
to the
Publication Ref: EuropeAid/133672/IH/SUP/TR
Subject: Establishment of a Distance Learning System for the Improvement of Enforcement Services
in Prisons
Location - Europe (non EU) / Turkey (TR)
The following clarifications are made to the Tender Dossier:
Question 1:
LOT 2, SPEC 2.1.1: This specification specify “integrated” projector with the board. Only SMART
BOARD product has this specification. Projector can be provided with infrared or digitizing camera
technology. But with touch screen technology, there is no need. For competition, “Integrated” should be
Answer 1:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.1.1.
Question 2:
LOT 2, SPEC 2.1.4: Gesture support for content interaction: Only SMART Board has this specification.
Answer 2:
Please note that there are different products available in the market which have similar features.
Question 3:
LOT 2, SPEC 2.1.5: "Optical sensors for pen tray, Different colors, change of colors”. Only SMART Board
has this spec. There is no need if the software in the board has opportunity to change the color.
Answer 3:
Please note that there are different products available in the market which have different definitions but
similar features. However, even if the software ensures this, it is important for the beneficiary that the
product has the feature specified in the technical specifications. Please also refer to Changes to Tender
Dossier No:1 item 2.1.5.
Question 4:
LOT 2, SPEC 2.1.7: Digitizing camera technology: Only SMART Board have this spec. Infrared and touch
screen technologies cannot be proposed by us for this tender. This must be as digitizing camera or infrared
or touch screen technology”.
Answer 4:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.1.7.
Question 5:
LOT 2, SPEC 2.8: Projector: with touch screen boards, the projector is not needed.
Answer 5:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.8.
Question 6:
Item 2.1.1.: This item fully order us to provide you a board with a “bundle” projector a must. This is only
“one” product in the market. There are products without projector or with a projector but not “bundle” in the
market. This is because that "Integrated to the Projector; either mounted together or working as an
integrated system” should be modified accordingly for a fair competition.
Answer 6:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.1.1.
Question 7:
Item 2.1.4: Gesture support for content interaction: these specs fully specify the “one” product: SMART
Board. This should be dropped for the fair competition.
Answer 7:
Please note that there are different products available in the market which different definitions but similar
Question 8:
Item 2.1.5. "Optical sensors for pen tray, Different colours, change of colours”. This spec also fully specifies
the “one” product: SMART Board. The other brands in the market cover this spec with bundle colour in the
software. The user can select the colour anytime via the software.
Answer 8:
Products that have different definitions but similar features are available in the market. However, even if
the software ensures this, it is important for us that the product has the feature specified in the technical
specifications. Please also refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.1.5.
Question 9
Item 2.1.7.Digitizing camera technology: this spec also fully specifies the “one” product: SMART
Board. There are other products in the market with infrared and touch screen technology. So this item
should be modified as "Digitizing camera or infrared or touch screen technology”.
Answer 9:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.1.7.
Question 10:
Item 2.8. Projector: this product can be proposed in the case that if the bidder offer infrared or digitizing
camera technology”. In case of touch screen, no need to provide the projector.
Answer 10:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.8.
Question 11:
EU country of origin for all goods within the scope of this tender is currently being required by article 4 of
Instructions to Tenderers document. We request a derogation of the rule of origin to be applied for the goods
specified under Lot 1as most of the IT goods are manufactured in non-EU countries, even the manufactures
are originated in EU. For example, a known enterprise, switching and videoconferencing products
manufacturer. Per our knowledge for example, there are no videoconferencing solutions manufacturer have
the manufacturing facilities located in EU. If derogation will be issued for this lot, the competition will be
significantly enhanced and necessary hardware could be obtained at a fraction of the cost in contrast to
current level of restricted competition.
Answer 11:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 1.3.
Question 12:
Please remove « S-Video » requirement, in items and to enhance competition/participation to
tender by multiple vendors.
Answer 12:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 items and
Question 13:,
Please clarify in; How the attendee will attend the session (interactive call Or Live streaming).
Answer 13:
The attendee will attend the session both through interactive call and live streaming depending on the
content of the training. Both ways should be available.
Question 14:
We are planning to tender for several lots. Kindly confirm that tendering for 2 or 3 lots is acceptable.
Answer 14:
The tenderer may submit a tender for one lot, several or all of the lots. Please refer to Changes to Tender
Dossier No:1.
Question 15:
We have read the available documents but we did not find indications about the maximum budget that is
available for the required services. Is it possible that this information is not available? Could you let us
know if and where to find it?
Answer 15:
Please be informed that maximum budget of the supply contracts are not disclosed according to PRAG
Question 16:
Instructions to Tenderers (c4b_itt_en.doc)
Chapter 4 “Origin”, paragraph 4.1 lines out that all goods
purchased under the contract must originate in a Member State of the European Union. Could you please
clarify whether the word “originate” means that for example software whose vendor is US-based originally,
but have affiliates in EU-member states can be purchased only through the affiliates in the EU?
Answer 16:
As stated in Article 4 of ITT, ‘origin’ means the place where the goods are mined, grown, produced or
manufactured and/or from which services are provided.
The term ‘origin’ is defined in the relevant EU legislation on rules of origin for customs purposes: the
Customs Code (Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92) in particular its Articles 22 to 24 thereof, and the
Code's implementing provisions (Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93).
The country of origin is not necessarily the country from which the goods have been shipped and supplied.
Two basic concepts are used to determine the origin of goods, namely the concept of “wholly obtained”
products and the concept of products having undergone a "last substantial transformation".
If only one country is involved in the production, the "wholly obtained" concept will be applied. In practice,
these goods wholly obtained in a single country shall be regarded as having their origin in that country. This
will be restricted to mostly products obtained in their natural state and products derived from wholly
obtained products.
If two or more countries are involved in the production of goods it is necessary to determine which of those
countries confers origin on the finished goods. For this purpose the concept of "last, substantial
transformation" is applied.
Please refer to Article 2.3 of PRAG (Practical Guide) for more detailed information.
Question 17:
Annex II + III: Technical Specifications + Technical Offer, page 46, Item No. 3.3 (Recordable Training
System) Could you please clarify what sort of system is meant here specifically? Is the system a recording
tool with a server-based video library? Is it going to record all virtual classroom training sessions?
Answer 17:
Yes, it is going to record all virtual classroom training sessions. However, it is not merely a recording tool
because it is also going to import and export data and keep the records of synchronized trainings.
Question 18:
We would like to remind you that, last date on which clarifications are issued by the Contracting Authority
is 25.07.2014. As known, there will be official holiday between 28-30 July. Since the preparation period of
the tender; which includes cost analysis, technical analysis and formal document preparation procedures
according to the corrigendum to be published; after clarifications are issued will be too short? Therefore, we
kindly request from Contracting Authority to postpone the deadline for submission of tenders for 10 days
Answer 18:
Since the contracting deadline of the project is 19.09.2014, it does not seem possible to postpone the
deadline for submission of tenders.
Question 19:
Annex II + III: Technical Specifications + Technical Offer, pages 42, 45, 47, Items No. 3.1.13, 3.2.4 and
3.3.11. (Compliancy): Could you please clarify what compliancy and integration with the National
Judiciary Informatics System (UYAP) Learning Management System (LMS) of Ministry of Justice of
Turkey means in this context? What sort of integration is planned here specifically?
Answer 19:
The system to be established is going to be run over UYAP network. The current UYAP learning
management system is only for UYAP screen trainings and the system to be established with this project
will only draw the users’ data from UYAP learning management system. The two systems have no further
relation. The requirements mentioned are pre-requisite for the proper integration; they are obligatory for all
systems that will run over UYAP network.
Question 20:
Item 4.1; there is an inconsistency between the durations of the animations and limit for the total animation
duration. In total, 17 animations (14x2d animations & 3x3d animations) are requested. Item 4.1.2 states
“Duration of animations: max 5 min each” and “Total duration max 20 min”. Whereas, in case of usage of
max. duration for each animation ( max. 5 min x 3pcs 3d animation), “Total duration max.20 min” cannot
be reached. Moreover, item 4.1.3 states “Duration of display scenes: max 5 min each” and “Total duration
max 3 h 50 min”. The same inconsistency occurs for the 2D animations (displays) also. (14X2d
animationX5 mins.) Please clarify.
Answer 20:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 items 4.1.2 and 4.1.3.
Question 21:
Item 4.1.2 states “3D Animations used and equipped with 3D-eyeglasses and gloves”. Are these 3Deyeglasses and gloves also requested? If so, what are the quantities? Please clarify.
Answer 21:
Yes, 3D-eyeglasses are requested but gloves are not requested. Please also refer to Changes to Tender
Dossier No:1 item 4.1.2.
Question 22:
Item 4.1.1 states “The contents and scenarios of the 17 animations mentioned above will be prepared and
provided by the Beneficiary”. Could you please confirm the contractor is not responsible for any of scenario
and content works? Are all dialogues and instructions in the animations will be provided by the beneficiary?
Please clarify.
Answer 22:
The Beneficiary is going to provide the topics and scenarios of the animations; however, the tenderer is
going to transform those topics and scenarios into animations with proper flow based on a dramatic structure
including dialogues. Throughout the preparation process of scenarios, the experts of the tenderer are
supposed contribute and share technical information or recommendation.
Question 23:
The “gloves” requested in the item 4.1.2 are a structure that is not being executed in Turkey. Removing
“gloves” term from the specification will be more suitable for application of the project.
Answer 23:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 4.1.2.
Question 24:
Item 4.1.2 states “2D and 3D graphic animation: should be modelled on After Effect Programme”. This
specification limits the producers for quality work and creativity. Programs such as Adobe Flash, 3D Max,
Maya or Blender are also having the features of After Effect Programme and enhance the producer’s
flexibility for creating qualified projects. Removing this item will enhance creativity and the project’s
execution quality.
Answer 24:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 4.1.2.
Question 25:
Item 4.2.2. states “By the technique of final cut work station”. This specification limits the producers for
quality work and creativity. Programs such as Adobe Premiere and equivalents also have the same quality
and features of “Final Cut” and enhance the producer’s flexibility for creating qualified projects. Removing
this item will enhance creativity the project’s execution quality.
Answer 25:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 4.2.2.
Question 26:
Item 4.3.4 states “3D Simulation based on Kinect X-box sensor device”. In Turkey, almost all end-users
have more tendencies to use Personal Computers with mouse. Since the X-Box does not have market share
as much as Personal Computers in Turkey, end-user (beneficiary personal) can have difficulties to use this
simulation for X-box sensor device. Removing “3D Simulation based on Kinect X-box sensor device” TS or
changing the TS as “3D Simulation based on Kinect X-box sensor device or PC” will increase both; the enduser capability and the application simplicity.
Answer 26:
Use of PC merely cannot fulfil the aim of the simulation. Please also refer to Changes to Tender Dossier
No:1 item 4.3.4.
Question 27:
During our preparation period, we have contacted with the best producers that have the best references.
These producers stated that; since the complexity of the project, which includes the preparation such as
stating the scenario & dialogues, intercommunication process with the beneficiary, making the final cuts
according to beneficiary’s additional requests; the implementation period (180 days) is not sufficient for a
quality work. Hence, we kindly request from Contracting Authority to increase the implementation period
from 180 days to 360 days.
Answer 27:
The implementation period remained unchanged but according to the provisions in Special and General
Conditions, implementation period may be extended if it is necessary.
Question 28:
 Operating System:
 Installation of applicable Server System OS (such as MS Windows 2008 server and later, as
well various as Linux and Unix operating systems (both 32 and 64-bit)).
 Office software package(s) with functions of
As known, due to the nature of x86 based server systems architecture, it is not possible to run UNIX based
operating systems on the x86 based server architecture which is requested in this tender. X86 based server
systems which is requested in this tender can only be hosted for Windows and Linux.
Therefore we kindly request the Contracting Authority to remove Unix operating system from the technical
specifications to provide attendance to this tender.
Answer 28:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item .
Question 29:
Lot 3: Software and E-learning Content
Please also give more detailed information about the technical infrastructure and your expectations between
your existing learning management system and the new system to be installed.
Answer 29:
The system to be established is going to be run over UYAP network. The current UYAP learning
management system is only for UYAP screen trainings and the system to be established with this project
will only draw the users’ data from UYAP learning management system. The two systems have no further
Question 30:
3.1 Learning Management System Software, qty 1 system with 5.000 user licenses
3.1.1 Main functionality features
3.1.7 Distribute and share educational materials such as animations, web objects, slides and videos
Please give more detailed information about the media to be uploaded.
Answer 30:
Learning management system is supposed to transform and upload any audio, virtual or textual materials
such as power point presentations, office documents, videos, animations, etc. to e-learning screens. This
feature or function is going to be open to the use of the technical team in the main centre. More bluntly, this
feature is not going to be open to the use of each of 5000 users.
Question 31:
3.1 Learning Management System Software, qty 1 system with 5.000 user licenses
3.1.11 Software features Text tool, word builder, punctuation tool, text-to-speech capabilities
Please give more detailed information about the above specification (What is the purpose for which you can
use etc.)?
Answer 31:
These features enable the training managers in the main centre who are responsible for e-learning contents
and screens to update, revise or transform the e-learning trainings and to make additions or subtractions,
which is essential for sustainability, development and quality assurance.
Question 32:
3.2 Virtual Classroom Software, qty 1 system with 300 user licenses Technical Scalability
· Online and simultaneous training capabilities to course participants
· Simultaneous users in initial phase max 24 people.
· Synchronized training: min 50 people, max 300 people Educational Dimensions:
· 10 people attending courses at each class
· 30 classes at 30 different prisons
There is uncertainty in the specification. Please give more detailed information about what is required
exactly. Please exactly state that which of the below do you require;
1- 30 pieces virtual classroom to be used simultaneously and/or different times.
2- 300 seat chamber of seminars
3- Classroom at each different prions (Total 30) with a max 10 participants at a SINGLE virtual session OR
Does each location will have independent virtual classes?
Answer 32:
The virtual classroom software that the tenderer is supposed to supply is supposed to enable simultaneously
maximum 5 different sessions and to enable the connection and attendance of 30 centres.
Question 33:
3.2.2 Main Functionalities Support of video communication:
· H.264 based high definition video conferencing
· View up to at least 3 simultaneous streams
· Integrated two-way VoIP audio
· Download online classroom presentations
It is requested communication support but the requested item is telepresence application. Please give more
detailed information what do you request exactly. Do you require integration with the video conferencing
Answer 33:
Integration with the video conferencing device is required. The software should enable the presentations
done online through video conference device to be used in virtual classes.
Question 34:
3.2.2 Main Functionalities Customization
· Create custom virtual classroom evaluation forms
· Drag and drop online presentation materials
· Course enrolment
What do you mean exactly about mentioning ‘Create custom virtual classroom evaluation forms’.
Please also note that the ‘’Drag and drop online presentation material’’ can only be supplied only one
manufacturer. You can also add materials for the item we want to propose but not drag and drop method.
Due to compatibility and more competitive tender, we ask you delete this specification.
Answer 34:
By customization, the user friendly or easily adaptable evaluation forms that are to be filled regularly are
meant. Please also refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item
Question 35:
3.2.2 Main Functionalities Centralized Management from the central location of Ankara, Turkey
Please confirm that you require central management only one centre (ANKARA) If not, please give more
detailed information.
Answer 35:
The centre of all e-learning and distance learning management system is going to be in Ankara.
Question 36:
3.4 Enriched E-Learning Content (screens), total qty 1.500
Main Purpose
3.4.2 A sum of 1500 e-learning screens under 26 courses should be produced. The relevant course texts and
scenarios that will be taught through these screens will be provided by the Beneficiary.
Please give more detailed information what do you mean exactly about saying “26 courses”. Is this
different requirement for the animation system requested in Lot 4? Please state exact requirement.
Answer 36:
There are 26 courses to be transformed into a total sum of 1500 e-learning screens. These courses are
relevant courses for the prison staff. The distribution of each of the 26 courses within 1500 e-learning
screens is going to be determined later. Average 55 e-learning screens will be allocated for each course. This
distribution may change depending on the size of the material or the content of the course. The animations
defined under Lot 4 are a part of the contents that will be used on 1500 e-learning screens. The animation
titles defined under Lot 4 refer to the topics of the animations. These animations do not necessarily exist in
26 courses. More than one animation can appear in one course. Some of the 26 courses may contain no
animations while some courses may contain more than one animation. The placement or distribution of the
animations under the courses will be determined by the Beneficiary.
Question 37:
Lot 4: Training Materials
Please also give more detailed information about the technical infrastructure and your expectations
between your existing learning management system and the new system to be installed.
4.1 Animations, total qty 17
4.1.2 Animation features:
· 3D Animations used and equipped with 3D-eyeglasses and gloves
Please give more information what is the purpose of glove.
Answer 37:
The system to be established is going to be run over UYAP network. The current UYAP learning
management system is only for UYAP screen trainings and the system to be established with this project
will only draw the users’ data from UYAP learning management system. The two systems have no further
relation. Please also refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 4.1.2.
Question 38:
4.1 Animations, total qty 17
4.1.5 Operational Capability and Infrastructure Database: For definition see data centre hardware item 1.4 Server System Platform.
Database for Animations with features:
· Information types collected and stored: Animation originals, Animation simulation runs by the users
· Launching Animations from the Database
Record and store events and scenes (i.e. specific Animation runs by the user) in a centralized and secure
Although the launching animations should be kept in a directory structure of file format, you request to be
kept in database. Please give more detailed information about this.
Answer 38:
The animations are expected to be prepared in such a way that they can be used as training materials both
for face-to-face trainings and e-learning trainings. However, since all data concerning e-learning system will
be stored in a centre, the materials to be prepared also should be suitable for being stored in that server.
Question 39:
4.1 Animations, total qty 17
4.1.6 Educational Material Compliancy
4.2 Videos, total qty 20
4.2.5 Educational Material Compliancy
4.3 Simulations, total qty 1
4.3.7 Educational Material Compliancy
Compliant and integrated with the National Judiciary Informatics System (UYAP) Learning Management
System (LMS) of Ministry of Justice of Turkey, meaning:
· Sites and LAN’s connected to each other with star topology network
· Web Service Infrastructure: database and data access in the HW, item 1.4 Server System Platform
UYAP LMS Web Server
· Authentication, SSO
· Development environment, SDK
· Info: Currently existing systems developed with Java
Please state exactly what do you mean about the integration to the UYAP, LMS System. Do you require
integration beyond the Authentication, SSO?
Please also give more detailed information about number of pages for animation, video and simulation.
Answer 39:
The system to be established is going to be run over UYAP network. The current UYAP learning
management system is only for UYAP screen trainings and the system to be established with this project
will only draw the users’ data from UYAP learning management system. The two systems have no further
relation. The requirements mentioned are pre-requisite for the proper integration; they are obligatory for all
systems that will run over UYAP network.
There are 26 courses to be transformed into a total sum of 1500 e-learning screens. These courses are
relevant courses for the prison staff. The distribution of each of the 26 courses within 1500 e-learning
screens is going to be determined later. Average 55 e-learning screens will be allocated for each course. This
distribution may change depending on the size of the material or the content of the course. The animations
defined under Lot 4 are a part of the contents that will be used on 1500 e-learning screens. The animation
titles defined under Lot 4 refer to the topics of the animations. These animations do not necessarily exist in
26 courses. More than one animation can appear in one course. Some of the 26 courses may contain no
animations while some courses may contain more than one animation. The placement or distribution of the
animations under the courses will be determined by the Beneficiary.
Question 40:
Lot 1: Hardware
1.1 Personal Computer Main item: Monitor ≥20’’ widescreen:
The changes requested: Should be at least 19.5"
Answer 40:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item
Question 41:
1.2 Laptop Main item: 64-bit CPU with minimum Passmark score of 7500 and released after January 2012
The changes requested: 64-bit CPU with minimum Passmark score of should be 7300 score and released
after January 2012
Answer 41:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item
Question 42: Main item: Express Card and card reader support
Clarification: There is no expressing the card entry in the new laptop.
The changes requested: Should be only card reader support
Answer 42:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item
Question 43:
There are no any manufacturers which are eligible for rules of origin. Please provide derogation for the
origin for these items.
Answer 43:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 1.3.
Question 44:
1.4 Server System Platform
12 Main item: Min 2 pcs 2 different power inputs. 2 pcs of PDUs (Power Distribution Units). Adequate
number of power bars with min 12 (twelve) power connections must be installed.
The changes requested: Pleased revised for this item, Min 2 pcs 2 different power inputs. 2 pcs of PDUs
(Power Distribution Units). Adequate number of power bars with min 10 (ten) power connections must be
Answer 44:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item
Question 45: Main item: TCP/IP offload engine
Clarification: TOE are Broadcom Technology, Fujitsu Intel ethernet cards are used in servers. TOE
technology counterpart in Intel card is IOAT.
The changes requested: Pleased revised for this item "TOE or IOAT".
Answer 45:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item
Question 46: Main item: Link Aggregation: Static and LACP IEEE 803.2ad
The changes requested: We kindly request the Contracting Authority to remove this item from the technical
specifications to increase the attendance to this tender.
Answer 46:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item
Question 47: Main item: IGMP snooping and filtering for multicast traffic: IGMP v.1, v.2 and v.3
The changes requested: We kindly request the Contracting Authority to remove this item from the technical
specifications to increase the attendance to this tender.
Answer 47:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item
Question 48: Main item: VLAN: At least 1024 VLANs. 802.1Q VLAN tagging
The changes requested: Please revise for this item VLAN: At least 802.1Q VLAN tagging
Answer 48:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item
Question 49: Main item: Installation of applicable Server System OS (such as MS Windows 2008 server and
later, as well as various Linux and Unix operating systems (both 32 and 64-bit)).
The changes requested: Please revise for this item: Installation of applicable Server System OS (such as MS
Windows 2008 server and late operating systems (both 32 and 64-bit)).
Answer 49:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item
Question 50:
1.5.1. Video Conference System Platform
Main item: Video Conference System General Features
· Video Conference System with embedded or connected separate MCU capabilities: Synchronous
session to at least 3 Training Center sites simultaneously from the central server site (1:3
· MCU extension upgrade capability: Technically feasible upgradability to any larger number of
synchronous sites up to 30 sites mandatory
QUESTION: MCU capacities are often tightly related with resolution and fps values. Please kindly inform
us about the MCU capabilities’ resolution. such that:
-Synchronous session to at least 3 Training Centre sites simultaneously from the central server site (1:3
sessions) at 1080p/30f
-MCU extension upgrade capability: Technically feasible upgradability to any larger number of
synchronous sites up to 30 sites at 1080p/30f mandatory
Answer 50:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item
Question 51:
Main item: Meeting control and recording
· Control and view meeting participants, invitations
· Conference time management
· Web-based or networked scheduling of video conferences (calendars)
· Recording of calls and video connections
QUESTION: How many concurrent sessions will be recorded by the system?
Answer 51:
Maximum 5 concurrent sessions are planned to be conducted and recorded.
Question 52:
1.5.3. Video Conference Meeting Room
1.6.2. Video Conference Meeting Room Picture-In-Picture mode Picture-In-Picture mode
The changes requested: We kindly request the Contracting Authority to remove this item from the technical
specifications to increase the attendance to this tender.
Answer 52:
Please stick to Technical Specifications.
Question 53:
Lot 2: Intelligent White Board
2.1.1. Main item: Screen area: Larger than 140 cm x 100 cm
The changes requested: Screen Area: Larger than 156 cm x 117 cm
Answer 53:
Screen area specifications are indicated as minimum dimensions. Please stick to Technical Specifications.
Question 54:
2.1.7. Main item: Digitizing camera technology
The changes requested: Digitizing camera technology: Four-camera DViT(Digital Vision Touch)
Answer 54:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.1.7.
Question 55:
2.7. Main item: Remote control ( a-Power and volume control from one location (trainer), b-Control panel:
centralized control over classroom)
Could you please provide clarification for this item? Do you want to control all the device in the classroom
from one location and over classroom?
Answer 55:
A remote control to be used by trainer for volume and power control and a control panel over classroom to
control all the device are required.
Question 56:
2.8.2. Main item: 1500 ANSI lumens brightness
The changes requested: at least 2800 ANSI Lumens brightness
Answer 56:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.8.2.
Question 57:
2.8.3. Main item: 2000:1 contrast ratio
The changes requested: at least 2900:1 contrast ratio
Answer 57:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.8.3.
Question 58:
2.8.4. Main item: Aspect ratios: 16:10 (native) with support to 16:9 and 4:3
The changes requested: Aspect ratios : 4:3 (native) with support to 16:9 and 16:10 2900:1 contrast ratio
Answer 58:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.8.4.
Question 59:
Installation of RDBMS Server System for Distance Learning System (DLS) applications (for items1.5, 3.1,
3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3):
System can be 2 tier, 3-tier, n-tier in clustered or distributed configuration, using single or multiple back-end
database(s), using data center hardware item 1.4 Server System Platform.
For chosen architecture anticipate and calculate all needed licences (e.g. RDBMS Client at items 1.1—1.2,
Server OS, Appl. Server, Appl. Components, SDK, etc.).
Chosen system solution architecture and integration with compatible items (see below as specified for this
item) shall be described.
Will RDBMS which mentioned in this item be provided by the contractor or not?
If RDBMS will be provided by the contractor, Open Source RDBMS architectures which satisfy all
requirements are acceptable or not?
Answer 59:
RDBMS mentioned in the item will be provided by the Contractor. As long as the requirements in the
technical specifications are satisfied, Open Source RDBMS architectures are acceptable.
Question 60:
The Integration
Related Items: All items named ""Compatibility and Integrated Functionality with Items"
All the hardware and software systems defined in all of the lots are asked to be compatible with each other.
This means that full integration among these systems will be realized. However, the tender has been divided
into four different lots and different tenderers can be awarded for each of these lots. In this case, we need the
clarification for the responsibility of the main integration of these systems.
Answer 60:
Primarily, the compatibility is being sought within the each lot separately. On the other hand, all tenderers
that lots will be awarded are responsible for realizing the required integration specified in the technical
specifications. Therefore, even if each lot is awarded to a different tenderer, they are supposed to work in
cooperation and coordination under the guidance of the Beneficiary.
Question 61:
The Hardware Compatibility
Related Items: 1.4 Server Systems Platform
The server platform in item 1.4 has been defined to provide the storage and database facilities for distance
system software and all of the contents. Moreover, it will run all the applications that has been defined in
lots 3 and 4. However; for the best performance; the training software may have some dependencies to the
hardware that it runs on. For this reason; we offer items 1.3 Switch and 1.4 Server System Platform to be
removed from Lot 1 and included under Lot 3.
Answer 61:
Switch and server system platform have to be compatible and integrated with all items listed under 1.4.7.
The tenderer is responsible for realizing this compatibility in line with the technical specifications. No
changes between the lots are required.
Question 62:
Clarifications and Demands about Lot 1
Related Item:
The PCs have been asked to be compatible with video conference system software application or endpoint
client. However, video conference software application or endpoint client means two-way communication
although it is stated in the item that one-way video stream is enough. The solution can be supplied by a
stream server which gets the online content from the video conference recording server. A stream player
will run on the PCs. We'd like to have a clarification about the applicability of this scenario.
Answer 62:
One-way video broadcasting is meant only for PCs. The main centre will be able to send/broadcast videos
but the PCs will not be able to broadcast videos. However, this does not refer to a one-way communication.
The only one-way interaction is about video broadcasting. However, video conference rooms defined under
the Item 1.6 to be established in 30 centres will be able to two-way audio-visual communication.
Question 63:
Related Item: 1.2
This item states that the prison staff will participate in, supervise and follow virtual training courses
conducted with video conference system. We'd like you to clarify if the staff will supervise online or offline
courses. If it is the online courses, extra MCU resources will be needed. If it is the offline courses, then the
training software will have to deal with the supervising.
Answer 63:
The prison staff is going to participate in both online and offline courses. No extra MCU unit will be
Question 64:
Related Item: 1.4
The server system platform has been stated to store the training data for 10 years. However, no criteria have
been stated for scaling the storage capabilities. The training data may exceed the storage limit (defined in
item in several years, so we need your clarification in extra store need. Moreover, 10 years time
exceeds the warranty period, so the beneficiary will have to purchase extra hardware support package for the
coming years.
Answer 64:
Capacity issues after the commercial & contractor warranty period regarding the mentioned item will be
under the responsibility of the Beneficiary.
Question 65:
Related Item: 1.4
It has been stated that the telecom operator from the connectivity and adequate bandwidth. We'd like to
remind you that the network operations under the operator's responsibility is extremely vital for the health of
the system. We need clarification about the responsibility of the delays if the telecom operator fails to
supply the network connectivity.
Answer 65:
All the system will be run over UYAP network. The system to be established by this project is already going
to be supported by UYAP in all locations. No other operator than UYAP is required or allowed (due to
security issues). The Beneficiary will be responsible for the delays that may stem from the infrastructures.
Question 66:
Related Item: 1.5 .1.1
We'd like to have a clarification about the MCU capability defined under item How many ports is an
MCU supposed to have?
Answer 66:
Port number of MCU will not be important as long as the requirements defined under the Item the
first and second bullets are satisfied.
(Video Conference System with embedded or connected separate MCU capabilities: Synchronous
session to at least 3 Training Center sites simultaneously from the central server site (1:3 sessions) at
at least 720p/30f.
MCU extension upgrade capability: Technically feasible upgradability to any larger number of
synchronous sites up to 30 sites at at least 720p/30f mandatory)
Question 67:
Related Item
The MCU upgrade capability has been defined under this item. However, we'd like to have a clarification on
the additional MCU ports. Will extra ports be purchased by the beneficiary in the future when needed or will
the MCU be offered as 30 ports during the tender process?
Answer 67:
Port number of MCU will not be important as long as the requirements defined under the Item the
first and second bullets are satisfied. Extra port to be needed in the future is not within the scope of this
tender. It will be under the responsibility of the Beneficiary.
Question 68:
Related Item: 1.5.1
All the video conference rooms are stated to be a codec-based system i.e. all sites including the central room
will have two-way communication capabilities. This means that all participants can join the conference by
sitting in the room and join the lesson in the class by two-way video conference system. In this scenario, we
need a clarification about the need of one-way live broadcasting of video conference sessions to the PCs.
Answer 68:
One-way video broadcasting is meant only for PCs. The main centre will be able to send/broadcast videos
but the PCs will not be able to broadcast videos. However, this does not refer to a one-way communication.
The only one-way interaction is about video broadcasting. However, video conference rooms defined under
the Item 1.6 to be established in 30 centres will be able to two-way audio-visual communication.
Question 69:
Related Item: 1.5.4
The network administration is under the control of the IT staff of the beneficiary and the telecom operator.
Because all sites are in different locations, a VPN infrastructure will be required for the connectivity
between remote sites and the central systems. In this scenario, the star topology defined under this item will
also be the responsibility of the beneficiary and the telecom operator. We'd like to ask for a clarification
about the tenderer's involvement in network topology.
Answer 69:
All the system will be run over UYAP network. The system to be established by this project is already going
to be supported by UYAP in all locations. No other operator than UYAP is required or allowed (due to
security issues). All the responsibilities concerning UYAP network belongs to the Beneficiary.
Question 70:
Related Item:
No information has been given about UYAP LMS infrastructure, with which the video conference system
integration is demanded. We'd like to get more information about the desired integration with video
conference system platform and UYAP LMS system.
Answer 70:
The system to be established is going to be run over UYAP network. The current UYAP learning
management system is only for UYAP screen trainings and the system to be established with this project
will only draw the users data from UYAP learning management system. The two systems have no further
relation. The requirements mentioned are pre-requisite for the proper integration; they are obligatory for all
systems that will run over UYAP network.
Question 71:
Related Item:
The "API" compliancy has been stated under this item. For which integration will these APls be used for?
Who will supply the workforce in case integration by using these APls is demanded any time by the
Answer 71:
The "API" compliancy is one of the requirements for working on UYAP. The beneficiary will supply the
workforce in case integration by using these APls is demanded.
Question 72:
Video Conference System Platform
Video Conference Room Features
Can the components in 1 .5 and 1.6 be different brands?
Answer 72:
The compatibility of items is required.
Question 73: Support of video communication:
• H.264 based high definition video conferencing
• View up to at least 3 simultaneous streams
• Integrated two-way VoIP audio
• Download online classroom presentations
Exactly what is required with following item:, View up to at least 3 simultaneous streams.
Answer 73:
5 of the 30 centres where the system will be established are training centres. There can be simultaneous
sessions organized and supervised from these 5 training centres but maximum number of those simultaneous
sessions will be 3 at most.
Question 74:
White Board
• integrated to the Projector; either mounted together or working as an integrated system
• Alignment of projector image on white board
• Screen area: Larger than 140 cm x 100 cm
• Wall- mounting capabilities
Do the projector and the camera must be the same brand? Do the projector and the camera must power
on/off by the same button? Would it must be integrated to the white board and they must be the same brand.
Screen area: 168 cm x 130 cm
Answer 74:
The compatibility of items is required. Screen area is requested in minimum dimensions. Better
specifications could be proposed. Please also refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.8.1.
Question 75:
Multi touch capabilities
• Mouse functions with finger
• Capability to write and erase digital ink on board with pen
• Multiple users
There are multi-touch features with 2, 4 or 8 touches. Is it enough if it has only 2 touch feature.
Answer 75:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.1.2.
Question 76:
2.1.8. Classroom management SW:
• Class / group guiding
• Individual participant support
What are the features of this software?
Answer 76:
Intelligent white boards are already endowed with these software features. For example, they are equipped
with features that enable trainer to separate the trainees into pairs or groups for various tasks or hand out
exams with different groups of questions. The intelligent white boards usually own the technical features
enabling such classroom management skills.
Question 77:
Speaker/ Integrated Sound:
Speaker/Sound capabilities, connected and integrated to the
Intelligent White Board system
• Speaker/Sound interfaces, cabling and connectors
• Audio system
Does it have to be same the brand with the white board?
It must be integrated to the board and same brand and they must power on/off by same button.
Answer 77:
Compatibility of items is required. Please also refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.5.
Question 78:
Remote control
• Power and volume control from one location (trainer)
• Control panel: centralized control over classroom
Will all classes be controlled from a remote central location or only white board will be controlled from
table etc. in the classroom?
Answer 78:
Classes will be open to control from a centre through Learning Management Service but the intelligent
boards will be controlled from within/inside the classroom.
Question 79: Technical Scalability
• Online and simultaneous training capabilities to course participants
• Simultaneous users in initial phase max 24 people.
• Synchronized training: min 50 people, max 300 people
Do 300 concurrent users receive training in virtual classroom? If so, how many virtual classrooms required?
How many concurrent users will receive training on the system?
Answer 79:
Maximum 300 participants will participate / attend classes concurrently. There will be maximum 5 different
virtual classes that can work concurrently.
Maximum 300 participants will receive training concurrently.
Question 80:
Banks complicate giving “performance guarantee” in Euro currency. Can you inform us about the way that
we should follow getting “performance guarantee” in Euro currency for the projects financed by Europe
Answer 80:
Performance guarantees should be in compliance with the template (Annex V) including the currency of
Euro. Both domestic and foreign banks provide performance guarantee in Euro.
Question 81:
Can you inform us about formal process of procuring the “Tender Dossier”?
Answer 81:
Tender dossier is published on the EuropeAid website at and the CFCU website at
Question 82:
3.1 – In this article, desktop application using to create content for distance learning system was described.
There are 2 applications having these requirements at sector; Adobe Captivate and Articulate Storyline.
How many licenses will be necessary if one of these programs is demanded?
Answer 82:
Maximum 10 licences will be sufficient. Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 3.1.11.
Question 83:
3.1 - Integration of “Video Conference System Platform” and “Video Conference Room” described in
Can be performed by manually (because the product is not clear); this solution is suitable?
Answer 83:
A manual solution for integration is suitable.
Question 84: - There will be 30 classes in each prison and 10 people in each class; which means 300 people. One
licence will be enough for all participants?
Answer 84:
There has to be licences as many as the number of participants, which will be maximum 300.
Question 85:
3.2.1 - Specifications of Virtual Classroom Software listed in 3.2.1 are covered by 3 programs; Adobe
Connect, WizIQ and WebEx. Is there a special demand to use one of these softwares?
Answer 85:
The specifications are detailed according to needs of the beneficiary regardless of list of the model/brand.
Question 86:
3.2.4 - The integration process described in is projected as, Virtual Classroom is going to be
integrated to Learning Management System and Learning Management System is going to be integrated to
the National Judiciary Informatics System (UYAP). This schema is suitable for you?
Answer 86:
If proper integration with UYAP is achieved without any risks or defects, this or any other schema is
Question 87:
3.3 - The features describe in 3.3.1 (Recording of training activities) and 3.3.2 (Video hosting of recorded
training) are a part of our Virtual Classroom Software.
Answer 87:
The features described in 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 are mandatory features of recordable training software mentioned
in item 3.3.
Question 88:
4.1.2 - “Animations used and equipped with 3D-eyeglasses and gloves” sentence which is written in article
4.1.2 is not clear enough because after the first item “2D and 3D graphic animation: should be modelled on
After Effect Programme” is written in the same article to describe animations features. After Effect is a
post-production program and has no capability to create interactivity for animations. At this point, can you
describe the first item of 4.1.2?
Answer 88:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 4.1.2.
Question 89:
4.3 – While Simulations specifications were described, on MS Kinect X-box sensor device pronounced in
4.3.4 (3D Simulation based on MS Kinect X-box sensor device). MS Kinect X-box sensor produced to
capture and process articulations. When the environments described in the scenarios are considered; some
articulations should be defined in the animation to prove participants’ moving and interaction with objects
(4.3.4 “Move around environment, interaction with people, objects, electronic devices and learning support
tools”). When the participators turn his/her body, their head must be faced to screen/visual source because if
s/he turns his/her head; screen/visual source will stay at the same place and s/he will have to turn her/his
head to screen/visual source to watch the animations/simulation. In other words, even s/he turns her/his
body; her/his head must be faced to screen. Using Razer Hydra will be more effective for controlling hands
in the simulations. Hydra detects positions of the hands in the space and sends it to simulation. More
interaction activity can be programmed easily because of the keys and the six way joystick of Razer Hydra.
At this point; using Razer Hdyra instead of MS Kinect is possible?
Answer 89:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 4.3.4.
Question 90: Multimedia support: any video import, incl. from webcam
You can import video formatted files to LMS. Recording from webcam or broadcasting webcam input are
some specific functions related to virtual classroom software (not related to LMS's).
Answer 90:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item
Question 91: Screen capture and recording
These functions are also related with virtual classroom software, not LMS.
Answer 91:
The function for the participants’ ability to record and save an e-learning screen through LMS should be
Question 92: Text tool, word builder, punctuation tool, text-to-speech capabilities
These functions are related with content development tools, they don't exist in LMS solutions. Text files can
be imported to LMS software but such word processor capabilities are out of LMS scope.
Answer 92:
Pre-organized or pre-developed text files will be imported to LMS and LMS should be able to transform
these text files into e-learning screens.
Question 93: Content publishing to Microsoft Word, Web and DVD/CD
These functions are out of LMS scope. An LMS should provide importing allowed file extensions to serve
learners, nor exporting content to various extensions.
Answer 93:
It is mandatory that LMS software enables the contents in the e-learning screens to be printed text files, to
be copied to web-site or to be published as DVD/CD.
Question 94: SCORM 1.2 and 2004 compliant
Scorm 1.2 is the old and unpopular version 01 SCORM standards. Only the updated, more effective and
widely accepted version SCORM 2004 (or at least only one version) could be asked from LMS' providers,
instead of asking bath versions.
Answer 94:
This requirement is determined by UYAP conditions. The change recommended is not accepted.
Question 95:
4.1 Allow active participation in the learning process by the users (i.e. prison staff)
The extension of 2D and 30 animations are expected in MPEG4 format in term 4.1.3, which allows no
interaction. If "active participation" means to be expecting any interactions, there would be a conflict.
Answer 95:
Animations containing active participation can be out of MPEG4 format. Please also refer to Changes to
Tender Dossier No:1 item 4.1.3.
Question 96:
4.2 Duration of animations: max 5 min each, total duration max 20 min.
Total duration should be max 15 min., since there are only 3 3D animations, each of which is expected to be
max 5 min.
Answer 96:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 4.1.2.
Question 97:
4.1.2 3D Animations used and equipped with 3D-eyeglasses and gloves
Is it possible to give more information about usage of gloves?
Answer 97:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 4.1.2.
Question 98:
4.1.3 Duration of display scenes: max 5 min each, Total duration max 3 h 50 min
Total duration should be max 70 min., since there are only 14 2D animations, each of which is expected to
be max 5 min.
Answer 98:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 4.1.3.
Question 99:
About video production in LOT 4: Is voice-over allowed or is it needed to capture real voice?
Since we don't know the details of video scenarios, would it be correct if we assume at most 3 professional
players to cast per video?
Answer 99:
This will be decided later, in the preparation process of scenarios. Both options are possible for the time
being. The contractor is responsible for providing the “cast” which are need in line with scenarios.
Question 100:
Main features
Integrated to Intelligent White Board; either mounted together or working as integrated system
Alignment of projector image on the Intelligent White board
Input switching e.g. between educational materials and classroom interactive learning situations
Capability to adjust brightness, contrast and image-related attributes
Video System compatibility: HDTV, HDMI, PAL
Offered specification:
Same brand with Intelligent White Board
Power on/off by same button.
Answer 100:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.8.1.
Question 101:
1500 ANSI lumens brightness
Offered specification: At least 3300 ANSI lumens brightness
Answer 101:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.8.2.
Question 102:
2000: I contrast ratio
Offered specification: “Minimum 2000:1 contrast ratio”
Answer 102:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.8.3.
Question 103:
Aspect ratios: 16:10 (native) with support to 16:9 and 4:3
Offered specification: Aspect ratios: 4:3 (native) with support to 16:9 and 16:10
Answer 103:
Please refer to Changes to Tender Dossier No:1 item 2.8.4.
All terms and conditions of the Tender Dossier remain unchanged.