ACET B.E / B.Tech. Degree Examinations - August- 2014 Part B (40 Marks) Fifth Semester Answer the following Internal Assessment Examination – I CS2311 - OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING Department of IT Time: 90 Minutes Date : 02.08.2014 Maximum: 50 Marks Class : III B.E EEE Syllabus UNIT I Object oriented programming concepts – objects-classes- methods and messages-abstraction and encapsulation-inheritance- abstract classes- polymorphism. Introduction to C++- objects- classesconstructors and destructors UNIT II Operator overloading - friend functions- type conversionstemplates – Inheritance. Part A - (5 x 2 =10 Marks) Answer all the questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define abstraction and encapsulation. List the operators that cannot be overloaded. Distinguish between static binding and late binding. Diagrammatically represent the hybrid inheritance. What is implicit type conversion? 6. Implement a C++ program that will ask for a temperature in fahrenheit and display the result in Celsius. (8) 7. (a)What is a constructor? Explain the types of constructor with example for each. (16) (Or) (b) i) Illustrate the concept of function overloading to find the maximum of two numbers. (10) ii)Write short notes on destructor and its use (6) 8. (a) i) Discuss the types of operator overloading by overloading any of the operator symbol. (10) ii) Explain the usage of type conversion in C++ (6) (Or) b) Define inheritance. List its types. Explain any two of them with example for each. (16) Faculty In-charge HOD Principal