YEARS 5 & 6 Learning Intentions 1. To prepare to hear the Word. Key words Pentecost Holy Spirit Tongues Fire Wind TOPIC: COMING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (PENTECOST) THEME: CHURCH/LITURGICAL DATES: 23/04/12 – 25/05/12 SUMMER 1 - 2012 Teaching Teacher prep: Read the passage carefully ( Do a close reading of this passage: ie identify any terms, places or roles you are not familiar with and check their meaning on Pupils’ activities, group differentiation Assessment Create a title page using key words, symbols, pictures etc. Resources Prepare to hear the Word ppt Chn to record what they know already and what they want to find out (to be revisited at the end of the topic). Use the PowerPoint Acts 2: 1-13 Prepare to Hear the Word, to explain the writing and genre of the book of Acts. This passage has two settings: a physical, geographical setting: a ‘place’ in Jerusalem a ‘time’ setting: the story takes place immediately after the ascension, during the Jewish festival of Shavu’ot (in Greek, ‘Pentecost’). According to Luke the disciples are in Jerusalem. They have selected Matthias as the replacement for Judas so ‘The 12’ are complete again. Now, all the disciples are together in one place…. 2. To hear the Word Shavu’ot Retell the story to the class in your own words. Use the Shavu’ot power point to further contextualise this Jewish feast (use slides as appt). 3. To hear the Word Do a close reading of the passage. (Use Acts 2:1-13 Encounter the Word LITERARY power point as a guide) Have pupils learn the passage using some of the following activities: Drama Retelling with concrete material And Then ( website) ‘Mind the Gap’ Shavu’ot ppt Story props Select searching questions that arise from ppt. Give one to each group, chn to produce a mind map on sugar paper in response to given question. Encounter the Word LITERARY power point Create display in class. 4. To encounter the Word Action Use Black Fire White Fire to find what is missing from the passage. What details has Luke not included? Investigate three things we are left to wonder about. Acts 2:1-13 has been depicted in art by people of all nations. What does this say about belief in the Holy Spirit now? (see Pentecost Resources document – RCDOW website) Luke does not tell us where the Spirit rests. Explore different places: head, heart, hands, shoulders etc. Propose where the Spirit could have rested and how this could have suggested the way it prompts action. Eg the Spirit resting on someone’s hand might suggest that it prompts us to active work. 5. To Bewildered Revisit Verses 5-13: AT 1 (i) L 3 – if chn can express what we believe about H/S But…could be AT1 (i) L 5 – if chn can connect how different beliefs in H/S have been expressed through art Pentecost Resources document – RCDOW website Luke describes the crowd in verses 5-13 as bewildered, 1 encounter the Word Amazed Astonished Ask the children to describe how Luke describes the crowd? Look up the meanings of the words used in a dictionary, do these words create the impact that Luke intends? Explore each word individually relating the meaning to the passage. e.g. Why are the crowd bewildered etc?... (Luke describes the crowd as being bewildered, amazed and astonished.) amazed and astonished. What did they see and hear? Record what the disciples told them. Needs drawings 6. To begin to understand the nature of the Holy Spirit. Ruach Wind Fire Breath The Jewish word for Spirit is ‘ruach’. The Spirit is described using natural elements: wind, breath and fire. Propose what other natural parts of creation tell us about the Spirit. (Resource power point Ruach Ha Kodish and Worksheet 7) Design a poster for your parent/s using elements of creation to describe the Holy Spirit. 7. To understand the gifts of the Holy Spirit 8. To show an understand ing of different liturgies. Gifts Confirmation Introduce and discuss the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. (Wisdom, Counsel, Piety, Fear of God, Knowledge, Understanding and Fortitude) At confirmation you will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Galatians Corinthians Psalm Old Testament New Testament Intercession Pentecost Sunday is on May 27th this year. Have pupils look at the readings for Pentecost Sunday. (See Resources Worksheet 8). Note that only the First Testament reading is the Psalm – all the other readings are from the Second (New) Testament. What new information do we gather from the early communities (Galatians/Corinthians) about the Spirit or about how people act (or should act) after receiving the Spirit? Homework Link: (AT 1 (i) L 3/4 Take poster home and discuss with a parent, write a short paragraph explaining how these elements tell us about the Holy Spirit. AT 1 (i) L 3 or 4 depending on what pupils say Resource power point Ruach Ha Kodish and Worksheet 7 Poster paper Drawing equipment Collage materials Children to imagine that they are instructing a young adult about one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Explain the meaning of this gift and how it might transform their lives after receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Match the prayers to the readings – which prayer links to which reading? Could be AT 1 (i) L 4 if chn can connect 2 sources: tradition & reading Resources worksheets 8 & 9 Look at the prayers of Intercession for Pentecost Sunday. (see Resources Worksheet 9) 9. To know the customs and traditions of major Liturgical feasts 10. To know how we celebrate Pentecost today Vestments Chasuble Stole On Pentecost Sunday our Clergy will wear red Vestments and place red cloths on the altar. How does the colour link to what this day celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit? Children to change the class prayer table focus to a red cloth. Denomination THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit – the birth of the church. It is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter Sunday. The Liturgy remains the same, but the hymns, vestments and symbols all reflect the season. Compare this celebration with one other Christian denomination as relevant to your school community. Children to design own prayer tables - what would you include and why? Children to create prayers, possible prayer starters Dear Holy Spirit I bring the gift of … Pupils to choose one denomination and compare what this denomination does and believes with what Catholics do and believe. Children to use these questions to scaffold their answer: Why is it important to celebrate Pentecost? Does it matter that not all Christians celebrate Pentecost Discussion on: Does it matter that not all Christians celebrate Pentecost in the same way? Could be Level 5 if chn express level of knowledge about Pentecost in the Christian Church document 2 11. To respond to the Word See Pentecost in the Christian Church document. in the same way? How could Pentecost be used to promote Christian unity? different denominations and Pentecost. Pentecost is sometimes referred to as the birthday of the Church. Is it a good title? Discuss. Argue the case by writing an argumentative essay which parallels the Pentecost Liturgy with a Birthday party. (See Worksheet 12 for structure and outline of essay) This activity could be used to assess both AT 1 (i) and (ii) content. Use the Opening Prayer for Pentecost Sunday as your class prayer. Have pupils make bookmarks of the prayer using symbols of Pentecost taken from Scripture and the Tradition, e.g. globe, Bible, gifts of the Holy Spirit etc. Worksheet 12 Assessment Piece 12. To respond to the Word O God, who by the mystery of today’s great feast sanctify your whole Church in every people and nation, pour out, we pray, the gifts of the Holy Spirit across the face of the earth and, with the divine grace that was at work when the Gospel was first proclaimed, fill now once more the hearts of believers. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. End with a suitable hymn, e.g. Go Tell Everyone Card for book mark templates Lyrics for hymns Links to Curriculum Directory: REVELATION Hear, read and explore the Gospel accounts of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the transformation of the disciples. That the Holy Spirit, the helper, is the gift that Jesus promised That the coming of the Holy Spirit transformed Jesus’ disciples and was the beginning of the life of the Christian Church. CHURCH The gifts of the Holy Spirit which are given to individuals and groups for the service of the whole community. Of how the Church spread through the first Christian communities. That the Church is world-wide and multicultural. That the love and service of God and others are universal human values and signs of God’s Spirit in the world. CELEBRATION Signs and symbols and their significance in liturgy. Of the customs and traditions of major liturgical feasts. LIFE IN CHRIST Of diversity as a source of blessing and strength as well as a challenge. 3