UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE - Secretariat CONVENTION - CADRE SUR LES CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES - Secretariat Workshop on National Systems 11-12 April 2005 Bonn, Germany LIST OF PARTICIPANTS PARTIES Mr. Etienne HANNON DG Environment - Climate Change Section Rue de la Loi - Wetstraat 56 - 4th Floor 1000 Brussels Tel: +32-2-287.0.259 Fax: +32-2-287.0.398 E-mail: entienne.hannon@health.fgov.be Argentina Mr. Darío GOMEZ Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica Avenida General Paz 1499 San Martin, B1650KNA Argentina Tel: +54 11 6772 7130 Fax: +54 11 6772 7130 E-mail: dgomez@cnea.gov.ar Mr. Miet D'HEER Flemish Environment Agency Dr. De Moorstraat 24-26 9300 Aalst Tel: 053 726 653 Fax: 053 706 344 E-mail: m.dheer@vmm.be Australia Mr. Rob STURGISS Australian Greenhouse Office King Edward Terrace, BARTON Canberra 2601 Australia Tel: +61 2 6274 18 36 Fax: 61 2 6274 14 39 E-mail: rob.sturgiss@greenhouse.gov.au Brazil Mr. Newton PACIORNIK Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil Praia do Flamengo 200, s. 2401 Rio de Janeiro 22210-901 Tel: +55 21 2555 0308 Fax: +55 21 2555 0202 E-mail: newton@finep.gov.br Austria Ms. Doris HALPER Umweltbundesamt Spittelauer Lände 5 1090 Wien, Austria Tel: +43 (0) 1 31304 5502 Fax: +43 (0) 1 31304 5959 E-mail: doris.halper@umweltbundesamt.at Bulgaria Ms. Daniela STOYCHEVA Ministry of Environmenty and Water 22 Maria Luiza Sofia 1000 Tel: +359 2 940 6135 Fax: +359 2 981 66 10 E-mail: dstoytcheva@moew.government.bg Bahamas (the) Mr. Jerome ELLIOTT Ministry of Health and Environment Nassau Court, West Bay Street Bahamas, Nassau Tel: +242 302 1215 Fax: +242 323 6852 E-mail: Jeelliott@bahamaselectricity.com Canada Mr. Art JAQUES Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd. 19th Floor Place Vincent Massey Hull, P.Q. KIA 0H3 Tel: +1 819 994 3098 Fax: +1 819 953 3006 E-mail: Art.Jaques@ec.gc.ca Belarus Ms. Alena YANCHEVSKAYA Belarussian Scientific Research Center "Ecology" Horuzhaya Street 31a Minsk 220002 Tel: +375 172347809 Fax: +375 172347809 E-mail: yanchevskaya@mail.ru Chile Mr. Sergio GONZÁLEZ Belgium 2 Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA) Casilla 439 Correo 3, Santiago Chile Av. Santa Rosa 11.610 (La Pintana) 7083150 Santiago Tel: +56 2 7575 115 or -122 Fax: +56 2 7575120; 5415667 E-mail: sgonzale@platina.inia.cl National Environmental Research Institute Danish Ministry of Environment Vejlsovej 25 DK-8600 Silkeborg Tel: +45 89 20 14 00 Fax: +45 89 20 14 14 E-mail: pbs@dmu.dk Ms. Jytte BOLL ILLERUP Danish National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) P.O. Box 358 Frederiksborgvej 399 DK-4000 Roskilde Tel: + 45 46 30 12 89 Fax: + 45 46 30 12 12 E-mail: jbi@dmu.dk China Ms. Hongmin DONG Institute of Agricultural Environment and Sustainable Development Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 12, Zhongguan Cun South Street Beijing 100081 Tel: +86 10 6891 9979 Fax: +86 10 68919979 E-mail: donghm@cjac.org.cn European Community Ms. Anke HEROLD European Topic Center on Air and Climate Change Novalisstrasse 10 10115 Berlin Tel: +30 2804 8686 Fax: +30 2804 8688 E-mail: a.herold@oeko.de Croatia Mr. Davor VESLIGAJ EKONERG – Energy Research and Environmental Protection Institute Ltd. Koranska 5, P.P. 144 Zagreb HR-10000 Tel: +385 1 6000 172 Fax: +385 1 6171 560 E-mail: davor.vesligaj@ekonerg.hr Mr. Lars MÜLLER European Commission, DG Environment BU-9 6/151 B-1049 Brussels Tel: +32 2 29 90565 Fax: +32 2 29 69970 E-mail: ars.mueller@cec.eu.int Cuba Mr. Carlos LOPEZ Institute of Meteorology Loma de Casablanca, Regla. Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, CP 11700 Tel: (537)86 70711 Fax: +537 8668010 E-mail: cmlopezca@yahoo.com Finland Ms. Leena RAITTINEN Statistics Finland Työpajankatu 13, Helsinki PB 6A FIN-00022 Tilastokeskus FIN-00022 Statistics Finland Tel: +358 9 1734 2909 Fax: +358 9 1734 2465 E-mail: leena.raittinen@stat.fi Czech Republic Mr. Pavel FOTT Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) Na Sabatce 17 CZ 143 06 Prague 4 Tel: +420 2 4403 2456 Fax: +420 2 4403 2468 E-mail: fott@chmi.cz Ms. Riitta PIPATTI Statistics Finland Työpajankatu 13, Helsinki PB 6A FIN-00022 Tilastokeskus FIN-00022 Statistics Finland Tel: +358 9 1734 3543 Fax: +358 9 1734 3429 E-mail: riitta.pipatti@stat.fi Denmark Finland Mr. Peter Borgen SORENSEN Mr. Jaakko OJALA 3 Ministry of the Environment - Environmental Protection Department P.O.Box 35 Kasarmikatu 25, Helsinki FIN-00023 Government, Finland Tel: + 358-9-1603 9478 Fax: + 358-9-1603 9439 E-mail: Jaakko-Ojala@ymparisto.fi 118 10 Athens Tel: +30 210 349 0154 Fax: +30 210 349 0159 E-mail: sara@meteo.noa.gr Hungary Mr. Jozsef FEILER Ministry of Environment & Water Fö u. 44-50 Budapest, 1011 Hungary Tel: +36 1 457 3339 Fax: +36 1 201 1335 E-mail: feiler@mailkvvm.hu France Mr. Jean-Pierre FONTELLE CITEPA 7 Cité Paradis 75010 PARIS Tel: +33 1 44 83 68 83 Fax: +33 1 40 22 04 83 E-mail: jean-pierre.fontelle@citepa.org Indonesia Mr. Rizaldi BOER Bogor Agricultural University Department GEOMET, FMIPA-IPB Kampus IPB Darmaga Bogor Tel: +62 251 623 758 Fax: +62 251 623 850 E-mail: rboer@fmipa.ipb.ac.id Germany Ms. Marion DREHER Federal Environmental Agency Berlin Bismarckplatz 1 14193 Berlin Tel: +49 30 8903-2402 Fax: +49 30 8903-2282 E-mail: marion.Dreher@uba.de Italy Ghana Ms. Daniela ROMANO APAT -Environmental Protection Agency via V. Brancati, 48 00144 Rome Tel: +39 06 50072541 Fax: +39 06 50072986 Mr. William Kojo AGYEMANG-BONSU Environmental Protection Agency Energy Resources and Climate Change Unit 91 Starlets Street Ministries P.O. Box M 326 Ministries Post Office Accra Tel: +233 21 66 4697/98 Fax: +233 21 66 2690 E-mail: wbonsu@epaghana.org Mr. Riccardo DE LAURETIS APAT - Environmental Protection Agency via V. Brancati, 48 00144 Rome Tel: +39 06 50072543 Fax: +39 06 50072657 E-mail: delauretis@apat.it Greece Ms. Elena GEORGOPOULOU National Observatory of Athens Lofos Nymfon, Thesseon 11810 Athens Tel: +30 210 349 0154 Fax: +30 210 349 0159 E-mail: elenag@meteo.noa.gr Japan Mr. Tomoyuki AIZAWA National Institute for Environmental Studies Center for Global Environmental Research 16-2, Onogana Tsukuba-shi, 305-0051 Tel: +81 298 50 2777 Fax: +81 298 58 2645 E-mail: aizawa.tomoyuki@nies.go.jp Kenya Mr. Yiannis SARAFIDIS National Observatory of Athens Lofos Nymfon, Thesseon Mr. Phanuel OBALLA Kenya Forestry Research Institute 4 Kefri Mugaga Nairobi Tel: 254 66 32891 Fax: 254 66 32844 E-mail: pooballa@yahoo.com New Zealand Climate Change Office, Ministry for Environment Level 25 Grand Plimmer Tower Cnr Boulcott St & Gilmer Tce P O Box 10362 Wellington Tel: +64 4 916 7627 Fax: +64 4 916 7615 E-mail: helen.plume@mfe.govt.nz Liechtenstein Mr. Helmut KINDLE Office for Environment Protection P.O. Box 684 FL-9490 Vaduz Tel: 00423 236 61 97 Fax: 00423 236 61 99 E-mail: helmut.kindle@aus.llv.li Nigeria Mr. Samuel Adeoye ADEJUWON Federal Ministry of Environment PMB 265 Old FEPA Building Environment House Airport Road, Garki Abuja Tel: +234 9 8043243931/8023029553 Fax: +234 9 5234014 E-mail: jareadejuwon@yahoo.com Lithuania Ms. Jolanta KOTVICKAJA The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania 4/9 A. Jaksto Vilnius LT-01105 Tel: +370 5 266 36 72 Fax: +370 5 266 36 63 E-mail: j.kotvickaja@am.lt Norway Mr. Audun ROSLAND Climate and Energy Section, Norwegian Pollution Control Authority P.O. Box 8100 DEP Strömsveien 96 N-0032 Oslo Tel: +47 22 57 3547 Fax: +47 22 67 6706 E-mail: audun.rosland@sft.no Malaysia Ms. Radin Diana RADIN AHMAD Pusat Tenaga Malaysia 7, Jalan Tasik Seri Kembangan, 43300 Tel: +603 8943 4300 Fax: +603 8941 1121 E-mail: diana@ptm.org.my Ms. Kristin RYPDAL CICERO Centre for Environmental and Climate Research Box 1129 Blindern N-0318 Oslo, Norway Tel: +47 22 85 87 80 Fax: +47 22 85 87 51 E-mail: kristin.rypdal@cicero.uio.no Netherlands Mr. Tinus PULLES TNO Environment and Geosciences Laan von Westenenk 501 PO Box 342 7300 AH Apeldoorn Tel: +31 55 549 3762 Fax: +31 55 549 3252 E-mail: pulles@mep.tno.nl Panama Mr. Rene LOPEZ National authority of the Environment Ancon, Panama city, Bld. 804 Tel: (507)315 0855 4489 Fax: (507)315 0654 E-mail: r.lopez@anam.gob.pa Mr. Dirk BOTH SenterNovem P.O. Box 8242 2503RE Utrecht Tel: +31 30 2393429 Fax: +31 30 2316491 E-mail: d.both@senternovem.nl New Zealand Paraguay Ms. Helen PLUME Ms. Lilian PORTILLO 5 Programa Nacional de Cambios Climaticos Madame Lynch 3500 Asuncion - 1209 Tel: +595 21 615 809 ext. 269 Fax: +595 21 615 814 E-mail: lportillo@telesurf.com.py Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of ROSHYDROMET Glebovskaya 20-B Moscow 107258 Tel: 7 095 1600851 Fax: 7 095 1600831 E-mail: v.sedyakin@ru.net Peru Saudi Arabia Ms. Maria Paz CIGARAN National Environmental Council Av. Guardia Civil 205 41 San Borja Lima 34 Tel: +511 225 5370 Fax: +511 225 5369 E-mail: mpcigaran@conam.gob.pe Mr. Faisal AL-HOTHALI Ministry of Petroleum & Mineral Resources P.O. Box 11550 Dhahran, 31311 Tel: +966-3-874 7002 Fax: +966-3-873 9963 E-mail: faisal.hothali@aramco.com Poland Slovakia Mr. Boguslaw DEBSKI National Emission Centre Kolektorska 4 01-692 Warsaw Tel: +48 22 8323301 Fax: +48 22 8336928 E-mail: debski@ios.edu.pl Ms. Janka SZEMESOVÁ Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute Jeséniová 17 833 15 Bratislava Tel: +421 2 59415282 Fax: +421 2 54773620 E-mail: janka.szemesova@shmu.sk Ms. Helena PRINCOVA The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republik, Air Protection Department Nám. L'. Stúra 1 81235 Bratislava Tel: (421 2) 5956 2543 Fax: (421 2) 5956 2662 E-mail: princova.helena@enviro.gov.sk Portugal Mr. Joao GONÇALVES General Directorate for the Environment Rua da Murgueira-Zambujal-Alfragide Apartado 7585 Alfragide 2721-865 Amadora Tel: (351-21)472-8202/03 Fax: (351-21)471-9076 E-mail: joao.goncalves@dga.min-amb.pt Spain Mr. Roman PAYO RODRÍGUEZ Oficina Espanola de Cambio Climático - Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Plaza San Juan De La Cruz S/N Madrid - 28003 Tel: +34 91 597 66 40 Fax: +34 91 597 59 50 Romania Mr. Vlad TRUSCA Ministry of Environment and Water Management Air Quality and Climate Change Division 12, Libertatii Blvd., Sector 5 70005 Bucharest Tel: +40 21 410 02 22 Fax: +40 21 411 02 98 E-mail: vlad@mappm.ro Russian Federation Sudan Mr. Valeriy SEDYAKIN Mr. Nagmeldin GOUTBI ELHASSAN 6 Climate Change Unit, Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources (HCENR) Ministry of Environment and Physical Development P.O. Box 10488 Gamaa Avenue Khartoum Tel: +249 183 784279 Fax: +249 183 787617 E-mail: goutbi@yahoo.com Mr. Yevgen BEREZHNYI Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine 35 Uritsky Str. Kiev Tel: +38044 2063139 Fax: +38044 2063139 E-mail: berezhnoi2002@yahoo.ca United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Sweden Ms. Sarah BAGGOTT AEA Technology plc Netcen 551 Harwell Didcot Oxon OX11 0QJ Tel: +44 (0)870 190 6409 Fax: +44 (0)870 190 6386 E-mail: sarah.baggott@aeat.co.uk Ms. Kristina VON OELREICH Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Blekholmsterassen 36 Stockholm, 106 48 Tel: +46 8 689 10 12 Fax: +46 8 698 15 84 E-mail: Kristina.vonoelreich@naturvardsverket.se Ms. Sandra PETTERSSON Swedish Environment Protection Agency Blekholmsterassen 36 106 48 Stockholm Tel: +46 8 698 1172 Fax: +46 8 698 1584 E-mail: sandra.pettersson@naturvardsverket.se Ms. Joanne HALLIDAY DEFRA Zone, 3/A1 Ashdown House 123 Victoria St London SW1E6DE Tel: +44 (0)20 7082 8155 Fax: +44 (0)20 7082 8151 E-mail: joanne.halliday@defra.gsi.gov.uk Switzerland Dr. Paul FILLIGER SAEFL Worblentalstrasse 32 CH-3003 Bern Switzerland Tel: +41313226858 Fax: +41313230367 E-mail: paul.filliger@buwal.admin.ch Mr. John WATTERSON AEA Technology plc Netcen 551 Harwell Didcot Oxon OX11 0QJ Tel: +44 870 190 6594 Fax: +44 870 190 6386 E-mail: john.d.watterson@aeat.co.uk Turkey United States of America Ms. Goknil CILGIN Ministry of Environment and Forestry Eskisehir yolu 8.km. Lodumulu Ankara Turkey 06100 Tel: +90 312 287 99 63 Fax: +90 312 285 34 63 E-mail: gcilgin@yahoo.com Mr. Bill IRVING US Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW DC 20460 (6204J) Washington Tel: +1-202 343-9065 Fax: +1-202 343 2357 E-mail: Irving.Bill@epamail.epa.gov Ukraine 7 REPRESENTATIVES OF SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND RELATED ORGANIZATIONS WMO/UNEP/Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Mr. Simon EGGLESTON IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) 2108-11 Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama Kanagawa 240-0115 Tel: +81 46 855 3751 Fax: +81 46 855 3808 E-mail: eggleston@iges.or.jp Mr. Kiyoto TANABE IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) 2108-11 Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama Kanagawa 240-0115 Tel: (81-468)55-3750 Fax: (81-468)55-3808 E-mail: tanabe@iges.or.jp NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Climate Action Network International (CAN) Ms. Nashina SHARIFF The Toxics Watch Society of Alberta 522-24 Ave SW. Calgary, AB T2S0K4 Canada Tel: +1-403-998-9983 Fax: E-mail: nashina.shariff@toxwatch.ca Ms. Carmen DIENST Research Group - Future Energy and Mobility Structures Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy Doeppersberg 19 or Postbox 10 04 80 - 42004 Wuppertal 42103 Wuppertal Tel: Fax: E-mail: carmen.dienst@wupperinst.org Hamburg Institute of National Economics Ms. Felicia MÜLLER-PELZER Hamburg Institute of International Economics Neuer Jungfernstieg 21 20347 Hamburg Tel: +49 40 42 8340 Fax: +49 40 4283 4451 E-mail: felicia.mueller-pelzer@gmx.de Resource person 8 Mr. Michael GILLENWATER Environmental Resources Trust 1612 K. St., NW # 1400 Washington, DC 20010, USA Tel: +1-202 785 8577 E-mail: gillenwater@alum.mit.edu UNFCCC contacts Mr. Roberto ACOSTA MORENO Manager Methods, Inventories and Science - Inventories P.O. Box 260 124 D-53153 Bonn, Germany Tel.: (49-228)815-1419, Fax: (49-228)815-1999 E-mail: racosta@unfccc.int Ms. Clare Richelle BREIDENICH Programme Officer Methods, Inventories and Science - Inventories P.O. Box 260 124 D-53153 Bonn, Germany Tel.: (49-228)815-1525, Fax: (49-228)815-1999 E-mail: cbreidenich@unfccc.int Ms. Astrid OLSSON Programme Officer Methods, Inventories and Science - Inventories P.O. Box 260 124 D-53153 Bonn, Germany Tel.: (49-228)815-1450, Fax: (49-228)815-1999 E-mail: aolsson@unfccc.int 9