Anna Wetherholt 1 The Catalyst as an Instrument for Environmental Change Current research related to topic: This is based off of current research by Professor Shannon Stahl at the University of Wisconsin. Stahl’s research group is trying to develop effective catalysts to be used in environmentally friendly reactions. Currently, both the pharmaceutical and chemical industries are using catalysts which can be hazardous to the environment. Learning objectives: Students will be able to define a catalyst from the scientific perspective. Students will illustrate and analyze the effects of the catalyst by performing scientific experiments. Students will employ their new knowledge to critically analyze the use of catalysts in large scale factory productions. Assessment criteria: Students define catalyst as a substance that increases the rate of a reaction without being used up during the reaction. Students demonstrate proper lab technique during laboratory experiments. Students utilize the lab results to develop an argument about which catalyst works best for a given reaction. Students analyze the results from the lab experiment to see how catalyzed reactions are similar and different. Students defend their opinion about the use of catalysts in large scale factory productions. They utilize scientific language appropriately to express their thoughts and opinions. Benchmark/Standard: National Science Content Standard: Catalysts, such as metal surfaces, accelerate chemical reactions. (NRC, 1996. Content Standard B: 3E, p 179.) National Science Content Standard: Materials from human societies affect both physical and chemical cycles of the earth. (NRC, 1996. Content Standard F: 4B, p 198.) National Science Content Standard: Individuals and society must decide on proposals involving new research and the introduction of new technologies into society. Decisions involve assessment of alternatives, risks, costs, and benefits and consideration of who benefits and who suffers, who pays and gains, and what the risks are and who bears them. Students should understand the appropriateness and value of basic questions—"What can happen?"—"What are the odds?"—and ''How do scientists and engineers know what will happen?" (NRC, 1996. Content Standard F: 6D, p. 199) National Science Content Standard: Human activities can enhance potential for hazards. Acquisition of resources, urban growth, and waste disposal can accelerate rates of natural change. (NRC, 1996. Content Standard F: 5B, p. 199) National Science Content Standard: Designing and conducting a scientific investigation requires introduction to the major concepts in the area being investigated, proper equipment, safety precautions, assistance with methodological problems, recommendations for use of technologies, Anna Wetherholt 2 clarification of ideas that guide the inquiry, and scientific knowledge obtained from sources other than the actual investigation. The investigation may also require student clarification of the question, method, controls, and variables; student organization and display of data; student revision of methods and explanations; and a public presentation of the results with a critical response from peers. Regardless of the scientific investigation performed, students must use evidence, apply logic, and construct an argument for their proposed explanations. (NRC, 1996. Content Standard A2, p. 175) Prior Knowledge/Prior Conceptions: Students should have a basic understanding of chemical reactions. Students should be able to calculate how much product should be formed in a chemical reaction. Students should recognize the different types of chemical reactions (combination, decomposition, single-replacement, double-replacement, and combustion) and be able to write the missing product or reactants if given the other chemicals used in the reaction. Students should understand that different chemical reactions proceed at different rates. Students should recall that there are factors which affect reaction rates and should recall that these factors are temperature, concentration, and particle size. Students may have misconceptions about the definition of a catalyst. They may be most familiar with the definition of a person or thing that causes an event or a change. Students may think that some reactions could only happen with a catalyst and that the catalyst itself causes Instructional strategies: This lesson will consist of a mixture of instructional techniques. The lesson will first consist of a demonstration of what catalysts can do. There will be a small interactive lecture portion in which students learn exactly why a catalyst works. Following the lecture portion, there will be two days of laboratory experiments. On the third day, there will be interactive instruction in which students will discuss and then role play. Instructional resources used: Adapted from Middle School Chemistry by American Chemical Society, Lesson 6.5 ( Materials and set-up needed: For demonstration: Hydrogen peroxide (30%) Potassium iodide solution, 2 M Liquid soap Food coloring Graduated cylinder (500 mL) Safety glasses Rubber gloves for clean-up Anna Wetherholt 3 For day one of laboratory experiments: Graduated cylinder (50 mL or 100 mL) Hydrogen peroxide (3%) Yeast 2 Popsicle sticks Detergent solution Dropper For day two of laboratory experiments: Hydrogen Peroxide Detergent solution (this is best watered down or it just sits on top of the H2O2) Potassium Iodide (KI) Potato and celery pieces 2 x 100 ml Measuring cylinders 2 x Plastic Pipettes Spatula Tray Water Copper II sulfate solution (in cup) Clear plastic cup (empty) Salt Piece of aluminum foil Thermometer Popsicle stick Lab worksheets For day 3: desks positioned into groups to promote active discussion Time required: 3 class periods Cautions: When performing demonstration, teacher must wear safety goggles and lab coat. Students must stay back because the hydrogen peroxide used in demonstration is severely corrosive, and the catalyst used can also be hazardous if ingested. When performing laboratory experiments, all students should wear long pants, close-toed shoes, safety goggles, and a lab apron. For the lab, because the percent hydrogen peroxide is less, students should still be cautious but can actively use the liquid for the experiment. On day 2, after the students complete the lab, the contents of the cup should be allowed to evaporate. The solid is to be disposed of using local regulations rather than just put into the trash or dumped down the sink. Anna Wetherholt 4 Instructional sequence: Day One: 1. Introducing the Lesson Begin with a demonstration of elephant’s toothpaste. This demonstration requires the teacher to perform the following steps. (The following is adapted from Steve Spangler’s instructions for the demonstration.) Ask nonsensical question: “If we wanted to brush an elephant’s teeth, where could we get the toothpaste for it? Let’s make it!” 1.) The teacher puts on safety goggles and lab coat. 2.) Measure 20 mL of the 30% hydrogen peroxide into the graduated cylinder. It's best to place the cylinder in a large tray to make the clean-up as easy as possible. 3.) Add a squirt of dish soap to the graduated cylinder containing the 30% hydrogen peroxide. 4.) Add a few drops of food coloring 5.) The last step is to add 5 mL of the 2M potassium iodide solution (2M refers to the molarity of the solution). The reaction takes place quickly, so it's important to stand back. Because this is an actual demonstration, it is essential to ask students questions while preparing the material as well as describe to students what exactly you are adding to the graduated cylinder. Ask questions such as: “What do you guys think is going to happen?” “Why is this going to happen?” Anticipated answers include: An explosion. The two substances react together and form an explosion. Nothing is going to happen. I have used hydrogen peroxide before on a cut, and all it did was bubble a little bit. Nothing is going to change this time. Once the demonstration is complete, the following question will first be asked: “How do you know that this was a chemical reaction?” Anticipated student answers include: Foam was produced. Foam is a type of gas. Gas is produced in chemical reactions. Foam is not a type of gas! It’s a solid. But solids can be produced in chemical reactions. There were bubbles in the foam. Bubbles are gas. Gas was produced. There was a color change, wasn’t there? Color changes happen in chemical reactions. After this, teacher will ask the question: “Why did this reaction work?” Anticipated student answers include: You used a stronger amount of hydrogen peroxide than we can get at the store. That’s why it happened. The extra chemical you added, that’s what changed it. Does this have something to do with reaction rates that we talked about yesterday? -Transition into body of the lesson (sample dialogue): So now we know that this is a chemical reaction because a gas was produced. You can buy hydrogen peroxide that isn’t as strong as this Anna Wetherholt 5 was at the store. We have made hypotheses why this reaction worked, but we still don’t know exactly how it worked. Let’s explore together why the reaction worked. 2. Body of the Lesson -Write down the chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide on the board. H2O2. Ask students if this chemical formula looks like one that they have seen before. Students should respond that it is similar to H2O which is the chemical formula for water. -Explain that hydrogen peroxide is not a very stable compound which means that it will break down on its own if given time. Have bottle of store-bought hydrogen peroxide. Have students notice the color of the bottle. Ask students why the bottle is like color. Anticipated answers include: It’s more decorative. Does it stop the chemical from breaking down? -Tell students that hydrogen peroxide is so unstable that even the energy that comes from light can cause the hydrogen peroxide to decompose faster than normal. Ask students: “Remember what we learned previously about rates of reactions. What would explain this?” Anticipated answers include: Heat is a form of energy. If temperature is increased, the rate of reaction happens faster. -Explain that the container is opaque to prevent most light from coming through. Otherwise, the hydrogen peroxide would decompose over time. -Write down the chemical reaction on the board. 2 H2O2 2 H2O + O2 Explain that the hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water and oxygen according to this chemical reaction equation. -At this point, explain that you added something called potassium iodide to the solution in the demonstration. Go into explanation that a catalyst is a substance that speeds up the rate of the reaction but doesn’t change in the reaction. Explain that potassium iodide is a catalyst. Ask students: if potassium iodide was used in the chemical reaction, why isn’t it written in the chemical reaction? Anticipated answers include: Because a catalyst doesn’t change in the reaction. It would be included in both the products and reactants side. It is not used up in the reaction. Affirm answers that are correct. The substance increases the rate of the reaction, but it isn’t used up in the reaction so it’s not included. -Ask students “Can other substance catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide?” Expect students to answer yes or no. Ask students: “how can we see if other substances work as a catalyst?” Students should answer with experiment. Explain that students will be doing an experiment to see if other substances speed up the reaction. Tell students that they are going to try catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide with a different substance. Go over the basic steps with the students before the students work with lab partners. Anna Wetherholt 6 -Students should work with lab partners (groups of 2, maximum 3). Students receive activity worksheet and materials required for activity should be already set out on the lab tables. Students follow the following steps: 1. Add 10 mL of hydrogen peroxide to a graduated cylinder. Add 1 drop of detergent solution. Swirl gently and watch the solution for any bubbling. 2. Use the end of the Popsicle stick to add a small amount of yeast to the hydrogen peroxide and swirl cylinder. 3. Place cylinder on the table and watch for any bubbling. 4. Feel the cylinder to see if there is any temperature change. Notes for teacher: It is important that students realize that detergent is only added so that if a gas is produced, students can easily observe bubbles which show that a gas is present. Before the yeast is added, there should be no observable bubbling. Once the yeast is added, the solution should bubble up the graduated cylinder. The graduated cylinder should also feel slightly warmer. Activity sheet will include following questions: 1.) Is this a chemical or a physical reaction? How could you tell? Describe what you saw. 2.) What was the catalyst in this reaction? What proof do you have for this? 3.) Write the equation for this reaction. Where would you put the catalyst in the equation? For full points, the answers should include the following: 1.) Chemical reaction, gas was produced, bubbles were formed 2.) Yeast, bubbles formed after yeast was added 3.) H2O2 H2O + O2 . Yeast shouldn’t be put on either side of the reaction. Students will still be rewarded points if they put yeast on both sides of the chemical equation although this will need to be addressed as a whole class. (From instructions, students should realize that yeast shouldn’t be included on either side. If they did not gather this, teacher must clarify this the next day.) Partial points will be awarded for well thought out explanations that may not necessarily be correct. -If there is more time, students can try other substances to use a catalyst such as water to demonstrate that not all substances work as catalysts. -Students clean up. All products are safe to dump down the sink. 3. Wrapping Up the Lesson -Regroup students and ask the question again: “Earlier in the class period, we wanted to know if other substances can catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. After this investigation, do we know the answer to this? How do we know?” -Anticipate students describing the lab results that they saw. If students had time to use other substances, anticipate that students will respond with “some substances can but not Anna Wetherholt 7 all work as a catalyst.” -Students complete exit slip. Students write down two things they learned from that day. 4. Evaluating Learning -By the end of day 1, the students should be able to define a catalyst from the scientific perspective. This will be double checked on day 2 with the opening question. Anticipated answers to “what is the definition of a catalyst?” -A substance that is used to increase reaction rate without being used up in the reaction. -A catalyst changes the rate of the reaction. -Something that causes a reaction to go forward. Students should have similar answers to these. The first answer is the most preferable definition for a catalyst. Students should also acknowledge that while these reactions could take place without a catalyst, it would take a much longer time to proceed forward if this was the case. Day Two: 1. Introducing the Lesson Play the video “Genie in the Bottle” located here: (the video will have been downloaded onto flashdrive). Ask students how this is similar to what they saw yesterday. Anticipated answers include: “it’s another reaction that uses a catalyst; this also decomposes hydrogen peroxide.” Because the students turned in exit slips the previous day, the teacher will clarify any misconceptions the students identified from the lab and demonstration the previous day. Teacher will also ask student questions: “What is the definition of a catalyst?” and “How was the video today similar to the elephant’s toothpaste demonstration we saw yesterday?” This will allow for students to refocus and remember what was done the previous day. Anticipated answers to “what is the definition of a catalyst?” -A substance that is used to increase reaction rate without being used up in the reaction. -A catalyst changes the rate of the reaction. -Something that causes a reaction to go forward. Anticipated answers to “How was the laboratory experiment yesterday similar to the elephant’s toothpaste demonstration we saw yesterday?” -In both, we used hydrogen peroxide. We used a catalyst in each reaction to allow the hydrogen peroxide to decompose faster than it normally would. -Both used a catalyst to speed up the reaction. Both used hydrogen peroxide. -Both were examples of chemical reactions. In both, hydrogen peroxide decomposed to oxygen and hydrogen molecules. Because these substances are different than hydrogen peroxide, a chemical reaction took place. Anna Wetherholt 8 2. Body of the Lesson -Sample transition: now that we have seen a few different substances that are used as a catalyst in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, this leads us to a different question. Which one of these substances is the best catalyst? How do you judge which one is the best catalyst? We’ll be investigating that today in the lab. -Introduce lab. Explain to students that they will be experimenting to see which substance works the best for decomposing hydrogen peroxide. Explain that they will be using a number of different catalysts: potatoes, celery, potassium iodide, and yeast. -Day continues with laboratory experiments. Students first experiment with different catalysts for the same reaction. Potatoes and celery contain the catalyst known as catalase (which is also found in humans). Students will also use yeast and potassium iodide as catalysts. The students will investigate to see which is the best catalyst. Suggest to students they can judge which one is best by how fast the reaction goes (have stop watches set up for this) or by how much gas was produced in the reaction (students can measure by volume with number or by using sight) Students use potato, celery, potassium iodide, and yeast in separate graduated cylinders. 1. Pipette 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide into each measuring cylinder on the tray. 2. Add a few drops of detergent solution to each measuring cylinder. 3. Drop a piece of potato into the first measuring cylinder and record what happened 4. Add a piece of celery into the second graduated cylinder and record what happened. 4. Add a spatula of potassium iodide to the third measuring cylinder and record what happened. 5. Add yeast to the 4th measuring cylinder and record what happened. 6. Wash everything up (solutions can go down the sink.) Students should answer the following questions. 1.) Compare each of the reactions to each other. How were they similar? How were they different? (All of the reactions were a chemical reaction of hydrogen peroxide breaking down. Each reaction, however, had a different catalyst.) 2.) Which catalyst was best? How do you know? (The potassium iodide should have been the best [the reaction preceded most quickly]. However, any answer which provides a reasonable explanation of what happened should be accepted.) -After the experiment is cleaned up, the students will do a second activity with a completely different reaction which also uses a catalyst. -The students follow the following procedure: 1.) Place the piece of aluminum foil in an empty cup. Use your fingers or a Popsicle stick to push the foil firmly down so that it lays flat and covers the bottom of the cup. 2.) Add all of the copper II sulfate solution to the cup with the aluminum foil. 3.) Gently swirl the solution for a few seconds and let it stand still. Watch the aluminum for any bubbling or color change. Anna Wetherholt 9 4.) Use your Popsicle stick to place a small amount of salt in the copper II sulfate solution. Gently swirl the solution for a few seconds and let it stand still. Watch for any bubbling or color change. 5.) Carefully place a thermometer in the solution to see if there is any temperature change. [Expected Results: Before the salt is added, nothing should be happening. After the salt is added, the color turns greenish and bubbles begin to form on the aluminum. Copper (brown) begins to form on the aluminum. The solution gets warmer.] -Students will answer the following questions: 1.) How do you know that a chemical reaction took place? Give at least two ways. (A gas was produced, there was a color change, there was an increase in temperature, and a solid was formed.) 2.) What is the catalyst in this activity? (Salt) 3.) How was this similar to the experiment we did earlier today? How is that different? (This was a different reaction completely. The reaction, however, still required the use of a catalyst. In this case, a solid was produced as well as a gas.) -At the end of day 2, students come back together. As a class, we discuss the last question together. Students turn in worksheet for activity 2. Students are assigned homework for the lab report for the investigation of which catalyst worked best. The lab report presents the investigated question, cautions used, the procedure used, the observations seen, a conclusion, and the questions answered. 3. Wrapping up the Lesson Students come back together, and we discuss the activity questions together. We first talk about how we knew a chemical reaction took place, what the catalyst was, and then finally how was the second experiment similar to the first experiment we did today? How is it different? Students should recognize that the two reactions were completely different reactions, but both of them used a catalyst. This allows students to see that different reactions can use catalysts as well, and the use of a catalyst is not always to speed up the decomposition of a reactant. 4. Evaluating Student Learning -By the end of day 2, students will illustrate and analyze the effects of the catalyst by performing scientific experiments. This will be evaluated by the turned in lab report and worksheet for the experiments/activities performed on day 2. For lab report, the following questions must be answered: 1.) Compare each of the reactions to each other. How were they similar? How were they different? (All of the reactions were a chemical reaction of hydrogen peroxide breaking down. Each reaction, however, had a different catalyst.) 2.) Which catalyst was best? How do you know? (The potassium iodide should have been the best [the reaction preceded most quickly]. However, any answer which provides a reasonable explanation of what happened should be accepted.) Anna Wetherholt 10 For the activity: 1.) How do you know that a chemical reaction took place? Give at least two ways. (A gas was produced, there was a color change, there was an increase in temperature, and a solid was formed.) 2.) What is the catalyst in this activity? (Salt) 3.) How was this similar to the experiment we did earlier today? How is that different? (This was a different reaction completely. The reaction, however, still required the use of a catalyst. In this case, a solid was produced as well as a gas.) The activity answers will be discussed in class which allows for students to check their understanding. The lab report questions along with the lab report must be completed outside of the classroom. The lab report is a summative assessment while the activity is a formative assessment. Day Three: 1. Introducing the Lesson Because day 3 is structured a little bit differently from the other two days, day 3 will begin with this youtube video which is an introduction to the concept of green chemistry. This video allows for a basic introduction into the idea of green chemistry and will allow for students to make connections to the importance of green chemistry when using catalysts. The teacher will ask the following question: “Why is it important that catalysts be considered green?” Anticipated answers include: Catalysts are not used up in the reaction. So if there is a hazardous material, it will remain rather than be made into something else. But if catalysts aren’t used up in the production, why can’t we just reuse them again and again? Wouldn’t that still be environmentally friendly? 2. Body of the Lesson -After having two days of learning about catalysts in reactions in both the body and outside the body, students are ready for extracting meaning and applying knowledge to scientific situations that are currently happening. -Begin with an introduction to Green Chemistry. The video introduces the idea of green chemistry pretty well. Further define green chemistry as a branch of chemistry is concerned with developing processes and products to reduce or eliminate hazardous substances. One of the goals of green chemistry is to reduce pollution at the source rather than deal with pollution after it has already occurred. -If this question was not asked to response of the opening question, the teacher should ask the following question: But if catalysts aren’t used up in the production, why can’t we just reuse them again and again? Wouldn’t that still be environmentally friendly? Anticipate student confusion and anticipate difficulty of understanding. Ask students to relate Anna Wetherholt 11 back to day 2. What was the catalyst we used yesterday? What did the reaction produce? Anticipated answers: The catalyst was salt. The reaction produced a brownish solid. Then ask the students: Even though the catalyst was not used up in the reaction, could you easily separate the salt from the brown solid at the end? The answers should be a resounding “no” throughout the class. Then pose the question: “So if you cannot easily separate the catalyst from the reaction, what would that mean if we were doing this on a large scale production?” Anticipated answers include: It would be expensive to remove all of the catalyst from the product. We might not be able to get all of the catalyst out of the product. If we couldn’t get all of the catalyst out of the product, if the catalyst was bad for the environment, it would probably be bad for us too. There would be catalyst left in the product, and we could get sick. At this point in the lesson, students should realize why we need environmentally friendly catalysts. -Explain that there are several people currently researching environmentally friendly catalysts. Most of the catalysts currently used are transition metals which have been found to be toxic to the environment. These scientists are trying to find other catalysts which have not been found to be hazardous to the environment. One group is trying to use molecular oxygen as a catalyst. This is not damaging to the environment, and only a small amount of the catalyst is needed. -At this point, students participate in dramatization of an environmental court case regarding the use of catalysts which can be harmful to the environment. The class is split into 4 groups where 3 students in each group receive the prosecutor’s side while the other 3 receive the defendant’s side. (*Note*- Depending on the students in the class, it may be necessary to introduce the concept of a court case to some students.) The prosecutor’s side receives the following: Wetherholt Pharmaceutical Company has recently begun producing a new medication to treat a rare type of cancer. The company, however, uses a transition metal catalyst to help produce the medication. This transition metal has been found to be extremely hazardous to the environment. Because of this, you have issued a class action lawsuit against them ordering them to stop the production of this medication because of how it is being made. You must argue your side. The defendant’s side receives the following: You work for Wetherholt Pharmaceutical Company and have recently began mass producing a new medication which has been found to help treat a rare type of cancer. You have found a catalyst which helps speed up the reaction, but the catalyst has been found to be damaging to the environment. You have been researching other catalysts which can speed up the reaction but have not found an environmentally friendly catalyst yet. You are arguing that because you are currently trying to find a catalyst which meets these requirements, you should be allowed to continue to produce the medication this way for now. You argue that the benefits outweigh the risks. Anna Wetherholt 12 Each group forms a trial. The groups of students must work together in order to argue their side of the court case. The students need to know that this is a role-playing activity, and any disagreement is not personal. The students should also use scientific language in their explanations. This activity should last for approximately 15-20 minutes. -After each individual group has finished arguing the court case, the class will come back together to present the overall sides of the court case. -The students should come up with an overall consensus over the difficulty of the situation. The students should feel a sense of tension recognizing that on one hand, people are getting better form cancer, but on the other hand, the environment is being destroyed (which ultimately affects people’s health). Students should obtain understanding of the difficulty that some pharmaceutical companies go through in incorporating overall needs. Students will evaluate the difficulty of the situation and discuss as a whole. 3. Wrapping up the lesson: The overall lesson will be wrapped up on the last day with the remaining time period. After the mock court case, we will have an overall discussion about why we would want to use catalysts in the first place and why it is so important to use the right catalyst for the reaction. Sample dialogue includes: “Why would big companies want to use a catalyst for a reaction?” “The reaction would go so slowly otherwise that it wouldn’t make sense for the company to make the product at all.” “Catalysts increase the rate of the reaction which means that companies can make more product in less time.” “Good, that’s exactly right. Now why is it so important that we find the right catalyst for the reaction?” Some catalysts make the reaction go faster than other catalysts do, but certain catalysts are harmful to the environment. Because some catalysts are harmful to the environment and hard to remove from the products We have to weight the risks of using the catalyst and the rewards of using it. It could make a reaction go very fast, but it could also really harm the environment. We need to find a compromise. The discussion about the importance of using environmentally friendly catalysts in the large scale production of chemicals will primarily be a good way to end the overall lesson. Sample teacher dialogue includes: “By this point, you have seen that many catalysts can work for the same reaction, just at different rates. This means that environmentally friendly catalysts can be found that work for a reaction that was previously catalyzed by a harmful catalyst. While the catalyst is not used up in the reaction, it can be hard to obtain all of the catalyst back from the reaction because of production of solids. As you saw in the court cases, scientists have a difficult decision to make sometimes about their new product. While the new product could really help a lot of people, it could also hurt a lot of people. For scientists, they have to weigh the risks and rewards and make a decision upon that. All of you have to do the same thing when making a decision.” On the last day of the 3 day lesson, the students will be given an exit slip which will require them to list 4 things that they have learned about catalysts. Anna Wetherholt 13 4. Evaluating learning: -On Day 3, the students defend their opinion about the use of catalysts in large scale factory productions. They utilize scientific language appropriately to express their thoughts and opinions. This will be evaluated by the teacher as the teacher circulates throughout the room. Each student should participate in the discussion at least once at the table (preferably more than that, but this allows for differentiation for students who have a difficult time talking in class). Each group should be on task and should be actively engaged in discussion. If students have questions, rather than get off-task, they ask teacher for help or clarification. Design Rationale: The three day lesson plan is structured mostly using hands-on activities. While my students could simply learn about a catalyst, my students are actually seeing how catalysts can be used to increase reactions rates. The demonstration of the elephant’s toothpaste is a dramatic example of how a chemical reaction rate will be increased by adding a catalyst to a reaction. The demonstration allows for students to see a very clear example of a catalytic reaction. By then explaining the example in terms of catalysts, students can gain further understanding of how the reaction proceeds and why the reaction proceeds that way. After learning about this, the concept will be reinforced by doing a similar reaction with yeast. The students will be able to see as well that different substances can catalyze the same reaction with different effects (i.e. at different rates). By utilizing potatoes and celery on the second day, students are able to see that cells contain a catalyst as well which will speed up the breakdown of hazardous chemicals produced as by-products in body reactions. This concept was introduced on the first day at the end, but reintroducing this on day 2 with clear scientific experiments of it happening, students will gain more understanding. Because this can be a difficult concept to understand, the visualization allows for a clearer picture of what is happening. Students learn by similarity that this reaction occurs inside of their body to break down any hydrogen peroxide produced as a product in any important reactions. The use of exit slips each day allows for formative assessment. This allows for the teacher to change the lesson plan accordingly when the students do not understand a concept. The activity worksheets also allow for formative assessment to take place. The summative assessment of the unit is the lab report that students must complete, and students will receive feedback on the worksheets in class each day before the lab report is due. This allows time to correct any misconceptions that students may have about what has been taught. The use of the court case activity is to promote higher order thinking in the students and promote the idea of applicability in every day life for science. This is also a form of summative assessment. The students must take what they have learned each day of this lesson and apply it to the situation presented. The situation presented is similar to a real life dilemma that some companies may face (while it may not be in law suit form). The emphasis of the activity is for students to apply what they have learned to a situation that is outside of the science classroom. By putting students into a real life situation, the students can see that the science that they are learning in the classroom can apply to other jobs that they may have in the future.