GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES DUBAI Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry Dept. of Civil Aviation Dept of HH the Ruler's Affairs and Protocol Affairs Dept of Ports and Customs Development Board DTCM Dubai Duty Free Dubai Economic Development Department Dubai International Airport Dubai Municipality Dubai Naturalisation & Residency Dubai Police & Traffic Department Dubai Police Headquarters Dubai Ports Authority Dubai Water & Electricity Co. Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority UAE General Information Authority UAE Radio and TV UAE State Audit Institution POB 1457 2525 207 63 4911 594 2525 3223 252 67 4333 1493 1493 17000 564 7000 13035 1695 5513 TEL 04 2280000 04 2066333 04 3531060 04 3459575 04 2216000 04 223 0000 04 2162453 04 2020201 04 2245555 04 2215555 04 3980000 04 2292222 04 2292222 04 3451545 04 3244444 04 8815000 04 2940909 04 3369999 04 2286000 AJMAN Ajman Free Zone Ajman Museum Ajman Police Ajman State Prosecutor Ajman TV Ajman Chamber of Commerce & Industry Economic General Postal Authority Land & Property Legal Adviser Management of Private Properties Municipality Petroleum & Mineral Resources Ports & Customs POB 932 2829 4 1682 422 662 870 760 95 415 980 3 739 388 TEL 06 7425444 06 7423824 06 7430094 06 7452772 06 7465444 06 7422177 06 7422122 06 7422257 06 7421606 06 7422122 06 7422711 06 7422331 06 7424245 06 7470111 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES ABU DHABI Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce & Industry Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity Authority Agriculture & Animal Production (Al Ain) Amiri Flight Civil Aviation Civil Service Commission Cultural Foundation Customs Deputy Prime Minister's Office Economics Dept Emirates Media Executive Council Federal Environment Agency Federal National Council Federation of UAE Chambers of Commerce & Industry Finance Department General Industry Corporation General Information Authority (Computer Bldg.) General Secretariat of UAE Municipalities Heritage & History Committee Marriage Fund Municipality National Consultative Council Organisation & Management Department POB 662 6120 1004 689 20 2350 2380 255 831 853 63 19 5951 836 3014 246 4499 3870 3774 605 44319 263 933 371 TEL 02 6214000 02 6943333 03 7634333 02 5757777 02 5757500 02 6268100 02 6215300 02 6730700 02 6651000 02 6318800 02 4455555 02 6666444 02 6777363 02 6812000 02 6214144 02 6651500 02 6214900 02 6652110 02 4444747 02 6434700 02 6311888 02 6788888 02 6726555 02 6215990 Planning Department Police Directorate General Presidential Court Protocol & Guest House Public Works Department Purchasing Department Seaport Authority Mina Zayed Shari'a Judicial Social Care & Minors Affairs Authority Social Services & Commercial Bldgs. Supreme Petroleum Council The Zayed Charitable & Humanitarian Foundation Town Planning Department UAE Administration Development Institute UAE Armed Forces GHQ UAE Central Bank UAE State Audit Institution UAE University Al Ain Water & Electricity Dept Zayed University 12 253 280 14 3 838 422 84 5853 3564 26555 41355 862 779 3755 854 3320 15551 219 4783 02 6727200 02 4461461 02 6652000 02 6652000 02 4434111 02 6212700 02 6730600 02 4448300 02 6459500 02 6310000 02 6020000 02 6814700 02 6780000 02 6654665 02 4414999 02 6652220 02 6448800 03 6669422 02 8839280 02 4453300 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES SHARJAH POB Administration and Control Department 201 Airport Authority 8 Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry 580 Civil Aviation 8 Commerce & Tourism Development Authority 2661 Committee of Administrative & Technical Development 4693 Culture & Information 5119 Customs Department & Ports 5100 Economics Dept 829 Endowments & Islamic Affairs 1087 Finance & Administration 201 General Postal Authority 4444 Hamriyah Free Zone 1377 International Airport 8 Islamic Centre 1087 Municipality 22 Petroleum & Mineral Affairs 188 Real Estate Registration 478 Ruler's Court (Al Diwan Al Amiri) 1 Sharjah Airport Free Zone (SAIF) 8000 Social Services Dept 4424 Television 111 Water & Electricity Dept 135 TEL 06 5541999 06 5581111 06 5688888 06 5581158 06 5562777 06 5545917 06 5541116 06 5281666 06 5734444 06 5727722 06 5541999 06 5722219 06 5263333 06 5581111 06 5727722 06 5623333 06 5541888 06 5623333 06 5733333 06 5570000 06 5725333 06 5661111 06 5288603 UMM AL-QAIWAIN Ahmed Bin Rashid Port and Free Zone Authority Immigration Dept Ministry of Electricity and Water Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Municipality Ruler's Court (Al Diwan Al Amiri) UAE General Postal Authority UAE Port & Customs. UAQ Chamber of Commerce and Industry UAQ General Hospital TEL 06 7655882 06 7666419 06 7655111 06 7660159 06 7656145 06 7656125 06 7656148 06 7655882 06 7651111 06 7656888 POB 279 461 Sharjah 792 6 12 225 4444 Dubai 279 436 24 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES RA’S AL-KHAIMAH Civil Aviation Dept Civil Defence Customs and Ports Dept Frontier and Coast Guard General Postal Authority Lands Dept Law Courts Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Ministry of Economy and Commerce Ministry of Electricity and Water Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Ministry of Public Works and Housing Nationality and Immigration Port Saqr RAK Chamber of Commerce and Industry RAK Free Trade Zone RAK International Airport RAK Municipality Ruler's Court (Al Diwan Al Amiri) UAE Central Bank POB 5214 5425 8 974 1900 221 10 60 901 301 116 458 155 5130 87 10055 501 4 1 5000 TEL 07 24481111 07 2288899 07 2333613 07 2276000 07 2333517 07 2332610 07 2331541 07 2461666 07 2278000 07 2288444 07 2337000 07 2332344 07 2273333 07 2668444 07 2333511 07 2280889 07 2448111 07 2332422 07 2282222 07 2284444 FUJAIRAH Civil Aviation Civil Defence Customs Department of Industry & Economy Department of Finance Fujairah Chamber of Commerce Industry & Agriculture Fujairah Free Zone Authority Fujairah Municipality Fujairah Tourism Board General Postal Authority Immigration Police Port of Fujairah Ruler’s Court (Al Diwan Al Amiri) Traffic Department POB 977 5 296 1 175 738 1133 7 829 766 5 5 787 1 5 TEL 09 2226222 09 2222501 09 2224335 09 2222111 09 2222111 09 2222400 09 2228000 09 2227000 09 2231436 09 2222235 09 2222727 09 2224411 09 2228800 09 2222111 09 2222748 FOREIGN EMBASSIES AND CONSULATES IN ABU DHABI COUNTRY POB TEL (02) Democratic & Popular Republic of Algeria 3070 444 8949 Republic of Argentina 3325 443 6838 Australia 32711 634 6100 Republic of Austria 3095 626 7755 State of Bahrain 3367 665 7500 Republic of Belarus 30337 445 3399 Kingdom of Belgium 3686 631 9449 Republic of Benin 3910 449 0999 Bosnia & Herzegovinia 43362 644 4164 Federative Republic of Brazil 3027 666 5352 Brunei Durassalam 5836 449 1100 Canada 6970 445 6969 People’s Republic of China Czech Republic Arab Republic of Egypt State of Eritrea Republic of Finland Republic of France Federal Republic of Germany Greece 2741 27009 4026 2597 3634 4014 2591 5483 443 4276 678 2800 444 5566 633 1838 632 8927 443 5100 443 5630 665 4847 FAX (02) 444 7068 443 1392 639 3225 626 7133 667 4141 445 1131 631 9353 444 4354 644 3919 632 7727 449 1567 445 8787 443 6835 679 5716 444 9878 634 6451 632 5063 443 4158 445 5712 667 3010 WEBSITE / EMAIL ADDRESS Republic of Hungary Republic of India Republic of Indonesia Islamic Republic of Iran 44450 4090 7256 4080 666 0107 449 2700 445 4448 444 7618 666 7877 4444 685 445 5453 444 8714 Republic of Italy Japan The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Republic of Kenya www.kenyaembassy South Korea State of Kuwait Republic of Lebanon Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiria 46752 2430 443 5622 443 5696 443 4337 443 4219 4024 3854 444 7100 666 6300 444 9157 665 2827 3270 926 4023 443 5337 444 6888 449 2100 443 5348 444 4109 449 3500 5739 445 0030 445 0033 FOREIGN EMBASSIES AND CONSULATES IN ABU DHABI COUNTRY POB TEL (02) Malaysia 3887 448 2775 Islamic Republic of Mauritania 2714 446 2724 Kingdom of Morocco 4066 443 3963 Kingdom of Netherlands 46560 632 1920 Kingdom of Norway 47270 621 1221 Sultanate of Oman 2517 446 3333 Islamic Republic of Pakistan 846 444 7800 State of Palestine 841 443 4652 Republic of the Philippines 3215 634 5664 Republic of Poland 2334 446 5200 FAX (02) 448 2779 446 5772 443 3917 631 3158 621 3313 446 4633 444 7172 443 4363 631 3559 446 2967 WEBSITE / EMAIL ADDRESS State of Qatar Romania Russian Federation Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Republic of Senegal The Slovak Republic Republic of Somalia Republic of South Africa 3503 70416 8211 4057 42052 3382 4155 29446 449 3300 666 6346 672 1797 444 5700 667 8544 632 1674 666 9700 633 7565 449 3311 665 1598 678 8731 444 8491 667 8355 631 5839 665 1580 633 3909 Kingdom of Spain Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Republic of Sudan Switzerland Embassy of Sweden 46474 626 9544 627 8974 46534 4027 46116 31867 642 6666 666 6788 627 4636 621 0162 642 8289 665 4231 626 9627 639 4941 Syrian Arab Republic United Republic of Tanzania Kingdom of Thailand Republic of Tunisia Republic of Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom 4011 43714 47466 4166 3204 45714 248 444 8768 665 0226 642 1772 681 1331 665 5421 632 7586 632 6600 444 9387 666 1613 642 1773 681 2707 666 2691 632 7506 631 8138 Republic of Yemen 2095 444 8457 444 7978 FOREIGN CONSULATES IN DUBAI COUNTRY Australia Bangladesh Bulgaria Canada China POB 9303 4336 72535 52472 9348 TEL (04) 331 3444 272 6966 344 1367 352 1717 398 4357 Comoros Denmark Eritrea Egypt Finland France Germany India Iran Italy Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kuwait Lebonon Libya Lithuania Malaysia Netherlands Norway Oman Panama Pakistan Qatar Romania Saudi Arabia Singapore South Africa Somalia Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Syria Switzerland Thailand Turkey Uzbekistan Vietnam Yemen United Kingdom UAE EMBASSIES AND CONSULATES Algeria 19 Freis Bel Hafid Hydra Alger P.O. Box 165, Algiers, Algeria Tel: + 213 21549677 Fax: + 213 21549666 Email: Australia Tel: + 612 62 868802 Fax: + 612 62 868804 Email: Austria Peter Jordan Strasse 66, A/1190, Vienna, Austria Tel + 43 1 368145556; Fax + 43 1 3684485 Email: Bahrain House No. 221, Road 4007 Complex 340 Manama, Bahrain 228 2988 2575 1042 3314 2247 727 2832 24910 9336 2787 14180 806 7800 33577 53859 4598 7726 8612 1898 2121 340 1877 1404 1876 15144 34800 23900 9350 51528 9219 7801 9300 51844 9221 53432 11457 1947 65 9655 222 7699 222 0323 397 1122 282 3338 332 9040 397 2333 397 1222 344 4717 331 4167 331 9191 397 0500 224 2462 228 4111 397 7450 344 4709 344 1644 335 5528 352 8700 353 3833 397 1000 226 3366 397 0412 398 2888 394 0580 397 5222 222 9788 397 5222 222 3030 331 3565 398 6535 345 7716 266 3354 329 0999 349 2863 331 4788 394 7400 349 6817 397 0213 397 1010 Tel + 973 17 748333 Fax + 973 17 717724 Bangladesh House No 41, Road No 113, Gulshan Model Town Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh Tel + 880 2 9882277 Fax + 880 2 8811983 Belgium 73 Av. F. Roosevelt 1050, Bruxelles, Belgium Tel + 32 2 640 6000 Fax + 32 2 646 2473 Brazil Shis Qi 05, Chacara 18, Brasilia, DF PO Box 71600, 790 CCP, Brasil Tel + 55 61 248 0717 Fax + 55 61 248 7543 Email: Canada Tel: +1 613 5657272 Fax: + 1 613 5658007 Email: China 191 Ta Yuan Diplomatic Office Building Beijing, Peoples’ Republic of China. Tel: + 86 10 653 27561 Fax: + 86 10 845 14412 Email: Egypt 4 Ibn Seena Street, Giza, Cairo, Egypt Tel: + 20 2 760 9722 Fax: + 20 2 570 0844 Email: France 3, Rue de Lota, 75116 Paris, France Tel: + 33 1 443 40200; Fax: + 33 1 47 55 61 04 Email: Germany Hiroshimastr. 18-20, D-10785, Berlin, Germany Tel: + 49 3051 6516 Fax: + 49 3051 6900 Email: Internet: Bonn Tel: + 49 228 267070 Fax: + 49 228 267 0775?_ Munich Tel: + 49 89 419 770 Fax: + 49 89 41079450 Hong Kong Tel: + 852 2866 1823 Fax: + 852 2866 1690 India E.P. 12 Chandra Gupta Marg Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021, India Tel: + 91 11 2467 0830 Fax + 91 11 2687 3272 Email: Mumbai Tel: + 91 22 5636 9543 Fax: + 91 22 5634 0404 Indonesia JI Singaraja, Block C4, KAV, 1617, Kuningan Timur Selatan 12950, PO Box 4859 Jakarta 12048, Indonesia Tel: + 62 21 5206518 Fax: + 62 21 5206526 Email: Iran Wali Asr Street Shaheed Waheed Dastakaardi Street No. 355 Tehran, Iran Tel: + 98 21 8788515 Fax: + 98 21 8789084 Bandar Abbas Tel: + 98 761 38712 Fax: + 98 761 575080 Italy Via Della Camilluccia 551, 00135 Rome, Italy Tel: + 39 06 3630 61005 Fax: + 39 06 3630 6155 Email: Japan 9-10 Nanpeidai-Sho, Shibaya-Ku, Tokyo 150 Tel: + 81 3 5489 0183 Fax: +81 3 5489 0813 Email: Singapore Tel: + 65 238 8206 Fax: + 65 238 0081 Email: South Africa 980 Park Street—Arcadia 0083 PO Box 57090—Arcadia 0007 Pretoria, South Africa Tel: + 27 12 3427736 Fax: + 27 12 342 7738 Email: Spain c/o Capitan Haya, 40-28020 Madrid, Spain Tel: + 34 91 570 1001 Fax: + 34 91 571 5176 Email: Sri Lanka Tel: + 9411 2565053 Fax: + 9411 2564104 Email: Sudan Al Amarat Extension, Street No. 3 PO Box 1225, Khartoum, Sudan Tel: + 249 11 471094 Fax: + 249 11 471110 Switzerland UAE Mission 58, Rue de Moillebeau, 1209 Geneva Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 9180000 Fax: + 41 22 7345562 Email: Syria Al Mahdi bin Buraka Street Abu Rumannah, Damascus, Syria Tel: + 963 11 3330308 Fax: + 963 11 3327961 Email: Thailand 82 Sengthong Thani Building, 25th Floor North Sathorn Road, Bangrak Bangkok 10500 THAILAND Tel: + 66 2 639 9820 Fax: + 66 2 639 9818 Email: Tunisia 9 Ashtrat Street, North of Hilton Hotel Belvedere 1002, PO Box 25, Tunis, Tunisia Tel: + 216 717 88888 Fax: + 216 717 88777 Email: Turkey Mahmut Yesari Sok No 10 Cankaya Ankara, Turkey Tel: + 90 312 447 5222 Fax: + 90 312 447 5545 Email: Istanbul Altzeren Sok No. 7, I. Levent, PO Box 105 Istanbul Turkey Tel: + 90 212 2798062 Fax: + 90 212 2790500 Turkmenistan Tel: + 99 312 450801 Fax: + 99 312 450784 Email: United Kingdom Embassy of the United Arab Emirates 30 Prince’s Gate London SW7 1PT Tel+44 20 75811281 Fax +44 20 75819616 Email: United States of America Embassy of the United Arab Emirates 3522 International Court, NW Washington DC 20008 Tel: + 1 202 363 3009 Fax: + 1 202 243 2432 Website: Cultural Division Tel: + 1 202 243 4444 Fax: + 1 202 243 4422 New York Tel: + 1 212 371 0480 Fax: + 1 212 371 4923 Yemen Circular Lane, Behind Central Security Building PO Box 2250, Sana’a, Yemen Tel: + 967 1 248778 Fax: + 967 1 248779 A P P E N D I X 103 Jordan 22 Tawfiq Abu Al Huda, 3rd Circle, PO Box 2623 Amman Mountain, Amman, Jordan Tel: + 962 6 593 4780 Fax: + 962 6 593 2666 Email: Cultural Attache Tel: + 962 569 6634 Fax: + 962 567 6635 Korea 5-5 Hannam-Dong Yougsan-Ku, Seoul, Korea Tel: + 82 2 790 3235 Fax: + 82 2 790 3238 Email: Kuwait Al Istiqlal Street, Embassy Area, Qaseema 7 Al Assaffa, PO Box 1828 Postcode 13019, Kuwait 13019 Tel: + 965 252 6356 Fax: + 965 252 6382 Email: Lebanon Al Jinah Ramlat Al Baidha, Beirut, Lebanon Tel: + 961 1 857000 Fax: + 961 1 857009 Email: Libya Qar Qaresh, Kilometre 7, PO Box 8726, Sidi Humooda Post Tripoli, Libya Tel: + 21 821 4832595 Fax: + 21 821 4832598 Email: Malaysia 12 Jalan Kenanji 2, 55000 Kuala Lumpor Malaysia Tel: + 603 4253 5221 Fax: + 603 4253 5220 Email: Mauritania House No. 401, Tafarugh Zeena Quarter Nouakchott, Mauritania Tel: + 222 5251 089 Fax: + 222 525 0992 Morocco PO Box 478, Al Alaween Street Rabat, Morocco Tel: + 212 37 702035 Fax: + 212 37 724145 Email: Netherlands Tel: + 3170 4162636; Fax: + 3170 4162752 Oman Diplomatic Area, Al Khuwair PO Box 551 code 111 and PO Box 335 code 113 Muscat, Oman Tel: + 968 600302 Fax: + 968 602584 Email: Pakistan Plot No 122, University Road Diplomatic Enclave, PO Box 1111 Islamabad, Pakistan Tel: + 92 51 2279052 Fax: + 92 51 2279063 Email: Karachi UAE Consulate 84 Clifton, Shahrahe Iran PO Box 8523, Karachi, Pakistan Tel: + 92 21 5824016 Fax: + 92 21 5824015 Philippines 2nd floor Renaissance Building 215 Salcedo St. Legas PI Village Makati, PO Box 2221 Metro Manila, Philippines Tel: + 632 817 3906 Fax: + 632 818 3577 Qatar 22 Al Markhiyah Street, Khalifa Northern Town PO Box 3099, Doha, Qatar Tel: + 974 4838880 Fax: + 974 4836186 Email: Russia Ulofa Palme Str., 4 Moscow CIS, Russia Tel: + 7 095 2374060 Fax: +7 095 2344070 Email: Saudi Arabia Diplomatic Area, Abu Bakr Al Karkhi Zone Amr bin Omayad Street, PO Box 94385, Riyadh 11693, Saudi Arabia Tel: + 966 1 4826803 Fax: + 966 1 4827504 Jeddah Osman Ibn Affan Street Al Sharqiyah Street, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Tel: + 966 2 651 1557, Fax: + 966 2 651 3246 ΧΡΗΣΙΜΕΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΕΙΣ Δ/ΝΣΕΙΣ ΔΙΑΔΙΚΤΥΟΥ ( ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΙ – ΠΡΟΚΗΡΥΞΕΙΣ ) 1. Ministry of Finance and Industry – 2. Dubai Department of Civil Aviation – 3. Emirates General Petroleum Corporation (EMARAT) – 4. Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority – 5. Dubai Electricity and Water Authority – 6. Dolphin Project – 7. Emirates Telecommunication Corporation (ETISALAT) – 8. Dubai Municipality – 9. Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Emirates Tender Sales Team – (Tel: +971 2 6348495, Fax: +971 2 6316465) 10. Sell 2 Arabia Sales Team – (Tel: +971 2 6348495, Fax: +971 2 6216465) 11. (Global Defence Industry) – - ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΕΣ Δ/ΝΣΕΙΣ ( ΤΟΠΙΚΟΙ ΦΟΡΕΙΣ ) ΠΡΕΣΒΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ ΣΤΑ ΗΑΕ: Road No 31, Al Moroor Area, Behind Bangladesh School / East 48 – Plot 141 P.O. Box 5483, Tel: 02 4492550, 024493119, Fax: 02 4492455, email:, website: - Ministry of Economy & Commerce - Abu Dhabi - Chamber of Commerce & Industry (P. O. Box 662,Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Chamber Tower, Corniche Road, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel : (971) 26214000 / Fax : (971) 26215867, website - Dubai - Chamber of Commerce & Industry P.O. Box 1457 Dubai, Tel: 222 1181, 228 0000 Fax: 221 1646, e-mail: , - Federation of the UAE Chambers of Commerce & Industry P.O. Box 3014 Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Tel : (971) 2-214144 / Fax : (971) 339210, GHURAF EM, P.O. Box 8886 Dubai, United Arab 235498, Telex : (0893) 48752 Abu Telex : (0893) 23883 Emirates, Tel : (971) 4-212977 / Fax : (971) GHURAF EM, , website - Fujairah - Chamber of Commerce & Industry P.O. Box 738, Fujairah, Emirates, Tel : (971) 9- 222400/ Telex : (0893) 89077, Fax : (971-9) United 221464, Arab website - Ras Al-Khaimah - Chamber of Commerce & Industry P.O. Box 87, Al Al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates, Tel : (971) 7-333511 / - Sabah St., Ras Telex : (0893) 99140 Sharjah - Chamber of Commerce & Industry Umm Al Quwain - Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 426, Umm Al quwain, United Arab Emirates, Tel : (971) 6-666915 / Telex : (0893) 69714, website - Umm Al Quwain - Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 426, Umm Al quwain, United Arab Emirates, Tel : (971) 6-666915 / Telex : (0893) 69714 - UAE Contractors Association (Ένωση Τεχνικών Εταιριών η οποία αριθμεί 460 μέλη), email: 6226, Al Ittihad Road- εταιρίες-, Dubai office, PO BOX Belhasa Building, Tel: 00971 4 2979559, Fax: 00971 4 2977848, Abu Dhabi Office, PO BOX 44925, Alhamra Centre, Tel: 00971 2 6711844, Fax: 00971 2 6711855, Sharjah Office, PO BOX 26887, Al Qasba Water Canal, Tel: 00971 6 5567444, Fax: 00971 6 5567447 - NAKHEEL LLC PO BOX 17777, Dubai, Tel. 00971 4 3903333, Fax 00971 4 3903314 - EMAAR PROPERTIES LLC Emaar Business Park, Building 3, PO BOX 00971 4 3673333, Fax 00971 4 367 3000, website -,email: Dubai Municipality – ΤΟΠΙΚΕΣ ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΕΣ ( Συντάκτες – Δημοσιογράφοι ) KHALEEJ TIMES : Mr. Burjor Patel, General Manager Tel.: 04 3384545, Fax.: 04 3387434 GULF NEWS : Mr. Francis Mathiew, Chief Editor Tel.: 04 3447100, Fax.: 04 3449139 GULF TODAY Mr. Vivek Anand, Chief Editor Tel.: 06 5777999, Fax.: 06 5777737 9440, Dubai,Tel. AL HAYAT PAN ARAB INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER: Mr. Abdelfatah Fayed, Journalist- Business Section Tel.: 04 3600891, Fax.: 04 3688180