
Ascension Lutheran Church
7601 York Road
Towson Maryland 21204
Look for us on Facebook!
Pastoral staff:
Rev. Dr. Terri Driver-Bishop, Interim Senior Pastor  Rev. Naomi Hartman, Pastor for Faith Formation
First Communion Classes
The responsibility for deciding when to admit a child is shared by the pastors, the child, the family, and the
congregation. Please consider the process of home study/conversation and these classes. These experiences will
help to decide readiness.
Parent(s): Sunday, February 15
9:45-10:30 a.m. in the Great Hall
Pastor Terri will meet with parents during the Sunday School time. Resources will be given
for the parent(s) to use in home instruction.
Parent(s) and children together:
Sunday, February 22, 12:15-3:15 p.m.
Lunch will be provided. Pastors will meet with parents and children together. Children will celebrate their First
Communion on
Sunday, March 1.
Study and Devotion Throughout Lent
Devotional literature for children, teens, and adults will be available in the narthex. Materials include booklets,
calendars, and a social media challenge.If you wish to have one mailed, please call the office.
Sunday Church School for all ages at 9:45 a.m. Please see web page, parish notes, or e-notes for updates.
Bible study, Fridays, 11:00 a.m. in the Luther Room [March 13 at Blakehurst]
Worship Opportunities During Lent
Sundays, 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
The color for the season is purple and the liturgy is penitential and reflective.
“Alleluias” are omitted; they return on Easter Sunday.
Ash Wednesday, February 18
Services at noon and 7:30 p.m.
This is the first day of Lent. The worship reminds us of penitence and mortality. We celebrate the imposition
of ashes and Holy Communion.
Wednesdays at noon
February 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25
This 30-minute worship service is held in the chapel. The format: Scripture, discussion, prayer, Holy
Communion, hymn, benediction. We will focus on themes from the book The Prodigal God by Rev.
Timothy Keller. (see back for more information)
Wednesdays in the evening
February 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25
6:00-6:45 p.m., Great Hall (meal); 7:00 p.m., Nave (worship)
The Sacred Meal
Join us for the breaking of bread, a time of sharing and teaching each week as we explore stories of food and
faith. Sign up in the narthex to provide soup, salad, or bread each week. Volunteers are also needed to help
with set-up and cleanup. Remember, this time of sacred meal is for all ages!
The Worship
At 7:00 p.m., all are invited to the sanctuary for Evening Prayer, a brief, informal service (approximately 40
minutes) in which we will consider the theme, “God’s Extravagant Love.” Holy Communion will be
offered. For more information, see the other side of this sheet.
Holy Week Worship
Maundy Thursday Worship
April 2, 2015, noon and 7:30 p.m.
At the last supper, Jesus instituted the Sacrament of Holy Communion, which will be celebrated at each service.
Noon Worship: All are welcome to this
service, which is particularly mindful of
80+ year-olds. The service is followed by a special luncheon for those elders of our congregation age 80+.
Please call the
office if you need transportation.
Evening Worship: 7:30 p.m.
(Childcare will be provided upon request; call the office for a reservation.)
Good Friday Worship
April 3, 2015, noon and 7:30 p.m.
Noon: An informal service similar to the Wednesday meetings in the chapel.
Evening Worship: 7:30 p.m.
Service of Tenebrae is a service of
shadows and darkness. (Childcare will be provided upon request; call the office for a reservation.)
Giving During Lent
Each year during these 40 days, we
challenge ourselves to a special effort
to serve others. Our Lenten gifts are
in addition to our regular offerings. They can be given during Wednesday or
Sunday worship. Place in Lenten
envelopes located in the pews. Make checks out to “Ascension,” memo “Lenten Offerings.”
Lenten Offeringsin 2015 will go toward funding the Community of St. Dysmas.This community is a regular
Lutheran congregation within the prisons of the Maryland Correctional System.and lay volunteers join with
members of the congregation for worship and bible study on a weekly basis at four Maryland prisons.20% of its
funding comes from the Synod and National church, it relies on the generosity of congregations to conduct its
Thank you for your support of
this important ministry!
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One son kept the rules religiously. One son broke them all. One father loved them both beyond anything they
could ever imagine.
This Lent, we will explore the parable of the Prodigal Son from a new perspective. We will reflect upon the
younger son and his reconciliation with his father, but also consider that third person in the parable —the
older brother.
Forgiveness can make or break our lives. How do we forgive those who hurt us? How do we find forgiveness
when we mess up our lives? Where do we find the strength to love and forgive?
This Lenten theme is based upon the book The Prodigal God by Rev. Timothy Keller,
a Presbyterian minister, along with interactive discussions.
Weekly topics include:
Wednesday, February 25th – The People Around Jesus: The Good and the Bad
(Luke 7:36-50)
Wednesday, March 4 – The Younger Son: Who Needs Forgiveness?
(Luke 15:11-24)
Wednesday, March 11 – The Older Brother: Who Needs to Forgive?
(Luke 15:25-32)
Wednesday, March 18 – The Way of the Father: Extravagant Love
(Luke 15:11-32)
Wednesday, March 25 – Love and Forgiveness: A Way of Life
(Luke 19:1-10)
Both the noon services and evening services will address this theme. Copies of
The Prodigal God are available for purchase for $10.00 from the church office if you
would like to read the book.