Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 05 : Rev No. 0 : Dt. 13/03/15 Course Plan Format Academic Year : 2015-16 FF No. 182 Branch : Electronics, Electronics and Telecommunication Semester : I Subject Name : Networks and lines (Th) Subject Code: Th (EC 20107) Unit No. I II Topic Method Media Network Theorems: Superposition, Lecture Thevenin’s Norton’s and Maximum Power transfer Theorems. Concept of Network Topology, Terms used in Topology, Relation between Twigs and Links Properties of a Tree in a Graph, Formation of Incidence Matrix [Ai], number of tree in Graph. Cut –Set Matrix, Network Equilibrium Equation Chalk board Terminal characteristics of network: Lecture Z, Y, h, ABCD Parameters; Reciprocity & Symmetry conditions, Interrelation of Parameters, interconnection of parameters. Network functions for one port and two port networks. B. Pole-zeros of network functions and network stability Chalk board Student Activity HA To Solve Numerical based Network Theorems and Graph Theory . HA To Solve Numerical based Two port networks and Network functions Assessment Tool Remarks i) Test I ◘ ◘ Test I out of 30 marks, to be 1) Descriptive and Objective type questions on converted to 15 Network Theorems and graph theory (30 Marks) marks ii) HA 1 1) Timely submission of completed home assignment ◘ HA 1 weightage 01marks out of 06 marks ◘Test II out of 10 marks, to be 1) Objective type questions on basis of Two port converted to 10 network and network functions marks ii) HA 2 HA 2 Timely submission of completed home assignment weightage 01marks out of 06 marks i) Test II Vishwakarma Institute of Technology III IV Classifications: Symmetrical and Lecture Asymmetrical networks. Properties of two port Network: Symmetrical Networks (T and Π only). Z0 and γ in terms of circuit components, open and short circuit parameters. Filter fundamentals, Constant K LPF, HPF, BPF and BSF, m derived LPF and HPF. Introduction to Neper and Decibel, Relation between Neper and Decibel, Symmetrical T and Π type attenuators, Lattice attenuator, Bridge T-attenuator. Asymmetrical Networks: Image Impedance and Iterative Impedance (L-Section only). Terminating half sections. Asymmetrical L- type Chalk board Significance of Quality factor. Lecture Series Resonance: Impedance, Phase angle variations with frequency, Voltage and current variation with frequency, Bandwidth, Selectivity Resonant frequency and admittance variation with frequency, Bandwidth and selectivity Series Resonance: Effect of Rg on BW & Selectivity. Magnification factor. Parallel resonance: General case: Resistance present in both branches Chalk board Issue 05 : Rev No. 0 : Dt. 13/03/15 HA To Solve Numerical based Two port networks and Network functions i) Test III ◘ ◘Test II out of 10 marks, to be 1) Objective type questions on basis of Symmetrical converted to 10 Networks, Filters and Attenuators marks ii) HA 3 1) Timely submission of completed home assignment HA To Solve Numerical based on series resonance and Parallel resonance circuit ESE 1) Descriptive type question on basis of series resonance and Parallel resonance circuit ii) HA 4 2) Timely submission of completed home assignment HA 3 weightage 01marks out of 06 marks ESE weightage 25 marks out of 100 marks HA 4 weightage 01marks out of 06 marks Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Unit No V Topic Methods Types of Transmission lines, Lecture Transmission Line Equation, Equivalent circuits, Primary and Secondary line constants, Terminations of transmission lines. VSWR and Reflection Coefficient Issue 05 : Rev No. 0 : Dt. 13/03/15 Media Student Activity Chalk board HA To Solve Numerical based on Transmission line theory Assessment Tool Remarks ESE 1) Descriptive type question on basis of Transmission line theory ESE weightage 25 marks out of 100 marks ii) HA 5 HA 5 weightage 01marks out of 06 mark 3) Timely submission of completed home assignment Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy applicable for the course – Knowledge / Comprehension / Application / Analysis / Synthesis / Evaluation (Strike out levels not applicable) List of Reference Books and Text Books – Text Books 1. “Circuit Theory (Analysis and Synthesis )”,Chakrabarti, Dhanpat Rai and Co. 4th Revised Edition 2. “Network Lines and Fields” John D.Ryder, PHI, 2nd Edition Reference Books 1. “Network Analysis”, Van Valkenberg, PHI 2. ”Electrical Networks “, Ravish R Singh, Tata Mc-Graw Hill #§◘■□○- Details of laboratory course student activity for experiments based on appropriate unit. Details of Tutorial course student activity based on appropriate unit. Mandatory Assessment activities as per structure. Mode of conduct of class test is to be mentioned. Scope of HA should be written in brief. Write unit-wise parameters used for continuous assessment of laboratory course. If parameters are used as a whole, they may be described in footer. Write unit-wise parameters used for continuous assessment of tut. course. Name and Signature of Faculty executing the course plan 1) 2) 3) Mr. Ingale Kiran B Mrs. Tayde S.M Mr. Mishra Arpit. Signature of Chairman – BOS Date: 01-04-2015