BOLTON COMMUNITY HOMES LTD Interim Delivery PLAN 2007 - 2010 D:\106762989.doc 1 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Vision and Aims 3. Housing Strategic Priorities 2007 –2010 4. Delivery Action Plan 5. Directors, Members & BCH Team structure D:\106762989.doc 2 1. Introduction Established in 1992, Bolton Community Homes (BCH) is an independent strategic housing, regeneration and service provider company limited by guarantee. BCH is Bolton’s strategic housing partnership. It is one a number of partnerships which make up the Local Strategic Partnership for Bolton (known as the Bolton Vision Partnership). Registered at Companies House and with a Board of 12 Directors, BCH represents a wide ranging cross sector partnership of the local authority, housing and regeneration service providers, service users and developers in the Bolton area. Collectively, individual Company Members of BCH: Manage and maintain over 25,000 homes. Provide support to numerous service users in supported and temporary housing Directly employ over 1300 people in the Bolton area. Lead on the delivery of a wide range of regeneration initiatives. Contribute to the identification of regional objectives. BCH links with the Councils Regeneration and Development and Adult Services Directorates bringing together economic, physical regeneration and community services. In addition to representation on BCH Board, the council have a management and operational relationship with BCH Officers through the Chief Housing D:\106762989.doc 3 2. Vision and Aims . BCH has developed its vision by listening to others such as customers, communities, other partnerships and agencies and by drawing upon The Bolton Vision Partnership’s Sustainable Community Strategy: ‘Bolton: Our vision 2007-2017’. BCH will work towards making Bolton the place we all want it to be by developing it as a place which is: Strong and confident Safe Healthy Achieving Cleaner, Greener Prosperous ‘Our vision is to work in partnership with others and maximise resources both new and existing to: Deliver a person-centred approach that places the customer first in everything we do and provides value for money housing services Develop sustainable communities and neighbourhoods that people choose to live in and work in. encourage and support communities to develop and achieve their aspirations provide real housing choice in safe and cohesive neighbourhoods’ A principle objective of BCH is to influence, support and contribute to implementation and delivery of Bolton’s Housing Strategy, and has a role in influencing National, Regional and Sub regional policies and agendas. Our actions and activity will include influencing and contributing to the delivery of key Council priorities especially the Local Area Agreement and the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy. We will work closely with others to achieve our vision. D:\106762989.doc 4 3. Housing Strategic Priorities 2007 – 2010 BCH is a major influencer and delivery vehicle for the Housing Strategy. The key objectives and priorities identified in Bolton’s Housing Strategy will form the basis of the BCH Delivery plan. Its activities and actions will also be influenced from the Sustainable Community Strategy and the LAA. Priority A: To provide housing that is affordable and offers choice whilst meeting the needs and demands of the future. The provision of decent and affordable homes is a clear priority within Bolton’s Sustainable Community Strategy. The cost of housing in Bolton has risen dramatically over recent years, which has led to many people being unable to access the type of housing that they can afford and want. This combined with a growing number of households in Bolton, has resulted in a shortage of affordable accommodation to rent or buy. Priority B: To create and promote communities that are sustainable and inclusive. Ensuring that our communities and neighbourhoods are desirable places that people want to live in and become part of, is a priority that cuts across a number of the goals in the Sustainable Community Strategy. The challenges that Bolton faces include deprivation, fear of crime, increasing levels of migration into Bolton and environmental issues. Residents should have an active role in influencing how we tackle these problems and support communities to live together in a cohesive manner. Priority C: To improve the quality of private sector housing. Bolton has an aging stock of private sector housing, both owner occupied and rented, which in some cases is in poor condition. A significant proportion of these properties are occupied by older people and those on low incomes, which means they may not have the resources to carry out the improvements needed to improve the property. This can lead to health problems and reduce the quality of life of the residents. Priority D: To promote health, well-being and quality of life. Improving the health of residents in Bolton, is a key goal set out in the Sustainable Community Strategy. The provision of housing and support to vulnerable people has a significant impact on health and enabling people to sustain quality of life. There is a need for adaptable, sustainable homes, and for preventative action to stop health and independence from deteriorating. Priority E: To strengthen our partnership approach to improve housing, services and communities. Housing in Bolton is based on a long tradition of partnership working and the provision of services that best meet the needs of our customers. In the future, there will be changes in the way we deliver services, work with each other and in customer expectations. To ensure that we continue to provide excellent housing services in Bolton and be influential at a regional and national level, we will need to build on our existing partnerships and relationships and continuously improve services. D:\106762989.doc 5 4. Delivery Plan Housing Strategic Priority A: To provide housing that is affordable and offers choice whilst meeting the needs and demands of the future. Links to Community Strategy Aim: Stronger and Confident Bolton Task 1. 2. Develop Affordable Housing Plan Links to New Build/Transforming Estates National Affordable Housing Programme submission Sub tasks/Milestones New Affordable Supplementary Planning Document implemented 3. Continue to Increase and develop sustainable Town Centre living 4. To support Bolton’s Housing Environmental Strategy D:\106762989.doc Outcomes Target Increase affordable sustainable provision on new sites Identify sites BCH & Exec Member Reports Submit bids Increased provision of rented and intermediate housing delivered with Housing Corporation grant funding. Establish Town Centre RSL zoned areas Complete Town Centre living survey Negotiate on site provision for affordable housing in town centre Coordinated approach to town centre development and management. New build developments maximise sustainability measures in design & construction Develop an exemplar Sustainable Homes scheme BCH schemes will meet level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes Delivery of pilot scheme 150 new homes per year 20% provision on site Affordable housing threshold 15 units on new developments Lead Dominic Conway Bolton’s Allocation proportional to regional allocation Match NAHP 2006/08 allocation (£4.8m 64units) 20% provision on site sustainability and occupancy measure to be developed Cheryl Foster Cheryl Foster 100% of schemes meet level 3 of Code for sustainable homes 8 homes developed utilising renewable energy technology Dominic Conway 6 Housing Strategic Priority B: To create and promote communities that are sustainable and inclusive Links to Community Strategy Aims: Task Stronger & Confident, Safe, Prosperous and Achieving Bolton Sub tasks/Milestones Outcomes Consultation Brief produced April 2007 Research completed Sept 07 Extension of furnished tenancy project to include family homes Support new dispersal project Support new Bolton Somali Community Association in sharing the learning from the Accommodate Project to develop other refugee Community Organisations Greater understanding of Migrant Worker population and the private sector Strong cohesive network of RCO’s that integrate into community strategy 1. Migrant worker and private sector research 2. Deliver relevant actions from the New & Emerging Communities Strategy Action Plan 3. Deliver actions identified in the refreshed BME Housing Action Plan Ensure compliance of all partners with the new CRE Code of Practice on Race Equality in Housing 4. Improve customer engagement Mapping exercise of current consultation/engagement processes Identification of gaps and exploration of solutions to improve customer’s involvement and influence 5 ‘Respect task force’ Develop and implement Centre of Excellence for ASB D:\106762989.doc Action plan developed Financial and business plan approved Respect task force established Target Lead Paula Cheung 10 Furnished family homes per year Rachel Hardman Improved access to housing, services and related support fro BME communities. 100% compliance by all housing partners by 2010 Faruk Kala Improved customer involvement and influence across housing services Housing Services that meet customers needs and are responsive Increased level of customer satisfaction Increased satisfaction in response to tackling ASB Greater sense of safety Reduced fear of crime and ASB Tenant Board Member 85% customer satisfaction with BCH housing services Michelle Horrocks LAA Targets Respect Action Plan Targets Rachel Hardman 7 Task 6. 7. Sub tasks/Milestones Contribute to the delivery of the new Domestic Abuse Strategy and action plan Remove barriers to social housing for domestic abuse victims Evaluation of the pilot cross tenure Domestic Abuse post Ensure appropriate staff attend awareness courses Delivery of new domestic abuse refuge Transforming people‘s economic opportunities Support the development of the “world restaurant” as a training centre/social enterprise Develop further community driving school project Develop apprenticeships and training opportunities for the development and construction new homes Support the use of Bolton WISE for environmental works on estates Explore the potential to develop a ‘skills centre’ in partnership with Manchester Enterprise D:\106762989.doc Outcomes Increased access to appropriate housing Secure permanent funding Improve well being of the local community through increased access to training and employment Target Lead 100% frontline staff attending training Rachel Hardman Targets be developed by Sept 2007. Rachel Hardman / Nick White Increase ‘take up’ by 20% 100% Take-up of:a) Training b) Apprenticeships 75% of people accessing full time employment following completion of apprenticeships Julia Glover (St. Vincent’s H.A.) Glynis Campbell (Bolton at Home) Steve Bottrill (Bolton Wise) Peter Smith (St. Vincent’s H.A.) 8 Housing Strategic Priority C: To improve the quality of private sector housing Links to Community Strategy Aim: Task Stronger & Confident Sub tasks/Milestones 1. Support the regeneration of targeted areas Northern Housing Challenge Fund bid to be submitted to Housing Corporation in Autumn 2007 2. Returning empty properties back into use IVHA pilot scheme to purchase empty properties (Great Lever) Support the delivery of the Empty Property Strategy 3. Further develop links with private rented sector (BARLO) D:\106762989.doc Support the Review of PRS delivery model Support the review of the landlord accreditation and management standard Outcomes Regeneration of Union Road/Yate street neighbourhood. Leverage of funding/resources to tackle area in decline New form of tenure enabling community to share equity in home/area. Reduction in empty properties Increased provision of homes Reduces blight pf vacant homes in targeted areas Improved quality of Private Rented Sector provision Increased choice of tenure to meet housing needs across the Borough Target Lead Great Places – Peter Bojar BCH – Dominic Conway Bolton at Home – Glenys Campbell/Paul Thomson Number of Private Sector dwellings that are returned into occupation or demolished as a result of action by the LA to 89-2007/8, 90 in 08/09 and 91 in 09/10 (as per Bolton Plan targets) 450 PRS properties inspected per year. Increase in the number of accredited landlords Empty Property Group – Glenys Campbell IVHA Cath Conniffe 9 Housing Strategic Priority D: To promote health, well-being and quality of life. Links to Community Strategy Aim: Task 1. Support the delivery of the revised Homelessness Action Plan Healthy Bolton Sub tasks/Milestones NAHP bid re remodelling of Salvation Army Hostel Capital Improvement Programme for Salvation Army Increasing amount of intermediate accommodation for single homeless people 2. Improving links between RSL’S and the third sector 3. Contribute to the development of a comprehensive Boroughwide HIA i.e. Fuel poverty, Affordable warmth Contribute to delivery of the Joint Housing Plan for Older People Develop lifetime homes standard Inclusion of Assistive technology in appropriate schemes Redevelop appropriate sheltered accommodation to be fit for purpose/decommission as required Deliver Manor Court Extra Care scheme Bid for funding Autumn 2007 o NAHP o HCIP 4. 5. Reconfiguration/refurbishment of Gilhead House Salvation Army Unit. D:\106762989.doc Explore opportunities and links with CLG – Future Builders Programme Establish Partnership Board Agree service delivery functions Secure Funding Develop Business Plan Outcomes Target Lead Reduced repeat homelessness Improved accommodation and services for Homeless people. Integrated service provision and planning. Young People enabled to sustain independently Increased public sector functions delivered by the Voluntary Sector Improved health and living conditions in the private sector. Decency achieved. Maintain minimum levels of repeat homelessness of less than 10 per yr (as per Bolton Plan targets) BMBC Jon Powell Establishment of new HIA April 08. Targets and measures to be developed. BMBC – Bryonie Shaw Broader Choice of housing for older people – cross tenure. 25% of all new units / developments meet lifetime homes standards. BMBC Bryonie Shaw BCH – Jon Lord BCH Fit for purpose direct provision accommodation unit 40 Units of mixed tenure 2009 Places for People 35 units for same day access. 35 intermediate service BCH - Dominic Conway Salvation Army 10 Housing Strategic Priority E: units providing lifeskills support. Reduction in Repeat Homelessness Identification of site for intermediate service provision To strengthen our partnership approach to improve housing, services and communities. Links to Community Strategy Aim: Stronger & Confident Bolton Task Sub tasks/Milestones Outcomes 1. Develop ‘Homes for Bolton’ concept to improve local delivery of services 2. Review BCH/Housing Partnership role as part of review of the Housing system in Bolton 3. Deliver Neighbourhood Action Plans (NRS/LAA Themes) D:\106762989.doc Bolton at Home Target Lead Develop a core central customer access point Develop co-ordinated neighbourhood management services Launch of new branding Establish strong links with new/revised LSP Revise performance framework for BCH Adopt theme based approach to delivery of priorities for RSL’s Improved access to services and customer satisfaction BCH support/provide secondee to cover East Bolton NAPS Support Farnworth Neighbourhood Management area – St. Vincents to lead on housing input/initiatives Continue to participate in Gt Lever Neighbourhood Management area –IVHA to deliver UCAN Centre To support the continuation of Sustainable Communities Targets to develop from NAP’s Great Places St. Vincent’s Secure funding streams Contribute to achieving targets identified in Farnworth Neighbourhood action plan. Contribute to achieving targets identified in the Great Lever Neighbourhood action plan 85% customer satisfaction. Fit for purpose housing system Jon Lord Jon Lord Tangible outcomes monitored to ensure VFM IVHA 11 existing UCAN Centres e.g. Tonge, Moses Gate, Union Road etc Increase the role of housing within the LAA 4. Maximise opportunities for external business/funding D:\106762989.doc – delivery of Great Lever UCAN. Secure 20% additional BCH external funding BCH / Bolton at Home Jon Lord 12 5. Directors of Bolton Community Homes As at the 16 March 2007 the Board of Bolton Community Homes Ltd comprises: Representing the Council Executive Member for Regeneration Cllr. Akhtar Zaman Chief Housing and Regeneration Officer Jeff Smethurst Representing Registered Social Landlords Great Places Housing Group - Ashiana Housing Munir Ahmed Great Places Housing Group Steven Porter Contour Housing Association Mike Creamer St. Vincent’s Housing Association Peter Smith Irwell Valley Housing Association Neil Baumber Places for People Group – NBH Kath Knowles Salvation Army Housing Association Stephen Holmes William Sutton Housing Association Wendy Pretton Representing Bolton at Home Cllr Noel Spencer Gwen Crawford Members of Bolton Community Homes Representing Customers Council Tenant Representative Frank Fletcher Representing Providers Voluntary David Bagley (BIAF) RSL Tenant Representative Ian Handley Service Representing the Community Sector Mohammed Mangera Representing Developer and Contractor Partners Richardson Project's Limited Alan Richardson Durose and Gourlay Limited Representing Adult Services Bolton Council John Rutherford Representing: Adult Services Chairperson: Vice-Chairperson: Company Secretary: Auditors: John Rutherford – Bolton Council Mike Creamer Peter Smith Dominic Conway Barlow Andrews Registered Office: 2nd Floor, 2 Silverwell Lane, Bolton, Lancashire, BL1 1QN. D:\106762989.doc 13 Tel: Fax: e-mail: D:\106762989.doc 01204-335389 01204-335365 14 BCH SERVICE / TEAM STRUCTURE BCH BOARD DEVELOPMENT & REGENERATION DEPARTMENT ADULT SERVICES DEPARTMENT HEAD OF COMMUNITY HOUSING/BCH COMMUNITY HOUSING SERVICES MANAGER •HomesforYou •Homeless Welfare •HAS •Home Ownership •Benjamin Court •Furnished Tenancies •Lease management Team •Property Team •Money Skills – for Corporate Debt/CLS •Domestic Violence •Private Rented Sector Accreditation and Joint Services PARTNERSHIP & DEVELOPMENT MANAGER •Refugee / Asylum Service •Mediation Service •Community Development Project Officer (Support to RCO’S and Unity Centre Management Support) •Gypsy Liaison •Migrant Worker Project •High risk /Offender Management / Community Safety •Money Skills Service •Regional Choice Based Lettings Project •Housing Public Health •Secretary to Head of Community Housing/BCH and Community Housing Services Manager • Partnership & Development Officer ( section 106, AHP, Business Plan, Board Support etc.) •BCH Project Officer (Access, Accommodation Services, Advice and IT) •BCH Project Officer /Best Value (Communication, Improvement, Planning, service Development) •BCH Community Safety and Inclusion Officer * (ASB, Community Safety / Housing Joint Work, DV) BCH Project Officer (Private Rented Sector) * Jointly managed by DC/CC MSO Team x 2 D:\106762989.doc 15