In our family we celebrate birthdays, namedays, wedding

II. Man and society
II/1 Appearance and characteristic features
It is my mother / father / sister / grandfather who I like best in my family. He is good-looking
/ average looking. I wouldn’t say he is the most handsome / prettiest, but I think he has nice
eyes / face. He is tall / well-built / thin which he inherited from my grandfather.
He has long / short brown/grey/ fair hair, blue eyes, a big nose and full lips. He always wanted
to have curly / wavy / blond hair, brown eyes, smaller nose, but he has straight blond hair,
blue eyes and big nose.
I have my mother’s personality / father’s looks, because I am confident, friendly,
ambitious. I take after my mother / father / my grandmother, because he is funny, easy-going
and creative. My family says I look like my grandmother / my aunt / my uncle, because I am
II. Man and society
II/5 Family events and celebrations
In our family we celebrate birthdays, namedays, wedding anniversaries.
When my family celebrate something, we have a three or four course lunch or dinner.
Usually the meals are made by one of my grandmothers. My aunt is a confectioner, and she
always makes delicious cakes, like chocolate cake. The big family lunch or dinner takes more
than two hours, because we have cheery chats. After the meal we give present to the
celebrated, or at Christmas to each other.
We celebrate Christmas and Easter too. I think in this part of the world Christmas is
the greatest family festival for everybody. It is very solemnly celebrated with ancient customs
and traditions. At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, The Saviour of men.
December 24th is Christmas Eve. On this day we cook a special dinner, decorate the tree and
listen to Christmas carols. We go to midnight service in church. On Christmas day the family
gathers round the table to take part in the traditional Hungarian lunch. Two things are
essential parts of this meal in Hungary: stuffed cabbage and poppy-seed cake.
At Easter we celebrate Jesus Christ’s Resurrection, that is the rising of Jesus from the
tomb 3 days after his Crucifixion. On Easter Sunday we have a typical family lunch, after,
arriving from the Easter service. On Easter Monday if the weather is nice, we go for a trip in
the Matra mountains, or have a grill party with family friends.
Family occasions play a very important role in my life. In school time on weekdays I
live in a hostel, so to be with my family on weekends is really important for me.
1. to observe
2. family gathering
családi összejövetel
3. to discuss family matters
megtárgyalni a családi ügyeket
4. to congratulate sy on sg
gratulál vkinek vmihez
5. wedding ceremony
6. Sunday best
ünneplő ruha
7. wedding reception
8. newly weds
9. fiancée
10. fiancé
11. best man
12. to plight one’s troth
eljegyez vkit
13. to be engaged to sy
jeyben jár vkivel
14. to propose a toast
köszöntőt mond
15. to go on honeymoon
nászútra megy
16. funeral
17. christening
18. many happy returns of the day
boldog születásnapot
19. ham and hard- boiled egg
sonka főtt tojással
20. pleasing
21. your loved ones
22. to take the trouble
veszi a fáradtságot
23. champagne
24. to commemorate
megemlékezik valamiről
25. your nearest and dearest
legkedvesebb hozzátartozóid
26. to keep in touch
kapcsolatot tartani