Additional Planning

Year 4 – People – Autumn – Levels of Attainment Guidance
Write the word Jesus in the centre of a piece of paper.
Round it write what this passage tells you about Jesus,
making links with scripture and belief.AT1 (i) – L2/3
In small groups, devise some questions to ask about Jesus’
ancestors. AT2 (i) L2
Design a family tree for Jesus. Record and present the
findings to one another. AT2 (i) L2/3
Research and then hot-seat some of the ancestors. AT1 (iii) L2/3
Using the information already given and any further
research that some children may have undertaken, write
an autobiography from either, Abraham, Sarah or Isaac’s
point of view. Describe how they lived their lives, giving
reasons for their actions. AT1 (iii) L2/L3
Write a short piece for the parish newsletter making links
between the story of Abraham and belief in God’s promise
to his people. Include how the story is linked to trust in
God and why they carried out God’s will. AT1 (i) L3
Design a drama about Jacob’s blessing and Esau’s
discovery of it. AT1 (i) L2
Draw a family tree starting with Abraham and Sarah,
to show how the people in the story are related to one
another. AT1 (i) L2/L3
Use a variety of sources to research the life of nomads and
the area of land allocated to each tribe of Israel. Feed back
to the whole class AT1 (iii) L2/3
Research the story of Joseph, son of Israel [Jacob] See
God’s Story 3, 15-17 describing who he was and giving
reasons for some of his actions. (Explain why you think
Joseph acted like that?) What does it tell you about some
families? AT1 (iii) L2/3
As well as reading some of the text from Joseph and his
Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, listen to some of the
different songs. Prepare a short presentation for another
class, making links between the songs and the scripture –
Genesis 37– sharing the messages within. AT1 (i) L3
Place Ruth on Jesus’ family tree.
Using a painting of Ruth and Naomi or Ruth and Boaz,
discuss with your talk-partner what you know of the
people in the painting. From your learning, add speech
bubbles which reflect what the characters are thinking
and feeling about faithfulness and loyalty http://www. or AT 2 (i) L2/3
Listen to the hymn ‘Wherever you go, I will go.’ Or the Song
of Ruth (these can be found on the internet). Read the
words carefully. Design a reflection card to give to another
class with the hymn on one side and ‘A Code for Living’,
based on the story and song, on the other. AT1 (iii) L3
Hotseat Ruth to find out why she made the choice of
following Naomi. Explore some of the reasons for her
actions. AT1 (iii) L3
Make links between the words of Ruth: Wherever you go,
I will go with you and similar expressions from the Gospels
(e.g. Mark 1, God’s Story 3 page 89) and what they could
mean for life choices. AT1 (i) L3
Using a Bible, look up chapter 3 of the book of Proverbs.
Choose one or two of these proverbs and write a short
talk for Year 3 assembly, giving reasons as to how they
might affect a person’s behaviour. AT1 (iii) L3
In threes, think of three questions that are difficult to
answer. What might Solomon have to say about them?
Record your work on big cut-out question marks. AT2 (ii) L3
Using a current event/issue within the national or world
news, work in pairs or small groups to prepare ways in
which Solomon might approach the situation with a view
to easing it. AT1 (iii) L2/3
5 children to be the last 5 in
Jesus’ family tree. Each one stands in
‘statue’ mode. An interviewer ‘brings
to life’ each one in turn (or under a
spotlight). Formulate three questions
for each character. Digitally record
responses. AT2 (i) L2/3
Joseph concludes the family tree of
Jesus. Who do you like best in the tree
– and why? AT2 (i) L2/3
What does the tree tell you about all
families; about your own family?
Design a statue or painting of Joseph
for your school or church. Include
symbols of Joseph’s role in the life of
Jesus. AT1 (ii) L2/3
In pairs, prepare a simple guide which
highlights/gives reasons how the
roots of Jesus’ human family illustrate
to us how God leads and guides his
people. AT1 (iii) L3
Year 4 – Called – Autumn – Levels of Attainment Guidance
Find out what a prophet is (not someone who foretells
the future), and who might be a prophet for Christians
today. Share your findings with the class. AT1 (iii) L2/3
Hot-seat Samuel and ask him how he felt when he was
called by God to be his prophet and what it meant for him
in life. AT2 (i) L2/3
Imagine that you are David. Write a diary account of how
you were called from the fields and told by Samuel that
God had chosen you to be the next king. Say how it felt
to be chosen and give some reasons for the changes that
would happen in your life. AT1 (iii) L2/3
Use the book Friends of Jesus to research and record
the life of one the apostles, saying how following Jesus
affected their whole life. AT1 (iii) L2/3
Imagine and discuss the first meeting of the apostles with
Jesus. Dramatise this, outlining how they shared their
thoughts, hopes and fears about becoming Jesus’ chosen
helpers. AT1 (i) L2/3
Choose to be one of the apostles and write a letter to your
family explaining what you are doing and why you are
doing it. AT1 (iii) L2/3
In pairs, role-play leaving your old way of life to become a
friend of Jesus. AT1 (iii) L2
Using Church’s Story 3 page 48, describe what the bishop
does in making the Sign of the Cross and the meaning of
what he says to each candidate. AT1 (ii) L2
Download the Promises from the Come and See website
and give children a copy. Invite them to discuss these
promises in groups with a view to creating a series of
‘rules to live by’, based on what they have discussed (and
make a rule for life saying how those promises might be
kept in daily life). AT1 (iii) L2/3
Design and make a booklet describing what happens at
Confirmation and the reasons for the actions and symbols. AT1 (ii) L2/3
Imagine you are the bishop. Write down what you would
like to say to those being confirmed. AT1 (iii) L2
Make a concertina book/poster illustrating how people
can be active members of the Church. AT1 (iii) L2
Using the computer, design a recruitment pamphlet for
candidates for Confirmation. Use signs, symbols, and
information about Confirmation. AT1 (ii) L2/3
Role-play or hot-seat someone who wants to be Confirmed
or who has been Confirmed and ask them why they
wanted to be confirmed and how they have/or will
respond to the call offered in Confirmation. AT1 (iii) L2/3
Provide the children with the opportunity of moving
about blindfolded. Discuss how this makes them feel.
In pairs provide the children with a blindfold. One child
guides the other giving the experience of trusting and
relying on the support of someone else. Talk about how
this made them feel. AT2 (i) L2/3
Create a dance with a series of strong and weak
movements, dramatising ‘coming out of the darkness into
the light’. Reflect on a time when they have come from
darkness into light. (e.g.….) AT2 (i) L2/3
Write a prayer to ask the Holy Spirit to give them support
when they feel that they need a friend. AT1 (ii) L2
Listen to and join in with Christ be Our Light by
Bernadette Farrell. Discuss the words with a partner,
especially those ‘Longing for light’. What do they mean for
daily life? Illustrate the meaning through words, pictures
and/or dance & movement. AT1 (iii) L2/3
Research and explore the life of Sean Devereux and share
your findings with the class. AT1 (iii) L2/3
Write a poem called “Love never ends”. Link this with
some of the scripture used. AT1 (i) L3
Write a news report about someone who has done
something remarkable for someone else (within your
community or the wider world). AT1 (iii) L2
Imagine that you were able to meet Sean Devereux. What
questions would you ask him. This could be a shared
activity. AT2 (i) L2
Listen to and join in with ‘God has chosen me’ (Bernadette
Farrell). Consider the words and their meaning. In pairs
or individually, design another verse, giving reasons for
your choice of words and language. AT1 (iii) L2/3
Year 4 – Gift – Autumn – Levels of Attainment Guidance
Design a booklet entitled ‘Preparing for Jesus, God’s gift
to the world’. Include the signs and symbols of Advent,
how the Church prepares for Christmas and how a
Christian family prepares for the coming of Jesus, as well
as some Scripture to read. AT1 (ii) L2/3
Write a character sketch of God’s child, outlining ways
in which that person who knows they are blessed and
loved by God would act. AT1 (iii) L2
As a whole class or in small groups, write your own
hymn called; Jesus – God’s gift to our world. AT1 (ii) L2
Make personal Advent calendars, with ideas for prayer
and/or good deeds for every day. AT1 (iii)
Look at a range of pictures by different artists depicting
the Annunciation (there is one on page 71 of God’s Story
3). How is each picture different and what truth does
each one tell you? In what ways can you make links
between the pictures and the reading from St John.
Record and share your findings. AT1 (i) L3
Write a ‘thank you’ letter to God for sending Jesus to us,
giving reasons why you are glad that Jesus lived among
us and all he showed us. AT1 (iii) L3
Rewrite some of this Scripture in your own words
(putting in examples from life?) and how it might apply
to daily life today. AT1 (i) L2/3
pairs, read the text from Isaiah 40: 1-11 in
the Bible, then explain to one another what
you think it means. Prepare a presentation to
the class, if possible as a PowerPoint, using
pictures and text. AT1 (i) L2/3
Write an acrostic poem using the word
Messiah. AT1 (iii) L2
Select some pictures to show the meaning of
what Isaiah was speaking of. Prepare a class
collage entitled: ‘The Gift of Jesus’, using a
range of pictures, symbols and words. AT1 (i) L3
Write a letter to Paul replying to his letter, and say why
you found his letter helpful, what you liked about it and
what you plan to do as a result of it. AT1 (i) L2/3
Research Christingle: who started it , what does it mean,
why is it celebrated at Christmas. Make a list of what
you would need for making one, including instructions.
Share it with the class so that everyone can make one at
home during the holidays. AT1 (iii) L2
Re-write some of the advice given by Paul so that it can
be shared with, and understood by younger children. AT1 (i) L2
Prepare a TV interview with the Wise Men and separately
with Herod. Act it out, trying also to find out what they
were thinking and the reasons for their actions. AT1 (iii) L3
Analyse a carol about the Wise Men. Where is it the same
as the Matthew account and how far is it the imagination of
the writer? What truths does it offer? Share your findings
with other children who have chosen a different hymn. AT1 (i) L2/3
Explain the symbolism of the Wise Men’s gifts, making
appropriate links with the Scripture passages. AT1 (i) L3
Using Bibles and carol books or carol sheets, put
together an Order of Service for the Mass during the
Night, choosing appropriate readings, one from the Old
Testament and a Gospel reading and carols. Design a
cover for the booklet. (This could be used for the Rejoice
celebration.)AT1 (ii) L3/4
Design some postage stamps, first and second class, which
could be used at Christmas and would remind people
what Christmas is really about. AT1 (ii) L2
Make a crib that could be taken home to use over
Christmas. Design some activities/questions/guidance
which could accompany the crib to be used / explored at
home. AT1 (ii) L2/3
Write a leaflet for a child of another religion, explaining
why Christmas is important for Christians and what it
is that we believe and celebrate. Use a few quotes from
Scripture to help them understand. AT1 (i) L2/3