. Decisions for the Great Lakes.
Undergraduate Course Improvement Grant reviewer. 1986-1989. Research Foundation of the
State of New York.
Great Lakes Initiative Development Committee. 1987. Formed cooperatively by Sea Grant and
the National Marine Fishery Service to develop collaborative research on the Great Lakes.
Session Convener. 1991. The Recovery of Lake Erie. Buffalo Meeting of the International
Association of Great Lakes Research.
Special Editor. 1993. The Restoration of Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research. Volume
Chair. 1991-1997. Student Award Committee. Great Lakes Research Consortium Annual
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Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Biology,
State University of New York, Brockport, New York 14420
Carleton College, Northfield, MN - B.A., Biology, 1973
University of Minnesota - M.S., Fisheries, 1975
University of Minnesota - Ph.D., Ecology, 1978
Professor (1991 to present), Associate Professor (1984-1990) and Assistant Professor
(1978-83) of Environmental Science and Biology, SUNY College at Brockport. Teach
undergraduate and graduate courses in Environmental Impact Analysis, Fisheries
Science/ Management, Fish Biology/Ecology, Fishery Techniques/Fish Identification,
Pollution Biology, and Marine Biology/Geology-Bahamas, plus undergraduate courses in
Environmental Science, Eco-Citizenship, Biological Oceanography, Evolution, and
laboratories for General Biology. Lead instructor or project director for nine National
Science Foundation Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement and National Dissemination
programs: Summer Practicum for Applied Environmental Problem-Solving (Great Lakes
Research Consortium) and Stressed Stream Analysis (Center for Applied Aquatic
Science & Aquaculture).
Project Director or Co-PD for 25+ grants and contracts totaling $2+ million. Supervised one
post-doctoral research associate, 10 M.S. graduates and 2-5 students/technicians per
semester/summer since 1978. Chairman, Monroe County Water Quality Management Advisory
Committee that oversaw preparation of a water quality Remedial Action Plan for the Rochester
Embayment of Lake Ontario, 1989-93 (continue to serve on County technical committees that
devise and implement remedial actions, 1993 to present). Coordinated 10 week Decisions for
the Great Lakes program in 1986 that involved 30 citizen participants and 33 speakers.
Organized a 3-day, 15 participant workshop in 1987 to develop a fisheries research agenda for
Lake Ontario. Chaired Department Budget Committee that distributed more than $20,000
annually, 1985-90. Chaired Department Personnel Committee (appointment, promotion, tenure
decisions), 1992-96. Secretary-Treasurer, Education Section, American Fisheries Society,
1988-92. Chairman, NY Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting Program
Committee, 1980. Chairman, American Fisheries Society Career Opportunities Committee,
1984, 1987 (helped initiate the national JOBSource computerized employment service).
Administer Department scientific collections permit, 1980-present.
Principal or Co-Principal Investigator for 30+ grants and contracts for fisheries and aquatic
ecology research and education in the lower Great Lakes region totaling $2.7 million since
1978, including impacts of zebra mussels on native benthic invertebrate communities;
invertebrates and fish as indicators of aquatic system health; radiotelemetry/netting studies of
movements, habitats and diets of fishes in Lake Ontario; impacts of thermal discharges,
dredging and recreation development on coastal ecology and fishes in Lakes Ontario/Erie and
the St. Lawrence River; photographic and illustrated guides to Great Lakes, Hudson River, and
Bahamas fishes; and development of aquaculture ponds and a wet laboratory for aquatic
organism culture at SUNY Brockport. Sabbatical leave research in 1988 with the NOAA/NMFS
SE Fisheries Center Mississippi Laboratories explored techniques for determining the
distribution and abundance of aquatic animals along environmental fronts and reefs in the Gulf
Page 36 of 125
of Mexico and SW Atlantic Ocean. Used radio telemetry to study movements and habitats
of chinook salmon and white sturgeon in relation to hydroelectric dams and gas super-saturation
in the Snake and Columbia Rivers with Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, 1975-78. These
research and related teaching efforts have resulted in 25+ refereed-publications, 20+ major
technical reports, a book, and over 60 professional presentations since 1976.
Lowie, C.E.*, and J.M. Haynes. 2001. Comparison of walleye habitat suitability index (HSI)
information with habitat features of a walleye spawning stream. J. Freshwater Ecol.: 621631.
Haynes, J.M., T.W. Stewart and G.E. Cook*. 1999. Benthic macroinvertebrate communities in
southwestern Lake Ontario following invasion of Dreissena: continuing change. J. Great
Lakes Res. 25(4):828-838.
Haynes, J.M. 1998. Stressed stream analysis: addressing real environmental problems in local
communities to stimulate undergraduate science faculty and students. J. Coll. Sci.
Teach. 28(1):43-51.
Haynes, J.M. 1997. Zebra mussels and benthic macroinvertebrate communities of southwestern
Lake Ontario and selected tributaries: unexpected results? Great Lakes Res. Rev.
Miller, S.J.*, and J.M. Haynes. 1997. Factors limiting colonization in western New York creeks
by the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha. J. Freshwater Ecol. 12(1):81-88.
Haynes, J.M. 1995. Thermal ecology of salmonids in Lake Ontario. Great Lakes Res. Rev.
Stewart, T.W.*, and J.M. Haynes. 1994. Benthic macroinvertebrate community changes
following zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) invasion of southwestern Lake Ontario.
J. Great Lakes Res. 20(2):479-493.
Aultman, D.C.*, and J.M. Haynes. 1993. Spring thermal fronts and salmonine sport catches in
Lake Ontario. N. Amer. J. Fish. Mgmt. 13(3):502-510.
Haynes, J.M., G.P. Gerber* and J.K. Buttner. 1989. Responses of sport fishes to thermal
discharges in the Great Lakes: is Somerset Station, Lake Ontario, different? J. Great
Lakes Res. 15(4):709-718.
Haynes, J.M., and G.P. Gerber*. 1989. Movements and temperatures of radiotagged
salmonines in Lake Ontario and comparisons with other large aquatic systems. J.
Freshwater Ecol. 5(2):197-204.
Gerber, G.P.*, and J.M. Haynes. 1988. Movements and behavior of smallmouth bass,
Micropterus dolomieui, and rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris, in southcentral Lake
Ontario and two tributaries. J. Freshwater Ecol. 4(4):425-440.
Olson, R.A.*, J.D. Winter, D.C. Nettles* and J.M. Haynes. 1988. Resource partitioning in
summer by salmonids in south-central Lake Ontario. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc.
Brett, B.L., G.P. Gerber* and J.M. Haynes. 1987. Low genetic variability in northern
populations of fish. Isozyme Bulletin. 20:29.
Nettles, D.C.*, J.M. Haynes, R.A. Olson and J.D. Winter. 1987. Seasonal movements and
habitats of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in southcentral Lake Ontario. J. Great Lakes Res.
Haynes, J.M., D.C. Nettles*, K.M. Parnell*, M.P. Voiland, R.A. Olson* and J.D. Winter. 1986.
Movements of rainbow/steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) in Lake Ontario and a
hypothesis for the influence of spring thermal structure. J. Great Lakes Res. 12(4):304313.
Haynes, J.M., and C.J. Keleher*. 1986. Movements of Pacific salmon in Lake Ontario in spring
and summer: evidence for wide dispersal. J. Freshwater Ecol. 3(3):289-297.
Keleher, C.J.*, J.M. Haynes, D.C. Nettles*, R.A. Olson* and J.D. Winter. 1985. Fall movements
of Pacific salmon in Lake Ontario and several tributaries. NY Fish and Game J.
Page 37 of 125
Mellas, E.J.*, and J.M. Haynes. 1985. Swimming performance and behavior of rainbow trout
(Salmo gairdneri) and white perch (Morone americana): effects of attaching telemetry
transmitters. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 42(3):488-493.
Haynes, J.M., and D.C. Nettles*. 1983. Fall movement of brown trout in Lake Ontario and a
tributary. NY Fish and Game J. 30(1):39-56.
Haynes, J.M., G.W. Thorburn and J.E. Gannon. 1983. Environmental assessment: melding
classroom instruction with problem-solving experience. J. Coll. Sci. Teach. 12(6):394398.
Haynes, J.M. 1983. Finding salmon and trout in Lake Ontario. Water Spectrum 15(1):30-37, and
Charter Industry Trade News 1(1):25-30 (1985).
Haynes, J.M., and J.C. Makarewicz. 1982. Comparison of benthic communities in dredged and
undredged areas of the St. Lawrence River at Cape Vincent, NY. Ohio J. Sci. 82(4):165170.
Haynes, J.M., and R.H. Gray. 1981. Diel and seasonal movements of white sturgeon (Acipenser
transmontanus) in relation to Columbia River temperatures. Fishery Bulletin. 79(2):367370.
Haynes, J.M., and R.H. Gray. 1980. Influence of Little Goose Dam on upstream movements of
adult chinook salmon. Fishery Bulletin 78(1):185-190.
Gray, R.H., and J.M. Haynes. 1979. Spawning migration of adult chinook salmon carrying
external and internal radiotransmitters. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 36(9):1060-1064.
Haynes, J.M., R.H. Gray and J.C. Montgomery. 1978. Seasonal movements of white sturgeon
(Acipenser transmontanus) in the mid-Columbia River. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc.
Gray, R.H., and J.M. Haynes. 1977. Depth distribution of adult chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus
tshawytscha) in relation to gas supersaturated water. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc.
* student author
Books and Media
Haynes, J.M. 1996. Taxonomic collection (204 species) and slide set (338 species) of
sea weeds, invertebrates and fishes near San Salvador, Bahamas. Bahamian Field
Haynes, J.M., and N.J. Frisch. 1993. Illustrated Guide to Hudson River Fishes. Hudson River
Foundation.(book and 120 slides)
Haynes, J.M., N.J. Frisch and G.A. Bucher. 1984. Photographic and Illustrated Key of Selected
New York Fishes. SUNY College at Brockport, NY. 80 slides.
Haynes, J.M., and R.H. Gray. 1979. Effects of external and internal radiotransmitter
attachments on adult chinook salmon. Second International Conference on Wildlife
Biotelemetry Proceedings 2:115-128.
Gannon, J.E., J.M. Haynes and G.W. Thorburn. 1981. Melding classroom instruction and realworld problem-solving in the aquatic sciences. Fishery Educator's Section Special
Session Proceedings. American Fisheries Society 111th Annual Meeting, Albuquerque,
NM. 10 p.
Kuechle, V.B., J.M. Haynes and R.A. Reichle. 1989. Use of small computers for telemetry data
collections. Pages 695-699, In: C.J. Amlaner, Jr. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Tenth
International Symposium on Biotelemetry. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.
Technical Reports
Haynes, J.M., R.C. Dilcher, C.J. Norment, J.A. Zollweg and N.F. Parnell. 2003. Biological study
of Irondequoit Bay. New York Dept. of State/Monroe County. 226 p.
Parnell, N.F., R.P. Walter and J.M. Haynes. 2003. Assessing the status of fish communities in
Lamoka and Waneta Lakes. The Lamoka-Waneta Lakes Association. 22 p.
Makarewicz, J.C., J.M. Haynes, R.C. Dilcher, J.C. Hunter, C.J. Norment and T.W. Lewis. 2000.
Biological survey of Yanty Creek Marsh. NY Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic
Page 38 of 125
Preservation. 183 p.
Haynes, J.M., and J.N. McNamara. 1998. Indicators of change in water quality and
environmental health in the Irondequoit Creek wetland complex. Final report to Monroe
Co. Dept. of Health. Rochester, NY. 48 p.
Haynes, J.M. (Ed.). 1999, 1997, 1995, 1993, 1991. New curricula developed by undergraduate
faculty participants in the GLRC/NSF summer practicum. Final reports to the National
Science Foundation by the Great Lakes Research Consortium Summer Practicum for
Applied Environmental Problem-Solving. 298, 567, 517, 444, 252 p.
Haynes, J.M. (Ed.). 1998, 1996, 1994. New curricula developed by faculty participants in the
CASSA/NSF stressed stream analysis program. Final reports to the National Science
Foundation by the Center for Applied Aquatic Science and Aquaculture Stressed Stream
Analysis Program. 396, 358, 350 p.
Haynes, J.M. 1995. Community ecology of the Niagara County artificial reef and nearby natural
areas of Lake Ontario. Final report to U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service. Amherst, NY. 38 p.
Haynes, J.M. 1994. Survey of Buttonwood Creek, Monroe County, NY to determine habitat
availability for and relative abundance of a species of special concern, the pirate perch
(Aphredoderus sayanus). Final report to Monroe Coounty Dept. of Transportation.
Rochester, NY. 23 p.
Haynes, J.M. 1990. Methods for sampling reef fishes, with emphasis on the red snapper
(Lutjanus campechanus), in the Gulf of Mexico: is stock assessment feasible?
NOAA/NMFS/SEFC Mississippi Laboratories. Pascagoula, MS. 66 p.
Haynes, J.M. 1988. Behavior and thermal habitats of fish at Somerset Station and in Lake
Ontario: two-pump vs. three-pump operation. Data report to the NY State Electric and
Gas Corp. Binghamton, NY. 74 p.
Haynes, J.M., G.P. Gerber and J.K. Buttner. 1987. Thermal ecology of selected sport fishes
near Somerset Station and in Lake Ontario. Final report to the NY State Electric and Gas
Corp. Binghamton, NY. 118 p.
Haynes, J.M., G.P. Gerber and J.K. Buttner. 1987. Movements and temperatures of salmonids
and centrarchids near Somerset Station and in Lake Ontario in 1986. 1986 annual report
to the NY State Electric and Gas Corp. Binghamton, NY. 252 p.
Haynes, J.M., and G.P. Gerber. 1987. Activity and survival of winter-impinged fish at Somerset
Station. Data report to the NY State Electric and Gas Corp. Binghamton, NY. 28 p.
Haynes, J.M., J.K. Buttner and G.P. Gerber. 1986. Movements and temperatures of selected
sport fishes near Somerset Station and in Lake Ontario in 1985. 1985 annual report to
the NY State Electric and Gas Corp. Binghamton, NY. 188 p.
Haynes, J.M., J.K. Buttner and G.P. Gerber. 1985. Movements and temperatures of brown trout
and rainbow/steelhead trout near Somerset Station and in Lake Ontario in fall 1984.
1984 annual report to the NY State Electric and Gas Corp. Binghamton, NY. 36 p.
Haynes, J.M., and C.J. Keleher. 1984. Spring and summer locations and temperatures of
Pacific salmon in Lake Ontario. Final report to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources/
Ontario Charter Boat Assoc./St. Catharines Fish and Game Assoc. 32 p.
Haynes, J.M., J.C. Makarewicz and R.C. Dilcher. 1979. Biological survey of Cape Vincent
Harbor, NY. Final report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo, NY. 50 p.
Haynes, J.M. 1978. Movement and habitat studies of chinook salmon and white sturgeon.
Special report to the U.S. Department of Energy by the Battelle Pacific Northwest
Laboratories, Richland, WA. PNL-2471. 65 p. (also my Ph.D dissertation)
Makarewicz, J.C., J.M. Haynes and R.C. Dilcher. 1979. Biological survey of Oak Orchard
Harbor, NY. Final report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo, NY. 53 p.
Makarewicz, J.C., R.C. Dilcher, J.M. Haynes and K.A. Shump. 1982. Biological survey of the
Buffalo River and Outer Harbor of Buffalo, NY. Data report to the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers. Buffalo, NY. 155 p.
Makarewicz, J.C., R.C. Dilcher, J.M. Haynes and K.A. Shump. 1982. Biological survey of the
Buffalo River and Outer Harbor of Buffalo, NY. Final report to the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers. Buffalo, NY. 117 p.
Page 39 of 125
Poulin, K.A., and J.M. Haynes. 1986. Construction techniques, environmental impacts and
laws/regulations for recreation development on the Great Lakes: an annotated
bibliography and discussion of critical needs in New York. Sea Grant First Impressions
Report. NY Sea Grant Institute, SUNY at Stony Brook, NY. 71 p.
External Funding
Haynes, J.M., J.J. Pagano and S.T. Wellman. 2003-2005. RAP progress in the Rochester
Embayment of Lake Ontario: Population monitoring and levels of bioaccumulative
chemicals of concern in mink, a sentinel species. New York Great Lakes Protection
Haynes, J.M. 2002. Biological study of Irondequoit Bay. Monroe County Department of Planning
and Development.
Haynes, J.M. 2002-2004. Fishery study of Waneta and Lamoka Lakes. Waneta-Lamoka Lake
Haynes, J.M., S.M. Millar and M.M. Hluchy. 2001-2006. Assessment and evaluation supplement
to “Regional Workshops Led by Successful Innovators and Experienced Investigators.”
National Science Foundation.
Haynes, J.M. and M.M. Hluchy. 2000-2005. Disseminating successful undergraduate science
curriculum development, adaptation and implementation strategies and CCLI grant writing
techniques: regional workshops led by successful innovators and experienced
investigators. National Science Foundation.
Haynes, J.M. 2000-2002. Co-director of the Great Lakes Research Consortium.
Haynes, J.M. and J.C. Makarewicz. 2000-2002. Measuring RAP progress in the Rochester
Embayment of Lake Ontario: determining baseline levels of bioaccumulative chemicals of
concern in air, water, sediment and sentinel species. NY Great Lakes Protection Fund.
Haynes, J.M., J. Chiarenzelli, A. Nelson, J. Pagano and T.C. Young. 1999-2001. Academic
program assessment. Great Lakes Research Consortium.
Tisch, N., J.M. Haynes and C. Mayer. 1999. Impact assessment of the introduced amphipod,
Echinogammarus ischnus, in the Great Lakes. Great Lakes Research Consortium.
Makarewicz, J.C. and J.M. Haynes (Principal Investigators) and R.C. Dilcher, J.C. Hunter and
C.J. Norment (Co-Principal Investigators). 1999. Biological survey of Yanty Creek
Marsh. NY Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.
Haynes, J.M. (Lead Instructor), and seven co-investigators. 1998-99, 1996-97, 1994-95, 199393, 1990-91. Great Lakes Research Consortium summer practicum for applied
environmental problem-solving: new approaches and techniques for undergraduate
faculty. National Science Foundation, Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement Program.
Haynes, J.M. (Project Director), and six co-investigators. 1997-98, 1995-96, 1993-94. Stressed
Stream Analysis: addressing real environmental problems to stimulate undergraduate
faculty. National Science Foundation, Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement Program.
Haynes, J.M. 1996-97. Macroinvertebrate survey, sampling strategy, and biotic index for the
Irondequoit Creek wetland. Monroe County Dept. of Health.
Haynes, J.M. 1994-95. Community ecology of the Niagara County artificial reef and nearby
natural areas of Lake Ontario. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Haynes, J.M. 1994. Survey of Buttonwood Creek, Monroe County, NY to determine habitat
availability for and relative abundance of a species of special concern, the pirate perch
(Aphredoderus sayanus). Monroe County Dept. of Transportation.
Haynes, J.M. 1992-93. Deployment and recovery of sediment samplers and side-scan sonar in
Lake Ontario. SUNY at Stony Brook.
Haynes, J.M. 1991. Relative fish abundance at an artificial reef in Lake Ontario. Niagara County
Department of Planning and Industrial Development.
Haynes, J.M. 1990. Sediment sampling and analysis, Braddock Bay, Lake Ontario. Town of
Greece, NY.
Haynes, J.M., and N.J. Frisch. 1989-90. Illustrated guide and slide set for Hudson River fishes.
Hudson River Foundation.
Haynes, J.M. and J.C. Makarewicz. 1989. Sediment core sampling, Olcott Harbor, NY. U.S.
Page 40 of 125
Army Corps of Engineers.
Haynes, J.M. 1987-88. Attraction of fishes to the thermal plume at Somerset Station under twopump operating conditions. Stone and Webster Engineering Corp.
Haynes, J.M., D.J. Stewart and R.G. Werner. 1987-88. Dynamics of salmonine predation in
Lake Ontario, 1983-88. Great Lakes Research Consortium.
Buttner, J.K., and J.M. Haynes. 1987-88. Expanding and enhancing existing freshwater
research and education facilities at the SUNY College at Brockport. U.S. Department of
Haynes, J.M. 1987. Developing a trophic web model for the Lake Ontario salmonid fishery:
identifying basic and applied research needed to test the model. Great Lakes Research
Haynes, J.M. 1986-87. Activity and survival of winter-impinged fish at Somerset Station. NY
State Electric and Gas Corp.
Haynes, J.M. 1986. Decisions for the Great Lakes. Great Lakes Tomorrow, Inc.
Haynes, J.M. 1984-87. Thermal ecology of Lake Ontario fishes. NY State Electric and Gas
Haynes, J.M. 1984. Summer locations and temperatures of Pacific salmon in western Lake
Ontario. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources/Ontario Charter Boat Association.
Haynes, J.M. 1983. Recreation facility design and environmental impacts on the Great Lakes.
NY Sea Grant/NOAA.
Haynes, J.M. 1983. Photographic and illustrated key of selected NY fishes. Faculty Grant for the
Improvement of Undergraduate Instruction. SUNY.
Haynes, J.M., and J.D. Winter. 1981-83. Movements, distributions and habitat preferences of
Lake Ontario salmonids. NY Sea Grant/NOAA.
Haynes, J.M. 1980. Spawning movements of Lake Ontario brown trout using radiotelemetry.
University Awards Program. SUNY.
Haynes, J.M., and J.C. Makarewicz. 1978-79. Biological survey of Cape Vincent Harbor, NY.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Makarewicz, J.C., and J.M. Haynes. 1978-79. Biological survey of Oak Orchard Harbor, NY.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Page 41 of 125
CURRENT POSITION: Associate Professor, State University College at Brockport, Department
of Environmental Science and Biology, Brockport, New York
(585) 395-5748
PhD, Systematics and Ecology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
M.S., Zoology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA .
B.S., Biology, Southern Oregon State College, Ashland, OR.
1998-present Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Environmental Science and
Biology, State University of New York, College at Brockport, Brockport, NY. Instruct
courses in Mammalogy, Animal Behavior, Conservation Biology, Ornithology,
Herpetology, Wildlife Ecology, General Ecology
1993-1998 Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, State University of New
York, College at Brockport, Brockport, NY.
Lecturer, School of Basic Life Sciences, University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO.
Instruct courses in Introductory Biology, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy.Data
Manager, Kansas Biological Survey, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
Adjunct Curator, Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas,
Lawrence, KS.
1988-1992 Graduate teaching assistant, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Kansas,
Lawrence, KS.
Secondary School Science Teacher, Westover School, Middlebury, CT.
Graduate teaching assistant, Department of Zoology, Washington State
University, Pullman, WA.
Biologist, United States National Park Service, University of Nevada, Las Vegas,
Avian community structure, breeding biology, and conservation biology in
northeastern grasslands; population biology of Frasera speciosa (Gentianacea); reproductive
ecology of Zonotrichia sparrows; breeding biology of Australian Pipits (Anthus spinoletta)spring
stopover ecology of Neotropical migrant songbirds; wildlife use of created and natural wetlands.
1989-1991 Comparative breeding ecology of Harris' Sparrows and White-crowned Sparrows in
the Northwest Territories, Canada.
Breeding biology of American Pipits, pollination and population biology of Frasera
Avian community structure in a subalpine forest/alpine tundra ecotone, Wyoming.
Ecology of feral burros, Death Valley National Monument, CA.
Additional Teaching Experience
Director, Outdoor Program, Westover School, Middlebury, CT.
Instructor and Chief Instructor, Pacific Crest Outward Bound School,
Portland, OR.
Environmental Education Specialist, Youth Conservation Corps, Ashland,
External Funding (recent)
New York State Biodiversity Research Institute ($18,983 for research on
Page 42 of 125
grassland birds in the St. Lawrence River Valley)
Fish and Wildlife Service ($15,000 for grassland bird research)
Fish and Wildlife Service ($19,000 for grassland bird research)
Biological Study of Irondequoit Bay. (J. M. Haynes, Principal Investigator,
Fish and Wildlife Service ($4,800 for grassland bird research)
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation ($4,900 for wetlands
Bergen Swamp Preservation Society ($1,600 for small mammal study in Bergen
Department of Environmental Conservation ($3,600 for study on Grasshopper
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation ($46,000
for biological inventory of Yanty Creek Marsh, J. Makarewicz, principal
1998-1999 Great Lakes Research Consortium ($20,000 for stopover ecology research
with Dr. T. Donovan of SUNY ESF).
Department of Defense, Fort Drum, NY. ($40,000 for study on breeding
biology of Henslow's Sparrow)
National Science Foundation Grant: Stressed Stream Analysis: Addressing
Real Environmental Problems to Stimulate Undergraduate Science
Faculty and Students (J. M. Haynes, Principal Investigator, $120,000).
United States Fish and Wildlife Service Challenge Grants ($15,500 for grassland
bird research)
United States Fish and Wildlife Service Challenge Grant ($14,700 for wetlands
1994 - 1996 United States Fish and Wildlife Service Challenge Grants ($24,200 for grassland
bird research)
1995 - 1998 Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State, ($2,700 for
grassland bird research)
Bergen Swamp Preservation Society ($1,100 for assessment of bog turtle
1994 National Science Foundation Grant: Stressed Stream Analysis: Addressing Real
Environmental Problems to Stimulate Undergraduate Science Faculty and
Students (J. M. Haynes, Principal Investigator, $113,593).
Balent, K. and C. J. Norment. 2003. Demographic characteristics of a Grasshopper Sparrow
savannarum) population in a highly fragmented landscape in western New
York. Journal of Field Ornithology 74: 341-348.
Norment, C. J. 2002. Grassland bird conservation in the Northeast. Auk 119: 271-279.
Norment, C. J., C. A. Ardizzone, and K. Hartman. 1999. Habitat relations and breeding biology of
grassland birds in western New York: Management Implications. Studies in Avian Biology 19:
Ardizzone, C. A. and C. J. Norment. 1999. Experimental analysis of nest predation: Effects of habitat
and nest distribution. Studies in Avian Biology 19: 122-127.
Roberts, C. R. and C. J. Norment. 1999. Effects of plot size and habitat characteristics on breeding
success of Scarlet Tanagers. Auk 116:73-82.
Norment, C. J., A. Hall, and P. Hendricks.1998. Important bird and mammal records in the Thelon
River Valley, Northwest Territories: Range expansions and possible explanations. Canadian
Field-Naturalist 113: 1-11.
Norment, C. J., P. Hendricks, and R. Santonocito. 1998. Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia
atricapilla). In the Birds of North America (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). Philadelphia: The
Academy of Natural Sciences.
Page 43 of 125
Jones, G. and C. J. Norment. 1998. Absence of breeding readiness in Neotropical and longdistance migrant landbirds during spring stopover. Condor 100: 373-375.
Norment, C. J. and M. E. Fuller. 1997. Breeding season frugivory by Harris' Sparrows (Zonotrichia
querula) and White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) in a Low Arctic ecosystem.
Canadian Journal of Zoology 75: 670-679
Norment, C. J. 1995. Prebasic (postnuptial) molt in free-ranging Harris' Sparrows in the Northwest
Territories, Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 109:470-472.
Norment, C. J. 1995. Incubation patterns in Harris' Sparrows and White-crowned Sparrows in the
Northwest Territories, Canada. Journal of Field Ornithology 66:553-563.
Norment, C. J. 1994. Breeding site fidelity in Harris' Sparrows in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
Field-Naturalist 108:234-236.
Hendricks, D. P. and C. J. Norment. 1994. Hatchability of American Pipit eggs in the Beartooth
Mountains, Wyoming. Wilson Bulletin 106: 392-399.
Norment, C. J. 1993. Nest site characteristics and nest predation in Harris' Sparrows and Whitecrowned Sparrows in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Auk 110: 769-777.
Norment, C. J., and S. A. Shackelton. 1993. Harris' Sparrow (Zonotrichia querula). In The Birds of
North America, No. 64 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural
Norment, C. J. 1992. The comparative breeding biology of Harris' Sparrows and Gambel's Whitecrowned Sparrows in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Condor 94: 955-975.
Hendricks, P. and C. J. Norment. 1992. Effects of a severe snowstorm on alpine and subalpine
populations of nesting American Pipits. Journal of Field Ornithology 63:331-338.
Norment, C. J. 1991. Bird use of forest patches in the subalpine forest-alpine tundra ecotone of the
Mountains, Wyoming. Northwest Science 65: 1-9.
Norment, C. J. 1988. The effect of nectar-thieving ants on the reproductive success of Frasera
speciosa (Gentianacea). American Midland Naturalist 120:331-336.
Norment, C. J. 1987. A comparison of three methods for measuring tundra arthropod abundance
and its an ecology. Northwest Science 61:191-198.
Hendricks, D. P. and C. J. Norment. 1986. Additions to the alpine avifauna of the Beartooth
Mountains, Wyoming.
Murrelet 67:90-92.Norment, C. J. 1985. Observations on the annual chronology for birds in the
Warden's Grove area, Thelon River,
Northwest Territories, 1977-1978. Canadian FieldNaturalist 99:471-483.
Norment, C. J. 1980. Breech presentation of the fetus in a pregnant muskox. Journal of Mammalogy
Douglas, C. L. and C. J. Norment. 1979. Ecology of feral burros in Death Valley National Monument.
Pp. 373-383
in Proceedings of the first conference on scientific research in the National
Parks. R. M. Linn, ed. US National Park Service, Washington, D. C.
Douglas, C. L. and C. J. Norment. 1977. Habitat damage by feral burros in Death Valley. Desert
Bighorn Council Transactions 21:21-25.
Norment, C. J. and C. L. Douglas. 1977. Ecological studies of feral burros in Death Valley National
Monument. Coop. National Park Studies Unit, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV. 17:1-132.
Norment, C. J. and M. Morgan. 2003. Breeding biology of grassland birds in western New York:
Management implications. Cooper Ornithological Society 75th Annual Meeting, Flagstaff, AZ.
Norment, C. J. 2002. Status of grassland bird research and conservation in the Northeast. The
Northeast Natural History Conference VII, Albany, New York.
Norment, C. J., and H. Halbritter. 2001. Suitability of switchgrass (Panicum) stands as habitat for
grassland birds. American Ornithologist's Union Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Krebs, R., Norment, C. J., and S. Joule. 2001. Breeding ecology of Henslow's Sparrows at Fort
Drum, NY. American Ornithologist's Union Annual Meeting
Norment, C. J. 2000. Grassland bird conservation in the Northeast: the problem of temporal scale.
Society for Conservation Biology Annual Meeting, Missoula, MT.
Page 44 of 125
Norment, C. J. 2000. Grassland bird conservation in New York: A temporal perspective. New
York Natural History Conference VI, Albany, NY.
Norment, C. J. 1999. Grassland management and its influence on grassland birds. United States
Fish and Wildlife Service Region 5 Refuge Biologists. Workshop, National Conservation
Training Center, Shepardstown, WV.
(Invited presentation)
Norment, C. J., A. Hall, and P. Hendricks. 1998. Climate change and avian range expansions in the
forest-tundra transition of the Northwest Territories: Difficulties in evaluating alternative
hypotheses. North American
Ornithological Congress, St. Louis, MO.
Jones, G. A and C. J. Norment. 1998. Stopover of Neotropical and temperate landbird migrants on
the south shore of Lake Ontario during spring migration. North American Ornithological
Norment, C. J. 1996. Grassland bird habitat relations and breeding biology in western New York.
New York Natural History Conference, Albany New York.
Norment, C. J., C. A. Ardizzone, and K. Hartman. 1995. Habitat relations and breeding biology of
grassland birds in western New York: Management Implications. International Conference on
Conservation and Ecology of
Grassland Birds, Tulsa, OK.
Ardizzone, C. A. and C. J. Norment. 1995. Experimental analysis of nest predation: Effects of
habitat and nest
distribution. International Conference on Conservation and Ecology of Grassland Birds.
Norment, C. J. 2002. (Book review). Blackhearts: Ecology in Outback Australia. Auk 119: 577-580.
Norment, C. J. 2000. Arctic Profile: Francis Harper (1886-1972). Arctic 53: 72-75.
Norment, C. J. 1999. Effects of grassland bird management on nongame bird community structure
and productivity. Final report to United States Fish and Wildlife Service; 152 pp.
Norment, C. J. 1999. (Book Review) Habitat characteristics of of some passerine birds in western
North American taiga, by Brina Kessel. Arctic 52: 311-312.
Norment, C. J. 1991. (Book Review) Journal of a Barrenlander: W. H. B. Hoare, 1928-1929, edited
by Sheila Thomsen. Arctic 44: 261-262.
Norment, C. J. 1989. In the North of Our Lives: A Year in the Wilderness of the Northwest
Territories. Down East Books, Camden, ME. (book)
Norment, C. J. 1988. Arctic Profile: C. H. D. Clarke (1909-1981). Arctic 41:256-257. Professional
Societies: American Ornithologist's Union; Arctic Institute of North America; Cooper
Ornithological Society; Society for Conservation Biology; Australian Institute for Alpine Studies.
Page 45 of 125
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Biology, State University of New
York, Brockport, New York 14420
The State University of New York at Albany
Ph.D. Ecology, Evolution and Behavior program
Dissertation: Persistence and Spread of Cryptococcus fagisuga, the initiating agent in
Beech Bark Disease
Advisor: Dr. George Robinson
The State University of New York at Albany May 2002
Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems
And Spatial Analysis
Union College June 1995
Bachelor of Science in Biology, magna cum laude
SUNY College at Brockport August 2002 to Present
Qualified Academic Rank, Lecturer
ENV 303 Ecology
ENV 495/595 Plant Ecology
ENV 499 Independent Study: Evolution and Impact of Angiosperms,
ENV 437/614 Biological Investigation and Data Analysis
The State University of New York at Albany September 1995 to August 2002
Biology 320 Ecology
Teaching Assistant
Biology 110 Introduction to Biology I,
Biology 111 Introduction to Biology II
Biology 455/555 Plant Ecology,
Biology 497/601 Restoration Ecology
Study Group Facilitator Biology 110
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation September 2000 – June 2002
Division of Water. Bureau of Flood Protection. Water GIS section Internship
The State University of New York at Albany May 1996 to August 1998
Research Assistant
Field assistant in survey of E.N. Huyck Preserve.
Computer work in study of epidemics using
TEMPEST computer program.
Union College Summer 1994
Research Assistant
Field assistant in study of eutrophication of an Adirondack lake.
Page 46 of 125
Gardner, G. 2001. Beech scale (Cryptococcus fagisuga) dynamics in an aftermath forest. In
Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve and Biological Research Station 1996-1997 Combined
Annual Report. Wyman, R.L and C.J.P Barker Editors. 33-40.
Duryea, M., T. Caraco, G. Gardner, W. Maniatty, and B.K. Szymanski, 1999. Population
dispersion and equilibrium infection frequency in a spatial epidemic. Physica D. 132:
Caraco, T, G.Gardner, W. Maniatty, E. Deelman and B.K. Szymanski. 1998b. Lyme disease:
self-regulation and pathogen invasion. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 193: 561-575.
Caraco, T, M. Duryea, G.Gardner, W. Maniatty, and B.K. Szymanski. 1998a. Host spatial
heterogeneity and extinction of a SIS epidemic. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 192: 351561.
Gardner, G.C. 2000. The role of density dependence in small scale population dynamics of
Cryptococcus fagisuga. New York State Natural History Conference, Albany, NY. April
Wright, N.D. G.R. Robinson, I. Peters Robinson, and G.C. Gardner. 1999. Spatial variability of
interactions between a native host tree and a non-native parasite. Symposium on the
ecology of invasive species. New Haven, CT. February 1999.
Gardner, G.C. 1998. Beech scale dynamics in an aftermath forest. New York State Natural
History Conference, Albany, NY. October 1998.
Page 47 of 125
Examples of Associate Faculty
Mark R. Noll, Ph.D.
Ph.D. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, May 1989 in Soil Physical Chemistry.
M.S. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico, May 1985 in
B.S. Millersville University, Millersville, Pennsylvania, May 1981 in Earth Science-Geology.
Associate Professor, State University of New York College at Brockport, Department of The
Earth Sciences, Sept. 2003 to present, Asst. Prof. Aug. 1997 to Aug. 2003. Responsible for
courses in Physical Geology (majors and non-majors), Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Groundwater.
Research Hydrogeologist, Applied Research Associates, Inc., Tyndall AFB, FL, and Dover AFB,
DE, March 1994 to August 1997. Director of Field Operations and Research for the USAF
Groundwater Remediation Field Laboratory.
R&D Geochemist, DuPont Chemicals R&D, Environmental Resources Group, Jackson Lab,
Deepwater, NJ, April 1991 to March 1994
Adjunct Faculty, Delaware County Community College, Media, PA, September 1992 to March
Geologist, DuPont Environmental Remediation Services, Wilm., DE, March 1990 to April 1991
Remedial Project Manager, U.S. EPA, Region III, Philadelphia, Pa., April 1989 to March 1990.
Science Teacher, Tower Hill School, Wilmington, De., February 1988 to June 1988. I was
responsible for teaching 2 sections of ninth grade physical science and 3 sections of eighth grade
earth science.
Principal Investigator
1. Noll, M.R. and J. Makarewicz. 2002. Impact of Anoxia and Alum on Phosphorous
Release From Internal Load in Irondequoit Bay, Rochester Embayment Area of Concern.
Great Lakes Protection Fund, $134,216.
2. Noll, M.R. 2001. Development of Environmental Geochemistry Modules Across an Earth
Science Curriculum. National Science Foundation, DUE CCLI-A&I Program, $36,892.
3. Noll, M.R. 2002. Geochemical characterization of water and sediment, Cazenovia and
Scajaquada Creek, NY. Subcontract from S. Inamdar from USEPA Great Lakes Basin
Program. $4776.
4. Noll, M. R. 2002. Sediment Modelling of the Buffalo River Watershed, Water and
Sediment Analysis for Model Testing. Subcontract from S. Inamdar from USACOE.
5. Noll, M.R. and Hunter J.C. 2001. Evaluation of Anthropogenic Effects to the Ellison Park
Wetland II. Research contract with USGS, $5014.
Co-Principal Investigator
6. Zollweg, J.A., M.R. Noll and W.J. Autin. 2002. Black Creek Watershed State of the Basin
Report. USEPA through the NYDOH, $12000.
7. Autin, W.J. and Noll, M.R. 2000. Quaternary Geologic Mapping of the Holley 7.5 Minute
Quadrangle. U.S. Geological Survey, Educational Geological Mapping Program, $3500.
8. Hunter, J, Harris, P., Noll, M, and Zollweg, J. 2000. Sacramento - San Joacim Delta
Marsh Evaluation and Restoration Plan. Research contract with Habitat and Restoration
Assessment Team, Inc., $4800
9. Hunter, J.C. and Noll, M.R. 1999. Evaluation of Anthropogenic Effects to the Ellison Park
Wetland. Research contract with USGS, $5014.
Page 48 of 125
10. Silverstone, S., DeFeo, B., English, B., Esler, M., Harris, P., Maliekal, J., Noll, M.,
Rao, T., Schlecht, K., Tahar, M., and Zollweg, J. 1999. Science and Math Summer
Leadership Institute. GTE FOCUS Program, $28,624.
11. Autin, W.J. and Noll, M.R. 1998. Quaternary Geologic Mapping of the Hamlin 7.5 Minute
Quadrangle. U.S. Geological Survey, Educational Geological Mapping Program, $5000.
12. Collaborator with J. Makarewicz and I. Bosch (principal investigators), 2002. Experimental
Manipulation of Entire Watersheds through BMPs: Nutrient Fluxes, Fate and Transport and
Biotic Response, USDA, $667,998.
( * denotes undergraduate student co-author)
Journal Articles
Noll, M.R. 2003 (in press). Building Bridges Between Field and Laboratory Studies in an
Undergraduate Groundwater Course. Journal of Geoscience Education.
Other Peer Reviewed Documents
Noll, M.R., Hunter, J.C. and *Brennan, J. Change in the Structure and Species Composition of
a Coastal Wetland of Lake Ontario 1999-2001. Technical report to the U.S. Geological
Survey, Ithaca, NY, June, 2002.
Noll M.R., *Perry, N.C., and *Delobbe, M. 2000. Uptake of Heavy Metals by Forage Crops from
Sludge Amended Soils. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Heavy Metals
in the Environment, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Hunter, J.C., Noll, M.R., and *Perry, N.C. Change in the Structure and Species Composition of
a Coastal Wetland of Lake Ontario 1991-1999. Technical report to the U.S. Geological
Survey, Ithaca, NY, June, 2000.
Conference Abstracts
*Buckwalter, M.J. and Noll, M.R. 2003. Reassessment of Wetland Soil Quality Using
Spatial Variability Factors. Geological Society of America Abstracts w/ Program, v.35
*Hanselman, D.P. Jr. and Noll, M.R. 2003. Meter Scale Variability of Soil Properties in a
Lake Ontario Coastal Wetland. Geological Society of America Abstracts w/ Program, v.35
*Raduns, N.R. and Noll, M.R. 2003. Rapid Determination of Exchangeable Cations Using
an Acclerated Solvent Extraction Procedure. Geological Society of America Abstracts w/
Program, v.35 no.5.
*White, D.J. and Noll, M.R. 2003. Characterization of P Distribution in Sediment Cores
from an Alum Treated Lake. Geological Society of America Abstracts w/ Program, v.35
Noll, M.R. 2002. Incorporating Geochemistry in an Earth Science Curriculum. Geological
Society of America Abstracts w/ Program, v.34 no.5.
Gruendle, K.V. and Noll, M.R. 2002. Magnetite Dissolution Rates in Acidic Solutions.
Geological Society of America Abstracts w/ Program, v.34 no.5.
Hanselman, D.P. Jr. and Noll, M.R. 2002. Spatial Variation in Wetland Soil Properties as
Influenced by Hydrology and Elevation in a Coastal Wetland of Lake Ontario. Geological
Society of America Abstracts w/ Program, v.34 no.5.
Wachtman, J., Noll, M.R. and Zollweg, J.A. 2002. Spatial and Temporal Analyses of Water
Quality in Subcatchments of Irondequoit Creek Using GIS. Geological Society of
America Abstracts w/ Program, v.34 no.5.
Taylor, R., *Harrington, L. and Noll, M.R. 2002. Determination of Exchangeable Base
Cations and Ammonium in Wetland Soils by Ion Chromatography. Agronomy Abstracts,
Page 49 of 125
Noll, M.R. and *Seiter, J.M. 2001. Modeling Rates of Erosion Using Anthropogenic
Heavy Metals. Geological Society of America Abstracts w/ Program, v.33 no.5.
Noll, M.R., and Hunter, J.C. 2000. Variations in Nutrient and Heavy Metal Distribution and
Bioavailability in an Urban Wetland as Influenced by Soil Chemical and Hydrological
Properties. Geological Society of America Abstracts w/Programs. V.32, No.5.
Hunter, J. C., Zollweg, J.A., and Noll, M. R. 2000. Influence of Hydrology and Geomorphology
Upon Biodiversity in a Coastal Wetland of Lake Ontario. New York State Wetland Forum,
2000 Annual Spring Meeting, Binghamton, NY.
Noll, M.R., and *Lewis, S.C. 1999. Effects of pH and Particle Size on Wollastonite Dissolution.
Geological Society of America Abstracts w/Programs.
Noll M.R., and *Perry, N.C. 1999. Bioavailability of Mo and Cu from Sewage Sludge
Amended Soils. Agronomy Abstracts, Salt Lake City.
Noll, M.R., and *Brown, G.H., 1998. Effect of Anion Species on Pb Desorption from Clay
Minerals. Geological Society of America Abstracts w/ Programs. V.30, No.5.
Other Reports
Sperber, S. T., *Sheehan, K, *Natal, H, Natel, E. , Autin, W. J., Zollweg, J., and Noll, M.
(Compilers), 2001. Quaternary Geologic Map of the Holly, New York 7.5- Minute
Quadrangle. USGS EDMAP Report
Sperber, S. T., *Dilorenzo, J., *Petrus, J., *Evans, F., *Peck, B., *Wakeley, S., Autin, W. J.,
Noll, M., Zollweg, J., (Compilers), 2000, Quaternary Geologic Map of the Hamlin, New
York 7.5- Minute Quadrangle. USGS EDMAP Report.
Process For Isolating Contaminated Soils. U.S. Patent Number 5,370,478. 1995
Journal Articles
19. Sadusky, M.C., Sparks, D.L., Noll, M.R., and Hendricks, G.J. 1987. Kinetics and Mechanisms
of Potassium Release from Sandy Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am J.,
V.51, No.6.
Chapter in Edited Volume
20. Kyle, P.R., and Noll, M.R. 1989. Mount Overlord, In W.E. LeMasurier and J.W. Thomson
(eds.), Volcanoes of the Antarctic Plate and Southern Oceans. American Geophysical Union.
Conference Proceeding Papers
21. Noll, M.R., Smith, Maj. M.H., Carter, C.H., Thomas, A., and Kerch, P.E. 1996 Development of
a Facility for the Demonstration of Emerging DNAPL Remedial Technologies by Means of
Contained Release Experiments. Proceedings, Third International Symposium and
Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw,
Smith, Maj. M.H., and Noll, M.R. 1995. The Groundwater Remediation Field Laboratory: A
Facility to Support Controlled Release Experiments. Proceedings of the Challenges and
Innovations in the Management of Hazardous Waste, Air & Waste Management Association
and Waste Policy Institute, May 10-12, Washington, D.C.
23. Noll, M.R. 1994. Use of Sequential Selective Extraction Methods for Metals Speciation and
Remediation Technology Evaluation. In D. Wm. Tedder (ed.), American Chemical Society,
Emerging Technologies In Hazardous Waste Management VI.
24. Noll, M.R., Epps, D.E., Bartlett, C.L., and Chen, P.J. 1993. In Situ Pilot Field Applications of a
Colloidal Silica Gel Technology for In-Situ Hot Spot Stabilization and Horizontal Grouting.
National Ground Water Assoc. Seventh National Outdoor Action Conference Proceedings, Las
Page 50 of 125
25. Noll, M.R., Bartlett, C.L., and Dochat, T.M. 1992. In Situ Permeability Reduction and
Chemical Fixation Using Colloidal Silica. National Ground Water Assoc. Sixth National
Outdoor Action Conference Proceedings, Las Vegas.
26. Noll M.R., Sparks, D.L., and Bertsch, P.M. 1990. Mineralogical Factors Effecting the Mobility of
Cs in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments. American Inst. of Hydrology - Leningrad Mining
Inst., Proceedings, US/USSR Joint Conference on Global Environmental Hydrology and
Hydrogeology, Leningrad.
Invited Conference Proceeding Paper
27. Noll, M.R. 1993. Innovations in Containment and Barrier Technology. Proceedings,
Computational Initiative for the Oil and Gas Industry, Los Alamos National Laboratory. June
21-24, Santa Fe, NM.
Conference Abstracts
28. Hills, D.J., Madsen, J.A., McGeary, S., Black, J.D., and Noll, M.R. 1995. Using 100 Mhz
Ground Penetrating Radar at the Dover Air Force Base Groundwater Remediation Field
Laboratory. Geological Society of America Abstracts w/ Programs. V.28.
29. Kyle, P.R., Gamble, J.A., McIntosh, W.C., and Noll, M.R. 1982. McMurdo Volcanic Group,
Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, Antarctic Journal of the United States, 1982 Review. V.XVII,
30. Mirecki, J., Noll, M.R.*, and Sparks, D.L. 1985. Sand Mineralogy of Delaware Coastal Plain
Soils: Its Role in Supplying Potassium. Agronomy Abstracts, Chicago.
31. Noll, M.R., Bertsch, P.M., and Sparks, D.L. 1986. A Comparison of Sequential Selective
Dissolution Methods for the Analysis of 137Cs mobility in Lake Sediments. Geol. Assoc. Canada
Min Assoc. Canada Programs w/Abstracts. V.11, Ottawa.
32. Noll, M.R., Bertsch, P.M., and Sparks, D.L. 1986. Kinetics of Cs-K and Cs-NH4 Exchange on
Kaolinite and Vermiculite. Agronomy Abstracts, New Orleans.
33. Noll, M.R., Bertsch, P.M., and Sparks, D.L. 1987. The Effects of Temperature on the Sorption
of Cesium by Illite. Clay Minerals Society Annual Meeting, Socorro, New Mexico.
34. Noll, M.R., Cline, S.P., Baumel, M.H., and Darr, R.L. 1991. In-Situ Permeability Reduction and
Chemical Fixation Using Colloidal Silica. Geological Society of America Abstracts w/
Programs. V.23 , No.5.
35. Noll, M.R., and Kyle, P.R. 1985. Petrogenetic Modeling of Magma Evolution at Mount
Overlord, Antarctica. Geological Society of America Abstracts w/Programs. V.17, No.1.
36. Noll, M.R. and Smith, Maj. M.H. 1995. Characterization of the U.S. Air Force Groundwater
Remediation Field Laboratory: A Facility for the Contained Release of DNAPLs. Geological
Society of America Abstracts w/ Programs. V.27, No.5.
37. Noll, M.R., Smith, Maj. M.H., and Kerch, P.E. 1994. Development of an Experimental
Controlled Release Site for the Evaluation of Environmental Remediation Technologies Under
the DoD National Environmental Technology Demonstration Program. Geological Society of
America Abstracts w/ Programs. V.26 , No.7.
38. Noll M.R., Sparks, D.L., and Bertsch, P.M. 1985. Effects of Temperature on K-NH4, K-Cs, and
NH4-Cs Exchange Selectivity on Selected Clay Minerals. Agronomy Abstracts, Chicago.
39. Sadusky, M.C., Sparks, D.L., and Noll, M.R. 1986. Mechanisms of Potassium Feldspar
Weathering in Delaware Soils. Northeast Branch, American Society of Agronomy Abstracts,
Newark, Delaware.
Roger J. Ward
Daniel J. White
Hillary Richardson
Special Recognition Award, USEPA Region III, 1996
Page 51 of 125
Rice University Consortium ECRS Advisory Committee, 1994.
DuPont Chemicals R&D, Oscar Award for Achievement, 1992 and 1993.
Distinguished Alumni Fellow, Millersville University, 1990.
Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Delaware, 1987.
Department of Energy NERP Fellowship-Savannah River Ecology Lab, June 1985 to
December 1987.
New Mexico Governor's Commission on Higher Education, 1984.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon, National Earth Science Honor Society, May 1982.
Geological Society of America
Soil Science Society of America
National Association of Geoscience Teachers
Page 52 of 125
Markus M. Hoffmann
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, State University of
New York at Brockport, Brockport, New York 14420
1991, Chemistry, Darmstady University of Technology, Germany
1996, Physical Chemistry, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
1997, Physical Chemistry, Washington University, St. Louis,MO
Adjunct, Columbia Basin College, Department of Math and Science, Pasco, WA
Post Doctoral Associate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
Supercritical Fluids Groups, Richmond, WA
Graduate Assistant, Washington University, Department of
Physics, St. Louis, MO
Teaching Assistant, Washington University, Department of Physics, St. Louis,
Teaching Assistant, Florida State University, Department of Chemistry,
Tallahassee, FL
Petroleum Research Fund Award from the American Chemical Society
Workshop Project Associate Program Starter Grant for Team Learning
Camille and Henry Dreyfus Faculty Start-up Grant for Undergraduate Institutes.
Recipient of an educational grant from the Quadrille Ball of the Germanistic
Society of America in 1995.
A Classroom Exercise Aiming at the Development of an Intuitive Understanding of P-V-T Phase
Behavior of Fluids. Hoffmann, M.M. Journal of Chemical Education in press.
Measuring P-V-T Phase Behavior with a Variable Volume View Cell. Hoffmann, M.M., Salter,
J.D. Journal of Chemical Education, in press.
Surfactants in Green Solvent Systems – Current and Possible Future Research Directions.
Hoffmann, M.M., Heitz, M.P., Carr, J.B., Tubbs, J.D., Journal of Dispersion Science and
Technology, 2003. Vol. 24:155-171.
Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of 1-Ethylk-3-Methylimidazolium Bromides. Woods, C.M.,
Bushie, N.T., Hoffmann, M.M. Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research, 2003.
Vol. 2:1-4.
NMR investigation of High Pressure, High Temperature Chemistry and Fluid Dynamics.
Yonker, C.R., Hoffmann, M.M. in “Supercritical Fluid Technology in Materials Science
and Engineering: Synthesis, Properties and Applications”, edited by Sun, Y.P., Marcel
Dekker, Inc. March, 2002.
Ion Hydration and Ion-Pair Formation in Water. Fulton, J.L., Hoffmann, M.M., Darab, J.G.,
Palmer, B.J., Stern, E.A. APS Forefront, 2001. Vol. 1, pp. 83-85.
An Infrared and X-ray Absorption Study of the Structure and Equilibrium of Chromate,
Dichromate and Dichromate in High Temperature Aqueous Solutions. Hoffmann, M.M.,
Darab, J.G., Fulton, J.L. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2001. Vol. 105, pp. 6876-6885.
Page 53 of 125
An Infrared and X-ray Absorption Study of the Equilibrium and Structure of the Chromate,
Bichromate and Dichromate in Ambient Aqueous Solutions. Hoffmann, M.M., Darab,
J.G., Fulton, J.L. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2001, Vol. 105, pp. 172-1782.
Speciation of a Cu(1) Compound in a Heterogeneous Hydrothermal Mixture Using X-ray
Imaging and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy through a Diamond Micro-Reactor Cell.
Fulton, J.L., Darab, J.G., Hoffmann, M.M. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2001. Vol.
72, pp. 2117.
An X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Study of Copper(1) Chloride Coordination Structure in Water
up to 325 C. Fulton, J.L., Hoffmann, M.M., Darab, J.G. Chemical Physics Letters, 2000.
Vol. 330, pp. 300-308.
Copper(1) and Copper(1) Coordination Structure under Hydrothermal Conditions at 325 C: An
XAPS and MD Study. Fulton, J.L., Hoffmann, M.M., Darab, J.G., Palmer, B.J,. Stern,
E.A. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2000. Vol. 104, pp. 11651-11663.
The Corrosion of Nickel Metal by High Temperature Aqueous Sodium Tungstate Solution
Observed in situ by IR Spectroscopy. Hoffmann, M.M., Fulton, J.L. Corrosion Journal,
2000. Vol. 56, pp. 501-504.
A Short-Path Length, High Pressure Optical Flow Cell for Status and Time Resolved Infrared
Spectroscopy, Suitable for Supercritical Fluid Solutions Including Hydrothermal Systems.
Hoffmann, M.M., Addlemann, R.S., Fulton, J.L. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2000.
Vol. 71, pp. 1552-1556.
XAFS Studies of Aqueous Tungstate and Chrome Solutions at High Temperatures and
Pressures. Hoffmann, M.M., Darab, J.G., Fulton, J.L. A peer-reviewed paper in:
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam.
Eds. Tremaine, P.R., Hill, P.G., Irish, D.E., Balakrishnan, P.V. NRC Press, Ottawa,
2000. pp. 585-592.
A transition from a Six- to a Four-coordinate Ni Complex in High-Temperature Aqueous
Solutions from X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. Fulton, J.L., Darab, J.G, Hoffmann,
M.M. accepted as a reviewed paper in: Proceedings of the 13th International
Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam, Eds. Tremaine, P.R., Hill, P.G., Irish,
D.E., Balakrishnan, P.V., NRC Press, Ottawa, 2000. pp. 593-598.
Unusual Dysprosium Ceramic Nano-Fiber Growth in a Supercritical Aqueous Solution.
Hoffmann, M.M., Young, J.S., Fulton, J.L. Journal of Material Science, 2000. vol. 35,
pp. 4177-4183.
New Experimental Developments for in situ XAFS Studies of Chemical Reactions under
Hydrothermal Conditions. Hoffmann, M.M., Darab, J.G., Heald, S. M., Yonker, C.R.,
Fulton, J.L. Chemical Geology, 2000. Vol. 167, pp. 89-103.
A Transition in the Ni Structure from Six- to Four-Coordinate upon Formation of the Ion Pair
Species in Supercritical Water: An XAFS, NIR, and MD Study. Hoffmann, M.M., Darab,
J.G., Palmer, B.J,., Fulton, J.L. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 1999. Vol. 103, pp.
Studying in situ Hydrothermal Reactions with X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy.
Hoffmann, M.M., Darab, J.G., Fulton, J.L., Stern, E.A. Mineralogical
Magazine, 1998. Vol. 62-A, pp. 636-637.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Evidence of Disorder and Motion in Yttrium Trideuteride.
Balbach, J.J., Conradi, M.S., Hoffmann, M.M., Udovic, T. J., Adolphi, N.L. Physical
Review B, 1998. Vol. 58, pp. 14823-14832.
Hydrogen Exchange Reactions in Supercritical Media Monitored by in situ NMR. Hoffmann,
M.M., Conradi, M.S. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 1998. Vol. 14, pp. 31-40.
Are There Hydrogen Bonds in Supercritical Methanol and Ethanokl? Hoffmann, M.M., Conradi,
M.S. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 1998. Vol. 102, pp. 263-271.
Hydrogen Bonding and Exchange in Alcohols and Water. Hoffmann, M.M., Conradi, M.S.
Symposium on General Papers, American Chemical Society, Division of Petroleum
Chemistry, J. Reynold, Ed,: Las Vegas, NV, 1997. pp. 686-690.
Page 54 of 125
Hydrogen Bonding in Supercritical Water, Methanol and Ethanol. Hoffmann, M.M.,
Conradi, M.S. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Hydrothermal
Reactions, Palmer, A.P., Wesolowski, D.J., Ed; Gatlinburg, TN, 1997. pp. 176-180.
Are there Hydrogen Bonds in Supercritical Water? Hoffmann, M.M., Conradi, M.S. Journal of
the American Chemical Society, 1997. Vol. 119. pp. 3811-3817.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Probe for Supercritical Water and Aqueous Solutions. Hoffmann,
M.M., Conradi, M.S. Review of Scientific Instruments, 1997. Vol. 68, pp. 159-164.
Page 55 of 125
David Allen Holtzman
Department of Psychology
135 Holmes Hall
SUNY Brockport
Brockport, NY 14420
Education and Positions Held
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
SUNY Brockport
Brockport, NY
Assistant Professor
Department of Brain & Cognitive Sci.
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY
Assistant Professor
Neuroscience Program
Oberlin College
Oberlin, OH
Postdoctoral Fellow
Laboratory of Neurobiology & Behavior
The Rockefeller University
New York, NY
Ph.D., Program in Neural and Behavioral
State University of New York Health
Science Center at Brooklyn
Brooklyn, NY
B.S., Anatomy and Physiology
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
Research Interests
Spatial ecology, memory, and learning in reptiles and amphibians
Development of sensory systems and their use in naturally-occurring behaviors
Chemical senses in reptiles and amphibians
Comparative neuroanatomy
Refereed Publications
Holtzman, D.A., Stosic, C.S., and J. Wyatt (In review) Movement of resident and displaced boa
constrictors (Boa constrictor imperator) on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. Herpetologica.
Page 56 of 125
Holtzman, D.A., Stosic, C.S., and J. Wyatt (2002) Field use of a local anesthetic, lidocaine
hydrochloride, for radiotransmitter implantation in Boa constrictor imperator. Herpetological
Review 33:189-191.
Holtzman, D.A. (2001) Courtship behavior:Thamnophis s. sirtalis. Herpetological Review
Stone, A., N.B. Ford, and D.A. Holtzman (2000) Spatial learning and shelter selection by
juvenile spotted pythons, Anteresia maculosus. J. Herpetol. 34:575-587.
Holtzman, D.A., T.W. Harris, G. Aranguren and E. Bostock (1999) Spatial learning and
memory of an escape task by young corn snakes. Animal Behaviour 57:51-60.
Holtzman, D.A. (1998) From slither to hither: Orientation and spatial learning in snakes.
Integrative Biol. 1:81-89.
Holtzman, D.A. (1998) Cell dynamics in the embryonic and postnatal vomeronasal epithelium of
snakes. Microscopy Research and Technique 41:471-482.
Holtzman, D.A., P.J. Brooks, D.W. Pfaff, and S. Schwartz-Giblin (1997) Preproenkephalin
mRNA is regulated by an interaction between steroid hormones and noxious stimulation. J.
Neuroendocrinol. 9:913-922
Stone, A. and D.A. Holtzman (1996) Feeding responses in young boa constrictors are mediated
by the vomeronasal system. Anim. Behav. 52:949-955.
Holtzman, D.A., E. Gordon, and M. Halpern (1993) Developmental changes in cytochrome
oxidase histochemistry in the main and accessory olfactory bulbs of embryonic and neonatal
garter snakes. J. Morphol. 218:323-332.
Holtzman, D.A. (1993) The ontogeny of nasal chemosensory systems in garter snakes. Brain
Behav. Evol. 41:163-170.
Holtzman, D. A., D.W. Pfaff, and S. Schwartz-Giblin (1992) Axial muscle EMG responses
evoked by cutaneous flank nerves in the female rat: effects of spinal transection, steroid
hormones, and anesthesia. Brain Research 595:39-49.
Holtzman, D.A. and M. Halpern (1991a) Incorporation of 3H-thymidine in the embryonic
vomeronasal and olfactory epithelia of garter snakes. J. Comp. Neurol. 304:435-449.
Holtzman, D.A. and M. Halpern (1991b) Incorporation of 3H-thymidine in telencephalic
structures of the vomeronasal and olfactory systems of embryonic garter snakes. J. Comp.
Neurol. 304:450-466.
Holtzman, D.A. and M. Halpern (1990) Embryonic and neonatal development of the
vomeronasal and olfactory systems in garter snakes (Thamnophis sp.). J. Morphol. 203:123-140.
Page 57 of 125
Holtzman, D.A., G.R. Ten Eyck, and D. Begun (1989) Artificial hibernation of garter
(Thamnophis sp.) and corn (Elaphe guttata guttata) snakes. Herp. Review 20:67-69.
Holtzman, D.A. and M. Halpern (1989) In vitro technique for studying garter snake
(Thamnophis spp.) development. J. Exp. Zool. 250:283-288.
Greenberg, L.A. and D.A. Holtzman (1987) Microhabitat utilization, feeding periodicity, home
range and population size of the banded sculpin, Cottus carolinae. Copeia, 1987:19-25.
Non-refereed Publications
Halpern, M. and D.A. Holtzman (editors, 1993) Preface to Chemosensing and chemosignaling in
reptiles. Special issue of Brain, Behavior and Evolution, Vol. 41, Karger, Switzerland.
Holtzman, D.A. (1990) Embryonic and neonatal development of the vomeronasal and olfactory
systems in garter snakes (Thamnophis spp.). Ph.D. Thesis. SUNY Health Science Center at
Holtzman, D.A. and M. Halpern (1987) Development of olfactory and vomeronasal systems in
the red-sided garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. In S.D. Roper and J. Atema (eds):
Olfaction and Taste. Vol. 9. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, pp. 373-374.
External support
$195, 018 (direct costs) - NSF grant entitled, "Learning-dependent neurogenesis in snakes"
$500 (direct costs) – East Texas Herpetological Society grant-in-aid (awarded with Ruston
Hartdegen of the Dallas Zoo) entitled, “Sexual dimorphism in the hippocampus of varanid
lizards (1999-2000).
$334,000 (direct costs) - NIH FIRST (R29) Award entitled, “Neurogenesis in the Olfactory and
Vomeronasal Systems” (1994-1999)
$100,000 (direct costs) - NIH Shannon Award for expanding on ideas described in a R01 grant
application entitled, “Neurogenesis in the Olfactory and Vomeronasal Systems” (1992-1994)
NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship: "Effects of steroids on axial muscle reflexes" (1990-1991);
"Interactions of steroids and noxious stimulation on opiate expression in the ventromedial
hypothalamus and spinal cord" (1992)
Honors and Awards
NSF Award – “Learning-Dependent
W.M. Keck Foundation Fellowship in the
Natural Sciences
Excellence in Teaching Award from the
Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience
Page 58 of 125
NIH FIRST Award (R-29)
NIH Shannon Award
NIH Postdoctoral Fellowships
Cornell Tradition Summer Fellowship
Greene Scholarship
New York State Regents Scholarship
Research and Professional Experience
Independent research focusing on spatial learning and
memory and embryonic and postnatal neurogenesis in the
vomeronasal and olfactory systems and hippocampus;
orientation behavior/spatial ecology in snakes
Postdoctoral research with Drs. S. Schwartz-Giblin and
D.W. Pfaff at the Rockefeller University studying the
interactions of steroid hormones with dorsal horn neurons
of the spinal cord
Graduate study with Dr. Mimi Halpern at SUNY Health
Science Center at Brooklyn examining the
neuroanatomical development of the vomeronasal and
olfactory systems in garter snakes
1983, 1984
Independent research at Cornell University studying the
competitive interactions of two species of darters in an
artificial stream
Research assistant with L. Greenberg studying the
interactions between various species of benthic stream
fishes in the Little River, TN
Curatorial assistant in the Cornell Herpetological and
Ichthyological Museum Collections
Teaching Experience
Ometepe, Nicaragua and La Suerte, Costa Rica Field
Tropical Animal Behavior and Tropical Herpetology
Page 59 of 125
Assistant Professor, Univ. of Rochester: Neuroethology,
Introductory Neuroscience Lab and Lecture, Biomedical
Research Ethics, Learning and Memory, Developmental
Assistant Professor, Oberlin College: Introductory
Neuroscience Lab and Lecture, Developmental
Neurobiology, and Animal Behavior
1990, 1991
Instructor, , Nassau County Community College: Human
Anatomy and Physiology
1988, 1989
Lecturer, SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn:
Medical Neuroscience
1986, 1987
Graduate Teaching Assistant, SUNY Health Science
Center at Brooklyn: Medical Neuroanatomy
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Cornell University:
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
Scientific Organization Memberships
Cornell University Herpetological Society
International Brain Research Organization
Sigma Xi
Society for Neuroscience
Society for the Study of Reptiles and Amphibians
Journal and Professional Reviews
American Naturalist
Behavioral Neuroscience
Brain, Behavior and Evolution
Brain Research
Chemical Senses
Journal of Chemical Ecology
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Journal of Comparative Psychology
Journal of Herpetology
Study section for Small Grants for National Institute of Deafness and Communication Disorders
Ad hoc reviewer for National Science Foundation-Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology,
Sensory Systems, and Developmental Neuroscience Programs
Page 60 of 125
Appendix E. List of periodic journals held by Drake Library in the areas of Environmental Science and Biology, Earth
Science and Chemistry.
List of periodical titles held by Drake Memorial Library, SUNY Brockport. Holdings were last
updated in July, 2001. Items which are currently received in print or microform are indicated by
an *. Titles which are available in an electronic version are indicated by the words --available
online-- after the title.
……..AIBS bulletin
v.1-13, 1951-1963
Cont by: BioScience
AIBS education review
v.1-7, 1972-1978
Conts: CUEBS news
* Ambio
v.11, 1982 (Mic-1); v.26, 1997-date
* American bee journal
v.120, 1980; v.122, 1982; v.124, 1984-date
* American biology teacher
v.18, 1956-date
American fern journal
v.1-66, 1910-1976
American forests --available online-v.46-90, 1940-1984; v.92-103, 19861998; v.105, 1999/00
American midland naturalist --available online-v.1-23, 1909-1940; v.37-45,
1947-1951; v.66, 1961; v.68-142, 1962-1999 (scattered issues missing)
* American naturalist --available online-v.94, 1960-date
American scientist --available online-v.30-33, 1942-1945; v.35-87, 1947-1999
American zoologist --available online-v.1-39, 1961-1999
* Animal behaviour
v.6, 1958-date, Conts: British journal of animal behaviour
* Animal learning & behavior
v.1, 1973-date
Annals of botany
v.10-52, 1946-1983 (scattered issues missing)
* Annals of the Entomological Society of America
v.1, 1908-date
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden
v.30-33, 1943-1946; v.35-70, 19481983 (scattered issues missing)
Apicultural abstracts
v.13-47, 1962-1996 (scattered issues missing)
v.20-26, 1989-1995
* Applied & environmental microbiology --available online-v.31-42, 19761981; v.62, 1996-date
Aquacultural engineering --available online-v.15-23, 1996-2000
Aquaculture digest
v.10-14, 1985-1989
* Aquaculture magazine
v.15, 1989-date (scattered issues missing)
Arboretum & botanical garden bulletin
v.2-7, 1968-1973
Cont by: Bulletin
(American Association of Botanical Gardens & Arboreta)
Archiv fur hydrobiologie
v.57-92, 1960-1981 (scattered issues missing), Archiv
fur hydrobiologie. Supplement-band
v.38, 1972; v.40-62, 1972-1981; v.69,
1984 (scattered issues missing)
Atlantic naturalist
v.23-24, 1968-1969
Audubon --available online-v.43-101, 1941-1999
* Auk --available online-v.1-77, 1884-1960 (Mic-1); v.78-112, 1961-1995;
v.116, 1999-date (scattered issues missing)
Australian fisheries
v.28-41, 1969-1982 (scattered issues missing), Conts:
Australian fisheries newsletter
Australian fisheries newsletter
v.26-27, 1967-1968
Cont by: Australian
Australian journal of marine & freshwater research
v.11-36, 1960-1985
(scattered issues missing)
* Bee culture
v.121, 1993-date
Conts: Gleanings in bee culture
Bee world
v.33-77, 1952-1996
* Behavior genetics
v.1, 1970- date
* Behavioral ecology & sociobiology --available online-v.1-2, 1976-1977; v.34,
* Behavioral neuroscience
v.97, 1983Page 61 of 125
* Behaviour --available online-v.20-23, 1963-1964; v.26, 1966-)
* Biogeochemistry
v.36, 1997-date
Biological conservation --available online-v.1-14, 1968- v.32-43, 1966……. Biometrics
v.7-53, 1951-1997
BioScience --available online-v.14-49, 1964-1999
Conts: AIBS
v.39, 1968; v.41-50, 1970-1979. Cont by: Journal of field
Botanica marina
v.12-17, 1969-1974
Botanical gazette
v.121-144, 1959-1983
Botanical journal of the Linnean Society
v.62-83, 1969-1981
Conts: Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Botany
Botanical review --available online-v.1-50, 1935-1984
British journal of animal behaviour
v.1-5, 1953-1957
Cont by: Animal
Bulletin (American Association of Botanical Gardens & Arboreta)
v.8-19, 19741985 (scattered issues missing)
Conts: Arboretum & botanical garden
bulletin. Cont by: Public
Bulletin (Rochester Committee for Scientific Information)
no.1-313, 1964-1992
Bulletin of entomological research
v.46-57, 1955-1968; v.59-74, 1969-1984
Bulletin of environmental contamination & toxicology
v.1-21, 1966-1979
* Bulletin of marine science
v.15, 1965-date
Conts: Bulletin of marine
science of the Gulf & Caribbean
Bulletin of marine science of the Gulf & Caribbean
v.10-14, 1960-1964
Cont by: Bulletin of marine science
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
v.49-71, 1968-1990 (scattered
issues missing)
Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America
v.1-26, 1955-1980
Bulletin of the International Oceanographic Foundation
v.1-2, 1954-1956
(scattered issues missing)
Cont by: Sea frontiers
Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society
v.32-37, 1948-1953; v.39-42,
1955-1958 (scattered issues missing)
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club
v.73-123, 1946-1996
Cont by: Journal
of the Torrey Botanical
Canadian entomologist
v.52, 1920; v.70-80, 1938-1948; v.83, 1951; v.90-116,
* Canadian field naturalist
v.65, 1951; v.79, 1965-date
Canadian fish culturist
no.32-40, 1964-1969
Canadian journal of animal science
v.48-54, 1968-1974
Canadian journal of botany
v.29-63, 1951-1985
Conts: Canadian journal of
research. Section C: Botanical sciences
* Canadian journal of fisheries & aquatic sciences --available online-v.37,
1980-date (scattered issues missing)
Conts: Journal of the Fisheries
Research Board of Canada
* Conservation biology
v.8, 1994-date
Conservation Foundation letter
Conts: CF letter
Conservationist --available online-v.13-49, 1958-1995
Conts: New York
State conservationist. Cont by: New York State conservationist (1995)
* Copeia
* Cornell focus
v.3, 1994-date (scattered issues missing
Curtis's botanical magazine
v.175-183, 1967EHP: Environmental health perspectives
no.2-100, 1972-1993
Cont by: Environmental health perspectives, and Environmental health
perspectives supplements
* Ecological applications
v.4-5, 1994-1995; v.7, 1997-date
* Ecological monographs --available online-v.1, 1931-date
Ecology (Akademiia nauk SSSR)
Cont by: Soviet journal of ecology
* Ecology (Ecological Society of America) --available online-v.1, 1920-date
Ecology of western North America
v.2, 1969/70
Page 62 of 125
* Environment --available online-v.11, 1969-date (scattered issues missing
Environment & behavior --available online-v.1-31, 1969-1999
………Environment international
v.2, 1979 (Mic-1); v.13-18, 1987-1992
Environmental action
v.7-16, 1976-1984 (scattered issues missing)
* Environmental biology of fishes
v.10, 1984-date
Environmental education
v.1, 1969/70
Cont by: Journal of environmental
Environmental education report
v.3-12, 1975-1984
* Environmental ethics
v.1, 1979-date
* Environmental health perspectives --available online-v.101, 1993-date
(scattered issues missing)
* Environmental health perspectives supplements --available online-v.101,
Conts in part: EHP: Environmental health perspectives
* Environmental management --available online-v.1-2, 1976-1978; v.9, 1985;
v.11, 1987-date
Environmental mutagenesis
v.2-9, 1980-1987 (scattered issues missing)
Environmental pollution
v.1-20, 1970-1979
Cont in part by: Environmental
pollution. Series A
* Environmental pollution (1987) --available online-v.95, 1997-date
Conts: Environmental pollution. Series A
* Environmental science & technology
v.1, 1967European journal of soil science v.45-51, 1994-2000, Conts: Journal of soil
* Evolution --available online-v.1, 1947Fish & wildlife news
1980-1993 (scattered issues missing)
* Fisheries
v.1, 1976-date
* Fishery bulletin --available online-- v.74, 1976-date (scattered issues missing)
v.159-169, 1970-1980; v.171, 1981
Conts: Flora oder allgemeine botanische
zeitung. Abt. B
Flora oder allgemeine botanische zeitung. Abt. A: Physiologie und biochemie
v.159-160, 1968-1969
Cont by: Biochemie und physiologie der pflanzen
Flora oder
allgemeine botanische zeitung. Abt. B: Morphologie und geobotanik
v.157-158, 1967-1969
Cont by: Flora
* Freshwater biology
v.1, 1971-date
* Great Lakes entomologist
v.5, 1972-date
Conts: Michigan entomologist
Great Lakes news letter
v.11-24, 1966-1984
Guide to nature
1908-1911 (scattered issues missing)
Herpetological review
1967Horticulture --available online-v.44-62, 1966-1984
v.4-19, 1969-1984 (scattered issues missing)
* Hydrobiologia
v.24, 1964-date (scattered issues missing)
* Ibis
v.110, 1968International wildlife --available online-v.1-30, 1971-2000
Internationale revue der gesamten hydrobiologie
v.56-59, 1971-1974
* Invertebrate biology
v.114, 1995-date
Conts: Transactions of the
American Microscopical
Journal (American Water Works Association)
v.84-88, 1992-1996
Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation)
v.32-61, 1960-1989 (scattered
issues missing)
Cont by: Research journal of the Water Pollution Control
* Journal of animal ecology
v.1, 1932-date
* Journal of apicultural research
v.1, 1962-date
Journal of applied aquaculture
v.4, 1994; v.6-10, 1996-2000
* Journal of applied ecology
v.1-5, 1964-1968; v.31, 1994-date
Journal of applied phycology
v.1-6, 1989-1994
* Journal of aquatic animal health
v.1, 1989-date
Journal of arboriculture
v.1-2, 1975-1976; v.5-10, 1979-1984
* Journal of avian biology
v.25, 1994-date
* Journal of bacteriology --available online-v.1, 1916Journal of ecology --available online-v.1-87, 1913-1999
Page 63 of 125
Journal of economic entomology
v.1-93, 1908Journal of environmental education --available online-v.2-29, 1970-1998
Conts: Environmental education
* Journal of experimental botany --available online-v.1, 1950-date
Journal of experimental zoology
v.140-260, 1959-1991
* Journal of field ornithology
v.51, 1980-date
Conts: Bird-banding
* Journal of fish biology
v.7, 1975-date
Journal of forestry
v.47-63, 1949-1965 (Mic-1); v.64-82, 1966-1984; v.88-91,
1990-1993 (scattered issues missing)
* Journal of freshwater ecology
v.2, 1983-date
* Journal of Great Lakes research
v.1, 1975-date
Journal of herpetology
v.1-19, 1968Journal of insect pathology
v.1-6, 1959Journal of insect physiology --available online-v.1-43, 1957-1997
Journal of invertebrate pathology
v.7-38, 1965* Journal of mammalogy --available online-v.21, 1940-date
* Journal of molluscan studies --available online-v.60, 1994-date
* Journal of phycology
v.1, 1965-date
* Journal of soil & water conservation --available online-v.22, 1967-date
Journal of soil science
v.17-44, 1966-1993
* Journal of the American Water Resources Association
v.33, 1997-date
Conts: Water resources bulletin
Journal of the Arnold Arboretum
v.1-63, 1919-1982
Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada
v.18-36, 1961-1979
Cont by: Canadian journal of fisheries & aquatic
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
v.41-47, 1968-1974
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
1961; v.45-64, 1965-1984
* Journal of the New York Entomological Society
v.76, 1968-date
* Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
v.124, 1997-date
Conts: Bulletin
of the Torrey Botanical
* Journal of wildlife management
v.15, 1951* Limnology & oceanography
v.1, 1956-date
* Living museum
v.16-21, 1954-1960; v.29, 1967-date
Living wilderness
v.19-45, 1954-1982
Cont by: Wilderness
Marine biology
v.1-28, 1967-1974
Michigan entomologist
v.1-4, 1966-1971
National parks --available online-v.55-71, 1981-1997
Conts: National parks & conservation magazine
Natural history --available online-v.54-108, 1945-1999
* Nature
v.6, 1872; v.53-98, 1895-1916; v.151-152, 1943; v.155, 1945-date
* Nature Canada
v.1, 1972-date
Nature magazine
v.25-52, 1935New York fish & game journal
v.9-32, 1962-1985
New York State conservationist
v.3-14, 1948-1960
* New York State conservationist (1995) --available online-v.50, 1995-date
* North American journal of aquaculture
v.61, 1999-date
Conts: Progressive
* North American journal of fisheries management
v.1, 1981-date
v.17-22, 1984-1989
* Oceanus --available online-v.11, 1964-date (scattered issues missing)
* Oecologia --available online-v.1, 1968-date
* Oikos
v.16, 1965-date
v.3-24, 1963-1985 (scattered issues missing)
* Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences … --available online-v.121, 1915-1935; v.23-26, 1937-1940; v.28, 1942-date
Page 64 of 125
* Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science
v.1, 1889Progressive fish-culturist
v.41-60, 1979-1998
Cont by: North American
journal of
Research journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation
v.61-63, 1989-1991
Conts in part: Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation). Cont by: Water
environment research
Russian journal of ecology
v.24-31, 1993-2000 (scattered issues missing)
Conts: Soviet journal of ecology
* Science --available online-v.1-22, 1883-1894; new ser., v.1-7, 1895-1898;
v.13, 1901-date (scattered issues missing)
Science (Washington, D.C.)
* Scientific American --available online-v.2-14, 1846-1859; new ser., v.1-93,
1859-1905 (Mic-55 LAC 31486-593); v.76, 1897-date
Sea frontiers (1988) --available online-v.34-42, 1988Smithsonian --available online-v.1-32, 1970-2001 (scattered issues missing)
Snowy egret
v.37-46, 1974-1983; v.48, 1985 (scattered issues missing)
* Soil Science Society of America journal
v.40-48, 1976-1984; v.62, 1998-date
Soviet journal of ecology
v.2-23, 1971-1992
Conts: Ecology (Akademiia
nauk SSSR). Cont by: Russian journal of ecology
* Transactions of the American Entomological Society (1890)
v.94, 1968-date
* Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
v.1-75, 1872-1945 (Mic-1);
v.75, 1945-date
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society
v.84-113, 1965-1994
* Trends in ecology & evolution --available online-v.9, 1994-date
* Water environment research
v.64, 1992-date
Conts: Research journal of
the Water Pollution Control Federation
Water research --available onlinev.1-35, 1967-2001
Water resources bulletin
v.5-32, 1969-1996
Cont by: Journal of the
American Water Resources Association
* Water resources research
v.1, 1965-date (scattered issues missing)
Water spectrum
v.1-15, 1969-1983
v.6-14, 1964-1983
Wilderness --available online-v.46-59, 1982-1995 (scattered issues missing)
* Wildlife monographs
no.4, 1960-date (scattered issues missing)
* Wildlife Society bulletin
v.1, 1973-date (scattered issues missing)
Wilson bulletin (Wilson Ornithological Society) --available online-v.33-35,
1921-1923; v.39-48, 1927-1936; v.52-66, 1940-1954; v.106-111, 1994-1999
List of periodical titles held by Drake Memorial Library, SUNY Brockport. Holdings were last
updated in August, 2001. Items which are currently received in print or microform are indicated by
an *. Titles which are available in an electronic version are indicated by the words --available
online-- after the title. Please check the library's web catalog for access information.
* AAPG bulletin
v.58, 1974-date
Acta crystallographica. Section A: Crystal physics, diffraction, theoretical & general
v.25-30, 1969-1974
Acta crystallographica. Section B: Structural crystallography & crystal chemistry
v.25-30, 1969-1974
Agricultural & forest meteorology --available online
Agricultural meteorology
v.1-30, 1964American Association of Petroleum Geologists bulletin
v.51-57, 1967-1973
* American journal of science
v.246, 1948-date
American meteorological journal
v.6-12, 1889-1896
* American mineralogist
v.1-27, 1916-1942 (Mic-1); v.26, 1941-date
Page 65 of 125
* American paleontologist
v.4, 1996-date (scattered issues missing)
Antarctic journal of the United States --available online-v.19-32, 1984-1997 )
v.1-15, 1969-1983
* Applied geochemistry --available online-v.13, 1998-date
Arctic & alpine research
v.3-30, 1971-1998
* Arctic, antarctic & alpine research
v.31, 1999* Atlantic geology
v.25, 1989-date
* Atmosphere-ocean --available online-v.16, 1978-date
Beitrage zur mineralogie und petrographie
v.6-11, 1957-1965
Conts: Heidelberger beitrage zur mineralogie und petrography
Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France
ser. 7, v.10-16, 1968-1974
* Limnology & oceanography
v.1, 1956-date
* Lithos --available online-v.1, 1968-date
Marine geology --available online-v.1-114, 1964-1993
Marine geophysical researches
v.1-3, 1970-1978
* Marine georesources & geotechnology --available online
Maritime sediments
v.1-16, 1965-1980
v.11, 1965; v.14-46, 1968-2000
Mineral information service
v.1-23, 1948-1970
Cont by: California geology
Mineralium deposita
v.1-32, 1966-1997 (scattered issues missing)
* Mineralogical journal
v.6, 1970-date (scattered issues missing)
* Mineralogical magazine --available online-Mineralogical magazine & journal of the Mineralogical
Minerals science & engineering
v.1-8, 1969-1976 (scattered issues missing)
Mines magazine
v.59-87, 1969-1997
Mining engineering
v.21-49, 1969-1997
Mining journal --available online
Mining magazine --available online-v.120-177, 1969-1997
* Monthly weather review
1875-1876; 1878-1882: v.11-92, 1883-1964; v.94,
1966-date (scattered issues missing_
* National weather digest
v.8, 1983-date
Nordic hydrology
v.2-5, 1971-1974
Norsk geologisk tidsskrift
v.49-65, 1969-1985
Northeastern environmental science
v.1-3, 1982-1984
Northeastern geology
v.1-16, 1979* Northeastern geology & environmental sciences
v.17, 1995Oceans
v.17-22, 1984-1989
* Oceanus --available online-v.11, 1964-date (scattered issues missing)
Oil & gas journal --available online-v.67-97, 1969-1999
Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology --available online
* Palaeontology --available online-v.12, 1969; v.16, 1973-date
v.1-4, 1986-1989
* Paleobiology
v.8, 1982-date
Physics & chemistry of minerals
v.4-24, 1979-1997
Precambrian research --available online-v.1-7, 1974-1978
Proceedings of the Geological Society of America
Pure & applied geophysics
v.122-127, 1984-1988
Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London
v.124-126, 1968-1971
Cont by: Journal of the Geological Society
* Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
v.35, 1909-date
Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines
v.60-72, 1965-1977
Cont by: Colorado School of Mines quarterly
* Quaternary research
v.1, 1970-date
Remote sensing of environment --available online-v.1-26, 1969-1988
Reviews of geophysics
v.5-7, 1967Reviews of geophysics & space physics
v.8-21, 1970Page 66 of 125
Rocks & minerals --available online-v.40-74, 1965-1999
Sea frontiers
v.3-31, 1957-1985
* Sedimentary geology --available online-v.1, 1967-date
* Sedimentology
v.1, 1962-date
Skillings' mining review
v.60-89, 1971-2000
Soil science
v.99-132, 1965-1981
* Soil Science Society of America journal
Soil Science Society of America proceedings
v.34-39, 1970Solar age
v.4-11, 1979-1986 (scattered issues missing)
Solar energy --available online-v.1-41, 1957-1988
Solar engineering & contracting
v.1-4, 1982Solar engineering magazine
v.5-6, 1980Solar law reporter
v.1-3, 1979-1982
* Southeastern geology
v.5, 1963-date (scattered issues missing)
Space science reviews
v.1-94, 1962-2000
Tectonophysics --available online-v.1-121, 1964-1986
v.22-34, 1970-1982
Cont by: its Series A, and Series B
* Tellus. Series A: Dynamic meteorology & oceanography
v.35, 1983-date
* Tellus. Series B: Chemical & physical meteorology
v.35, 1983Transactions (American Geophysical Union)
v.10-19, 1929-1938; v.23-49,
Cont by: Eos
Tulane studies in geology
v.1-6, 1962-1968 v.7-18, 1969Water resources bulletin
v.5-32, 1969* Water resources research
v.1, 1965-date (scattered issues missing)
Water resources review
1967-1982 (scattered issues missing)
Water spectrum
v.1-15, 1969-1983
* Weather
v.1, 1946-date
* Weather & forecasting
v.3, 1988-date
* Weatherwise --available online-v.1, 1948-date
Zeitschrift fur geomorphologie
v.17-25, 1973-1981
Zeitschrift fur geomorphologie. Supplementband
no.19-40, 1974-1981
List of periodical titles held by Drake Memorial Library, SUNY Brockport. Holdings were last updated
in February, 2002. Items which are currently received are indicated by an *. Titles which are available
in an electronic version are indicated by the words --available online-- after the title. Please check the
library's web catalog or the list of electronic full text titles for access information.
SUNY Brockport
online catalog
Full text electronic journal list
Accounts of chemical research
v.1, 1968-date
Analytica chimica acta --available online—
v.29-428, 1963-2001; v.337, 1997-date (online)
Analytical biochemistry
v.1-215, 1960-1993
* Analytical chemistry
v.19, 1947-date
Conts: Industrial & engineering chemistry. Analytical edition
Angewandte chemie
v.70-80, 1958-1968; v.83-86, 1971-1974
* Applied spectroscopy --available online—
Archives of biochemistry & biophysics
v.109-212, 1965-1981
Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft
v.1-77, 1868-1944
Biochemical & biophysical research communications
v.1-126, 1959-1985
* Biochemical journal --available online-v.74, 1960-date
Biochemical medicine
v.1-11, 1967-1974
* Biochemical Society transactions
v.1, 1973-date
Biochemistry (Akademiia Nauk SSSR)
v.38-39, 1973-1974
* Biochemistry (American Chemical Society)
v.1, 1962-date
Page 67 of 125
* Biochimica et biophysica acta --available online—
v.37-972, 1960-1988 (scattered issues missing); 1997-date (online)
Bulletin (Rochester Committee for Scientific Information)
no.1-313, 1964-1992
Bureau of Standards journal of research v.1-10, 1928-1933 (Mic-20)
CRC critical reviews in analytical chemistry
v.1-4, 1970-1975
Canadian journal of chemistry
v.29-69, 1951-1991
Conts: Canadian journal
of research. Section B: Chemical sciences
Canadian journal of research
v.1-12, 1929-1935
Cont in part by: Canadian
journal of research. Section B: Chemical sciences
Canadian journal of research. Section B: Chemical sciences
v.13-28, 1935Conts in part: Canadian journal of research. Cont by: Canadian journal
of chemistry
* Chemical & engineering news
v.28-34, 1950-1956; v.36, 1958-date
Chemical communications
Cont by: Journal of the Chemical
Society. Chemical communication
* Chemical communications (1996) --available online-1996* Chemical geology --available online, 1997-date (online)
Chemical instrumentation
v.3-5, 1971-1974
* Chemical physics letters --available online-v.264, 1997-date (online)
* Chemical reviews
v.1, 1924-date
Chemical Society reviews
v.1-20, 1972-1991
Chemische berichte
v.80-124, 1947-1991
v.37-51, 1964-1978
Cont by: SciQuest
* Chemistry & biology -- available online-v.6, 1999-date (online)
Chemistry in Britain
v.1-23, 1965-1987
Comparative biochemistry & physiology
v.1-37, 1960-1970
* Comparative biochemistry & physiology. B: Biochemistry & molecular biology -available online
Discover --available online-v.3-9, 1982-1988; v.10-19, 1989-1998 (Mic-1)
Discussions of the Faraday Society
no.1-52, 1947Electroanalysis
v.1-12, 1989-2000
Electrochemical technology
v.1-6, 1963-1968
Environmental pollution
v.1-20, 1970* Environmental pollution (1987) --available online
* Environmental science & technology
v.1, 1967-date
European journal of biochemistry --available online-v.1-50, 1967-1975
Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society
no.53-90, 1972Geochemistry international
v.5-10, 1968-1973
* Geochimica et cosmochimica acta --available online-v.11, 1957-date
Helvetica chimica acta
v.44-68, 1961-1985
I&EC product research & development
v.1-7, 1962Inorganic & nuclear chemistry letters
v.1-17, 1965* Inorganic chemistry
v.1, 1962-date
* Inorganica chimica acta --available online-v.254, 1997-date (online)
Journal of applied chemistry & biotechnology
v.21-24, 1971* Journal of biochemistry
v.61, 1967-date (scattered issues missing)
* Journal of biological chemistry --available online-1); v.168, 1947-date
* Journal of chemical education --available online-* Journal of chemical physics --available online-v.13, 1945-date
Journal of chromatography --available online-1997-date (online)
Journal of coordination chemistry
v.9-14, 1979-1986
Journal of electroanalytical chemistry
v.1-12, 1959* Journal of electroanalytical chemistry (1992) --available online-* Journal of histochemistry & cytochemistry --available online-Journal of inorganic & nuclear chemistry
Cont by: Polyhedron
Page 68 of 125
Journal of molecular spectroscopy
v.22-53, 1967-1974
Journal of neurochemistry
v.1-45, 1956-1985
* Journal of organic chemistry
v.1, 1936-date
* Journal of organometallic chemistry -- v.527, 1997-date (online)
Journal of physical chemistry
v.1-100, 1896-1996
* Journal of physical chemistry A
v.101-102, 1997-1998; v.104, 2000-date
* Journal of physical chemistry B
v.101-102, 1997-1998; v.104, 2000-date
Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards. Section A: Physics &
v.64-81, 1960-1977
Cont by: Journal of research of the
National Bureau of Standards (1977)
* Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards & Technology -available online-v.94-104, 1989-1999; v.100, 1995-date (online)
* Journal of the American Chemical Society
v.1, 1879-date
Journal of the Chemical Society (1926)
1935Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions 2
v.68-83, 1972Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions 1
Journal of the Electrochemical Society
v.107-134, 1960-1987
* Nature 1945-date
New scientist --available online-* Phytochemistry --available online-v.3-7, 1964-1968; v.9-20, 1969-1981;
v.44, 1997-date (online)
* Polyhedron --available online-v.16, 1997-date (online)
Proceedings of the American Chemical Society
v.1-2, 1876-1878
* Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences --available online
Product R & D
v.8-13, 1969-1974
Conts: I&EC product research &
Quarterly reviews
v.1-25, 1947-1971
Record of chemical progress
v.32, 1971
* Review of scientific instruments --available online-v.1, 1930-date
* Science --available online-v.1-22, 1883-1894; new ser., v.13, 1901-date
Science news --available online-v.89-154, 1966-1998 (Mic-1
Science news letter
v.42-79, 1942-1961; v.79-89, 1961-1966 (Mic-1
* Scientific American --available online-v.2-14, 1846-1859; new ser. v.1-93,
1859-1905 (Mic-55 LAC 31486-593); v.76, 1897-date
Scientific monthly
v.1-85, 1915-1957
v.52-55, 1979-1982
Conts: Chemistry
Spectrochimica acta. Part A: Molecular spectroscopy --available online-v.53,
* Spectrochimica acta. Part A: Molecular & biomolecular spectroscopy --available
online-v.53, 1997-date (online)
Conts: Spectrochimica acta. Part A:
Molecular spectroscopy
* Spectrochimica acta. Part B: Atomic spectroscopy --available online-v.52,
1997-date (online)
* Synthesis
* Tetrahedron --available online-v.53, 1997-date (online)
* Tetrahedron: Asymmetry --available online-v.8, 1997-date (online)
* Tetrahedron letters --available online-v.1-41, 1959-2000; v.38, 1997-date
Transactions of the Faraday Society
v.26-67, 1930-1971
Cont by: Journal
of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions 1, and 2
* Trends in analytical chemistry: TrAC --available online-v.1-4, 1981-1985;
v.16, 1997-date (online)
* Trends in biochemical sciences --available online-v.16, 1991-date
* Vibrational spectroscopy --available online-v.1-9, 1990-1995; v.13, 1997-
date (online)
Page 69 of 125
Appendix F. Syllabi of selected graduate courses in Environmental Science and Biology.
ENV 614
Experimental Design
Fall 2003
Dr. Geoffrey Gardner
Hours: M W 5:30 – 7:00
Office: Lennon 117
Room: 218 Lennon
Phone: 395-5743
Office Hours: T-TH 11:30 – 12:30,Wed 12-1or by appointment
Required Text:
Zar, J.H. (1999). Biostatistical Analysis, 4th Edition., Prentice Hall.
Hurlbert, S.H. 1984. Pseudoreplication and the design of ecological field experiments.
Ecological Monographs 54(2):187-211.
Heffner, R.A., M.J. Butler, C.K. Reilly. 1996. Pseudoreplication revisited. Ecology 77(8):
You will need a calculator for this class. On quizzes and exams you may NOT share calculators
so it’s important that every student has access to their own calculator.
Objective: This course provides the basic knowledge of introductory statistics. Students will
learn the importance of statistics in biological research. They will be exposed to the underlying
concepts of statistics as well as computations for various statistical tests.
Course Requirements:
Competence will be evaluated by 7 homework assignments, 4 quizzes, and 3 exams. All quizzes
and exams will be a combination of multiple choice questions and short answer questions based
on lectures and the text. Please bring two pencils with erasers and a calculator to each quiz and
Homework assignments: Homework will be made up of problem sets assigned approximately
every two weeks and will be collected. Each assignment will be worth 20 points for a total of
140 points. Problem set assignments will be collected at the beginning of the class on the day
they are due. 1 point will be deducted for every day that an assignment is late. (For example, if
due Monday and you hand it in Wednesday, 2 points will be deducted from that assignment).
Assignments will not be accepted for a given week once that assignment has been graded and
returned to the class. You will be assigned 7 problem sets over the course of the semester. It is
in your best interest to do every homework.
While I encourage you to work in groups on homework assignments be aware that directly
copying someone else’s work will not help you learn the material. The purpose of homework
assignments is for you to actively learn statistics through practice. This practice will be of value
for quizzes and exams.
Page 70 of 125
Quizzes: It is important in a statistics class to keep up with the material. Quizzes will be
given periodically to ensure that everyone is understanding the material. Four quizzes will be
given throughout the semester however, you may drop your lowest quiz grade. Each quiz will be
worth 50 points for a total of 150 points. Make-up quizzes will NOT be given. You should take
all 4 of the quizzes as this information will also be tested on the exams.
Exams: All exams will be comprehensive in nature. In a statistics course information builds on
itself. What you learn earlier in the course will be needed to understand the material later in the
course. Exams will be worth 100 points each for a total of 300 points. Tentative exam dates are
noted on the syllabus. Make-up exams will only be given in cases where you can provide
documentation for your absence.
Computer Lab: We will spend a portion of some class periods working in the Computer Lab.
Three assignments will be collected and graded, each worth 10 points, for a total of 30 Computer
Lab points.
Angel: Course materials and course information will be placed online. Students should enroll in
the course to access materials. I will also place updated class announcements, reminders and
review material on Angel.
Final course grades will be determined as follows:
Exams and Final
Problem Sets
3 x 50 = 150 pts
3 x 100 = 300 pts
7 x 20 = 140 pts
Computer Lab
620 pts
3 x 10 = 30 pts
Final grades will be determined by adding the scores on your three highest quizzes, your three
exam grades and problem set assignments. Final letter grades will be determined based upon the
following scale:
93% and above
90 - 92%
87 - 89%
83 - 86%
80 - 82%
73 - 76%
C70 - 72%
67 - 69%
63 - 66%
D60 - 62%
Below 60%
Attendance: Regular class attendance is expected and is the responsibility of each student. I will
periodically take attendance in class. You will be responsible for all materials covered in class.
If you miss class for some reason it is your responsibility to get the notes from another student in
class. Lecture notes will not be available from the instructor.
Class Conduct and Punctuality: It is my goal to develop a relationship with students based on
mutual respect and courtesy. To create an environment conducive to learning we all must
exercise discipline and self-restraint. Behaviors that are disruptive and insulting to me or to
other students in the class will not be tolerated. Examples of these behaviors include arriving
Page 71 of 125
late to class, leaving class early, and talking during the lecture or any other actions that
would be distracting to other students in the class.
Academic Integrity: SUNY Brockport has a firm policy concerning academic dishonesty.
Please familiarize yourself with definitions and college policies regarding academic honesty in
the College Student Handbook.
One final note: Statistics is generally thought of as a hard class. The key to this class is keeping
up on the material, attending class and doing homework assignments. If you find that you are
having a problem understanding the material or keeping up with the class do not hesitate in
coming to talk to me.
Tentative Course Schedule
Date (week of)
Introduction - Measurements and Graphs
Ch 1, Ch 2
9/1 - NO CLASS - Labor Day
Measures of central tendency and variability
Ch 3-4
9/8 - 9/10
Probability - Computer Lab I (9/10)
Ch 5, 24.1
9/15* – 9/17
Standard scores, Normal Distribution, Distributions of Means Ch 6 – 6.3
9/22 – 9/24
Hypothesis testing: Introduction - One- Sample test
Ch 6.4, Ch 7.0-7.2
9/24 - EXAM 1 Chapters 1-6
9/29- 10/1
Research design - Confidence Intervals
Ch 7.3 – 7.5
Hurlbert, Heffner et al.
10/6 – 10/8*
Two Sample hypotheses: Independent groups t test
Ch 8.0 – 8.3, 8.5
Non- Parametric Test
Ch 8.9-8.10
10/20 - 10/22
Correlated groups t test - Computer Lab II (10/22)
Ch 9.0 – 9.5
10/27 – 10/29
Goodness of Fit
Ch 22.0-22.6
10/29 - EXAM 2 Chapters 7-9
11/3 – 11/5
One way between subjects ANOVA
Ch 10.0-10.1
11/10 – 11/12*
Nonparametric Test - Multiple comparisons
Ch 10.4, Ch 11.0
11.2 - 11.6
11/17 - 11/19
Two – Factor ANOVA, Repeated measures ANOVA
Ch 12.1-2.2,12.5
11/24 – 11/26
Computer Lab III (9/24)
11/26 - NO CLASS - Thanksgiving Break
12/1* – 12/3
Regression - Correlation
Ch 17.1 – 17.3,
Page 72 of 125
Ch 19.0-19.2
Monday 9/15
Quiz 1
Wednesday 9/25: EXAM 1 Chapters 1-6
Wednesday 10/8: Quiz 2
Wednesday 10/29: EXAM 2 Chapters 7-9
Monday 11/12: Quiz 3
Monday 12/1: Quiz 4
Page 73 of 125
BIO 621
Water Chemistry
Instructor: J. Makarewicz, 125 Lennon Hall
READING LIST: Articles are available on the World Wide Web. Titles of reading are in bold.
To access the reading you will need to have Acrobat installed on your computer and have
capability to reach the World Wide Web. Our password will be “mercury”. Acrobat is available
"free of charge' at Http://
Optional TEXT: Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition
SM = Standard Methods HO= Handout UN= Unknown RC= Regression Curve, QC= Quality Control
Background, Lab Orientation
Background, Safety in the LAB, Standards HO, UN
pH, Alkalinity, and Conductivity…… …SM: 2-26 to 2-29,2-44 to2-47,4-86 to 4-91
Sulfate (Turbidimetric)
SM: 4-176 to 4-181, UN, RC
Nitrate (Cadmium Column) (Wash)
SM: 4-114 to 4-122, UN, RC
Nitrate (Cadmium-automated)
SM: 4-114 to 4-122, HO, UN, RC
Phosphate (Ascorbic-automated)
Metals and Introduction to Procedures
(Na - Atomic Absorption)
SM:1-1 to 1-24; 3-1 to 3-6; 3-13 to 3-18
780, Video # QD96.A8 A76 1992
Calcium and Sodium
"A.A. Book", Video, HO, UN, RC, QC, Video#
Lead (Graphite Furnace)
SM: 3-24 to 3-31, HO, UN, RC, Video #875
Pesticides (Gas Chromatography)
SM:6-1 to 6-7, 6-91 to 6-104, HO, Video #3439
Organochlorine Pesticides
SM:1-25 to 56, HO (Background 1,2,3,4)
SM:4-139 to 4-153, HO, UN, RC
(Extraction FiltersHO, Filmstrip
Page 74 of 125
SPRING, 2004
EXAMS: Two Exams - 26 March 2004, Final on assigned day
QUIZZES: Several (unannouced)
UNKNOWNS: Many! Students are to work on their own. Each student is responsible
for knowing how to operate the equipment. For each unknown, you will have to provide
a regression curve, the correlation coefficient and a short paragraph. Each week this
paragraph will address a question about the quality of the water in your unknown.
There will be no make-up exams or quizzes. Unknowns are due
by 2:30 PM the day they are assigned. After 2:30 PM, 10 points per day will be
deducted for lateness.
ATTENDANCE: The college policy states that you must attend all classes. If you
have any special needs or requirements, please see me after class.
GRADING: Two Exams
Optional TEXT: Standards Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th
1. No smoking ever!
2. The Laboratory will be open during the (8:30 AM to 5 PM) for your use. Please keep in mind
that the lab. will close promptly at 5PM. Enter this factor into your planning.
3. Keep the laboratory clean. Other people doing research use this laboratory continuously.
4. Safety classes and lab coats must be worn in the lab at all times.
5. Answers to unknowns will be due the following laboratory.
6.Report on broken equipment to Dr. Makarewicz immediately. Excessive and continuous
damage to equipment by one student will be charged to the student. A GRADE WILL NOT BE
7. Each student will have a mutually agreeable time slot to perform the laboratory. These times
are from 8:30 AM to 12:30 and 12:30 PM to 4:30PM.
Page 75 of 125
Note: (Instructions for graduate students are indicated in parentheses)
Prerequisites: Introductory Biology, Ecology (ENV 303)
Dr. Chris Norment
Office: 119 Lennon
Office hours: T R 2:55-3:55 p.m., F 9:00-11:00 a.m., or by Appt.
Phone: 395-5748 (office)
637-0252 (home; before 9:00 p.m.)
General Course Objectives:
1. Introduce basic concepts of wildlife ecology.
2. Develop an understanding of the basic principles necessary to successfully manage
wildlife populations.
3. Develop the ability to think critically about issues related to the ecology and
management of wildlife populations.
4. To improve students’ written and spoken communication skills.
Class Meets: T R 9:45-11:15 a.m., B0006 Holmes; F 1:15-5:15.
Texts: Bolen, E. G. and W. L. Robinson. 2003. Wildlife ecology and management. Fifth edition.
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Nelson, R. 1997. Heart and Blood: Living with deer in North America. Vintage Books,
New York, NY.
A large three-ring binder also will be valuable.
Course Structure: The course format will include lectures, discussions, cooperative learning exercises, laboratory and field work.
Grades will be assigned based upon the following scheme:
Lecture tests - 2 at 100 points each
Final exam - 1 at 125 points
Problem sets and other written assignments
Total points
(GRADUATE STUDENTS (BIO 506): Graduate students are expected to develop a
deeper and broader understanding of wildlife ecology than is the case for
undergraduates enrolled in ENV 406. Requirements for BIO 506 are given on page
2 of the syllabus. )
Attendance: Attendance is expected; please come prepared for class. During the term I will take
attendance; if you are not present and do not have a valid excuse (doctor's note, etc.), 7 points (about 1%
of your grade) will be deducted from your point total. If you miss a scheduled lab without a valid excuse,
3% of the total points will be deducted. If you do miss a class, it is your responsibility to talk to me about
what material was missed, and to obtain notes from a classmate. It is particularly important that all lab
sessions be attended, as they may be difficult to make up. If an unannounced quiz is missed, it may not
be made up.
Grading and Test policy: Lecture tests and the final exam must be taken on the scheduled dates and may
not be made up unless arranged in advance, or with a doctor's written excuse. The following guidelines
will be used to assign grades: 90% = A range; 80-89% = B range; 65-79% = C range; 55-65% = D range;
< 55% = E. The grade scale will be established by reference to undergraduates only, so that
performance of graduate students will not affect the grades of undergraduates. Last day to drop the
course is September 24. Withdrawal policies are described in Your Right to Know & Academic Policies
Handbook. Unless prior arrangements have been made, late work will be discounted at the rate of
Page 76 of 125
5%/school day. Tests will be based primarily on material discussed during lectures and study
group sessions. However, approximately 10% of the points on each test may be based on material
covered in your text, but not in class.
Surviving BIOL 427/527:
1. Come to class and be prepared.
2. If you have to miss a class, obtain the notes from another student.
3.. Seek help when you need it, and ask questions.
4. Anticipate problems beforehand and discuss them with the instructor.
5. Be aggressive in your approach to studying; for example, review and think about class
notes after the lecture.
6. "Don't worry, be happy." (Mehr Babba)
Statement on Disability: I would appreciate hearing from anyone in this class who has a special need that
may be a result of a disability. I am reasonably sure we can work out whatever arrangement is
necessary, be it special seating, testing, or other accommodation. See me after class, or during my office
hours, as soon as possible.
Statement on Academic Integrity: I take the need to maintain academic integrity seriously, and refer
students to pp. 9-11, "The Policy on Student Academic Dishonesty" in the SUNY Brockport publication,
"Your Right to Know & Academic Policies Handbook, 2000-2001". The most common problem that I have
encountered is the submission of written work clearly related to that of another student in the class, or in a
previous class. (In order to account for this last, unfortunate possibility, I keep a random subset of major
papers from previous classes on file.) A wise policy might be to discuss freely, but write with complete
independence. Failure to adhere to the standard of independent written work may result in a 0 on
the assignment or the course. If you are at all unclear as to your responsibilities or the conventions of
the discipline, please talk with me.
(REQUIREMENTS FOR BIO 506. In addition to the requirements for ENV 406, graduate students in BIO
506 will:
1. Develop more-in depth knowledge of the subject. Thus, graduate student exams and papers will be
graded more rigorously.
2. Complete a habitat management plan for either a wetland or upland habitat at
Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge. The habitat management plan will include
recommendations for management based o previous experiences at the refuge and
relevant literature.
3. Complete additional technical readings from the following source:
Journal of Wildlife Management: Two current papers from the most recent volume of the primary journal
in the field. These readings will be discussed with the instructor during two out-of-class meetings. )
Week 1
Aug 27
Chapters 1,2
Er: Educational needs
Page 77 of 125
Aug 29
Aug 30
Week 2
Sept 3
Some successes in wildlife mgmt
No lab (I’ll make it up to you later!)
Chapter 3
Guest lecture: History of attitudes
towards nature (Ralph Black, English
JWM assignment due
Sept 5
Sept 6
Week 3
Sept 10
Sept 12
Sept 13
An overview of management issues
Quiz: Heart and Blood, Chapter 1
Field trip: Irondequoit
Er: Selecting deer
management options
Field work: set mammal traps
Field work: telemetry
Discussion: Irondequoit deer mgmt
Spreadsheet hints and
Tips (do on your own)
Computer lab: Spreadsheets
Week 4
Sept 17
Sept 19
Sept 20
Week 5
Sept 24
Sept 26
Sept 27
Population ecology I
Population ecology II
Quiz: NY game species
Lab: Soils (w/Earth Science class)
Chap 5 (pp. 48-57)
Chap 5 (pp. 57-69)
Census techniques
Review pp. 61-65
Chap 12
Chapter 6 (pp. 74-77,
Lab: white-footed mouse data analysis Soils lab write-up due
Week 6
Oct 1
Oct 3
Oct 4
Food and cover
Chapter 7
Test 1 (covers material from August 27-Oct1)
Field trip: Iroquois NWR, Oak Orchard and Tonawanda WMAs
Week 7
Oct 8
Habitat management: grasslands
Oct 10
Oct 11
Habitat management: forests
Computer lab: population estimation
Chaps 13-14 (pp. 265270, 298-313)
Chapter 15
Iroquois assignment
Discussion: Iroquois field trip
Week 8
Oct 15
Oct 17
Oct 18
Week 9
Wildlife diseases
Computer lab: geometric population
Chapter 8
Wfm assignment due
Page 78 of 125
Oct 22
Exotic species
Chapter 18
Oct 24
Hunting and trapping, animal rights
Oct 25
Computer lab: logistic population models
Discussion: exotic species/hunting; Heart and Blood
pp. 321-322, 521
Chapter 10 (pp. 178183)
Extension quest due
Week 10
Oct 29
Oct 31
Nov 1
Harvesting effects
Computer lab: harvest models
Chapter 9
pp. 183-192
Week 11
Nov 5
Nov 7
Nongame issues
Lab: deer dentition
Chapter 19
Harvest model
questions due
Nov 8
Computer lab: life tables
Introduction: wolves and ungulates
Week 12
Nov 12
Nov 14
Nov 15
Test 2 (covers material from Oct 4-Nov 8)
Conservation Biology
Chapter 21
Er: Conservation
biology trailblazers
Population analysis problem: wolves
er: 6 papers
and ungulates
Week 13
Nov 19
Nov 21
Nov 22
Case study: caribou
er: Watchful world
Week 14
Nov 26
Chapter 20
Nov 28
Week 15
Dec 3
Dec 5
Wildlife and the public
Wrap-up: discussion
Week 16
Thursday, Dec 10 (8:00 – 10:00)
Chapter 22
Irondequoit deer
paper due
Final exam (Includes H& B)
*Unless otherwise noted, all readings refer to those in Bolen and Robinson.
Note: I assume that students in BIO 406/506 are familiar with the basic concepts in Chapter 4
(Ecosystems and Natural Communities).
Page 79 of 125
Note: (Instructions for graduate students are indicated in parentheses)
ENV BIO 419/519
Prerequisite – ENV 303 (Ecology), CHM 205, 206 (College Chemistry preferred)
Dr. Makarewicz
Room 125 Lennon
Recommended Text: - See attached reading list
Lecture (Tentative)
Aug. 26
Properties of Water, The Late Great Lakes
Sep. 2
Origins of Lake Basins
Sep. 9
Solar Radiation
Sep. 16
Water Currents
Sep. 23
Carbonate cycle, Acid ppt., Acid Precipitation
Sep. 30
Oct. 7
Oct. 14
Oct. 21
Oct. 28
Nov. 4
Nov. 11
Nov. 18
Nov. 25
Dec. 2
Dec. 9
Exam 1
Dissolved oxygen, Primary production
No Class: Mid-semester break
Phytoplankton "TERM PAPER DUE"
Limiting Nutrient Controversy
Zooplankton/Top-down vs Bottom-up, Zebra
Mussels, Lake Ontario Ecosystem Structure
Exam 2, Lotic Environment
Stressed Stream Analysis,
Effects of Clear Cutting
Thanksgving recess begins at 10 PM
Wetlands System, Lake Ontogeny
Final Exam: 6 to 8pm
Graduate Students (ENV 519): A deeper and broader understanding of Limnology is
expected of graduate students; that is, the expectation level for graduate students are
significantly different from undergraduates. These include an extra term paper, extra
readings and more rigorous grading of exams. Items in parentheses represent graduate
student requirements.
Attendance Policy: The college policy allows excused absences for documented illnesses,
official representation of the college, death of a close relative, religious holiday and other
circumstances beyond the control of the student. Students whose unexcused absences exceed
15% of the scheduled classes and laboratories may receive a lowered grade or failure at the
instructor's discretion.
Make-up Policy - There are no make-ups for exams.
Term Paper - Ten points will be deducted for each day the paper is late. (Graduate students
will complete two term papers). All students will do a critical review of a paper from the Journal
of Great Lakes Research. The second graduate student term paper will focus on some aspect
of your research.
Disability - If anyone has a special need due to a disability, please see me after class.
Grading UG Grad
Exam 1
= 25% (20%)
Exam 2
= 25% (20%)
Page 80 of 125
= 30% (20%)
Term Paper = 20% (40%)
Drop Policy: You may drop up to 1 December with no penalty. After this, date you need the
permission of the department chairperson. Withdrawals are given only for illness or unusual
READING LIST: Journal articles are available on the World Wide Web. To access the
reading you will need to have Acrobat installed on your computer and have capability to
reach the world Wide web. Acrobat is availble "free of charge' at
Undergraduates: Chapter numbers in the first column refer to Wetzel’s “Limnology:
Lake and River Ecosystems. “THIRD EDITION”. This is not required for
undergraduates! Recommended only !!
Graduates: Chapter’s listed in the third column are from either Mackie’s Applied
Aquatic Ecosystem Concepts (“Second Edition) or Wetzel’s Limnology. (Extra graduate
student readings are in parentheses!!!!,)
Week Author
26 Aug. Frieses, G.T.
Part 1. E.A. Birge and C. Juday: A
LakeLine- 16(1):16
Chap. 2 (1995)
biography and their contributions to
Frieses G.T.
LakeLine- 16(2):22
Part 2. E.A. Birge and C. Juday: A
biography and their contributions to
2 Sept. Powers, C.F. and The Aging Great Lakes
Scientific American.
Chap. A.
215(5): 95-103.
4, 5 & 6 Robertson.(1966) (Chapter 5, Fate of Heat)
9 Sept. Korgen, B.J.
American Scientist.
Chap. 7 (1995)
(Chapter 7, Water Movements))
16 Sept Likens, G. et al.
Acid Rain
Scientific American.
Chap. (1979)
241(40): 43.
9, 10,
11 .
23 Sept Zurawell (2001)
Cyanobacteria: A review
LakeLine – 20:29
30 Sep McCauley, R.
Adventures of a forensic limnologist LakeLine - 17(4): 16
12, 13,
(Chapter 13, Phosphorus Cycle)
7 Oct. Armand, A. (1995) Algae - Nature's Artwork.
LakeLine - 15(3):10
14 Oct. McNabb, C.
Zooplankton in lakes
LakeLine - 15(3):18
Chap. (1993)
15, 16 Carpenter, S.R. et Cascading trophic interactions and
Bioscience - 35(10):
Page 81 of 125
al. (1985)
lake productivity
21 Oct. Beaver, J. (1995) Zebra Mussels
Chap. 8
28 Oct. Osgood, D.
The ecological basis for lake and
reservoir management
(Chapter 12, Water Quality
LakeLine - 13(2):22
4 Nov.
BioScience -40:216
Makarewicz, J.C. Evidence for the restoration of the
Lake Erie ecosystem
Spencer et al.
11 Nov. Bormann, F.H. et
al. (1968)
Makarewicz, J.C.
Williams, V.
18 Nov. Stow, C. A. , et al.
Smith, S.H.
25 Nov Ney, J.J. (1993)
24 c.
Kaufman, M.M.
2 Dec.
Shrimp Stocking, Salmon Collapse,
and Eagle Displacement
Nutrient loss accelerated by clearcutting of a forest ecosystem
Stressed stream analysis
LakeLine - 16(2): 18
(Mackie’s Applied
Aquatic Ecosystem)
Bioscience 41:14
Science - 159:882
Waterworks Spring : 1
What's a lake worth
Fisheries management to reduce
contaminant consumption
Early changes in the fish community of
Lake Ontario
Top-down management of water
Improving nonpoint pollution control
efforts in urban watersheds
(Chapter 13, Water Pollution and
Kusler, J.A. et al. Wetlands
LakeLine - 14(2):37
BioScience 54(11):752
Great Lakes Fishery
Commision. Tech.
Rep. 60
LakeLine - 13(4):16
LakeLine - 15(2):22
(Mackie’s Applied
Aquatic Ecosystem)
Scientific American.
? :64
Page 82 of 125
Environmental Science 422/522
Population Biology
(Prerequisite: Ecology, ENV 303)
Note: (Instructions for graduate students are indicated in parentheses)
Spring 2004
Hours: Tuesday, Thursday 5:30 – 7:00
Room: 136 Lennon
Dr. Geoffrey Gardner
Office: Lennon 117
Phone: 395-5743
Office Hours: M + T 11:30-12:30 or
by appointment
Required Text:
Begon, Mortimer, and Thompson (1996). Population Ecology, 3rd Edition., Blackwell Science.
Supplemental articles will be available on ANGLE.
You will need a calculator for this class. On exams you may NOT share calculators so it’s
important that every student has access to their own calculator.
Objective: This course considers the evolution and function of populations. It combines
population genetics with population ecology.
Course Requirements:
Competence will be evaluated by homework assignments and exams. All exams will be a
combination of multiple choice questions and short answer questions based on lectures, the text
and readings. A topic paper will also be required.
(Graduate Students (ENV 522): Graduate students will be expected to have a broader and
deeper understanding of Population Biology, therefore, the expectation level for graduate
students are significantly higher than for undergraduates. Graduate students will be
expected to complete an extensive research paper and are subject to a more rigorous
grading of problem sets and exams. In addition, graduate students will be responsible for
leading class discussions on current topics in population biology.)
Homework assignments: Homework will be made up of problem sets. Each assignment will be
worth 50 points for a total of 150 points. Problem set assignments will be collected at the
beginning of the class on the day they are due. 1 point will be deducted for every day that an
assignment is late. (For example, if due Tuesday and you hand it in Thursday, 2 points will be
deducted from that assignment). Assignments will not be accepted for a given week once that
assignment has been graded and returned to the class. You will be assigned 3 problem sets over
the course of the semester.
While I encourage you to work in groups on homework assignments, be aware that directly
copying someone else’s work will not help you learn the material. The purpose of homework
assignments is for you to actively learn through practice. This practice will be of value for
Page 83 of 125
Exams: Exams will be worth 100 points each for a total of 300 points. Tentative exam dates are
noted on the syllabus. Make-up exams will only be given in cases where you can provide
documentation for your absence.
Paper: This will be a term paper reviewing research on one particular topic of population
biology, using reference material and primary literature. Choose a topic early in the semester.
The topic is your choice, and this is a solo project. A topic must be submitted by the scheduled
deadline. The format will be as follows:
- 5-10 pages, double-spaced, including references. (Graduate students papers should be 10-15
- begin with a title, your name, course number and date
- pages must be numbered
- use subheadings to organize your writing
- state the underlying scientific question clearly, and describe how it arose.
- describe research methods used to probe the question, and their results.
- draw your own conclusions, and suggest further research.
- use the Latin binomial to introduce a species. Common names can be used thereafter.
- minimum of 10 references, primary scientific papers.
- cite last names of authors and dates in parentheses; don't use numbers or footnotes.
- for the bibliography, list references in same format as in your textbook.
- do not use direct quotations; use your own words
- grammar and spelling will be checked.
You are expected to attend every class. Periodically we will have class discussions on various
papers/topics/issues. (Graduate students will be assigned to a date to lead a discussion on a
current issue in population biology. Graduate students will select the paper for the topic,
which will be assigned to the class. A written review of the paper is also expected)
Angel: Course materials and course information will be placed online. Students should enroll in
the course to access materials. I will also place updated class announcements, reminders and
review material on Angel.
Final course grades will be determined as follows:
Exams and Final
3 x 100 = 300 pts
Problem Sets
3 x 50 = 150 pts
= 100 pts
(Paper review [graduate only]
= 25pts)
550 pts (575 pts)
Final grades will be determined by adding the scores on your three exam grades, problem set
assignments and paper.
Attendance: Regular class attendance is expected and is the responsibility of each student. I will
periodically take attendance in class. You will be responsible for all materials covered in class.
If you miss class for some reason it is your responsibility to get the notes from another student in
class. Lecture notes will not be available from the instructor.
Page 84 of 125
Class Conduct and Punctuality: It is my goal to develop a relationship with students based on
mutual respect and courtesy. To create an environment conducive to learning we all must
exercise discipline and self-restraint. Behaviors that are disruptive and insulting to me or to
other students in the class will not be tolerated. Examples of these behaviors include arriving
late to class, leaving class early, and talking during the lecture or any other actions that would be
distracting to other students in the class.
Academic Integrity: SUNY Brockport has a firm policy concerning academic dishonesty.
Please familiarize yourself with definitions and college policies regarding academic honesty in
the College Student Handbook.
Tentative Course Schedule
Date (week of)
1/27 – 1/29
Introduction - Species Concept
Davis, Hay
2/3 – 2/5
Geographical Variation and Speciation
Lack, Grant
2/10 - 2/12
Genetic Variability, Hardy Weinberg law
Bishop and Cook,
2/17 – 2/19
Population Genetics
King and Lawson
Elena et al
2/24 – 2/26
Genetics con’t
2/26 - EXAM 1
3/2- 3/4
Estimating population density, Distribution of Species population
3/9 – 3/11
Life Tables
BMT Ch 1
Topics due
3/16 – 3/18 - NO CLASS – SPRING BREAK
3/23 – 3/25
Models of population Growth
BMT ch 3
3/30 – 4/1
Brown and Davidson
BMT ch 4
4/6 – 4/8
Competition cont
Goldberg and Barton
4/8 - EXAM 2
4/13 – 4/15
Population Cycles - Predation
Korpimaki and Krebs
BMT ch 5
4/20 – 4/22
Parasites and Parasitoids and Disease
BMT ch 5
4/27 - 4/29
Population Regulation
BMT ch 6
Page 85 of 125
5/4 – 5/6
Species Diversity
Additional Readings. – you will need Acrobat installed to view articles. These should be
available on Angel. Some are available through library e-reserves in addition.
Birch, L.C. 1960. The genetic factor in population ecology. American Naturalist. 94:5-24.
Davis, J.I. 1996. Phylogenetics, Molecular Variation and Species Concepts. BioScience 46 (7) 502-511
Hay, J. 2001. The Mind of the species problem. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 16(7): 326-329.
Mayr, E. 1969. The Species problem In Evolution: A book of Readings. Brosseau, G.E. ed.
Lack, D. 1953. Darwin’s Finches. Scientific American
Grant, B.R. and P.R. Grant. 1989. Natural Selection in a Population of Darwin’s Finches. American Naturalist.
133: 377-393.
Brown, J.H. 1971. The Desert Pupfish. Scientific American 225:104-110
Bishop and Cook 1975 Moths, melanism and clean air. Scientific American 231(1) 90-99
King and Lawson. 1997. Microevolution in Island Water Snakes. BioScience 47 (5): 279-286
Elena, S.F., V.S. Cooper, and R.E. Lenski. 1996. Punctuated Evolution caused by selection of rare and beneficial
mutations. Science 272: 1802-1804.
Mills, L.S., M.E. Soule, and D.F. Doak. 1993. The Keystone- Species Concept in Ecology and Conservation.
BioScience. 43(4): 219- 224.
Deevey, E.S. 1950. The Probability of Death. Scientific American. 18: 58-60.
Luckinbill, L.S. 1988. r and K selection in experimental populations of Escherichia coli. Science 202: 1201- 1203.
Reznick, D., M.J. Bryant, and F. Bashey 2002. r and K selection revisited. Ecology 83(6): 1509-1520.
Brown, J.H. and D.W. Davidson. 1977. Competition between seed-eating rodents and ants in desert ecosystems.
Science 196 880 -882
Goldberg, D.E. and A.M. Barton. 1992. Patterns and Consequences of Interspecific competition in natural
communities. American Naturalist 139(4): 771-801.
Korpimaki, E and C.J.Krebs. 1996. Predation and population cycles of small mammals. BioScience.
46 (10): 754-762.
Murdoch, W.W. 1994. Population regulation in theory and practice. Ecology 75(2): 271-287.
Pimm, S.L., G.J. Russell, J.L. Gittleman and T.M. Brooks. 1995. The Future of Biodiversity. Science 269: 347350.
Hughes, J.B., G.C. Daily and P.R. Ehrlich. 1997. Population Diversity: Its extent and extinction. Science 278: 689
– 692.
Page 86 of 125
Grassle, J.F. 1991 Deep-Sea Benthic Biodiversity. BioScience 41 (7) 464- 469.
Non-required texts.- these may be helpful, but are not required. Can be used as reference.
Hartl, D. 2000. Primer for population genetics, 3rd Edition. Sinauer, Sunderland, MA
Hastings, A. 1997. Population Biology. Springer.
Hendrick, P.W. 1984. Population Biology. Jones and Bartlett.
Wilson, E.O. and W.H. Bossert. 1971. A primer of population biology. Sinauer.
Page 87 of 125
Note: (Instructions for graduate students are indicated in parentheses)
It is assumed that you have had at least one ecology course and one general biology course at the
college-level before attempting this course. Otherwise, you must have permission from me to
remain in the course.
Course Information
Semester: Spring 2003
Time: 3:45 - 5:15 pm; Monday and Friday
Place: 215 Holmes Hall
Hours: J. Haynes. 3:00 - 4:30, Tuesday; 9:30 - 12:00 Thursday; or by appointment
Place: 121 Lennon Hall
Telephone: 395-5783
I will be happy to discuss any aspect of the course or your performance with you
briefly after class meetings, during scheduled office hours, or by appointment. You
should come to me as soon as you perceive that you may be having difficulty with
any aspect of the course. Please bring your notebook and any other relevant course
materials to our meetings.
1 1/27
2 2/3
3 2/10
4 2/17
5 2/24
6 3/3
7 3/10
8 3/15-23
9 3/24
10 3/31
11 4/7
Introduction and History
Ecological Foundations
Adaptation and Tolerance
Bioassay Procedures
Bioassay Analysis 1: Median Survival
Times, Asymptotic LC50's, Latent Period
Bioassay Analysis 2: Chronic Tests,
Application Factors, Multiple Toxicants
Good Laboratory Practices
Acute Gill Effects
Inorganics: Metals, pH, Ammonia
Organics 1: Sewage, Eutrophication
Organics 2: Detergents, Pulp Mills, Oils
Chronic Effects: Physiology
Chronic Effects: Behavior and Integration
Chronic Effects: Reproduction and Growth
Pesticides and Bioconcentration
Reading Assignments
WHSP: xi, xiii-xvi, 3-22; LY: 1-19
This Guide; WHSP: 23-45; 195-219
WHSP: 220-237; LY: 111-130
WHSP: 93-98, 107-118; LY: 21-37
LY: 55-92; Topic/10 References due
WHSP: 153-161, 179-192
LY: 37-53, 133-140
RR #1
RR# 2
LY: 131-133, 140-151; RR# 5
WHSP: 46-58; 3 Annotations due
LY: 177-190; RR# 6
RR# 10, 15
RR# 13, 14, 16
WHSP: 119-139; LY: 93-104
WHSP: 139-152; RR# 19
WHSP: 162-178, 248-265
LY: 104-111; RR# 20, 21
Page 88 of 125
12 4/14
13 4/23
14 4/28
15 5/5
Biotransformation and Excretion
WHSP: 58-89; LY: 191-224
Hormonally Active Chemicals
RR# 23, 25
Economics and Pollution
LY: 287-314; 20 Annotations due
Special Topics: Graduate Student Presentations
Special Topics: Graduate Student Presentations
Pollutant Presentations All Students
Pollutant Presentations All Students
LY: 225-229
Pollutant Presentations All Students
(Additional Expectations for Graduate Students in ENV 523)
Graduate students are expected to develop and demonstrate a broader and deeper
understanding of pollution biology than undergraduates. Several assignment, evaluation and
assessment techniques are used to determine whether or not graduate students demonstrate a
higher level of competence in pollution biology.
1. Additional readings, and testing on them, to develop understandings of concepts more
broadly and deeply (see study questions).
2. More rigorous evaluation of performance on examinations. Do graduate students
exhibit a thorough understanding (breadth and depth) of the material required to
answer questions fully? Do they competently answer more complex questions, not
given to undergraduates, about theory and mechanism?
3. Additional project, beyond the annotated bibliography and short presentation required
of all students, and presentation. Small teams of graduate students (2-4) will work
with me to identify pollution biology topics of interest that are not covered in depth in
the course. Each team will prepare a 10 - 15 page paper on the topic and will make a
45 min presentation to the class. Both parts of the project will be graded according to
the expectation of the Department of Environmental Science and Biology that its MS
graduates are prepared to teach introductory biology at a community college.
Alternatively, a team may choose to design, conduct and report on a toxicity test
conducted in my laboratory.
4. More rigorous assignment of a final grade. For the purpose of assigning final grades,
graduate students’ final course averages are compared only to other graduate students.
To earn a grade equal to that of an undergraduate, a graduate student must have a
final average about 2% higher (e.g., 90% is an A- for an undergraduate and a B+ for a
graduate student; see below).
Walker, C.H., S.P. Hopkins, R.M. Sibley, and D.B. Peakall. 2001. Principles of
Ecotoxicology (2nd Ed). Taylor and Francis. London. = WHSP above
Landis, W.G., and M.H. Yu. 1999. Environmental Toxicology: Impacts of Chemicals on
Ecological Systems (2nd Ed.). Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton, FL. = LY above
Library Readings
Because my notes and lectures may not always be clear to you, below I list a source (on
reserve in Drake Library) from which I have taken information for lectures during weeks 6-10.
Heath, A.G. 1987/1996. Water Pollution and Fish Physiology. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL.
Assigned readings from other references, placed on electronic or paper reserve in Drake
Library, are listed below; they should be completed before coming to class. Reserve readings
come from a variety of books, journals and other sources. The volume of reading is high in this
course, especially for graduate students. Guided by the study questions that follow, you should
Page 89 of 125
read these articles to get a sense of the breadth and depth of pollution biology. Reserve
readings (RR) are listed in numerical order as indicated on the syllabus. Ignore non-consecutive
numbering. (Items in bold below are required for graduate students only.)
RR#1: Garner, W.Y., and M.S. Barge. 1988. Good Laboratory Practices: An Agrochemical
Perspective. American Chemical Society. Washington, D.C. Chp. 1 /appended materials.
(RR#2: Brett, J.R. 1979. Environmental factors and growth. Pages 599-675, In: Hoar, W.S.,
D.J. Randall, and J.R. Brett (Eds.), Fish Physiology, Vol. VIII, Bioenergetics and
Growth. Academic Press. Orlando, FL.)
RR#5: Brungs, W.A. 1971. Chronic effects of low dissolved oxygen concentrations on the
fathead minnow. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 28:1119-1123.
(RR#6: (paper) Roesijadi, G., and W.E. Robinson. 1994. Metal regulation in
aquatic animals: mechanisms of uptake, accumulation and release. Pages: 387420, In: Malins, D.C., and G.K. Ostrander (Eds.). Aquatic Toxicology: Molecular,
Biochemical and Cellular Perspectives. Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton, FL.)
RR#10: Schindler, D.W., F.A.J. Armstrong, S.K. Holmgren, and G.J. Brunskill. 1971.
Eutrophication of Lake 227, Experimental Lakes Area, northwestern Ontario, by
addition of phosphate and nitrate. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada. 28(11):1763-1782.
RR#13: Munkittrick, K.R. et al. 1992. Response of hepatic MFO activity and plasma sex steroids
to secondary treatment of of bleached kraft pulp mill effluent and mill shutdown.
Environ. Toxicol. & Chemistry 11:1427-1439.
(RR#14: Kovacs, T.G., and S.R. Megraw. 1996. Laboratory responses of whole organisms exposed to pulp and paper mill
effluents: 1991-1994. Pages 459-472, In: Servos, M.R., K.R. Munkittrick, J.H. Carey, and G.J. Van der Kraak (Eds.),
Environmental Fate and Effects of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluents. St. Lucie Press. Delray Beach,FL.)
RR#15: (paper) Albers, P.H. 1995. Petroleum and individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Pages 330-355, In: Hoffman, D.J., B.A. Rattner, G.A. Burton, Jr., and J. Cairns, Jr.
Handbook of Ecotoxicology. Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton, FL.
RR#16: Jackson et al. 1989. Ecological effects of a major oil spill on Panamanian coastal marine
communities. Science 243:37-44.
(RR#19: Weber, D.N., and R.E. Spieler. 1994. Behavioral mechanisms of metal toxicity in
fishes. Pages 421-467, In: Malins, D.C., and G.K. Ostrander (Eds.). Aquatic
Toxicology: Molecular, Biochemical and Cellular Perspectives. Lewis Publishers.
Boca Raton, FL.)
RR#20: (paper) Hill, E.F. 1995. Organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides. Pages 243-274, In:
Hoffman, D.J., B.A. Rattner, G.A. Burton, Jr., and J. Cairns, Jr. Handbook of
Ecotoxicology. Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton, FL.
RR#21: (paper) Blus, L.J. 1995. Organochlorine pesticides. Pages 275-300, In: Hoffman, D.J.,
B.A. Rattner, G.A. Burton, Jr., and J. Cairns, Jr. Handbook of Ecotoxicology. Lewis
Publishers. Boca Raton, FL.
RR#23: (paper) Rice, C.P., and P. O'Keefe. 1995. Sources, pathways and effects of PCBs,
dioxins, and dibenzofurans. Pages 424-468, In: Hoffman, D.J., B.A. Rattner, G.A.
Burton, Jr., and J. Cairns, Jr. Handbook of Ecotoxicology. Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton,
RR#25: Johnson, B.L., et al. 1998. Public health implications of persistent toxic substances in the
Great Lakes and St. Lawrence basins. J. Great Lakes. Res. 24(2):698-722.
Page 90 of 125
Note: (Instructions for graduate students are indicated in parentheses)
Dr. Chris Norment
Office: Lennon 119
Office hours: M: 10:40 - 11:40; W: 2:30 - 3:30; F: 10:45-1:00 or by Appt.
Phone: 395-5748 (Office); 637-0252 (Home; before 9:00 p.m.)
Course Objectives:
1. To describe patterns of biological diversity, and to investigate factors which affect
this diversity and vulnerability to extinction.
2. To characterize genetic and demographic characteristics of endangered populations.
3. To discuss design and protection of natural areas.
4. To introduce important research and management methods.
5. To think about the implications of ecology and evolution for conservation biology,
the implications of conservation biology for society, and the relationship between values,
science, and conservation.
Class Meets: 9:30-10:30, MW, 127 Hartwell
Primack, Richard B. 2002. Essentials of Conservation Biology. 3rd edition. Sinauer Associates,
Inc., Sunderland, MA. (required)
McNamee, Thomas. 1997. The return of the wolf to Yellowstone. Henry Holt and Company, New
York, NY. (required)
Course Structure: The course format will emphasize lectures, with supplemental discussions, guest
presentations, and student projects.
Grades will be assigned based upon the following:
Lecture tests - 2 at 100 points each
Quizzes - 1
Final exam
Short papers
"Issues" assignment - presentation
Homework assignments (approximate pts)
Total points
(GRADUATE STUDENTS (BIO 539): Graduate students are expected to develop a
deeper and broader understanding of conservation biology than is the case for
undergraduates enrolled in ENV 439. Requirements for BIO 539 are given on page
2 of the syllabus. )
Attendance: Attendance is required; please come prepared for class. During the term I will take
attendance at the start of every class; if you are not present and do not have a valid excuse (doctor's
note), 7 points (ca. 1% of the total) will be deducted from your total points for the term. If you do miss a
class, it is your responsibility to talk to me about why you missed and what material was missed, and to
obtain notes from a classmate. I reserve the right to give unannounced quizzes that cannot be made up.
Grading and Test policy: Lecture tests and the final exam must be taken on the scheduled dates and may
not be made up unless arranged in advance, or with a doctor's written excuse. The following guidelines
will be used to assign grades: = 90% = A range; 80-89% = B range; 65-79% = C range; 55-65% = D
range; < 55% = E. The grade scale will be established by reference to undergraduates only, so that
performance of graduate students will not affect the grades of undergraduates. Late assignments are
penalized 5% per class day (MTWRF). Last day to withdraw from the course with departmental approval
is April 30th.
Surviving BIOL 439/539:
Page 91 of 125
1. Come to class and be prepared.
2. If you must miss a class, obtain the notes from another student.
3. Seek help when you need it, and ask questions.
4. Anticipate problems beforehand and discuss them with the instructor.
5. Be aggressive in your approach to studying; for example, review and think about class
notes after each class.
6. "Don't worry, be happy."
Statement on Disability: I would appreciate hearing from anyone in this class who has a special need that
may be a result of a disability. I am reasonably sure we can work out whatever arrangement is
necessary, be it special seating, testing, or other accommodation. See me after class, or during my office
hours, as soon as possible.
Statement on Academic Integrity: I take the need to maintain academic integrity seriously, and refer
students to the discussion on pp. 9-12 of Your Right to Know: Academic Policies Handbook, 2032-2004,
which is published by the Division of Student Affairs. The most common problem that I have encountered
is the submission of written work clearly related to that of another student in the class. A wise policy
might be to discuss freely, but write with complete independence, unless clearly instructed to collaborate.
Failure to adhere to the standard of independent written work may result in a 0 on the assignment.
If you are at all unclear as to your responsibilities or the conventions of the discipline, please talk with me.
(REQUIREMENTS FOR BIO 539. In addition to the requirements for ENV 439, graduate students in
BIO 539 will:
1. Develop more-in depth knowledge of the subject. Thus, graduate student exams and papers will be
graded more rigorously.
2. Complete an additional group research project on Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs). This additional
project will require an in-depth analysis of an HCP of the students’ choosing. The graduate student group
will then make an hour-long oral presentation on HCPs to the class.
3. Complete additional technical readings from the following source:
Conservation Biology: Two current papers from the most recent volume of the primary journal in the field.
These readings will be discussed with the instructor during two out-of-class meetings. Students will
complete a written critical review of one of the papers.)
UNIT 1 - Introduction, history, values
Jan 26
Jan 28
Biodiversity - description/patterns,
Jan 30
Feb 2
History of Conservation - North America
Feb 4
History of Conservation - North America
Feb 6
Value of Biodiversity
Feb 9
Endangered Species Act
Feb 11
Film: Varmints
Feb 13
Discussion - value of biodiversity
Return of the wolf
Unit 2 - Loss of biodiversity: patterns and causes
Chap 2 (pp. 27-43)
Chap 3 (pp. 62-82)
pp. 11-24
Internet assignment due
Chap 4; Chap 5 (pp. 111114, 118-124, 131-134);
skim Chap 6
pp. 558-565; papers by
Rohlf, O'Connell2
Study questions due
Discussion question due
Blaine, PEER, Christian2
Essays by Hagan, Tippets
McNamee, pp. 1-1023
Page 92 of 125
Feb 16
Feb 18
Feb 20
Quiz: Unit 1; catch-up
Lecture: Extinctions
Lecture: Extinctions
Feb 23
Discussion: Primack, Chapter 7
Feb 25
Feb 27
Mar 1
Vulnerability to extinction
Lecture: Habitat fragmentation
Global change
Mar 3
Mar 5
Mar 8
Mar 10
Mar 12
Lecture: Introduced species
Discussion: Lomborg
Discussion # 3: Synthesis
Test # 1 (Units 1 and 2)
Habitat Conservation Plans (grad students) pp. 562-565
Unit 3 - Biology of small populations
Mar 13-21
Mar 22
Population genetics I
Mar 24
Population genetics II
Mar 26
Mar 29
Mar 31
Apr 2
Apr 5
Chap 7
Chap 7
Complete question set # 1
Essay # 1 due
Chap 8
Chap 9 (pp. 197-229)
Chap 9 (pp. 252-260)
Essay # 2 due
Chapter 10 (pp. 276-292)
Complete question set # 2
Complete question set # 3
Chap 11 (pp. 297-320)
Demographic/environmental variation
Chap 11 (pp. 32-327)
Discussion: Return of the Wolf (pp 105-210)3
Chap 12 (pp. 348-351))
Pop. gen. assign due
Metapopulations; PVA
Chap 12 (pp. 344-348)
In-class PVA project using RAMAS/metapop (computer lab)
In-class PVA project, continued
Unit 4 - Management issues and methods
Apr 7
Design of protected areas
Apr 9
Review PVA project
Apr 12
Managing protected areas
Chapter 16, 15 (pp. 427-444)
Chap 12 (329-344)
Chap 17 (pp. 473-487)
Chap 18 (pp. 509-514)
Ludwig et al.2
Scholar’s Day (no class)
International issues
Test 2 (Units 3, 4)
Ex situ strategies/Reintroductions
Chap 13
Return of the wolf (McNamee, pp. 211-323)
Apr 23, 26
Group I presentations
Apr 28, 30
Group II presentations
May 3, 5
Group III presentations
May 7
Consensus (Groups I, II, III)
Final exam:
Friday, May 14, 8-10 am
All readings refer to material in Primack unless otherwise noted.
These papers are on electronic reserve in Drake, where they are listed by title. I list them by author to
save space. The authors/titles for those papers listed in the syllabus are given below.
Thomas McNamee, The Return of the Wolf to Yellowstone
Apr 14
Apr 16
Apr 19
Apr 21
Electronic reserve readings from syllabus (by date)
Rohlf: Six biological reasons why the Endangered Species Act doesn’t work and what to do about it
O’Connell: Response to “Six biological reasons why….”
Blaine: Basic science
Christian: Fraud discovered in endangered species studies
Page 93 of 125
PEER (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility): Lynx “biofraud” myth
Hagan: Environmentalism and the science of conservation biology
Asquith: Misdirections in conservation biology
Ludwig et al.: Uncertainty, resource exploitation, and conservation: lessons from history
Note: (Instructions for graduate students are indicated in parentheses)
Dr. Chris Norment
Office: Lennon 119
Office hours: M: 10:40 - 11:40; W: 2:30-3:30; F: 10:45-1:00, or by appointment.
Phone: 395-5748 (office)
637-0252 (home; before 9:00 p.m. only; weekends okay)
Course Objectives:
1. To develop an appreciation for the diversity of form and function in amphibians and
2. To understand the evolutionary history of reptiles and amphibians.
3. To expose students to some basic techniques used in studying amphibians and reptiles
in the field.
4. To develop the ability to think critically and ask questions about herps.
5. To investigate conservation issues related to reptiles and amphibians.
Class Meets: MWF 1:15 - 2:15 p.m., 033 Hartwell; F 2:15 - 5:15 p.m., 110 Lennon.
Texts: Pough, F. H., et al. 2001. Herpetology. 2nd edition. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Conant, R. and J. T. Collins. 1991. A field guide to reptiles and amphibians - eastern and
central North America. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA. (required).
You will also need a 3-ringed field notebook that takes either 6"X9" or 8 1/2"X5 1/2" paper.
Course Structure: The course format will emphasize lecture, field exercises, and laboratory work.
Grades will be assigned based upon the following scheme (point totals are approximate):
Lecture tests - 2 at 100 points each
Final exam - 1 at 100 points
Lab tests - 1, plus 2 quizzes
Field notebook
Misc. homework assignments
Lab reports
Total points
GRADUATE STUDENTS (BIO 540): Graduate students are expected to develop a
deeper and broader understanding of herpetology than is the case for
undergraduates enrolled in ENV 440. Requirements for BIO 540 are given on page
2 of the syllabus.
Page 94 of 125
Attendance: Attendance is expected; please come prepared for class. During the term I sometimes will
take attendance; if you are not present and do not have a valid excuse (doctor's note), 10 points (ca. 1%
of the total) will be deducted from your total points. It is particularly important that all lab sessions be
attended, as they may be difficult to make up; an unexcused absence from a lab will result in a deduction
of 3% from your grade! If an unannounced quiz is missed, it may not be made up. If you do miss a class,
it is your responsibility to talk to me about what material was missed, and to obtain notes from a
Grading and Test policy: Lecture and lab tests and the final exam must be taken on the scheduled dates
and may not be made up unless arranged in advance, or with a doctor's written excuse. The following
guidelines will be used to assign grades: 90% = A range; 80-89% = B range; 65-79% = C range; 55-65%
= D range; < 55% = E. The grade scale will be established by reference to undergraduates only, so that
performance of graduate students will not affect the grades of undergraduates. Last day to drop the
course is February 24. Unless prior arrangements have been made, late work will be discounted at the
rate of 5%/ class day (MTWRF).
Surviving BIOL 440/540:
1. Come to class and be prepared.
2. If you have to miss a class, obtain the notes from another student.
3.. Seek help when you need it, and ask questions.
4. Anticipate problems beforehand and discuss them with the instructor; this includes the
need for extensions on assignments.
5. Be aggressive in your approach to studying; for example, review and think about class
notes after class.
6. "Don't worry, be happy."
Statement on Disability: I would appreciate hearing from anyone in this class who has a special need
which may be a result of a disability. I am reasonably sure we can work out whatever arrangement is
necessary, be it special seating, testing, or other accommodation. See me after class, or during my office
hours, as soon as possible.
Statement on Academic Integrity: I take the need to maintain academic integrity seriously, and refer
students to the discussion in "Your Right to Know, 2002-2003" (pp. 9-12), which is published by the
Division of Student Affairs. The most common problem that I have encountered is the submission of
written work clearly related to that of another student in the class. A wise policy might be to discuss
freely, but write with complete independence. Failure to adhere to the standard of independent
written work may result in a 0 on the assignment. If you are at all unclear as to your responsibilities or
the conventions of the discipline, please talk with me.
(REQUIREMENTS FOR BIO 540. In addition to the requirements for ENV 440, graduate students in
BIO 540 will:
1. Develop more-in depth knowledge of the subject. Thus, graduate student exams and papers will
be graded more rigorously.
2. Complete a research term paper on any area of herpetology, subject to approval by the
3. Complete two additional technical readings from recent volumes of the primary journals in the
field. These readings will be discussed with the instructor during two out-of-class meetings. One
of the readings will be analyzed in a short review/analysis article.)
SCHEDULE - BIO 440/540
Note: (L) = lab/field day; lectures occur prior to lab/field exercises
Jan 27
Characters and taxa of amphibians
Pp.1-8, Chapter 3 (skim)
Jan 29
Characters and taxa of reptiles
Pp. 8-20, Chapter 4 (skim)
Jan 31(L)
Pp 21-25; Fig. 2-1
Feb 3
Evolution - Amphibia
Pp. 25-36
Feb 5
Evolution - Reptilia
Pp. 36-40
Quiz (basic taxonomy, characters)
Feb 7(L)
Dinosaur biology (a diversion!)
Phylogenetics worksheet due
Page 95 of 125
Feb 10
Feb 12
Homeostasis - temperature regulation
Homeostasis - water
Pp. 171-190
Pp. 159-170, 190-195
Bibliography due
Feb 14(L)
Feb 17
Feb 19
Feb 21(L)
Feb 24
Feb 26
Feb 28(L)
Homeostasis - finish
Chapter 6 (skim)
Catch-up day
No lecture; lab only
Test # 1 (Lecture material from Jan 27-Feb 19)
Spacing and movements
Pp. 335-352
Orientation (guest lecture,
Pp. 353-364
Dr. Dave Holtzman)
Lab quiz (see next page)
Mar 3
Chapter 9 (skim 292-325)
Mar 5
Venomous/toxic herps
Pp. 325-332
Mar 7(L)
Reproduction I
Chapter 7 (pp. 228-243)
Mar 10
Reproduction II
Chapter 7 (pp. 243-259)
Mar 12
Reproduction III
Mar 14
No lecture; lab exam (see next page)
Mar 17-21
Spring break(down)
Mar 24
Mating Systems I
Chapter 12 (pp. 398-413)
Mar 26
Mating Systems II
Chapter 12 (pp. 413-430)
UV lab report due (tentative)
Mar 28(L)
Mating Systems III
Mar 31
Test 2 (Lecture material from Feb 26-Mar 28)
Apr 2
No class: Scholar’s Day
Apr 4(L)
No lecture: field trip to zoo
Apr 7
Population biology I
Apr 9
Population Biology II
Zoo assignment due
Apr 11(L)
No lecture; quiz, field trip
Apr 14
Census methods
Hand in field notebooks
Apr 16
Foraging ecology/interactions
Chapter 13
Population biology worksheet due
Apr 18(L)
No lecture; field trip
Apr 21
Community ecology I
Chapter 14
Habitat selection lab due (tentative)
Apr 23
Community ecology II
Apr 25(L)
No lecture; field trip to Iroquois NWR
Apr 28
Biogeography and evolution
Apr 30
Conservation Biology I
Chapter 15
May 2
No class
May 5
No class
May 7
Conservation Biology II
Iroquois NWR assignment due
May 9 (L)
Finish up; field work
Final exam: Wednesday, May 14, 10:30-12:30
*All readings, unless otherwise indicated, are from Pough et al.
Lab Schedule
Jan 31
Anatomy I (Integument/External Anatomy)
Feb 7
Set up UV lab
Note: a formal lab writeup will be required; due date depends upon how quickly
larval development proceeds
Feb 14
Anatomy II (Skeleton)
Feb 21
Anatomy III (Digestion/Respiration/Circulation)
Feb 28
Lab quiz (Anatomy 1 and 2); Habitat selection lab
Mar 7
Anatomy IV (Excretion/Reproduction/Sensory systems); Review
Mar 14
Lab Test (Labs I - IV)
Mar 28
Taxonomy: local reptiles and amphibians
UV lab report due
Apr 4
Field trip - Buffalo Zoo: taxonomy
Page 96 of 125
Apr 11
Apr 18
Apr 25
May 2
May 9
May 12
Field trip; Quiz – local taxonomy
Field trip - Ossian State Forest; late return
Field trip – Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge
No class
Field trip
Field notebooks due.
Note 1: Beginning after spring break, I will be leading evening ( 1.5 hr) field trips about once/week
(weather permitting). Each student must participate in at least one evening outing.
Note 2: “Taxon” quizzes (n = 8) will be given every Friday, unless otherwise noted.
Page 97 of 125
Note: (Instructions for graduate students are indicated in parentheses)
Dr. Chris Norment
Office: 119 Lennon
Office hours: T R 2:55-3:55 p.m., F 9:00-11:00 a.m., or by Appt.
Phone: 395-5748 (office)
637-0252 (home; before 9:00 p.m.)
General Course Objectives are to:
1. Describe the diversity of animal behavior.
2. Understand the influence of genes, developmental pathways, and anatomy on behavior.
3. Examine patterns of behavior in an evolutionary context.
4. Develop the ability to think critically and ask testable questions about behavior.
5. Develop improved scientific writing skills.
Class Meets: T R 1:15-2:45 p.m., 030 Hartwell
Alcock, J. 2001. Animal Behavior, 7th edition. Sinauer, Sunderland, MA. (Required)
Heinrich, B. 1991. Ravens in winter. Vintage, New York, NY.
A large three-ring binder also will be valuable.
Electronic reserves password: raptor
Course Structure: The course format will include lectures, discussions, and cooperative learning exercises. Although no formal
lab time is scheduled, several field and lab exercises will be conducted during the term.
Grades will be assigned based upon the following scheme:
Lecture tests - 2 at 100 points each
Final exam - 1 at 125 points
Lab reports
Problem sets and other written assignments
Unannounced quizzes (possible)
Total points
(GRADUATE STUDENTS (BIO 527): Graduate students are expected to develop a
deeper and broader understanding of animal behavior than is the case for
undergraduates enrolled in ENV 427. Requirements for BIO 527 are given on page
2 of the syllabus.)
Attendance: Attendance is expected; please come prepared for class. During the term I will take
attendance; if you are not present and do not have a valid excuse (doctor's note, etc.), 7 points (about 1%
of your grade) will be deducted from your grade. If you do miss a class, it is your responsibility to talk to
me about what material was missed, and to obtain notes from a classmate. It is particularly important
that all lab sessions be attended, as they may be difficult to make up. If an unannounced quiz is missed,
it may not be made up. See p. 8 of Your Right to Know & Academic Policies Handbook for an explanation
of the college’s policy on attendance.
Grading and Test policy: Lecture tests and the final exam must be taken on the scheduled dates and may
not be made up unless arranged in advance, or with a doctor's written excuse. The following guidelines
will be used to assign grades: 90% = A range; 80-89% = B range; 65-79% = C range; 55-65% = D range;
< 55% = E. The grade scale will be established by reference to undergraduates only, so that
performance of graduate students will not affect the grades of undergraduates. Last day to withdraw from
the course is December 1. Withdrawal policies are described in Your Right to Know & Academic Policies
Handbook. Unless prior arrangements have been made, late work will be discounted at the rate of
5%/school day. Tests will be based primarily on material discussed during lectures and study group
sessions. However, approximately 10% of the points on each test may be based on material covered in
your text, but not in class.
Page 98 of 125
Surviving BIOL 427/527:
1. Come to class and be prepared.
2. If you have to miss a class, obtain the notes from another student.
3.. Seek help when you need it, and ask questions.
4. Anticipate problems beforehand and discuss them with the instructor.
5. Be aggressive in your approach to studying; for example, review and think about class
notes after the lecture.
6. "Don't worry, be happy." (Mehr Babba)
Statement on Disability: I would appreciate hearing from anyone in this class who has a special need
which may be a result of a disability. I am reasonably sure we can work out whatever arrangement is
necessary, be it special seating, testing, or other accommodation. See me after class, or during my office
hours, as soon as possible.
Statement on Academic Integrity: I take the need to maintain academic integrity seriously, and refer
students to pp. 9-11, "The Policy on Student Academic Dishonesty" in the SUNY Brockport publication,
"Your Right to Know & Academic Policies Handbook, 2000-2001". The most common problem that I have
encountered is the submission of written work clearly related to that of another student in the class, or in a
previous class. (In order to account for this last, unfortunate possibility, I keep a random subset of major
papers from previous classes on file.) A wise policy might be to discuss freely, but write with complete
independence. Failure to adhere to the standard of independent written work may result in a 0 on
the assignment or the course. If you are at all unclear as to your responsibilities or the conventions of
the discipline, please talk with me.
(REQUIREMENTS FOR BIO 527. In addition to the requirements for ENV 427, graduate students in
BIO 527 will:
1. Develop more-in depth knowledge of the subject. Thus, graduate student exams and papers will
be graded more rigorously.
2. Complete a research term paper that involves analysis of a current, controversial topic in
animal behavior. The paper will require comparison of opposing viewpoints, analysis, and defense
of the student’s position on the controversy.
3. Complete additional technical readings from the following sources:
Allen, C. and M. Beckoff. 1999. Species of mind: The philosophy and biology of cognitive
ethology. MIT
Press, Cambridge, MA.
Cheney, D.L. and R. M. Seyfarth. 1990. How monkeys see the world: Inside the mind of another
University of Chicago Press, Chicago IL.
Animal Behaviour: Two current papers from the most recent volume of the primary journal in the
These readings will be discussed with the instructor during two out-of-class meetings. )
Page 99 of 125
Week 1
Aug 26
Aug 28
Week 2
Sept 2
Sept 4
Week 3
Sept 9
Sept 10
Week 4
Sept 16
Sept 18
Week 5
Sept 23
Sept 25
Week 6
Sept 30
Oct 2
Week 7
Oct 7
Oct 9
Introduction, Squirrel Assignment I
Methods of studying behavior
pp. 1-9
Clotfelter (e-reserves)
Lab time (honeybee orientation)
Statistics and hypothesis testing
Scientific writing
Lopez essay due
Evolution and Natural Selection
Evolution of behavior: geographical
pp. 9-18
Squirrel assignment I due
Discussion: methods/Lopez essay
Development of behavior: genes and
environment I
Development of behavior: genes and
enviroment II
Finish development;
Aug 29
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Bee report
draft and review due
Chapter 5 (115-142)
Neural systems and behavior
Continue neural systems
Discussion: Ravens in Winter, pp. 11-104
Test 1 (Aug 26 – Sept 225; includes Ravens in Winter, pp. 11-104)
Guest lecture: Dr. Dave Holtzman,
Nasal chemical senses
Lab: Vomeronasal use in snakes
Endocrine systems and behavior
Pp. 78-79, Chapter 6
Discussion of vomeronasal lab/
Foraging behavior
Final draft of bee report due
Chapter 8
Week 9
Oct 21
Oct 23
Film/Foraging behavior
Male and female tactics I
Chapter 11
Week 10
Oct 28
Male and female tactics II
Week 8
Oct 14
Oct 16
Oct 30
Week 11
Nov 4
Mating systems
Optimality model problem set
Chapter 12
Nov 6
Mating systems, continued
Mating tactics problems due
Discussion: RIW, pp. 105-207
Test II (Covers material from Oct 2 - Nov 4; includes RIW, pp. 105-207)
Nov 11
Nov 13
Social systems
Social systems
Week 12
Chapter 14 (422-445)
Chapter 14 (445-455)
Page 100 of 125
Week 11
Nov 18
Nov 20
Behavior of domestic animals
Animal intelligence
Week 14
Nov 25
Nov 27
Animal intelligence/discussion
No class; give Thanks!
Week 15
Dec 2
Evolution of human behavior
Dec 4
Vomeronasal lab due
Discussion questions due
Cheney & Seyfarth (e-reserves)
Chapter 15
Discussion questions due
Discussion: human behavior
RIW, pp. 208-301
Week 16
Thursday, Dec 9 (10:30-12:30)
Final exam (Includes RIW, pp. 208-301)
*Unless otherwise noted, all readings are from Alcock.
Page 101 of 125
BIO 459/559 - MAMMALOGY - FALL 2003
Note: (Instructions for graduate students are indicated in parentheses)
Dr. Chris Norment
Office: Lennon 119
Office hours: T R 2:50-3:50 p.m., F 9:00-11:00 a.m., or by appointment.
Phone: 395-5748 (office)
637-0252 (home; before 9:00 p.m.)
Course Objectives:
1. To develop an appreciation for the diversity of mammalian form and function, in
anatomical, physiological, and ecological contexts.
2. To understand the evolutionary relationships among mammals, and the relationship of
mammals to other vertebrates.
3. To expose students to some basic techniques used in studying mammals in the field.
4. To develop the ability to think critically and ask questions about mammals.
Class Meets: T R 9:45-11.15 a.m., 121 Smith, F 1:15-5:00 p.m., 110 Lennon
Texts and Materials:
Vaughn, T., et al. 1999. Mammalogy. 4th edition. Saunders. (required)
Martin, R. E., et al. 2001. A Manual of Mammalogy. 3rd edition. McGraw Hill. (required).
Burt, W. H. and R. C. Grossenheider. 1976. A Field Guide to the Mammals. 3rd ed. (optional).
A large, 3-ringed binder will also help in organizing course materials.
Electronic reserves password: rhino
Course Structure: The course format will emphasize lecture, field exercises, and laboratory work.
Grades will be assigned based upon the following scheme:
Lecture tests and quizzes
Final exam - 1 at 125 points
Lab tests - 2 at  75 points each
Peromyscus research paper/lab report
Annotated Bibliography
Problem sets
Taxon quizzes (8 @ 15 pts. ea)
Total points
845 (approximate)
(GRADUATE STUDENTS (BIO 559): Graduate students are expected to develop a
deeper and broader understanding of mammalogy than is the case for
undergraduates enrolled in ENV 459. Requirements for BIO 559 are given on page
2 of the syllabus. )
Attendance: Attendance is expected; please come prepared for class. If you do miss a class, it is your
responsibility to talk to the instructor about what material was missed, and to obtain notes from a
classmate. It is particularly important that all lab sessions be attended, as they may be difficult to make
up. If an unannounced quiz is missed, it may not be made up. I will take attendance before each lecture
class; if you are absent and do not have a legitimate excuse, your grade will be lowered 9 points (about
1% of the total possible); an unexcused absence from a lab class will result in the loss of 27 points (about
3% of your grade). See p. 8 of "Your Right to Know & Academic Policies Handbook” for an explanation of
the college’s policy on attendance.
Grading and Test policy: Lecture tests and the final exam must be taken on the scheduled dates and may
not be made up unless arranged in advance, or with a doctor's written excuse. The following guidelines
will be used to assign grades: 90% = A range; 80-89% = B range; 70-79% = C range; 55-69% = D range;
< 55% = E. The grade scale will be established by reference to undergraduates only, so that
Page 102 of 125
performance of graduate students will not affect the grades of undergraduates. Last day to
withdraw from the course is December 1. Unless prior arrangements have been made, late work will
be discounted at the rate of 5%/ school day.
Surviving BIOL 459/559:
1. Come to class and be prepared.
2. If you have to miss a class, obtain the notes from another student.
3.. Seek help when you need it, and ask questions.
4. Anticipate problems beforehand and discuss them with the instructor.
5. Be aggressive in your approach to studying; for example, review and think about class
notes after class.
6. "Don't worry, be happy." (Mehr Baba)
Statement on Disability: I would appreciate hearing from anyone in this class who has a special need that
may be a result of a disability. I am reasonably sure we can work out whatever arrangement is
necessary, be it special seating, testing, or other accommodation. See me after class, or during my office
hours, as soon as possible.
Statement on Academic Integrity: I take the need to maintain academic integrity seriously, and refer
students to pp. 9-12, "The Policy on Student Academic Dishonesty" in the SUNY Brockport publication,
"Your Right to Know & Academic Policies Handbook”. The most common problem that I have
encountered is the submission of written work clearly related to that of another student in the class. A
wise policy might be to discuss freely, but write with complete independence. Failure to adhere to the
standard of independent written work may result in a 0 on the assignment, or an E grade in the course. If
you are at all unclear as to your responsibilities or the conventions of the discipline, please talk with me.
(REQUIREMENTS FOR BIO 559. In addition to the requirements for ENV 459, graduate students in
BIO 559 will:
1. Develop more-in depth knowledge of the subject. Thus, graduate student exams and papers will be
graded more rigorously.
2. Complete an additional research project associated with the Peromyscus leucopus lab report that all
students complete. This additional project will require an in-depth analysis of data in the 11-year database
for Peromyscus populations in the Brockport woods. The statistical analysis and write-up, with relevant
literature, will be presented as an addendum to the regular Peromyscus leucopus lab report.
3. Complete additional technical readings from the following source:
Journal of Mammalogy: Two current papers from the most recent volume of the primary journal in the
field. These readings will be discussed with the instructor during two out-of-class meetings. )
SCHEDULE - BIO 459/559 - Fall 2003
Week 1
Aug 26
Aug 28
Aug 29
Classification/origin of mammals I
Bats: lecture (1:15-2:15)
Chap 2 (pp. 8-27)
Chap 1 (pp. 2-6)
pp. 138-149, 404-411
Field trip: bats (7-10 pm)
Week 2
Sept 2
Sept 4
Sept 5 (L)
Week 3
Sept 9
Sept 11
Classification/Origin of mammals II
Quiz - mammalian orders
Distribution of mammals I
Mammal trapping (lecture)
Set mammal traps
Chap 3
Distribution of mammals II
Group problem
Chap 25 (esp. pp. 528-540)
Phylogeny problems due
Mammalian communities I - patterns
pp. 483-505
Page 103 of 125
Sept 12 (L)
Quiz - characteristics, classification, origins
Field work: Woodchuck observations
Week 4
Sept 16
Sept 18
Sept 19(L)
Mammalian communities II - processes Bring diskette to class
Catch-up, group problem
Analysis of Peromyscus data
Sept 23
Sept 25
Sept 26(L)
Population dynamics I
Population dynamics II
Buffalo Zoo field trip
Sept 30
Oct 2
Reproduction I
pp. 334-346, 352-363
Test 1 - material from Aug 26 – Sept 25
Week 5
pp. 506-526
Peromyscus bibliography due
Week 6
Oct 3(L)
Oct 7
Oct 9
Oct 10(L)
Week 8
Oct 14
Oct 16
Rat dissection
Group problem (populations)
Week 7
Reproduction II
Reproduction III
Dentition lab
Group problem (reproduction)
Oct 17(L)
No class - Fall Break
Metabolism and temperature
regulation I
Skeleton lab
Oct 21
Metabolism and temp reg II
Oct 23
Metabolism and temp reg III/
Group problem
Lab practical 1
pp. 346-352
pp. 364-378
Week 9
Oct 24(L)
Week 10
Oct 28
Oct 30
Oct 31(L)
Feeding/digestive specializations I
Film - Monotremes and marsupials
Noneutherians, Insectivora/Chiroptera
pp. 380-388, 394-403
Peromyscus paper due (draft),
with peer review)
pp. 272-273
Week 11
Nov 4
Nov 6
Nov 7(L)
Feeding/digestive specializations II
Group problem
pp. 433-436
Nov 11
Nov 13
Nov 14(L)
Test 2 - from Sept 30 - Nov 6
Sexual selection and mating systems
Nov 18
Social systems I
Nov 20
Nov 21(L)
Social systems II/Group problem
Nov 25
Nov 27&28
Week 15
Dec 2
Dec 4
Dec 5(L)
Social systems III
No class: Give Thanks!
Week 12
pp. 450-456
Week 13
pp. 456-475
Peromyscus lab report due
Week 14
Conservation of mammals
Review for lab test
Lab practical II
Chap 26
Page 104 of 125
Dec 11
Final exam: 10:30-12:30
*Unless otherwise indicated, all readings are from Vaughn et al.; M = Martin et al.
LABS: From September 19th on, bring both Vaughn et al. and Martin et al. to lab!!!
Note: Once we get going there will be a cumulative “taxon quiz” every Friday for eight weeks
Page 105 of 125
ENV 488/588: Environmental Impact Analysis
Note: (Instructions for graduate students are indicated in parentheses)
It is assumed that you have had at least one college-level ecology course or some
background in general science before attempting this course. Otherwise, you must have
permission from me to remain in the course.
Course Information
Semester: Summer 2004, Session I, May 17 - 28
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Monday through Friday
Place: 118 Lennon Hall
J. Haynes. Hours: During regular class time
Place: 121 Lennon Hall
Telephone: 716-395-5783
I will be happy to discuss any aspect of the course or your performance with you during class meetings. In particular,
you should come to me as soon as you perceive that you may be having difficulty with any aspect of the course.
Bregman, J.I. 1999. Environmental Impact Statements (2nd ed.). Lewis Publishers. Boca
Raton, FL.
Mon, May 17
am: Introductions: Course, Participants, Environmental Analysis/NEPA
pm: Tour Project Area; Preliminary Scoping
Assignment: SEQRA/Permit Materials; Bregman--Chapters. 1, 2
Tue, May 18
am: EIA/EIS Procedures
pm: Organize and Work on Team Special Projects
Assignment: SEQRA/Permit Materials; Bregman--Chapter 3
Wed, May 19
am: Teams Identify and Summarize Laws and Regulations Relevant to the Project
pm: Regulatory Perspective: SEQRA, Permits, Scoping the Class Project
(Mr. Albert Butkas, NYSDEC, retired)
Assignment: This Guide, p. 1-15; Bregman--Chapter 6
Thu, May 20
am: Assessing Environmental Impacts
pm: Work on Team Special Projects
Assignment: Bregman--Chapter 7
Fri, May 21
am: EIA/EIS Methodologies; Teams Prepare Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
pm: Teams Complete EIA; Make Positive or Negative Declaration; Quiz #1
Mon, May 24
am: Complete Team Special Projects
pm: Teams Organize and Tabulate Information for EIS; Develop EIS Outline
Tue, May 25
am: Citizen Participation in EIA; Present Special Projects to Class
Page 106 of 125
pm: Teams Begin Drafting EISs
Assignment: Bregman--Chapter 4
Wed, May 26
am/pm: Teams Continue Drafting EISs
Thu, May27
am: Quiz #2; Graduate Student Presentations
pm: Permit Hearing Preparation; Continue Drafting EISs
Fri, May 28
am: Complete and Turn In Team EISs
pm: Permit Hearing (Mr. Albert Butkas, NYSDEC);
(Additional Expectations for Graduate Students in ENV 588)
Graduate students are expected to develop and demonstrate a deeper understanding of
environmental impact analysis than undergraduates. Several assignment, evaluation and
assessment techniques are used to determine whether or not graduate students demonstrate a
higher level of competence in environmental impact analysis.
5. More rigorous evaluation of performance on examinations. Do graduate students
exhibit a thorough understanding (breadth and depth) of the material required to
answer questions fully? Do they competently answer more complex questions, not
given to undergraduates, about theory and mechanism?
6. Additional project, beyond the assignments required of all students, and presentation.
Small teams of graduate students (2-4) will review an existing EIS, then prepare a 10
- 15 page critique of the EIS. Writing style and mechanics will be graded according to
the expectation of the Department of Environmental Science and Biology for MS
thesis-quality writing.
7. More rigorous assignment of a final grade. For the purpose of assigning final grades,
graduate students’ final course averages are compared only to other graduate students.
To earn a grade equal to that of an undergraduate, a graduate student must have a
final average about 2% higher (e.g., 90% is an A- for an undergraduate and a B+ for a
graduate student; see below).
Page 107 of 125
Note: (Instructions for graduate students are indicated in parentheses)
It is assumed that you have had at least one ecology course and one general biology
course at the college-level before attempting this course. Otherwise, you must have permission
from me to remain in the course.
Course Information
Semester: Spring 2004
Time: 3:45 - 5:15 pm; Monday and Friday
Place: 218 Lennon Hall
Hours: J. Haynes, 2:30 - 3:30, MF; 9:30 - 12:00, W; or by appointment
Place: 121 Lennon Hall
Telephone: 395-5783
I will be happy to discuss any aspect of the course or your performance briefly after class
meetings, during scheduled office hours, or by appointment. In particular, you should come to
me as soon as you perceive that you may be having difficulty with any aspect of the course.
Please bring your notebook and any other relevant course materials to our meetings.
Texts to Purchase
Diana, J.S. 2004. Biology and Ecology of Fishes (2nd ed.) Cooper Publishing Group.
Traverse City, MI.
Kohler, C.C., and W.A. Hubert (eds.). 2002. Inland Fisheries Management in North
America (2nd ed.). American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, MD.
Library Reserve Texts
Bond, C.E. 1996. Biology of Fishes (2nd ed.). Saunders College Publishing. Orlando, FL.
Jobling, M. 1995. Environmental Biology of Fishes. Chapman and Hall. London.
Reading assignments for each class meeting are listed in the Syllabus below and should be
completed before coming to class. The reading can be heavy going at times, but your text and
library readings provide valuable reinforcement and complementary material for topics covered
in lecture. The abbreviations for assigned readings, shown on the syllabus below, are coded as
follows: B = Bond, D = Diana, J = Jobling, and KH = Kohler and Hubert.
1 1/26
2 2/2
3 2/9
4 2/16
5 2/23
Gills: Ventilation/Excretion
Gas Bladder: Buoyancy
Exam 1
D:xiii-iv, 1-11; B:3-16; this Guide
J:251-273, 286-295; D:294-311
J:114-136, 211-249
D:313-321, 331-344; Topic/References Due
Page 108 of 125
6 3/1
7 3/8
8 3/22
9 3/31
10 4/5
11 4/12
Life History
Trout Ecology
Environ./Pop. Interactions
Spring Break!
Exam 2
Models 1
Models 2
Management 1
D:321-330, 270-293
D: 201-223, 224-243
D:175-200, 244-269
D:399-413; KH:481-504
12 4/19
13 4/26
14 5/3
( 5/7
Management 2
KH:31-59, 455-457
Management 3
KH:403-430, 249-284; Paper Draft to Peer
Graduate Student Presentations
Exam 3
Great Lakes Fisheries
KH:623-664; D:377-398; Paper Due
KH:431-454; D:477-490)
D:147-174; J:391-403
D:59-80; Paper Outline Due
D:81-108; KH:151-155
(Additional Expectations for Graduate Students in ENV 584)
Graduate students are expected to develop and demonstrate a deeper
understanding of fish ecology than undergraduates. Several assignment, evaluation
and assessment techniques are used to determine whether or not graduate students
demonstrate a higher level of competence in fish ecology.
a. Additional readings, and testing on them, to develop understandings of concepts more
deeply and mathematically (see study questions).
b. More rigorous evaluation of performance on examinations. Do graduate students exhibit
a thorough understanding (breadth and depth) of the material required to answer
questions fully? Do they competently answer more complex questions, not given to
undergraduates, about theory and mechanism?
c. Additional project, beyond the fish life history paper required of all students, and
presentation. Small teams of graduate students (2-4) will work with me to identify fish
ecology topics of interest that are not covered in depth in the course. Each team will
prepare a 10 - 15 page paper on the topic and will make a 45 min presentation to the
class. Both parts of the project will be graded according to the expectation of the
Department of Environmental Science and Biology that its MS graduates are prepared to
teach introductory biology at a community college.
d. More rigorous assignment of a final grade. For the purpose of assigning final grades,
graduate students’ final course averages are compared only to other graduate students.
To earn a grade equal to that of an undergraduate, a graduate student must have a final
average about 2% higher (e.g., 90% is an A- for an undergraduate and a B+ for a
graduate student; see below).
Page 109 of 125
Note: (Instructions for graduate students are indicated in parentheses)
It is assumed that you have had at least one ecology course and one general biology
course at the college-level before attempting this course. Otherwise, you must have permission
from me to remain in the course.
Course Information
Semester: Fall 2003
Time: 12:00 - 5:00 pm; Tuesday
Place: 118 Lennon Hall
J. Haynes. Hours: 2:30 - 3:30 pm, MW; 9:30 - 11:00 am TW; or by appointment
Place: 121 Lennon Hall
Telephone: 585-395-5783
I will be happy to discuss any aspect of the course or your performance with you during class
meetings and scheduled office hours, or by appointment. In particular, you should come to me as
soon as you perceive that you may be having difficulty with any aspect of the course. Please
bring your notebook and any other relevant course materials to our meetings.
Murphy, B.R., and D.W. Willis (Eds.). 1996. Fisheries Techniques (2nd Ed.). American
Fisheries Society. Bethesda, MD. (abbreviated 'MW' in syllabus)
Smith, C.L. 1985. The Inland Fishes of New York State. New York Department of
Environmental Conservation. Albany, NY. (abbreviated 'S' in syllabus)
Reading assignments for each week's meeting are listed in the syllabus below and should be
completed before coming to class. There are no formal lectures in this course, but you are
responsible for mastering material in your texts and other handouts. Study questions at the end of
this Course Guide will guide your reading. Be sure to bring Smith's fish key to each of the fish
identification lab periods listed on the syllabus and to Exam 2.
1 8/26
2 9/2
3 9/9
4 9/16
5 9/23
6 9/30
7 10/4
8 10/14
9 10/21
10 10/28
11 11/4
Introduction/References (R)
Backpack Electrofish/Seines
Gill/Trawl Nets/Pop Estimate (R)
Trap Nets/Boat Electrofish
Community Spreadsheets (R)
Exam 1/Fish Identification 1
Fish Identification 2
No Class: Mid-semester Break
Fish Identification 3
Fish Anatomy (R)
Exam 2/Food Habits (R)
This Guide: 1-17; MW:1-15, 63-81
MW:221-253, 121-155
MW:157-192, 433-446
MW:193-220, 303-333
S:1-24 (plus pages in this Guide)
MW:255-302, 555-590
MW:385-432, 533-554
Lagler Chp.3 (pages in this Guide)
Page 110 of 125
12 11/11
13 11/18
14 11/25
15 12/2
Aging and Growth (R)
Length/Weight/Fecundity (R)
Bioenergetics Modeling (R)
Hewett and Johnson (pages in this Guide)
Exam 3/Technique Presentations
(R) Report due at the beginning of class the following week
(Additional Expectations for Graduate Students in ENV 590)
Graduate students are expected to develop and demonstrate a deeper understanding of
fishery techniques and fish identification than undergraduates. Several assignment, evaluation
and assessment techniques are used to determine whether or not graduate students demonstrate a
higher level of competence in fishery techniques and fish identification.
8. Additional readings, and testing on them, to develop understandings of concepts more
deeply and mathematically (see study questions).
9. More rigorous evaluation of performance on examinations. Do graduate students
exhibit a thorough understanding (breadth and depth) of the material required to
answer questions fully? Do they competently answer more complex questions, not
given to undergraduates, about theory and mechanism?
10. Additional projects beyond the oral presentation on a fishery technique required of all
students. Each graduate student will also write a 6 – 8 page paper on the fishery
technique that he or she chooses to speak about. The paper will be graded according
to the expectation of the Department of Environmental Science and Biology for MS
thesis-quality writing, and the presentation will be graded according to standards for
presentation at a professional society meeting. Collectively, the graduate students will
work together to improve the fish museum at SUNY Brockport by collecting fish in
the field and properly identifying, preserving and cataloging specimens.
11. More rigorous assignment of a final grade. For the purpose of assigning final grades,
graduate students’ final course averages are compared only to other graduate students.
To earn a grade equal to that of an undergraduate, a graduate student must have a
final average about 2% higher (e.g., 90% is an A- for an undergraduate and a B+ for a
graduate student; see below).
We will begin each 5 h class period with a brief introduction to the day's activities at
12:00 sharp, then leave for field work or begin lab exercises. There are no formal lectures, but
you must be familiar with information from assigned readings and the laboratory exercises to
successfully complete this course. Our emphasis is hands-on experience with fishery techniques
and fish identification. Following a few general guidelines will make laboratory/field sessions
and lab report writing more enjoyable and beneficial for you and other students.
Page 111 of 125
Plant Ecology ENV 495/595
Prerequisite -Ecology, ENV 303
(Graduate Requirements are in parentheses and are highlighted)
Class meets: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 12:00 – 1:00 PM,
Lab meets:
Spring 2003
Instructor: Geoffrey Gardner, Ph.D.
Office: Lennon 117
Phone: 395-5743
Office Hours: Tues+Thurs 11:30-12:30; Wed 1:30-2:30
Required text: Gurevitch, Scheiner, Fox: The Ecology of Plants. 2002 edition
Supplemental readings: any supplemental readings necessary will be available on reserve.
Grading: 100 total points
Two exams (2 best scores from 3 exams given, including the final): 30 pts each
Topic Paper: 20 pts
Lab: 15 pts
Participation: 5 pts
Tentative schedule
Course Introduction
Consequences of being a
Photosynthesis + Light
Photosynthesis + Gas
Water Relations
Water Relations
Life Below Ground: Soil
Ecological effects of Global
Evolution – Processes
Evolution – Outcomes
Exam #1
Plant population dynamics
Plant population dynamics
Plant reproduction –
Plant reproduction –
Plant Life history
Ch 1
No Lab
Ch 2
Ch 2
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 4
Ch 22
Competition Lab
Competition Lab
Winter Botany
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 8
Ch 9
Page 112 of 125
Plant Life history
Interspecific Competition
No Class (Spring Break)
Intraspecific Competition
Parasitism – Herbivory
Parasitism – Disease ecology
Community properties
No Class (Scholars Day)
Fire and other disturbances
Succession and Plant
Exam #2
Plant Species Diversity
Plant Species Diversity
Rarity/ conservation
Biological Invasions
Biological Invasions
Landscape Ecology
Landscape Ecology
Conservation and
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 11
Ch 12
tree age
No Lab
Ch 13
Ch 13
Ch 12
Ch 14
Ch 14
Ch 14
Ch 14
Ch 17
Ch 17
Ch 21
Ch 21
Succession I
Succession II
Wetland invasives
No Lab
Examinations and Assignments
(Graduate Students (ENV 595): Graduate students will be expected to have a broader and
deeper understanding of Plant Ecology. Therefore, the expectation level for graduate
students is significantly higher than for undergraduates. Graduate students will be
expected to complete an extensive research paper and are subject to a more rigorous
grading of labs and exams. In addition, graduate students will be responsible for leading
class discussion on current topics in plant ecology. )
1. Exams (60 pts.)
The two midterm exams and the final will be the same length and carry equal weight. Each will
cover 1/3 of the course material. All three will have the following format:
- half the exam will consist of short answers and definitions; half will consist of
extended essay questions, which will be distributed before the exam.
- one week in advance of each exam, you will be give a list of 4-5 essay questions taken
from material covered in lecture and lab in the previous 1/3 of the course.
- from this list, 2 questions will be chosen for the exam, exactly as written.
- you are encouraged to discuss these questions with classmates, and draw from your text
and any available literature. Your instructor may be consulted for clarification only.
- preparing for the two essay questions will also help you prepare for the rest of the exam.
Page 113 of 125
- during each exam, you will be on your own, with no notes allowed.
Your two best scores from the three exams will be counted. Make-up exams will not be
given. If you miss either of the first two exams, you must take the third.
2. Topic Paper (20 pts.)
This will be a term paper reviewing research on one particular topic of plant ecology, using
reference material and primary literature. Choose a topic early in the semester. The topic is your
choice, and this is a solo project. A topic must be submitted by the scheduled deadline, followed
by an outline. The format will be as follows:
- 5-10 pages, double-spaced, including references. (Graduate students papers should be 10-15
- pages must be numbered
- use subheadings to organize your writing
- state the underlying scientific question clearly, and describe how it arose.
- describe research methods used to probe the question, and their results.
- draw your own conclusions, and suggest further research.
- use the Latin binomial to introduce a species. Common names can be used thereafter.
- minimum of 10 references, mostly primary scientific papers.
- cite last names of authors and dates in parentheses; don't use numbers or footnotes.
- for the bibliography, list references in same format as in your textbook.
- do not use direct quotations; use your own words
- emphasize content over appearance (fancy binders get you NO extra credit. In fact, they make a
paper hard to read. We will not be pleased.
- grammar and spelling will be checked.
3. Participation (5 pts.)
You are expected to attend every class and participate in all Tuesday laboratories. Periodically
we will have class discussions on various papers/topics/issues.
(Graduate students will be assigned to a date to lead a discussion on a current issue in plant
ecology. Graduate students will select the paper for the topic, which will be assigned to the
class. A written review of the paper is also expected).
4. Lab (15 pts)
Lab assignments will account for 15 pts of your grade.
Department of the Earth Sciences
SUNY College at Brockport
Instructor: Dr. Mark R. Noll
Office: 327 Lennon Hall
Phone: 395-5717
Office Hours:
Class Time:
3 hours lecture
3 hours lab
Text: Applied Hydrogeology, 4th Edition (Fetter, 2000)
Page 114 of 125
Course Description:
This course will investigate the fundamental aspects of the hydrologic cycle with emphasis on
the subsurface. Relationships between the physics of fluid flow and the physical properties of
rocks, sediments, and soils will provide a basis for examination of the management and
environmental aspects of groundwater hydrogeology.
Water is essential to life on Earth, and approximately 50% of our water resources come from
subsurface sources. As man imposes more pressures on this resource in terms of beneficial uses
and past detrimental impacts, groundwater hydrogeology has increased in significance for earth
science professionals. This course will look to answer some basic questions that are needed to
solve current and future problems:
 What is an aquifer
 What are its geologic and hydrologic properties
 Where does the water come from, which way does it flow and where does it go
 What if the hydraulic gradient
 What is the quality of the water, is it contaminated
Learning Outcomes:
1. Define the major components of the hydrologic cycle
2. Identify the principle components of subsurface hydrogeologic systems
3. Formulate models that describe the hydrogeologic system under study
4. Solve common mathematical expressions and equations that elucidate the physical and
hydraulic properties of groundwater systems
5. Quantitatively analyze hydraulic data to evaluate groundwater systems in terms of resource
management, quality and quantity
6. Evaluate the impact of anthropogenic activities on natural systems
1. Acquire skills in the basic field and laboratory procedures applied to investigating
groundwater systems
2. Design experiments that test a specific property
3. Operate laboratory and field equipment so as to produce accurate and precise data
4. Interpret hydraulic data in the context of the system under study
5. Evaluate the quality of experimental data in both a qualitative and quantitative manner
6. Prepare written reports that detail experimental procedures, results, and interpretations
Formal assessment in this course will evaluate the following:
 The basic knowledge and facts of hydrogeology
 Comprehension, use and quantitative solutions to common hydrogeologic expressions and
 Application of hydrogeologic principles to solving new problems
Page 115 of 125
Analysis of groundwater systems
Synthesis of hydrogeologic principles into a model or hypothesis of a natural groundwater
system, and how it works
Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the quality and relevance of hydrogeologic data
and literature
Formal assessment will be quantified using the following grading scheme:
Tests (3) @ 100 pts each
Final Exam
Laboratory project reports (2)
Term Paper
300 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
Total 800 pts
Tests will be given three times during the semester as outlined on the course schedule. You will
be given 1 hour to complete each test. Each test will consist of short answer questions and
quantitative problem solving exercises. Tests serve as a measure of what you have learned to
date, and as a means of identifying subject matter that you need to review again.
The Final Exam is cumulative and will cover all material covered over the course of the
semester. Everyone must take the final exam. The exam will focus on your ability to connect
various aspects of the course in answering more comprehensive questions, by synthesizing
information from various sources.
Homework problems will be distributed approximately weekly over the course of the semester.
Completed problems are due at the beginning of class on the day assigned when the homework is
distributed in class. Late homework will be penalized according to the late assignments policy
below with the exception of an excused absence. Questions on these assignments will be similar
to the questions on tests.
Laboratory reports will be required for both laboratory projects. These reports should follow
the standard format for laboratory reports. If you are not familiar with the proper format, please
see me. As these projects are multi-week efforts and involve collaboration with others in the
class, interim data summaries will be assigned to ensure that you are on the right track and that
everyone has a complete data set. Final reports will be due on the date assigned for each project.
Late laboratory reports will be penalized according to the late assignments policy below with the
exception of an excused absence.
A Term Paper is required. The term paper may be either a survey of the literature on a specific
topic or you have the option of designing and completing a field and/or laboratory investigation
and writing a formal laboratory report. The general topic for a literature survey paper is
groundwater remediation technologies. The term paper is due at the beginning of class on
Monday April 28th. Late papers will be penalized according to the late assignments policy below
with the exception of an excused absence.
Short Projects will be assigned throughout the semester. These will typically involve some
independent or group review of literature or data to answer a specific question or solve a
Page 116 of 125
problem. For group assignments, a single group product may be submitted. Late projects
will be penalized according to the late assignments policy below with the exception of an
excused absence.
Late assignments will be penalized at the rate of 10% of the total number of points per day,
weekends and holidays included.
Extra credit will not be offered in this course. The reasoning for this policy it that the
assessment plan has been developed as an integrated part of the learning outcomes for the course.
Extra credit opportunities may or may not meet the designed learning outcomes. Furthermore, it
is inherently unfair to allow some individuals extra credit opportunities and not others.
Page 117 of 125
Additional Requirements
In addition to the requirements stated above for GEL 462, students taking GEL 562 will be
required to complete the following work.
2nd Term Paper
Critical Reviews
100 pts
100 pts
Total Points
1000 pts
A second term paper will be required for students taking GEL 562 in the area of contaminant
hydrogeology. The term paper will consist of a review of the current literature on a specific
technology used for groundwater remediation. The paper must focus on a current state-of-the-art
technology, in what applications is the technology used, how the technology is applied, the
limitations of the technology and the critical groundwater parameters used in system design.
A selection of journal articles will be available for your reading. These articles will be integrated
with topics covered in lecture. Over the course of the semester, you must complete a critical
review on 3 of these articles. Please note, in addition to the critical reviews, a targeted test
questions will be included on your version of each test.
Page 118 of 125
Department of the Earth Sciences
SUNY College at Brockport
Instructor: Dr. Mark R. Noll
Office: 327 Lennon Hall
Phone: 395-5717
Office Hours:
Class Times:
3 hours lecture
3 hours lab
Text: Environmental Geochemistry, Eby (2004)
Course Description:
This course will apply basic chemical principles such as thermodynamics, kinetics, and
equilibrium to the investigation of common low-temperature and environmental geochemical
The Earth is a complex structure of interrelated systems through and within which energy and
matter are transferred. An understanding of the chemical reactions that take place in these
natural systems is fundamental to developing models of how these systems work and relate to
other systems.
Learning Outcomes:
7. Identify the physical and chemical characteristic of a system
8. Formulate models that describe the geochemical system under study
9. Observe and identify the signs of and products of geochemical reactions within a system
10. Solve common expressions and equations describing geochemical systems
11. Interpret the significance of geochemical reactions in the context of describing the systems
12. Evaluate the impact of anthropogenic activities on natural systems
7. Acquire skills in the basic laboratory and analytical procedures applied to investigating
geochemical phenomena
8. Design experiments that test a specific hypothesis
9. Operate laboratory equipment so as to produce accurate and precise data
10. Interpret geochemical data in the context of the system under study
11. Evaluate the quality of experimental data in both a qualitative and quantitative manner
12. Prepare written reports and presentations that detail experimental procedures, results, and
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Formal assessment in this course will evaluate the following:
 The basic knowledge and facts of low temperature and environmental geochemistry
 Comprehension and solution of common geochemical expressions and equations
 Application of geochemical principles to solving new problems
 Analysis of geochemical systems as a complex blend of interdependent reactions
 Synthesis of geochemical principles into a model or hypothesis of a natural geochemical
 Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the quality and relevance of geochemical data and
Formal assessment will be quantified using the following grading scheme:
Tests (3) @ 100 pts each
Homework projects
Term paper
Laboratory reports
Laboratory project
300 pts
100 pts
50 pts
50 pts
100 pts
Total 600 pts
Laboratory reports will be required for all laboratory experiments. These reports should follow
the format in the attached document on laboratory reports. Reports will be due at the beginning
of the next lab period unless otherwise noted. Late laboratory reports will be penalized
according to the late assignments policy below with the exception of an excused absence.
A laboratory project will be required from each student. This project will consist of a study
proposal and experimental design, field and/or laboratory data collection and analysis, and a
formal project report. The written project report (80% of grade) will be due the last day of lab,
an oral presentation (20% of grade) of your results using Powerpoint will be due during the final
exam time slot. A goal of this portion of the course is to complete a project that would be
acceptable for presentation at a professional conference, and you will be encouraged to do such.
Details on the project will be discussed during the first laboratory session. Late laboratory
project written reports will be penalized according to the late assignments policy below with the
exception of an excused absence. Late oral presentations will not be accepted with the exception
of an excused absence.
Tests will be given three times during the semester as outlined on the course schedule. You will
be given 1 hour to complete each test. Each test will consist of short answer questions and
quantitative problem solving exercises. Tests serve as a measure of what you have learned to
date, and as a means of identifying subject matter that you need to review again. As the material
all interrelated, and the structure of the course will require you to use skills developed early in
the course at later dates, all tests are cumulative in nature.
Homework projects will be assigned approximately weekly during the semester. These will
consist of quantitative problems, critical reading of journal articles, or short research reports.
Assignments will typically be due on Fridays. Late assignments will be penalized according to
the late assignments policy below with the exception of an excused absence.
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A term paper will be required. The paper will cover the geochemistry of a single element
of your choice with approval. The element selected and an annotated bibliography are due Feb
13th. A draft report is due March 5th with the final paper due March 26th. In addition to the
written paper (90% of grade), a brief 5-10 minute oral report using Powerpoint is required. The
oral presentations will be given on April 2nd, but the Powerpoint file must be submitted by April
Late assignments will be penalized at the rate of 10% of the original total number of points per
day, weekends and holidays included.
Lab Safety Policy – Lab safety is an important aspect of this course. The lab safety guidelines,
including housekeeping requirements are included. It is your responsibility to be aware of safety
requirements, to properly clean any materials you use, and to help maintain equipment in good
operating condition. Failure to do so will result in the following penalties.
1st offense – warning
2nd offense – 10% reduction in grade for that lab assignment
3rd offense – 10% reduction in course grade
Their will be an additional 20% reduction in course grade for each offense after the third.
Extra credit will not be offered in this course. The reasoning for this policy it that the
assessment plan has been developed as an integrated part of the learning outcomes for the course.
Extra credit opportunities may or may not meet the designed learning outcomes. Furthermore, it
is inherently unfair to allow some individuals extra credit opportunities and not others.
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Additional Requirements
In addition to the requirements stated above for GEL/CHM 457, students taking GEL/CHM 557
will be required to complete the following work.
Research Proposal
Journal Manuscript Review
100 pts
100 pts
Total Points
800 pts
You will be required to develop a research proposal for a mutually agreed upon topic. The
topic must focus on some aspect of geochemistry. It may be related to your thesis work, but not
identical to it. The proposal will be prepared following the NSF guidelines for a standard
research proposal. Your grade will be based on the quality of writing (20%), the depth of
background research (30%), and the quality of your experimental design (50%). Proposal
guidelines may be found at
You will be asked to complete two manuscript reviews that might be submitted to a journal for
consideration for publication. The manuscripts will be supplied to you with guidelines to
reviews as used by the Journal of Environmental Quality. You review should cover the
following items, 1) scientific merit, 2) quality of results, 3) quality of writing, and 4) adherence
to journal guidelines. Your review will address these items and your grade will be based on the
overall quality of your review.
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Course Outline
Week 1
Introduction to the course. The Earth as a geochemical system.
Reading assignment – Eby, CH 1
Week 2
Review of thermodynamics, kinetics and equilibrium.
Reading assignment – Eby, CH 2
Week 3
Acid-base reactions and the carbonate system
Reading assignment – Eby, CH 3
Week 4
Oxidation and reduction reactions. Fe and S geochemistry
Reading assignment – Eby, CH 4
Week 5
Test #1, Monday 2/23
Stable and radiogenic isotopes.
Reading assignment – Eby, CH 6
Week 6
Clay mineralogy. Reactions at mineral surfaces.
Reading assignment - Eby, CH 7
Week 7
Atmospheric chemistry. Rain water chemistry. Global climate change.
Reading assignment - Eby, CH 8
Week 8
Marine chemistry. Seawater chemistry. Geochemical reactions in sediments
Reading assignment - Eby, CH 10
Week 9
Test #2, Monday 3/29
Continental environments 1. Weathering and soils development. Reading assignment - Eby, CH
Week 10
Continental environments 2. Surface and groundwater chemistry
Reading assignment - Eby, CH 9
Week 11
Continental environments 3. Trace metals in terrestrial systems.
Reading assignment - Eby, CH 9
Week 12
Carbon chemistry and cycles.
Reading assignment - Eby, CH 5
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Week 13
Elemental Cycling.
Reading assignment - Handouts
Week 14
Test #3, Thursday, 5/6
Elemental Cycling.
Reading assignment - Handouts
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