Reading list for D&C

Reading list for Demand and Capacity
The Goal
Eliyahu M Goldratt and Jeff Cox
Gower Press
Second Edition 1999
ISBN 0-566-07418 - 4
The 80 20 Principle
Richard Koch
The secret of achieving more with less
Nicholas Brealey Publishing
1st edition 2000
ISBN 1-85788-168-0
Operations management
Slack Chambers Harrison Harland Harrison
and Johnstone
2nd Edition FT Pitman publishing
ISBN 0273-626688-4
The 5th Discipline and The 5th Discipline
Field Guide
Peter Senge
Nicholas Brealey publishing
ISBN 1-85788-069-9
The Tipping Point
Malcolm Gladwell
ISBN 0-349-11346-7
Theory of constraints
Eliyahu M Goldratt
Lean Thinking
James Womack and Daniel Jones
Touchstone Books
ISBN 0-684-81976-7
Breaking the constraints to world class
H William Dettmer
American Association for Quality
1st edition 1998
ISBN 0-87389-437-5
Queuing Methods for Services and
Randall Hall
SPC Books
"Understanding Variation: The Key to
Managing Chaos (2nd Edition)"
Donald J. Wheeler;
SPC Press
ISBN 00-945320-35-3
"Understanding Statistical Process
Donald J. Wheeler, David S. Chambers;
SPC Press
ISBN 0-945320-13-2
Measuring quality improvement in
healthcare: A guide to statistical
process control applications (1995)
Raymond G Carey PhD and Robert C. Lloyd
ISBN 0-527-76293-8
Statistical Method from the Viewpoint
of Quality Control
Walter A. Shewhart, W. Edwards Deming
“Statistical Process Control In The
Mal Owen & John Morgan
Greenfield Publishing
ISBN 0-9523328-4-1
Statistical process control for
healthcare (2002)
Marilyn K hart , Robert K hart
ISB 0-534-37865-X
Duxbury Thompson Learning
K Silvester
Reading List for Demand and Capacity 080802 V13.doc
Hospitals get serious about operations
The McKinsey Quarterly 2001 No.2
Paul D Mango and Louis A Shapiro
Enhancement of Care:
A Tool to Optimize Patient Flow Patterns in a Community Hospital
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality.Improvement Volume 28 p.31.
John D. Rozich, MD, PhD, MBA and Roger K. Resar, MD
Address for Correspondence and Reprints:
John D. Rozich
Luther Midelfort, Mayo Health System, Eau Claire, WI 54703
Modernising the NHS: Patient care: access
Mark Murray
BMJ 2000; 320: 1594-1596. [Full text]
For Richard Steyn's models and the presentation for the crash course for NHS leaders
visit the new web site at
Statistics health warning - these models can only be used to demonstrate the principles
of demand and capacity as they have been constructed using uniform distribution curves.
Real demand and capacity does not necessarily follow a uniform distribution curve.
Different models have been tested using different distribution cReading list for DC
080802 v13urves and the concepts presented during the course still apply.
NHS Modernisation Agency
This will take you to all the collaboratives and other programmes run by the NHS
modernisation agency. For example primary care, clinical governance, changing workforce
programmes, beacons etc.
Redesign Team – we now have our own homepage at
Modernisation Agencys' Guides
'A step by step guide to improving outpatient services' at (under
publications) tells you how to start tackling a backlog in outpatients but the principles
apply at a bottleneck anywhere.
National patients' Access Team
Department of Health
Institute of healthcare improvement
This is a not for profit organisation set up by Professor Don Berwick and based in
Boston. They help set up and run many collaborative style programmes across the USA
and world wide. They have a dynamic web site with information about improvement
programmes and several case studies.
K Silvester
Reading List for Demand and Capacity 080802 V13.doc