SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL Whole body plethysmography Ventilatory parameters were recorded in a whole body plethesmograph by the barometric method described and validated in the rat (1). The mice were placed in a rectangular Plexiglas chamber and were restrained for measurement of ventilatory parameters and rectal temperature using a Plexiglas cylinder (internal diameter: 2.5 cm, adjustable length up to 10 cm) (Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, MA). This chamber was connected to a reference chamber of the same size by a high resistance leak to minimize the effect of pressure changes in the experimental room. The animal chamber was flushed continuously with humidified air during the recording periods. The inlet and outlet tubes were temporarily clamped and pressure changes associated with each breath were recorded with a deferential pressure transducer (Validyne MP, 45 ± 3 cmH2O, Northridge, CA), connected to the animal and reference chambers. Whole body plethysmography requires the simultaneous measurements of pressure, as well as ambient and rectal temperatures. The spirogram was recorded and stored on a computer with an acquisition data card (PCI-DAS1000, Dipsi, Chatillon, France) using respiratory acquisition software (Acquis 1 software, CNRS, GIF-sur-Yvette, France) for analysis offline. This technique was daily validated with a series of leak tests (leak was signaled by a diminution of the signal amplitude exceeding 33% in 5 s) (2) and a series of calibrations performed by 10 injections of 100 µl of air into the chamber. The quantification threshold corresponded to a minimum air volume injection of 11 µl. Within the range of tested volumes (11 to 250 µl), measurements were linear. The mean coefficient of intra-day variability (four series of 5 measurements carried out the same day) was 1.3 ± 0.2%. The mean coefficient of inter-day variability (25 measurements carried out on 3 different days) was 1.7 ± 0.1%. We verified that the mean CO2 measured using an Ohmeda 5250 RGM capnograph (rebreathing test) during clamping periods did not exceed 0.6% of the air contained in the chamber. During experimentation, the first measurement was performed after a 60 min-period of accommodation, while the animal was quiet and not in deep or rapid eye movement sleep which can be roughly estimated from their behavior, the response to noise, and the pattern of breathing. Then, the animal was gently removed from the chamber for ip injection, and replaced in the chamber for the remaining measurements. Ventilation was recorded at -30, -15, -5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 120 min, each record lasting about 60 s. The following parameters were measured: the tidal volume (V T), the inspiratory time (TI), the expiratory time (TE), and the respiratory cycle duration (TTOT = TI + TE). Additional parameters were calculated: the respiratory frequency (f), and the minute ventilation (VE = VT x f). At the end of experimentation, rats were euthanized using a carbon dioxide chamber. In Situ Brain Perfusion Surgery and perfusion. Buprenorphine (BUP) and norbuprenorphine (N-BUP) transport at the bloodbrain barrier (BBB) was measured in mice by in situ brain perfusion, in which the blood is completely replaced by an artificial perfusion fluid for a short time (3). Mice were anesthetized with ketamine (140 mg/kg ip) + xylazine (8 mg/kg, ip). Briefly, the right common carotid artery was exposed and the external carotid artery was ligated at the level of the bifurcation of the common and internal carotid arteries. The right common carotid artery was catheterized and the catheter connected to a syringe containing the perfusion fluid placed in an infusion pump. The thorax was opened, the heart was cut, and perfusion was started immediately (flow rate = 2.5 ml/min). The perfusion fluid consisted of bicarbonate-buffered physiological saline containing 128 mM NaCl, 24 mM NaHCO3, 4.2 mM KCl, 2.4 mM NaH2PO4, 1.5 mM CaCl2, 0.9 mM MgCl2, and 9 mM D-glucose. The solution was gassed with 95% O2-5% CO2 for pH control (7.4) and warmed to 37°C in a water bath. The compounds including [3H]-BUP (0.4 µCi/ml; 5 nM) or N-BUP (15 µM) were added to the perfusion fluid with or without PSC833 (5 µM). [14C]-sucrose (0.1 µCi/ml) added in the perfusion fluid was used as a vascular space marker. Perfusion times were 30 s for [3H]-BUP and 180 s for N-BUP (to gain sufficient analytical detection due to the expected low BBB extraction of N-BUP). Brain perfusion was terminated by decapitating the mouse at these selected times. The brain was removed from the skull and dissected out on ice. The right cerebral hemisphere and aliquots of the perfusion fluid were placed in tarred vials and weighed. To measure BUP transport, radioactive samples were digested in 2 ml of Solvable (Perkin Elmer) at 50°C and mixed with 9 ml of 2 Ultima GoldXR (Perkin Elmer). Dual label counting was performed in a Packard Tri-Carb 1900TR. To measure N-BUP transport, hydrochloric acid was added (2 ml/g of brain tissue), and the mixture was homogenized using sonication and stored at -80°C before determination of N-BUP concentrations by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Calculation of the BBB transport parameters. Two parameters express the transport of a compound at the BBB: the apparent brain volume of distribution (Vbrain, µl/g) and the brain transport parameter Kin (µl/s/g) also called brain clearance. The linear time course of brain accumulation for BUP and N-BUP up to 180 s (data not shown) was assessed and it was found that the perfusion times were short enough to ensure that the distribution of the compounds was kinetically governed only by the transport processes acting at the luminal side of the BBB (4). Transport parameter calculations were corrected for brain vascular contamination, as previously described (3,4). The brain vascular volume Vv (µl/g) was calculated using the distribution of [14C]-sucrose, which does not measurably cross intact BBB in a short time: Vv = Xv / Cv, where Xv (dpm/g) is the [14C]-sucrose measured in the right hemisphere and Cv (dpm/µl) is the concentration of [14C]-sucrose in the perfusion fluid. The physiological Vv values for short perfusion times do not exceed 20 µl/g (3). If the Vv was above the normal value (>20 µl/g) for a mouse experiment, the transport parameter was not calculated and the experiment was discarded. The Vbrain was calculated using the amount in the right hemisphere corrected for vascular contamination: Vbrain = (Xtot - Vv.Cperf) / Cperf; Kin = Vbrain / T, where Cperf is BUP or N-BUP concentrations in the perfusion fluid, Xtot the total BUP or N-BUP in the tissue sample (vascular + extravascular), and T the perfusion time. The coefficient of brain extraction was calculated by the ratio of the K in of the studied compound to diazepam Kin (42.3 µl/s/g) (3,4), which is considered as a vascular flow marker. BUP and N-BUP GC/MS assay The frozen brain and perfusion fluid samples (-80°C) were thawed at room temperature for 15 min, and then 1 ml of sample was transferred to polypropylene tube. Two milliliters acetate buffer (0.1 M; pH 5.0) and 0.1 ml of internal standard stock solution (1 µg/ml) of d4-BUP and d3-N-BUP were 3 added. The mixture was vortexed and then loaded onto a Clean Screen® solid phase extraction column (UCT, Bristol, PA, USA) that was preconditioned with 3 ml methanol and 3 ml sterile water, and then equilibrated with 2 ml 0.1M acetate buffer. The mixture was added to the column. The column was washed with 2 ml sterile water and 3 ml 0.1N acetate buffer and 3 ml methanol. The column was then dried under vacuum for 10 min. The analytes were collected in a 5 ml glass tube by elution with 3 ml dichloromethane, isopropyl alcohol and ammonia solution 25% fresh mixture (78/20/2). The solvent was then evaporated under a gentle stream of nitrogen. The residue was reconstituted with 20 µl ethyl acetate and 20 µl BSTFA (N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide) with 1% TMS (trimethylsilane), vortexed briefly and transferred to an autosampler vial insert for GC/MS analysis. The Thermo Focus DSQ II GC/MS system was used. The system was equipped with an Uptibond® UB5 premium column (30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 µm). The instrument was programmed (room 200°C to 220°C at 30°C/min and held for 3 min before being programmed to 390°C at 15°C/min and held for 17 min, for a total analysis time of 20 min). The transfer line temperature was maintained at 280°C. One microliter of derivatized extract was injected. The injection port temperature was held at 250°C and operated in the pulsed splitless mode. The instrument utilized electron impact ionization and was operated in the selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode. Ions with m/z 468 (N-BUP-TMS), 450 (BUP-TMS), 454 (d4BUP-TMS), and 471 (d3-N-BUP-TMS) were monitored. REFERENCES 1. Bartlett D Jr, Tenney SM: Control of breathing in experimental anemia. Respir Physiol 1970; 10: 384-395 2. Bonora M, Bernaudin JF, Guernier C, et al: Ventilatory responses to hypercapnia and hypoxia in conscious cystic fibrosis knockout mice Cftr-/-. Pediatr Res 2004; 55: 738-746 3. 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