The Cay

The Cay
Chapters 1 – 4
Pages 9 - 48
Vocabulary Chunk 1
Part One: For each vocabulary word, find the nautical definition and the common
Nautical Definition
Common Definition
1) stern
2) bow
3) knot
4) tug
5) deck
6) pitch
_back end of boat___
_hard or severe in nature;
_forward part of a ship
_bend of head or body to show
_one nautical mile_
interlacing or tangle of string
_that forms a lump_______
_short for tug boat, a boat
_to pull hard____________
used to tow ships___
platform extending side
_to clothe in a fine or impressive
to side on a ship
way or decorate; pile of cards
the movement of a ship where
to throw toward a certain point
one end rises and the other falls
Part two: There are also nautical words which have no common definition. Find the
following definitions.
1. trade winds - _winds blowing constantly from east toward the equator
2. starboard – right side of ship looking forward____________________
3. leeward - _away from wind or downwind_____________________________
4. aft - _toward the back or stern of a ship___________________
5. ballast - _heavy material used to make a ship steady_______________