4 E.S.O Repaso - WordPress.com

Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
 Good morning, everybody.
 Good afternoon, everybody.
 Hello, everyone.
How are you today?
How are you getting on?
How's life?
How are things with you?
 Let's begin our lesson now.
 Is everybody ready to start?
 I hope you are all ready for your
English lesson.
 I think we can start now.
 I'm waiting for you to be quiet.
 We won't start until everyone is
 Stop talking and be quiet.
 Close your books.
 Put your books away.
 Pack your things away.
Who is absent today?.
Who isn't here today?
What's the matter with you today?
What's wrong with Jim today?
Why were you absent last Friday?
 Where have you been?
 We started ten minutes ago.
 What have you been doing?
Come in.
Go out.
Stand up.
Sit down.
Come to the front
Stand by your desks.
Put your hands up.
Put your hands down.
Hold your books/pens up.
It's almost time to stop.
I'm afraid it's time to finish now.
We'll have to stop here.
There's the bell. It's time to stop.
That's all for today. You can go now.
Pay attention, everybody.
You need pencils/rulers.
We'll learn how to ...
Are you ready?
Open your books at page ...
Turn to page ...
The bell hasn't gone yet.
There are still two minutes to go.
We still have a couple of minutes left.
The lesson doesn't finish till five past.
Your watch must be fast.
We seem to have finished early.
We have an extra five minutes.
Sit quietly until the bell goes.
Look at activity five.
Listen to this tape.
Repeat after me.
Again, please.
Everybody ...
You have five minutes
Who's next?
Hang on a moment.
Just hold on a moment.
Stay where you are for a moment.
Just a moment, please.
One more thing before you go.
Back to your places.
It's time to finish.
Have you finished?
Let's stop now.
Stop now.
 This is your homework for tonight.
 Do exercise 10 on page 23 for your
Prepare the next chapter for Monday.
There is no homework tonight.
Remember your homework.
Take a worksheet as you leave.
Let's check the answers.
Any questions?
Collect your work please.
Pack up your books.
Are your desks tidy?
Goodbye, everyone.
See you again next Wednesday.
See you tomorrow afternoon.
See you in room 7 after the break.
Have a good holiday.
Enjoy your vacation.
Get into a queue.
Form a queue and wait for the bell.
Everybody outside!
All of you, get outside now!
Hurry up and get out!
Try not to make any noise as you leave.
Quiet as you leave. Other classes are still
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
In order to make a composition
Adverbial Comments
Summing up
What is more
After all
In spite of
Even then
In any case
As a result
In Fact
On the contrary
On one hand/on the other
In Fact
Of course
First and foremost
Better still
Last but not least
In other words
In that case
Broadly speaking
More or less
To sum up
Summing up
In short
Con toda certeza
Sin duda
De verdad, realmente
Por otra parte
Además de
Y lo que es más
Después de todo
A pesar de
Sin embargo
Sin embargo
Incluso entonces
En cualquier caso
Como resultado
Así que
De cualquier manera
De cualquier modo
Sin embargo
De hecho
Por el contrario
Por un lado/por otro
De hecho
De hecho
Por supuesto
En primer lugar
Lo primero y principal
Mejor todavía
Por último
Por último, pero no menos
En otras palabras
De otra manera
En ese caso
Entonces, luego
Hablando en general
Más o menos
Para resumir
Como resumen
En breve
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
Enlaces y páginas web
En éstas podréis encontrar montones de ejercicios de gramática , vocabulario, verbos
etc... así como juegos, crucigramas y pasatiempos que os pueden ayudar a
complementar todo lo que se va viendo en clase, tanto a modo de refuerzo como de
ampliación, según el nivel que cada alumn@ sea capaz de alcanzar.
www.mansioningles.com/Ejercicios.htm, presenta quizzes
general y ejercicios de vocabulario muy útiles y amenos.
www.mansioningles/Gramatica.htm; presenta ejercicios de artículos,
sustantivos, adjetivos, pronombres, preposiciones, adverbios, verbos etc.... y
están todas las explicaciones en español, además de multitud de ejercicios.
www.saberingles.com.ar/exercises; presenta ejercicios de gramática y
vocabulario en 3 niveles, principiante, intermedio y avanzado; de modo que
cada alumno pueda acceder a los que más le interesen.
ercises.htm; aquí te da los ejercicios ordenados por categorías, temas y curso
de ESO (desde 1º a 4º). Quizás sea la más interesante para los alumnos de
Secundaria y la que más os puede ayudar a estudiar y superar dudas.
www.parapal-online.co.uk/spanish_index.html; aparecen ejercicios de audio,
desarrollo escrito y vocabulario especialmente orientados a exámenes de EAP,
www.multingles.net/accion.htm; son múltiples entradas para trabajar online, audiciones, chats en inglés, listas de distribución etc... sirve para
practicar todas las destrezas del idioma a diferentes niveles según necesidades.
www.irabia.org/web/ENGLISH/default.htm; te da ejercicios y muestras de
exámenes típicos de KET, FCE y COU.
www.elrebumbio.org ; sitio web dedicado a alumnos y profesores que trabajen
con el idioma asiduamente, presenta desde recursos para el profesorado como
multitud de ejercicios para alumnos (gramática ,vocabulario....)
http.//perso.wanadoo.fr/michel.barbot/hotpot/exercises.htm ; ejercicios
de todo tipo de niveles y de los asuntos más variados, suele usar juegos para el
aprendizaje. Tiene el inconveniente de que algunos ejemplos están en francés,
pero son sólo unos pocos.
http://www.madridteacher.com/Activities/index.htm; página que cuando
se presenta, hay que bajar un poco y ver a la derecha para localizar los
ejercicios, pero hay bastantes.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
Traduce estas oraciones. Puedes usar diccionario.
1. El tren sale de la estación a las 11:30 de la mañana.
¿Siempre escribes con la mano izquierda? No, ahora estoy escribiendo con la derecha.
No estuvimos en el partido el pasado fin de semana, porque no conseguimos entradas.
¿Has terminado el libro? No, estoy escribiendo el último capítulo.
Alex vive en Barcelona este año, pero estuvo trabajando en Galicia el mes pasado.
Os divierte mucho ir a la disco el fines de semana, pero el pasado sábado fuimos a la bolera.
El tenis no es tan divertido como el rugby, pero a mi me gusta.
Ya hemos comprado toda la comida para la fiesta de Robin.
Acabamos de pintar esa pared, así que debéis tener cuidado.
10. Nicholas no es tan simpático como Mike, pero es el más atractivo de la clase.
11. Las matemáticas son difíciles, pero la química es la más difícil del curso.
12. Juan acaba de llegar, pero no me he vestido todavía. ¿ Puedes decirle que espere?
Esta fiesta es la más grande que he visto nunca.
No escondí los libros, los puse debajo de la cama.
Comprendió todo lo que le dije, pero no respondió a las preguntas.
No guardé el ticket, porque creía que no lo necesitaba.
¿Cuánto cuesta este CD? Ahora cuesta poco, pero hace 3 años costaba 12 libras.
Me gustaría comer una manzana. A mí también.
19. María y Pablo son más altos que Juan.
20. Jaén es la ciudad más pequeña de España, ¿ verdad?.
21. Pedro no es tan viejo como Frank.
22. Yo conduzco rápido, pero mi hermana conduce más rápido que yo.
23. Ben nunca está viendo la tele, ¿ verdad?.
24. Apenas juego al tenis en verano. Yo tampoco.
25. Ellos siempre se levantan a las 8 de la mañana.
26. ¿ Dónde estabas yendo cuando yo telefoneé?.
27. ¿ Has estado alguna vez en Irlanda?.
28. ¿ Sales cada noche?.
29. Voy a ir a nadar mañana por la noche.
30. Odio las películas de terror. Yo también.
31. No soporto el chocolate, pero la fresa está bien.
32. Me encanta el cine, pero no me gusta el teatro.
33. Alguien robó mi coche ayer.
34. ¡ Cállate! Nadie quiere oírte, ¿ verdad?.
35. Fui a la tienda, pero no compré nada.
36. Nosotros estamos jugando al hockey, mientras ellos compran comida.
37. Cuando rompimos el plato, mamá se enfadó.
38. Nadar es bueno para ti.
39. Tú no deberías comer caramelos, ¿ verdad?.
40. Creo que deberías ir al dentista.
41. Preferiría ver Mr. Bean que un documental.
42. Prefiero ir al cine a jugar al fútbol.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
43. Ella acaba de lavarse las manos.
44. John no ha limpiado el salón todavía.
45. Ella ya se ha puesto su vestido nuevo.
46. ¿¡ Dónde están Frank y Laura? . Ellos han ido a París.
47. Él ha estado en un equipo de fútbol durante seis meses, pero no ha jugado desde el pasado
Put in the correct form of the adjective, i.e. positive (p), comparative (c), or superlative (s)
with the correct connecting words (as, so, than)
48. A donkey isn't...a horse (intelligent p)
49. You must drive your car in a..manner in future (careful c)
50. John speaks...English...I do (good c)
51. I should like you to meet Robert, my...son (old s)
52. John's handwriting is bad but mine is...(bad c)
Put in this, these, that, those. as appropriate
53. What's...?
54. Who are...boys?
55. What's...over ther?
56. Whose is...?
57. What's...for?
58. What's the name of...film you want to see?
59. ....is my home town and...building over ther is my school
60. The weather isn't very warm...summer but it was...year we went to Spain
61. His mother makes...nice cakes we had at...party
Put some or any to complete the meaning of the following sentences.
62. There aren't...dangerous wild animals in England. There are...tigers in the zoo
63. Do you take...milk in your tea? Yes, but I drink it without...sugar
64. Peter will lend you...books to read. Mary hasn't...new ones
65. Do you need...help? No, thanks, I haven't found...difficulty with this exercise.
Put much, many, little, few, no, not
66. Give me...meat and...potatoes, please
67. I like...cream and...lumps of sugar in my coffee
68. Do you know...about mathematics?
69. ...people dislike mustard
70. There are ............ wolves in England
71. She cooks ........ very well
72. Waiter! There is .......... salt in my soup.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas intenciones comunicativas y funciones
(Objectives) asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
Reconocer y producir el vocabulario (Vocabulary) programado relacionado con los diversos
campos conceptuales que se desarrollan en la Unidad didáctica (prendas de vestir)
Aprender, conocer y poner en práctica las estructuras gramaticales y contenidos
lingüísticos (Grammar) programados en la Unidad didáctica (presente simple y continuo,
verbos de sentimiento y emoción y formas verbales)
Identificar, reconocer y reproducir los sonidos (Pronunciation) programados en la Unidad
didáctica, así como los aspectos de ritmo, acentuación y entonación de las palabras y
expresiones estudiadas (sonidos sibilantes)
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas destrezas asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
(hablar y escribir acerca de uno mismo)
1.- Completa las siguientes oraciones con presente simple o continuo usando los verbos
entre paréntesis:
1.- ________________________? No, never (you / smoke)
2.- What _________________? A cheese sandwich (you / eat)
3.- Where ______________ these days? In a garage (she / work)
4.- ______________ here in summer? Not very often (it / rain)
5.- Bonjour. Sorry, I ____________ French. (Not speak).
6.- ________________ golf? Yes, but not well. (You / play).
7.- Who _____________ to? My boyfriend. (you / write ).
8.- Where’s Susan? _______________ now. (she / come ).
9.- Well, goodnight. _____________ to bed. (I / go).
10.- _____________________? Not yet. (That water / boil).
2.- Escribe una oración con cada uno de estos verbos en presente simple ( No llevan –
ING ). Usa diccionario.
Like, love, hate, want, need, prefer, know, suppose, understand, believe, remember, belong,
consist, depend, seem.
3.- Haz estas oraciones interrogativas: (Usa WH- pronouns).
1.- when / was / built / this house /
2.- how / cheese / is / made /
3.- why / Sue / working / isn’t / today 4.- what time/ coming / your friends / are
5.- where / your mother / born / was / 6.- why / you / to the party/ didn’t / come
7.- how / the accident / did / happen
8.- why / this machine / doesn’t / work
4.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones usando adverbios de frecuencia:
1.- Nunca he conocido una persona tan simpática.
2.- ¿Vienes aquí con frecuencia? No, siempre voy a otro sitio.
3.- Habitualmente no aprobamos las matemáticas.
4.- Casi nunca compramos en ese supermercado.
5.- Con frecuencia olvidamos traer el diccionario al colegio.
6.- Siempre recordará sus vacaciones en Escocia.
7.- Sus padres nunca viajan en tren en Inglaterra.
8.- Normalmente entrenamos los martes y jueves.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
5.- Maneras de expresar la ambición: (uso de LIKE + ing, WOULD LIKE +to) Repaso 1er
1.- No me gustaría ser profesor porque es un trabajo duro.
2.- Me gusta jugar al fútbol, pero no me gusta jugar en este país.
3.- ¿Te gustaría pizza o hamburguesa? Me gustaría comer pizza, gracias.
4.- ¿Te gusta estudiar francés? No, no me gusta, pero es importante.
5.- ¿Te gustaría venir a cenar? Sí, gracias.
6.- Completa el Párrafo con Present Simple or Present Continuous:
Every Monday, Susan ___________ (wake up) at 7.00 and she __________ (get ready) for school.
She ________ (go) to school at 7.45 and she usually _________ (come) home at 2.30. After school,
she often _________ (watch) TV and then she __________ (do) her homework.
But today is different. Susan _________ (have) fun with her brothers and sisters in the snow.
Look at the photo. _________ you ________ Susan? (see). She ________ (wear) a blue coat and
white hat. She ___________ (stand) next to her little sister, Jane. Together, they _________ (throw)
snowballs at their brother, John.
7.- Completa con Present Simple o Present Continuous:
1.- She ___________ (study) every morning.
2.- He ____________ (dance) with Mary now.
3.- How ______ you ______ (get) there?
4.- What time ________ the plane _______ (leave)?
5.- They _________ (get) married next week.
6.- She usually _________ (take) the bus to school.
7.- Why _______ you ______ (want) to go there?
8.- We __________ (watch) a film on TV at the moment.
8.- Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous:
It _________ (be) winter and the snow __________ (fall). It usually ________ (snow) in January here.
Betty and James _________ (play) in the garden. They __________ (build) a snow man and they
_________ (throw) snowballs now. They _________ (like) the snow very much!. Their mother and
father __________ (not/like) it. They always _________ (stay) in the house when it is cold. Mother
usually ________ (watch) TV and father _________ (listen) to the radio or _________ (read) a book.
At the moment they _________ (sit) in the living room. Mother ________ (write) a letter while father
__________ (read) a book.
9.- Vocabulary: Complete the sentences using a suitable word. (more than 1 possibility)
- She decided to wear a __________ and a ___________ instead of a dress
- I tried on a ________; the jacket was fine but the ____________ were too short
- It was hot, so I took off my jacket and __________, and rolled up the sleeves of my ___________
- It was very embarrassing because I couldn’t ____________ up the zip on my jeans
- I wanted to buy the jacket, but unfortunately the one I tried on wasn’t __________ enough
- I tried on a jumper, but the medium size was _________ big and the small one wasn’t big
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
10.- Completa con Present Simple o Present Continuous:
- Everybody __________ (know) that the world’s rainforests ____________ (disappear).
- Although rainforests _________ (cover) only six per cent of the Earth’s land surface, they
_________ (contain) about 50% of all species of life on the planet.
- They also __________ (remove) carbon dioxide from the air and _________ (produce) oxygen.
- As they are important, why ____________ (they/vanish)?
- Most scientists _____________ (agree) that there are two main reasons.
- First of all, the way of life n these forests ___________ (change).
- In some forests, big companies _______ (cut down) more and more trees ___________
(deforestation) and __________ (cause) damage to the land.
- In other places, another kind of deforestation __________ (happen).
- Here farmers__________ (burn) more and more of the forest and ________ (use) the land to feed
- Now that governments __________ (understand) the problem, they __________ (begin) to control
these activities.
11.- Vocabulary: IDIOMS. Translate these sentences into Spanish.
- I’ve changed my mind about these pair of shoes
- I’m tired today because I had a late night.
- I’m trying to write an essay but I’m getting nowhere
- You find fast food restaurants all over the place
- My wife and I take it in turns to cook
- I’m sorry but I don’t think I can make it on Friday
- They asked us to keep an eye on the house while they were away
- I feel like a drink
- We should get a rid of some of this stuff
- That boy really gets on my nerves
- The answer’s on the tip of my tongue
12.- Translate these IDIOMS into Spanish:
Hang on, ______________________
what’s up?_______________________
never mind ____________________
if you like...______________________
go ahead ______________________
make up your mind ________________
I haven’t a clue _________________
It’s up to you ______________________
To be a piece of cake _______________
Go for good ________________________
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas intenciones comunicativas y funciones
(Objectives) asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
Reconocer y producir el vocabulario (Vocabulary) programado relacionado con los diversos
campos conceptuales que se desarrollan en la Unidad didáctica (planetas y vocabulario
sobre el espacio)
Aprender, conocer y poner en práctica las estructuras gramaticales y contenidos
lingüísticos (Grammar) programados en la Unidad didáctica (pasado simple y continuo,
verbo USED TO, conectores y formas verbales)
Identificar, reconocer y reproducir los sonidos (Pronunciation) programados en la Unidad
didáctica, así como los aspectos de ritmo, acentuación y entonación de las palabras y
expresiones estudiadas (la pronunciación de verbos regulares)
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas destrezas asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
(hablar y escribir acerca de una persona famosa de la historia)
1.- Completa usando el past simple & past continuous:
1.- Jane______ ( wait ) for me when I _______ ( arrive ).
2.- When I last ____ ( see ) him, he ____ ( try ) to find a job in London.
3.- John ____ ( take ) a photograph of me while I ______ ( not look ).
4.- I ______ (walk ) along the street when suddenly I _____(hear) something.
5.- She _____ (not see ) me because she ______ ( look ) the other way.
6.- While I _____ ( work ) in the garden I _____ ( hurt ) my back.
7.- When Karen _____ ( arrive ) we _______ ( have ( dinner.
8.- Tom ______ ( burn ) his hand when he ______ ( cook ) the meal.
2.- Traduce estas oraciones con el pasado de verbos regulares & irregulares:
1.- Marco Polo fue a China en 1292 en barco.
2.- Ellos le dieron a Marie Curie el premio Nobel en 1911.
3.- Colón no descubrió Australia, descubrió América.
4.- ¿Ganó Francia la Copa del Mundo en 1994? No, ganó Brasil.
5.- No nos levantamos a las 7.30 los fines de semana.
6.- ¿Les gustó a tus amigos la ciudad? Sí, les encantó.
7.- El verano pasado, mi familia ganó una competición en España.
8.- Peter compró muchos regalos para su familia.
9.- ¿Qué visteis? Vimos Trafalgar Square y el Big Ben en Londres.
10.- ¿Hablasteis con mi primo ayer? No, él salió al colegio.
11.- Comencé este trabajo hace diez años.
12.- Hablé con Mark hace 3 meses.
13.- No me gustaba el profesor de música hace años.
14.- Yo estudié matemáticas hace 12 años.
15.- Olvidamos las entradas para el concierto encima de la mesa.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
3.- Traduce preguntas con: What, Who, Whose, Which, When, Where, Why y compuestos
de How. repaso
1.- ¿Qué están haciendo?. Están dibujando.
2.- ¿Quién trabaja contigo? Es Paul.
3.- ¿De quién es este libro? Es de Mike.
4.- ¿Cuándo vas a Londres? En Marzo.
5.- ¿Dónde vive Frank? En Granada.
6.- ¿Por qué están llorando esos niños?
7.- ¿De qué color es tu bufanda?
8.- ¿A quién quieres? Quiero a Dave.
9.- ¿Cuánto pan quieres?
10.- ¿Cuánto se tara en ir al cole?
11.- ¿Cuántas entradas quieres?
12.- ¿Cómo estás hoy? Bien, gracias.
4.- Expresar costumbre y acciones frecuentes: (used to + INF; didn’t use to + INF ; get
used to + ING).
1.- No solía fumar en sitios públicos.
2.- No estoy acostumbrado a estudiar por las noches.
3.- Michael solía salir todos los fines de semana.
4.- ¿Solías comprar en esta tienda?
5.- ¿Estabais acostumbrados a viajar en coche?
6.- Me alegré porque no estaba acostumbrado a ganar.
7.- Normalmente no vamos al estadio porque no estamos acostumbrados.
8.- Norah solía ir a clase todos los días.
5.- Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the Word in brackets: ampliación
1.- I went to the shop to get some eggs. (for)
2.- Nicola came here for a meeting with the director. (to)
3.- We went on holiday to have a rest. (for)
4.- Mike plays chess for relaxing (to)
5.- I felt really tired, so I stayed at home and had a rest. (because)
6.- I didn’t use that piece of string, because it was too short. (enough)
7.- The question was so difficult that I had to ask for help. (such)
8.- There weren’t enough seats for all the guests. (few)
9.- I haven’t got enough time to do all my work. (too)
10.- She had lots of children and didn’t know what to do. (many)
6.- Completa los huecos con verbos en past simple or past continuous:
1.- I _______(see) the accident, when I _________(wait) for the bus.
2.- I ________(write) a letter while you ________ (clean) the windows.
3.- When I _______(come) in the room, two boys ________(play) football.
4.- I __________(break) my pencil while I ________(do) my homework.
5.- While we ________(run) in the park, Mary _________(fall over).
6.- Jim _______(break) his leg while he _________(play) golf in Almuñecar.
7.- Peter ________(turn on) the TV, but nothing ________(happen).
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
Uso de SO + adj / adverb & SUCH+ adj + noun: ampliación
1.- Tom is very handsome. He has _____ beautiful eyes.
2.- It was a very pleasant trip because the guide was _____ nice.
3.- My birthday was wonderful. I got ____ lovely presents.
4.- It was difficult to drive because there was ____ much snow.
5.- I like Tom. He is ____ a nice person.
6.- We couldn’t play tennis because it was ____ windy.
7.- Jack loves his children. He is _____ a wonderful father.
8.- Nobody listens to Jane because she says ______ silla things.
9.- The nurses are wonderful here. They are _____ helpful.
10.- look at the Stars. They are _____ bright tonight.
8.- Completa
con verbos en past simple or past continuous. El texto es acerca de
- While he __________ (grow up), the philosopher Aristotle was a teacher. Alexander _________
(become) interested in science, medicine, philosophy and literature.
- While his father Philip ________ (attend) is daughter’s wedding, a young nobleman __________
(murder) him. Alexander was king of Macedonia at the age of 20.
- While he ________ (fight) his enemies in the north, the Greeks in the south _________ (start)
a rebellion. He ____________ (destroy) all their cities.
- He __________ (lead) his army against the Persian Empire through hat is now Turkey. While
he __________ (stay) in the ancient city of Gordium, he ___________ (undo) the Gordiuan knot.
A legend said that only a future king of Asia do this.
- While his army _________ (march) through Persia, it ___________ (defeat) Darius, the king of
- He _________ (find) the city of Alexandria at the mouth of the Nile while he ___________ (visit)
- While he __________ (travel) with his army, he ___________ (give) his name to many other
- He __________ (kill) his friend Clitus in a quarrel, while they _________ (have) dinner.
- While he ___________ (attack) the city of Mali in India, he __________ (receive) a serious
wound from an arrow.
- While he ___________ (attend)a banquet in Babylon in 323 BC, he _________ (fall) ill and
_________ (die).
10.- Make sentences using this information and USED TO/DIDN’T USE TO:
- people / die earlier ___________________________________________________________
- houses / have baths __________________________________________________________
- cars / go so fast ______________________________________________________________
- workers / earn a lot less ________________________________________________________
- women / have babies / in the hospital _____________________________________________
- most teenagers / go / high schools ________________________________________________
- be legal / buy addictive drugs ____________________________________________________
- be / much less crime ___________________________________________________________
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
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4º E.S.O.
11.- Complete with BUT, AND, SO, OR:
- David was cold, _________he closed the window.
- Martin wanted to watch the film, _________ he fell asleep half way through.
- To get into town, you can take the bus, ________ you can walk.
- It isn’t in a very nice part of town, _______ it’s a good restaurant.
- I wanted to buy some of those new trainers, ________ I couldn’t find them anywhere.
- Pierre was having some problems with Maths, _______ he had some private lessons.
12.- Vocabulary: Finish these questions with the correct preposition.
- What exactly is she worried ____________?
- What subjects are you good ______?
- Who is she waiting _______?
- What job is she applying _______?
- What programme is she listening _______?
- What did she complain ________?
- What did she apologise ________?
- Who does this car belong _______?
- What kind of films is she interested _______?
- What is she afraid _______?
- What does the decision depend ______?
- I know she’s angry but who’s she shouting _______?
13.- Vocabulary: Complete these sentences with the correct preposition.
- I saw it _______ TV
- They came ________ car
- They are all _________ strike
- He is here ________ business
- I did it ______ my own
- It was written ______ Goethe
- We went ________ a walk
- I read it ________a magazine
- He’s ______ holiday this week
- She took it ______ mistake
- I went ______ the afternoon
- He came ______ foot
- The clothes are made _____hand
- She broke it _____ accident
- He did it ______ purpose
- She’s always _______a hurry
- It’s very quiet _______ night
- We met ________ chance
- I’ll see you _______ a moment
- I think they’re ______ love
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
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4º E.S.O.
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas intenciones comunicativas y funciones
(Objectives) asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
Reconocer y producir el vocabulario (Vocabulary) programado relacionado con los diversos
campos conceptuales que se desarrollan en la Unidad didáctica (Vacaciones y celebraciones)
Aprender, conocer y poner en práctica las estructuras gramaticales y contenidos
lingüísticos (Grammar) programados en la Unidad didáctica (present perfect con adverbios,
present perfect y past simple)
Identificar, reconocer y reproducir los sonidos (Pronunciation) programados en la Unidad
didáctica, así como los aspectos de ritmo, acentuación y entonación de las palabras y
expresiones estudiadas (las realizaciones de la a)
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas destrezas asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
(preguntar y responder sobre regalos que te hayan hecho)
1.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones usando Present Perfect:
1.- ¿Dónde están tus llaves? No lo sé; las he perdido.
2.- Me dijo su nombre, pero lo he olvidado.
3.- Alice no está aquí. Ha ido a la tienda a comprar el periódico.
4.- ¿Ha parado de llover? No, no ha parado.
5.- ¿Ha estado Paul alguna vez en Belgrado? No, él no ha ido nunca.
6.- Nunca he estudiado inglés, pero he aprendido un montón de francés.
7.- ¿Te gustaría algo de comer? No, he comido nunca en casa. Gracias.
8.- He conocido un montón de gente esta última semana.
9.- Es la primera vez que he conducido un coche.
10.- ¿Has viajado alguna vez en barco? No, pero alguna vez he viajado en tren.
2.- Presente perfecto & pasado simple: (elige según convenga).
1.- I ____ ( be ) very tired, so I laid down in the bed and went to sleep.
2.- I ____ ( do ) German at the school but I _____ ( forget ) most of it.
3.- Ann _____ ( give ) me her address but I ______ ( lose ) it.
4.- My bike ____ ( be ) outside the house but now it ______ ( disappear ).
5.- Molly lives in Dublin. She_______ (live) there all her life.
6.- _____ you ______ ( go ) to the cinema last night?
7.- I don’t know where Amy is. _______ you ______ (see) her?
8.- I don’t know Carol’s husband. I ________ (never / meet).
9.- I ______ ( throw ) the magazine away. I _______ (finish) with it.
10.- When Sara _______ ( find ) the letter, someone________ ( open ) it.
11.- The house______ ( be ) empty for a year, when the new people ________ ( move ) in.
12.- When we ______ ( pay ) the bill, we ________ ( leave ) the restaurant.
3.- Traduce estas frases usando Present Perfect + YET,JUST o ALREADY según convenga:
1.- No he leído el periódico todavía, pero ya lo he comprado.
2.- ¿Has visitado el museo ya? No, no he ido todavía.
3.- Ya he comido, pero no he limpiado los platos todavía.
4.- Acabo de ver el partido en la tele; ha perdido el Betis.
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C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
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4º E.S.O.
5.- ¿Has encontrado trabajo ya?
6.- Frank acaba de comprar los refrescos para le excursión del colegio.
7.- ¿Habéis terminado ya el dibujo? Sí, acabamos de terminarlo.
8.- No hemos Ganado un partido este año. Acabamos de perder la última oportunidad.
4.- Complete with FOR or SINCE:
1.- ___________ six weeks
2.- _________ Sunday
3.- _________ 1996
4.- ___________ ten years
5.- _________ yesterday 6.- _________ breakfast time.
7.- ___________ a long time
8.- _________ 5 minutes 9.- _________ July.
10.- __________ last day.
11.- ________ a day.
12.- ________ this morning.
5.- REPASO: Usa LIKE+gerund or WOULD LIKE + to infinitive. repaso
1.- No me gustaría ser profesor porque es un trabajo duro.
2.- Me gusta jugar al fútbol, pero no me gusta jugar en este país.
3.- ¿Te gustaría pizza o hamburguesa? Me gustaría comer pizza, gracias.
4.- ¿Te gusta estudiar francés? No, no me gusta, pero es importante.
5.- ¿Te gustaría venir a cenar? Sí, gracias.
6.- Haz preguntas comenzando por HAVE YOU EVER……?:
1.- ________________ (walk) more than 40 kilometres?
2.- ________________ (have) a serious illness?
3.- ________________ (fly) in a helicopter?
4.- ________________ (sleep) outside?
5.- ________________ (climb) a high mountain?
7.- Haz preguntas usando PAST SIMPLE or PRESENT PERFECT, mirando las respuestas
1.- How long / Sarah / live /in France? Since 1990.
2.- When / John / lose his job? 3 weeks ago.
3.- When / the last time / you / have / a holiday? Last year.
4.- How long / Jill / have a cat? Since January.
5.- What time / you / finish work? At 9:00 p.m.
8.- Completa el hueco usando Present Perfect o Past Simple del verbo entre paréntesis:
1.- I ____________ (not see) mucho of Peter lately.
2.- Who is she? I _________ (never/see) her before.
3.- She _________ (leave) school last year.
4.- When __________ (get) married?
5.- I’m sorry. I _________ (not finish) yet.
6.- He _________ (catch) the plane at eight this morning.
7.- I ________ (read) a lot of her books when I was at school.
8.- ___________ (see) any good films recently?
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
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4º E.S.O.
9.- SINCE & FOR:
1.- Han trabajado aquí durante cinco años.
2.- Fran vive en Jaén desde 1998.
3.- No he visto a Tom desde el martes.
4.- Gané el concurso durante 5 años.
5.- Ha estado en la playa durante una hora.
6.- Kevin ha comprado aquí desde que se mudó.
7.- Hemos estado en esta clase desde 1999.
8.- No hemos comido juntos desde Navidad.
10.- Complete each sentence with YET, FOR, ALREADY, SINCE:
- Haven’t you left ________? No. I’ve been here ________ 8.00 this morning.
- Have you checked the results of the experiment ________? Yes, I’ve _______ done that.
- We’ve worked on this project ________ three weeks, but we haven’t discovered anything
interesting _______
- No, nothing has happened ________ last Tuesday.
- Yes, I know. I’ve _______ seen your report.
11.- Fill in with Past Simple or Present Perfect:
My best friend is called Alison. We __________ (know) each other since we _________ (be) five
years old. We _________ (always/share) our problems and our troubles, but we _________
(also/enjoy) good times together and __________ (spend) many hours laughing together. We
___________ (live) next door to each other before Alison _________ (move) to London. I ________
(visit) her many times since then. She __________ (just/buy) a new house but I ___________
(not/see) it yet.
12.- Mrs Dune is a terrible gossip. She is telling her neighbour the latest news of the
neighbourhood. Complete with PRESENT PERFECT:
Danny and Susan ____________ (just/return) from their holiday. They ________ (be) in New
York for a week. The Browns __________ (move) into their new house. They __________ (sell) the
old one two weeks ago. Sandra _________ (buy) an expensive computer. She __________ (buy) it
yesterday. John _________ (take) his car to the garage. He _________ (take) it there at 9:00
o`clock on Friday. Mrs Gate _________ (not tidy) her house yet. She ________ (go) for a walk.
She __________ (leave) about two hours ago and __________ (not come) back yet. Mr. Moore
___________ (already/cut) the grass but he _____________ (not/paint) the fence yet.
Tienes que realizar una pequeña investigación sobre un PRESIDENTE de EE.UU.. Se escribirá a mano, en 2 ó 3
folios blancos sin fotos ni dibujos, con márgenes y buena presentación. Se penalizará la copia de enciclopedia e
internet, hay que investigar y redactar, no copiar literalmente. Puedes elegir alguno de éstos:
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson,
Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James Polk , Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore,
Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A.
Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland, William McKinley,
Theodore Roosevelt Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S
Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
When the stars go blue
Dancin' where the stars go blue Dancin' where the __________ fell
Dancin' in your wooden _________ In a wedding gown
Dancin' out on 7th __________ Dancin' through the underground
Dancin' little marionette Are you _________ now?
Where do you go when you're ________ Where do you go when you're ________
Where do you go when you're ________ I'll follow you
When the stars go blue, blue When the stars go blue, blue
When the stars go blue, blue When the stars go blue
Laughing with your pretty _________ Laughing with your _________ eyes
Laughing with your _________ tongue In a lullaby
Where do you go when you're _________ Where do you go when you're ________
Where do you go when you're ___________ I'll _________ you
When the stars go blue, blue When the stars go blue, blue
When the stars, when the stars go blue, blue When the stars go blue
When the stars go blue, blue, blue Stars go blue
When the stars go blue
Where do you go when you're _________ Where do you go when you're blue, yeah
Where do you go when you're _____________
I'll follow you, I'll follow you, I'll follow you
I'll follow you, I'll follow you, yeah
Where do you go, yeah Where do you go, Where do you go
"When I'm With You" SIMPLE PLAN
I'm __________ my time I'm trying to leave the memories of you __________
I'm gonna be fine As soon as I get your __________ right out of my mind
I wanna feel the way you make me ________ when I'm with you
I wanna be the only _________, you need to hold on to
But everytime I call you don't have __________
I guess I'll never get to call you mine
You're nothing at all, I know there’s a _________ reasons why I shouldn't call
With __________ to say, could easily make this conversation _______ all day
Another lesson I didn't get to learn
Your my obsession
I've got __________ to turn
[Chorus x2]
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
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4º E.S.O.
"You Give Me Something" JAMES MORRISON
You only ________ with me in the morning You only hold me when I _______
I was meant to tread the ________ But now I've gotten in too deep
For every piece of me that wants you ________ piece backs away
You give me something
That ________ me scared alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to _______ it a try
Please give me something
Because someday I might _______ my heart
You only waited up for hours Just to spend a little time alone with me
And I can say I've never bought you _________ I can't work out what they mean
I never thought that I'd love someone That was someone else's dream
You give me something
That ________ me scared alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to _______ it a try
Please give me something
Because someday I might _______ my heart
But it might be a _________ too late And the words that I could ________ say
Are gonna come out anyway
You give me something
That ________ me scared alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to _______ it a try
Please give me something
You give me something
That ________ me scared alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to _______ it a try
Please give me something
Because someday I might _______ my heart
Know my heart, know my heart, know my heart
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas intenciones comunicativas y funciones
(Objectives) asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
Reconocer y producir el vocabulario (Vocabulary) programado relacionado con los diversos
campos conceptuales que se desarrollan en la Unidad didáctica (Actividad física y deportes
en general)
Aprender, conocer y poner en práctica las estructuras gramaticales y contenidos
lingüísticos (Grammar) programados en la Unidad didáctica (los tres tipos de futuro:will,
going to, present continuous, y la posibilidad con May o might)
Identificar, reconocer y reproducir los sonidos (Pronunciation) programados en la Unidad
didáctica, así como los aspectos de ritmo, acentuación y entonación de las palabras y
expresiones estudiadas (las realizaciones de las vocales.
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas destrezas asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
(preguntar y responder sobre los deportes. Escribir acerca del futuro)
1.- Uso del futuro: (Completa con will & going to).
1.- Have you a ticket for the play? Yes, I _____ (see) it on Thursday..
2.- Did you buy that book? No, Emma did. She _____ (read) it on holiday.
3.- Would you like tea or coffee? I ______ (take) coffee, please.
4.- I______ ( go ) miss a good film tonight, but Tom _____ ( record ) it for me.
5.- I’m just going out to get a paper. What newspaper _______ ( you / buy )?
6.- If it rains, they _________(stay) at home all the evening.
7.- Kevin ___________(go) to the dentist next Friday at 3.00 p.m.
8.- _______ they _______ ( finish) the building soon? I don’t think so.
2.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones de futuro: ( will, won’t ).
1.- Martin estará aquí mañana por la noche.
2.- Susan y Ron jugarán al tenis en la pista 3.
3.- Nosotros comenzaremos la clase a las 9:10.
4.- Ellas no vivirán en Granada el próximo año.
5.- ¿Hablarán Lauren y Helen con el primo de Steve?
6.- ¿A qué hora empezará el concierto mañana?
7.- Creo que lloverá mañana porque está nublado.
8.- ¿Cuándo sabrás los resultados de los exámenes?
3- Uso del futuro de intención: ( BE + Going to + infinitive ).
1.- Eric va a jugar al fútbol mañana.
2.- ¿Dónde vas a poner ese cuadro? Voy a ponerlo cerca de la ventana.
3.- Alice va a ir a la universidad en septiembre.
4.- La madre de Frank va a tocar el piano en ese teatro.
5.- No vamos a comprar las entradas esta semana.
6.- Alec va a vivir en Barcelona en verano, y en Madrid en invierno.
7.- ¿Qué vas a comprar para el cumpleaños de Mark?
8.- Él no va a leer la carta de Gary.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
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4º E.S.O.
4.- Diferencia en las siguientes si debes usar WILL o GOING TO:
1.- Mary ________ have a baby.
2.- Perhaps we _______ meet again one day.
3.- Be careful, or you _______ fall down.
4.- Look! Andy ________ fall off his bike.
5.- I think you _________ love Scotland.
6.- look at those clouds: it ________ rain.
5.- Reescribe las oraciones usando MAY o MIGHT, sin que el sentido de la oración cambie:
1.- Perhaps she isn’t feeling very well.
2.- Perhaps she’s worrying about her exams.
3.- Perhaps she needs help.
4.- But perhaps she doesn’t want to talk to anybody.
6.- Traduce las siguientes frases usando los diferentes tipos de futuros:
1.- Cumpliré 20 años el próximo viernes.
2.- Tom va a vender su coche viejo y comprará uno nuevo.
3.- Conduciremos al sur de Francia. Será un viaje muy largo.
4.- Creo que el Liverpool ganará ese partido.
5.- No hay nubes en el cielo. Va a ser un día fantástico.
6.- ¿Vas a hacer una fiesta? Sí, haré la fiesta en casa de Fanny.
7.- Compraré las entradas antes de ir a trabajar.
8.- Tengo sed. Voy a hacer algo de té. ¿Quieres una taza?
7.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones con Futuro (WILL / WON’T) expresando promesas:
1.- Te prometo que enviaré esa carta cuando salga a la calle.
2.- Nos han prometido que harán más ejercicio este año.
3.- Prometemos que no beberemos alcohol los fines de semana.
4.- Prometo que iré a la Iglesia este domingo.
5.- Prometo no llegar tarde a clase mañana.
6.- Te devolveré el dinero mañana; te lo prometo.
7.- Estoy seguro de que ganaremos el partido
8.- WILL HAVE TO (<must) y WILL BE ABLE TO (<can):
1.- Algún día podremos vivir sin guerras.
2.- Tendremos que comprar bebidas para la fiesta.
3.- ¿Podrás venir a la excursión? No lo sé todavía.
4.- Paula podrá estudiar Derecho si aprueba este año.
5.- No tendrás que trabajar en esa fábrica.
6.- ¿Tendré que nadar a lo largo del río? Creo que sí.
7.- Helen tendrá que trabajar duro, pero podrá conseguirlo.
9.- Plantea una solución PROBABLE al problema que te plantea el ejercicio usando MAY o
1.- Why is john wearing sunglasses? It’s not sunny today.
2.- Why didn’t Jane come to the party last night?
3.- Why is Alan in such a bad mood tonight?
4.- Where can I have put my bag?
5.- Why isn’t Sophie in the office tonight?
6.- Why does Henry look so miserable?
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
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4º E.S.O.
10.- El futuro: WILL (promesas, decisiones instantáneas, cosas seguras… ), BE GOING TO
(intenciones y predicciones, evidencias presentes), PRESENT CONTINUOUS (citas
futuras, señaladas en agendas etc..)
1.- Voy a aprender a jugar al tenis el próximo año.
2.- Iré al teatro el próximo miércoles, tengo las entadas.
3.- Visitaré al médico el miércoles que viene a las tres.
4.- Cumplirá 23 años el próximo martes.
5.- Creo que no va a venir a clase hoy.
6.- ¿Le vas a escribir una carta? No lo sé.
7.- Mañana es sábado, así que no iremos al colegio.
11.- Complete this text bout SCIENCE using Present simple or Future (WILL):
- The Sun __________ (continue) much as it is today until it _________ (enter) its red giant
phase in 4 to 5 billion years. Then, the core ___________ (grow) smaller and hotter until it
finally ___________ (finish) burning the fuel in its nuclear core. When this ___________ (occur)
the core ___________ (become) so dense that helium fusion will begin. When the helium
atoms __________ (collide), they _________ (form) carbon (from 3 helium atoms) and oxygen
(from 4 helium atoms). When this process ________ (begin) the Sun _________ (produce)
enormous amounts of energy. The Sun _________ (grow) larger as this energy __________
(increase). It __________ (be) over a hundred times its present size by the time it _________
(stop) growing. This is why we use the term red giant. As the Sun ___________ (expand), it is
probable that it _________ (absorb) the Earth. When the Sun _________ (use) up all its energy,
it _________ (become) a small white dwarf, and __________ (not make) any more energy. After
a few billion years, when it is completely cool, it ________ (be) just a cold dark object.
12.- Vocabulary:
a) Write five games where you can hit the ball ( with various kinds of equipment)
b) Write four games where you can pass the ball (with hands or feet)
c) Write three games where you can catch the ball.
d) Write two games where you can hit the ball.
e) Write one game where you can head the ball
Now complete the square using the information above:
Football/ racket/ course/ pitch/ tennis/ boots/ golf/ net/ court/ clubs/ training shoes/ whistle
13.- Vocabulary: fill the gaps with a correct verb (think about the best option).
- Do you _____________ much exercise?
- I only __________ volleyball in summer.
- If possible, I’d like to ________ a fitness club
- My Dad played football but he ____________ because he was too old
- We used to __________ camping in the mountains
- I love football. Really? Which team do you ____________?
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas intenciones comunicativas y funciones
(Objectives) asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
Reconocer y producir el vocabulario (Vocabulary) programado relacionado con los diversos
campos conceptuales que se desarrollan en la Unidad didáctica (inglés americano)
Aprender, conocer y poner en práctica las estructuras gramaticales y contenidos
lingüísticos (Grammar) programados en la Unidad didáctica (preguntas, las question tags y
los comparativos y superlativos)
Identificar, reconocer y reproducir los sonidos (Pronunciation) programados en la Unidad
didáctica, así como los aspectos de ritmo, acentuación y entonación de las palabras y
expresiones estudiadas (las formas débiles)
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas destrezas asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
(hablar y escribir usando inglés americano)
1.- Completa estas frases con QUESTION TAG: ampliación
1.- You would like coffee; ____?
2.- Ann doesn’t eat meat, _____?
3.- I’m not talking fast, ______?
4.- The lesson starts at 6.00;_____?
5.- They went to Spain; ______?
6.- We couldn’t study; ________?
7.- We should sleep more,_____?
8.- You’ll be here tomorrow; ______?
9.- There was a phone call for me;________?
10.- you’re playing football tomorrow, _?
11.- You’ll be OK here; __________?
13.- Your brother can tell us that, _____?
12.- Margaret likes brown bread, _______?
14.- They don’t use much electricity, _____?
2.- Los adjetivos comparativos: ( fíjate si es de 1 ó 2 sílabas, irregular o –Y )
1.- Jim es más divertido que Steve.
2.- Steve es más inteligente que Jim.
3.- Steve es más popular que Jim.
4.- Jim es más honesto que Steve.
5.- Jim es más agradable que Steve.
6.- Steve es más alto que Jim.
7.- Steve es peor que Jim.
8.- Jim es más rápido que Steve.
9.- Steve es tan guapo como Jim.
10:- Jim es tan viejo como Steve
11.- Jim no es tan feo como Steve.
12.- Steve no es tan bueno como Jim
3.- Traduce usando comparativos (igualdad o superioridad):
1.- Elegí ese hotel porque era más barato que el hotel del centro.
2.- No tengo tantos libros como Jack.
3.- El vuelo a Zurich es más barato que el vuelo a Frankfurt.
4.- No hemos visitado tantos países como vosotros este verano.
5.- Hyde Park, en Londres, no es tan grande como Central Park, en Nueva York.
6.- Peter es un buen jugador, pero Mike es mejor jugador que él.
7.- Aquella casa es bonita, pero la casa de Fanny es más bonita que ésa.
8.- Susan no trabaja tan duro como los otros estudiantes.
4.- Traduce usando superlativos:
1.- ¿Es Londres la ciudad más grande de Inglaterra?
2.- Este es el curso más difícil de la E.S.O.
3.- ¿Quién es Michael Jackson? Oh, es el cantante más famoso del mundo.
4.- Ese no es el peor hotel de la ciudad, estoy seguro.
5.- Esa es, probablemente, la cámara más cara de la tienda.
6.- Muchos profesores dicen que es la mejor estudiante del colegio.
7.- No creo que España sea el lugar más caluroso del planeta.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
5.- Completa con un adjetivo de los que te ofrecen en grado comparativo (-ER THAN /
MORE …. THAN): ampliación
1.- I may not be much of a cook, but Brian is even _________ in the kitchen than I am.
2.- Most research I this area uses simple interviews, but we used a ________ methodology.
3.- I didn’t do well at school, and my fellow students all seemed _________ than me.
4.- Neil is already rich, but his aim in life seems to be to become even ____________
5.- was concerned when John didn’t phone to say he’d be late, but I was even _________
when he didn’t come at all that night.
6.- The walk was quite enjoyable, but if the sun had been shining it would have been
7.- When I took the washing out of the machine it looked ________ than when it went it.
8.- For an extra € 500, you could buy a much ___________ motorbike.
9.- The film starts slowly, but gets __________ after the first half an hour.
10.- Curiously, many people say they feel mentally _________ if they eat very little for a day.
6.- Repaso: Los cuantificadores: a lot (of), (a) few, (a) little, much, many, some, any,
1.- No puedo encontrar nada de mantequilla, pero tengo algo de aceite.
2.- Las plantas necesitan un poco de agua cada día.
3.- Pocas personas comprenden las matemáticas.
4.- Tengo un montón de azúcar en la cocina.
5.- Necesito mucha harina para hacer el pastel, pero no necesito muchas manzanas.
6.- No tiene algo de dinero, pero tiene algunos amigos.
7.- ¿Puedo ofrecerte algo de café? Gracias, pero prefiero algo de té.
8.- ¿Cuántos amigos tienes? Tengo un montón.
9.- Estudio muchas asignaturas, pero sólo apruebo algunas.
10.- Unos pocos estudiantes irán a isla Mágica el próximo mes
7.- Reescribe las oraciones como interrogativas, para que la respuesta sea YES/NO:
1.- The Nile is the longest river. ________________________________________________________?
2.- Earthquakes have occurred in this country ____________________________________________?
3.- The Volcano had erupted before _____________________________________________________?
4.- 200 million years ago there was only continent _______________________________________?
5.- People ere expecting a tsunami in 2004. _______________________________________________?
6.- Our climate will be different in 50years’ time __________________________________________?
7.- The capital city has continued grow ___________________________________________________?
8.- The Arabian Desert and the Gobi Desert are similar in size. ____________________________?
9.- The ice at the Poles has started to melt. ______________________________________________?
10.- Many people were injured in the earthquake __________________________________________?
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
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4º E.S.O.
8.- Add a positive tag to each sentence:
Madagascar isn’t in the Atlantic Ocean, ________?
Astronauts haven’t landed on Mars, ___________?
The climate won’t get any worse, ______________?
The Romans didn’t sail to America, _____________?
Chickens can’t fly, ______________?
The world’s population isn’t growing in all countries, _____________?
9.- Make questions to these answers: repaso
__________________________________? It was really great.
__________________________________? To Cairo, in Egypt.
__________________________________? I went for a week.
__________________________________? With my brother, Simon
__________________________________? We flew from London direct to Cairo.
__________________________________? In a big hotel, right next to the Nile
__________________________________? We saw the Pyramids of course.
__________________________________? We went on a boat trip along the Nile, too.
______________________________? We arrived home last night, but I wish we had stayed longer.
10.- British & American English:
Busca el equivalente Americano de estos términos
usando un diccionario
autumn / camp bed / flat / padding pool / programme / to play truant / trolley / solicitor
/ biscuit / boot / crisps / taxi
11.- British & American English: Busca el equivalente británico de estos términos usando
un diccionario
elevator / eraser / freeway / hood / pacifier / shorts / vacation / license plate / gasoline /
mailbox / trash / candy
12.- Complete the sentence with ONE word (adjective comparative):
I expected y exam results to be better. The exam results were __________ than I expected.
Harry doesn’t look so clever. Harry is _________ than he looks.
The black coat is smaller than the brown one. The brown coat is ____ than the black one.
Helen’s brother is older than her. Helen is __________ than her brother.
Jim Carrey’s previous film wasn’t as funny as his latest one. Jim Carrey’s latest film is
_________ than the previous one.
The weather yesterday was worse. The weather today is _________ than it was yesterday.
I’m not as happy as I used to be. I used to be _________ than I am now.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
13.- Vocabulary: formal and informal English (ampliación)
Handy, purchase, thus, quid, apprehend, guy, loo, resume, terrific, commence, reckon, cheers,
fancy, thick, bright
14.- Vocabulary: notices & warning. Translate these ones (ampliación)
- Out of order
- No vacancies
- Sold out
- Please, queue other side
- Keep right
- Keep off the grass
- Examination in progress
- Don’t lean out of the window
- No exit
- Don’t leave bags unattended
- Do not disturb
- Mind your head
- Do not feed the animals
- Beware of the pickpockets
- Mind the step
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas intenciones comunicativas y funciones
(Objectives) asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
Reconocer y producir el vocabulario (Vocabulary) programado relacionado con los diversos
campos conceptuales que se desarrollan en la Unidad didáctica (géneros literarios en inglés)
Aprender, conocer y poner en práctica las estructuras gramaticales y contenidos
lingüísticos (Grammar) programados en la Unidad didáctica (cláusulas temporales,
adverbios de manera, primera condicional y uso de UNLESS)
Identificar, reconocer y reproducir los sonidos (Pronunciation) programados en la Unidad
didáctica, así como los aspectos de ritmo, acentuación y entonación de las palabras y
expresiones estudiadas (sonido de la vocal u)
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas destrezas asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
(hablar acerca de un cuadro o fotografía y escribir una historia o cuento)
1.- Time Clauses: WHEN & WHILE:
1.- Estábamos viviendo en Londres, cuando la conocimos.
2.- Mientras escribía el ensayo, Lisa veía la televisión en el salón.
3.- Cuando salí de casa esta mañana, estaba nevando.
4.- Susan limpió el salón mientras Paul hacía la comida.
5.- Julie estaba comiendo un sándwich mientras Carolina estaba escuchando música.
6.- Fueron amigos mientras trabajaron en la misma empresa.
2.- Completa estas frases de 1st conditional: ( If +suj + present  suj + future, o inversa).
a) If you lose your credit card....
c) If it doesn’t rain....
b) Your salary will go up....
d) We’ll catch the bus....
e) The dog will bite them....
f) If I don’t study hard...
g) If we move to Wales ….
h) It’ll be funny ….
3.- Elige un adverbial para sustituir a la parte que aparece subrayada de entre los que te
1.- It’s regrettable that we can’t offer you a place on the course.
2.- As might be expected, I did what I could to make them feel at home.
3.- I‘ve heard, but I’m not sure it’s true that this building is going to be pulled down.
4.- It’s extremely surprising, but I won the first prize.
5.- To say what I really think, I don’t know what I’d have done without him.
6.- In most circumstances, an overdose of this size is fatal.
7.- In my opinion, I think TV is to blame for the decline in reading standards among children.
8. It’s fortunate that John didn’t hurt himself when he fell off his motorbike.
9.- On average, it takes three days for a letter to get to Australia.
10.- It’s supposed to be true that you can park anywhere, but in practice there are rarely and
spaces left by 9:00 a.m.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
4.- Completa estas frases de 0 conditional: ( if + suj + pres  suj + pres )
1.- If I don’t get enough sleep,….
2.- You have to study hard …..
3.- If you are a vegetarian ….
4.- You treat people who are ill ….
5.- You repair engines and cars ….
6.- I feel bad …..
7.- If I’m late for school ….
8.- You work in a school ….
5.- Reescribe estas oraciones usando y empezando por la palabra entre paréntesis:
1.- I have to telephone Mike tonight or he’ll sell the car to someone else. (Unless)
2.- You should keep medicines in the fridge only if it is necessary. (You)
3.- The hospital must get more money or it will close. (Unless)
4.- Speak to her only if she speaks to you first. (Don’t)
5.- It must rain within the next week, or water supplies will be cut off. (Unless)
6.- They won’t let her into the concert unless she has a ticket. ( if ).
7.- We won’t go and see that film if you don’t want to. ( unless ).
8.- The doctor will not see you if you don’t telephone first. ( unless ).
9.- You can’t be a sailor unless you can swim. ( if ).
10.- Our team will be in trouble if we don’t win on Saturday. ( unless ).
6.- Match he following parts of the sentences, and then translate:
- If I go on a diet,
- we´ll make a snowman
- If it’s sunny tomorrow,
- I’ll buy you some chocolate
- if John doesn’t hurry,
- she´ll have to take a taxi
- if it snows,
- I´ll lose weight
- If there are no buses,
- he´ll be late
- If you are a good girl,
- we´ll go for a picnic
7.- Fill in using UNLESS or IF:
1.- _________ you make so much noise, I won’t be able to sleep.
2.- I’ll tell you ________ there are any messages for you.
3.- I won’t finish the work __________ you help me.
4.- __________ you’re hungry, I’ll make you a sandwich.
5.- We’ll miss the bus __________ we hurry.
6.- They won’t get married __________ he gets a job.
7.- You won’t understand _________ you listen carefully.
8.- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Add a comma where necessary.
- If the dog ________ (keep) barking the neighbours _________ (complain)
- The boss ________ (be) angry if you ________ (arrive) late for work again.
- If you __________ (eat) too much you __________ (be) sick.
- If the weather _________ (be) bad on Saturday we _________ (stay) at home.
- You ___________ (see) a doctor if you __________ (not/feel) well.
- If you ___________ (study) hard you _________ (pass) your exam.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
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4º E.S.O.
9.- Write questions using the prompts provided (follow the example):
leave the bike / want to go shopping  Where will you leave the bike if you want to go
Repair the bike / something breaks  How ________________________________________________?
Sleep / not find a hotel  Where _________________________________________________________?
Eat / run out of money  How ___________________________________________________________?
Do / not stop raining  What _____________________________________________________________?
Get home / steal / bike  How ___________________________________________________________?
10.- Complete the sentences with your own words: (1st conditional)
- If it rains this afternoon, _______________________________________________________________
- If I get enough money, _________________________________________________________________
- I have my hair cut if ___________________________________________________________________
- We put on warm clothes if _____________________________________________________________
- Unless there is a problem, _____________________________________________________________
11.- Vocabulary : types of films (Join both columns). ampliación
Good fun
Very exciting
Lots of fighting
Very enjoyable
Lots of different ideas
Sad and emotional
It makes you laugh
12.- Literature: look for information about a famous writer from UK and another one from
the USA (in the XX century if possible)and complete the box below:
British writer
American writer
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
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4º E.S.O.
I'm here _______, waiting at home, I cannot ____ the air no more , sick of love, my heart is sick of love.
I even know, it's getting ________, I turn off the ________, sick of love , my air is sick of love,
I cannot find, I'm _______ than blind, Everything I ___________ is wrong, sick of love,
my mind is sick of love.
Always blame, __________ that flame, you can't trust any more, sick of love, We are sick of love.
Yeaaah, I'm gonna fly, tonight, I'm ________ you, don't be afraid,
I am your superman, I bring a box with ______ To put you in, oh, let's dance again,
the evil game. x2 I'm gonna fly x3
I'm here alone, waiting at home, I cannot feel the air no more,
sick of love, my heart is sick of love.
I even know, it's getting _______, I turn off the ________, sick of love, my air is sick of love.
I cannot find, I'm _______ than blind, Everything I __________ is wrong, sick of love, my mind is sick of love.
Always blame, __________ that flame, you can't trust any more, sick of love, We are sick of love.
Just feel the _________, don't feel the pain, we are in a ________, we are all insane,
It's getting major, It's not a game, You want to leave it, You want? You must forget.
I'm gonna fly, tonight, I'm __________ you,
don't be afraid, I am your superman, I bring a box with _________,
To put you in, oh, let's dance again,
the evil game. x2 I'm gonna fly x4 Let's dance I'm gonna fly
I'm taking youx3 Ohhh, sick of love
Girl please excuse If I'm _________ too strong But tonight is the ________ We can really let go
My girlfriend is out of town And I'm all _______ Your boyfriend is on ___________ And he doesn't have to know
No one won't knew the things I'm _________ want to do to you
Shout it out, scream it loud _______ me hear GO!
Baby I like it The _______ you move on the floor Baby I like it Come on and ________ me some more
Oh yes I like it Screaming like never _________ Baby I like it I, I, I like it.
Party, Karamu, Fiesta, Forever
Go girl please excuse me If I must be _________, oh Enrique Iglesias I Like It lyrics found on I tryna keep my
hands off
But you're beggin' me for more Round, round, round Baby, low, low, low The time, time _________ That's
why I'm a
No one can do it better Shout it out, scream it loud _______ me hear GO!
Baby I like it The _______ you move on the floor Baby I like it Come on and ________ me some more
Oh yes I like it Screaming like never _________ Baby I like it I, I, I like it.
Don't stop baby, don't stop baby Just keep on __________ your love
I won't stop breathing, I won't stop breathing Until you gave _________
Party, Karamu, Fiesta, Forever
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
We’ll check these exercises when you’re back!!!
1.- Intenta, usando un diccionario, traducir estas expresiones de ADJETIVO + PREPOSICIÓN:
2.- Escribe una frase con cada una de estas preposiciones, sabiendo la traducción de la preposición:
3.- Expresar las preferencias (prefer + ambas formas, would prefer + INF con TO, would rather + INF sin TO )
1.- Prefiero vivir en Barcelona porque es una ciudad grande.
2.- Preferiría estudiar Derecho a Medicina.
3.- Preferiría no trabajar en Agosto, pero tengo que hacerlo.
4.- ¿Prefieres comprar en el supermercado o en una tienda pequeña?
5.- ¿Quieres venir en coche? No, gracias, preferiría andar.
6.- Prefiero estudiar durante el curso que en verano.
4.- Expresar el acuerdo y el desacuerdo: (So / Neither + aux + sujeto).
1.- I really enjoyed that meal. _______________________ / _______________________
2.- My brother can’t speak any foreign language. ____________________ / ___________________
3.- I’ve been ill this year. ___________________ / ___________________
4.- Helen will eat fish & chips. ________________ / __________________
5.- I would like to live in Paris. __________________ / __________________
6.- Peter doesn’t know his house. __________________ / _________________
7.- Laura couldn’t save any money ________________ / _____________________
8.- We should learn to drive soon. _________________ / ___________________
5.- Completa estas frases con partículas que expresan cantidad: (some,any,a few, a little, a lot of, much, many)
1.- He isn’t very popular. He has ________ friends.
2.- We must be quick. We have ______ time.
3.- Did you take __________ photos when you were on holiday?
4.- Do you mind if I ask you ________ questions?
5.- The museum was very crowded. There were too ________ people.
6.- I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got _______ patience.
7.- Most of the town is modern. There are _________ old buildings.
8.- _________ people drive too fast in England.
6.- Write some lines talking about your Easter holidays: ( use what you’ve studied in the last term)
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas intenciones comunicativas y funciones
(Objectives) asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
Reconocer y producir el vocabulario (Vocabulary) programado relacionado con los diversos
campos conceptuales que se desarrollan en la Unidad didáctica (nombres compuestos y
refranes en inglés)
Aprender, conocer y poner en práctica las estructuras gramaticales y contenidos
lingüísticos (Grammar) programados en la Unidad didáctica (la segunda condicional. El uso
de SHOULD para expresar consejo)
Identificar, reconocer y reproducir los sonidos (Pronunciation) programados en la Unidad
didáctica, así como los aspectos de ritmo, acentuación y entonación de las palabras y
expresiones estudiadas (las realizaciones de la H. Pronunciar o no)
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas destrezas asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
(hablar sobre una situación hipotética. Dar un discurso)
1.- Traduce las siguientes oraciones expresando consejo ( usa SHOULD):
1.- No deberíamos trabajar los fines de semana.
2.- Deberías respetar las señales de tráfico.
3.- ¿Debería Susan jugar el último partido? No, está enferma.
4.- Alan y Josh deberían ir al colegio todos los días.
5.- Yo no debería comprar esa casa porque es muy cara.
6.- No deberías hablar rápido, deberías hablar despacio.
7.- ¿Debería trabajar los domingos? No, no deberías.
8.- Mañana debería ir al gimnasio por la tarde
9.- ¿Qué debería hacer? Deberías tener más cuidado.
10.- Lisa necesita un cambio, debería irse fuera unos días.
11.- No creo que debieran casarse. Deberían esperar más tiempo.
12.- Mark debería aprobar el examen porque ha estudiado duro.
13.- No debería comer tanto porque enfermará.
14.- Tom y Mark no deberían jugar el partido porque no entrenan
2.- Intenta unir las palabras de ambas columnas , y decir su significado, una vez unidas:
3.- Completa estas frases de 2nd conditional : ( If + suj + past  suj + cond).
1.- If you took more exercises ....
2.- I’d feel very angry if .........
3.- If I didn’t go to work tomorrow...
4.- Would you go to the party....
5.- If you bought some new clothes
6.- What would you do if.....
7.- If I didn’t go to his party....
8.- You’d feel better if....
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
4.- Busca cómo se dirían los siguientes refranes españoles en inglés (usa diccionario).¡¡¡¡
No es un ejercicio de traducir!!!!:
- Perro ladrador, poco mordedor.
- Más vale pájaro en mano, que ciento volando.
- No por mucho madrugar, amanece más temprano.
- Más vale maña, que fuerza.
- Al perro flaco, todo son pulgas.
- Al que a buen árbol se arrima, buena sombra le cobija.
5.- Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense:
1. I (need) some money if we (go) out tonight.
2. It (be) funny if Norman (get) the job.
3. If the boys (come) to supper, I (cook) chicken breast.
4. The kitchen (look) better if we (have) red curtains.
5. What (you do) if you (win) the lottery?.
6. If you really (love) me, you (buy) me these diamonds.
7. It (be) nice if you (spend) some time with the children.
8. If we (live) in a town, life would be easier.
9. If she (come) late again, she’ll lost her job.
10. I (go) to the mountains, if I’m free on Saturday.
6.- Transform into a conditional sentence (1st or 2nd type)
I feel very tired, so I won’t come out with you -------------If I didn’t feel so tired, I
would come out with you
He doesn’t know he is here, so he won’t tell him to go away
The weather is very cold, that’s why I don’t go to the beach
I can’t stop working because I don’t have a lot of money
I can’t come out for a walk with you because I’m very tired
She doesn’t love you, that’s why she is so horrible to you
Pollution is increasing because there are many cars
The climate is changing because there are few trees
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
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4º E.S.O.
7.- Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verb in brackets
If he (run) ......................... he’ll get there in time
If you (finish) ................................ dinner I’ll ask the waiter for the bill
I (meet) ............................... you at the airport if knew you are coming
You can camp in my field provided you (leave) ............................... no mess
If the fog (get) ...................... thicker hte plane may be diverted
If someone tried to blackmail me I (tell) ................................ the police
If you (not have)............................. a permit you couldn’t get a job
If you (look) .............................. for Peter you’ll find him upstairs
We’re going by air and I hate flying. If we (go) .................................... by boat I’d feel
much happier.
10. I would be very grateful if you (make) ................................. the arrangements for me
8.- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: (2 nd conditional)
Sarah is a bored teenager. If she __________ (join) a club, she __________ (make) more friends.
She _________ (enjoy) herself if she ________ (go) out more. Her schoolwork is suffering too. If she
_________ (study) more, she ___________ (have) better marks and she __________ (enter) university.
Unfortunately, she is becoming overweight. She _______ (feel) fitter I she __________ (start)
swimming, and she __________ (get) thinner if she ___________ (stop) eating so much chocolate.
9.- Advise what to do in each situation beginning with IF I WERE YOU:
I can’t see a thing __________________________________________________________________
I’m tired ____________________________________________________________________________
I’m hungry __________________________________________________________________________
I’m really cold _______________________________________________________________________
My hair’s a mess ____________________________________________________________________
I’ve got a toothache __________________________________________________________________
10.- Use these prompts to make questions. The words given are in the correct order:
what / happen if you/ travel through the Earth t the other side?
What / happen if the Earth suddenly stop / going round?
What / happen if we not / have a Moon?
What / happen if all the ice at the Poles / melt?
What / happen if there be no more electricity?
What / happen if aliens receive / messages from Earth and decide / to visit us?
11.- Join the words in the box on your left with words from the box on your right and try
to translate them:
box, bus, baby, hair, traffic
Stop, tax, in-law, tongue,
star, paper, cut, sitter,
room, jam, office, driver
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
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4º E.S.O.
12.- Complete these sentences with ONE of the words below: (don’t use all of them)
Dining room, science fiction, writing paper, mother tongue, bus driver, bus stop, haircut, traffic jam,
babysitter, box office, travel agent, film star, income tax, dishwasher, brother-in-law, earrings,
frying pan, tin opener, washing machine, sunglasses, credit card, toothbrush, traffic lights, hair
dryer, cash machine, T-shirt, living room, toothache, postbox, waiting room
We booked our holidays through a ________________________
I’m sorry I’m late. There was a terrible _______________ on the motorway
Humphrey Bogart was a famous ___________ in the 40s and the 50s
The ______________ were red but he still didn’t stop
When I got to the dentist, I had to sit in the _______________ for 40 minutes
Mary wanted to go out, but she couldn’t find a ____________ for the children
When I’m driving I always wear ___________ if it’s bright and sunny
Most people have to pay ______________ on their salary.
I washed my hair; then I discovered that the _____________ wasn’t working
We waited at the __________ for 20 minutes, then three arrived at the same time
My brother loves ______________, but I never read stuff like that about the future
Your jeans were dirty so I put them in the _______________ with mine
13.- Complete the compound adjective in these sentences:
- They were both wearing short- ___________ shirts
- Goran Ivanisevic is probably the most famous left- _________ tennis player
- He’s just bought a brand- __________ car
- One girl was very badly- ________: she kept shouting and then threw food over the floor
- She’s just got a _________-time job now. She works 3 hours a day, Monday to Thursday
- It was a very badly- _________ article: terrible punctuation and lots of spelling mistakes
- They’re very well- _________, so they can go to expensive restaurants
- She’s got a little shop near the market, where she sells second- __________ things
- When I saw her, she was with a very good- __________ man in a white suit
- Have you ever met a well- _________ actor or politician?
- I had a nice time with my cousin- he’s good company and very easy____________
- She has a seven- __________ old son.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas intenciones comunicativas y funciones
(Objectives) asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
Reconocer y producir el vocabulario (Vocabulary) programado relacionado con los diversos
campos conceptuales que se desarrollan en la Unidad didáctica (los opuestos.prefijos)
Aprender, conocer y poner en práctica las estructuras gramaticales y contenidos
lingüísticos (Grammar) programados en la Unidad didáctica (Relativos. La voz pasiva)
Identificar, reconocer y reproducir los sonidos (Pronunciation) programados en la Unidad
didáctica, así como los aspectos de ritmo, acentuación y entonación de las palabras y
expresiones estudiadas (el acento y el ritmo)
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas destrezas asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
(Escribir acerca de tu ciudad)
1.- Pon estas oraciones en voz pasiva, siguiendo las explicaciones dadas en clase. Las
oraciones en negrita tienen más de un verbo, y por lo tanto, más de una pasiva:
You should open the wine about three hours before you use it.
Previous climbers had cut steps in the ice.
Somebody had cleaned my shoes and brushed my suit. (2 sentences)
We use this room only on special occasions.
They feed the seals at the zoo twice a day.
Who wrote it?
He expected us to offer him a job.
They showed her the easiest way to do it.
The author has written a special edition for children.
Did the idea interest you?
The milkman brings the milk to my door but the postman leaves the letters in the hall.
People steal things from supermarkets everyday; someone stole 20 bottles last week.
Someone left his purse in a classroom yesterday, the cleaner found it.
Passengers leave all sorts of things in buses. The conductors collect them
The Court tried the man, found him guilty and sent him to prison.
They are repairing my piano at the moment.
They invited Jack but they didn’t invite Tom.
Has someone posted my packet?
Why did no one inform me about the change of plan?
Tom Smith wrote the book and Brown Co. published it.
We bake the bread here
We are baking the bread
We have baked the bread
We baked the bread yesterday
We were baking the bread
We had baked the bread
We will bake the bread
We are going to bake the bread
We should bake the bread son
We ought to bake the bread
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone
The police stopped us on our way home
The Queen will open the new hospital
The wind blew away the paper
They will drive us to the airport
The enterprise is building a new swimming pool
Someone has destroyed all the documents
The manger must sign the cheque
Nelson Mandela presented the medals
Somebody built this house in 1895.
Has a dog ever bitten you?
We can solve this problem.
Somebody should have cleaned the windows yesterday.
They had to postpone the meeting because of illness.
Somebody might have stolen your car if you had left the keys in it.
An electrical fault could have caused the fire.
They shouldn’t have played the football match in such bad weather.
Shakespeare wrote “Hamlet”.
They have arrested her for shoplifting.
They are repairing your car now.
2.- Made of & used for + ING form: traduce.
1.- El tenedor está hecho de metal, y se usa para comer.
2.- La calculadora está hecha de metal y plástico, y se usa par hacer sumas.
3.- El teléfono está hecho de plástico y se usa para llamar a le gente.
4.- Una caja está hecha de papel y se usa para guardar cosas.
5.- El lápiz está hecho de madera y carbón y se usa para escribir.
3.- Une estas oraciones con un pronombre relativo, según las explicaciones dadas en clase:
A man has gone to prison. He shot two policemen.
A bomb caused a lot of damage. It went off this morning.
A scientist has won the Nobel Prize. He discovered a new planet.
A footballer has been banned from playing again. He took drugs.
A little girl has been found safe and well. She had been missing since Tuesday.
A company has laid off thousands of workers. It owns Greenway supermarkets.
An old lady now wants to swim the English Channel. She did a parachute jump.
Harriet talked to a couple. They were staying at the camp site.
The postcard was from Harriet. It came this morning.
10. Mike and Harriet are visiting a woman. They met her on holidays.
11. The old castle was really interesting. We visited it.
12. The dog has been rescued. It fell down a hole.
13. The story was untrue. It upset everyone.
14. He’s a film producer. He interviewed Natasha.
15. The accident wasn’t very serious. Daniel saw it.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
16. He’s a millionaire. Claire knows him.
17. The vase was extremely valuable. David broke it.
18. The dress was really nice. Melanie wore it at the party.
19. This is the bus. I have been waiting for it.
20. The restaurant is closed today. We normally go to this restaurant.
21. We stayed at the hotel. I can’t remember the name of the hotel.
22. Electronics is a subject. I know very little about it.
23. Vera Stokes is a politician. Her sister once worked for Colin.
24. Felix Reeves is a journalist. His tape-recorder was stolen.
25. Graham Wilshaw is an architect. He knew Colin at school.
26. Norman Bridge is a lawyer. He looked after Colin’s interests.
27. Sonia Goldman is a house guest. Her fingerprints were on the door handle.
28. George Paxton is a company director. He had an argument with Colin.
29. I’d like to speak to that person. He lives next door.
30. A woman has just bought a new house. My sister knows her.
31. He’s an architect. He designed the new library.
32. I saw a house. My brother wants to buy it.
33. He’s the man. He lives in the fourth floor.
34. Please, give me the tool. I need it.
35. The doctor told me it wasn’t very serious. He lives near my office.
36. The building was built many centuries ago. You can see it here on the right.
37. The manager has left his job. He offered me that position.
38. The book was a detective story. I was reading it yesterday.
39. The man is my English teacher. You spoke to him in the street.
40. The street isn’t very wide. It leads to the school.
41. The doctor is famous. She visited him.
42. The ring has three diamonds. My boyfriend gave it to me.
43. I met a young woman. She works in the Post Office.
44. Did you see that letter? It came this morning.
45. I would like to see the tree. You picked the apple from it.
46. They are the people. They offered Sue a job.
47. The car has now been found. It was stolen.
48. That’s the knife and fork. I eat with them.
49. He’s the person. He wanted to buy your house.
50. We threw out the computer. It never worked properly.
51. This is the lion. It’s been ill recently.
52. The man was badly injured. He was driving the car.
53. The children broke my window. They live in the next street.
54. They sold the cat. It was afraid of mice.
55. This is the chair. My parents gave it to me.
56. I’ve applied for the job. You told me about it.
57. We’re looking for the ball. We were playing with it.
58. Tom has driven all day. He is tired and wants to stop.
59. A man answered the phone. He said Tom was out.
60. I met Mary. She asked me to give you this.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
4.- Turn from active to passive using two possibilities (two objects, two passives):
The waiter will bring US THE BILL.
The Queen presented HIM WITH A MEDAL.
Her mother bought MARY SOME SWEETS.
Larry is going to send A LETTER TO TOM.
5.- Fill in the relative pronoun. Add commas if necessary:
Mr Brown _______ teaches us French comes from London.
The girl _________ I met on the bus looks just like my sister.
Peter Smith _______ had an accident is in the hospital.
The apples _________ grow on these tees are delicious.
This apple pie ________ I made yesterday tastes great.
The film _________ saw on TV last night was very sad.
My friend Alex _______ is a doctor works very long hours.
John ________ father is a lawyer has moved to Paris.
The sports centre _________ we play tennis is expensive.
The vase _______ Mother gave me got broken.
The summer _______ I went to Spain I got really sunburnt.
The car _______ tyres are flat is mine.
6.- Complete in order to get the opposite:
_____ happy
_____ correct
_____ regular
_____ visible
____ pack
_____ legible
_____ friendly
_____ employed
____ agree
_____ possible
_____ formal
_____ honest
____ like
7.- Define these words using RELATIVE pronouns:
a) an ex-husband is the person……
b) pre-exam nerves
c) an incorrect answer
d) An unread book
e) a half-brother
f) an unfinished letter
g) an non-alcoholic drink
h) an ex-box
An idiom is a group of words with a meaning that is different from the individual words.
Look at these and try to translate them.
Change my mind, to have a late/early night, To get nowhere, all over the place, to take it in
turns, to keep an eye on, to feel like something, to get rid of, to get on my nerves, on the tip of
my tongue, hang on, go ahead, what’s up?, make up my mind, never mind, to have a clue, it’s
up to you.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas intenciones comunicativas y funciones
(Objectives) asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
Reconocer y producir el vocabulario (Vocabulary) programado relacionado con los diversos
campos conceptuales que se desarrollan en la Unidad didáctica (formación de nombres
desde adjetivos y de verbos)
Aprender, conocer y poner en práctica las estructuras gramaticales y contenidos
lingüísticos (Grammar) programados en la Unidad didáctica (pronombres reflexivos. Estilo
Identificar, reconocer y reproducir los sonidos (Pronunciation) programados en la Unidad
didáctica, así como los aspectos de ritmo, acentuación y entonación de las palabras y
expresiones estudiadas ( sonidos semiconsonantes /j/ y /w/)
Reconocer y aplicar productivamente las diversas destrezas asociadas a la Unidad didáctica
(Escribir acerca de una persona famosa. Describir un cuadro)
1.- Pon estas oraciones en estilo indirecto, comenzando por un verbo con un verbo en
pasado (said sin pronombre o told + pronombre ME, YOU, HIM, HER, IT, US, YOU, THEM).
Andrew is working __________________________________________________________________________
The windows aren´t locked __________________________________________________________________
I have fixed the shelves _____________________________________________________________________
It has been raining __________________________________________________________________________
We have got plenty of time ___________________________________________________________________
We came by car _____________________________________________________________________________
I may go to Bali again _______________________________________________________________________
I will help if you like _________________________________________________________________________
I must finish this report ______________________________________________________________________
I wasn´t listening _____________________________________________________________________________
When did you start acting, Melissa? __________________________________________________________
Has the taxi arrived yet? _____________________________________________________________________
What´s the time? ____________________________________________________________________________
Can we take photos? ________________________________________________________________________
Which way is the Post office?
Does Nick need a lift?* _______________________________________________________________________
How can we find out? ________________________________________________________________________
Can you type? _______________________________________________________________________________
Where can we eat?
2.- Rellena con pronombres reflexivos, eligiendo el que creas correcto:
1.- I’m teaching __________ to play the guitar.
2.- Did you cut hair ___________?
3.- Get a drink for ______________
4.- Can you repair this, or must we do it ____________?
5.- They just want to make money for ___________
6.- Mary talks about ___________ all the time.
7.- Find chairs for ___________ and sit down.
8.- We got a letter from the Queen __________
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
3.- Rewrite the statements as reported speech:
- “I’ll see you this week” He said ________________________________________________________
- “ I work for a travel agency” She said _________________________________________________
- “You’ll have an exam tomorrow” The teacher told us ___________________________________
- “ I think this film is brilliant” John said _______________________________________________
- “ I can’t go to the party tonight” She said ______________________________________________
- “ I don’t think it’s a very good idea” He told us __________________________________________
- “ I’m thinking of going to England this summer” She said ________________________________
- “ I have my car here so I can give you a lift” She told him ________________________________
- “ I’ve ordered pizza for dinner” Julius said ______________________________________________
- “I will come tomorrow and fix the tap” The plumber told them ___________________________
- “ Why did you say that to me?” She asked him __________________________________________
- “ Could you show me where the manager’s office is?” He asked ___________________________
4.- Rewrite the statements as Direct speech:
- The new student said History was his favourite subject. _________________________________
- The teacher told us that sand is used to make glass ____________________________________
- Scientists have said we shouldn’t use so much energy ___________________________________
- He told me that Athens was the capital of Greece. _______________________________________
- Martina said she didn’t like Maths ______________________________________________________
- Jacob told his friends that he wanted to go to the library ________________________________
- My parents told me that I couldn’t go to the party ______________________________________
- She said Pi is 3’1416 ___________________________________________________________________
- Joaquin told him it was his birthday that day ___________________________________________
- He said there were eight planets, not nine _______________________________________________
5.- Fill in with the appropriate reflexive pronoun:
My Dad cut __________ shaving yesterday.
Julie cooked _________ some dinner.
I enjoyed _________ at the party last night.
We don’t need any help. We can do it ______________
The children drew all these pictures ______________
Yesterday my sister and I went to the shop to buy __________ some chocolate. On the way home,
Tonia fell down and hurt ________ and I cut ________ on some broken glass. When we got home,
my brother and his friends were enjoying ________ playing in the garden. My brother shouted,
“Look at ________ and began to laugh at us. When we looked at __________ in the mirror, there
was nothing wrong except for some chocolate round our mouths.
Colegio Monseñor Miguel Castillejo. Fund. Vera Cruz
C/ Principado de Asturias s/n
Dpto de Idiomas
Refuerzo & Ampliación
4º E.S.O.
6.- Complete the following tables in order to make NOUNS (from adjectives or verbs):
7.- Complete the following tables with these words and their suffixes:
Dance, drive, act, art, sing, manage, direct, economy, murder, football, translate, psychology,
employ, operate, journal
8.- Complete the following tables with these words and their suffixes to make adjectives:
Danger, attract, create, cloud, careful, suit, use, help, wash, break, care, thought, visible, pain,
politics, enjoy, use, rely, dirt, sun, home, comfort, music, fame, emotion, logic
- able
- ful
- less
9.- Complete the following table with words that have the same root: