Applied Science University

Applied Science University
College of Engineering
Civil Engineering Dept.
Description of Civil Engineering Courses
0800005 Engineering training (Cr. Hrs. : 0, Prereq.: 90 Cr. Hrs successfully passed +
Department approval)
0805100 Engineering Drawing (Cr. Hrs. : 2, Prereq.:)
Principles of technical drawing: drwing instruments and use of scales; technical lettering;
projection of points, lines, and simple solids; isometric projections; sections and views;.
Blue print reading: basic symbols of materials; Arch. Plans, sections, and elevations; Civil
drawings of foundation plans and details, roofing plans and details.) Construction drawings:
Concrete construction: details of stone wall, slabs and roofs, foundations and details of footings
and columns, roof plans and details of beams, staircase drawing, water tank drawing, Retaining
Masonary work and arches: flat or camber arch, semicircular arch, segmental arch, equilateral
arch, lancet arch, horse-shoe arch, drop arch, Florentine arch, Venetian arch, and Thudor Arch
Steel construction: foundations layout, steel section types, coposite sections, foundations
details, rivets, bolts, bracing, sections, frames, steel roofs, joints, truss drawing, Steel bridge
Earth dam drawing detail.
Suspension bridge drawing and detail.
Water treatment plant drawing and details.
Transportation systems& Parking Details.
Group teams and end-of-semester presentations of other civil engineering project working
drawings and detailing.
0805102 Descriptive Geometry and Auto CAD (Cr. Hrs. : 2, Prereq.: 0805100 )
Types of projections; representation of points, lines planes and solids; distances between points,
lines and planes; principal and auxiliary projections; piercing points; shadow, and perspective;
intersections and development of surfaces of rotation. Engineering applications.
0805202 Engineering Statistics (Cr. Hrs. : 2, Prereq. : 0201102)
Presentation and treatment of data; theory of probabilities; random variables; probability
distributions (continuous and discrete); sampling theory; statistical estimation; testing
hypothesis; correlation and regression analysis.
0805210 Surveying (Cr. Hrs. : 3,Prereq.: 0202101)
Basics of surveying; errors in surveying operations; distance measurements; chain surveying;
angles measurements and bearings; coordinates geometry; leveling; leveling of profiles and
cross-sections contour lines; areas and volumes computations. Circular, compound, reversed,
spiral and vertical curves, triangulation and adjustment, precise leveling, principles of
0805216 Surveying Lab (Cr. Hrs. : 1, Prereq. : 0805210)*
Distance measurement using tapes and EDM instruments; location and setting out details;
making maps; angle measurement using theodolites; with application to coordinates geometry;
trigonometric leveling with theodolites; elevations computations using automatic levels;
making contour maps; area measurement using planimeter, Design and setting out horizontal
and vertical curves , traverse triangulation and precise leveling projects.
0805221 Statics (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq.: 0202101)
Vectors algebra, resultant of forces in plane and space; types of supports for structures in a
plane and in space; equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies in plane and in space; analysis of
trusses by method of joints and sections; analysis of internal forces in beams, frames, machines,
and cables; friction; centroids of lines, areas, volumes, and bodies; moments of inertia,
calculation of pressure of fluids.
0805223 Strength of Materials (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. : 0805221)
Simple states of stress and strain . Torsional stresses Axial force , shear and bending moments
in beams. Bending and shearing stresses in beams. Compound beams Compound stresses
Analysis of plane stress. Analysis of thin-Walled pressure vessels . Combined stresses. Design
of prismatic beams based on strength criteria. Deflection of beams by the double – integration
0805231 Engineering Geology (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. : 0203110)
Introduction to Engineering Geology, structure and composition of Earth, Geological ages,
Types of Rocks and Rock cycle, Weathering Processes. Geologic structures, folds, faults,
joints. Engineering properties of rocks. Geological investigations, coring, logging of cores,
Geophysical Methods , writing the exploration report. Subsurface water, occurance, Influence,
methods of control. Earth processes, Earthquakes and their effect on Engineering structures.
Introduction to Geology of Jordan.
0805261 construction Materials (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. : 0203110)
Classification of building materials; composition and mechanical properties of materials;
ceramics; binding materials; finishing materials; flooring materials; insulation materials;
manufacture of cement and types of Portland cement; fine and coarse aggregates; admixtures;
mixing, transportation, casting, and finishing of fresh concrete; properties of hardened concrete
and factors influencing them, design of concrete mixes.
0805262 construction Materials Laboratory (Cr. Hrs. : 1, Prereq.: 0805261*)
Introduction to importance of testing; and requirements and specifications; testing of clay
bricks, gypsum, lime, tiles, and timber; sieve analysis of aggregate; tests of cement; tests of
fresh and hardened concrete; non-destructive tests for concrete members.
0805281 Environmental Engineering (Cr. Hrs. : 2, Prereq.: 0203110)
Introduces chemical, physical, and biological processes for water, wastewater, air, and solid
trash. Concepts of concentration, units of measurement, suspended and disolved materials,
biological oxygen demand, and water quality standards for drinking and disposal.
0805300 Engineering Economics (Cr. Hrs. : 2, Prereq.: Finished Second year)
Concepts and techniques of engineering economy with a focus on civil engineering case studies
from a construction management and decision making perspective. Course is project oriented,
case studies used extensively. Computer use. Excel spreadsheets; recommended. 2 lec.
0805311 Structural Mechanics ( Architecture ) (Cr. Hrs. : 2, Prereq. : 0805221)
Classification of loads and supports; analysis of statically determinate beams, frames, and
simple trusses; determination of internal forces in beams and simple structures; influence lines
for simple beams; simple stress and strain; bending and shearing stresses in beams; compound
stresses; design of axially loaded members; design of beams for flexure and shear; deflection of
beams by the moments-area method; analysis of statically indeterminate structures of the first
degree; use of approximate methods for the analysis of statically indeterminate structures.
0805314 Reinforced Concrete ( Architecture ) (Cr. Hrs. : 2, Prereq.: 0805311)
The Code and specifications; mechanical properties of concrete and reinforcing steel; design of
different shaped cross-sections for bending and shear; design of one-way slabs and simple
beams; design of simple columns; design of isolated footings.
0805319 Surveying ( Architecture) (Cr. Hrs. : 2 (1 +3) , Prereq. : 202101)
Basics of surveying , errors in surveying operations, distance measurements, chain surveying ,
angles measurements and bearings, coordinates geometry; leveling ; leveling of profiles and
cross-sections contour lines, areas and volumes computations.
Lab ( Architecture)
Distance measurement using tapes and EDM instruments, location and setting out details,
making maps, angle measurement using theodolites, with application to coordinates geometry,
trigonometric leveling with theodolites elevations computations using automatic levels;
making contour maps, area measurement using planimeter .
0805323 Structural Analysis (1) (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. : 0805223)
Analysis of statically determinate beams, frames, and arches; analysis of simple, compound,
and complex trusses; influence lines for beams, frames, arches, and trusses; maximum effects
due to moving loads; deflection of structures by the moment - area , the conjugate - beam, and
the unit - load ( virtual work ) methods; analysis of statically indeterminate structures of the
first and second degree by the consistent deformation method; analysis of statically
indeterminate structures by approximate methods.
0805324 Structural Analysis (2) (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prerequisite(s) : 0805323 )
Analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the Consistant deformation method,
Castigliano's second theorem (method of least work), the three - moment equation, the slope deflection method, the moment - distribution method and the column analogy; elastic center for
frames; influence lines for statically indeterminate beams; introduction to matrix structural
analysis by the force and displacement methods.
0805332 Soil Mechanics (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq.: 0805231+ 0805223)
Soil Properties , Phase relationships, Atterberg limits and Indices, soil classification; soil
structure, Field compaction, soil permeability and seepage; one–dimensional flow, two –
dimensional flow, flow net, flow in anisotropic and non- homogeneous soils, Effective stresses;
Shear strength Stresses and displacements; Consolidation theory, Lateral Earthpressure, Slope
0805333 Soil Mechanics Lab (Cr. Hrs. : 1, Prereq. : 0805332*)
Moisture content determination; Atterberg limits (liquid, plastic, and shrinkage limits); grain
size distribution of coarse and fine grained soils; Specific gravity test, Proctor compaction test;
permeability tests (falling and constant head). unconfined compression test; triaxial test; direct
shear test; consolidation test.
0805341 Highway Engineering (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. : 0805210)
Introduction; highway classification; characteristics of vehicle, and road users; principles of
highway location; design of horizontal and vertical alignments; design of cross-sections ;
roadway drainage systems; classification and preparations of subgrade for highway use;
properties of highway materials; design of asphalt concrete mixture; design of flexible
0805342 Highway Engineering Lab (Cr. Hrs. : 1, Prereq. : 0805341*)
Test on aggregates: grading by sieving, specific gravity, and abrasion (Los Angeles); tests on
asphalt: penetration, viscosity, softening point, ductility, and flash point; tests on asphalt
mixture: Marshall, extraction of binder, specific gravity and density, and skid resistance.
0805351 Fluid Mechanics (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. : 0802201)
Fluid properties, Fluid statics , forces on plane and inclined surfaces , continuity, energy and
momentum equations, applications of fundamental laws in differential and integral forms,
internal and external fluid flow , compressible fluid flow , fluid flow measurements.
0805352 Fluid Mechanics Lab (Cr. Hrs. : 1, Prereq.: 0805351*)
Viscosity and density, center of pressure, stability of floating body, velocity destination ,
measuring flow through orifice plate , types of flow, centrifugal pump, friction losses due to
pipe fittings.
0805400 Principles of Research and Technical Writing (Cr. Hrs. : 1,Prereq.: Finished
third year+0102102)
Basics and principles of scientific research; types of researches; operation researches;
experimentation; simulation; statistics; linear programming; critical thinking; technical writing
: elements and content; report writing : components, data presentation.
0805415 Steel Structures ( Architecture ) (Cr. Hrs. : 2, Prereq.: 0805311)
Mechanical properties of structural steel; loads and specifications; design of tension and
compression members; design of simple connections (bolted, welded, and riveted); design of
simple beams for flexure.
0805424 Reinforced Concrete (1) (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq.: 0805323 + 0805261)
Materials and mechanical properties of reinforced concrete; the American Code and
specifications; analysis and design of various shaped sections for flexure by the working stress
and the ultimate strength methods; design and reinforcement of beams for shear; development
and splicing of reinforcement; design of one-way slabs and continuous beams; deflection of
one-way slabs and beams; control of flexural cracks.
0805426 Reinforced Concrete ( 2) (Cr. Hrs. : 4, Prereq. : 0805424)
Design of two - way slabs supported on beams; design of flat plates and flat slabs; design of
ribbed slabs; design of members in combined compression and bending (short and slender
columns ); design for torsion; design of footings; details of reinforcement for concrete frames.
0805428 Steel Structures (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. : 0805323)
Properties of structural steel; the Code and specifications; design of tension, compression and
flexural members; welded bolted and riveted connections, design of columns; design of frames
and trusses; design of plate girders; design sessions .
0805441 Transportation and Traffic Engineering (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq.: 0805341)
Characteristics and classification of transportation systems; transportation economics; land use
and transportation; public transportation; traffic flow theory; vehicular speed analysis and speed
characteristics; traffic volume and delay studies; study and design of parking facilities; design
and control of intersections; traffic signs and markings; highway capacity and design of lanes;
design of traffic signals.
0805452 Sanitary Engineering (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. : 0805351, 0805281)
Properties of water and quantities; drinking water purification processes; Network of water
distribution and storage; waste water characteristics and quantities; Design, details, assembling
and types of pipes including all machines involved in sewage network; Initial and final
treatment and methods of getting red of the treated water and reusing it.
0805453 Sanitary Engineering Lab (Cr. Hrs. : 1, Prereq. : 0805452*)
Water hardness, acidity and alkalinity; biological oxygen demand; chemical oxygen demand;
amount of dissolved oxygen, quantities of ammonia and chlorine.
0805454 Hydraulics (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq.: 0805351)
Flow in pipes, water network analysis, valves, computer simulation of water network, pumps
and turbinos; Flow in open channels; analysis and design of storm water systems, design of
culverts, irrigation principles, design of irrigation networks, practical applications.
0805456 Hydrology (Cr. Hrs. : 3,Prereq. : 0805351)
Definition, hydrologic cycle and budget, evaporation, transpiration and evapotraspiration,
hydrographs, derivation of hydrographs concentration and detention time , frequency analysis,
regional time , series analysis, hydrologic routing, experimental applications, darcy’s law
transmissinty , hydraulic conductivity .
0805522 Matrix Analysis of Structures (Cr. Hrs. : 3,Prereq.: 0805324)
Matrix Algebra , flexibility approach and stiffness approach , one dimensional bars, two
dimensional trusses , beams and Frames , three dimensional frames , virtual work and
minimum potential energy, introduction to finite element method.
0805524 Finite Element Analysis (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. :0805324 + 0805424)
matrix algebra; one dimensional problems; trusses; two dimensional problems using triangle
stress elements; symmetrical bodies around the axis, two dimensional elements, beams and
frames, three dimensional problems in strain analysis ; Data entry and results treatments;
computer applications, Introduction to nonlinear elements.
0805525 Design of Earthquake Resisting Structures (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. :0805424 +
Introduction to Earthquake Engineering , Origin and characteristics of Earthquake ,
Introduction to structural dynamics , Vibration characteristics of building , periods and mode
shapes , Response spectrum , Earthquake – induced forces and displacements , Introduction to
inelastic behavior , force reduction and ductility requirements for concrete and steel material ,
Introduction to Jordanian seismic code and international building seismic codes such as UBC97 , Seismic design and provisions of reinforced concrete frames and shear walls according to
ACI code.
0805527 Prestressed Concrete (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. : 0805426)
Concepts, advantages and methods of concrete prestressing; desired properties of concretes and
prestresed steel; degrees of prestressing; strains in concrete and allowable of strain; design of
beams for flexure at service and ultimate conditions; design of beams for shear; computation of
prestress losses; stresses and reinforcement in the anchorage zones.
0805533 Foundation Engineering (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq.: 0805332 ,(0805424)*
Planing a site exploration program, drilling methods, sample disturbance, sampling methods,
in-situ tests , geophysical Methods, Writing S.I Report. Bearing capacity Theories, effect of
Water, Bearing capacity (B.C) of eccentrically loaded foundations B.C of Foundations
subjected to inclined loads. B.C of foundation on layered soil. Settlements of foundations,
immediate settlement, consolidation settlement, differential settlement.
Structural design of spread foundations, combined rectagular and trapezoidal foundations,
cantilever found, Raft found .
Earth Reatining structures, Earth Pressure, stability and design of R.C Retaining walls . Pile
0805534 Advanced Foundation Engineering (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq.: 0805533)
Analysis and design of sheet pile walls, cantilever S.P walls in clay and sand, special cases of
S.P. walls, Anchored S.P walls, free earth support method, Fixed Earth support Method, Design
of Anchors and starnds. Braced cuts, Design of : sheet piles, struts and wales, Stability of
Braced cuts in clay and sand. Design of Pile foundations, Pile groups and Pile caps. Bridge
foundations. Introduction to machine foundations
0805542 Materials , Design, and Maintenance of Highway Pavements (Cr. Hrs. : 3,
Prereq.: 805332)
Classification of highway materials; engineering soil and soil stabilization; subbase, base and
asphaltic surfaces; stresses in flexible and rigid pavements; design of flexible and rigid
pavements for highways and airports; problems of highway rehabilitation; methods for
describing and evaluating road condition; pavement maintenance programming; Pavement
Management Systems (PMS).
0805548 Highway and Airport Planning (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. :0805441)
Principles of highway planning; urban transportation planning; forecasting travel demand: trip
generation, trip distribution, modal split, and traffic assignment; evaluating transportation
alternatives; aircraft characteristics related to planning and design; air traffic control; elements
of airport planning; forecasting in aviation; airport configuration; planning and design of
airfield and terminal area.
0805552 Environmental Pollution and Advanced Treatment (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq.:
Wastewater: Advanced wastewater treatment (Tertiary Treatment; Nitrogen, Phosphorous,
Organics, Solids Removal). Wastewater Disposal and Reuse. Wastewater Treatment Plant
Selection; Hydraulic Analysis of Treatment Plants. Air Pollution : Air Quality; Definition,
Pollutants, Characteristics. Natural system for air Purification; Lapse rate and dispersion; Stack
Design. Engineered System for air pollution control. Soil Pollution: Solid waste Definition,
Characteristics, Moisture content chemical composition. Solid waste Engineering; Handling,
Collection, Disposal, Landfill Design, Leachate.
Environmental Impact Assessment
0805553 Design of Hydraulic Structures (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq.: 0805454)
Flow in open channel. Energy principle in open channels. Transitional phenomena in
supercritical flows. Hydraulic structures: gravity and arch dams , weirs , spillways , culverts ,
and stilling basins. Design of treatment plants. Models and hydraulic similitude.
(805558) Advanced Water Treatment (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq.: 0805452)
Water Source, Surface Water Treatment, Ground Water Treatment, Water Hardness and
Chemical Doses for Softening, Coagulation and Flocculation and Chemical Dosing needed to
remove Particles, Ion Exchange, Reactor Design and Reactor Calculations, Sedimentation
Principles and Design a Sedimentation Basin, Filtration Principles and Design a Sand Filter,
Disinfection Basics and Design a Disinfection Contact Chamber
0805562 Deterioration and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq.:
Cracking in ground slabs; pavements, walls, slabs, beams, columns and foundations due to
excessive loading, differential settlement, and/or chemical reactions between concrete and the
environment; non-structural cracking: plastic and drying shrinkage, thermal differential
movement and expansion; unsoundness, alkali-silica; reaction; sulfate attack; effect of seawater movement, frost action, reinforcement corrosion; classification of cracks: types, position
and distribution; specifications and requirements for design and construction; precautions and
control of cracking during design and construction stages; early maintenance and repair
materials; methods of repairs and rehabilitation.
0805567 Advanced Concrete Technology (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq.: 0805424)
Portland cement hydration and gel formation, design of high–strength concrete mixes, problems
of cold-and-hot weather concreting, concrete properties, moudulus of elasticity, shrinkage,
creep, permeability, durability, thermal expansion, abrasion resistance, fire resistance, quality
control and assurance, use of industrial wastes in concrete, special concertos: light weight
heavy weight, high strength, fiber reinforced and polymer concrete.
0805570 Project Management and Maintenance (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq.: 805424)
Planning and programming of project construction methods; optimum allocation of resources;
methods of estimation and control of cost and time; Critical Path and PERT Methods; project
management: principles, role, purpose and implementation; construction equipment.
0805575 Specifications , Contracts and Quantity Surveying (Cr. Hrs. : 3,Prereq.: 805424)
Introduction; types and documents of tenders; types of construction contracts; bonds and
insurance requirements; Jordan and International general conditions and obligations of
construction contracts; preparation of specifications; regulations pertinent to buildings,
construction works and building materials; quantity surveying and bill of quantities; rights and
obligations of engineering consulting offices.
0805577 Advanced Construction Methods (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. : 0805570 + 0805300)
Scope covers fundamentals of machine utilization and production estimating. The most up-todate equipment and methods used in construction worldwide. Introduction to equipment
selection based on technical (i.e., production) and economic (i.e., cost) facts. Construction cost,
efficiency, and productivity estimates.
0805595 Special Topics in Civil Engineering (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. : Finished fourth year,
Approval of Department Council)
Special topics for this course are selected from the various Civil Engineering aeas. Structures,
Highways, Geotechnical, Hydraulics, Materials, Surveying and Environmental, The choice of
the topics will depend on the needs of both the students and faculty members of the department.
0805596 Graduation Project 1 (Cr. Hrs. : 1, Prereq. : Finished fourth year , Approval of
Department Council)
0805597 Graduation Project 2 (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prereq. : 0805596)
The student, under the supervision of a faculty member, is required to undertake a feasibility
study and work out a complete analysis and design of an engineering project in one of the
major areas of civil engineering. The student is also required to submit a technical report
provided with all necessary documents and drawings. The evaluation procedure includes an
oral presentation made by the student in front of three members examining committee
nominated by the Department Council and presided over by the Faculty Supervisor.
0805598 Engineering Applications (Cr. Hrs. : 3, Prerequisite(s) : 805424)
The students perform computer applications of analysis and design in Civil Engineering areas.
The Objective is to have students gain practical skills and training using computer applications.
The work is done under the supervision and evaluation of a committee of civil engineering
faculty members.