hack my blog

Text of my criminal complaint
via the
Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
to the FBI
I am a candidate for Congress, and an online investigative columnist.
Recently, I began a new blog called The Crossbow. (Built on Sat, 06 Sep 2008) The first
news story (Mon, 08 Sep 2008) had to do with the presidential campaign of Sen. Barack
Hussein Obama. I had discovered information relating to the fact that he had lied in a
televised interview (with George Stephanopoulos, on ABC News). The lie related to his
registration for Selective Service when he was young.
The blog had been active for less than three weeks, and the news story was less than two
weeks old. This morning (Sat, 20 Sep 2008), while I was editing "cosmetic" portions of
the blog site, the main blog page was hacked. All of the blog entries (the individual news
or opinion items) disappeared from public view.
I was already in the blog editing screen, and examined the HTML code. It was fine.
Thus, there was no immediate explanation for what I saw in the other computer window.
After trying several other methods, I went to the main server's file manager, and
examined the HTML code in the blog's main Index file. All of the HTML tags necessary
for the blog entries were missing. But, although they were missing from the main server
Index file, they were still present in the blog editor window.
While examining the code in the server Index file, I noticed a separate HTML tag -- just
above the portion of code that would make my blog work correctly -- that apparently
redirects the loaded page to another server. This tag apparently works as a "diverter
valve" to that other server. I could not think of any other function for this particular tag.
I have never seen that tag before in any HTML code on any site that I have managed, and
I certainly did not put the tag there myself.
The server that the tag redirects to is: http://law.harvard.edu.
Given that Harvard Law School is the alma mater of presidential candidate Sen. Barack
Hussein Obama, and given that my blog contained material that was potentially
detrimental to his campaign, my suspicion is that someone supportive of the Obama
campaign -- and, possibly, connected to the Obama campaign -- is responsible for
hacking my blog.
There are other factors that add to my suspicions that the sudden change in my blog is
related to the Obama campaign. They are:
1. Using good journalistic ethics, I had contacted the Obama campaign (using the
Media Request Form on the official campaign Web site) to request a copy of Obama's
birth certificate and his Selective Service registration record. Instead of receiving a
proper reply to my request, I was added to the Obama fundraising e-mail list. I have
since received numerous fundraising and political mass e-mails, but no response to my
journalistic request.
2. There have been well-documented books and news reports that Obama has ties to
persons and groups related to terrorism, whether of a Communist or an Islamist nature.
Some of those persons and/or groups are reportedly skilled in money laundering and
computer hacking.
3. In addition to my political news and opinion writing, my own campaign for the US
House of Representatives also opposes the views that the Obama presidential campaign
supports. Thus, whether the hacker is a direct Obama supporter, or merely a supporter of
Left-wing politics, it seems logical that my blog was targeted for political reasons.
4. News reports within the past few days document that a hacker had penetrated the
personal e-mail account of vice-presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin. That hacker
used the information "raided" to make or provide allegations detrimental to the McCainPalin campaign that opposes the Obama-Biden campaign.
5. News reports state that the Secret Service and the FBI have focused their
investigation of the Palin e-mail hack upon a college student from Tennessee. That
student is the son of a Tennessee state representative, whom I have met in person on
several occasions. (Besides being a political activist, I was employed several years ago in
a "session job" by the Tennessee General Assembly.)
6. I am also the state chairman of the newly-formed America's Independent Party
(AIP). The AIP has endorsed Ambassador Alan Keyes for president. In 2004, Dr. Keyes
opposed Barack Obama for the US Senate seat that Obama now occupies. I have written
in my blog that, if Barack Obama is not a United States citizen (by reason of having been
born elsewhere, and then having a fraudulent birth certificate), then not only is Obama
ineligible to run for president, but also he holds his seat in the US Senate under
fraudulent circumstances. (And, if that is proven, then the seat would revert to Dr. Alan
Keyes -- along with four years of back pay as a United States Senator.)
Any one of the above would provide a hacker with reasonable motive to alter my blog
site. All six combined is more than ample support for a "reasonable suspicion" that a
crime has been committed.
Thus, I ask that the FBI (and/or the Secret Service) investigate the hacking of my blog,
and prosecute anyone found to have tampered with it.