Obama on After Birth Abortion

Obama on After Birth Abortion
Posted by scrubone in Obama. 8 Comments
Pharaoh of Exodus 1 and the Obamas (both of them) are indeed similar:
If this is true, this makes Obama one of the most evil men in politics in a western society. He joins
a very, very short list of politicians who support infanticide.
Bold emphasis mine.
In February 2004, U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama’s wife, Michelle, sent a fundraising letter with the “alarming news” that “right-wing politicians” had passed a law
stopping doctors from stabbing half-born babies in the neck with scissors, suctioning out
brains and crushing their skulls.
Michelle called partial-birth abortion “a legitimate
medical procedure,” and wouldn’t supporters please pay
$150 to attend a luncheon for her husband, who would
fight against “cynical ploy[s]” to stop it?
But that’s not why Obama’s opponent Alan Keyes said Jesus Christ wouldn’t vote for him.
Obama recalled Keyes’ statement in a recent USA Today opinion piece but omitted his
“I know his reasoning, because I was there…”
As a nurse at an Illinois hospital in 1999, I discovered babies were being aborted (BSMRA:
murdered) alive and shelved to die in soiled utility rooms. I discovered infanticide.
Legislation was presented on the federal level and in various states called the
Born Alive Infants Protection Act
It stated all live-born babies were guaranteed the same constitutional right to equal
protection, whether or not they were wanted.
BAIPA sailed through the U.S. Senate by unanimous vote. Even Sens. Clinton,
Kennedy and Kerry agreed a mother’s right to “choose” stopped at
her baby’s delivery.
The bill also passed overwhelmingly in the House. NARAL went neutral on it.
Abortion enthusiasts publicly agreed that fighting BAIPA would appear extreme.
President Bush signed BAIPA into law in 2002.
But in Illinois, the state version of BAIPA repeatedly failed, thanks in large part
to then-state Sen. Barack Obama. It only passed in 2005, after Obama left.
“I testified in 2001 and 2002 before a committee of which Obama was a member.
Obama articulately worried that legislation protecting live aborted babies might infringe on
women’s rights or abortionists’ rights (…to murder the innocent-BSMRA)…
Obama’s clinical discourse, his lack of mercy, shocked me. I was naive back then. Obama
voted against the measure, twice. It ultimately failed.
In 2003, as chairman of the next Senate committee to which BAIPA was sent, Obama
stopped it from even getting a hearing, shelving it to die much like babies were still being
shelved to die in Illinois hospitals and abortion clinics.
(As chair of that same committee, Obama once abruptly ended a hearing early, right before
Scott and Janet Willis, the parents of six children killed as a result of Illinois’ drivers licenses
for bribes scandal, were to testify in favor of Choose Life license plate legislation.
I was there for that one, too. The Willises had traveled three hours. Reporters filled the room.
Obama stalled. He later killed the bill when no one was around.)
So, the reason Keyes said Jesus Christ wouldn’t vote for
Barack Obama was because of Obama’s fanatical support
of abortion to the point of condoning infanticide (Murder
of Babies-BSMRA).
…Obama insinuated opposition to abortion is based only on religion, lecturing pro-lifers like
me to “explain why abortion (murder-BSMRA) violates some principle that is accessible to
people of all faiths, including those with no faith at all.”
(that the Obamas even ask such a basic question indicates
their state of degradation and lack of common sense-BSM
Research Associates)
“I don’t recall mentioning religion when I testified against live-birth abortion. I only recall
describing a live aborted baby I held in a hospital soiled utility room until he died, and a live
aborted (murdered-BSMRA) baby who was accidentally thrown into the trash.
Neither do I recall religion being brought into the partial-birth abortion ban debate.
I recall comparisons made to U.S. laws ensuring animals being killed are treated humanely.
that late-term babies do feel and experience
excruciating pain while being aborted. Obama stated pro-life proposals must be
I recall testimony
“amenable to reason.”