AAAAALesson plans - AP English Literature

AP Literature Lesson Plans
Tuesday 1
Pol. and Proc.
Discuss summer assignment—thoughts and feelings
Turn in all today; look up first 5 vocab words and use in sentences
Wednesday 2
Exchange and grade another’s vocab assignment; quiz on Friday
Journal: my strengths in writing (highlight in pink) my weaknesses (highlight in yellow)
Thursday 3
Do a sample AP essay question
Friday 4
Quiz on first five vocab; due next five for Monday
Go over essay from yesterday; hand out “What AP readers long to see.” Read someone else’s and look for
those things
Tuesday 8
Discuss in-class essay, what did you grade yourself? How could you improve? Next draft due Thursday!
Perrines: pages 61-67 taking notes (elements of fiction); discuss as a class. Read “The Most
DangerousGame” while taking notes (questions, vocabulary, comments, things you like and dislike) using
sticky notes.
Wednesday 9
Foster assignment due (Late ones!) Use notes and story to answer questions with a partner. Write out
answers. Discuss as a class. Read “Hunters in the Snow” while taking notes again with sticky notes. Answer
4 of the eight questions, your choice
Thursday 10
Exchange essay with someone; discuss together, then with another partner, then as a class. Read Pages 100102; Assign: Do #1 on page 102 for tomorrow (level 1).
Friday 11
Quiz on vocab: use all 10 in an in-class essay: compare and contrast the two stories addressing characters,
plot, setting and point of view. For your last paragraph, make an opinion statement about your own thoughts
and feelings for each story.
Discuss findings from #1 as a class. Hand in essay. Assign: read Plot and structure pages103-111, taking
notes. Read “The Destructors” for Monday taking sticky note notes. Be ready to discuss
Monday 14
Quiz on Plot and structure and “The Destructors” (with notes). Discuss as a class.
Tuesday 15
Novel assignments due (late ones!) ; Read aloud “Interpreter of Maladies” pages 141-159, take sticky notes
AP Literature Lesson Plans
Wednesday 16
Thursday 17
Finish the story; answer questions 1-8 with a partner. Vocab test tomorrow
Friday 18
Vocab test, first five words; finish questions on story; discuss as a class
Assign: next five words for vocab and choose one of the writing activities to do for Monday, level on (page
Monday 21
Compare vocab—test Friday. Discuss writing activity with partner and prepare a second draft for tomorrow
(level two). Intro allusions assignment
Tuesday 22
Exchange second draft with a different partner; write a third draft for tomorrow (your best!)
Choose allusions assignment due next Monday 9/28; begin working on this
Wednesday 23
Read aloud characterization on pages 161-166 while taking notes. Assign “Everyday Use” for tomorrow.
Remind to work on allusion assignment
Thursday 24
Review vocabulary words 1-10 for test tomorrow. Assign groups of two one of the questions on page 174;
write out answers then share with class.
Friday 25
Vocabulary test 1-10; discuss the story. Work on allusions assignment for Monday!!
Monday 28
Check on allusions assignments; done?? Plan presenting days. Next 5 vocabulary for test on Friday. Get
into groups of three to choose either #1 or #2 on page 187 to work on together in class.
Tuesday 29
Continue to work on page 187; present to class and discuss story.
Wednesday 30- Friday October 2
Present allusions assignments; vocab test on 1-15
Assign outside novel of choice and Beowolf
Reading Day; lit terms handout
In-class essay on outside novel
Discuss literary terms handout from Monday; literary terms quiz on Friday
Read aloud pages 50-51 (purple book); discuss “Elegy”
AP Literature Lesson Plans
Assign: pages 54-57, write two riddles for class
Discuss riddles; read “The Seafarer” page 71
Discuss evaluating page 75
Assign: “Poetry” pages 647-654- choose one poem to do questions on
Review poetry and poems in class; Read pages 84-90 in purple book
Assign: finish novel, research Geoffrey Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales, 10 facts for Monday
Discuss Chaucer and Canterbury Tales (what did you find?)
Listen to Canterbury Tales as we read; assign “Composition” page 113
Discuss interviews; read the Pardoner’s Prologue and Tale aloud (choose a good character)
Assign: Applying and Writing to persuade to be read aloud tomorrow
Read aloud persuasion
Read the Wife of Bath’s prologue and Tale
Choose either the Composition or Analyzing for writing assn. upon return (level 2)
Present your composition from last Wednesday
Assign: Novel project, style analyzing due tomorrow; hand out info on presentation
Literary terms quiz
Discuss your in-class essays, analyze your own style- summarize your strengths and weaknesses
Quiz on Chaucer and Canterbury Tales; begin Oedipus Rex(ILLIAD???)
Assign: Read and annotate Oedipus (at least two questions per page; vocab)
Discuss Oedipus
Assign: finish Oedipus, annotate (by Monday)
Read Oedipus and work on style analysis
November 10-14
Discuss and analyze Oedipus; in-class essay
Finish Oedipus for Thursday- annotate
Discuss Oedipus Rex
November 17-21
Read Connotation and Denotation in Perrines 686-692 in class- discuss
Assign: Imagery 700-703; choose and exercise to do from page 703 for Wednesday
In-class multiple choice test
AP Literature Lesson Plans
Presentations (over break, read Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone, annotate in books). Test upon return
Monday 12/1
Begin reading new novel; Dialectical journals with novels (first journal due Wednesday 12/10)
Assign: Read 708, read pages 714-724 (notes)
Tuesday 12/2
Wednesday 12/3
Thursday 12/4
Friday 12/5
Discuss Antigone; choose 5 important events to discuss for Mon in Oedipus and Colonus- write page and
line #’s
Mon 12/8
Discuss Oedipus at Colonus and important parts
Tuesday 12/9
Multiple choice test; begin Sir Gawaine. . . 149
Wednesday 12/10
Hand in first response journal (5 quotes); continue reading Sir Gawaine
Next journal for novel due Wednesday 12/17
Finish Sir Gawaine; Assign: Read “Allusion” pages 778-789, choose one poem to answer ?’s;
Thursday 12/11
Discuss “Allusion” and pages 778-789 and poems chosen
Friday 12/12
Read aloud “Meaning and Idea” pages 791-795, answering “Stopping. . .” questions in groups; answer “My
Mistress’s Eyes” questions page 809; Tone, pages 800-809 (for Tuesday)
Monday 12/15
Multiple choice test
Tuesday 12/16
Discuss “Stopping in Woods” and “My Mistress’s Eyes”
Wednesday 12/17
Hand in second quote journals. Next (final) journal due Monday 12/22; begin to go over multiple choice
(KING LEAR & Thousand Acres????)
Thursday 12/18
Continue to go over multiple choice test; Begin reading Candide aloud; annotate in your book; review
satire and irony
Friday 12/19
Discuss satire assignment; Assign: Continue reading Candide. Make a character chart so far
Monday 12/22
Discuss characters in Candide
Hand in final quote journal on novel; continue in Cyrano- read aloud
Find at least 3 examples of satire
Tuesday 12/23
Discuss Candide so far
Finish the play over break. Be ready for a test upon return
AP Literature Lesson Plans
Christmas Vacation Assignment: First and foremost, complete Candide. Be ready for a final on this story.
Next, choose two passages from either Candide or your novel (at least two + paragraphs each) and write
four multiple choice questions for each. The questions should not be about content; rather they should be
about structure, literary techniques, syntax, diction, etc. Use the two multiple choice tests you have taken as
examples. Bring in a typed final copy (with the passages and questions) on our first day back, along with a
separate, typed answer key.
Monday 5
Hand in multiple- choice quizzes you created; Take another’s test and correct
Review Candide- final tomorrow!
Tuesday 6
Final on Candide; do speech analysis for Wednesday
Wednesday 7
Discuss speech analysis from Tues.; do another speech analysis with a partner
Thursday 8
Go over reading from yesterday. Discuss new vocab assignment- first quiz Monday 1/12
Begin reading Act I; finish by Tuesday
Friday 9
Finish Act II; read Act III for Monday
Introduce vocab; groups discuss Act III, design 5 multiple choice questions and one essay question with
answers; hand in. Begin first 5 vocab words- quiz Friday
Tuesday 13
Take Quiz on Act III; Choose one scene to act out with partner-practice
Wednesday 14
Perform scene; Begin Act IV
Thursday 15
Continue Act IV; Do “Stealing love letters” activity- due tomorrow
Friday 16
Quiz on vocab words; next 5 quiz Wednesday
Discuss Act IV; answer questions; finish play over weekend
Monday 19
Discuss play
Tuesday 20
Monday 26
Revisit vocabulary- quiz Wednesday!
Tuesday 27
Practice open-ended question
Wednesday 28
Quiz on 1-5 vocab; Discuss Open-ended question
Next vocab quiz Monday Feb 2; ASSIGN: Read and answer questions on 654, 1-6
Thursday 29
Go over and hand in page 654; read page 657-658, “The last Night that She lived” and answer questions 1-5
AP Literature Lesson Plans
Friday 30
Groups- discuss page658; Begin to read Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, to page 26 for Monday
Vocab quiz Monday, words 1-10
Glossary of Terms
Apocryphal: Of questionable authorship or authenticity.
Apothecary: One that prepares and sells drugs and other medicines; a pharmacist.
Baize: An cotton or woolen material napped to imitate felt and used chiefly as a cover for gaming tables.
Balderdash: Nonsense.
Blasphemous: Impiously irreverent.
Blazoned: To adorn or embellish with or as if with a coat of arms.
Cabinet: A small or private room set aside for a specific activity.
Carbuncles: A deep-red garnet, unfaceted and convex.
cheval-glass: A long mirror mounted on swivels in a frame.
Coquetry; flirtation.
Cupola: A vaulted roof or ceiling.
Damon and Pythias: Greek mythology. According to a Greek legend: when Pythias was sentenced to be
executed Damon took his place to allow Pythias to get his affairs in order; when Pythias returned in time to
save Damon the king was so impressed that he let them both live.
Diaphanous: Of such fine texture as to be transparent or translucent; delicate.
Ebullition: The state or process of boiling.
Eddy: A current, as of water or air, moving contrary to the direction of the main current, especially in a
circular motion.
Exorbitant: Exceeding all bounds, as of custom or fairness.
Hansom: A two-wheeled covered carriage with the driver's seat above and behind.
Arrogantly domineering or overbearing. : incredulous
Skeptical; disbelieving
Infallibility: Incapable of erring.
Insidiously: Working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner.
Juggernaut: An overwhelming, advancing force that crushes or seems to crush everything in its path.
Lawny: Having a lawn; characterized by a lawn or by lawns; like a lawn.
Maladies: A disease, a disorder, or an ailment.
Malefactor: One that has committed a crime; a criminal.
Mottled: To mark with spots or blotches of different shades or colors.
Multifarious: Having great variety; diverse.
AP Literature Lesson Plans
Pall: A covering that darkens or obscures
Penitence: The condition or quality of being penitent; regret for wrongdoing.
Phial: A vial.
Premonitory: A presentiment of the future; a foreboding.
Protégé: One whose welfare, training, or career is promoted by an influential person.
Sawbones: A physician, especially a surgeon.
Stringent: Imposing rigorous standards of performance; severe.
Tabernacle: A place of worship.
Tincture: A coloring or dyeing substance; a pigment.
Troglodytic: A member of a fabulous or prehistoric race of people that lived in caves, dens, or holes, or a
person considered to be reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish.
Undemonstrative: Not disposed to expressions of feeling; reserved.
Vainglorious: Characterized by or exhibiting excessive vanity; boastful.
Vapour: Barely visible or cloudy diffused matter, such as mist, fumes, or smoke, suspended in the air.
Monday 2
Vocabulary quiz 1-10; Choose a passage from Dr. J to analyze
ASSIGN: Finish Dr. J; next vocab quiz Friday
Tuesday 3
Discuss Dr. J; ASSIGN: page 666, do # 1 or 2- due Thursday
Wednesday 4
Practice AP test
Thursday 5
Hand in page 666; Begin Frankenstein; start journal of characters and plot
ASSIGN: Read pages 671-674; Read “Mirror” page 680 and answer the three questions.
Friday 6
Vocab Quiz, 1-15; Discuss “Mirror” in groups and hand in; Continue to read Frankenstein up to page 92 by
Monday 10
AP Test practice on Frankenstein; ASSIGN: 93-115 for Tuesday
Wednesday 11
Exercise on Frankenstein
February 2009
Monday 16
Review Frankenstein; finish Dr J writing
Tuesday 17
Impromptu poetry analysis; discuss
Wednesday 18
Vocabulary quiz 10-20; Frankenstein activity
Thursday 19
AP Literature Lesson Plans
Discuss Frankenstein activity; vocabulary quiz Monday 23
Friday 20
Receive prompt for Frankenstein essay- Thesis statement and brainstorming due Monday 2/23
Monday 23
Quiz on vocab; next quiz Friday, February 28; take multiple choice quiz
Hand in thesis and ideas for Frankenstein essay. RD due Wednesday
Begin to read Dracula (pgs 1-15 for Tuesday)
Tuesday 24
RD due Friday of Frankenstein essay
Discuss multiple choice test; Dracula analyzing: diction
Wednesday 25
Discuss diction in Dracula; choose a passage to discuss Friday concerning diction
Thursday 26
Multiple choice practice
Friday 27
RD due for Frankenstein essay; FD due next Wed.
Discuss chosen passages from Dracula;, address the pov, tone, syntax, and characterization of each passage;
quiz on vocab Monday
Monday 2
FD of Frankenstein essay due Thursday
Vocab Quiz; suspend next quiz until further notice
Share assigned topic concerning Dracula out loud; read chapter 7 for Tuesday
Tuesday 3
Discuss Dracula in groups; watch first 20 minutes of movie
Read through chapter 9 for Thursday
Wednesday 4
In-class poetry explication
Thursday 5
Hand in final draft of Frank. essay; discuss chapters 8 and 9 in Dracula
Read through chapter 12 for Monday- create 5 multiple choice questions with answers
Friday 6
Monday 9
Hand in FD of Frankenstein; watch movie
Tuesday 10
AP Literature Lesson Plans
Discuss Dracula so far- share 5 discussion questions; read next chapter for Wed; watch movie
Wednesday 11
Finish movie; read next chapter
Hand out on Theme- read up to "allegory" for tomorrow
Thursday 12
Discuss theme handout.
Read aloud concerning theme; assign next chapter and rest of theme packet
Friday 13
Begin researching for them in Dracula; finish data sheet
Finish the book for Monday, come in with notes on theme in the novel
Monday 16
In groups, share notes on theme. Come up with a statement of theme as a group- be ready to back that up
Tuesday 17
Groups- continue researching theme- prepare notes for theme essay
Wednesday 18
Create a quiz for tomorrow on Dracula
Thursday 19
Take quiz on Dracula. Finish notes for theme; write out thesis and outline supporting details; rough draft
due upon return from vacation
Friday 20
Discuss Dracula
Monday 30
Read in Perrines pages 32-34; apply rules to RD essay and read pages 34-39- take notes for Tuesday’s quiz!
Hand in first draft of Dracula theme essay
Tuesday 31
Quiz on pages 34-39; hand back RD essays, next draft due Thursday; Look at all past essays and create a
log of errors commonly made. Look for these in next draft!!
Wednesday 4/1
Read page 6 on analysis-apply this to your next draft. Poetry on pages 46-49 then read 883-886; read poem
and answer questions
Thursday 4/2
Hand in second draft of Dracula theme essay; Read 887-890 and discuss poem and questions as a class
Monday 4/6
What is the difference between explication and analysis?? Read page 911 and explicate together; ASSIGN:
Page 901-902 for Wednesday; next five vocab quiz Thursday; final draft of Dracula will be due Tuesday,
Tuesday 4/7
Read aloud pages 903-906 (annotate). Read aloud 916-917 together and answer questions
Wednesday 4/8
AP Literature Lesson Plans
Hand in 901-902 essay; Read aloud “Weary Blues” pages 934-935; answer questions with a partner, then
switch partners
Thursday 4/9
Quiz on vocabulary; Begin poet study: choose a poet to research from approved list. Bring in annotated
bibliography of min. three sources concerning his/her life for Tuesday. Find minimally five poems written
by this author on Tuesday
Tuesday 4/14
Hand in final draft of Dracula essay; in groups, share 3-5 sources concerning your author. Hand in
annotated bibliography. Choose one poem to explicate for Wednesday
Wednesday 4/15
Discuss explication; hand in explication of one poem. By Friday, research and outline an essay explaining
the poet’s life, careers, culture and time period he/she wrote in. Also in this essay, you will eventually
explain how all of this influenced his/her poetry, citing at least three of the poems for support. First draft of
the essay will be due
Monday 4/21.
Thursday 4/16
Practice test (multiple choice)
Friday 4/17
Finish and discuss multiple choice test from Thursday
Monday 4/21
Hand in rough drafts of outline of poet essay- first RD due Wednesday; explicate another poem by your
Tuesday 4/22
(Billy Budd???)
Begin Drama!! Read aloud 1028-1032 and annotate. Quiz tomorrow.
Begin to read “The Interview” pages 1045-1054 aloud.
Wednesday 4/23
Quiz on drama info; exchange first RD of poet essay; second draft due Friday; finish reading “The
Thursday 4/24
AP Practice test- first essay question
Friday 4/25
Exchange second drafts and analyze; Discuss “The Interview” and answer questions 1-6 together; FD due
Monday 4/28
Read aloud “The Sandbox” pages 1056-1061
Tuesday 4/29
Finish “The Sandbox”; quick write on your analysis of the play due tomorrow along with FD of poet essay
Wednesday 4/30
Hand in Final Draft of poet essay; exchange and discuss; hand in quick write on “The Sandbox”
Thursday 4/31
AP Practice test
Friday 5/1
AP Practice Test
Monday 5/4
Begin “Cyrano de Bergerac”
Tuesday 5/5
Continue “Cyrano. . .”
Wednesday 5/6
Finish “Cyrano?”
AP Literature Lesson Plans
Thursday 5/7
AP TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday 5/8
“Discuss Cyrano . . .“
Monday 5/11 - Thursday 5/15
Read “A Doll’s House”
Friday 5/16
Analyze “A Doll’s House”
Monday 5/19-End
Movie Analysis: “Fight Club,” “Kite Runner,” “Twilight,” “Cyrano de Bergerac,” “Oedipus Rex” etc.