May 27, 1999 - Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism

MAY 27, 1999
Commissioners Present:
Peggy Weidman, Chairman
Diane Bray
Curtis Ridout
Linda Westergard
Carl Garner, Vice-Chairman
Kim Gartman
Larry Visnosky
Brenda Williams
Commissioners Absent:
Mary Smith
Staff Present:
Robert Phelps, Director, Keep Arkansas Beautiful
Brenda Halbert, Keep Arkansas Beautiful
Guests Present:
Marynell Kalkbrenner, Office of the Governor
Steve Holcomb, Sharon Tallach and John Haman of Mangan, Holcomb & Partners
Call to Order:
Peggy Weidman called the meeting to order by introducing and welcoming Marynell Kalkbrenner from the
Governor’s Office. Brenda Halbert called the roll.
Presentation of Minutes:
Ms. Weidman asked for approval of the April 29 Commission minutes.
Carl Garner made a motion, seconded by Diane Bray to approve the
May minutes, and the motion carried.
Financial Report:
Mr. Phelps presented the May financial report reflecting expenditures to date of $304,859; 60% of the total
budget of $511,671. By the end of the fiscal year in June there will be another $100,000 to $110,000
added, because we have approximately $100,000 in advertising that has either been placed or committed
but not paid. The estimated total at the end of June will be $410,000, still allowing a surplus to carry
forward into the next biennium of about $100,000. The advertising contract total is $274,000 for this year,
but we received a supplemental appropriation of $60,000 to carry us through the end of the year, essentially
for the Pick-Up Arkansas and Keep Arkansas Beautiful Month expenses and some of the pre-production for
next year; that was approved by the Legislative Council last month, explaining the difference in the
$274,000 and the $334,000 actual expenditure.
Diane Bray made a motion, seconded by Carl Garner to approve the
May financial report, and the motion carried.
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May 27, 1999
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Chairman’s Report:
Ms. Weidman extended a personal invitation to the Commission members to Fort Smith for the June
meeting and asked for a show of hands of those who will attend. Mr. Phelps noted an itinerary and
reservation form was in the Commissioners’ packets if they would like the KArB office to make
reservations for Wednesday night. Mr. Phelps noted TR-1’s received by June 18 will be paid in the current
fiscal year with those received after that date paid in the next fiscal year. Per diem will be paid for the day
of the meeting with lodging reimbursed Wednesday evening, Ms. Weidman noted that dinner would be at
her home the evening of June 23 at 6:30. Breakfast is provided by the Hampton Inn on Thursday, and
lunch will be at the courtesy of the Mayor of Fort Smith, so all meals will be provided. Lodging receipts
must be attached to the TR-1. Mr. Garner asked if per diem would apply to one or two days, and Mr. Phelps
said he would have to get clarification on that, but it would probably be for Thursday. It was emphasized
to confirm motel reservation by credit card especially if late arrival was anticipated. Ms. Weidman stated
the meeting would be held at the restaurant with lunch to follow, hopefully to be finished by 1:00 p.m.
Ms. Tallach noted the meeting would be somewhat lengthy due to Mangan/Holcomb’s complete
presentation for next year. Mr. Visnosky asked about lunch for a spouse, and Ms. Weidman stated she did
not see that as a problem as there would probably be other guests.
Commission Director’s Report:
Old Business:
Mr. Phelps reported on Pick-Up Arkansas, reading Pat Henry’s report from Department of Environmental
Quality which reflected 59 counties participating, $44,250 total of grant money awarded and receipt of 20
reports as of May 25 with a deadline of June 30 for final reports, at which time all data will be entered into
the computer for assessment. He stated Richard Stitch of Georgia-Pacific indicated approximately 71
counties had been involved by the end of the campaign, picking up additional volunteers. Erin Trimble,
coordinator of the program, with an office in the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Department and financed
through DEQ had fallen ill at the end of the campaign which had affected timeliness of compiling data and
assessment of effectiveness of the program. Mr. Phelps apprised commissioners that the poster contest
finalists posters would be displayed through May in the Capitol.
Sherry Lewis of Arkansas Radio Network had compiled the data and results of the Sonic – Arkansas
vacation campaign with approximately 200,000 pledge cards mailed by the Department of Education to
schools statewide with a format to present the anti-littering and beautification campaign to young school
children. Approximately three hundred students involving twenty restaurants across the state responded,
only a 1% response, however, it was felt the program promoting awareness had reached the students, and it
was hoped the program would be better next year. Sonic spent around $9,000 on the effort with Keep
Arkansas Beautiful contributing less than $1,000 on postage and PR support. The program was evaluated
as to where the breakdown occurred, i.e., teachers not getting the information to the students, students not
following through or Sonic Restaurants not sending the information back to Keep Arkansas Beautiful,
although Mr. Phelps noted stamped, return envelopes had been sent to expedite that effort. Ms. Tallach
said she felt the campaign had been worthwhile in that the Pick-Up curriculum was distributed with the
cards and presented in the classroom. Mr. Phelps stated the good thing is there will possibly be partnering
with Sonic in the Great Arkansas Cleanup effort. On Friday, May 28 at 10:30 a.m., Mr. Phelps, Ms. Lewis
and a representative of Sonic will present Julia Evey of Pratt Kindergarten in Malvern with the vacation gift
certificate, framed certificates from Keep Arkansas Beautiful for her and the school for participation, and
the class will be treated to lunch by Sonic. All of this will be covered by the local news media.
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May 27, 1999
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Mr. Phelps presented a report by Mary Storey, Coordinator of the Great Arkansas Cleanup. The former
Miss Arkansas Alliance completed their $100,000 fund raising effort May 15, and reports will be
forthcoming from them with full disclosure in June, however, a number of the cash contributions reflected
on the report were solicited by one of the alliance members. Tyson, the title sponsor, has coordinated an
effort with Holcomb in logos for their involvement. Approximately $33,650 cash is committed to date
from corporate sponsors with $8,000 received. In-kind donations of $40,000 for space has been committed
by outdoor companies, and the electric coops have been asked to furnish the paper valued at $7,000.
Kroger has agreed to be a sponsor and the coordinator headquarters with $1,000 donated to help defray
expenses on that. With other proposals pending, the total campaign should net a value of $80,000 which
will be supplemented by KArB for successful advertising to promote the GAC campaign. Teachers,
speedways, Adopt-A-Highway coordinators, civic clubs and other groups are being contacted as well. A
proposal has been made to the Auto Dealers’ Association to ask dealers across the state to provide $1 for
every pickup truck sold in the summer months under the promotion of “Pick-Up Your Pick-Up” for the
GAC. Mr. Garner asked about participation through cash contribution by the Arkansas Highway
Department, and Mr. Phelps stated he would cover that later regarding a meeting held yesterday with the
Beautification Committee.
A report was given on the current status of the Spring River Ordinance with Mr. Phelps stating Ms. Halbert
had spoken with the County Judge of Fulton County asking him to send us a signed and dated copy of the
ordinance. In that conversation, it was learned that a forum would be held in the middle of June with the
quorum court as to whether or not the ordinance would be rescinded or amended in view of many business
owners along the river expressing dissatisfaction with so much restriction. The judge stated they would
keep the “no glass” portion, as everyone seemed to be in agreement with that, but he could not predict the
outcome otherwise. Mr. Phelps presented the proposed resolution based on discussion held in the
Commission April meeting encompassing all aspects of the ordinance as well as distribution to all counties
and agencies for their support. He said he felt the resolution and further action should be stalled until after
the Fulton County Quorum Court meeting. Ms. Bray stated she felt someone from the Keep Arkansas
Beautiful Commission should be present at the forum to speak in support of the ordinance; also,
emphasized putting in the resolution eliminating styrofoam statewide.
Mr. Phelps said he felt this compromised the Pop-Up Cooler issue, noting a meeting was held on Monday,
May 24 regarding that. Ms. Bray said she did not agree, emphasizing the need to have a suitable,
environmentally friendly container to replace styrofoam coolers, continuing her strong stand on “no
styrofoam” on all statewide waterways, not just the Spring River.
Mr. Phelps asked the Commission for their opinion on the resolution as it stands and where do we go from
here. Ms. Bray said she felt it should be sent to county judges to provide a united front on no containers of
glass or styrofoam on Arkansas state waterways. Ms. Weidman expressed her support, stating “We’ve got
to start somewhere”. Ms. Westergard said she felt the resolution needed to be broader, coming more from
the Commission, not just covering the Spring River Ordinance, and should include the KArB mission, i.e.,
Whereas, glass should be prohibited; Whereas, styrofoam should be prohibited; etc. Ms. Bray stated the
counties may not adopt it, but we can say what we want to (in a resolution). Ms. Williams stated the canoe
renters in her area did not sell styrofoam. Much discussion was held regarding the styrofoam issue with
Mr. Garner emphasizing that “beads of foam” was the real problem, not so much styrofoam, as the process
of making the material was much different; that styrofoam was a liquid process, very durable, but “beads
of foam” containers such as cups and containers disintegrating quickly and a real environmental problem,
stating we must be careful what we say. Diane Bray supported a resolution commending the quorum court
of Fulton County and what they are trying to accomplish on the Spring River and would like to see other
county judges move forward as well.
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Mr. Phelps stated if we wait to reach county judges after the Fulton County meeting, we have lost half the
summer. Ms. Bray stated this resolution would be the Commission’s recommendation, not binding as
law, and it would be up to the lawmakers of the State of Arkansas to do that, and she emphasized again the
importance of “NO STYROFOAM” being a part of the resolution. Ms. Westergard said she felt we should
pre-empt the issue with a letter to all county judge’s noting the recent Spring River ordinance and our
concerns regarding glass and styrofoam with a resolution following at a later date. Ms. Kalkbrenner stated
the resolution was good with the point well made that it isn’t law yet but could be a model for legislators to
consider for legislation. She suggested adding: “Whereas, the use of styrofoam products is harmful to the
environment in the waterways of Arkansas and should be prohibited”. Mr. Phelps stated if reference to the
Spring River was removed it would be more of a recommendation instead of recording what has happened.
Ms. Weidman asked Mr. Phelps to go ahead with the resolution, and he stated that seemed to be the
Ms. Westergard made a motion, seconded by Mr. Visnosky to go ahead
with the amended resolution to cover the entire waterway system and
with the suggested styrofoam addendum. The motion carried.
Mr. Garner asked Mr. Phelps to send the resolution to the Corps of Engineers as well. Mr. Phelps stated he
was soliciting support for the resolution from Game & Fish, Parks & Tourism, Corps of Engineers and
Department of Environmental Quality.
Mr. Phelps apprised members of a May 24 meeting with Frank Westerman of Wes-Pak, Richard Davies,
Joe David Rice and Greg Butts of Parks and Tourism, Robert Phelps and Diane Bray of the KArB
Commission. Ms. Bray presented results of that meeting, stating that Mr. Westerman had agreed to donate
800 coolers if someone else would pay for the graphics which can be expensive if more than two colors are
used. Mr. Davies agreed that there was a need for this product throughout his system with collective share
of the graphics cost: Tourism “The Natural State”; Parks; Game & Fish; and Keep Arkansas Beautiful. An
additional 5,000 to 6,000 would be ordered for further use, i.e., the Great Arkansas Cleanup. Ms. Bray said
the cooler would fold flat and recommended mailing to the county judges with any information we wanted
to. Mr. Visnosky commended Mr. Westerman for his generous donation. Ms. Westergard asked about
delivery time on the cooler, and Mr. Phelps said he did not know if it could be done quickly enough to send
out with the resolution. Ms. Westergard stated the 1-2 push in business might be a good approach:
1) Letter and/or resolution first; 2) pop-up cooler. Mr. Bray said maybe some internet research could be
done on what is being done in other areas regarding glass and styrofoam on waterways and might send out
further information with coolers noting the cooler could be sent as an “alternative” product. Ms. Bray, also,
asked that a letter of thanks be sent to Frank Westerman.
Ms. Westergard asked about cost of reproduction of the “Rewind” video for use by the county judges when
they present proposals to quorum courts or other meetings in the community. It would get attention, at least
for the glass problem, a very effective lead in for a presentation on waterway environmental issues. She
stated she felt Game & Fish had capability of making copies at an inexpensive rate if we provided the
tapes. It was stated maybe that could be done in the annual or bi-annual meeting of the county judges’
Mr. Phelps stated, based on lengthy discussion, that the first thing is drafting a resolution in the proper
language and sending it to the county judges with our request that they present it for discussion and action,
hopefully, to the quorum courts Second priority would be introduction of the cooler, the availability of it
and, by that time, we would know the details of the participating agencies with time frame. Maybe a third
opportunity would surface to promote the Commission’s recommendations.
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May 27, 1999
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New Business:
Mr. Phelps asked those wanting the Keep Arkansas Beautiful office to make their reservations for the Fort
Smith meeting in June to turn in their reservation form to Ms. Halbert or fax them as soon as possible.
Mr. Phelps said he had met with Steve Filipek of the Stream Team (Game & Fish) who had proposed a
cooperative effort in producing some large litter bags with KArBC and either with or independently of
Tourism and Parks prior to July 4 or as soon as possible for many of the recreational rivers. It will be nice
to have the KArBC name in big letters on one side in support of river cleanup and litter control and would
go ahead with the project if there was no objection. Mr. Garner asked about price per item, and Mr. Phelps
said 40 cents with a tentative commitment of a $2,000 expenditure. A minimum of 20,000 need to be
printed for that price - $10,000 with the rest of the cost absorbed by others. Mr. Garner asked about
distribution, and Mr. Phelps said he was looking primarily to the Stream Team for distribution because of
having organizations at all the navigable streams. Mr. Garner said he would like to have some for the lake
marinas, and Mr. Phelps noted that he would get whatever was needed for that purpose and will, also, get a
distribution plan prior to that.
Mr. Phelps reviewed two KArB opportunities during the Miss Arkansas Pageant: 1) On Thursday,
June 17, Erin Wheatley has organized a pick up with all the contestants of which we have pledged our
public relations support; Chuck Haralson will be there to take photos, and Sharon from Mangan/Holcomb
will be involved. T-shirts have been provided, and we will provide ball caps with the KArB, Fight Dirty
logo. 2) June 18, Ms. Weidman and Mr. Phelps will make an appearance at the Miss Arkansas Luncheon
and present Ms. Wheatley a plaque in appreciation of the many things she has done in our behalf and
beyond through her environmental platform.
Mr. Phelps reviewed the 1999-2000 fiscal year budget, stating copies would be sent to Commission
members. The budget for the fiscal year beginning in July will be essentially the same, $510,818, a slight
decrease over this year of $513,405. He reiterated the fact of the special appropriation that was added to
that. In effect, all line items are much the same. He emphasized two things: 1) The advertising budget has
increased from $274,000 (the original budget of the fiscal year ending in June) to $320,000, and
Ms. Tallach will explain some of that in her presentation. 2) We now have the opportunity for grant money
for additional help, and guidelines will be developed for that. This will help provide in a more tangible
way some rewards to affiliates as they complete their efforts.
Ms. Bray stated she felt some money needed to be set aside for the awards banquet next spring; needs to go
in the budget as a line item for production of the event even though it is understood that we are going to try
and get sponsors for it because of the initial costs of mailouts of several forms, the most recent being a
postcard. She stated she might have to get with Ms. Tallach to go through some of it. She noted that 1,000
people times approximately $30 or $35 and possibly setting aside $40,000 even though we might not need
quite that much. Ms. Weidman asked if that would come from the Foundation or some of it. Mr. Phelps
said money from the Foundation would be reflective of tie-in sponsors and partners. He stated he felt
Ms. Bray was referring to monies needed from the KArBC office. Ms. Weidman said she didn’t think the
Commission could spend money on things like that. Mr. Phelps said there was a fine line; postage, printing
and registration fees to offset the cost; food cannot be provided. Ms. Bray noted it would be “up front”
money to do what needed to be done initially before the other money came in because of the time factor in
getting information out. Ms. Tallach said those dollars would be allocated to various projects, i.e.,
postcard - $15,000 set aside for Keep Arkansas Beautiful Month which includes the awards’ ceremony.
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Ms. Bray stated print production was going to be pretty elaborate and expensive. There would be an ability
to absorb some cost through maintenance and operations. Ms. Westergard encouraged using the
department’s print shop to defray costs, however, Ms. Bray said that could be considered but timeliness
was a factor as well as finished product. Mr. Phelps asked Mr. Garner to share the format of the red, white
and blue “Keep Texas Beautiful” brochure in his packet; also, another brochure in all the Commissioners’
packets was reviewed which he noted stressed education as well as awards, following the model of the
Keep America Beautiful conferences. Ms. Bray stated she and Mr. Garner would report back to the
Commission in June of possible applications and if something so elaborate can be done by the print shop by
September. Ms. Bray asked Mr. Phelps to find out about availability of the print shop and she and
Mr. Garner would decide on the application.
Mr. Garner, also, reminded Commissioners of the 30 th anniversary of the Great Arkansas Cleanup with
much fanfare at Greers Ferry including two bands from Nashville, Tennessee; music groups from Lyons
College and Harding University with barbecued chicken to serve 2500 people. Mr. Garner extended an
invitation to Commission members for the celebration at Narrows Park on Saturday, September 11.
Mr. Garner stated he hoped we could get more involvement statewide. Mr. Phelps said the 30 th anniversary
would be emphasized in much of the publicity for the event which had spawned the national recognition as
“Carl Garner Public Lands Day”. Mr. Garner extended a special invitation to Governor Mike Huckabee
through his liaison, Ms. Kalkbrenner.
Beautification Committee:
Ms. Westergard presented a report from the last meeting of the full Beautification Steering Committee on
Wednesday, May 26, 1999. She stated the committee was presently comprised of forty-five members
which was too large to get together at one time and function efficiently. Thus, the committee has been
separated into separate, autonomous committees with direct links to the Commission as follows:
1) National Affiliations – Sarah Wruck, Chair; Bob Phelps will serve as a
2) Resource & Project Guide – Janet Carson, Chair; Kim Gartman has offered
his computer expertise in this area.
3) Highway Beautification – JeNelle Lipton, Chair; Mary Smith has agreed to
serve as the Commission link on the committee. The NCRC $10,000 grant has been approved
with matching funds being solicited. Duplication or enhancement of the wildflower program
was discussed, noting “wildflower gardening” was extremely expensive as compared to
“wildflower enhancement”. Ms. Westerman noted the committee would determine where
monies would be spent. She said it was important to explain the difference of “wildflower
enhancement” which was a natural type of planting. She stressed the alteration of
detrimental practices by the highway department, i.e., 1) 50 percent reduction in use of
herbicides; 2) mowing frequency changed to three times a year to allow reseeding.
Ms. Tallach noted there might be an opportunity for a press release regarding the wildflower
program, and Ms. Westergard agreed, stating she would get information to her.
4) State Affiliate Committee – Bill Goodwin, Chair; Ms. Westergard reported that Mr. Goodwin
had contracted tick fever, had been very ill, and would not be able to serve as Chair during a
recuperation period that had been mandated by his physician, and she would serve until his
recovery. Applications have been received by several people.
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Ms. Weidman expressed her appreciation to Ms. Westerman for all that she had done on behalf of the
Beautification Committee in getting us where we are today in such a short period of time, and everyone
applauded her efforts. Ms. Westergard noted that it had been a labor of love and thanked Commissioners
for their support.
Awards Committee:
Ms. Bray reported that tentative dates for the spring awards conference would be in conjunction with Keep
Arkansas Beautiful month as follow: April 26, 27; April 19, 20; or April 12, 13. She said they were still
working on getting celebrity, Max Baer, as the keynote speaker and had hopes of getting someone more on
the beautification issue. Others that will participate include Dale Bumpers; Janet Huckabee, guest of honor
and speaker; Governor Huckabee; and possibly a video from Al Gore on environmental issues.
Ms. Weidman said she didn’t think we should get into politics, i.e., someone running for office. Ms. Bray
said she did not feel politics was the issue, that he is an environmentalist, and she (Ms. Bray) was, in fact, a
Republican. Ms. Westergard said she felt it was a sensitive issue to feature someone running for a national
office. Ms. Weidman said she still had concerns about it seeming politically motivated, and Mr. Gartman
stated he did not want it to appear as an endorsement in any way. Mr. Garner said he saw no problem in it,
and Mr. Ridout said he didn’t see why it would hurt as he had been outspoken on environmental issues.
Ms. Westergard suggested getting Governor Huckabee’s opinion as to whether presentation of such a video
by Vice-President Gore might have political overtones. Mr. Phelps stated that was a point well taken, since
the Huckabees had been such strong supporters of our programs, and all Commissioners seemed in
agreement. Ms. Westergard said she had a video presented by one of the chief photographers for National
Geographic at a Merrill-Lynch meeting, and it might be possible to get him as a speaker. Ms. Bray said the
event would take place in the newly renovated Old Statehouse ballroom. A postcard will be sent as initial
notification before the application. Mr. Garner suggested a press release about the same time.
Mr. Garner said he hoped the scout and 4-H badge program could be worked on and finalized before the
GAC, and he could get that information out to the scouts. Mr. Phelps said he had a database for
approximately 1200 waste-in-place teachers and a letter had been drafted to send them for involvement in
the Great Arkansas Cleanup. There was concern about timeliness and getting them involved and teams
organized, since the event is so soon after the school year starts.
Mangan, Holcomb & Partners:
Sharon Tallach introduced John Haman as a new member of the Mangan/Holcomb team. Mr. Haman is an
eleven-year veteran of the journalism field, an award winning writer who has worked with the Arkansas
Times, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and Arkansas Business. Mr. Haman distributed copies of the Keep
Arkansas Beautiful Month Implementation Plan and Keep Arkansas Beautiful FY99 Reappropriation and
FY00 Strategic Plan Outline. Ms. Tallach reported on the post effective analysis of Keep Arkansas
Beautiful Month, Pick-Up, Plant-Up and Pick-Up Arkansas campaigns. The non-paid print gross
impressions totaled more than ten million, far exceeding expectations. She noted that the PUA campaign
media had reached all seventy-five counties. The initial results indicated 28,000 volunteers were involved
in the campaign with only 18,000 as the goal. An estimated 150 illegal dumps were cleaned up as
compared to 100 projected. A total of 590 groups participated, exceeding expectations. Thirty-eight
corporate sponsors were solicited and will be built upon for future projects. Approximately $83,000 worth
of media coverage was attained within the budget cost of $10,000, a good return on investment. Keep
Arkansas Beautiful Month information reached 80% of the public schools (parochial schools will be added
next year). Mr. Visnosky stated the report was most impressive but was there a downside. She indicated
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May 27, 1999
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short notice was given to corporate sponsors, therefore, we were really unable to tap into them for all they
could do for us, not only from a communications standpoint but to tie into volunteers through their
organizations within the state. Ms. Tallach stated a news release would be issued when we get final results
on Pick-Up Arkansas.
Ms. Tallach presented the Keep Arkansas Beautiful FY99 Reappropriation/FY2000 Strategic Plan Outline,
noting that she and Mr. Phelps had worked on this. When asked for the KArB Commission goal, he stated,
“To use all resources available to educate Arkansans of the many opportunities to make and keep Arkansas
beautiful”. The target audiences are the Keep America Beautiful Affiliates, the potential affiliates
statewide, the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Affiliates and prospects, schools, private and business sector, state
agencies, the news media and the general public. The geographic target is Arkansas. Mr. Garner asked
that the federal government be included. She emphasized three objectives to be accomplished by June 30,
1999 are as follows:
To create and test a new identity program which better communicates
the Commission’s three-pronged mission of litter prevention, support
of recycling and beautification;
To develop a video presentation to support the Keep Arkansas Beautiful
Speakers’ Bureau;
To produce a PSA featuring Janet Huckabee in cooperation with the Parks
Ms. Tallach stated the first objective would be accomplished by changing the logo with emphasis on Keep
Arkansas Beautiful instead of Fight Dirty. Five possible logo designs will be worked up by June 1, and
mall intercept interviews will take place around the state to get the public’s input.
The video would address who we are, what we do and how you can get involved to fulfill the mission. The
video will be a simple VHS format, six to eight minutes long, and can be used by anyone for presentation
to civic groups, etc. The cost would be $1,000 per finished minute. Ms. Westergard suggested a slide
presentation of approximately thirty minutes at a reduced cost and more effective. She asked if tv spots
would be used to lengthen and enhance the video and envisioned use of such a video by state affiliates.
Ms. Tallach said she would appreciate Ms. Westergard’s input. Mr. Garner indicated the need for a child
friendly video to be used as a teaching tool in schools, etc. Ms. Tallach stated she was working with Keep
America Beautiful on that, since they had additional resources for animation, etc. Ms. Westergard said
Pinnacle had a video on recycling and waste geared toward late elementary to early junior high level
students. Sharon will review that video on Friday. A proposed website by January 1, 2000 will be
education oriented.
The PSA featuring Janet Huckabee would take place on June 13, 14 and 15 with spots in the Fayetteville
area at Prairie Grove and Lake Weddington prior to a float trip on the Illinois River with Kathy Keating,
First Lady of Oklahoma.
Linda Westergard made a motion, seconded by Kim Gartman to approve the
first three reappropriation items to be accomplished by June 30, 1999 at a
projected cost of $35,000. The motion carried.
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Mangan/Holcomb FY00 Objectives were reviewed as follows:
To develop a strategic media plan beginning on or about July 1, 1999;
Increase awareness and participation in the Great Arkansas Cleanup
by July 1, 1999;
To debut the new KArB identity program by August 1, 1999;
To create and produce beautification-focused television spots by
August 1, 1999;
To create and produce a bi-monthly KArB newsletter – distribution
by September 1, 1999;
To develop a speakers’ bureau network and program by September 1,
1999 and present the program to at least 100 organizations statewide
by June 30, 2000.
Ms. Tallach noted a detailed media plan would be ready for review at the June meeting in Fort Smith.
A strategic marketing plan for the Great Arkansas Cleanup will be presented in July, targeting the schools
and other audiences. The third focus will be on the new identity program, i.e. through letterheads, etc.
Emphasis on beautification will be incorporated in television spots. The fifth objective is to produce a
newsletter for statewide distribution, working with the secretary of KArB to implement a comprehensive
database for use as the KArB awards mailing list as well. The final item would be to develop the speakers’
bureau network and program including supportive data targeting 100 groups by June, 2000.
The next objective is to increase awareness and participation in Keep Arkansas Beautiful Month, have
sponsors and strategic plans in place for April of 2000 by October of 1999. That will include Paint Up,
Plant Up and Pick Up with the awards event in the spring; creation of the website by January 2000 and
involvement of at least 75 percent of elementary schools in an Earth Day event on April 22, 2000.
Mr. Visnosky asked about a mascot for KArB which would appeal to children and use in tv spots, and she
noted this was being considered.
The next objective would be to have at least eight Keep America Beautiful Affiliates in the state by
June 30, 2000, targets including Cabot, Camden, Pulaski County, Fayetteville, possibly Texarkana and
Blytheville. Next target is to launch the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Affiliate Network and have at least
twenty-five Keep Arkansas Beautiful affiliates with each congressional district being represented by the
end of the fiscal year. Next would be to forge and/or sustain continuous productive relationships and
partner in at least one mutually beneficial project by June 30, 2000 with Parks and Tourism, Game and
Fish, Highway Department, DEQ, Department of Heritage, Forestry and the Arkansas State Police
Department. Next would be to develop a partnership with at least twelve major corporations toward
statewide campaigns and participate in KAB Foundation activities by June 30, 2000. The next goal would
be to continue to support the Waste-In-Place curriculum in schools with supplemental information provided
including issues other than recycling under the Keep Arkansas Beautiful umbrella. Updating public service
announcements at least quarterly is a goal. It is planned to revamp the Keep Arkansas Beautiful
Foundation Board with a maximum of fifteen members by the end of the next fiscal year.
FY00 projects budget totals $320,000 which includes $220,000 for media advertising. Ms. Tallach
reviewed all aspects of the budget, i.e. specific projects including creating and printing a newsletter of
$20,000, etc.
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May 27, 1999
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Linda Westergard made a motion, seconded by Diane Bray to approve
the FYOO objectives presented by Mangan, Holcomb & Partners.
The motion carried.
Ms. Tallach stated that more detail of the millenium plan would be presented at the June meeting in Fort
Smith including presentation of the Chuck Dovish PSA.
Mr. Phelps shared with Commissioners a report/scrapbook received from the wife of the Mayor of Parkin,
Arkansas and her efforts in recruitment of volunteers from a city of 1400, various projects and activities,
and the exemplary results in less than two months. He commended her on the enormous success of the
Pick-Up Arkansas and beautification campaign, also, impacting a diverse ethnic community to come
together for a common goal which in turn developed better human relations.
Ms. Weidman emphasized the need to turn all forms into the KArB office including the pledge form, TR-1
for the May meeting and reservation form for the June meeting. It was suggested that the June meeting
start around 9:00 a.m. instead of 10:00 so as to cover all issues before lunch. Ms. Westergard asked if Joan
Stratmann or others in the “Fort Smith Pride” affiliate area could present items of interest, i.e., what they’re
doing and accomplishments. She noted it would be a good starting place for sharing and set a standard for
future meetings throughout the state; also, it would be a good vantage point for networking between
affiliates and other interested groups with the KArB Commission.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
Robert Phelps, Director
Peggy Weidman, Chairman