REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST China The GEF China Climate Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) Project Grant No.: TF012536 Assignment Title: Climate Technology Needs Assessment of the Chinese Waste Management Sector Reference No.: M-012 The People’s Republic of China has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the GEF China Climate Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. Objective of the assignment This assignment is to be implemented as part of the “sector and provincial level technology needs assessments” of the TNA project, which will support the technology assessments of identified mitigation and adaptation sectors, as well as those of selected provinces. There are 20 planned assessments in total, focusing on: 12 mitigation sectors, 4 adaptation sectors and 4 provinces. Scope of Work This assignment is to implement a Climate Technology Needs Assessment of the Chinese Waste Management Sector mitigation. This work is expected to be made in 2013 and 2014 and ended by April 2015. The following tasks will be included: a. Development of a technology identification and assessment methodology customized to the Waste Management sector following the methodological guidelines provided by the two TNA mitigation experts (domestic and international). - Developing a detailed methodology specifically for Waste Management TNA following the methodological guideline (please refer to the Annex). The methodology will be reviewed by the TNA Project Technical Committee and at least two peer reviewers selected by the PMO – both local and international, and should be followed by the contractor when conducting the assignment. b. Climate technology identification for the Waste Management sector. Detailed procedures and indicators will be developed through the above-mentioned methodology, but the scope will cover at least the following items: - Overview of current Waste Management situation and development targets in China (from Five-Year Plans and long-term economic development plans). - Overview of international Waste Management technologies. - Overview of promising climate technologies in the Waste Management sector in China and other countries and identification of a preliminary shortlist of key climate technologies (from Five-Year Plans and long-term economic development plans). - Collection, analysis and summary of the current performance of the shortlisted technologies, according to the criteria and indicators specified in the detailed methodology. c. Conducting in-depth assessments for 2-3 key priority technologies. This assessment will be reviewed by the TNA Peer Reviewer. The detailed procedures and indicators will be developed through the above mentioned methodology task, but the scope will cover at least the following items: 1 - Pre-selection of 2-3 key technologies from a multi-criteria performance analysis based on the criteria and indicators specified in the detailed methodology. Conducting an in-depth assessment for these 2-3 key technologies: Analysis of technology gaps: - Identification of the corresponding global best practice technologies. - Estimation of GHG emission reduction potential, economic implications, and other co-benefits if the corresponding global best practice technology is deployed in China (different deployment scenario should be considered depending on their likelihood and targets from Five-Year Plans and long-term economic development plans). - Identification and analysis of gaps between Chinese best practice and global best practice for the identified technologies. Barriers to technology transfer and deployment: - Identification and analysis of barriers impeding transfer and timely deployment of identified global best practice technologies in China (with presentation of specific cases of technology development and transfer). - Conclusion on the technologies needs and policy recommendation on how to remove barriers to facilitate technology transfer and deployment. d. Participation and presentations at the workshops organized by the TNA PMO - A small workshop discussing the draft methodology, once it is submitted by the contractor to the PMO and reviewed by the peer-reviewers. The Waste Management peer reviewers will be invited to join the workshop and make comments, if needed. - A meeting with the PMO and relevant stakeholders on the preliminary list of technologies and shortlisted technologies, once the list is decided around the end of 2013. - A meeting with the PMO on the design of technology database for Waste Management sector in early 2014. - A mid-term workshop of the TNA project, which is expected in mid-2014. - A wrap-up meeting of the TNA project, which is expected in early 2015. e. Collection of all data and reports for the compilation of the database and the preparation of the synthesis reports following the template or requests from the mitigation experts and the PMO. The data and reports shall document all relevant information, including but not limited to long and short lists of technologies and their detailed attributes. The data will be delivered to a national database to be developed under the TNA project through another assignment. Key Deliverables a. An inception report by the end of November 2013 on the methodology for TNA in the Waste Management sector (English and Chinese versions). The final revised detailed methodology should be delivered 2 weeks after receiving comments from PMO/peer reviewers (English and Chinese Versions). b. Submission of a preliminary list of technologies and shortlisted technologies in accordance with the requirement illustrated in methodological guidance section 3 by the end of 2013. c. Submission of the mid-term report (English and Chinese Versions) on July 15, 2014 and attendance to a workshop approximately one month after the submission of the mid-term report. d. Submission of the final draft report (English and Chinese versions) 24 weeks after the submission of the mid-term report. e. Final report delivery: 4 weeks after comments are received from the PMO/peer reviewers. f. Presentation of results in a workshop in April 2015. g. Data for Waste Management technologies delivered to the database as requested. Contract duration: 18 months (November 2013 - April 2015) 2 The TNA Project Management Office now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The shortlisting criteria are: 1. Legal entity 2. The institution should have solid experience in providing consulting services in the Waste Management sector and in at least 3 similar and successful assignments, with a demonstrated ability to successfully mobilize experts in the field of Waste Management. 3. The institution is expected to mobilize a team with sufficient knowledge and experience to carry out the tasks and achieve the objectives of the assignment. The Consultant will include the following key staff with the following minimum qualifications a. The project manager, with i. a minimum of 10 years of experience in Waste Management in China ii. demonstrated experience in at least 5 assignments as project manager iii. a Master degree or higher iv. excellent communication skills in English and Chinese b. At least three technical experts, each of whom has i. a minimum of 5 years of experience in Waste Management in China ii. a Master degree or higher iii. excellent communication skills in English and Chinese The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers [January 2011 edition] (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub consultancy to enhance their qualifications. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection Based on the Consultants’ Qualifications (CQS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines. Further information can be obtained from the below e-mail address. Expressions of interest (no more than 10 pages on A4-sized paper) must be delivered to the below e-mail address by 30 September 2013. The GEF China Climate Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) Project Management Office Attn: Ms. Liu Jing, Procurement Officer E-mail: ; 3