E-learning means using new multimedia technology and the internet

E-learning, the Gateway to the Ubiquitous Storehouse of Knowledge
Kazi Anisur Rahman
E-mail: k4anisur@yahoo.com
ID: 02201015
Key Words: E-learning, Tangible Benefits, Intangible Benefits, Hybrids, Electronic Performance
Support Systems, Ubiquity of E-learning.
1. Introduction
The everyday improvement of the internet media is contributing its different
advantageous features to the concurrent education system almost everyday. When our
teachers were taught handwriting in elementary school, the fountain pen was the
prescribed writing instrument. The ball point pen had just been introduced, making the
whole writing process easier and cleaner. We were forbidden to use the ballpoint pen in
those early years. The teacher felt that it represented a passing fad and that if we learned
to write with a fountain pen, it would equip us with skills for a lifetime. Though it is
interesting that the fountain pen is now returning to the marketplace as the writing
instrument for "sophisticated" and "discerning" people, the ballpoint has been the
mainstay method for manually putting ink on paper for nearly 50 years [3]. A similar
situation occurred when calculators were introduced. Teachers insisted that we learn how
to operate a slide rule, since the calculators of the time were unwieldy desktop units and
were too expensive for the average person to ever purchase. Knowing how to operate a
slide rule was essential since they were not only low in cost, but they were portable as
In the early eighties, microcomputers were just making their entry into our lives.
Investing in a computer system for our family seemed to be a rational and judicious
decision, especially for the homework .At this time students writing assignments with the
word processing software that came with our computer, printing his work, and then
transcribing it in hand writing to meet the teacher’s requirements.
The current status of the “world wide web” is leading to situations that are analogous to
these earlier examples. When students first turned in writing assignments with sources
that were exclusively from the Web, it alarmed the teachers. The teachers thought this is
not good for students .They wanted students to use the library to complete their research.
One way to assess the validity of information and extend our knowledge is through
discourse with one another as members of a learning community (like E-learning). The
pervasiveness of the Web and email has enabled us to shrink the world even further and
to make it more personal at the same time. The next section of this paper contains a clear
definition of E-learning and its different synonymic view. An elaborative view of the
advantages and disadvantages is presented in Section 3. Ubiquity of E-learning is
explained in Section 4 which is followed by a requirement oriented analysis of E-learning
in Section 5. The paper has been concluded in Section 6.
2. E-learning
2.1. Definition of E-learning
E-learning means using new multimedia technology and the internet to improve the
quality of learning. Multimedia technologies allow the use of movie, audio and text
resources to enrich the contents. Internet gives easy access to resources and services. Elearning stimulates remote exchanges and collaboration. E-learning empowers the
learners in every situation. Three objectives for E-learning:
1. Help the individual to realize him or her full potential and lead a happy and fruitful
2. Reduce the disparities and inequalities between individuals or groups.
3. Ensure that the skills available to meet the needs of business and employers.
To summarize E-learning is based on a reliable technology but is pedagogy oriented .It is
a social process and should facilitate interaction and collaboration between people. It
implies organizational change and tutor/teacher training.
E-learning is really nothing more than using some form of technology to deliver training
and other educational materials. E-learning is the latest, in vogue, all-inclusive term for
training delivered by a number of means. In the past, these have included the use of
mainframe computers, floppy diskettes, multimedia CD-ROMs, and interactive
videodisks. Most recently, Web technology (both Internet and Intranet delivery) have
become preferred delivery options. In the near future, E-learning will also include
training delivered on PDA's (e.g., Palm Pilots) and even via wireless devices like your
cell phone. This new, mobile form of education is called, predictably enough, mlearning.
2.2. Synonymic view of E-learning
Browser-based training is the term used to describe courseware that requires a Web
browser to access, but may in fact be running from the Internet or CD-ROM. In fact,
some training programs will pull content from both a Web site as well as a CD-ROM.
These courses are sometimes called hybrids, or hybrid-CD-ROMs.
We can consider E-learning as technology-based learning (TBL) or "E-learning" instead
of technology-based training (TBT). Other commonly used terms include computerbased training (CBT), computer-based learning (CBL), computer-based instruction
(CBI), computer-based education (CBE), web-based training (WBT), internet-based
training (IBT) and intranet-based training (also IBT).
Distance learning, or distance education, are other commonly used terms. They
accurately describe most types of E-learning, but are most often used to describe
instructor-led, web-based education -- for either corporate training or college classes.
To further complicate matters, some theorists divide E-learning into three distinct
branches: Computer-aided instruction (CAI), computer-managed instruction (CMI),
and computer-supported learning resources (CSLR). The first term, CAI, encompasses
the portion of a given E-learning product that provides the instruction, such as the
tutorials, simulations, and exercises. The second term, CMI, refers to the testing, record
keeping, and study guidance functions of an E-learning product. The last term, CSLR,
encompasses the communication, database, and performance support aspects of Elearning.
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of E-learning
Like no other training form, E-learning promises to provide a single experience that
accommodates the three distinct learning styles of auditory learners, visual learners, and
kinesthetic learners. Other unique opportunities created by the advent and development of
E-learning are more efficient training of a globally dispersed audience; and reduced
publishing and distribution costs as Web-based training becomes a standard.
E-learning also offers individualized instruction, which print media cannot provide, and
instructor-led courses allow clumsily and at great cost. In conjunction with assessing
needs, E-learning can target specific needs. And by using learning style tests, E-learning
can locate and target individual learning preferences.
3.1. Advantages
3.1.1. Advantages of E-learning to the Trainer or Organization
Some of the most outstanding advantages of E-learning to the trainer or organization are:
Reduced overall cost is the single most influential factor in adopting E-learning.
The elimination of costs associated with instructor's salaries, meeting room
rentals, and student travel, lodging, and meals are directly quantifiable. The
reduction of time spent away from the job by employees may be the most positive
Learning times reduced, an average of 40 to 60 percent, as found by Brandon
Hall (Web-based Training Cookbook, 1997, p. 108) [1].
Increased retention and application to the job averages an increase of 25 percent
over traditional methods, according to an independent study by J.D. Fletcher
(Multimedia Review, Spring 1991, pp.33-42) [2].
Consistent delivery of content is possible with asynchronous, self-paced Elearning.
Expert knowledge is communicated, but more importantly captured, with good
E-learning and knowledge management systems.
Proof of completion and certification, essential elements of training initiatives,
can be automated.
3.1.2. Advantages to the Learner
Along with the increased retention, reduced learning time, and other aforementioned
benefits to students, particular advantages of E-learning include:
On-demand availability enables students to complete training conveniently at
off-hours or from home.
Self-pacing for slow or quick learners reduces stress and increases satisfaction.
Interactivity engages users, pushing them rather than pulling them through
Confidence that refresher or quick reference materials are available reduces
burden of responsibility of mastery.
Responsibility of mastery.
3.2. Disadvantages
3.2.1. Disadvantages to the Trainer or Organization
E-learning is not, however, all and end to every training need. It does have limitations,
among them:
Up-front investment required of an E-learning solution is larger due to
development costs. Budgets and cash flows will need to be negotiated.
Technology issues that play a factor include whether the existing technology
infrastructure can accomplish the training goals, whether additional tech
expenditures can be justified, and whether compatibility of all software and
hardware can be achieved.
Inappropriate content for E-learning may exist according to some experts,
though are limited in number. Even the acquisition of skills that involve complex
physical/motor or emotional components (for example, juggling or mediation) can
be augmented with E-learning.
Cultural acceptance is an issue in organizations where student demographics and
psychographics may predispose them against using computers at all, let alone for
3.2.2. Disadvantages to the Learner
The ways in which E-learning may not excel over other training include:
Technology issues of the learners are most commonly technophobia and
unavailability of required technologies.
Portability of training has become strength of E-learning with the proliferation of
network linking points, notebook computers, PDA’s, and mobile phones, but still
does not rival that of printed workbooks or reference material.
Reduced social and cultural interaction can be a drawback. The impersonality,
suppression of communication mechanisms such as body language, and
elimination of peer-to-peer learning that are part of this potential disadvantage are
lessening with advances in communications technologies.
3.3. A Different Type of Cost Analysis of E-learning
The pro's and con's of E-learning vary depending on program goals, target audience and
organizational infrastructure and culture. But it is unarguable that E-learning is rapidly
growing as form of training delivery and most are finding that the clear benefits to Elearning will guarantee it a role in their overall learning strategy.
The second half of cost-benefit analysis is identifying and measuring the beneficial
results from a training program. Benefits come in two types. Tangible benefits are those
that can be measured and assigned some kind of number or dollar value. Intangible
benefits are benefits that can not be measured or even quantified.
3.3.1. Tangible Benefits
Tangible benefits are ones that can be measured and ideally quantified in dollars. For
example, an empirical study shows that:
A sales training program increased sales by 2 percent.
A customer service program increased customer satisfaction survey results by 10
A safety training program reduced the number of accidents over one year by 30
A quality control program reduced defects by 20 percent.
A software training program reduced calls to the help desk by 30 percent.
A communication training program increased the ratings of managers by their
direct reports by 10 percent.
These examples show very real, measurable, tangible results. To get valuable return on
investment information, however, these results must be turned into dollar values. Before
translating results into dollars, though, we have to make sure that you are studying an
isolated, control group. Similar to how scientists conduct experiments, the goal is to
minimize the number of other variables that might be contributing to the results.
3.3.2. Intangible Benefits
These types of benefits are the ones that are usually assumed to result from a training
program, but are difficult or impossible to measure. Although specific dollar values can
not be attached to intangible benefits, they are still important to discuss and to document.
Examples of intangible benefits from specific training programs might include:
An increase in morale and employee engagement resulting from new hire
orientation training.
Improvements in teamwork resulting from diversity training.
Additional sensitivity and a more professional workplace resulting from sexual
harassment training.
Less stress among students who complete conflict management training.
Less anxiety after completing a change management program.
4. E-learning and Its Ubiquity
The impact of electronic media of today is quite unbelievable and unavoidable. The
progression of mobile computing (Context Aware Computing, Ubiquitous Computing,
Mobile Grid etc.) is bringing much more effectiveness of electronic media to human
being in near future. Wireless LAN allows access to the internet or intranet from any
place in a circle of radius of 250 meter (Detection Range of the Base Station). The time is
not far enough when people will be able to access internet or intranet even if they are
several kilometers away from the base station and will get the same facility like wired
internet. This is going to be possible by “Ad hoc network”, a possible future substitution
of Wireless LAN. Then E-learning will be much more location transparent (Location
An application oriented analysis of E-learning has been depicted in the following
subsections. This analysis shows that how E-learning is paying in all branches of our
daily life.
4.1. E-learning to Tutorials
Tutorials are one of the most ancient and commonly used modes of education. A good
tutorial presents information and guidance, makes sure the learner has an opportunity to
understand the instruction, and only then continues on to new information. Many tutorials
basically consist of a linear presentation of content. When implemented poorly, a tutorial
can become what is derisively referred to as "an electronic page-turner," or if web-based,
a "scroller". This type of program presents content directly without giving the learner any
more opportunity to interact other than to call for the next screen. When implemented
properly, using the classic principles of instructional systems design, guided tutorials can
be engaging and effective. The key to useful tutorials in E-learning are interactions that
establish pace, clarify content, provide for practice and instill confidence.
Branching can greatly enhance the effectiveness of a tutorial, allowing it to operate in the
way that a skilled teacher does. A question posed following an instructional moment can
determine if the student has mastered the content. If mastery is not achieved, one branch
is followed and another approach is provided to eliminate confusion. Only after mastery
is achieved is the branch containing the next piece of information followed.
4.2. Electronic Performance Support Systems
Electronic performance support systems (EPSS) are created to give an individual the tool
they need to perform a required task at the time they need it. A performance support
system is in a way the opposite of a tutorial. Where a tutorial instructs the learner and
then requires that the learner perform, a performance support system requires the learner
to determine when they need assistance and then ask for the required guidance. The most
useful example of a performance support system is the "Help" feature built into
Microsoft's Office applications. A simple example of a non-E-learning performance
support tool is an inventory checklist created for a grocery clerk. A growing consensus in
the industry is that E-learning should include imbedded support systems that provide
instant guidance at the time and place of need. Web-based tutorials can be completed
independently as learning exercises for new users and yet be delivered as just-in-time
huge information and interactive tools at the desktop. The challenge of creating useful
performance support systems obviously consists of determining what tools are needed by
a population and providing those tools. In the context of E-learning, the further challenge
is creating systems that allow an individual needing a tool to recognize that such a tool
exists and then be able to use that tool.
4.3. E-learning to Culture
Internet is an open ubiquitous storehouse of information. The effectiveness of that
storehouse comes to truth if people can gather knowledge from there. The only way to
reach there is E-learning. A simple example is enough to clarify the fact. That is, I did not
visit middle-east or Africa any time. Any way, I want to know about the recent cultures
of those places. If I just go to internet and access some websites of those places, I get a
lot of information as I want. Thus, E-learning has brought the different customs and
cultures of the world and their concurrent changes before our eyes.
4.4. E-learning to Instructional Games
The inclusion of games has often been a hitch in getting management to agree to Elearning initiatives. Many learning theories contend, though, that games are essential to
the learning exhibited by children and can be usefully extended into the realm of adult
learning. Games can have great value, possibly greater value than any other mode of
instruction, in reducing learner tension and increasing learner engagement.
4.5. E-learning to Disease
One exemplary notation of E-learning reveals the closeness of medical science and
normal people. My friend has a severe disease. He went to the doctor for a clear
explanation of his disease. The doctor has explained to him, but he is not satisfied with
doctor’s clarification. So decides to take the advantage of E-learning. He browses the
web using some search engines to get a satisfactory explanation of his disease. Within
several hours he knows the detailed history of that severe disease. Now he is a fan of Elearning.
4.6. E-learning to Tests, Record Keeping and Guidance
Automated assessments are another commonly used facet of E-learning. When
companies first adopt E-learning initiatives, testing and record-keeping systems are often
accepted earlier than programs that integrate multiple training modes, due to their ease of
implementation and their quickly recognizable returns.
Online tests can be used for self-assessment purposes, or can be computer graded and
reported back to central administration. The explosion of enterprise wide networks now
provides the power to assess thousands of individuals and track their progress against
specific job competencies throughout their life within an organization. The latest and
most sophisticated technology-based tests are tightly linked to learning objectives, which
in turn can help create a completely personalized curriculum.
4.7. Future Trends in E-learning Including the Impact of Wireless Technologies
Emerging technologies including devices and networks to support mobile and ambient
learning, streaming technologies, grid computing and innovative E-learning tools and
applications are going to enhance the E-learning procedure to the full extent. Advances in
technologies and systems aim at providing learning anywhere, at any time to anyone
5. Requirement Oriented Analysis
The effectiveness of E-learning will increase with initiating and maintaining high quality
instructional design and innovative learning including gaming, simulations, virtual/cyber
worlds and other non-traditional approaches as well as creative course development
strategies. We have to find an effective and efficient E-learning pedagogy which will be
much more adaptive to our life and quite informal.
E-learning offers interactive and collaborative learning. Collaborative learning and
engaging learners in the online learning process through genuinely interactive and
collaborative environments enhance the sharing of information equal to all. Integrating Elearning into teacher training, creating effective moderators and stimulating informal
learning the education system can be interactive to all classes of people of the world.
Fostering the online learning process and training for online trainers, tutors and
moderators should be the very point of attention.
Improving the quality of E-Learning through Evaluation including online assessment and
certification may make E-learning much more errorless and effective.
E-learning can bring a revolutionary change in our society. The role of E-learning in the
development process and as a support for e-democracy in developing regions and
countries should be clarified. Such as, how E-learning can contribute to a policy of open
access for all to learning regardless of location, ability or age. How E-learning can
challenge rather than add to the digital divide. What might be the role of public libraries,
open source software and using E-learning to build capacity in areas of the greatest
6. Conclusion
The researchers and technologists of the current era are placing a lot of new technologies
in front of the enthusiastic users almost everyday. The appearances of the new
technologies are making the ways of the people of different classes towards their specific
goals simple, comfortable and enjoyable. E-learning is a feature which is nothing but the
evaluation of the composition of everyday new technologies. This paper has been
organized with a clear discussion of E-learning with its pro’s and con’s (section 3), its
ubiquity and its requirements for the present and future. With several short discussions it
is clarified in section 4 that how E-learning is ubiquitous serving people of different
classes for any subject at any time and any where.
As we know, E-learning is the contribution of a lot of recent technologies. And this is
also true that web technology is the most important one. The Web is a totally
uncontrolled storehouse of information. There are no restrictions to what is available.
Though pornography on the Web is a popularly known problem, especially in educational
circles, it goes far beyond that single issue. On the other hand, the Web is an awesomely
wonderful resource. It is proved students have no restrictions to use Web references in an
artificial or superficial manner. Everybody should help students develop the new sense of
responsibility that comes with the widespread availability of information. Though we
have a long way to go before most of the information in the world is available
electronically, it seems quite plausible that the day will arrive relatively soon.
[1] Brandon Hall, “Web-based Training Cookbook”, 1997, p. 108.
[2] J.D. Fletcher “Multimedia Review”, Spring 1991, pp.33-42.
[3] Journal of Technology Education, Vol. 10, No. 2, Spring 1999.
[5] …