board of education - Newton Public Schools

Newton, NJ
Mr. Heckman, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the Board
Office at 57 Trinity Street, Newton, NJ, noting in the opening statement that the notice
of this meeting was sent to the New Jersey Herald, the Star Ledger, and the Town Clerk
of Newton on March 26, 2008 and appropriately posted. The notice requirements of the
Open Public Meetings Act have been satisfied.
Members Present: Ms. Brown, Mr. Caffrey, Mrs. Carr, Mr. Clark, Ms. Cooke, Ms. Gianni
Mr. Heckman, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Mistry, Mrs. VanAuken and Mr. Miller.
Members absent: Mr. Kelly
Flag Salute
Motion made by Mrs. VanAuken, seconded by Ms. Cooke that the board adjourn to
executive session at 7:04 PM to discuss personnel. Said discussion may be disclosed to
the public when appropriate.
The board reconvened into regular session at 7:39 PM.
Mr. Heckman introduced the proposed interim superintendents, Brian Doherty and
William King.
Mrs. Thomas questioned NJSBA search costs, books, QSAC Committee, appointment of
Spanish teachers, reimbursement of lightening damage costs, grade levels for books and
Mrs. Galonski reviewed Spanish appointment, questioned reduction of athletic secretary’s
salary from 12 months to 10 months.
Mr. Samuel Siegel expressed his thoughts on the superintendent search.
Mr. Heckman stated that the board of education met Monday as a Committee of the Whole.
Ms. Gianni stated Andover board of education would like Newton to hold superintendent to
60 day notice. Also, Mr. Baggs will be starting September 1st.
Ms. Cooke reported that Green Township board of education adopted goals and appointed
Barry Worman as interim superintendent.
Mr. Miller stated we only have 4 students for the BD program, so the Warren County
Educational Services Commission proposal is being revised to provide a purchased services
program for the existing BD students.
Ms. Carr asked if the sign board at the high school will be ready.
Please note the amount on the bill list should be $688,957.17.
Cathie Sousa will be leaving NJSBA on September 12 . NJSBA has realigned regions.
September 8th is a good possibility for a goal setting meeting with Nancy Stern.
Note the following items on the addendum:
Personnel Item R, Carolee Zvirblis should be Step 5, $21,371;
Personnel Item P, Brian Doherty should be approved additionally as consultant.
Program Item D, amend to read hire teacher and teacher assistants at a cost of
approximately $9,000 per month.
Motion made by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Ms. Brown that the 11 member board approve
the following:
Approve the minutes of the following meeting:
Regular Meeting of July 22, 2008
Authorize the secretary to pay bills and warrants Nos. 029072 to 029239
as per bill list dated August 26, 2008 in the amount of $688,957.17,
as per Attachment A.
Approve the financial reports from the Board Secretary and the Treasurer of
School Monies for the month of July, 2008 as on file in the Business Office.
Accept the Board Secretary’s certification, as attached, (pursuant to NJAC
6:20-2.12(d)) that as of August 30, 2008 no budgetary line item account has
obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the
amount appropriated by the Board of Education pursuant to NJSA
18A-22-8 & 18A-22-8.1.
Pursuant to NJAC 6:23-2.11, certify that as of August 30, 2008
after review of the secretary’s financial report (appropriations section)
and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of
our knowledge, no major account or fund has been overexpended in
violation of NJAC 6:20-2.12(a) and that sufficient funds are available to
meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Approve the line item transfers and 10% report as per Attachment B.
Approve New Jersey School Boards to perform Superintendent search, cost
not to exceed $6,500.
Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board.
Motion made by Mrs. Carr, seconded by Mrs. VanAuken that the 9 member board approve
the following:
Approve the following student teacher and cooperating teachers at Merriam
Avenue School for the fall semester:
Cooperating Teachers
Christine Vnenchak
Kristine Pokrywa
Hope Scudder
Approve the following textbook and novel additions at Halsted Middle School:
Holt Integrated Science and Technology 2008 (Red, Blue & Green levels)
Nothing But the Truth by AVI
A Day No Pigs Would Die by Robert Newton Peck
When the Legends Die by Hal Borland
Mrs. Brown asked how many science books were ordered.
Approve the acceptance of a grade 2 student from Paterson, NJ to attend Merriam
Avenue School. The school district of Paterson will be billed for tuition.
Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 9 member board.
Motion made by Mr. Mistry, seconded by Mr. Jackson that the 11 member board approve the
Approve Warren County Special Services School District to provide a teacher and
teacher assistant to run the BD class at Newton High School, at a cost of approximately
A discussion took place and Ms. Maragulia was asked to report back to the board in 3 to 4 months.
Approve receipt of a grade 11 student from Keansburg School District to attend
Newton High School. Student is residing at Deveroux Treatment Home and
Keansburg School District will be billed for her tuition.
Ms. Gianni asked if transportation is involved.
Approve the following policy updates for first reading:
Board Member Election and Appointment
Board Member Orientation
Board Officers
Public Participation in Board Meetings
Independent Study Programs
Needless Public Labeling of Pupils With Disabilities
New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC)
Evaluation of Nontenured Teaching Staff Members
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Emergency Contracts
Ms. Carr and Mrs. VanAuken asked questions about policies. A discussion followed on the paper
ballots versus roll call vote.
Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board with the following exceptions:
Mrs. VanAuken abstained on Item F, policy 0144 and 0152. On all others, Mrs. VanAuken
voted yes.
Motion made by Mrs. Carr, seconded by Ms. Brown that the 9 member board approve the
Based upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following
personnel resolutions are presented for approval:
Rescind the appointment of Alison Adams as a teacher assistant at Halsted Middle
School and approve her as a 7th grade math teacher at Halsted Middle School for
the 2008-2009 school year, Step A1, $45,280.
Approve Kathy Bottoni as Yearbook Advisor at Halsted Middle School for the
2008-2009 school year, .5, Step 1, $495.
Approve Christopher Zwarych as an instrumental music teacher at Halsted Middle
School, leave replacement for the 2008-2009 school year, Step A1, $45,280.
Approve the following staff at Halsted Middle School for the 2008-2009 school year:
Jared Roe, Physical Education teacher - Step A1, $45,280
Ian Platt, Part-time Physical Education teacher - Step A1, $22,640
Kelly Rossi, Teacher Assistant - Step 5, $15,722
Approve a stipend of $2,600 for Claire Luckman to perform Halsted Middle School
student account bookkeeping duties for the 2008-2009 school year.
Rescind the appointment of Patricia Monaco as a part-time teacher assistant and
approve her as a full-time teacher assistant at Halsted Middle School, Step 2, $15,422.
Approve Christina Paolillo as a guidance counselor at Merriam Avenue School for
the 2008-2009 school year, Step C1, $51,400.
Approve Lisa VanWyk as Even Start Pre-School teacher, effective September 16,
2008 through September 30, 2008 at $25 per hour.
Approve the following AM crossing guards and AM breakfast aides at Merriam
Avenue School for the 2008-2009 school year:
AM Crossing Guards - 45 minutes per day Monday-Friday
DeGarmo, Donna, Step 9, $16.38 per hour
Pankz, Tara, Step 3, $14.14 per hour
AM Breakfast Program - 15 minutes per day Monday-Friday
Vealey, Karen , Step 9, $16.38 per hour
Substitute Aide
Ingram, Lori, Step 5, $14.32
Approve the salaries for the following staff for the 2008-2009 school year:
Merriam Avenue School
Halsted Middle School
Attachment C
Attachment D
Approve Linda Sullivan for the summer Literacy Training position at Merriam
Avenue an additional 4/days @181 = $724.
Approve the following Title I NCLB grant positions at Merriam Avenue School:
Kathleen Thurston
Debbie Catanzaro
Blair Ellis
Lisa Scott
Summer Substitute
Extended Year 1-5
Extended Year 1-5
Extended Year 1-5
$30/hr, not to exceed $90
$30/hr, not to exceed $540
$30/hr, not to exceed $540
$30/hr, not to exceed $540
Rescind Kate Retz as Spanish teacher at Halsted Middle School for the 2008-2009
school year, Step A4, $46,170 and as Yearbook Advisor (.5, $522).
A reminder was given to delete Ms. Retz name from HMS handbook.
Approve the appointment of Kathy Swaneveld and Linda Salerno for the following
Title I position:
Title I Extended Day/Year Lesson Plan Development
$30/hr, not to exceed $360
Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 9 member board with the following exception:
Mrs. VanAuken abstained on Item E and voted no on Item F.
Motion made by Mr. Mistry, seconded by Mr. Jackson that the 11 member board approve the
Approve the resignation of Mark B. Miller as Superintendent, effective immediately
upon receipt of a letter of resignation, said item to be submitted when State of New
Jersey and the Board of Education at Phillipsburg approves his future contract with
the District.
Approve Brian Doherty as interim superintendent and consultant for up to 30 days
at a rate of $500 per day.
Approve William King as Interim Superintendent, effective October 1, 2008 at a rate
of $650 per day.
Approve the following NJQSAC Committee:
Mark B. Miller
Interim Superintendents:
Administrative Staff:
Brian Doherty/William King
Jim Tasker
Marty Fleming
Steve Rivlin
Mary McCarthy
Guy Schultz
Donna Snyder
Terry Van Auken
Teacher Personnel:
NEA Rep:
Business Administrator:
Board of Education Member:
Approve the following staff at Newton High School for the 2008-2009 school year:
Kate Retz, Spanish teacher - Step A4, $46,170.
Christopher St. Genis, Special Education teacher - Step B9, $55,750.
Emily Rimassa, Physical Education teacher - Step A1, $45,280.
Ella Gaal, Science teacher - Step B15, $70,440.
Cynthia Biasi, Teacher Assistant, Step 2, $15,422
Ellen Williams, Teacher Assistant, Step 2, $15,422
Carolee Zvirblis, 10-month Attendance Secretary, Step 5, $21,371
Mary Lou Holterman, 10-month Administrative Secretary to the Athletic Director,
Step I-12, $26,091 + $1,500 longevity + $1,042 (prorated Adm. Sec. Stipend)
= $28,633.
Mr. Mistry questioned the reduction from 12 months to a 10 month athletic secretary.
Approve Debra Holmes as a Spanish teacher leave replacement from September 15,
2008 to October 22, 2008 at Newton High School, Step A1, $45,280 prorated to
$6,339, pending criminal history review.
Accept the resignation of Kristen Gaitan as physical education teacher and .5 field
hockey coach at Newton High School, effective August 30, 2008.
Approve the following co-curricular and coaching staff at Newton High School for
the 2008-2009 school year:
Kate Retz
German Rueda
Brendan Scullin
Freshman Class Advisor
Spanish Club Advisor (.50)
Theater Manager
Step 1, $990
Step 1, $330
Step 1, 1981
Mrs. Carr questioned if the Theater Manager position is new. It will be reviewed.
Steve Runske
Teach a 6th period class
Christopher St. Genis
Assistant Football Coach
Step 3, $4753
Augusto Casas
Alison Holdt
Dave Brennan
Eric Hansen
Devon Westra
Don DeStefano
Assistant Soccer Coach (.25)
Assistant Field Hockey Coach (.25)
Football Paraprofessional
Football Paraprofessional
Field Hockey Paraprofessional
Boys Soccer Volunteer
Step 1, $984
Step 1, $984
Fall weight room supervisors, 60 days cumulative = $3,000:
Michael Bussow
Michael Grifone
Bridget Jones
Mr. Jackson asked if there were restrictions on when a 10-month person worked.
Approve the following substitutes for the 2008-2009 school year:
Caffrey, Ryan
D’Alessandro, Annette
Dugan, Countney
Guziewicz, Ang ela
Kane, Tara
Kooger, Lori
Griffiths, Eileen
Street, Liz
Bus Driver
Pam Iberer
Approve the following individuals to receive a $500 stipend for their Black Seal license
for the 2008-2009 school year, $250 payable on 7/15/08 and $250 payable on 1/15/09, as
per the negotiated agreement:
Newton High School
David Hallet
Mark Hartmann
Anson Kintner
Merriam Avenue School
Bob Colville
Jean Colville
Rada Marjanovic
Halsted Middle School
Frank Fasolo
Bob Gilmore
David Hughen
Chester Wisniewski
McNamara, Susanna
Pietroluongo, Jade
Schaaf, Michael
Sullivan, Gerald
Tracey, Cindy
Barbara Riker Sue Syme
Rich Sear
Daniel Walker
Ron Syme
Bob Ross
Bonnie Strickler
Tim Hartmann
Paul Kays
Scott Witt
Approve the salaries for the following staff for the 2008-2009 school year:
Newton High School & CST
Attachment E
Approve Mikaela Bachoe as a School Psychologist for the 2008-2009 school
year, Step F1, $56,670.
Approve Colleen Howell as part-time bus driver at $15.50 per hour, effective
September 1, 2008.
Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board with the following exceptions:
Mr. Caffrey abstained on Item W;
Mr. Mistry abstained on Item S;
Mr. Heckman abstained on Item V, Fall weight room supervisor.
Motion made by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Ms. Gianni that the 11 member board approve the
Approve district purchases as per Attachment F.
Approve Virginia Raftery as an authorized signature on the following
accounts and remove Eileen Kithcart:
General Account – Lakeland State Bank Account #611405279
Salary Account – Lakeland State Bank Account #611405295
Agency Account – Lakeland State Bank Account #611405260
Capital Projects Account – Lakeland Newton Account #611300353
Approve Donna C. Snyder as an authorized signature on the following
Salary Account – Lakeland State Bank Account #611405295
Agency Account – Lakeland State Bank Account #611405260
Approve district travel expenses as per Attachment G.
Approve the Sussex County Educational Services Instructional Services Agreement
for Chapters 192/193 for services to students attending nonpublic schools for the
2008-2009 school year.
Approve the Sussex County Educational Services Examination and Classification
Agreement for Chapter 193 for services to students attending nonpublic schools for
the 2008-2009 school year.
Approve the Sussex County Educational Services Chapter 226 Nursing Services
Agreement for students attending nonpublic schools for the 2008-2009 school year.
Approve the new Cigna Health Benefits rates for teachers for the 08/09 school year
as per Attachment H.
Approve the new Delta Dental rate for teachers for the 08/09 school year at $89.67/mo.
Approve the disposal of an HP color LaserJet 4500 printer from the business office.
Approve the application to apply for the FY2009 Carl D. Perkins Secondary Grant
with the Newton Board of Education funds portion being $14,486, and as a consortium
with Belvidere, for a total of $21,239, with Newton serving as the LEA for a program
duration of 7/1/08 through 6/30/09.
Approve the 2008-2009 bus stops as per Attachment I.
Approve the following shared transportation routes for the 2008-2009
school year with Andover Regional BOE:
Breccia Court/Sussex Tech
NHS/Sussex Tech (AM Shared Time)
Sussex Tech/NHS (PM Shared Time)
NHS/Long Pond School (Algebra)
$500 Per Student
$500 Per Student
$500 Per Student
$730 Per Student
Approve the following shared transportation routes for the 2008-2009
school year with Green Township BOE:
Sussex Tech/NHS (AM Shared Time)
NHS/Green Hills School (Algebra)
$500 Per Student
$730 Per Student
Approve the application of the FY2009 IDEA Basic Grant, Project #FT359009
in the amount of $330,763.
Approve the application of the FY2009 IDEA Preschool Grant, Project FT359009
in the amount of $6,619.
Approve the disposal of the following books at Merriam Avenue School:
16 copies
4 copies
Taking Time - ISBN 0-02-178004, MacMillan Pub., copyright 1989
Look Again - OSBN 0-02-174810-1, MacMillan Pub., copyright 1989
Approve the disposal of the following property at Newton High School:
HP LaserJet printer (old, not working), tag # 00991
Refrigerator (not working), tag # 02665
Approve the application of the 2008-2009 NCLB (No Child Left Behind) Grant for
$297,932 as follows:
Title I
Title IIA
$ 55,334
Title IID
$ 1,911
Title III
$ 4,694 (Refused)
Title IV
$ 5,426
Approve the refusal of the Title III funds for the 2008-2009 NCLB Grant in the amount
of $4,694.
Approve the application for $19,996 in Municipal Alliance funding for the provision
of Substance Abuse Prevention Programs, effective January 1, 2009 through
December 31, 2009 as follows:
Alliance Grant Total
Cash Match Total
$ 4,999
In-Kind Match
Total Program Budget $39,992
Motion to approve Newton Board of Education 403(b) Plan Document for employee
payroll deduction, as on file in the business office.
Approve the Newton Public Schools Purchasing Manual as per Attachment J.
Carried unanimously by a roll call vote of the 11 member board.
Mrs. VanAuken asked the status of the senior class trip. Mr. Miller responded the trip is being
moved back to school vacation. Mrs. VanAuken would like to review policy. Mrs. Gianni agreed.
Mr. Miller will provide policy
Mr. Mistry asked if Mr. Fleming will contact Ms. Paparella to address financial questions.
Mr. Mistry asked about the status of the 8th grade class trip. Mr. Miller responded it is in the
hands of the attorney. Mr. Miller will check with the attorney.
Mr. Clark asked who made the decision to call the students back on the 6th grade class trip. Mrs.
Carr asked if we could address the issue through policy.
Mrs. Carr stated she didn’t see a dress code in the Halsted Middle School handbook. She asked
what happens at Newton High School if inappropriate clothing is worn.
Mrs. Snyder explained the status of the superintendent search through NJ School Boards Assoc.
Mrs. VanAuken asked if forms could rank all 16 characteristics. Consensus was that the top
five would be adequate.
The agenda will be changed to add Superintendent Search Report.
Mr. Heckman stated that Andover’s board president, Mr. Guillorn, has contacted him to set a
date for a tri-district meeting.
President’s Statement
This public session is designed for members of the public to speak on issues for Board
consideration. By law, the Board of Education is under no obligation to respond to
public comment. If the Board of Education chooses to respond, it does not waive
it’s right thereafter not to respond. Please identify yourself and spell your last name.
Mrs. Mistry asked the status of the 8th grade trip and asked if the policy was public. She
expressed dismay that responses have been so slow.
Ms. Paparella, a parent of an 8th grade student, summarized her thoughts on administration.
Mr. Samuel Siegal stated he is a teacher in Andover and liked the superintendent search
Mr. Dworzycki met with Mr. Fleming and Mr. Weaver regarding the 6th grade trip.
Mrs. Thomas stated teachers were not there for the kids. As a parent she feels some teachers
took advantage of the situation with negotiations.
Motion made by Mrs. VanAuken, seconded by Ms. Gianni that the 11 member board adjourn
to executive session at 9:15 PM to discuss personnel, not to reconvene. Said discussion may be disclosed
to the public when appropriate.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Snyder
School Business Administrator/ Board Secretary