Organization of Radiation Hardness Assurance for Tile Cal

ATLAS Technical Coordination
Radiation Hardness Assurance
M. Dentan.
Organization of Radiation Hardness Assurance for Tile Cal Electronics in 2001
Report of the RHA meeting held at CERN on 19 February 2001.
Fabrice Podlyski
Philippe Gris
Kelby Anderson
Kerstin Jon-And
Georges Blanchot
Philippe Grenier
Francois Vazeille
Martin Dentan
LPC Clermont-Ferrand
LPC Clermont- Ferrand
University Chicago
University Chicago
University Stockholm
IFAE Barcelona
LPC Clermont-Ferrand
CERN & Saclay
Reminder: main radiation hardness assurance milestones
1. Pre-selection tests made on generic components
 Goal: to minimise the risk of purchasing parts not radiation tolerant enough for the
targeted application;
 Successful results are mandatory to pass PRR;
 Test reports must be recorded as Quality Assurance documents.
2. Qualification tests made on production batches
 Goal: to make sure that the radiation tolerance of the purchased parts is effectively
compatible with the targeted application;
 Successful results are mandatory to install electronics in the detector;
 Test reports must be recorded as Quality Assurance documents.
Improved organisation
Tile Cal and ATLAS TC/ELEC/RHA agree on the following organisation:
(a) For each Tile Cal board, RHA is supervised by 1 person1 whose main tasks are:
- Write the list and number of all the components to be mounted on the board;
- Summarise relevant information on each component and its expected batch origin;
- Define and write test set-ups for every radiation test to be done;
- Organise and execute (or supervise) radiation tests for each component;
- For each tested component, analyse results and write radiation test reports.
A preliminary list of responsible persons is given in appendix I.
(b) For the whole Tile Cal, RHA is supervised by 1 person (P.Grenier) whose tasks are:
- Plan radiation test campaigns to be done in 2001, for every board;
- Supervise radiation hardness assurance for the whole Tile Cal;
- Help (a) to prepare radiation tests and to analyse results;
- Write periodical status reports on RHA for the whole Tile Cal electronics;
- Build and maintain a web page on Tile Cal Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA
organisation in Tile Cal, lists of components, scheduled radiation tests, radiation
test reports, periodical status reports on RHA for Tile Cal electronics, etc.).
(c) For the whole ATLAS experiment, RHA is supervised by 1 person (M.Dentan) whose
tasks are:
- Define and supervise radiation hardness assurance for the whole experiment;
- Advise ATLAS sub-systems for the selection of radiation tolerant electronics;
- Help (a) and (b) to prepare radiation tests and to analyse results;
- Organise access to radiation facilities for every ATLAS sub-system;
- Decides with the ATLAS sub-system and with the ATLAS Electronics
coordinator to accept or to reject pre-selection tests and qualification tests;
- Write periodical status reports on RHA for the whole ATLAS electronics;
- Coordinate ATLAS RHAWG, build and maintain ATLAS Radiation Hard
Electronics web page, build and maintain ATLAS Radiation Test Agenda, etc.
(a) reports periodically to (b) and (c) and to the sub-system management;
(b) reports periodically to (c) and to the sub-system management;
(c) reports periodically to ATLAS Technical Co-ordination2.
III. Organised access to selected radiation facilities (negotiated prices)
ATLAS/TC/ELEC/RHA will organise access to the radiation facilities below with
negotiated prices for ATLAS systems in 2001. Tile Cal is invited to book for radiation
campaigns as soon as possible.
SEE tests at CRC (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium):
 Dates:
- 20-21 March 2001
- 20 June 2001 (provisional date);
- 20 August 2001 (provisional date);
- 15 December 2001 (provisional date).
 Access to the facility organised by F. Faccio3
 Beam: 20-60 MeV protons; diameter: 9 cm; maximum flux: 5E8 cm-2 s-1.
 Devices must be biased and operated during tests. On-line measurements are
 Booking: 3-4 weeks in advance, or more (recommended)
 Prices negotiated by CERN: 200 Euro per hour.
P.Farthouat, M. Price (up to end Feb. 01) and M. Nessi (from March 01 onwards).
TID tests at Pagure (Cis-Bio-International, Saclay, France):
 Access to the facility organised by M. Dentan;
 Gamma photons (60Co): 1,17 MeV and 1,33 MeV;
 Maximum dose rate: 1,6 Mrad per hour;
 Devices must be biased during tests. On-line or off-line measurements (free choice).
 Booking: 3-4 weeks in advance, or more (recommended);
 Prices negotiated by ATLAS TC/ELEC/RHA: around 900 Euro per day for a single
user (shared prices if several users).
NIEL tests at Prospero (CEA, Valduc, France):
 1 MeV equivalent neutrons (peak at 700 keV);
 Accurate calibration, very low residual TID;
 Devices can be irradiated with or without biasing. Measurements can be made on-line
(immediate results) or off-line (after 1 month deactivation);
 Booking: 2-3 weeks in advance (recommended);
 Prices under negotiation by ATLAS TC/ELEC/RHA.
Possible organisation for the payment of radiation tests:
ATLAS TC/ELEC/RHA negotiates prices with radiation facilities;
ATLAS TC/ELEC/RHA pays radiation facilities for radiation tests;
ATLAS sub-systems reimburse ATLAS TC/ELEC/RHA according to their use of the
radiation facilities.
IV. Reminder: tools to be used for radiation Hardness Assurance
RHA rules and tools for radiation hardness assurance are available on the ATLAS
Radiation Hardness Assurance web page4.
Radiation tests must be based on standard test methods5 given in ATLAS Policy on
Radiation Tolerant Electronics revision 2.
Radiation test reports should be written using the ATLAS standard report forms6, or
using a free format.
An interactive radiation test agenda is available on the web 7. It enables ATLAS subsystems to organise themselves for sharing access to radiation facilities. It may be
consulted without password. A password is required to write on this agenda (password
granted to Philippe Grenier for Tile Cal). The dates decided by Tile Cal for radiation test
campaigns must be recorded in this agenda.
6 Test Methods
7 Facilities
Actions in 2001
In principle, Tile Cal should do the following work in 2001:
1. Complete the list given in appendix I and confirm it to ATLAS/TC/ELEC/RHA.
2. For every board:
a. Write the list and the number of all the circuits to be mounted on the board;
b. Indicate the date foreseen for the PRR;
c. Indicate the date and place foreseen for the next radiation test campaigns (TID,
NIEL and SEE for pre-selection or qualification).
3. For every component:
a. indicate the function, the technology, the manufacturer, the expected batch origin
(known/unknown diffusion batch);
b. indicate the radiation tests already done and those still to be done (TID, NIEL and
SEE tests for pre-selecting generic components and for qualifying batches).
4. For every component already tested: write radiation test reports and send them to
5. Before every new radiation test campaign, write a description of the test setup (test
bench, radiation tolerance criteria, number of DUT to be irradiated, foreseen
operation and measurement during the test, which test method will be used, etc.) and
discuss it with ATLAS/TC/ELEC/RHA.
6. Execute the planned radiation test campaigns;
7. For every component newly tested: write radiation test reports.
8. In collaboration with ATLAS/TC/ELEC, accept or reject pre-selection of generic
components and qualification of batches.
Practically, due to constraints resulting from the production schedule, Tile Cal decided to
launch the production of its electronic boards before completing the pre-selection tests.
Consequently, some of the pre-selection tests (TID or NIEL) have been made with an
insufficient sampling, and most of the SEE tests have not been done at all. This induces
the following risks:
Risk of producing boards which will appear not radiation tolerant enough to be
installed in the Tile Calorimeter;
Risk of producing boards which will require special adjustments of their operating
conditions (refreshment, etc.) in order to correct some radiation effects;
Risk of producing boards which must be replaced or corrected (replacement of
components) after an operation time shorter than expected.
Tile Cal takes upon itself the responsibility for these risks, and commits itself to perform
all the corrections, which may be necessary if a problem resulting from these risks
appears on the boards produced.
To reduce these risks, and in particular to avoid mishaps at the very end of the
production, ATLAS Electronics Co-ordination strongly recommends that Tile Cal
performs SEE tests as soon as possible.
Tile Cal agrees that steps 1 to 7 mentioned above must be completed as follows:
Before 9th March 2001:
- The list given in appendix I must be completed and confirmed to
- The lists of components, the status of the tests and the radiation test schedules
must be established (step 2 and 3);
- The pre-selection radiation tests already done must be documented (step 4);
- The radiation test set-ups must be prepared and discussed (step 5).
Before end 2001:
- All the qualification tests (TID8, NIEL9 and SEE10) must be done (step 6) and
documented (step 7) for all the batches of components used in the production of
the boards, using the test methods given in the ATLAS Policy on Radiation
Tolerant Electronics revision 2;
- These qualification tests will enable Tile Cal and ATLAS Electronics Coordination to decide on the use of the production boards in the Tile Calorimeter
(step 8).
Appendix I
List of the persons responsible for the RHA of the various Tile Cal boards.
ADC Integrator
Level 1 Adder
3-in-1 board
Mother board
HV micro
HV opto
Interface board
Responsible for RHA
Georges Blanchot
Manoel Seixas
Kelby Anderson
Kelby Anderson
Kelby Anderson
Philippe Gris
Philippe Gris
Kerstin Jon-And
(to be determined)
Kelby Anderson
Irradiation and on-line measurements made by Tile Cal.
Irradiation made by M. Dentan; off-line measurements made by Tile Cal after 1 month deactivation.
Irradiation and on-line measurements made by Tile Cal.