SMART & GRANT FOR RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT AWARDS Directory JULY 2002—JUNE 2003 The DTI drives our ambition of ‘prosperity for all’ by working to create the best environment for business success in the UK. We help people and companies become more productive by promoting enterprise, innovation and creativity. We champion UK business at home and abroad. We invest heavily in world-class science and technology. We protect the rights of working people and consumers. And we stand up for fair and open markets in the UK, Europe and the world. 1 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Award’ Alphabetical List Introduction East of England Region East Midlands Region London Region North East Region North West Region South West Region West Midlands Region Yorkshire & Humber Region Scottish Executive,Enterprise & Lifelong Learning Department Welsh Development Agency Invest Northern Ireland Contact Addresses Page 3 16 18 67 93 131 141 197 215 224 264 294 311 314 NB. Please note, entries for the South East Region can be found on their website: The whole directory is on the Grant for Research & Development web page at CONTENTS 2 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 ALPHABETICAL LIST AWARD RECIPIENTS REGION PAGE 12 Voltz Limited 42 Technology Limited 4i2i Communications Limited A K Rainbow Limited Abergene Limited Abington Consultants- East Abington Partners Acedag Limited Active Recycling Ltd Adaptive Communication Systems Ltd ADD Power Technologies Ltd ADPhil Advisor-East Adrianic Ltd Advanced Bioprocess Development Limited Advanced Expert Systems Limited Advanced Interconnection Technology Limited Advanced Optical Technology Limited -East Aeromark Communications Limited - East Ai Martial Arts Training Services Aircradle Limited Aktogen Limited - East Alan J Hurst Alba Ultrasound Limited Allgrind Alpha Data Parallel Systems Limited Alpha Moisture Systems Amazon IT Services Limited -East Amtri Amura Therapeutics Limited Andico Design Limited Andrew Hall T/A Anglo American Paper Andrew Reason Limited Angli Partners - East Ansa2 Limited Antoine Y Messiou Applied Analysis Ltd Applied Corrosion Monitoring T/A ACM Instruments Applied Dataflow Research Limited Applied Generics Limited Applied Multilayers Limited Applied Sweepers Limited Aquamatic Limited Aqwan Limited Ariel Trust Limited Aros Developments Limited Arrayjet Limited Aspace Solutions Limited North West East Scotland Wales Scotland East South West West Midlands Yorkshire & Humber Northern Ireland Yorkshire & Humber East Yorkshire & Humber North West East Midlands North West 141 23 264 294 264 18 197 215 224 311 224 18 224 141 67 142 East East Yorkshire & Humber London East Yorkshire & Humber Scotland Yorkshire & Humber Scotland Yorkshire & Humber East North West East Wales Yorkshire & Humber Wales East London East Midlands Yorkshire & Humber North West 19 19 225 93 20 225 265 225 265 226 20 142 21 294 226 295 21 93 67 226 143 North East Scotland East Midlands Scotland North West Wales North West Scotland Scotland London 131 266 68 266 143 295 144 267 267 94 ALPHABETICAL LIST 3 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Associated Power Limited Asthma Alert Limited Atkinson Design Associates Limited ATL Telecom Limited Atomic Programming Ltd Audix Broadcast Limited - East Aurelialight Limited Autochair Limited Auvation Limited Avantis Limited Avenca Limited Avisius Research Limited Axcess IT Limited Axion Recycling Limited Axomic Limited - East Aylestone Auto-Electrical Co Limited-East Azimurth Networks Limited B & J Wilson (Chesterfield) Limited Baldwin & Francis Ltd Bar Graphic Machinery Barry James Beat Systems Limited BeCrypt Limited Bells of Lazenby Limited Bernard Hooper Engineering Limited Big Torch BioBullets Limited Biophage Limited Biopta Limited Biotrace Limited BioTransformations Limited Biox Systems Limited BIW Technologies Limited Blaknblu Limited Bluedelta Design Limited Blueprint Innovation Ltd Blueprint Programming Limited Boardbug Limited Bond Technologies (Europe) Limited Bosus Limited Braddahead Limited Bradwell IT Solutions Ltd Brandenburg (UK) Limited Brightblue Systems Limited BrowserAngel Limited Bryan Rawlings Design Buck Propulsor Limited Business Direct Limited Business Web Software C T Charlton C.D. Bissel Engineering Services Limited Calico Jack Limited Cambridge Cell Networks Limited Cambridge Joining Technology Limited Cambridge Laboratory Innovations Limited ALPHABETICAL LIST North West London East Midlands Wales Yorkshire & Humber East North West East Midlands Scotland Wales South West North West London London East East North West East Midlands Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber Scotland London North West West Midlands North West London London Scotland Wales North East London London East East Yorkshire & Humber East London North East North West North West Yorkshire & Humber West Midlands London London South West East West Midlands East East West Midlands Scotland East East East 144 94 68 296 227 22 144 68 268 296 197 145 95 95 22 22 145 69 227 227 228 268 96 146 215 146 96 97 269 297 131 97 98 23 24 228 24 98 132 147 147 228 215 99 99 198 25 216 25 29 216 269 26 26 27 4 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Cambridge Quality Technology Capacitas Limited Cape Instruments Partnership Capsolutions Ltd Capture Projects Ltd CardioDigital Limited Carrig Electronics Limited Castings Technology International Catchpoint Ltd C-Burn Systems Limited CEFIS Limited Cell Engineering Limited Cengar Universal Tool Company Ltd Centriquip Limited Chalmor Limited Chaltel Limited Charador Environmental Services Charles Sterling T/A Sterling Power Products Chell Instruments Limited ChemAdd Limited Chris Scarth and David Francis t/a Prime Principle Cinimod (IP) Limited Clarity Business Solutions Limited Clark Mactavish Limited Class Panel Ltd T/A QM Architectural Systems Clean Water Systems Limited Clearwater Industrial Limited C-Logic Limited Coastform Systems Ltd Cobra Automotive Products Limited COE Ltd Coex Ltd Cognitive Limited Colt Industrial Services Ltd Com-care Security Products Limited Compactcaddy Limited Compton Developments Limited Comtec Europe Limited Concordia Diagnostic Sensors Limited Consultantnet Limited Controlled Speed Engineering Ltd Controls4steam Limited Controlstar Systems Limited Copytag Limited Corrintec Limited Cox-Smith Consultants Limited CQR Data Limited Craftsman Tools Ltd Crime Management and Community Safety Systems (UK) Limited Critical Blue Limited Critical Blue Limited Croft Engineering Services ALPHABETICAL LIST East London East Midlands Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber Scotland North West Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber London London Wales Yorkshire & Humber East Midlands East London West Midlands West Midlands East East East Midlands 27 100 69 229 229 270 147 229 230 100 101 297 230 70 28 101 216 217 28 28 70 East Midlands London North West Yorkshire & Humber 71 102 148 230 South West West Midlands East Midlands Yorkshire & Humber Wales Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber London Yorkshire & Humber East Midlands North West Wales Wales North East East Yorkshire & Humber North West East Midlands East East Midlands East London Yorkshire & Humber North West 198 217 71 231 298 231 231 102 232 71 148 299 298 132 29 232 149 72 30 72 30 103 232 149 Scotland Scotland North West 270 271 150 5 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 CTM UK Ltd Cult Hill Innovation Limited Cultech Limited Cumberland Electrochemical Limited D & E Moss T/A Silent Whisper D & J Potter D H-Budenberg Limited D W Gibson & K J Gibson T/A Osprey Aviation Daco Solutions Ltd Daconi Limited Dailys UK Limited Datatrac Limited Daytronics Systems (Yorkshire) Ltd dB Research Limited dB Technology Ltd DCA Design International Limited Dentron Limited Dependable Real Time Systems Limited Dermaglia DESCo Research Limited Design Blue Limited Design Edge Cambridge Limited Diagnostic Potentials Limited Diamatrix Limited Diamond Anchor Company Limited Diboride Conductors Limited Dibsa Structures Limited Dispersed Music & Merchandising Systems Limited Diverse Technologies and Systems Limited Dmist Technologies Limited Double R Controls Limited Douglas C Clarke Douglas Florence T/A Abacus Automation Dr Richard S Neville Dragon Baits Limited DRFP Holdings Ltd Dsine Technology Limited D-TACQ Solutions Limited Duodrive Limited Dynamic Extractions Limited ECASS Technologies ECOSpray Limited Edit Technologies Limited EEC (Europe) Limited Electronic Product Supplies Limited Electronica Products Limited Elite Design and Manufacturing E-Man Technologies Limited EMS Europe Limited Endocrine Pharmaceuticals Ltd Energetix Laser Technologies Limited Enfis Limited Engel Europa International Ltd ALPHABETICAL LIST Yorkshire & Humber Scotland Wales North West North West East Midlands North West West Midlands 233 271 299 150 151 73 151 217 Yorkshire & Humber West Midlands North West South West Yorkshire & Humber North West Yorkshire & Humber West Midlands Wales North West East North West London East Scotland London East Midlands East North West South West 233 218 152 198 233 152 234 218 300 152 31 153 103 31 272 104 73 31 153 199 East North West North West South West North West North West Wales Yorkshire & Humber London Scotland East London Yorkshire & Humber East North West East North West Wales West Midlands East North East Yorkshire & Humber North West Wales Yorkshire & Humber 32 154 154 199 155 155 300 234 104 272 32 105 234 33 156 33 156 301 218 34 133 235 157 301 235 6 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Engineering Services (Bridgend) Limited Engineering Solutions Limited Envirogene Systems Limited Envisional Limited Epitomy Solutions Limited ePOINT Limited Esprit Soutron Partnership Limited ETAG Solutions Limited ETL Solutions Limited EvanesCo Limited Exartech Limited Excel Process Systems Limited Exeter Antioxidant Therapeutics Limited Exeter Electronics Limited Exeter Nanobacteria Limited Exon Robotics Limited Exterity Limited F J Pirie & Co Limited Fableflow Limited Fallers International Ltd Fantastak Ltd FAW Electronics Limited Fimtrac Training Technology Limited Fingershield (UK) Limited First Numerics Limited First Sensors Limited FITT Systems Limited Flag Communication Limited Flexitek Limited Fluid Power Design Limited Fluid Transfer Technology Limited Focus Product Developments Ltd Focused_On Limited Foldermail Limited Formedix Limited Fortkey Limited Fuel/Energy Research Network Limited Future Safety Limited G B Innomech Limited G H Zeal Limited G K Bio Products Limited Garnett Controls Ltd Glass Industry Solutions Ltd Glo GLO International Limited Golfspeed International Limited Goppa Fireplaces Limited Gourmet Woodland Mushrooms Ltd Graffian Manufacturing Limited Green Circle Recycling Ltd Greenbank Terotech Limited Greenfactory Productions Ltd Greenhouse Industries Ltd Griersons Limited Gripple Ltd ALPHABETICAL LIST Wales East Scotland East Yorkshire & Humber Scotland East Midlands East Wales South West East East Midlands South West South West South West East Scotland Scotland London Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber East Midlands North East North West Wales East North East East London East Midlands Scotland Yorkshire & Humber East Midlands East Scotland Scotland East North West East London North West Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber London South West Wales Yorkshire & Humber North West Yorkshire & Humber East Midlands Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber North East Yorkshire & Humber 302 34 273 35 235 274 74 35 302 200 35 74 200 200 201 36 274 285 105 236 236 74 133 157 303 36 134 37 106 75 275 236 75 37 275 276 38 158 38 106 158 237 237 237 107 201 303 238 159 238 75 238 239 134 239 7 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Growtex Limited GT Plus Limited H C Stapleton H W Communications Limited Haller Technology Limited Hamilton Erskine Handheld Tec Limited Haptogen Limited Haswell Moulding Technologies Limited Hausherr (UK) Limited Haviland Limited Head Porter Limited Helpertext Limited Henry Squire & Sons Limited Hidalgo Limited Highland Geology Limited Home Technologies Ltd T/A Voicepower Hoverwing Limited HP Technical Ceramics Human Ecology Limited Hunter Scientific Limited Hydrodyne Systems Limited Hydrosense Limited Hylomar Limited I S Global Limited Ian Benson & Partners Limited IceRobotics Limited Ideagen Software PLC Igloo Image Metrics plc ImageSound Limited Immexis Limited In Touch Limited IN8 Limited Independent Computer Systems Limited Index Instruments Limited Infosar Limited InfraRed Integrated Systems Limited Infra-red Systems International Limited Ingenza Limited Innergoal Limited Innoverce Engineering Limited InspecVision Ltd Institute of Spring Technology Instrumentation Design Limited Intamac Systems Limited Integral Mobile Data Limited Integrams Ltd Integrated Reservoir Solutions Limited Intelligent Distributed Controls Limited Intelligent Personal Security Limited Intelligent Sensors PLC Io Limited iOptimiser Limited IPBiosciences Ltd t/a Immunoporation ALPHABETICAL LIST South West North West East North West East Northern Ireland London Scotland East East Midlands East Midlands East East West Midlands East Scotland Yorkshire & Humber North West Yorkshire & Humber North West East East Midlands Scotland North West East London Scotland East Midlands Wales North West East Midlands London North West London North West East North West East Midlands East Midlands Scotland North West North East Northern Ireland Yorkshire & Humber North West East Midlands South West Yorkshire & Humber North West East Midlands East East Midlands East London East 202 159 58 160 39 311 107 276 39 76 76 40 40 219 41 277 239 160 240 160 41 76 277 161 44 108 278 77 304 161 77 108 162 109 162 42 163 77 78 278 163 135 312 240 164 78 202 240 164 78 43 79 43 109 42 8 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 iPlato Limited IRS Surfacing Technologies Limited Isohelix Limited Isolated Systems Limited Ixaris Systems Limited IZEZI Limited J & F J Baker & Co Limited J A Park T/A Frank Smith Skip Hire & Waste Disposal J Hillam Trailers Ltd t/a Hillam Farm Machinery J Muscroft (Engineering) Ltd Jaco Tooling Company Ltd James Bailey (Engineers) Ltd Jeftex Limited Jennic Ltd John Cummins t/a Deva Biotechnology John Griffiths John Milliken Johnson & Allen Ltd Jura Technology Limited K L Scott Kaiku Limited Katherine Fairey Creations Limited Kay Media Technologies Limited KCS Management Systems Limited KeCrypt Limited Keith Barraclough Kelvin Connect Limited Kelvin Jarman Kerndale Limited Kherion Technology Limited Kingkraft Limited Kirby Devon Limited KIS (Keep It Simple Solutions) Klenzyme Limited Kommunik Limited L & J Lonsdale Metal Merchants (Walsall) Limited Lamination Technologies Limited Latebridge Ltd Lennox Active Limited Lettergold Plastics Limited Levytator Limited Lexical Systems Ltd LG01 Ltd Librae Limited Lightload Services Limited t/a Multiload Technology Line-A-Pipe Limited Linear Heading Tools LinearB Technologies Limited Link2Energy Ltd Lobo International Limited LocalBiz Ltd ALPHABETICAL LIST London North West London East Midlands London North East South West North West 110 164 110 79 111 135 203 165 Yorkshire & Humber 241 Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber North West Yorkshire & Humber North West South West Northern Ireland Yorkshire & Humber London South West North West East London London East Yorkshire & Humber Scotland Yorkshire & Humber Wales East East Midlands South West North West London North East West Midlands 241 241 242 165 242 166 203 313 242 111 204 166 44 112 112 45 243 279 243 304 45 80 204 167 113 136 220 North West Yorkshire & Humber London East London Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber Scotland London 167 243 113 46 114 244 244 279 114 East West Midlands Scotland Yorkshire & Humber East Yorkshire & Humber 46 220 280 244 47 245 9 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Lorialda Ltd T/A Kingston Caster Grips LUX Biotechnology Limited Lynton Lasers Limited M W Irwin Farm Consultancy Limited M2 Consultancy Limited Mac2 Software Limited Machine Craft Limited MACOM Technologies (UK) Limited Magnacol Research Magnetic Design Maintenance Engineering & Measuring Services Limited Malvern Boilers Limited Marine Production Technology Limited Marine Rescue Technologies Ltd Martin Mulligan (UK) Limited Marxman Limited McBurr Limited ME & D Morris t/a Moreton Alarm Supplies Meaburn Limited Mecon Limited Medical Device Management Limited Medilarv Limited Medi-Plinth Limited Melford Resolution Limited Memsis Ltd Menai Organics Limited Merlin Systems Corporation Limited Metmachex Engineering Limited Mformatic Micap PLC Michael Eric Flanagan Michael H Bingham Michael O’Doherty Microbureau Limited Microlaunch Systems Limited Micromac Engineering Limited Micro-Oncology Limited Micropharm Limited MicroScience Technologies Limited Microsens Biophage Limited MicroTag Limited Mid Wales Yarns Limited Midas Golf Ltd Midentity Limited Mineral Solutions Limited MK-V Modular Systems Limited Modelistic Software Limited Molecular Technology Limited Morgan Doyle Limited Motion Microwave Limited Mr K J Mullally Mrs Diane Beedle t/a Accessapet NavisWorks Ltd Nayar Zahir ALPHABETICAL LIST Yorkshire & Humber Scotland North West East Midlands North West London West Midlands Scotland Wales East North West 245 280 168 80 168 115 220 281 304 47 169 West Midlands East Midlands Yorkshire & Humber North West South West East North West North West East East South West East East Northern Ireland Wales South West East Midlands Yorkshire & Humber North West Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber London London East South West Wales Wales Scotland London East Wales Yorkshire & Humber East North West North West London West Midlands North West North West West Midlands South West Yorkshire & Humber East 221 81 245 169 204 48 170 170 48 48 205 49 49 312 305 205 81 246 171 246 246 115 115 50 205 305 306 281 116 50 306 247 51 171 172 116 221 172 173 219 206 247 51 10 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Neanda Limited Neptune Engineering Services Limited Nexor Limited Nexsan Technologies Limited Nicolas Georgiou T/A Geonic Nik Baumann North West Manufacturing Technologies Limited Novexin Limited Novus Food Holdings Limited NuGround Limited Nulife Glass Limited Nutrilaw Limited Oasis Marquees Obducat CamScan Limited Ocuity Limited Oil & Gas Installations Limited Oleotec Limited OptoSci Limited Orangery Software Limited Orblite Limited Oxford Bee Company Limited Oxley Developments Company Limited Ozone Concentrator Limited P I Vision Limited P S Analytical Limited P&C Communications Limited P.A.C.T. Engineering (Scotland) Limited Paul Boyce-Mears & Mike Abbott t/a Mentor Telemetry Systems PCT Automotive Ltd PDG Limited Pentatherm Ltd Pentland Systems Limited Pepik Ltd Peter Sinclair PetroData Limited Pharmidex Pharmaceutical Services Limited Pharmweigh Limited Philip Champion de Crespigny Phoenix Photonics Limited Photo Etch Consultants Limited Photonic Materials Limited PhotoSynergy Limited Piltec Rubber and Plastics Limited PipingHot Networks Limited t/a Orthogon Systems Pixel Fountain PJH Partnership Ltd Plastic For Industry Plymouth Marine Applications Limited Posh Power Limited Power Jets Limited Prelude Electronics Limited Presidio Technology Group Limited ALPHABETICAL LIST London North East East Midlands East Midlands North West Yorkshire & Humber North West 117 136 82 82 173 247 173 East North West North East Wales East Yorkshire & Humber East West Midlands North East North West Scotland North West South West East Midlands North West North West London London North West Scotland London 52 174 137 307 52 248 53 221 137 174 282 175 206 83 175 176 119 120 176 282 117 Yorkshire & Humber East Midlands Yorkshire & Humber Scotland Yorkshire & Humber London Scotland London East East Midlands London West Midlands Scotland Scotland West Midlands South West 248 83 248 283 249 117 283 118 53 84 118 222 284 284 222 207 North West Yorkshire & Humber North West South West East East Midlands North West London 177 249 177 207 54 84 177 119 11 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Proact International Limited Procon Systems Proteus Software Limited Pryde Precision Ltd Prysm Electrics Limited Pulsar Design Limited Pulsonic Technologies Ltd Purple Patch Wireless Q Plasma Technologies Limited Q-Technologies Limited Quadro Healthcare Limited Quantum IDS Limited Quantum Lighting Limited Quantum Prospecting Limited Quickmap Limited Quigley Associates R B T Window Cleaning R Hardwick T/A Hardwick Design & Developments R J Mobility Ltd Radal Technology Limited Rapid Manufacturing Systems Limited Rawflow Limited Rawwater Engineeering Company Limited Red Ledge Limited RedBlocks Limited Redten Computers Limited Refund Exchange Ltd Renaissance Workshop Company Ltd Renewable Devices Limited Rhetorical Systems Limited Richard Ashby t/a The Works Design Studio Richard Fenwick Richard Pearson Limited Ridge Media Limited Rigibore Limited Rimex Metals (UK) Limited Riverside Composites Limited Robert Lisles T/A Clearaway Engineering Services Robin Wolfendale Rockfield Software Limited Rope Technical Site Services Ltd Rowan Technologies Limited RSVP Dialogue Limited Rubber Band Limited RxTxTech Ryeburn Ice Cream S & S Electronics SABAS Limited Sabili Limited (Formerly Super Midlets Limited) Safedrop (UK) Limited Safeshred Limited Safe-t-trim Ltd ALPHABETICAL LIST Wales Yorkshire & Humber West Midlands Yorkshire & Humber East Midlands London Yorkshire & Humber Scotland North West North West East North West North West Wales East South West Yorkshire & Humber East Midlands 307 249 223 250 85 120 250 285 178 178 54 179 179 308 55 208 250 85 Yorkshire & Humber North West East Midlands London North West Yorkshire & Humber East North West Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber Scotland Scotland Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber East Midlands North East South West London North West North West 251 180 86 121 180 251 55 180 251 252 286 286 252 252 86 138 208 121 181 181 North West Wales Yorkshire & Humber North West North West East Midlands North West Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber London North West 182 308 253 182 183 87 183 252 253 122 184 North East North West Yorkshire & Humber 138 184 254 12 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Safety & Survival Technology Limited Salent Technologies Limited Saul Research Schools & Homes Energy Education Project Sciencesoft Limited Sci-Tech Systems Limited Scootabout International Limited T/A Bead Drive Techno Scott Phelps-Fuller t/a Special Imaging Services Screen Technology Limited Screendragon Limited Seagen Ltd Seawater Greenhouse Limited SeeByte Limited SelecGen Limited Select Property Ltd Selestial Ltd Sensox Limited ServicePower Business Solutions Limited Shepherds Purse Cheeses Limited Sheppee International Ltd Silvertree Engineering Limited Simulations Limited Single Use Surgical Ltd SkyLINC Ltd Smart Card Solutions Limited Smartcap Limited SmartMarket Technologies Limited Soft Solutions Limited Solar GB Ltd Solcara Limited Solion Limited Sparkling Armada Special Blend Limited Specialised Engineering Services Spectrum Technologies Speleo Technics Limited Spiratech Limited Stain-Brite Ltd Staplethorne Limited Starbridge Systems Limited Starpoint Adaptive Optics Limited Steve Goodhand Stuart Hepworth Suitcase TV Limited Summitglow Ltd Supreme Visors Limited Surface Generation Limited Surfim Limited Surgi-Call Limited Sustainable Composites Limited Sutton Goldsmith Associates Symban Power Systems Limited Synaxis Data Services Limited ALPHABETICAL LIST North West Scotland East Midlands Yorkshire & Humber Scotland East East Midlands 184 287 87 254 287 56 88 London 122 East London Yorkshire & Humber London Scotland East Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber London North West Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber South West North East Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber East North West London Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber London London Wales North West Yorkshire & Humber Wales North West North West Yorkshire & Humber South West Wales North East North West Yorkshire & Humber East Yorkshire & Humber North West East Midlands London East South West Wales London North West 56 123 254 123 288 57 255 255 124 185 255 256 209 139 256 256 57 185 124 257 257 125 125 309 186 257 309 186 187 258 209 310 139 187 258 58 258 188 88 126 58 210 310 126 188 13 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Synectix Limited Syrris Limited Systemwire Limited T B G Solutions Ltd T J Corbishley (Developments) Limited Tactile Touch Limited Target Well Control Limited Tass Environmental Technology Limited Tayside Flow Technologies Limited Technical Service Consultants Limited Technijet Limited Technological Business Solutions Limited Technology Store Limited teleIT Limited Telstar Electronics Limited TerraVista Limited The Acrobot Company Limited The Adrenalin Network Limited The Coolbox Worldwide Ltd The Natural Engineering Company Ltd The Newton Instrument Company The Original Tri-Level Limited The Poppitt Company Limited The POS Store Limited The Salamander Organisation Ltd The Spine Corporation Limited The Validation Centre (TVC) Limited The Zap Corporation Limited Thermonex Limited Thin Film Innovations Limited Thinkanalytics Limited Timberbox Limited Topaz Computer Systems Limited TopoSphere Limited Torros Limited Trackdale Limited Tracktones Limited Trans Spectra Limited Transport Design International Limited Trantor Vehicles Limited Trevor Farrington Limited Triton Technology Limited TrixSRT Limited Troyanys Limited Turbocompounding Limited Ubisense Limited Unique Sport Training Systems International Utilyx Limited Vantage Systems Limited Vaughan Industries Limited VeriVide Limited Vero International Software UK Limited Versatile Delivery Systems Ltd Vettit Solutions Limited Viafon Limited ALPHABETICAL LIST South West East London Yorkshire & Humber North West West Midlands Scotland East Midlands Scotland North West North West East Midlands North West Scotland East Midlands Scotland London North West Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber North West South West South West North West Yorkshire & Humber East Midlands East East North West Scotland Scotland East East Midlands Scotland East East London North West West Midlands North West North West East Midlands South West Scotland London East North East London North West South West East Midlands South West Yorkshire & Humber East North West 210 59 127 259 189 223 288 89 289 189 190 89 190 289 89 290 127 191 259 259 191 211 211 192 260 90 59 66 192 290 291 60 90 291 60 60 128 193 223 193 193 91 212 292 128 61 140 129 194 212 91 213 260 61 194 14 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Vimpex Limited Viratom Limited Virtual Clones Limited Virtuser Business Communications Services Limited VIS entertainment plc Vision Integrated Security Solutions Limited Visus Limited Vobo Limited Vox Software Limited W & J Dunlop Limited W T Johnson & Sons (Huddersfield) Ltd Walker Cameras Webaspx Limited Weldtite Products Limited White Friars (UK) Limited Wholey International Limited Wilson Benesch Ltd Winbond International Limited Wind Dam Ltd Wind Power Limited Wolstenholme Machine Knives Ltd Wordcraft International Limited Working Learning Limited Xennia Technology Limited Xiomed Limited Xynchron Limited Xyph Limited Yorkshire Machine Tools Yorktest Laboratories Ltd YYY Systems Limited Z Cars Limited Zinwave Limited Zoo Digital Group Plc Zoptic Limited ALPHABETICAL LIST East North East Scotland London 62 140 292 129 Scotland East East East Yorkshire & Humber Scotland Yorkshire & Humber North West North West Yorkshire & Humber North West North West Yorkshire & Humber East Midlands South West East Yorkshire & Humber East Midlands London East East East London Yorkshire & Humber Yorkshire & Humber North West Yorkshire & Humber East Yorkshire & Humber South West 293 62 63 63 260 273 261 195 195 261 196 196 261 92 213 64 262 92 130 64 65 65 130 262 262 196 263 66 263 214 15 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND ON THE Smart Scheme The Department Of Trade and Industry’s Smart scheme operated prior to 1 June 2003 when the Grant for Research and Development was introduced. Smart in England provided grants to help individuals and small and medium-sized businesses to research and develop technologically innovative products and processes. Different arrangements apply in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where similar forms of support are available. Smart Subject to certain criteria being met, help was available in England for: Micro Project awards were 50% of eligible costs, up to a maximum grant of £10,000, for the development of simple low-cost prototypes of new products & processes. Feasibility Study awards were 75% of eligible costs, up to a maximum of grant of £45,000, for a technical & commercial feasibility study into highly innovative technology. Development Projects involve the shaping of industrial research into a preproduction prototype of a technologically innovative product or industrial process. A grant of up to £200,000 was available for businesses with fewer than 250 employees. Exceptional Projects involve technology developments, which have higher costs. These projects are likely to generate much wider economic benefits and must have strategic importance for a technology or industrial sector. A grant of up to £500,000 was available to businesses with fewer than 250 employees. INTRODUCTION 16 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 From 1 April 2005 Grant for Research and Development will be delivered across England by the Regional Development Agencies, including London Development Agency. In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland similar support is offered through SMART and SPUR and delivered by the respective administrations - Scottish Executive, Welsh Development Agency and Invest Northern Ireland. Full information is available via the DTI website at or see the "Contacts" at the end of this Directory. The businesses included in this Directory were selected to receive grants for research and development projects commencing during the period July 2002 to June 2003. Many of them may now be at the stage of seeking partners or investors to help turn the results of those projects into new products and processes. For further information about individual projects please contact the businesses direct. INTRODUCTION 17 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 EAST OF ENGLAND Abington Consultants Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Roger Crafer 01223 891576 N/A Not Given Feasibility Study Industrial Effluent Monitor Our study will test the feasibility of measuring the concentrations of key waste materials using an optical non-contact method for recovery and recycling. This avoids problems associated with equipment in contact with polluted water. ADPhil Advisor Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Steve Hoath 01480 830392 N/A Not Given Not Given HFA Test This project aims to prove the viability of a proposed new detection method for HFA propellant leakage from pressurised metered dose inhaler cans, such as those used by asthma sufferers. East 18 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Advanced Optical Technology Limited Basildon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Clive Ireland 01268 522111 3340 Not Given Fine Cut Within the Fine Cut project, the company will extend their innovative laser technology to significantly higher power to allow source development for fine processing applications such as very high precision cutting, etching and fine marking. Aeromark Communications Limited Bedford Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Andrew Goodwin 01234 227799 6420 Not Given Triplock Portable Tracking and Security Device Aeromark is developing an innovative, unique solution used for intelligent tracking of containers and box trailers. It is completely self contained, reusable and very portable. East 19 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Aktogen Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Zoltaqn Asztalos 01223 741578 N/A Not Given Feasibility Study High-Throughput Fruit Fly Behaviour Screening Test The aim of this project is to establish proof of principle for a novel high-throughput method for measuring the reaction of fruit flies to external stimuli. This system could then be used to detect the effect of gene products and drugs, which have relevance to neuropsychiatric disorders. This work will support a patent application for the method. Amazon IT Services Limited Norfolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: John Dean 01379 741978 N/A 7222 Feasibility Study The Product Amazon IT aims to study the feasibility of providing the individual with a single view of all information and workflow regardless of technology, but using design, structure, location and standards defined by the individual at an individual level. This technology will allow optimal workflow integration and bottom-up process mapping for an individual without altering the underlying structure of the centralised workflow or pre-bundled application, therefore optimizing information relevance, work activities and business process. East 20 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Amura Therapeutics Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Martyn Collett 01223 264211 7310 Not Given Improved Conjugate Vaccines Amura is developing chemoselective chemistries that overcome this limitation especially for the important class of polysaccharide conjugate vaccines in order to overcome limitations in attaching the antigen to the carrier in vaccines. Angli Partners Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Paul McGhee 01223 569477 Not Given Not Given Magic Mirror The Magic Mirror project aims to produce a proof of concept and a pre-production design for a new form of small domestic video screen. The device will receive information and entertainment in the home from digital terrestrial television and broadband internet sources and it will be possible to connect it to other household media devices. East 21 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Audix Broadcast Limited Saffron Walden Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Ian Jennings 01799 542220 3230 Not Given Dave & Wave Audix Broadcast wish to develop new products using technologies complementary to their present range of Digital Audio Mixers which were the result of a previous SPUR award. These new products would be the first truly integrated All Digital Public Address Voice Alarm and Evacuation Systems. Axomic Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Daniel Emmerson 07786 262211 Not Given Feasibility Study Intelligent Search Tool This study will test the feasibility of creating an intelligent search tool that is capable of representing complex search processes in a graphical manner. Aylestone Auto-Electrical Co Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dennis Troman 01223 412668 5245 Smart Micro Acoustic Chair The Smart Micro Project grant has been awarded to allow us to fully understand sound ‘bubbles’, interconnection systems, and to investigate alternative sound, shock and vibration systems essential to the development of our Acoustic Chair. East 22 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 42 Technology Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Howard Biddle 07774 704262 2852 Not Given Ice Cleansing Technology Ice Cleansing Technology is based on a slurry of fine ice which scours system components as it is pumped through them. The technology should result in significantly less beer waste, suffers from no environmental problems, is easy and rapid in operation, and is significantly cheaper. The technology is not limited to beer; it can clean any beverage dispense line. Blaknblu Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Adam Garstone 01223 564771 N/A N/A 7210/7222 Feasibility Study Home Technology Nexus The feasibility study will investigate the requirements of the fundamental, underlying technologies needed to integrate all consumer electronic systems into a universal, modular home technology nexus which provides a single, simple user interface for all home technologies and reduces costs by avoiding unnecessary duplication of hardware and software. East 23 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Blueprint Programming Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Clive Thomson 01223 370021 7220 Feasibility Study Sentient All Media Inbox The purpose of the feasibility study is to examine new paradigms for managing the future volume of communications, for example emails, phone calls, multi-media messages etc., that people will receive as a result of the increasing availability of networking and mobile telephony. Bluedelta Design Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Jai Sharma 01763 263120 3220 Intelligent Search and Retrieval Powernet To establish the feasibility of a system (Powernet) with RF control with primary features including the ability to switch off all lights in a building with one switch, avoidance of channelling walls, adding cable and potential redecoration to install light switches, lower power consumption when the units are in operation, longer bulb life and additional safety benefits by integration with security systems. East 24 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Buck Propulsor Limited Tollesbury Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mal Hyams 01621 869436 N/A Not Given Not Given Ducted Gas Jet Marine Propulsor Pod The Buck Propulsor project aims to prove the physical and commercial feasibility of an alternative to existing outboard engines in one configuration, to prove the feasibility of a steam cleaner, again, as a commercially viable alternative to existing products. We will investigate the possibilities for application in the sludge and slurry pumping markets. Business Web Software Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Brett Husbands 0870 321 2943 Not Given Not Given Business Web Software This study will test the feasibility of creating a descriptor algorithm to create technology independent process definitions for the creation of software by nontechnologists. The approach being taken is different to existing techniques and applications in a number of ways which introduce new capabilities, methods and technology into the field. East 25 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Cambridge Cell Networks Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Miss Tijana Ignjatovic 07766 720589 N/A 7310 Feasibility Study Cambridge Cell Networks To find a way to analyse all genetic data and represent the interactions between genes and proteins by computer generated graphics in such a way as to make it easier for pharmaceutical researchers to identify the best drug targets. The aim is to select targets not only for their chemical suitability for drug design, but also to avoid those that can lead to serious side effects. Cambridge Joining Technology Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Amir Shirzadi 01223 334338 N/A 7310 Feasibility Study CAMJET To develop a suitable and economic joining method for connecting directionally solidified or single crystal super-alloy airfoils to conventional super-alloy to create turbine blades for future jet and gas turbine engines. East 26 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Cambridge Laboratory Innovations Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Marc D’Abbadie 07876192179 N/A Not Given Not Given Virgin Collector Cambridge Laboratory Innovations' novel Virgin Collector product will allow for automation of the collection process for virgin fruit flies, providing large savings in time and efficiency for researchers in this field. Cambridge Quality Technology Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr K R Whittington 01223 500093 7310 Not Given Centrifugal Electromagnetic Pump Our aim is to build a simple demonstration prototype centrifugal electromagnetic pump, with no moving parts, for pumping liquid metals. The pumping action will be combined with the application of the "cold crucible" principle, whereby the metal can be heated and kept molten within the pump chamber itself. The water-cooled walls of the chamber will ensure formation of a solidified skin of the pumped liquid metal so it will not be in contact with any contaminant and so erosion of the chamber walls resulting from the rapid swirling motion will be eliminated. East 27 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Chalmor Limited Luton Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Steven Henry 01582 748700 3663 Not Given Sentient all Media Inbox The objective of the project is to develop a “Universal” energy saving controller for lighting and heating applications in the industrial and commercial markets. Chell Instruments Limited Norfolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Nick Broadley 01692 500555 N/A 3320 Not given PlasmaChrom Enhancement This project seeks feasibility study assistance to investigate these two enhancements and produce a prototype instrument for customer evaluations. The potential for growth in this "new" industry is tremendous because there is an almost total lack of awareness as to the power of the technique. ChemAdd Limited Ware Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Syed Ahmed 01920 465077 N/A N/A 7310 Feasibility Study Additive for Petrol Engines This study will test the feasibility of creating a non-metallic, ash-less, gasoline fuel additive technology designed to enhance the combustion process, thereby reducing regulated and unregulated emissions from gasoline engines. East 28 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 C T Charlton Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Chris Charlton 01223 740303 Not Given Not Given Intelligent Search and Retrieval In this project we are investigating a new way of searching for text based on what the words actually mean. Currently, computers search for words in documents and web pages without understanding them. They simply match sequences of letters, and don’t understand that a river “bank” is different from a financial “bank”. Our software will examine the context of “bank” to work out which sense was intended, so that it only retrieves text that actually matches the intended meaning. Consultantnet Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Shane Thornton 01223 871747 N/A Not Given Not Given Measurement of Amputees for the fitting of prostheses Our aim is to test a new method of measuring the stumps of amputees when limbs are under load, in conditions that occur in real life, so that better fitting sockets can be produced. The deliverable from the project will be a measurement method that will allow comfortable sockets to be produced for artificial limbs. The result will be better fitting sockets, which should be right first time. East 29 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Copytag Limited Harlow Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Paul Wallington 01279 419220 3210 Not Given Biometric Identity Card and Verification Device Copytag’s aim is to store personal and biometric data (fingerprint, Iris etc) onto a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Integrated Circuit (IC), to create a secure document (Entitlement Card, Passport etc) which can allow an individual to be verified, without the need to be linked to a central database. Cox-Smith Consultants Limited Bedfordshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Peter Cox-Smith 01525 383766 N/A 7487 Smart Micro Project Digital Current Controller During this Smart sponsored Micro Project, Cox-Smith Consultants Ltd will design and build a hardware platform, based on programmable digital gate array technology, which will be used to develop a more digital current control algorithm. East 30 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Dermaglia Royston Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Peter Luebcke 01763 261895 N/A Not Given Not Given Inhibiting and Reversing Skin Ageing Dermaglia will use the (Smart) funding to research and develop a novel treatment for ageing skin, especially skin deterioration that has been exacerbated by sunlight, or 'photo-ageing'. Design Edge Cambridge Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Alasdair Barnett 01223 566439 N/A 7487 Not Given Expandable Directory Holder The objectives of this project are to test and prove the concept design of a unique and innovative Expandable Directory Holder, which has a number of desirable features. Diboride Conductors Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Philip Sargent 07884 355096 7310 Feasibility Study Superconducting Electric Motors This project is a technical and marketing feasibility study into producing superconducting electric motors using magnesium diboride wire. East 31 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Diverse Technologies and Systems Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: John Anderson 01223 844444 3340 Not Given System for optimising coloured tints Project Redeye is an extension of Optimise, a colour controlled lamp to help sufferers of visual dyslexia. The project aims to marry the colour of illumination to the colour of tinted spectacles to produce an instrument that can analyse the illumination, match it to a type of glass tint and to define the tint density. This will provide a prescription for coloured lenses based on quantitative measurement and will provide a simulation of the tinted glasses so that opticians can test the acceptability of the tints before the lenses are made. Duodrive Limited Suffolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Graham Miller 07801 673346 N/A Not Given Feasibility Study Counter-Rotating Shaft Drive Mechanism The objective of Duodrive Ltd is to commercially exploit technology encompassed by a recent invention titled Counter-Rotating Shaft Drive Mechanism. Aimed at shaftdriven motorboats, this innovative concept promises customers faster acceleration, higher top speeds, better fuel consumption and less vibration. The feasibility study is an essential part of applying this technology. East 32 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 ECOSpray Limited Norfolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: David Sadler-Bridge 01760 756100 N/A 0141 Feasibility Study Nemguard ECOSpray Ltd, a small company operating from facilities in Norfolk, carried out a series of experiments which showed that a refined plant extract gave efficacious results in controlling a soil borne pest. ECOSpray Ltd took their data and developed a project under the Smart Award Feasibility Study for the control of various soil borne pests. The project duration is planned to take 14 months by which time it is hoped a viable system will be available for field scale evaluation. EEC (Europe) Limited Royston Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Dennis Hunter 01223 208001 N/A N/A 5114 Not Given New biological wastewater treatment package plant EEC (Europe) Ltd was formed with the express purpose of producing a cost effective package plant with new innovative treatment processes giving a final effluent that would meet agreed performance criteria whilst proving the process performance. East 33 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 E-Man Technologies Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Matthew B Hagger 01733 865058 7221 Not Given Net Sorcerer The project will examine the technical and commercial feasibility of implementing Net Sorcerer within the UK marketplace, focusing upon special case studies within the sectors of Crime Prevention and Education, where Net Sorcerer will derive the greatest social impact from its evolution. Engineering Solutions Limited Leighton Buzzard Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: David Morris 01525 374466 4531 Not Given Electrical Tester for Power Cable Crimp Connection This project means that the company have the opportunity to break into a global market with a unique “high current crimp test” product that is not made anywhere else in the world. East 34 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Envisional Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Ben Coppin 01223 569700 7220 Not Given Sentiment Index Trading System (SITS) The objective of the SITS trading system is to monitor current market sentiment quickly and accurately, and recognise changes immediately, so that Hedge Fund traders can improve their portfolio performance. SITS will examine the turning points in sentiment as a leading indicator of changes in stock prices. ETAG Solutions Limited Wheathampstead Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Andy Boulton 01727 862447 7260 Not Given Smart Keys The ‘Smart Key’ project from eTag Solutions Limited will evaluate the feasibility of developing a control system that will provide a generic link to different key security hardware and integrate with existing back-end computer systems. Exartech Limited Southend on Sea Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Chris Hardstaff 01494 817727 N/A 7487 Not Given I-Digital Project The project’s aim is to produce a pre-production prototype digital flat-bed ink jet printer which prints images up to 2.2 metres wide at up to 250 square metres per hour totally free from any inherent pattern. East 35 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Exon Robotics Limited Ongar Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Scott Pleva 01277 200785 7487 Not Given Desktop Bio-Technology Robot The purpose of the Desktop Bio-Technology Robot project is to determine the technical and commercial feasibility for a multipurpose desktop sized precision robotic platform for use by Scientists during drug discovery and DNA research. First Sensors Limited Norfolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Des Wenn 01379 897387 3430 Feasibility Study Thermalock The project will assess the commercial feasibility of a revolutionary temperature compensation technique for strain gauges in the motorsport market. East 36 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Flag Communication Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dave Potts 01223 233882 7487 Not Given CSR Data Management Tool Flag's web-enabled reporting tool is a new way to manage and publish CSR data. It overlays existing information systems and provides the digital dashboard required to manage targets, performance and reports. Raising the frequency and quality of CSR information provision across an organisation increases awareness, improves performance and assists with transformation. Foldermail Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Jane Aldridge 01223 508111 Not Given Smart Development Project Foldermail Development Project FolderMail software will enable files and whole directories containing nested subdirectories to be transmitted across any internet connection with high security and at low cost. FolderMail will be integrated with existing e-mail software clients including Outlook and Eudora, will run across a wide range of operating systems and will have a very simple user interface. East 37 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Fuel/Energy Research Network Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: David Laughton 079 560 65573 N/A Not Given Feasibility Study Biodiesel This feasibility study will determine if it is feasible to turn our concept of an efficient process for the production of Bio-diesel, from waste and virgin vegetable oils, into a practical process. This could result in a system that uses less energy and is less labour intensive, with fuels being produced from any available type of vegetable oil, producing a high quality, low-emission fuel that will meet any envisaged EU legislation. G B Innomech Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: David Beale 01353 667394 2956 Not Given Automated Fine-Wire Welding GB Innomech are using their expertise in wire handling and automated welding to advance the state-of-the-art in automated fine-wire welding and will build an experimental rig to demonstrate the feasibility of their ideas to produce wire bridges to tighter tolerances at reduced cost. East 38 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Haller Technology Limited Suffolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Nigel Bell 01728 684095 7222 Feasibility Study Wolf Project Wolf considers the feasibility of creating an intelligent data processing architecture. The transfer of data from one system to another is the cause of many business related problems and is a major concern for many IT managers. It is particularly relevant to companies that are growing, either through merger or acquisition, and bodies, such as local government, that are now having to make existing information available to a wider audience through new media channels such as the Internet. Haswell Moulding Technologies Limited Thorpe Le Soken Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Geoff Haswell 01255 422519 N/A 3663 Not Given INVISIC INVISIC has two main components, a patented battery-less Tyre Pressure Monitoring System and a novel oil level and oil quality-measuring system. INVISIC will be capable of being retrofitted as a “plug and play” system rather than being hard wired. There is nothing similar available on the market at present. East 39 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Head Porter Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Simon Strojan 01223 421870 6420 Not Given TXT-Box An electronic barrier, which when passing can detect whether a mobile phone is active, and if so send an instant SMS message. This provides a discreet nonconfrontational method of reminding users that they are entering an environment where the use of mobile phones is actively discouraged. If used responsibly, in accordance with government guidelines and recommendations, this technology could also offer a vast advertising potential. Helpertext Limited Bedfordshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Trevor Aylett 01234 404124 9251 Feasibility Study Helpertext Feasibility Study A system to identify the phrases and responses most commonly used in communication between travellers and service providers and build them into an interactive tool that would be simple to use, yet extremely effective. East 40 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Hidalgo Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Justin Pisani 01954 233430 Not Given 7210/7310 Equivital Lifemonitor Hidalgo aims to show the feasibility of producing a compact, low cost, multiparameter, intelligent physiological sensor to monitor the well being of users who are performing highly physical or hazardous tasks. The project also aims to demonstrate how such a sensor can be integrated easily into communications systems to allow remote monitoring. Hunter Scientific Limited Saffron Walden Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mark Rawe 01799 541688 3310 Not Given Sperm Counting Device for Home Use The aim of this project is to examine the feasibility of manufacturing a home selftesting kit to check the number of sperm in a semen sample. The device would enable men to see whether or not they were fertile by visually counting the healthy motile sperm according to World Health Organisation standards. East 41 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 IPBiosciences Ltd t/a Immunoporation Colchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Tom Hole 01622 842297 7310 Not Given New Products for Cell Transfection The company has developed a unique and novel type of transfection technology for human and animal cells called "Immunoporation". The Smart award will allow Immunoporation Limited to assess alternative bead matrices and component parts, with a view to developing a new range of products that maintain all the advantages from the current bead matrix. Index Instruments Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Jennifer L Horn 01487 814313 3320 Not Given Micro-sensor Development The aim of the project is to develop and manufacture a micro-sensor that can be integrated into a refractometer to measure other physical properties of a liquid at the same time as measuring refractive index. Incorporation of a micro-sensor into this type of refractometer will provide the end user with a single, very small, compact instrument capable of measuring two or more parameters simultaneously whilst using a very small sample. East 42 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Intelligent Personal Security Limited Letchworth Garden City Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Leonard Steele 01462 482300 Not Given Not Given Portable Intruder Alarm System The aim of the project is to assess the feasibility of a portable Alarm System similar to a mobile phone that requires no external connections to either the user or the host product. The Alarm system will be personal to the user so that they can be made aware of situations happening around them at quite some considerable distance. Io Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Roger Kemp 01638 742390 N/A 7220 Feasibility Study Low Emissions Power Supplies Io Ltd.has conceived a Power Supply Module (PSM) scheme that has inherently low noise and should offer near ideal power factor over a wide range of power frequency. With the assistance of a Smart award Io Ltd will carry out a feasibility study leading to a technology demonstrator for this scheme. East 43 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 I S Global Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Ian Thomson 01480 470323 N/A 7487 Not Given Global Vehicle Security Device To fit a load cell sensor on the coupling mechanism of freight vehicles linked to a digital control box located in the driver’s cab. Following activation of the device, any down force of more that 10kgs on any part of the trailer activates an audible alarm to alert the driver that there is an intruder or intruders inside the trailer. The control box can also be set to GPS mode and will send a signal to either a mobile pager or a dedicated receiver to alert the driver if he is away from the vehicle. Katherine Fairey Creations Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Katherine Fairey 01223 891448 N/A 3614 Smart Micro Project Glass/Resin Coffee Tables No project details submitted. East 44 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 KeCrypt Limited Stevenage Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mark Leddington 01438 791026 7220 Not Given Biometric Signature Authentication This feasibility study is into an innovative approach to Identity Management. Instead of a password or PIN (often classified as ‘what you know’) KeCrypt hopes to use a signature biometric to protect devices such as Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and subsequent access to computer networks. Kherion Technology Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Marc Creus 07887 697296 N/A Not Given Feasibility Study Novel disease antigen screening Kherion Technology has identified a novel, rapid, high-throughput method for screening natural antibody targets that is complemented by a bioinformatics and data mining approach. The process is applicable to a plethora of diseases characterised by an immune response. Kherion Technology seeks to use bovine paratuberculosis (para-TB) as its first target and proof-of-principle. East 45 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Lettergold Plastics Limited Suffolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Andy Drummond 01638 666888 Not Given Development Project Desiccant stopper project The purpose of this development project will be to integrate laser equipment and control into the canister assembly machine that produces desiccant stoppers in order that the innovative Tyvek membrane designed by Lettergold can be easily cut and ultrasonically welded to the canisters. Line-A-Pipe Limited Bedford Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Brian Chandler 01234 317448 N/A Not Given Not Given Rehabilitation of leaking pipes The project is for a cost-effective solution to water main pipe rehabilitation addressing both water quality and leakage. East 46 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Lobo International Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Andre Monteiro 01223 891340 N/A Not Given Not Given Smart Kettle The study will test the concept of a new type of jug kettle which promises to offer very useful features to users as well as the environment. Such operation is achieved by elegantly separating the required amount of water to be heated from the filling jug, pumping it swiftly through a filter and heating only this amount. This will cut down the boil time (and electricity consumption which is proportional) dramatically from cold, making it very convenient. It boils a cup of water in significantly less time than it takes a conventional kettle. In doing so it saves a corresponding amount of energy while supplying filtered water. Magnetic Design Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Paul Brown 01223 840236 Not Given Not Given Particle Sensing Toaster To evaluate the feasibility of using an ionising particle sensor as a sensing and switching device in a toaster to replace the electronic timer. This would guarantee perfect toast every time by actively sensing the complex chemical changes occurring during the toasting process, crucially looking for a narrow window whereby caramelised sugar particles are emitted that create the well known sweet smell and taste of toast. East 47 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 McBurr Limited Sandy Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Kevin McKenna 01767 224945 N/A N/A Not Given Not Given Refrigerator Recycling No project details submitted. Mecon Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Martin Thompson 01223 355990 Not Given Not Given Vibration Dosage Meter The aim of this project is to consider viable means of providing the necessary monitoring of hand-arm vibration on a regular basis - such as may occur during the use of hand tools - that will satisfy the requirements of legislation while at the same time satisfying the industry requirements of being robust, cheap, unobtrusive and simple to use. The final device must be acceptable for use in practice by those who are at risk. Medical Device Management Limited Braintree Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Alan Wenman 01376 324303 Not Given Not Given Depth of Anaesthesia Monitor A depth of anaesthesia monitor that utilises AEPs (auditory evoked potentials) to monitor the patients’ depth of an aesthesia and to prevent awareness during surgery. East 48 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Medi-Plinth Limited Suffolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Chris Grove 01473 212010 N/A Not Given Feasibility Study Bishops Chair Project The aim of the Bishops Chair Project is to determine the feasibility of using an innovative principle to develop a pressure relief chair to aid recovery of immobile and disabled patients without the risk of pressure sores, where a sitting position is medically preferred to a lying position. Melford Resolution Limited Suffolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr John Cochrane 01787 370190 N/A Not Given Feasibility Study Reduction of atmospheric turbulence effects Images recorded with ground-based telescopes are normally smeared out because of the phase irregularities introduced by the atmosphere. Novel methods using the new CCD technology have already significantly improved the performance of these instruments to such an extent that an entirely new method of achieving diffractionlimited imaging from the ground with telescopes similar in size to the Hubble Space Telescope has been developed and demonstrated. It is the intention of this feasibility study to extend these ideas from the ground-to-air case to the ground-to-ground case. East 49 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Microlaunch Systems Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mohan Ahad 0776 5838817 N/A Not Given Not Given Microsatellite Launcher A study of the commercial viability of building a dedicated, smaller, launch vehicle for microsatellites from mass-produced components to service this market. The technology is referred to as a ‘Dumb Booster’ and is a gas pressure fed rocket system. It is anticipated that the result will be an inexpensive but highly effective launch vehicle. MicroTag Limited Suffolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Victor Lovedale 01359 250917 N/A Not Given Not Given Radio Frequency Identification Tags The project's objectives are to evaluate the functionality of Mu chip technology in the target application, the design and methods of encapsulating the chip and inlet within suitable plastic tags, and evaluating methods of tag reading within the application’s harsh environment. East 50 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Midentity Limited Suffolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Simon Grice 01473 820333 Not Given Not Given Mshell Platform Development The creation of a central depository and exchange mechanism (an Mshell) in which all the information concerning an individual is either held or through which it is accessed in a controlled manner effectively giving the owner of the information control/knowledge over how it is used. Nayar Zahir Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Nayar Zahir N/A N/A N/A Not Given Not Given £-Risk software development The £-RISK software will give project stakeholders, the quantity surveyors, project managers, procurement managers, etc. the means to accurately cost project contingency requirements. East 51 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Novexin Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Daniel Jones 01223 691193 N/A Not Given Not Given Solving Bioprocessing Problems Novexin is developing a new platform technology with the potential to solve a number of significant bioprocessing problems in the areas of protein purification, protein refolding and protein concentration, stability and storage. The fundamental nature of this technology will allow application at several stages in the processing chain enabling fast, effective and cost-advantageous bioprocessing. Nutrilaw Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mark Law 01760 339999 N/A Not Given Not Given Fertiliser Manufacturing Technique The Smart Award will enable Nutrilaw to develop fertiliser granulation and metering technology to incorporate precise levels of micronutrients evenly into fertilisers on a commercial scale. East 52 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Obducat CamScan Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Richard Paden 01223 861066 Not Given Not Given Electron Microscope The objectives of this project are to design and develop a new Thermal Field Emission source and associated optical elements including the critical power supplies to enable the column to operate over a greatly increased range of voltage and probe current parameters particularly with lower cost of manufacture and ownership. Pharmweigh Limited Suffolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Victor Lovedale 01359 250917 N/A Not Given Not Given Animal Weighing System Our objective is to see if it is feasible to build a low cost animal weighing system which reduces stress on the animal to a minimum and provides farmers with an accurate means of weighing their animals in turn providing them with information which will enable them to improve their efficiency and reduce costs. East 53 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Posh Power Limited Suffolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr John Mullenger 07814 583890 N/A N/A Not Given Not Given Compression Vane Turbine The production of a highly innovative vertical shaft wind turbine to help the country to reach its target of 10% power sourced by renewable energy by 2010. Our major consideration is not only the efficient production of energy from wind power, but to ensure that the turbine is aesthetically pleasing to the eye and will blend harmoniously with its surroundings. The turbine will be graceful and adaptable, quiet and efficient, easy to maintain, with no disturbing effects on radio waves or TV reception and flexible for many uses. Quadro Healthcare Limited Buckland Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Prof Philip Gray 01763 275844 Not Given Not Given SensU Quadro Healthcare Limited is designing and developing a wireless vital signs monitoring system for the general public. The SensU system comprises an intelligent hub which receives wireless communications from a range of vital signs monitors; weigh scales with fat monitor, blood pressure/heart rate monitor and thermometer (other sensors will follow). East 54 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Quickmap Limited Luton Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Andrew Sutton Tel: 0207 274 6345 N/A Not Given Not Given Research Project The research project investigates the potential for partial automation of the preparation of public transport maps and diagrams in print and on the web with the experimental application of new transport databases. RedBlocks Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Martin Poad 07733 260678 N/A Not Given Not Given Responsive Info Gathering for Mobile Communities To investigate the feasibility of gathering business information from the whole range of mobile phones. It will address the inherent issues of such devices; small formats, low bandwidths, unreliable connections and differing communications protocols to hopefully produce a working prototype. The desire is to produce a platform technology from which future projects can be produced. East 55 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Sci-Tech Systems Limited Maldon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Peter Hall 01621 857386 N/A Not Given Not Given POB (Person Overboard) Alarm The project will develop a Crew Overboard Alarm and Tracking System for the Marine Leisure market. The system will raise an alarm if the crew member falls overboard, and will use the boat’s existing equipment to accurately locate the person and generate detailed instructions to guide the helmsman back to the casualty. Screen Technology Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Barbara Needham 01223 875511 Not Given Smart Exceptional Development Pilot manufacturing line for ITrans arrays Screen Technology has won a Smart Exceptional award to support development of a manufacturing process for the ITransTM arrays used to magnify the image of the display to cover the external framework. The project will deliver a pilot production process, proved through making a 68 inch prototype display. First products will be based on the modules used for this prototype. East 56 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 SelecGen Limited Norfolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Jiahui Zhu 01603 450592 01603 450045 Not Given Not Given Genome Partitioning Technology This Smart award project in SelecGen is to test a genomic method for application in clinical genetics and pharmacogenomics. Our target is to establish effective services in these fields to find genes or markers related with diseases and treatment efficacy. Consequently, we shall help to develop better treatments and to tailor treatments to individual patients. Smart Card Solutions Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Martin Strauch 01223 716222 Not Given Feasibility Study Configurable EMV Smart Card Solutions has identified an opportunity for an independent, configurable EMV (Europay, MasterCard, Visa) credit/debit solution. The project is to provide "Proof of Concept" for the development of the configurable system and its evaluation to Common Criteria EAL4+ (the secure smart card application standard), proving its suitability for card schemes. East 57 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 H C Stapleton Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Howard Stapleton N/A N/A N/A Not Given Not Given Construction site security The proposed system is unique in its ability to reliably detect intrusion whilst being quick and easy to install and modify and thus will make it an invaluable security system for the construction industry. Suitcase TV Limited Suffolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mrs Rosalind Atkins 01473 258251 N/A Not Given Not Given Simultaneous Modulation of Multiple Video Streams No project details submitted. Surgi-Call Limited Suffolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Joe Kabukoba 0121 321 3340 N/A Not Given Not Given The Loop and Clip Suturing System The new laparoscopic (keyhole) suturing system is aimed at making one of the most difficult surgical tasks much simpler and safer. The system was invented by consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician Mr Joe Kabukoba. East 58 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Syrris Limited Royston Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Richard Gray 01763 242555 Not Given Not Given Prototype Micro-reactor Products The process for discovering and launching a new drug is complex and time consuming, micro-reactors are a potential solution to the problem. In a micro-reactor, reactions take place in 100μm wide flow channels. At this scale, reactions take seconds rather than hours. No chemistry micro-reactor products yet exist and Syrris was established to achieve this goal. The Validation Centre (TVC) Limited Norfolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Kim Hastings 01493 443800 Not Given Not Given Welding Bug and Slip Ring Deployment System This project aims to provide a new sophisticated system capable of welding steel, stainless steel and other less common material pipes faster and with greater precision as demanded by today’s industry. East 59 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Timberbox Limited Suffolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Stephen Field 01394 691503 N/A Not Given Not Given Toploader The project is for a new type of freight container, designed with the timber industry in mind, using innovative methods of design and construction. Torros Limited Norfolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Matt Payne 01328 878170 N/A Not Given Feasibility Study Lifting Tower This feasibility study project is to research and prototype a new mobile lifting machine for light duty applications. Trackdale Limited Suffolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Steve Kershaw 01728 726500 N/A Not Given Not Given Creative Quantum Dots The materials and waveguide formation process developed during this project will form the foundations for a new optical semiconductor technology platform with wider applications beyond Optical Amplifiers. East 60 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Ubisense Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Paul Webster 01223 448171 Not Given Feasibility Study Sensor Scalability Study A Local Positioning System (LPS), in contrast to the more widely known Global Positioning System (GPS), is a new technology that allows people and objects to be located within a building to sub-metre accuracy. Our Smart feasibility award will enable us to investigate how to adapt our existing technology to allow entry to these additional markets. The outcome of the work will be proof that our sensor system can be scaled to cover arbitrarily large buildings, along with an appropriate strategy to implement the necessary modifications. Vettit Solutions Limited Colchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Anthony Boyle 07977 471955 N/A Not Given Not Given Electronic Patient Record A low cost system which provides a central information point for licensed users yet takes advantage of the spread of broadband to create a level of flexibility and scaleability which is currently not available. Each user will be able to design and input specific data to their exact, and possibly unique, requirements. East 61 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Vimpex Limited Great Wakering Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: James Jones 01702 216999 Not Given Not Given Voice Enhanced Sounders Voice enhanced sounders for fire evacuation must be reliable and also work with battery backed power sources in the event of mains power failure. They also need optimum clarity when employing voice messages. The feasibility study aims to address many aspects of these problems and also make the proposed voice sounder capable of simply replacing existing alarm devices. Vision Integrated Security Solutions Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Stefano Zicchi 01480 393788 Not Given Feasibility Study Flight Recorder for Business The project aims to determine the feasibility of producing a single, multifunctional security system incorporating all the components necessary for the total protection of the user at all levels. The system will be modular for ease of installation, service and maintenance thereby reducing both capital and operational costs. East 62 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Visus Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Nick Saragher 01223 506326 Not Given Feasibility Study Beyond Audit To investigate the feasibility of a software-based toolkit that will contribute to business valuations and performance reporting using a standard set of Non Financial Performance Indicators associated with customer management. The toolkit would provide a mechanism for regular reporting to external stakeholders and make the comparative evaluation of customer management strategies more scientific, explicit and more open to scrutiny (within commercial constraints). Vobo Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Iain Chapman 07710 720019 Not Given Not Given Virtual Reality Headset Our technology allows image quality even higher than projection systems in the form of a head-mounted display. The headsets will be significantly cheaper to buy, house and maintain than projection systems and it is hoped therefore that they will drive virtual reality into new sectors without vast R&D budgets. The Smart feasibility project aims to prove the principles of our technology, with a view to having systems commercially available as early as 2005. East 63 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Wind Power Limited Suffolk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Theodore Bird 01728 746819 Not Given Feasibility Study Electricity Generation System The study will look at the economics of building a 2000 MW off shore wind farm based on 100 x 20 MW vertical axis generators and compare that with the cost for a similar output wind farm using the current ‘conventional’ horizontal axis generators whose maximum size is considered to be circa 5 MW due to inherent limitations in their technology. Xennia Technology Limited Royston Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Nicholas Balon 01763 246600 N/A Not Given Feasibility Study Novel UV Cure Inkjet Ink Technology The aim of the project is to develop highly novel inkjet technology and incorporate it into a desktop inkjet printer to create an extremely versatile low cost printing method for use by the visually impaired, affordable for widespread adoption. East 64 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Xiomed Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Gerard Wimpenny 07711 087076 N/A Not Given Feasibility Study Remote Expert Assessment The purpose of this project is to investigate the feasibility of developing a remote assessment system to test the suitability of hearts for transplant. The remote assessment system will allow a specialist in one of the UK heart transplant centres to guide an examination and view images from an echocardiograph located in a remote Intensive Care Unit. Xynchron Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mark Emerson 0771 476 6893 N/A Not Given Feasibility Study XML for Data Storage The Smart feasibility study will produce a 'proof of concept' prototype for our basic data management software - the XynchroNet. The resulting system will allow users to share design data across different organisations, computer systems and locations. There are many practical benefits for engineering companies - eliminating time consuming and error-prone re-entry of data, enabling closer co-operation between organisations and preserving design information throughout the project lifecycle. East 65 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 The Zap Corporation Limited Knebworth Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: John Johnson 07802 783898 Not Given Not Given Software Prism The Zap Corporation’s commercial proposition is based on the imminent global explosion of broadband television. Zap is designing a software based targeting algorithm which will micro segment television audiences for advertisers using this new platform. This software ensures that advertising campaigns deliver their messages to genuine prospects for their products. Zinwave Limited Cambridgeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Professor Ian White 0791 905 8286 N/A Not Given Not Given Cellular Project The project aims to establish the technical and commercial feasibility of ZinWave technology for cellular radio distribution over multimode fibre. In particular, the project will include further research into the technology for cellular radio signal distribution over multimode fibre and the building of a cellular transmission prototype. East 66 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 EAST MIDLANDS Advanced Expert Systems Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Mitch Grigoriu 01332 383 521 N/A 30.02 Smart Exceptional Intelligent Cancer Reporting Universal System The project is to develop a unique intelligent software system called “Intelligent Cancer Reporting Universal System” (ICARUS) for cancer diagnosis and reporting, using new Artificial Intelligence techniques. If successful, ICARUS will be the world’s first intelligent system that incorporates all common cancers included in the Royal College of Pathologists “National Cancer Minimum Data Sets” publications. Antoine Y Messiou Leicestershire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr A Messiou N/A N/A N/A 36.40 Smart Feasibility Ventilated Sports Shirts The project will test the feasibility of a garment incorporating effective ventilating structures that are non-intrusive, and allow all normal features of a desirable and marketable garment. The physics of air flow around the torso and body will be looked at and results used in optimising the construction. Part of the investigation will test the benefits of concealed openings aimed at minimising UV exposure yet allowing air flow. East Midlands 67 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Applied Multilayers Limited Leicestershire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website; SIC Code: Project Type: Dr D Gibson 07711 985621 N/A 33.10 Smart Development New Process for Optical Coatings This project will improve control of thin film thickness to sub-nanometre precision, enabling entry to the premium quality market in precision optics. The project supports a plan to grow sales to £12M in 5 years. Atkinson Design Associates Limited Leicestershire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr P Atkinson 0116 2629494 N/A 74.84 Feasibility Helical Wind Turbine The helical wind turbine feasibility study is intended to test a new, patented construction method to establish that complex helical wind turbine structures can be successfully built from multiple small segments. This multiple small segment construction strategy, if successful, should considerably reduce both the capital costs and unit price of small-scale helical wind turbine assemblies available to the market. Autochair Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr D Walker 01629 814488 N/A 28.52 Smart Feasibility Concealed Wheelchair Hoist The project aims to study the feasibility of developing an advanced, hidden, invehicle hoist able to collect a folding wheelchair from the driver’s door, transport it along the side and store it in the rear. It must also be able to reverse the operation. The design must be extremely reliable, virtually hidden when not being used, affordable to the average disabled driver and able to fit a wide range of cars. East Midlands 68 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 B & J Wilson (Chesterfield) Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr B Wilson 01246 451969 N/A N/A 26.70 Smart Feasibility Artificial Stone Current mechanical techniques fail to give concrete a good likeness to stone. The company’s proprietary manual technique produces a more attractive product very much like York Stone. However, demand is outstripping their ability to supply. They are, therefore, proposing to develop a machine to create the required, randomly folded layers of coloured concrete. If they can do this, they will patent the machine and licence it to an established concrete machine manufacturer. Cape Instruments Partnership Leicestershire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr P Wise 01455 450574 N/A 33.40 Smart Feasibility NewScope Initial research has identified that by utilising new production techniques and unit designs, it is possible to produce a telescope at a higher specification to the current market leader, at an estimated 50% (to the consumer) of unit price. The project would consist of 2 research elements, a Production Study and a Market Study to provide a clear assessment of the domestic/overseas market potential for the product. East Midlands 69 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Centriquip Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr J Ball 01246 252600 N/A 74.20 Smart Development Centrifugal Thickener Before it can be stabilised by anaerobic digestion, sewage normally has to be thickened. We are proposing to develop a new centrifuge specifically designed to produce the sort of pumpable sludge needed for anaerobic digesters and other applications. The project would involve the adaptation of patented technology to a new area of application. Prime Principle Nottinghamshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr C Scarth N/A N/A N/A 72.20 Smart Micro QCRA Project to improve assessment and reporting practices in Government controlled schools. This project will become the first software package available to schools that incorporates a year’s assessment and ‘end of year’ report writing into one simple ongoing process. The project will ensure that the simple user process that is central to the project will significantly ease the heavy administrative burden placed upon teachers. East Midlands 70 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Cinimod (IP) Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr E Adamowicz 07734 887083 N/A 33.10 Smart Feasibility Foetal Blood Collector The aim of this project is to manufacture an easy to use, inexpensive, disposable, efficient method of collecting a quality blood sample from a baby's scalp, which is less sensitive to the experience of the user and will collect sufficient sample for normal blood gas analysis. This in turn should impact on the number of Caesarean sections performed within all developed nations. C-Logic Limited Northamptonshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr J Standen 01295 660055 N/A 34.30 Smart Development Truck-View Vision System The development of an innovative safety vision system, which aims to eliminate blind spots to the side of heavy trucks by replacing the class 2 cab-side mirrors with servo controlled units which can change the field of view by more than ninety degrees. The system allows the mirrors to automatically adjust as an articulated truck turns, enabling the driver to always see the rear corner and wheels of the trailer. Com-care Security Products Limited Lincolnshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr A Kingston 01526 354126 N/A 31.62 Smart Feasibility Community Social Alarm System The project is to research whether it is possible to develop a multi-channel two-way voice communication social alarm system, the size and shape of a wristwatch. East Midlands 71 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Controlstar Systems Limited Lincolnshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr R Smith 01507 523303 N/A 73.10 Smart Development Integrated and cost-effective Fieldbus solution Developing a low cost SCADA system to operate over a standard Field bus. It will have modular instrument interfaces and significant additional functionality over competitor’s products. The system should be self configuring, have self diagnostic capability, have plant condition monitoring and the ability to optimise electric power use. Corrintec Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr A Devereux 01246 246701 N/A 28.11 Smart Development Cathodic Protection Technology To develop an Advanced Impressed Current Cathodic Protection System (ICCP) for fisheries research, coast guard research and survey vessels. This system would provide corrosion suppression whilst enabling this type of vessel to operate with reduced electromagnetic signatures which would not interfere with on board listening equipment and provide a stealth capability so the vessel could not be located by sonar array. East Midlands 72 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 D & J Potter Leicestershire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr D Potter N/A N/A N/A 45.21 Smart Feasibility Lightweight Brick Cladding The aim of this project is to develop a ready-made brick wall effect by means of a lightweight panel approximately 2M x 1M in size. This panel would be easy to erect and easily modified on site, meaning no major structural or building works would be necessary on such an application, saving greatly on time and expense. Diamond Anchor Company Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr J Baron 01246 452617 28.75 Smart Feasibility Ladle Lip Modular Segment The existing method for lining a ladle involves the use of refractory anchors which are either bolted or welded to the ladle wall. The project involves a technical and commercial feasibility study into the development of a modular ladle lip replacement system using novel refractory modules to support refractory linings. East Midlands 73 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Esprit Soutron Partnership Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr J Burton 01332 821800 N/A 72.20 Smart Development Structured Information Gateway The overall goal is to create a "snap-on" software product that can be a component part of any information management/meta data application that easily connects to multiple legacy systems without programming effort for real time interrogation and update of data. The delivery of a software product that encompasses a proven methodology and conceptual approach to integration that is portable and extensible across different systems is the primary objective. Excel Process Systems Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr G Field 01332 760300 N/A N/A 27.10 Smart Feasibility Food Weight Control Vacuum System The project is about the design and manufacture of a vacuum control system for use on food packaging conveying lines, within the snack industry. The basic idea is to pass packaged products (like crisp products) under a finely tuned vacuum system, which will extract underweight products from fast flowing food lines. FAW Electronics Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr A Wilkinson 01246 233632 33.20 Smart Development Development of Intelligent Controller This project is looking to develop a range of products based on the Linux Operating System that will allow a generic, low cost, web enabled, internet & broadband communications, Intelligent Controller. East Midlands 74 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Fluid Power Design Limited Lincolnshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website SIC Code: Project Type: Mr J Thomas 01476 566066 29.56 Smart Feasibility Rotodynamic Air Supply Module for Rail Vehicles The project is to research a new type of mobile air supply module (ASM) that provides rail vehicles with a compressed air supply, and to investigate the issues of using a direct drive, rotodynamic (high rotational speed) compressor for pressurised, clean air production. The new ASM will provide a cheaper, low weight compact solution for rail vehicles that will provide a totally oil free air supply. Focused_On Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr B Wherry 01629 540302 N/A 72.20 Smart Feasibility The Resource Allocation Model (RAM) Focused_On will produce a powerful, easy to use tool that enables the Modernisation Agency’s advice to be tested for local circumstances by subjecting it to analysis using Event Driven Simulation methods. The outcome from this will enable investment to be effectively targeted to patient needs. Greenbank Terotech Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr C Conroy 01283 817200 28.11 Smart Development Not Given Particle Size Analyser To develop an on-line Particle Size Analysis, Monitoring and Distribution Control system initially for use in fossil-fired power stations. East Midlands 75 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Hausherr (UK) Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr M Nunn 01246 252 000 N/A 29.52 Smart Feasibility New Generation of Pneumatic Pick To design a new pick, research will be needed in the areas of 3D modelling with Stress Finite Analysis, Gas Flow technology, specialist materials, and heat treatment processes with the relevant engineering machinery capabilities. Haviland Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr R Britton 0115 944 4159 N/A 29.56 Smart Feasibility Thermochromic Powder Coatings The current Smart Project is to develop a surface coating which will change in texture and appearance under normal environmental influences together with a method of application of this material on to surfaces which are inherently difficult to coat. Hydrodyne Systems Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr A Taylor 01246 260 012 N/A N/A 25.13 Smart Development Chitin/Chitosan Technology Research, Development and Construction of Prototype processing technologies and carrying out prolonged testing and field trials of chitosan and chitin surface treatments based on patented concepts and techniques. East Midlands 76 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Ideagen Software PLC Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr G Thomas 01629 56600 72.20 Smart Development SME Document Management (SME doc) The project entails developing a new web-based Document Management product, targeted at small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that would not only provide unparalleled levels of flexibility and security to this sector but also enable seamless collaboration, communication and knowledge sharing amongst all organisational stakeholders. ImageSound Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr L Bowers 01246 572990 22.14 Smart Development Multi-media Satellite Digital Streaming System Design and Development of a Digital Streaming Audio and Push file satellite service for retail store applications. This multi-media system will provide an in-store messaging capability as well as video facilities. InfraRed Integrated Systems Limited Northamptonshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr D Clayson 01327 357824 N/A 73.10 Smart Development Monitor The development of a very low-power version of IRISYS array-based thermal detector technology. The specific objective is to develop the world’s first low cost, low resolution, micro-power array of thermal detectors, together with the associated low power signal processing, to enable use of this technology in applications requiring long-term battery operation. East Midlands 77 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Infra-red Systems International Limited Nottinghamshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr I Lewin 0115 9787821 33.30 Smart Feasibility Security System To investigate the technical and commercial feasibility of a novel radio monitoring and detection system for security of high value objects and equipment. The system will be flexible and able to be used for a variety of applications and include a number of innovative features. Intamac Systems Limited Northamptonshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr S Meagher 01604 679530 www.intamac.con 72.20 Smart Feasibility Social Alarm Monitoring Study To test the feasibility of extending the current Intamac Home Manager Alarm Monitoring System into the area of Social Alarm Monitoring and thereby vastly expanding the capabilities of current systems. Intelligent Distributed Controls Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Kevin Buckley 01332 604030 N/A 72.60 Smart Feasibility Simplicon micro controller The project is to research and develop a niche micro controller which will provide distributed control and offer major savings over standard off the shelf control products. Particular consideration will be given to enable the plant engineers to programme, install and commission without the need for complex set up procedures. East Midlands 78 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Intelligent Sensors PLC Northamptonshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Jonathan Fish 01327 810050 73.10 Smart Development Long-run external perimeter sensor Design, build and evaluation of a pre-production sensor for reliably detecting the presence of humans and other animals along external perimeters. Key design aim is that the long-run external perimeter sensor be capable of reliably detecting both stationary and dynamic bodies at a range of up to 3 metres anywhere along a span of up to 100 metres. Isolated Systems Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Ian Kay 01773 761 226 N/A 45.25 Smart Development Next generation of Anti-Vibration Mount Currently developing a new innovative range of Anti-Vibration Mounts using advanced materials that will revolutionise the market place. The new range will be lighter, corrosion free and very stable. A huge amount of design and development work will be needed and verification testing. Isolated Systems have all their vast experience of over 30 years in this industry to help make this become a reality. East Midlands 79 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Kingskraft Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Nigel Harrison 01298 872309 45.25 Smart Development Disabled Persons Bathing System The project is to develop a new bath which allows easy access for this user group, with the aid of adjustable and removable inserts and cushions and positions the bather securely and comfortably. Design of the bath is flexible, different versions can be produced to match the level of disability. The bath can, with the addition of a variable height option, be used for assisted bathing. In this form, the bath can be used as a dressing platform where space is limited in the bathroom for an additional unit. M W Irwin Farm Consultancy Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Mark Irwin 01993 862977 N/A 01.41 Smart Feasibility Rapid Spawn Running The main aim of the project is to reduce Spawn Running time in the production of mushroom compost to 12 days or less, which could increase the capacity of compost producers by 50%. Associated targets are to reduce energy requirements of the Spawn Running Process and improve hygiene of the compost. East Midlands 80 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Marine Production Technology Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Nigel Burt 01455 558136 N/A 11.10 Smart Feasibility Improved Side Scan Sonar Towfish To build and test a prototype of a novel self-contained buoyancy control system that can be patented. If successful, the system will have many commercial applications. The prototype will, wherever possible, be constructed using off-the shelf components. Initial testing will be at a depth of 6 metres in a diving tank. Final testing will be at 35 metres. Metmachex Engineering Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr William Ryde 01773 836 241 28.75 Smart Feasibility Adjustable Steering Head Design, develop and test a new steering head assembly with fine and precise adjustment for motorcycles. The adjustable steering head allows for changes in rake, trail and wheelbase to improve rider safety and performance. The project involves an exploration into the most suitable technology for the purpose. East Midlands 81 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Nexor Limited Nottinghamshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Stephen Kingan 0115 9520500 72.20 Smart Development Appliance Server Generic hardware/software device that will provide electronic messaging and directory services. Device will be scalable so that new units may be added in a seamless way to allow for rapid growth of a messaging and directory infrastructure. It may run on a secure operating system to provide a level of security appropriate to critical messaging and directory services. Nexsan Technologies Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Paul Coxon 01332 544433 72.20 Smart Development ATA Storage Technology Development To design a dual controller with Active/Active failover and follow this with Fibre Channel host port interfaces. Not only does this dramatically increase the data throughput, but also should one controller fail, the other automatically assumes its workload until it can be replaced. East Midlands 82 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Oxford Bee Company Limited Leicestershire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Ms Rosie O’Toole 01509 643446 N/A 51.90 Smart Feasibility Managed Pollination To achieve sustainable levels of mass rearing to satisfy the pollination requirements of fruit farmers by providing occupied nests on a leaseback basis. The success of this enterprise is contingent on establishing quality control protocols based on screening over-wintering nests for nest parasites, developing ways of manipulating flight periods so as to coincide with flowering times of various target crops and comparing different ways of presenting nest arrays to ambient bee populations. PDG Limited Nottinghamshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr John Foster 0115 922 8224 74.20 Smart Development Product Development Project The informer is a high tech replacement back cover for a mobile phone, adding a number of security features such as ·a panic facility which discreetly informs your whereabouts and status, a motion detector to inform when personal property is being tampered, and handset location-finder powered by GPS. East Midlands 83 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Philip Champion de Crespigny Nottinghamshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Philip Champion N/A N/A N/A 28.62 Smart Micro PiNCHA Trim-n-Shaper Design and develop a wearable cutting device attached to the thumb and a finger that can be used in a number of applications including: horticulture and gardening. Will look at the detailed design, ergonomics, manufacturing methods and tooling design, materials and component selection. Will involve field-testing and any subsequent design modifications to meet user requirements. Power Jets Limited Lincolnshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Geoffrey Lover 01507 466484 N/A 73.10 Smart Feasibility Power Jets Development To confirm that blades which are turned on their side, so producing a short blade but having a long “pitch”, can also be effective. This approach results in what is essentially an Archimedes Screw rotated at high speeds. A small working model has shown that the basic idea works. It is now necessary to test parameters more exactly. East Midlands 84 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Prysm Electrics Limited Nottinghamshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Brian Umpleby 0115 968 1111 31.62 Smart Micro Development of Commercial Braille Sign Technology To manufacture "in house" a high quality Braille sign for use on public transport and in public buildings, fully compliant with RNIB specifications and the DDA Regulations (with written RNIB approval) which can be offered at a competitive price in the marketplace. Hardwick Design & Developments Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Richard Hardwick N/A N/A N/A 92.20 Smart Micro New Generation R/C Contest Glider By transferring high-tech processes and materials technology used in motor-sport into the field of radio controlled contest gliders and the subsequent development of these technologies. They will manufacture and market a radio controlled contest glider that will have significantly better structural and aerodynamic properties than those currently available. East Midlands 85 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Rapid Manufacturing Systems Limited Leicestershire Contact: Tel: e-mail: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr Jonathan Hayes 01509 228899 74.84 Smart Feasibility Additive Digital Manufacture The system uses solid free form manufacturing, which is the construction of parts by the precise computer-controlled addition of materials, usually layer by layer. Until now it hasn’t been used to its full potential, because RP systems are too slow and costly for use in most production applications. The novel concurrent layer stack, registering, and parallel layer bonding methods used in these systems make this a possibility. Richard Pearson Limited Lincolnshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Robert Fleet 01205 760383 29.32 Smart Development Mechanical Brassica Harvester The project is to develop the world’s first selective mechanical harvester for cauliflower and replace the current method of manual harvesting. The machine will record relative size/location of remaining plants by use of a GPS. This will reduce the time taken in subsequent harvesting and increase the percentage of good crop harvested. The machine will also automatically trim the cauliflower to supermarket standard ready for packing. East Midlands 86 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Rubber Band Limited Northamptonshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Philip Todd 01327 860042 N/A 72.10 Smart Feasibility Jaipur To develop a new silicon chip ‘core’ for digital cameras – its target application is image compression. The design outputs data in a format compatible with the JPEG 2000 standard and can cope with full screen video in real time, or still images of up to 16 mega-pixels. Adding a microprocessor and some memory will be sufficient to form the brains of future digital cameras and Camcorders. Saul Research Northamptonshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Peter Saul 01327 353720 N/A 74.20 Smart Feasibility Precision Analogue IC Cells This is the design of innovative, precision analogue integrated circuit cells for use in sensor and communications applications to achieve low power consumption, small size and ease of use plus low cost. This will result in re-useable cell designs which will be demonstrated in hardware, and licensable to manufacturers. East Midlands 87 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Scootabout International Limited T/A Bead Drive Techno Lincolnshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr David Wallace 01491 651 096 73.10 Smart Feasibility Intelligent Overhead Conveyor Determine feasibility of low cost, automated, modular overhead conveyor system that provides intrinsic track/trace capability. Aims to provide solutions to the key technical issues in developing the conveyor and applying “Bead Drive” compression drive technology. Investigation of transfer and propulsion mechanisms, determination of suitable low cost construction materials and the key components for modularity. Surface Generation Limited Peterborough Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Ben Halford 01572 747457 29.40 Smart Feasibility Re-configurable Tooling System Demonstrate the feasibility of a high-speed, low cost, re-configurable surface generation system for the manufacture of prototype and short run tooling for the composite sector. This will be achieved by developing hardware and software systems to minimise the material required to produce a tool and enable seamless reconfiguration from one tool to the next. East Midlands 88 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Tass Environmental Technology Limited Lincolnshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Karl Hick 01780 751342 90.00 Smart Development Waste Reduction Technology Pioneers of a process called FIBRECYCLE, which provides an environmentally sound means by which mainstream waste can be reduced to the degree that only 15% need be sent to landfill. Main output that results from the process is a fibre with a high calorific value, which can be then used in a variety of markets. Technological Business Solutions Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr James Parkin 01773 596900 N/A 72.20 Smart Development Field Force Mobiliser Produce an innovative field force work management system that takes information from an organisation’s enterprise systems and delivers it via wireless networks to remote field operatives. It should be simple for the field worker to use, whilst delivering real business benefits to the customers. Telstar Electronics Limited Lincolnshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr S Gray 01780 752646 N/A N/A 72.10 Smart Feasibility Osteopathic thrustmeter Design and build a fully operational prototype measuring device using hydraulic measurement techniques to measure the forces applied by an osteopath to the human body. This novel form of measurement technique has no known direct competition and combines hydraulics, electronics and software to achieve this goal. East Midlands 89 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 The Spine Corporation Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Andrew Mills 01246 455381 33.10 Smart Feasibility Scoliosis Treatment Technology Develop a more robust postural measurement system together with user-friendly software, to widen the commercial application of this highly advantageous treatment. Proposed new technology would allow fast, accurate and reliable measurement of posture in a clinical environment. Furthermore, the proposed software would be extremely user friendly, with voice prompts and voice recognition for data entry. Topaz Computer Systems Limited Nottinghamshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Geoff Griffiths 01773 531551 72.20 Smart Development FlexLogix WMS Developing a cost effective Warehouse Management System that will be easily implemented and include all the latest technologies to ensure that all possible efficiency savings are made. The product will be created to seamlessly integrate with existing ERP and supply chain systems, aimed at being a ‘best of breed product’ to the SME marketplace. East Midlands 90 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Triton Technology Limited Nottinghamshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Dr John Duncan 01623 600625 33.20 Smart Development Plastics Analyser Development Produce Plastics Analyser to satisfy quality control and recycling needs of the polymer industry which will identify polymers, check batch consistency, cost under £10,000 and be easy to use. Areas of study are further development of the mechanical measurement system and the material identification algorithms necessary to give the device the knowledge of an "expert system,” that can be marketed to the wider polymer industry. VeriVide Limited Leicestershire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr John Dakin 0116 262 0228 28.75 Smart Feasibility Digital Imaging Evaluation of Textiles To examine the feasibility of using non-contact digital technology for the assessment of colour and physical (surface) characteristics of textiles and digitally reproduce accurate representation for assessment at remote sources. Aim to vastly reduce the subjectivity involved in this process. East Midlands 91 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Winbond International Limited Leicestershire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Finn Sunde 01455 559889 N/A 34.30 Smart Micro Stow-away Vehicle Mounted Canopy To design and build an all-weather canopy, which is portable and will be mounted on a commercial vehicle that will, when extended, offer protection for operators/technicians when working on vehicles in poor weather conditions. The canopy will be roof mounted and will, when deployed, project from the back of the vehicle. Will be able to cover the front or rear of a vehicle which is being worked on. Wordcraft International Limited Derbyshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project Type: Mr Greg Rice 01283 731400 72.20 Smart Development Unified Messaging Manager Objective is to produce an integrated and unified messaging system that enables leading email applications and Internet browsers to use multi-functional peripheral devices and other devices to send faxes, emails and Internet faxes from their standard front ends. If successful, it will deliver a unique single to unlimited user, scalable, fax and email, cross platform communications product, accessible from the Internet. East Midlands 92 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 LONDON Aircradle Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Paul Smith 020 8852 9445 N/A 33.10 Smart Micro AirCradle Relaxation Device The AirCradle is a device for promoting effortless rest and stress reduction. Using simple means, it aids comfort by accessing a number of relaxation reflexes, creating the same body/mind shifts that enable people to unwind enough to fall asleep. Ansa2 Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: David Stone 020 8408 1769 N/A 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Neural Network The Smart Award will assist ansa2 to develop a prototype of an intelligent software product that will extract data from Enterprise wide systems so that the data can be homogenised and then used within the Enterprise to deliver effective knowledge management. London 93 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Aspace Solutions Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Paul Ryder 020 7744 6248 72.60 Smart Feasibility Study 4TRESS Security Application Financial services providers have to deal with the very real issue of integrating different delivery channels to allow their customers seamless access. 4TRESS aims to be the first, leading edge, multi-channel authentication and authorisation product, making life easier for the customer and more efficient for the provider. Asthma Alert Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Deryk Williams 07802 433134 33.10 Smart Feasibility Study New Sensor for Asthma For the first time asthma sufferers will be able to accurately diagnose asthma thus reducing the possibility of an asthma attack. Asthmatic sufferers breathe into a miniature, inexpensive hand-held device that measures the lungs' performance and capacity - a technique known as capnography. London 94 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Axcess IT Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Shabbir Ahmed 020 8986 9119 72.20 Smart Micro Project Clean Touch ‘Clean Touch’ is electronic point of sale technology (EPOS) for the retail dry cleaning industry. The aim of the project is to further develop the ‘Clean Touch’ product for larger chains, giving them remotely the management information for every branch. Axion Recycling Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Keith Freegard 020 8579 2737 N/A 24.16 Smart Feasibility Study Waste Plastics to Diesel Fuel Axion Recycling Ltd is developing a novel chemical process for the conversion of waste plastics into diesel fuel. Axion’s new process will divert large volumes of comingled plastic waste away from landfill. Converting oil-based polymers back into automotive fuel will conserve valuable mineral resources. London 95 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 BeCrypt Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Peter Jaco 01189 880277 72.20 Smart Development Project PDA Security Technology BeCrypt will provide software that will enable users of laptops, Tablet PCs, PDAs and Smartphones to fully encrypt their data storage cards and prevent unauthorised access in the event of loss or theft. This encryption will enable Government and corporate roll out of truly secure mobile computing. BioBullets Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Geoff Moggridge 01223 334763 N/A 24.66 Smart Micro Project Novel Zebra Mussel Control Zebra Mussels are an invasive species in Europe and USA that block pipes causing major problems to industrial raw water users, such as power stations and water treatment plants. BioBullets aims to provide an effective and environmentally friendly solution. The Smart award is funding field trials of their solution at a Thames Water Works. London 96 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Biophage Limited Bedfordshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr David Harper 01234 756003 N/A 73.10 Smart Feasibility Study Bacteriophage Therapy The project is to develop viruses that kill infecting bacteria (bacteriophages) as therapeutic agents to fight antibiotic resistant bacterial infections. The project team will use both existing and novel bacteriophages that will be tested for their therapeutic potential. The project is intended to form the basis for rapid progress to clinical trials. Biox Systems Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Bob Imhof 020 7815 7564 33.20 Smart Feasibility Study Portable Water Loss Instrument The Smart project aims to develop new technology for self-powered, go-anywhere probes and attach-anywhere sensors. Application targets include the regulated medical market and industrial sectors such as food, packaging and textiles, where water vapour transport needs to be monitored and controlled. London 97 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 BIW Technologies Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: John Osborne 020 7592 8550 72.20 Smart Development Project BIW Accelerator As a business specialising in web-based collaboration applications, BIW is developing a technology that will speed up transmission of files via the internet and reduce storage requirements. The project will benefit anyone who has to repeatedly upload or download, edit, copy, store or retrieve perfect versions of original files. Boardbug Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Frank Lawrenson 07973 323470 74.84 Smart Development Project Boardbug Development Project Boardbug specialise in creating wireless object-to-object communications devices using their unique wireless Radio Frequency technology. The Smart Project is to develop the first application, a security and asset or person protection system. The system consists of a master unit, carried by a person/persons, and a slave unit attached to the item/person being protected. Boardbug will launch the first product in the UK baby and toddler market at the end of 2003. London 98 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Brightblue Systems Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Christopher Fowler 020 8964 4242 N/A 72.60 Smart Development Project Instant Estimating Tool for the Printing Industry Brightblue Systems aim to develop automated print estimation software that will enable printers and their customers to calculate, in seconds, prices for hundreds of different printed products. The software will use intelligent algorithms which select the best press and the best layout, choosing the optimal production methodology for every print job. BrowserAngel Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mehmet Golhan 07768 694696 72.20 Smart Feasibility Knowledge Management System BrowserAngel is a software company that protects and strengthens brand equity, enhances relationships and builds trust by ensuring all stakeholders remain informed, in-touch and in-step. The project will test the feasibility of developing a collaborative knowledge management system that enables interested parties/communities (stakeholders) to see information surrounding issues without having to search for that information. London 99 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Capacitas Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Danny Quilton 020 7514 5868 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Network Planning Protocol Large voice and computer networks are built using multiple network technologies where each technology performs a specific set of tasks. Capacitas has recognised a business need for a software tool to meet these challenges. The project is to investigate the technical and commercial feasibility of a novel method that will eventually be used within software to plan networks. C-Burn Systems Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Adam Smith 020 7250 1133 7220 Smart Development Project Music Systems for Bars and Clubs The Smart project investigates implementation of a ‘network’ of PC style ‘jukeboxes’ capable of being loaded from a central music server. Investigations will also take place in selecting music to be played by mobile phone ‘texting’. London 100 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 CEFIS Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Jasenka Rapajic 020 8202 2651 N/A 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Project ‘ICEBERG’ – Airline Cost Efficiency System The project aims to investigate the possibility of developing an innovative cost efficiency improvement system for the airline/transport/logistics industries. The system will provide comprehensive corporate information and decision support on change in costs of operations caused by schedule changes, flight disruptions and delays. Chaltel Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Salah Al-Chalabi 020 7703 9268 N/A 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study MEMS for Interferometers in Local Networks Optical fibres have been widely adopted in the core of public communication networks, but not in local networks due to equipment and installation costs. The project will explore the technical and commercial feasibility of realising interferometric optical systems using Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (‘MEMS’) technology for this market. London 101 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Clarity Business Solutions Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Bill McLaughlin 020 7432 0553 72.30 Smart Feasibility Study Advanced Document Exchange The main objectives of the project are to research, design and test key software routines and protocols in order to overcome two key technical problems associated with internet-based document exchange; the requirement of a custom transmission and tracking protocol and the need for ’predictive mapping’ software to automate the conversion of standard business documents into machine readable formats. Cognitive Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: James Fox 07944 327880 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Reconfigurable Networking The purpose of the project is to create technologies that can be used in new categories of data-networking devices. These devices will make data-networks, such as the Internet, more efficient, reliable and secure. They will also address the demand for solutions that combat network misuse, enhance the user experience and enable new services and applications. London 102 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 CQR Data Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Steve Williams 020 7602 3858 72.20 Smart Development Project XML-Based CAD Visual Modelling The project will develop a CAD application which manages the data independent from the presentation to enable real-time manipulation of the data by multiple users in their unique context. The CQR/CAD product will provide a new way to generate visual modelling against datasets to enable better collaboration, life-cycle and lifelong data management, and oversight. Design Blue Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Richard Palmer 07980 212975 18.24 Smart Development Project Rhe-Act Smart Composite Material Commercial development for the Rhe-Act ‘smart’ composite material developed through a Smart Feasibility Study. The composite material is a reactive system that offers comfort in combination with exceptional properties in impact protection for the human body. The work will focus on the design and development of flexible protection systems for body, head and foot applications. London 103 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Diamatrix Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Richard Palmer 01753 642075 N/A 33.10 Smart Feasibility Study Solid State Diagnostic Devices The aim of the project is to exploit the technology relating to the modification of absorbent material by impregnation with polymers to create novel (solid state) diagnostic test devices, ranging from ‘dipstick’ tests to biosensors. Two polymer processes are to be aligned with diagnostic test reagents to form a new generation of test formats. Dsine Technology Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Jason Perkes 020 7586 1807 N/A 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Trailer Tracker Mirror System Articulated HGVs have a dangerous blind zone on the left side when turning left, due in part to conventional static rear view mirrors. The Smart Award will assist Dsine Technology in the development a new system, mounted within its own mirror housing, which aims to remotely detect vehicle articulation and adjust a mirror in real time. London 104 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Dynamic Extractions Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Adrian Simon 01895 816342 N/A 73.10 Smart Feasibility Study Counter Current Chromatography (CCC) Technology The company is developing a range of DE Centrifuges specifically designed to meet the needs of separation applications in the pharmaceutical industry. A unique aspect of these products is that they are scaleable from the laboratory to production reducing the time taken for process development. This project is to investigate the feasibility of a new concept of medium ('Midi') bench-top DE Centrifuge for an industrial preparative environment. Fableflow Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Paul Webber 07753 446130 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Multi Media Messaging (MMS) Templating The project will investigate new methods of merging graphic rich content streams with predefined style templates, allowing the creation of personalised and consistently branded MMS messages. It aims to assess technology to allow for the formatting, encapsulation and transformation of MMS messages, built around a graphics repository, stylesheet library and a transformation engine. London 105 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Flexitek Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mladen Jovasevic 020 8797 5761 N/A 74.20 Smart Feasibility Study Control & Data Acquisition Station (CDA) The Smart project will test the feasibility of building the CDA Station, to provide an interface between a PC and various industrial peripherals such as micro controllers, sensors and data acquisition units. The CDA Station will provide a simple and cost effective flexible multi-purpose platform to meet a wide variety of applications. G H Zeal Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Gary Rogers 020 8542 2283 33.20 Smart Development Project The Zeal Melanometer Project The Smart Award will assist the company to develop an innovative medical device that will enable primary care physicians to more easily diagnose the serious skin cancer, melanoma. Zeal's melanometer will be an easy to use and non-invasive medical tool which holds the promise of improved cancer treatment. London 106 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 GLO International Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Michael Tanaka 020 7642 1054 N/A 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Real Time & Embedded Systems This project will investigate that the company’s proprietary technologies generate high quality software code directly from design specifications such as State Charts. Their innovation reduces time-to-market and enables rapid, continual improvements to existing products. Software engineers will benefit from the elegance, efficiency and ease of implementation; the business from the time/cost reductions and improved quality. Handheld Tec Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Fred Diaz 020 8350 1390 30.02 Smart Feasibility Study Handheld Compact Rugged Computer The company intend to develop a small rugged handheld computer. Its aim is to substantially increase the efficiency of individuals and teams who need to keep in constant communication with their bases, as well as having their own computer power to analyse, read, write, calculate and visualise the data they need. London 107 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Ian Benson & Partners Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Ian Benson 07000 236766 72.20 Smart Micro Project Child Tax Credit Service The aim of the project is to deliver the first child tax credit service for broadcast deployment via SMS and internet portals into Java enabled mobile phones. Immexis Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Professor Colin Howard 020 7691 2066 73.10 Smart Feasibility Study Vaccines for Viral Diseases Immexis is developing a microparticle-based DNA vaccine for the treatment of patients with chronic Hepatitis B. Immexis technology will result in an improved prognosis for the patients and provide a platform technology for the development of other persistent human infections, such as Hepatitis C and HIV. London 108 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 IN8 Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Tim Carpenter 020 8567 3440 N/A 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Parking Management using GPS The project aims to obtain the proof of concept and bench-top model for a revolutionary means for locating a parking space, obtaining the regulations that apply and enabling cashless purchase, all from within a vehicle. It will also provide highly automated, objective enforcement of highways in terms of parking, stopping, loading and waiting, disabled and residents’ parking regulations by traffic wardens, parking attendants, Police and Transport Authorities. iOptimiser Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Kulanathan Kularajan 07956 328732 N/A 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Private Portfolio iOptimiser’s ‘Private Portfolio’ is a highly interactive web based platform giving measurable benefits to individual investors who wish to buy and sell financial assets such as stocks and shares, without going through the fund managers, for a cost effective subscription basis. London 109 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 iPlato Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Tobias Alpsten 07730 919347 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study NHS Patient Care Messaging Carry out a feasibility study towards the commercial roll-out of Patient Care Messaging, an application aimed at reducing the level of patient absenteeism in healthcare, which is being piloted with the NHS. This will allow iPlato to look at scaling the current pilot application to a national level. Isohelix Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Ernest Poku 020 7739 1441 33.10 Smart Feasibility Study Automated DNA Collection Kit Isohelix will design and manufacture development prototypes of plastic consumables that will reduce the manual steps in DNA isolation from buccal swabs and enable automation to be adopted by a wider range of laboratories at reduced cost to manual processes. The requirement to use blood samples to collect DNA will also be reduced for a range of applications. London 110 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Ixaris Systems Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: William Lorenz 0870 3666960 72.60 Smart Feasibility Study On Line Convenience Software Internet end-users face a number of problems relating to privacy, security and convenience when online. The company aims to solve these problems and make money for trusted brand owners online in the process. The Smart grant will help expand their solution in the areas of junk e-mail ("spam") protection and automatic form-filling and password generation. Jura Technology Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Colin Dick 020 8788 9327 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study MPEG Categorisation Jura Technology’s project will investigate and develop cost-effective and scaleable software tools to manage business assets through automatic categorisation of their content. The result will be quicker and easier structured access to video information, alongside office documents and emails, to help employees write reports, share knowledge and make more informed business decisions. London 111 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Kay Media Technologies Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Roger Doddy 020 7744 6340 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Peer to Peer Technical Publishing The project will focus on the creation of an interface which will help Scientific, Medical and Technical Publishers to provide researchers accessing vast databases with deeper and more meaningful answers to information requests. It will interact with the researcher, capture how they use the data, record what they find most useful and use this to inform each new enquiry. KCS Management Systems Limited Surrey Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Alan Snell 020 8660 2444 72.20 Smart Development Project B2E-Centrepoint-HR Solution KCS's B2E-Centrepoint (Business to Employee) concept will enable the delivery of corporate and personal business information to employees through a single portal solution. Such a concept ensures greater information sharing, over and above any solution that is available today, delivered to static or roaming employees through an anyplace, anywhere philosophy via a number of everyday devices. London 112 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Klenzyme Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Professor Christine Evans 020 7911 5128 24.66 Smart Feasibility Study Removal of Bird Droppings from Buildings Unsightly bird droppings deface buildings and are serious health hazards to people. Klenzyme Limited will use the Smart award to develop an environmentally – friendly enzyme treatment to soften and degrade bird droppings, providing an easy removal process without damage to stone and brickwork. Lennox Active Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Alastair Lennox 020 7851 2889 N/A 33.10 Smart Micro Project The Safe Shoe The project is to develop a new type of cost effective foot fracture/post operative surgery shoe. This safe shoe will replace plaster of Paris in most cases and speed up the recovery process while vastly reducing the cost. It will also increase patient comfort. London 113 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Levytator Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Professor Jack Levy 020 8445 N/A 29.22 Smart Feasibility Study Escalator to Negotiate Curves The 'Levytator' is a new design of escalator which can follow ascending and descending paths of variable curvature. A one-tenth scale model will be built. Computer simulations will be used to assist presentations to possible partners and it is hoped that this will lead to a commercial agreement. Lightload Services Limited t/a Multiload Technology London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Brian Cuthbertson 020 7794 9152 31.50 Smart Feasibility Study Analogue Bus Control The Analogue Bus Control is envisaged as a revolutionary low cost, highly flexible analogue based lighting and building control system. It is intended to compete with European digital systems in terms of cost, giving ease of expansion and obviating the need for expensive software engineers for troubleshooting and re-programming. London 114 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Mac2 Software Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Andrew Macdonald 020 7610 6566 72.20 Smart Micro Project Rotawise Staff Rota Software Develop a software application that uses innovative algorithms to automate the generation of rotas for organisations whose staff work on twenty-four hour shift patterns. It will generate rotas that are fair for staff and effective for the workload. Michael O’Doherty London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Michael O’Doherty N/A N/A N/A 32.20 Smart Feasibility Study CatEye Multimedia Services This feasibility study will look at expanding multimedia service technologies to provide service platform technology and revenue generating turnkey services to telco operators and enterprises, allowing them to offer their customers and users full multimedia functionality without having to re-deploy existing networks. Microbureau Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Jon Baldachin 07714 340922 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Micropayment System MicroBureau is to test a combined Digital Rights Management (DRM) and payment collection system by developing a complete working prototype. London 115 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Microsens Biophage Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Roger Rosedale 020 7736 6989 33.10 Smart Development Project Dual Phage for TSEs Building on the success of the Smart Feasibility Study this project will further develop the Dual Phage technology to a prototype kit format for the detection of human Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) in donated blood and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and bovine scrapie in pre-symptomatic animals. Modelistic Software Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Paul Wells 01279 320495 72.20 Smart Micro Project Modelistic Software Modelistic was built to provide additional viewpoints of software under development. To exploit the opportunities for integration with other tools that have emerged in the mean time the project will enable Modelistic for use from inside other tools. This will significantly reduce the effort of switching between text-based and model-based editing of the same work. London 116 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Neanda Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: John Rooney 07879 624467 32.30 Smart Feasibility Study Modular Control Panel for Audio Production Software The aim of the project is to research a new form of user interface for audio and video production software. Paul Boyce-Mears & Mike Abbott t/a Mentor Telemetry Systems London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Paul Boyce-Mears 020 8524 0014 31.61 Smart Micro Project ‘Proteus’ Car Mileage Management System Proteus connects, via a Mentor designed interface, a point in a car engine management system where mileage is available, to a low cost satellite based tracking system. The aim of the project is to write an interface between the management system and the selected satellite tracing system, test it and finalise a product design to bring to market. Peter Sinclair London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Peter Sinclair N/A N/A N/A 35.30 Smart Feasibility Study Micro Aerial Vehicle The aim of the project is to test the feasibility of a remotely controlled mechanism having a total wingspan of twelve inches. It should be able to take off vertically, hover, turn on a sixpence and achieve most of the flying characteristics of fast flying insects, before making a controlled vertical landing. London 117 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Pharmidex Pharmaceutical Services Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Mohammad Alavijeh 0870 2405978 85.14 Smart Feasibility Study IDEAS Integrated Drug Evaluation & Analysis System Central nervous system (CNS) drug discovery is slow, expensive and unproductive because of the difficulties of the science and the sequential nature of the process. IDEAS is a revolutionary platform technology that introduces vital new screens and integrates key studies to improve rigour, efficiency and speed in CNS medicines research. Phoenix Photonics Limited Surrey Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Ian Giles 020 8669 8559 31.30 Smart Feasibility Study Integrated Optical All Fibre Cables Increasing complexity of optical fibre networks, driven by the demand for more bandwidth at lower cost, places stringent requirements for increased functionality from components and modules. Utilising evanescent field technology and processing the fibre waveguide this project is targeted at assessing the feasibility of producing integrated all-fibre modules capable of meeting the performance, cost and size demands of telecommunications networks. London 118 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 P I Vision Limited Surrey Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Geoff Thiel 08700 788888 30.02 Smart Development Project PI Vision Ltd – Advanced Digital Video Recording System PI Vision is developing a totally new CCTV Digital Video Recording (DVR) system called “Advanced Enterprise DVR System” (AEDS). Conceived firmly around extensive research into future market requirements, the innovative AEDS core design will produce a new paradigm within the Enterprise DVR sector in terms of quality, price, simplicity and reliability. Presidio Technology Group Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Zia Shlaimoun 020 8350 1385 N/A 31.20 Smart Feasibility Study Voltage Capping Device There is a growing recognition that power companies supply electricity at the higher end of the permitted voltage range. The PowerCap study aims to develop an active solid-state electronic solution that can be fitted to the incoming supply of a consumer site and will cap the mains voltage to any preset level regardless of input voltage. London 119 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 P S Analytical Limited Kent Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Professor Peter Stockwell 01689 891211 33.20 Smart Feasibility Study Mercury Continuous Emissions Monitor (CEM) The Smart Award will allow PS Analytical to test the feasibility of using a dry based speciation system to continuously monitor the stack emission of coal- fired utilities for mercury levels. Apart from laboratory tests the feasibility programme will require extensive tests on prime sites and correlation into the accepted industry standard methods. Pulsar Design Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Nick Kemp 020 8677 1826 N/A 31.50 Smart Feasibility Study Moulding of Carbon Fibre The project is to test the concept of using radio frequency (RF) induction heating in combination with vacuum resin infusion techniques to facilitate batch production of tubular carbon fibre mouldings. The process will offer an alternative to injection moulding or metal machining of medium sized tubular components. London 120 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Rawflow Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mikkel Dissing 020 8699 8943 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Intelligent Broadcasting The Smart Award will assist Rawflow Ltd to radically reshape the Internet broadcasting infrastructure to deliver higher quality at lower cost and enable broadcasters to realise the potential of the Internet as a broadcasting medium. This will be achieved by using a mixture of existing technologies and new revolutionising peer-to-peer algorithms. Rimex Metals (UK) Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Tim Childs 020 8804 0633 28.51 Smart Development Project Coating Technology on Metals Rimex is using its Smart Award to develop, through R & D, coating technology aimed at providing improved resistance to scratches and fingerprints on the surface of several types of metals and on different finishes applied to metals. London 121 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 SABAS Limited Essex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Lee Skinner 01708 728666 N/A 25.24 Smart Feasibility Study New Polymer Processing Technology The Smart project is to test the feasibility of extending and refining a fibre-reinforced composite moulding process for use in the lining of sewers. Whilst the moulding process has been proved on simple curved and flat sewer liner sections, the company wishes to extend it to cope with complex sections, such as pipe flanges. Special Imaging Services Essex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Scott Phelps-Fuller 07905 850829 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Project ‘Reficio’ The development of two forensic software toolsets (Fuzzy & DigiFace), written to extend the art of digital image enhancement and digital craniofacial reconstruction. On completion of the project, clients will have access to a 24/7 service capable of producing results within hours of receiving the encrypted material. London 122 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Screendragon Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Richard Newton 020 7524 7776 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Innovative Multiformat File Screendragon has developed the most enhanced video format in the world. Exploitation of the full commercial potential required further development, which, as a new business necessitated external support. The Smart Award scheme means Screendragon is now creating a file format that will allow for the simple distribution of complex multimedia information. Seawater Greenhouse Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Charlie Paton 020 7249 3627 www.seawatergreenhouse com 29.23 Smart Feasibility Study Watermaker Desalination Project The Smart Grant will enable the development of the Watermaker - a novel, low-cost condenser for converting seawater to fresh water, integrated within the Seawater Greenhouse. Expected results will see widespread use of this sustainable desalination technology, enabling the cultivation of crops in hot, arid regions. London 123 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Sensox Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: William Maskell 020 8411 4899 33.20 Smart Feasibility Study Zirconia Oxygen Sensor Technology The project concerns investigation of the feasibility of applying thick-film technology to the preparation of a zirconia oxygen sensor with new features. This novel sensor is expected to find application in domestic and small industrial/commercial gas boilers and will be substantially cheaper to produce than currently available devices of similar performance. SmartMarket Technologies Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Kieran O’Keeffe 020 7744 6338 72.20 Smart Development Project Smart email Development Project SmartAds and SmarteMail are intelligent online ads or emails, containing optimised data-capture and data-processing power, that seamlessly capture the information necessary to complete a transaction without having to leave the ‘host’ website or email and without the inconvenience or delays of multiple screen ‘refreshes’. SmartAds simplify and shorten online customer journeys to just 3 clicks - pay, order and confirm. London 124 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Solcara Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Robert Martin 0870 3332966 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Linguistics Analysis & Knowledge Management Utilising unique research emanating from major UK universities, Solcara aim to develop products that will dramatically increase the productivity of users that need to access and share knowledge. Advanced text mining, document navigation and the application of linguistics will take Knowledge Management (KM) into a new league. Solion Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Loey Salam 020 7815 7678 35.30 Smart Feasibility Study Solar Powered Unmanned Aerial Glider (SPUAG) Solion intends to build a SPUAG utilising the unique expertise and products of the company. The glider will be built out of carbon fibre material and will be equipped with camera, Non-destructive Testing equipment and Global Positioning System. Potential applications are police and traffic surveillance, air sampling and search and rescue. London 125 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Surfim Limited Surrey Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Laura Dekker 07980 221214 N/A 33.40 Smart Development Project 3D Camera System Surfim Limited design and build very high-speed three-dimensional digital cameras for accurate surface imaging of the human form. The goals of this project are to build and field trial some new compact systems to support quantitative 3D analysis in healthcare. This essential feedback will ensure that the new systems meet the rigorous demands of portability, ease of use and high performance. Symban Power Systems Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Nikos Baltas 020 8874 8445 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study GenIUS-Manikin This feasibility study is to apply the techniques of 'Computational Fluid Dynamics' and 'grid computing' to a new market sector such as the 'design and virtual prototyping of clothing systems'. The GenIUS-Manikin, a predictive analysis software tool, will provide a means of investigating the performance of different clothing assembly configurations before physical prototypes are made. London 126 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Systemwire Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Ramin Dilmaghanian 07976 826721 N/A 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study Consistency Checking using XML University College London have been researching the problems of managing the consistency of distributed data. Initial work has led to the creation of a prototype called “xlinkit”. Systemwire, the spin out company, aim to help create a product that will make it significantly less costly for organisations to manage the consistency and hence quality of their data. The Acrobot Company Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr David Sarphie 020 7594 6860 3310 Smart Development Project Minimally Invasive Surgical Robot The Smart Award will be used to develop precision software-driven instrumentation to facilitate minimally-invasive (“keyhole”) orthopaedic surgery, specifically in the area of joint replacement. The Acrobot system will facilitate an improved surgeonfriendly procedure to allow many more patients to benefit from “keyhole” surgery, thereby increasing throughput and patient satisfaction and reducing post-operative hospital stays and healthcare costs. London 127 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Tracktones Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Steve Parkin 07754 667290 N/A 32.30 Smart Micro Project Music Product for Health & Fitness Clubs Develop a product to deliver music to wire-free receivers worn by health and fitness club members, allowing free movement around club facilities, whilst working-out or relaxing. Up to 16 different channels of music can be selected by the user and the choice will include scientifically researched motivational music to enhance physical performance. Turbocompounding Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: John Hammerbeck 020 7589 3127 N/A 34.30 Smart Feasibility Study Transmission Device for Trucks Company has received an award for applying the newly patented Periodic Drive to retrofitted turbo-compounding of trucks. The technology offers a 10% fuel saving and has the potential to be retrofitted to the world fleet of 60 million commercial vehicles. This new turbo-compounding technology can also be applied to diesel generators and to marine engines. London 128 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Utilyx Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Scott Bradley 020 7462 4306 72.20 Smart Development Project NHH e-Procurement Enabler Utilyx offer services designed to make energy buying cost-effective, resource efficient and effortless. Utilyx aim to build the first non half-hourly e-procurement system to make full use of the market domain data. Once complete, the system will provide buyers with the ability to run a real time reverse auction for the provision of non halfhourly electricity meters that accurately analyse pricing information. Virtuser Business Communications Services Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Christian Borrman 020 7689 2378 64.20 Smart Feasibility Study Mobile Voice & Data Services Project ‘Virtuser’ is looking at the feasibility of using Bluetooth in combination with GSM service provision with the aim of providing in-building voice and data services to complement a GSM offering. Benefits will include improved time and resource efficiency and secure access to information for business. London 129 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Working Learning Limited Middlesex Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mike Baxter 020 8560 0820 72.20 Smart Feasibility Study The Decision Object This Smart award will allow Working Learning to develop interactive web-based tools to support complex judgemental decision-making, incorporating ‘learning-by-doing’, adaptive models of the decision process and feedback mechanisms. In particular they will develop a technology platform, to allow them to re-deploy component parts of their decision support (the decision objects) to many different types of business decisions. Xyph Limited London Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Robert Kaplan 020 8209 1516 N/A 72.60 Smart Feasibility Study Cryptacard Determine the feasibility and cost to size limitations of the data reader required for the installation of multipurpose and encryption software. The technology will enable direct server location access and a number of inexpensive secure payment options for the downloading or viewing of multimedia or any other files online, whilst also offering a fraud resistant government entitlement payment model and NHS prescription services solution. London 130 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 NORTH EAST Applied Dataflow Research Limited Northumberland Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr W C Smith 01665 510682 Not Given Micro Computer Architecture Using Multi Processors The purpose of the project is to mount prototype parallel processing devices onto a bespoke backplane, which will incorporate all of the necessary I/ O circuitry thus making it compact enough to fit into a PC case, removing cabling bottlenecks. The development project will also aim to show that the system can run on programs written in standard languages. BioTransformations Limited Northumberland Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Professor Colin Self 01661 871546 Not Given Feasibility Directing Immunity By Light The ability to guide the immune response of the body to the region it is needed by a minimally invasive procedure, which would have widespread application in areas such as cancer therapy. The project aims to develop such a procedure using technology that enables the "cloaking" of an antibody such that it is inactive until uncloaked simply by exposure to light. When activated these antibodies will bind and trigger the T-cells to kill cells in their vicinity. The applicability of directing the immune system by light will be investigated by the current project. North East 131 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Bond Technologies (Europe) Limited County Durham Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Wayne Richardson N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Short Range Location Management Bond Technologies (Europe) Ltd was established in 2002 to serve market niches for integrated low cost, user-friendly systems for locating people and items of property in electronically hostile, semi-controlled environments. The present project is intended to prove the technical feasibility of creating such a system based on the actual needs of a target market. Concordia Diagnostic Sensors Limited Newcastle upon Tyne Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr S Roy/ Iain Strong 0191 281 7751 N/A Not Given Feasibility Concrete Corrosion Diagnostic System The project involves fabricating a novel system, CONCORDIA, which would be used for advance warning of corrosion in steel bars of reinforced concrete. The sensor system would consist of chemical and electrochemical measurements to provide information on the concrete environment and the possible state of the steel bar. The system is expected to be useful for scheduling repairs in ageing concrete structures. North East 132 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 EMS Europe Limited Sunderland Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Kym Norman 0191 5166251 Not Given Feasibility Energy Improved Washing Machines Domestic washing appliances consume large quantities of water and electrical energy for heating. The project involves determination of the feasibility of significantly reducing this usage for the purposes of recycling water and re-harnessing the energy in the heat content of the effluent that is normally disposed, whilst maintaining the conventional washing machine presentation package and format. Fimtrac Training Technology Limited Tyne and Wear Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Chris Brannigan 01434 605991 Not Given Micro Knowledge Quest The ambition of Knowledge Quest is to make it the dominant platform for comprehensive based learning process, a market segment that is completely unserved today. The intention is also to build world-leading competences in the massmarket development of immersive learning applications that will enable Fimtrac TT to expand into other application areas. North East 133 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 FITT Systems Limited Newcastle Upon Tyne Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Alistair Crooks 0191 270 1442 Not Given Micro Automated Touch Screen Fitness Assessment System The project involves the development of an Automated Touch Screen Fitness Assessment System which will allow individual members of fitness gyms to take tests themselves to find out about specific health and fitness information, purchase products and give feedback and request information from staff members. Griersons Limited Newcastle Upon Tyne Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr John Dobie 0191 215 0075 Not Given Feasibility Office Manager Re-W The project involves investigation into the feasibility of redeveloping existing legal case management software to take advantage of new dynamic web scripting languages, increasing versatility and allowing expansion into international markets through the Internet. North East 134 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Innoverce Engineering Limited Newcastle Upon Tyne Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Julian Peck 0191 2755027 Not Given Feasibility Paper Joining Device The project is a feasibility study into the development of a patentable fastener for papers that offers the benefits both of the conventional staple and of the conventional paperclip, and into the development of a patentable device for applying these fasteners to paper. IEL will use CAD design software, computer analysis and prototyping to validate and develop the concept through a number of iterations. IZEZI Limited County Durham Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Dexter Grant 0191 2755027 Not Given Feasibility Unified Power Design Architecture (UPDA) The aim of the project is the creation of a unique, scaleable, and highly responsive digital power controller architecture (UPDA). It will significantly reduce the time to market for new, novel, and highly complex power devices due to the technology's ability to digitally and dynamically synthesise any power control topology, to any conceivable level of complexity, in moments. The realisation of the UPDA's feasibility will bring about a marked step-change in power conversion and management technology. North East 135 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Kommunik Limited Co Durham Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Philip Aranzulla 0845 108 2704 Not Given Feasibility Intelligent ICT Monitoring The project will seek to investigate the feasibility of an ICT monitoring and fault diagnosis tool for end-users. The envisaged future tool suite will be highly differentiated to existing ICT monitoring tools in a number of areas, and it is expected that these innovative aspects will be secured via patents. Once the feasibility study is successfully completed, these products will be developed. Neptune Engineering Services Limited Sunderland Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Owen Craggs 0191 5236187 Not Given Feasibility Intelligent Tank Gauging System The proposal is to investigate the possibility of sensing ship tank fluid height using pressure transducers. The proposal is to investigate converting into digital signals, converting from pressure to height and volume using a tank profile and display on a local digital display. The result can be transmitted onwards to a central computer via serial lines. North East 136 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 NuGround Limited Newcastle Upon Tyne Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr John Lamont-Black 0191 2226420 Not Given Feasibility Use Of ElectroKinetic Geosynthesis in Sports Turf The NuGround proposal involves investigating the feasibility of using ElectroKinetic Geosynthesis (EKG) to automatically control the condition of sports turf. EKG is currently utilised in civil engineering applications and this project seeks to show that the techniques can be adapted to control a number of attributes of turf ensuring that it is better quality, more hard wearing and more resistant to climatic conditions. Oil & Gas Installations Limited Kent Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Keith Dixon-Roche 01227 766185 Not Given Development PipeFlex The proposal is to complete the development of a rubber bonded high pressure high temperature (HPHT) flexible pipe, which can be manufactured in long lengths. The product will be designed to meet the demanding characteristics required by the offshore industry, and will provide significant benefit to the oil & gas sector by introducing flexibility and cost savings. North East 137 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Ridge Media Limited Newcastle upon Tyne Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Mike Hendy 0191 350 6005 Not Given Feasibility Generic Artificial Intelligence (AI) Algorithm The project involves research into the feasibility of developing a Generic Artificial Intelligence (AI) Algorithm as a middleware product targeted at the computer gamesdevelopment industry. The project will aim to establish a theory that models intelligence through a unified description of consciousness and quantum theory. Safedrop (UK) Limited Northumberland Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Stephen Priest N/A Not Given Micro Innovative 'One Time' Locking Mechanism The Safedrop proposal involves the development of a 'one time' locking mechanism which will be attached to a secure container, which in phase one of the project will be situated outside retail outlets e.g. supermarkets and will allow customers to collect their on-line groceries at a time convenient to them. North East 138 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Simulations Limited County Durham Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Roger Vila 0191 5130077 N/A Not Given Feasibility Self-Forming Masonry Cavity Tray Cavity Trays are used extensively in building works for new structures, and when an extension is being built onto an existing structure. When inserting vertical cavity trays it is traditional to saw a vertical slot and insert the tray. The project aims to establish whether such a method could be applied when needing to insert cavity trays parallel to the roof line via an inclined sawn slot, rather than by the traditional method of removing brickwork, inserting the tray and replacing the bricks. Starpoint Adaptive Optics Limited Durham Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Andrew Zadrozny 0191 3832175 Not Given Feasibility Investigation into Commercial Applications of Adaptive Optics The proposal involves investigating the technical feasibility of enabling existing complex optical correction & enhancement technology to be extended to cover a wider range of uses, and to be available at an affordable cost, with increased ease of operation. North East 139 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Unique Sport Training Systems International Limited Northumberland Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Brian Turner 01434 220497 Not Given Micro Exercise Systems for the Disabled The project will involve the development from scratch of two pieces of wheelchair accessible cardiovascular exercise equipment, one based upon the benefits of a treadmill and the other on the benefits of a cross trainer. Viratom Limited Newcastle Upon Tyne Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr G L Toms 0191 2227629/ 0191 2842453 N/A Not Given Feasibility Anti-RSV Monoclonal Antibody Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is the most important cause of infections of the lung in infants and children, bringing one in every fifty newborns into hospital in the winter. This project will attempt to develop monoclonal antibodies which when injected, can be used to protect infants from infection. North East 140 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 NORTH WEST 12 Voltz Limited Cumbria Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Errol Kerrone 01539 822686 29.11 Feasibility Vertical Wind Turbine & Ventilator The feasibility study of utilising a vertical wind generation/air extraction system for the provision of deep cycle battery charging in both static and mobile applications whilst challenging the limitations and constraints of Belt's Law - the product being inconspicuous, compact and highly efficient (patent pending). Advanced Bioprocess Development Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr M J Dempsey 0161 247 1139 N/A 90.00 Feasibility Expanded Bed Nitrification The technology converts ammonia in sewage to non-toxic nitrate, by the natural process of nitrification. However, it is so effective that the supply of oxygen is limiting and the project investigates using oxygen-enriched air for energy-efficient commercial applications. North West 141 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Advanced Interconnection Technology Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Peter Moran 0161 787 3143 31.20 Feasibility New concept of Semiconductor packaging Advanced Interconnection Technology is Europe's only company fabricating circuit boards by plating copper onto ceramic. It has recently been demonstrated that this process can be used to fabricate the structures used to produce the packages used for assembling semiconductor devices. This Feasibility project is to demonstrate that these structures are capable of performing the electrical and mechanical functions of such packages. Amtri Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Brian Hardwick 01625 434964 73.10 Feasibility Chatter Mark Detector The project involves a study of the feasibility of a device for the routine, objective, inspection of mill rolls for the presence of chatter marks introduced into their surface by vibration during grinding. Current inspection methods rely only on visual assessment by the machine operator, and are thus purely subjective in nature. North West 142 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Applied Corrosion Monitoring T/A ACM Instruments Cumbria Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Internet Control Mr Raymond Gill 015395 59185 74.20 Development Users of the system developed with this award, will be able to take measurements of corrosion at remote locations without actually having to go there in person. The system uses the internet to do this. Aquamatic Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Peter J Smith 0161 777 6607 N/A 33.20 Feasibility Multi-role Liquid Sampling System Aquamatic visualise a new and innovative automatic sampling system able to extract samples of most water based liquids varying between clean water and heavy sewage sludge, from either a pipeline/vessel (pressurised or non-pressurised) or an open source. The samples would be subsequently deposited into one or a number of sample collection vessels to be stored for subsequent collection and analysis. North West 143 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Ariel Trust Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Paul Ainsworth 0151 702 0730 N/A N/A 92.20 Micro On-Line University for Radio Ariel is developing distance-learning technology in response to skill shortages in the radio industry. The number of radio stations in the Northwest has recently risen from 6 to 30, creating opportunities for companies providing service for that industry. Associated Power Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Alan Kenney 07946 569 200 30.02 Feasibility Power From Dense Media Theoretical arguments, backed by an independent report and experimental results indicate that it may be possible to devise a new electricity generating system, free of existing constraints and environmental problems. More details of this can be found on the website. Aurelialight Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Giampaolo Paiutta 0161 236 6445 N/A 33.10 Development Optical System for Rapid Blood Analysis To develop an optimum sample collection and measurement procedure and instrumentation. North West 144 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Avisius Research Limited Cumbria Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Ian Peter Whelan 01228 401358 N/A 24.41 Feasibility Novel Headlice Medication Avisius Research Limited, based in the prestigious Westlakes Science Park, are investigating a range of novel patented products for the treatment of insect infestations and other fields of pest management. This new technology is highly effective in treating insect vectors no longer controllable by current insecticides due to resistance. Azimurth Networks Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Stephen Hand 0161 975 0395 N/A 72.20 Micro Web Filter and Firewall The goal of this project is to construct a working prototype of a computer network product that will incorporate an Internet Proxy, Network Firewall and a Web Filter. The Web filter will be based upon our proprietary neural network driven content analysis technology, which has already produced unprecedented accurate results given the task of recognising undesirable web content. North West 145 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Bells of Lazenby Limited Cumbria Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Michael J Bell 01768 898437 N/A 70.12 Development Gluten Free Food Development The latest innovation is a plan to develop a new range of bakery products for the special diet market that are wheat, gluten and dairy free. These products have, until recently, only been available on prescription, manufactured to clinical rather than good food criteria. What Bells of Lazenby aim to achieve with this development project is to prove that traditional baking can produce great tasting biscuits, cakes and snack bars on a commercial scale, without any compromise to clinical standards. Big Torch Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Mike Phillips 01204 852053 N/A 72.20 Feasibility Feasibility of Research Facility The project scope is to prove the feasibility and profitability of providing an Artificial Intelligence based, world-class business and academic research facility, as part of a comprehensive Internet management system that sells by licence into public and corporate enterprises. North West 146 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Bosus Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Rob Eames 0151 236 3669 N/A 28.52 Feasibility Novel Ultrasonic Processor The project is investigating the feasibility of exploiting new concepts in the generation and transfer of ultrasonic energy to develop innovative continuous high-energy transfer ultrasonic processors for industrial application. It seeks to exploit the phenomenon known as cavitation. Braddahead Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr John Humphrey 01744 23727 N/A N/A 32.20 Feasibility Buffered Multiplexor To research the feasibility of novel video technology to lead to the development of a higher performance and more reliable video multiplexer for use with multi- camera CCTV systems. Carrig Electronics Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr David Clare 07747 623375 N/A 31.62 Micro The Flasher The product is a Light Emitting Diode (LED) light configuration applied to an article of clothing. The lights can be programmed by the wearer (to their own specification) via a small display on the back of the unit. North West 147 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Clark Mactavish Limited Cumbria Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Robert Webb 016973 21516 74.20 Feasibility Foliage Extracts Production Study of the possible integration of a novel tree foliage extraction technology for production of plant growth stimulant into modern commercial timber harvesting techniques. The assessment of UK prevalent conifer species for raw material feedstocks. Construction of an organically certified pilot scale production plant. Compactcaddy Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Pablo Engl 01524 380865 34.10 Feasibility Compactcaddy Compactcaddy Ltd. has been designing, manufacturing and distributing innovative, stylish electric golf trolleys since 1998. Our products are highly innovative in terms of design, ease of use, compactness and materials used. Since inception we have continuously developed products in response to feedback from our customers. North West 148 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Controls4steam Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Craig Holden 01254 279268 29.24 Feasibility Decompressive Stripping Controls4Steam have conceptualised a new process for the cleaning of sophisticated, high-value filter elements. This project aims to determine the feasibility of our novel idea that allows the disruption of chemical bonds between filter elements and their contaminants. Crime Management and Community Safety Systems (UK) Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr John McRae 0151 286 4336 N/A 74.84 Exceptional Perimeter Wall Security System To research the feasibility of detecting a force of more than 15kg in any plane, on the top of a perimeter wall, to detect the pressure of an intruder attempting to climb over the perimeter wall. North West 149 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Croft Engineering Services Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Ms Karen Austin 01925 766265 28.75 Development Perforated Metal Tube Machine Croft Engineering Services intends to manufacture an innovative machine that will automate the entire process of manufacturing perforated metal tubes. The machine will involve the development of five modules which will be incorporated innovatively to produce one continuous process that will turn sheet metal into perforated metal tubes with a longitudinally welded seamed. Cumberland Electrochemical Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr D A Hughes 0151 922 3041 31.62 Feasibility Electrochemical Metal Recovery Cumberland Electrochemical is a small engineering company specialising in water treatment equipment. It was established in 1912 shortly after the first patents were issued describing the use of cathodic protection to prevent corrosion. Since that time Cumberland have continued to exploit electrochemistry, a seemingly innocuous technique with immense power. North West 150 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Silent Whisper Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr David Moss N/A N/A N/A 33.10 Micro Dental Drill Noise Suppression Our aim is to produce a technology that will reduce or remove the whistle of a dental drill, by using sound modelling techniques, and thus create a less stressful environment in the dental office for both patients and dental staff. D H-Budenberg Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr John Hackney 0870 787 7370 N/A N/A 33.20 Development Advanced I. S. Portable Pressure Calibration DH Budenberg is developing an intrinsically safe portable calibrator that will incorporate innovative features. It will have the ability to be accessed over the Internet and will have on board diagnostics that will allow remote calibration and servicing. North West 151 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Dailys UK Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Ben Sallom 0161 904 8550 N/A N/A 18.21 Development News Media Communications System The company aims to develop a novel, intelligent, remotely managed, news media data, electronic, communications system to transmit, receive and monitor news media data to meet the requirements of the newspaper industry worldwide. dB Research Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Prof W J Mullarkey 0151 330 0800 30.02 Feasibility Safe Mooring The proposed project will investigate the feasibility of a motor-yacht control system to assist in low-speed manoeuvring: otherwise a difficult task. The system should accept directional requests from the skipper, and translate them into engineering control signals for the engines and gearboxes. Dependable Real Time Systems Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Geoffrey Allan 07939 227890 N/A N/A 74.20 Feasibility Highly Dependable Systems Dependable Real Time Systems Ltd (DRTS Ltd) aims to achieve significant improvements to the operation and safety of Distributed Control Systems throughout the world by applying a novel clock synchronisation algorithm to the widely used Bosch industrial communication standard CAN. North West 152 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 DESCo Research Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr John Bradley 01942 261 600 74.20 Feasibility Retro Fit Electronic Engine Control (REEC) DESCo Research Ltd is developing a Retrofit Electronic Engine Control (REEC) system for vehicles using carburettors. This will reduce HC exhaust emission by 25% and urban fuel consumption by 20% and with a catalyst meet potential Euro 2 emission levels .The system is fail-safe and has only 2 main parts. The system can be fitted within 1 hour. Dibsa Structures Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mrs Christine Oldroyd 01706 342 598 45.25 Micro Dibsadeck To design a 'self supporting' lightweight galvanised steel roofing system that will span up to 12 metres. To be applied either for roof conversions or new build and as an alternative to the 'dead load' application of dibsadeck® North West 153 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Dmist Technologies Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Prof Nigel Allinson 0161 200 4641 73.10 Feasibility Real-time Video Enhancement To investigate real-time video enhancement for adverse weather conditions, Dmist Technologies is investigating developed practical and robust video enhancement techniques that eliminate this scattered light component and permit the recovery of the original scene as if it was a clear day. Double R Controls Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Neal Rothwell 01706 623625 29.56 Feasibility Space Spooling The project involves the development of a Tether Tape Spooling Unit that will enable the propulsion of bodies in space without the use of fuel. North West 154 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Abacus Automation Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Douglas Florence N/A N/A N/A 29.24 Micro Weight Display Prototype Abacus Automation aims to develop an innovative weight display for use in industrial weighing processes. Conventional weight displays have a numeric display to indicate the weight to the operator. Abacus aims to develop a unit with a graphic screen, which will show the weight both as a number and a graphical representation such as a bar graph or speedometer display. Dr Richard S Neville Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Richard Neville N/A N/A N/A 72.60 Feasibility LCI-Microelectric Systems Feasibility study into a new family of high-speed computer devices. The smart award will focus on developing prototype devices on silicon, patenting the technology and undertaking a detailed market assessment to establish the optimum route to market for the technology. North West 155 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Edit Technologies Limited Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Richard Malczyk 07714849536 N/A 52.45 Feasibility Digital TV Enhancement Researching the feasibility of enhancing digital television programmes by segmenting into a programme events series, transmitting the events to a receiver and selectively viewing each programme event as required, then developing a novel, interactive digital television programme viewer editing system. Electronic Product Supplies Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr John Porter 0151 648 6736 N/A 31.62 Micro Audible Messaging System The project is to develop a voice messaging system for the hearing impaired. It allows pre-recorded messages, stored in non-volatile memory, to be played out into an existing deaf person’s appliance or directly into an induction loop in response to external stimuli. North West 156 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Energetix Laser Technologies Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Russell Benstead 0151 348 2113 73.10 Feasibility Laser De-foaming Technology Energetix Laser Technologies has developed a low power laser technology that emits light at a frequency that ruptures the bubbles in aqueous foams. The Feasibility study will provide a market review and the design and testing of laser delivery systems for industrial applications. Fingershield (UK) Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Paul O'Carroll 0161 272 5500 74.99 Feasibility Improved Finger Protector Finger Shields could prevent 300,000 UK children a year from seriously crushing their fingers in doors. Our improved version will produce great rewards for us, the UK, and other manufacturers interested in licensing our international patents. North West 157 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Future Safety Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Multi Purpose Safety Helmet Mr Colin Holmes 01744 818838 74.99 Feasibility The project is to investigate the feasibility of an innovative safety helmet for the protection of agricultural and forestry workers, while using All Terrain Vehicles (ATV's) in their activities. The helmet would incorporate face, eye and ear protection. G K Bio Products Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Bacteriological References Mr Peter Kerfoot 0161 764 4998 N/A 74.30 Feasibility Laboratories testing for microorganisms in food need to validate their procedures by analysing reference material. We are investigating the feasibility of replacing existing powdered reference materials with a modified format. The new format would be easier and less costly to produce. North West 158 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Graffian Manufacturing Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Tyre Debeader Mr John Stuart 01698 252 102 N/A N/A 25.11 Feasibility To test the feasibility of a new innovative method of removing the steel bead simultaneously from both sides of a used tyre casing prior to its destruction by shredding / granulation, increasing substantially production throughput and considerably reducing plant maintenance costs. GT Plus Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Philip Leather 0151 653 4220 N/A 24.42 Feasibility Prophylactic Lozenge Against Influenza In the UK alone, 150 million working days at a cost of £6.75 billion are lost as a result of influenza. GT Plus Ltd are investigating the use of the body's natural antioxidant, glutathione to reduce the risk of infection. North West 159 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 H W Communications Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Professor Michael Darnell 01524 849196 64.20 Development Radio Communication System The project will develop a flexible RApidly DEployable Emergency Multimedia (RADEEM) communications demonstrator system for a wide range of disaster and rural communication scenarios. The system will be fully transportable and able to exploit different types of radio/IP bearer channels. Hoverwing Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr John Coakley 01663 747265 N/A 35.30 Feasibility The Hoverwing Prototype The "Hoverwing" is a radio-controlled flying platform for carrying either a stills or movie camera, capable of hovering as well as rapid flight forwards or backwards. Human Ecology Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Simon Walker 01606 832598 N/A 74.14 Micro Online Psychological Monitor An innovative online system to measure and monitor the development of individual candidates in key psychological constructs (such as, for example, those that make up an individual’s ‘emotional intelligence’). North West 160 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Hylomar Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr David Leith 01942 617006 74.82 Feasibility Automotive Engine Sealants The aim of the project is to determine the feasibility of the commercial production of an environmentally friendly, non-toxic, non-corrosive and odourless single part alkoxy based RTV silicone sealant. The sealant should have a high resistance to engine and gear oil, and to transmission and cooling fluids. Image Metrics plc Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Ms Lydia Meyer-Turkson 0161 476 8220 33.10 Exceptional Software Development This project will develop a software technology platform that will allow the rapid development of a series of computer-aided detection solutions for the medical community. These software solutions will provide improved functionality to clinicians offering greater objectivity in clinical diagnosis using images. North West 161 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 In Touch Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr John Walden 01524 833588 72.60 Feasibility GPS & Computerised Workstation Creation of a programming platform to allow linking of portable workstations to GPS and office computer. Increased efficiency, elimination of up to five levels of duplication, reduction of errors, increased cash flow and creation of a simple audit trail. By using one computer programme to raise orders, produce invoices, produce reports and allocate work. Independent Computer Systems Limited Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Christian Smyth 0161 929 7555 72.20 Development Customer Service Focused CRM The Project involves the production of a software product that will enable organisations across a broad range of industries to adopt "Total Relationship Management" through an integrated help desk, contact/relationship and knowledge management solution. North West 162 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Infosar Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Professor Chris Oliver 0151 709 5065 N/A N/A 33.20 Feasibility SAR Image Interpretation System The company aims to research the feasibility of using novel algorithms and implementation techniques to interpret image data of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) airborne and satellite instruments to deliver high quality information quickly. Innergoal Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Domestic Building Lintel Mr Fred Holme 01695 572775 N/A 45.21 Feasibility The project is designed to evaluate the feasibility of producing a new lightweight material predominately from fibre reinforced re-cycled PVCu. The material must be designed for current manufacturing processes and display sufficient structural strength to be used in a variety of structural building components i.e. lintels. North West 163 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Instrumentation Design Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Mark Johnson 0161 941 2318 www. 74.84 Feasibility Optical Detection for Membranes Opto-electronic techniques will be developed for in-situ measurement of liquid and particulate microbiological samples captured on membrane filters. This will lead to improved equipment for clinical diagnostics in the GP's surgery, in-the-field chemical testing and laboratory analysis. Integrated Reservoir Solutions Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Glynn Carter 0151 356 2647 N/A 74.20 Development Geostratigraphy System The company aims to develop a novel, automatic, Geostratigraphy system, to meet the requirements of the oil exploration industry worldwide. IRS Surfacing Technologies Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr John Berry 01704 896332 28.52 Feasibility Bonded Coating System The company aims to research the feasibility of pump rotors coated with a thermally applied mechanically bonded coating, to pump oil drilling "mud" continuously without failure. North West 164 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Frank Smith Skip Hire & Waste Disposal Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr J A Park N/A N/A N/A 37.20 Feasibility Improved Skip Waste Separation The company have undertaken to sort all of the various waste streams collected via skips, with a design of auto separation, to overcome the health hazard exposure currently to personnel, whilst achieving greater recycling results. Jeftex Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Jim Freeman 01706 372216 N/A 17.30 Development Yarn Package Building System The use of electronically controlled actuators to wind textile yarn packages used in subsequent processes, in a "smart" manner. The object being to 'tailor' the yarn package produced to the materials and conditions applying in winding and at subsequent processes. North West 165 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Deva Biotechnology Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Drug Discovery Mr John Cummins N/A N/A N/A 73.10 Micro The project involves early stage drug discovery. Assays will be carried out on an already identified natural product to ascertain whether it contains molecules that have anti-adhesive potency, with potential for development as human and/or veterinary therapeutics. Kaiku Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Richard Dowdeswell 0161 227 8900 33.20 Feasibility Foreign Body Detection Kaiku’s unique technology revolves around making measurements of the electrical properties of liquids as they pass through a special pipe. By measuring these changes it is possible to monitor if for example a drink has become contaminated during its production. North West 166 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 KIS (Keep It Simple Solutions) Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr John Evans 0161 336 7036 N/A 32.10 Feasibility The Shock Stopper The project will support the development and testing of a prototype all plastic 'Electrical Connector'. This will replace existing models that include metal screws, and will be easier to handle for electricians. It will also potentially reduce production costs. Lamination Technologies Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Ms Mary Morrison 01706 231041 74.84 Micro Flame Retardant P.S. Tape Lamination Technologies Limited are consultants to users of textile laminations. They produce low volume, high-tech fabric laminates and have been awarded a Smart Micro grant to develop a product used in the application of flame retardant fabrics to aircraft interiors. North West 167 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Lynton Lasers Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Andrew John Berry 01477 536977 33.10 Development Smart Delivery Systems Flashlamp systems for cosmetic dermatology have no "intelligence" and rely on the training of their operator. "Smart delivery systems" will incorporate treatment monitoring and feedback into the systems to make them safer. Pre-production prototypes will be developed and submitted to clinical trials. M2 Consultancy Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Jonathon McCoy 01257 451901 64.20 Feasibility Real Time Global Intelligence The aim of the feasibility study is to examine and produce a prototype web based technology system, which can provide intelligence to a user on a number of subject areas applicable to them, based on location. The prototype system will provide realtime intelligence information to a user on demand, utilising the Global Positioning System (GPS), Satellite and Communication Technology and the Software Prototype. North West 168 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Maintenance Engineering & Measuring Services Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr David Duerden 01254 693893 N/A 28.52 Development Portable Electro-Chemical Machining Device To undertake a technical and commercial feasibility study for the development of a portable machine (based on the electro chemical machining process) for the removal of damaged studs, bolts, taps, dies etc in work pieces or equipment. It is envisaged that the developed process and equipment would have a wide range of applications particularly in the onsite construction, repair and maintenance industries where the removal of equipment is either impracticable or prohibitive due to cost. Martin Mulligan (UK) Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Martin Mulligan 01744 744200 72.20 Development Service Maintenance System The company aims to develop a novel, automated, remotely managed, computerised service maintenance system, to meet the data access, recording and management requirements of equipment service and maintenance companies. North West 169 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 ME & D Morris t/a Moreton Alarm Supplies Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Mark Morris 0151 630 0000 N/A 31.62 Development Visibell This project is designed to develop our patented Visibell covert camera mounted doorbell, and make it the centre of a “caller management system”. This would send pictures of visitors pressing the doorbell to the householder’s mobile phone, or Internet device. Meaburn Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr David Egerton 0161 612 0652 N/A 24.14 Feasibility Lightweight Charcoal Maker The project is for a device to produce charcoal more easily in waste wood environments. This is lightweight and based on fireproof fabric. It offers the potential to convert waste wood cheaply in the UK to the benefit of the environment and the Balance of Trade. North West 170 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Micap PLC Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Gordon Nelson 01925 664200 74.15 Feasibility Yeast Cells for Drug Delivery The project will demonstrate the efficacy of using yeast based micro-encapsulation technology in drug delivery. High concentrations of flavour are known to release directly on contact with mucous membranes, which if replicated for pharmaceuticals will have the potential to significantly improve drug bioavailability. Mineral Solutions Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Bioremediation Technology Dr Colin Hughes 0161 275 3819 N/A 93.05 Feasibility Mineral Solutions are developing an in situ bioremediation technology that aims to stimulate the biomineralisation of contaminated land, to produce a subsurface reactive barrier that will degrade and immobilise pollutants. North West 171 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 MK-V Modular Systems Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Howard Smith 0161 480 3007 33.40 Feasibility LW Camera Stabilisation The project concerns the film industry. Its aim is to assess the feasibility of developing a new fully modular lightweight camera stabilisation system, worn by the cameraman. The equipment currently on the market is very expensive, awkward to use and capable of considerable innovative development. Morgan Doyle Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Dennis Doyle 0161 761 7976 72.20 Micro - R & D Grant Active Directory Tool Prototype ADDA provides a generic framework to rapidly create a decision tree from expert knowledge without software development. The prototype solves the problem of designing complex computer network directories based on Microsoft’s Active Directory. North West 172 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Motion Microwave Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Brian Cunningham 0161 436 5087 32.10 Micro Microwave Test Station The project gives Motion Microwave Limited the ability to design-in 24GHz Doppler module transceivers into the large end user market for automatic door sensors and traffic management systems. Geonic Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Nicholas Georgiou N/A N/A N/A 29.24 Micro Geonic Joint The Geonic joint is a unique innovative ball joint with a wide technical application, particularly useful in directional electronic devices. Geonic Ltd aims to establish the design as a standard fitting for a new generation of industrial and domestic equipment. North West Manufacturing Technologies Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Steve Basnett 01942 682221 29.24 Feasibility Robot Vibrator Attachment We are looking at the feasibility of producing a vibrator attachment for a commercially available, low-cost industrial robot arm. This would be incorporated into a standard manufacturing cell for the casting of concrete blocks. North West 173 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Novus Food Holdings Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr K. J. Pickford 0161 736 8180 N/A 73.10 Development Preserving Crispness in Foods Thawing frozen foods by microwave renders conventional batters and crumb coatings soft and unpalatable. This development grant will allow us to bring our system for preventing such degradation to market. We are therefore considering licence applications from manufacturers of frozen fish and coated meat and vegetable products. Oleotec Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Christopher Bradley 0151 357 1778 N/A 24.66 Feasibility Wave Energy Harvester The feasibility of extracting renewable energy from ocean waves using a floating array of flexible compartments will be investigated. Scale models will be built and tested to optimise performance, simplify the design and reduce production costs. North West 174 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Orangery Software Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Guy Farley 07966 475081 72.20 Development Eden Orangery's product, Eden, is a software tool for the development and running of new business applications that integrate and leverage the systems already in use by the business, without the need for new code to be written or deployed. Oxley Developments Company Limited Cumbria Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Richard Norrie 01229 582621 N/A 32.10 Development Datalox The “Datalox” project will integrate e-tag technology with active utilisation and equipment condition monitoring. Through this project, Oxley will develop a miniaturised device to measure and record the status, condition and history of a wide range of information critical equipment and systems. It will combine many of the attributes found in static data memory devices, elapsed time indicators and electronic sensors, such as data recording and diagnostics, into one unique device that is highly functional, small and inexpensive. It will be user configurable to suit a variety of requirements relevant to different market sectors. North West 175 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Ozone Concentrator Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Professor R Mann 0161 200 4378 N/A 24.13 Feasibility R & D for Ozone Concentrator The project will research the safe control and operation of a permeable membrane separator producing pure gaseous ozone at 100% yield from pure oxygen. The concentrator will radically widen applications in water treatment and chemical synthesis. P&C Communications Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Mick Craddock 01695 576 613 30.02 Micro IP/IP Encryption P&C Communications Ltd aim to provide an economic managed data network encryption service. It will suit any organisation with a need to secure their mission critical local and wide area networks from external and internal un-authorised intrusions, and protect and secure information and data of a private or personal nature. North West 176 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Pixel Fountain Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Paul Ladley 01625 610 650 74.20 Micro Sustainable Business This project will develop a learning game and blended workshop aimed at businesses. The game will simulate the implementation of Sustainable Development (SD) into a supply chain, so providing the learner with the knowledge to do it for real. Plastic For Industry Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr John Thorpe 01704 509888 74.99 Development Balustrading System The company aims to develop a novel, multi-purpose, corrosion and vandal proof balustrading system, to meet the requirements of the construction industry worldwide, for use in all barrier-required environments. Prelude Electronics Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Ms Lorraine Patience 01772 616795 N/A 33.30 Development Digital Drug Dispensing Unit The company aims to develop a novel and innovative automated programmable digital drug dispensing system, allowing the controlled and secure dispensing of drug dependence treatment to drug addicts worldwide. North West 177 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Q Plasma Technologies Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Jacques Protic 0151 231 2422 33.10 Feasibility Penetrative Plasma Steriliser QPT is currently embarking upon a feasibility study to assess the system capability of penetrating long lumen devices within a 'wrapped' format, to enable the effective sterilisation of instruments used in microsurgery. The innovative process developed by OPT has been proven to be effective in the destruction of a wide range of bacteria, with substantive validation work having been undertaken on the Company's behalf by leading UK Universities. Q-Technologies Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr S Taylor 0151 794 4517 N/A 33.20 Feasibility The Microquad The prospect of a low power, portable mass spectrometer operating at higher pressures than conventional instruments offers many advantages, including universal gas detection at low cost. This project assesses the feasibility of such a novel, miniature electronic 'nose': the MicroQuad. North West 178 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Quantum IDS Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Jim Mercer 01257 453951 N/A 72.20 Feasibility Business Software Development Systems designed to reconcile operational uncertainty with statutory accounting requirements unwittingly exacerbate business inefficiency, and inhibit productivity improvement. QuIDs turns operational uncertainty to advantage, and provides the basis for more effective management control and corporate wide continuous improvement. Quantum Lighting Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Peter Byrne 0151 639 0118 N/A N/A 31.50 Development Art Gallery Exhibit Illumination The company aims to develop a novel, intelligent, art gallery exhibit luminaire and security system, to meet the requirements of art galleries worldwide. The system will be based on an individual art gallery exhibit’s safe illumination, physical protection and security. North West 179 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Radal Technology Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Brent Dunleavey 01282 430017 31.62 Feasibility Cigarette Smoke Detector A feasibility study is to be carried out into the use of new sensor technology to detect low concentrations of tobacco smoke in the environment. The study will hopefully culminate in a commercially viable product to protect employers against new passive smoking legislation. Rawwater Engineeering Company Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Robert Eden 01925 768903 27.45 Feasibility 'Icarus' - Reaction Initiator for Oil Well Plugs An expanding metal alloy plug could be used to prevent environmental damage from leakage through abandoned wells. This feasibility study will develop an electrical reaction initiator for a pyrotechnic charge that melts the alloy at the time of deployment. Redten Computers Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Howard Matthews 0151 243 1510 30.02 Development Personal Education Computer The company aims to develop a novel, lightweight, portable personal education computer, to meet the study ,data access and recording requirements of educational students. North West 180 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Riverside Composites Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Mike Longworth 01204 559055 N/A 29.56 Feasibility Long-lasting Composite Fencing Red cedar fencing needs replacing every ten years or so. Each replacement is expensive, requiring materials, labour, and possibly negotiation with neighbours. This project would therefore look at the feasibility of manufacturing attractive composite fencing panels at such a price as to make them the preferred alternative to wood. Clearaway Engineering Services Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Robert Lisles N/A N/A N/A 29.24 Feasibility Refrigerant Media Separation The objective of the project is to bring to the market a portable de-gassing unit that not only removes the gas vapours but also removes the oil from fridges and freezers. North West 181 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Robin Wolfendale Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Robin Wolfendale N/A N/A N/A 35.20 Feasibility Assembled Embedded Rail Study In assembled Embedded Rail each of the running rails is encased in a high performance polymeric coating to provide resilient suspension for the train wheels and to reduce noise and vibration radiated from the rails. Rowan Technologies Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr David Farrell 0161 748 3644 30.02 Development Development of a Portable Corrosion Scanner The project is to develop a portable Corrosion and thermal Scanner for refineries, chemical plant and oil installations. Current scanners are fixed installations but there is a requirement for a portable system for intermittent monitoring of plant, possibly under a ‘hot work permit’. North West 182 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 RSVP Dialogue Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr David Burns 01254 246 441 72.20 Development Pre-Production Prototype of RSVP Dialogue System RSVP Dialogue is building a pre-production prototype of its intelligent dialogue/transaction system. The system will be capable of connecting to a prospective client's transaction data, answering the telephone and entering into dialogue with the caller to complete a transaction. RxTxTech Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Jonathan Bale 0161 227 8919 72.60 Feasibility ISAAC RxTxTech Limited have been awarded a Smart Feasibility Grant to investigate the feasibility of using commodity PC hardware and the Linux operating system to provide a secure, network-level conditional access solution for content providers wishing to offer chargeable Internet services. North West 183 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Sabili Limited (Formerly Super Midlets Limited) Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Graham Whistance 0161 276 8344 72.20 Feasibility Mobile Phone Development Super Midlet's MX Engine resides on mobile devices allowing companies to develop applications in a fraction of the time currently available. The engine removes the constraints of memory and processor so that developers can concentrate on delivering functional applications. Safeshred Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Mike Jones 0151 647 0099 sales@safeshred N/A 51.57 Feasibility Cardboard/plastic Composite The company aims to research the feasibility of creating a cardboard/plastic composite building material for cardboard and plastic material currently going to landfill. Safety & Survival Technology Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Peter Gordon 0151 428 3464 18.24 Feasibility Inflatable Head and Neck Protector The project will study the feasibility of developing a rapidly inflating helmet and neckprotecting device. Its purpose will be to improve protection in sports activities where risks of head, and particularly neck injury (and "broken neck") are possible. North West 184 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 ServicePower Business Solutions Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Julian Winder 0161 476 2277 N/A 72.20 Development Unified Service Delivery Model The “fulcrum” project will deliver corporate systems and processes to the small service company and independent contractor. ServicePower will utilise the Internet to offer applications and services at a low transaction price that deliver efficiency benefits to the contractor and better service to the general public. Smartcap Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Lee Parkinson 0151 632 2577 N/A N/A 25.22 Development Smartcap Closure Cap The company aims to develop a novel closure cap (Smartcap) with an audible warning that sounds when it is removed from its container, to meet the health and safety requirements of poisonous container manufacturers throughout the World. North West 185 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Special Blend Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Alec Latham 01204 366399 N/A N/A 17.72 Feasibility Geotextile Fabric The purpose of this project is to develop the machinery capable of producing fabric with the necessary properties to give the construction industry a Bio-Degradable option when faced with problems of soil erosion on construction sites where earth stability for landscaping etc is an important factor. A typical example is a motorway embankment, though there will be many cases in construction, agriculture, market gardening etc where a relatively short period of time is required before natural vegetation becomes established. Speleo Technics Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Keith Lewis 01995 600216 31.50 Micro Nova Light 5 Watt LED’s are becoming available. A head torch is to be developed to exploit this new bright light with lightweight, simple, robust and waterproof design. Sophisticated electronics will allow the use of a wide range of power sources. North West 186 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Spiratech Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Steve Hodgson 0161 776 4355 72.20 Development CY Development (Software) Spiratech develop, sell and support Electronic Design Automation (EDA) products. Spiratech have developed a proprietary software product, named CY, which significantly reduces the cost of designing electronic devices. CY is used to model and continuously monitor design quality throughout the development process. Steve Goodhand Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Steve Goodhand N/A N/A N/A 36.40 Feasibility Back Exercise Machine At any time, approximately 1% of the able bodied population is suffering from back problems. This project is to build prototypes of a bed for taking the load off the spines of people who suffer acute back pain yet allowing and promoting movement. North West 187 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Supreme Visors Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Paul Ferguson 0151 327 7047 74.99 Micro Shot Blasting Helmet An industrial safety device to protect the user from the high impact of shot blasting grit ricochet also to protect the lungs from the grit and the often harmful effects of the paint and rust being removed during the blasting process. Synaxis Data Services Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Arthur Kay 01204 396496 N/A N/A 72.20 Micro EnvisionIT Data Engine Our product, EnvisionlT, is a powerful software tool, enabling the extraction, transformation and loading of data from disparate operational systems into a central system. Our project is to add strategic functionality to EnvisionlT that will give it a wider market appeal. North West 188 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 T J Corbishley (Developments) Limited Cumbria Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Prof Terry Corbishley 01229 828114 N/A 74.84 Feasibility Thermal Insulation for Pipelines The study relates to the feasibility of a high performance thermal insulation system for application to submarine pipelines, as utilised in the recovery offshore of oil and gas from beneath the seabed. The aim of the system is to achieve overall heat loss performance equal to that presently only possible with competitive pipe-in-pipe arrangements. Technical Service Consultants Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Roger Kinsella 01706 620 600 N/A 74.99 Feasibility Urine Collection Device The objectives of this Smart Feasibility project are to examine the manufacturing feasibility and market potential of this new and original idea for urine collection. This new innovative design allows discrete and easy collections of these urine samples. It will hopefully increase patient compliance and accuracy of analysis, make it simpler for laboratories to work with the sample, and have a positive environmental effect. North West 189 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Technijet Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr David MacFarlane 015242 73000 29.54 Feasibility Fabric Cleaning System Technijet specialises in the manufacture of complex wash systems to many industrial sectors. Products are manufactured for manual or automatic formats to suit individual requirements. Also offered are high-quality CIP systems and a full range of fixed pressure washers. Technology Store Limited Cumbria Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr David Heron 01900 66972 N/A 30.02 Exceptional Remote Interview Software The TellyTalk Central project will integrate the company’s TellyTalk remote video interview software with current server based technologies in order to create an intelligent network and handle a large volume of remote video interviews within a Call Centre based environment. North West 190 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 The Adrenalin Network Limited Cumbria Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Chris Hillman 015394 43133 www. 72.20 Feasibility Corporate Campus Virtual Learning The Corporate Campus is a virtual learning environment that has the look and feel of a real university campus. It’s a place where you go to learn and afterwards meet up with colleagues in the student bar for a beer, a game of pool or just a chat, all in a virtual world. The Newton Instrument Company Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr John Haworth 0151 632 4780 N/A 28.52 Feasibility Oxygenation of Sewage by CDC This project aims to prove the feasibility of a newly patented process of oxygenating liquids. This process is based on the natural water aeration process observed when water flows over a waterfall or weir and potentially offers significant economic advantages. North West 191 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 The POS Store Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Kevin Murphy 0161 926 8444 N/A 72.20 Feasibility Point of Sale Promotions Using mature internet technologies allied with custom print, design and artwork software, MyPOS eliminates conventional printing of materials and the need for bulk runs to gain economies of scale. It also eliminates conventional POS distribution methods. With MYPOS it is perfectly feasible for extremely high quality precisely targeted in-store posters, cards, displays and other materials to be produced one at a time, personalised by a single Retailer for his own use, containing his own messages without affecting the integrity of the featured brand or its image. Thermonex Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr David Aulton 01204 559551 26.61 Feasibility Thermonex Building Panels Thermonex will introduce an innovative pre-cast concrete brick clad full wall system into the UK for housing and multi-dwelling flats that will allow significant improvements in efficiency without any reduction in design specification or quality. North West 192 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Trans Spectra Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Clive Workman 01270 210212 33.20 Feasibility Body Water Analyser Assessment of the feasibility of developing a small instrument for the real time measurement of the deuterium content of breath in the clinical environment and hence the rapid measurement of TBW with all the benefits that brings. Trantor Vehicles Limited Greater Manchester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Graham Edwards 01942 897121 N/A 28.52 Development Farm Vehicle Development HST's Smart feasibility study indicated that a new, more advanced technical specification of lightweight, higher speed farm vehicle is now needed to improve the efficiency of farming worldwide and be more acceptable, in health and safety terms, to tractor drivers. The Smart development project involves developing the preproduction prototype of such a vehicle defined in the feasibility study. Trevor Farrington Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Trevor Farrington 01565 722151 N/A N/A 34.10 Micro The Farrington Sports 1000 The philosophy behind the project is to create an affordable to buy and run racecar with innovative use of existing technology and knowledge. North West 193 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Vantage Systems Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Kevin Burgess 01625 500300 N/A 35.30 Micro Validate Core Device Technology Vantage Systems Ltd is producing a system to enhance the safety of air travel worldwide. A Smart Micro Award has been offered toward the cost of the research into validation of the suitability of the technology used for the system. Viafon Limited Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr John Smallthwaite 0151 647 4775 N/A 64.20 Development Voice/Video Communication System The company aims to develop a novel, integrated voice and video communication system to allow simultaneous voice and video communication by individual internet users worldwide using the home telephone and PC or TV. North West 194 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Walker Cameras Merseyside Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Mike Walker 0151 647 1613 www. 33.40 Development Medium Format Film/Digital Camera To research the feasibility of automatically changing picture size within a single format film / digital camera without changing either the film or digital back, leading to the development of a novel, automatic, multi picture-size medium format film / digital camera. Webaspx Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Calum Forsyth 01928 513336 72.20 Micro 'Roundbuilder' Prototype Roundbuilder is a novel, web enabled, software application that uses advanced optimisation technologies to design refuse collection rounds. The efficiency improvements gained over manual round design are typically 10%. This is vital since collection cost is a major element in the total cost of waste management, which runs at around £1Bn per year in the UK. North West 195 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 White Friars (UK) Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Don Parry-Jones 01829 270070 N/A 51.16 Feasibility Textile Analysis Study Development of a comprehensive archive storage and display system capable of analysis to determine the weaving used to create the cloth. The system will be designed to enable interested parties access to archive material for study purposes whilst safeguarding the material. Wholey International Limited Lancashire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Les Underwood 07734 938964 N/A N/A 35.50 Feasibility Cargo-Pod Project Wholey International is developing a slash-proof covering for airline cargo-pods. The covering will protect the cargo during loading and reduce the weight of the pod thereby allowing the airline to carry more cargo per flight. YYY Systems Limited Cheshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Josh Speed 07812339985 72.20 Micro Real-Time National HGV Planning YYY Systems provide workforce management tools for the grocery industry. Our state of the art solutions dramatically reduce the cost of delivering goods particularly goods purchased on the internet or by telephone. North West 196 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 SOUTH WEST Abington Partners Bath & North East Somerset Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: David Crellin 01225 850020 73.10 R&D - Micro Design and Development of a Novel Distance Sensor The project will develop an electronic distance sensor based on a novel approach to utilising an ultrasonic signal. The system can most easily be understood as an electronic tape measure where the distance between a transmitter and a receiver is updated on the output up to 20,000 times per second. A resolution of better than 0.01mm is achievable over a range of 8m. Avenca Limited Dorset Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr. Neil Baines 01308 488550 7310, 7220, 7260 Smart Feasibility Voyage Operations QA (VOQA) This project researches the feasibility of routine automated analysis of data from ships’ "black box" voyage data recorders to monitor the quality and safety of vessel operations. South West 197 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Bryan Rawlings Design Bath & North East Somerset Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Bryan Rawlings 0117 9867894 74.84 Smart Micro Pedal Propelled Skates This project is to produce a prototype of a compact device that can be worn like skates, but can be pedalled with a motion and efficiency comparable to that of a conventional bicycle. A basic model has proved that the principle works, and the project is on track to produce a wearable, rideable prototype. Clean Water Systems Limited Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Jonathan Miles 01884 258812 N/A 7420 Development Advanced Oxidation Process Development of a process of using Advanced Oxidation to remove both dissolved and dispersed hydrocarbons from produced water offshore. Datatrac Limited Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: John Colson 01404 841117 7220 Smart Feasibility Handheld Electronic Tag Reader To design and construct a pre-production version of a handheld electronic tag reader for use in hostile or high risk environments. The reader will be used to prove that checking or maintenance regimes of equipment located in hazardous areas has been carried out correctly. South West 198 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Dispersed Music & Merchandising Systems Limited Cornwall Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Toby Parkins 01872 552320 N/A 9234 Smart Feasibility The Source There is a demand in the digital jukebox market for a real time remote delivery system that is not addressed by existing technology. Having conceived a solution, the company wish to investigate a more radical approach and explore the market potential for their idea. Douglas C Clarke Gloucestershire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Doug Clarke N/A N/A N/A Not Given Not Given Smart Automatic Irrigation System The Smart Automatic Irrigation System replicates the conscientious gardener. Increasing the watering of plants during hot dry spells, and reducing or stopping during wet periods, to provide the moisture conditions required for optimum growth, unlike water timers that continue to dispense a fixed amount of water at a pre-set time irrespective of the weather. South West 199 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 EvanesCo Limited Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Professor J H Slater 01823 430052 N/A 7310 Smart Feasibility Characterisation of Novel Analytical System To evaluate a business based on a novel insulin detection technology and establish the potential to become the next generation of chemical and biological sensors. Exeter Antioxidant Therapeutics Limited Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Professor J H Slater 01823 430052 N/A 7310 Smart Feasibility Characterisation of Novel Therapeutic Compounds To evaluate a business based on characterisation of novel therapeutic compounds. Exeter Electronics Limited Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Ray Kirby 01392 204036 N/A N/A 7310 Smart Micro Trolleyguard The 'TrolleyGuard' concept is a simple preventative, using induction loop technology to generate an electronic barrier around the periphery of a site. Trolleys approaching the boundary of legitimate customer use will first emit a warning tone, which will cease if the trolley is pulled back, those crossing the boundary will lock on to an aggressive alarm tone. South West 200 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Exeter Nanobacteria Limited Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail Website: SIC Code: Project type: Professor J H Slater 01823 430052 N/A 7310 Smart Feasibility Detection of Nanobacteria To carry out a project to evaluate a business based on the novel detection of nanobacteria and to establish the potential to develop a rapid detection kit. Golfspeed International Limited Dorset Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mike Ramsay 08707 460044 9506, 3990 Smart Development Ballfinder The Smart development grant aims to bring Ballfinder from proved feasibility study to market. The Ballfinder product is a small, hand held, TV remote style device that will locate any standard unmodified golf ball within 10 metres. The product will be available in 2004 and potential distributors worldwide should contact the above. South West 201 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Growtex Limited Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Roger Davey 01395 597660 N/A 7310 Smart Feasibility Calf Haematology and Growth Study Investigation of the relationship between certain parameters of the haematological profile of blood and eventual growth route. Once data have been collected and analysed, it should be possible to produce a scoring system related to the results of a blood test, taken soon after birth, which will accurately predict the animal's susceptibility to disease and subsequent growth rate. Integral Mobile Data Limited Wiltshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Philip Neame 0870 080 1808 7221 Smart Micro mForms Software Development The initial mForms project developed an ‘off-the-shelf’ user-configurable suite of software to enable seamless electronic transfer of data between mobile worker and any back-office database. The aim is to bring the benefits of this technology to a new range of business processes and industry sectors by positioning it within the financial and competence reach of all. South West 202 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 J & F J Baker & Co Limited Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Andrew Parr 01297 552282 N/A N/A 1754 Smart Feasibility Laser Treatment of Leather The aim is to develop a computer scanning system capable of generating a map of imperfections on the surface of leather material, enabling a diagnostic action plan to be generated which could be used to operate a Laser beam capable of vaporising the faults identified whilst treating the overall material surface with beam which would have the effect of buffing the surface. John Griffiths Wiltshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: John Griffiths N/A N/A N/A 8512 Smart Micro Oral Hygiene Treatment Device This project offers a new thinking in oral hygiene which emphasises the need to clean all of the mouth, not just the teeth. This quality, disposable item is convenient, requires no water and has a huge market potential i.e. NHS, Armed forces, airlines, general public. It has passed university testing and is approved by dental professionals. South West 203 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Kirby Devon Limited Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Ray Kirby 01752 881717 N/A 3320 Micro KBC7 Batch Counter Project To design and make a prototype batch counting machine for the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. K L Scott Cornwall Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Ken Scott N/A N/A N/A 7310 Micro Collapsible Toilet/Septic Tank Portable toilet/septic tank designed for use in remote areas to avoid the effects of bad sanitation, which is the main cause of death after major disasters. The unit can be biodegradable, to last 10 people for approx. 2 years or the more permanent, up to 30 years. The toilet is stackable at 22 units per pallet. Marxman Limited Cornwall Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Graham Lawrence 01566 782207 N/A N/A 7310 Micro Marxman Trap Development The Marxman Trap is a clay shooting delivery system. The Marxman trap has been developed to launch the targets in a different direction and at a different speed every time. South West 204 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Medilarv Limited Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Professor J H Slater 01823 430052 N/A 7310 Feasibility Use of Insect Larvae in Wound Treatment To investigate the technical and commercial feasibility of modern improved larval therapies. Merlin Systems Corporation Limited Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Mark Norman 01752 764205 2922 Development Soft Robotic Arm (SRA) A Novel Soft Robot Arm (SRA) with artificial muscles and unique mechanical structure designed to operate in the vicinity of people for service and personal robotics applications. Micromac Engineering Limited Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: David Avery 01237 425741 N/A 2912 Feasibility Polo Filter Project The aim of the project is to test the feasibility of using a new sand filter with much improved backwash. The project will be threefold:To research use of components To build a test rig with simultaneous air and water backwash and to test Evaluate the performance of the filter using a range of effluent. South West 205 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Accessapet Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Diane Beedle N/A N/A N/A 7310 Micro Accessapet A pet access control system that will ensure that only authorised pets can gain access to the owner’s property. This will enable the owners of small domestic pets to restrict the control access. Orblite Limited Dorset Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Richard Knight 07813 322 841/01202 513 375 N/A 3150 Smart Feasibility The Eye Recent lumens advances in LED technology have made an additive approach to creating coloured light viable. The Feasibility Study was to prove an Eye could more efficiently produce a wider range of colours than conventional filtering techniques. The carefully chosen wavelengths of the multiple LED sources had to form as small a footprint as possible. Controlling the relative intensities was essential as were sophisticated techniques to dissipate the heat generated at the crucial p-n junctions; and the resultant light had to have its output directed into a usable beam. South West 206 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 PipingHot Networks Limited t/a Orthogon Systems Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail Website: SIC Code: Project type: Grant Grafton 01364 655575 32.20 Development Development of Additional Features for Wireless Ethernet This project is to develop additional features for Orthogon's Wireless Ethernet Bridge Product. The features will allow them to improve the suitability of the product to address their market and increase its attractiveness to customers allowing a larger market to be addressed. Plymouth Marine Applications Limited Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dave Robins 01752 633437 7310 Feasibility Characterising and Exploiting UV Sunscreen Compounds from Micro Algae This project will develop analytical methods to separate and characterise a range of UV absorbing sunscreen compounds naturally present in marine micro-algae. Once suitable methods have been established, microalgal cultures will be grown and screened using chromatography and mass spectrometry. The work will identify the most suitable candidate natural extracts to take forward to the healthcare market in an innovative range of marine natural product skincare compositions. South West 207 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Quigley Associates Dorset Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr.M.B.C.Quigley 01425 272994 N/A Not Given R&D Micro Development of a powder sorter Quigley Associates have designed and patented an injector for use in thermal spraying which automatically separates powder particles into fine and coarse sizes. In this way the heavier particles would be injected into the thermal spraying jet at a position close to the end of the nozzle and thus be in the jet for the longest period and conversely the smaller particles will be injected into the plasma at a position much further away from the torch nozzle and therefore receive less heating than before and oxidation will be prevented. With this system it will be possible to add onto an existing powder spray system by replacing the current powder injector with this device. Rigibore Limited Cornwall Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Paul Bamford 01736 753601 2940 Development Remotely Adjusting Boring Bar To develop a prototype boring bar system which can be adjusted remotely to achieve close tolerance bore diameters. The system will comprise of a micro adjustable boring unit fitted into a purpose built boring bar. The unit can be positioned with the aid of a novel actuator device controlled by a remote hand held unit. South West 208 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Silvertree Engineering Limited Cornwall Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Chris Fearnley 01872 266320 3162 Micro Low-Power Radio Network Development of hardware and software to enable data transmission between a number of network nodes, each node being capable of repeating signals to adjacent nodes and running on a small battery for up to 10 years. The network will be employed in data logging applications where the data throughput is relatively small, thus allowing maximum radio range from a low-power system. Staplethorne Limited Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Keith M Barfoot 01404 42455 3310 Micro CardioClock The aim of project “ CardioClock “ is to develop electronic modules and basic software that will provide information on the timing of the cardiac cycle of patients. This will be used in the interpretation by physicians of heart sound recordings made with Staplethorne's digital electronic stethoscope (“ HeartSound ”). South West 209 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Sustainable Composites Limited Cornwall Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Norman Frost 01209 843484 N/A 3720 Feasibility Sustainable Recyclable Natural Composites Investigation into the feasibility of producing a totally natural composite material from sustainable sources which can be biologically decomposed and recycled into the environment, possibly as a soil dressing for further growth of the natural plant or in an anaerobic digester / composter. Synectix Limited Gloucestershire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Rod Craig 01242 254411 7260 Smart Feasibility Dual Spinner Internal Drum We measured the relative position of two beams to ±0.1 μm in two axes using a low cost CCD camera. A dual-servo locked air-bearing spinners to 1 PPM. We developed a means of positioning two beam-producing units with respect to each other to 0.5 μm. These technologies integrate to produce a dual spinner internal drum recorder. South West 210 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 The Original Tri-Level Limited Cornwall Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Kelvin Gay 01566 880128 N/A 2862 Micro Tri-level Professional Spirit Level The tri-level is a spirit level, which incorporates tried and tested technology configured to provide the construction industry and others with a solution to any identified levelling problems. It is stable and falls easy to hand when in use. It accurately extends levelling options. The Poppitt Company Limited Dorset Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Michael Reynolds 01425 617181 admin@ 2524 Smart Micro The Poppitt Device A specialist professional pharmaceutical electro-mechanical low voltage device, which fits neatly on any worktop, which removes tablets and capsules from their blister packaging in a simple and easy way. Designed by a pharmacist to seriously address the problem of repetitive strain injuries being experienced by pharmacy technicians currently undertaking the task by manual dexterity. South West 211 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 TrixSRT Limited Bath & North East Somerset Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Richard Sweet 0117 9237902 N/A 72.60 Feasibility Spectrum Representation Technology Spectrum Representation Technology (SRT) is a hardware compression technique designed to increase – by multiple factors – the capacity and performance of hard disk and magnetic tape data storage devices. It does so by recording multiple units of binary notation in a similar sized magnetic domain as previously used by a single data bit. Vaughan Industries Limited Cornwall Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Simon Vaughan 01872 561288 N/A Not Given Feasibility Increased Efficiency of Fuels To research the required magnetic waveforms, electric fields and application techniques required to increase the efficiency on a range of hydrocarbon based fuels including mains gas, LPG, Calor gas and heating oils specifically for use in central heating appliances, commercial/industrial boilers and burners/furnaces. To apply this new technology to their current range of electromagnetic water descalers producing a product that will reduce consumption and emissions of the above fuels. South West 212 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Vero International Software UK Limited Gloucestershire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Gerard O’Driscoll 01453 732900 7220 Development Project Virtual Modelling (VISI-VM) This project will provide an intuitive interface to conceptual design by allowing the designer to create solid models using a natural approach. By moving his hand in 3D space the designer will receive feedback from a virtual solid in terms of surface texture, density and position, which will then enable him to modify the model in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Wind Dam Ltd Devon Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Julie Trevithick 01803 873956 N/A 7310 Micro Urban Wind Power The project is to develop a novel vertical axis wind-turbine system that can be integrated into everyday structures and to make use of the wasted wind resource in the urban environment, either as retrofit to existing buildings or fully integrated into new buildings. South West 213 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Zoptic Limited Cornwall Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Anne Perisic 01208 850404 3340 Micro Wide Screen Configuration of Z3D System in 35mm cine format The aim of this project is to develop a 35mm 4 perforation (cine) version of the Z3D system for recording stereoscopic images for cinematography as well as an effective presentation method for viewing these images. South West 214 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 WEST MIDLANDS Acedag Limited Staffordshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr P A Hadley 0889 586141 N/A N/A 25.24 Smart Development To Develop Equipment & Process to Blow PVA Film The nature of the project is to design the necessary equipment to plasticise crystallised PVA to be able to extrude 100% bio-degradable / water soluble films. The advantage of the development will be that the capital cost of equipment to produce such film and the operational costs will be dramatically reduced. Bernard Hooper Engineering Limited Coventry Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Peter Hooper 01384 221 440 N/A 73.10 Smart Feasibility Eco-Friendly Scooter Engine The aim of this project is to design and build a single cylinder stepped piston engine, suitable for motorcycles and scooters. This new engine design will consume less oil, and will be low cost to run. Brandenburg (UK) Limited West Midlands Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Nick Geoghegan 01384 472900 3162 & 2875 Smart Development Clean Catch Mouse Trap To develop a new improved rodent catching device, which will provide a ‘total solution’ for the pest control industry and be far more hygienic than current devices. West Midlands 215 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Business Direct Limited Staffordshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website SIC Code: Project type: Mr T Houston 01785 250 610 N/A 35.69 Smart Development Parcel Exchange The project aims to design secure, intelligent drop boxes. These will provide a convenient point for both delivery and collection of consignments without the expense of manned locations. C.D. Bissel Engineering Services Limited Staffordshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr M G Hallsworth 01782 207 865 N/A 28.52 Smart Feasibility Sludge De-Watering Machine To design and develop a new and innovative dewatering machine to solve the problems of sewage sludge. Charador Environmental Services Warwickshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr S Orchard 01789 551188 N/A 74.87 Smart Feasibility Cable Pipe Installation The project is to investigate the possibility of installing high voltage cable pipes underground by a means of a ‘trenchless’ technique. West Midlands 216 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Sterling Power Products Worcester Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr C Sterling 01905 26166 74.87 Smart Feasibility Wind Generator Control System The aim of the project is to prove the feasibility of electronically controlling the RMP of a wind generator using data from batteries or power user units. This would lead to development of a small wind generator that is mechanically less complex. Clearwater Industrial Limited Warwickshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Roger Allen 01926 402070 N/A 74.84 Smart Feasibility Feasibility of Effluent System This project is to study, design and prototype a system capable of reducing (by up to 90%) and disposing of most industrial effluent. We will establish the feasibility of upsizing and downsizing system production whilst still delivering technological advantage to the end user. Osprey Aviation Shropshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr David Gibson N/A N/A N/A N/A Smart Development Altimeter for Landing Seaplane The project is to develop and test pre production prototype ultrasonic altimeters which are intended for use as landing aids for sea planes. It is difficult to judge altitude in the final stages of landing on calm water. This device will give visible and audible height readout to the pilot during the approach to landing. West Midlands 217 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Daconi Limited Coventry Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Keith Jones 02476 236 690 72.60 Smart Feasibility Wireless Medical Data Security This project is to investigate the security and reliability of a hand-held device, capable of allowing hospital staff to remotely update patient’s computerised medical records. DCA Design International Limited Warwick Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Michael Groves 01926 499 461 74.20 Smart Feasibility Food Waste Disposal System The project aims to examine the feasibility of producing a combustible gas from food waste, by using a form of pyrolysis and gasification. This gas will then be used to provide the energy required to dry the food waste. Elite Design and Manufacturing Staffordshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Mark Bloor 01782280136 N/A 28.52 Smart Development Light Weight Sequential Gear Box The project aims to develop a five speed sequential gear change with dog type box designed to fit in line, with ability to rapidly change gears or ratios and to be dismantled quickly without separating the gearbox from the engine. West Midlands 218 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Henry Squire & Sons Limited West Midlands Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr S Watson 01922 470600 28.75 Smart Development Electronic Lock System Development of a low cost electronic lock mechanism and key to replace the traditional mechanical locking mechanism in high security applications. A feasibility study has already been carried out. This product will enable full evaluation of the product operability / durability and development of product for high volume production. Mr K J Mullally Warwickshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr K J Mullally N/A N/A N/A 85.12 Smart Development Spinal Alignment Clinical Table The project will develop a clinical table allowing a patent to hang at 45o to stretch the spine and incorporating a roller working mechanism to treat spinal injuries. This treatment will not use spinal epidural injections, hence reducing costs and also helping to cut the amount of sessions patients need. West Midlands 219 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 L & J Lonsdale Metal Merchants (Walsall) Limited Black Country Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr J Lonsdale 01922 621890 N/A 51.57 Smart Feasibility To increase Battery Scrap Values The project aims to explore the feasibility of making better use of scrap batteries by building a new system that would fortify old battery acid so that it could be sold back to battery wholesalers and increase their values. Linear Heading Tools Birmingham Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Roy Owen 0121 333 4984 N/A N/A 28.74 Smart Feasibility Sea-Going Wake-Boarding Tower This project is to develop a wake-boarding tower capable of being fitted to a range of coastal craft. This tower will provide the wake-boarder with additional lift. Machine Craft Limited Birmingham Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr D Nickolls 0121 333 4969 N/A N/A 29.40 Smart Feasibility Improved Autogas Conversions The aim of this project is to explore the LPG conversions. The rate of conversion is being impeded by the loss of luggage space resulting in the need to accommodate an added gas tank. The problem is to be eliminated by placing the gas tank inside the petrol tank. West Midlands 220 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Malvern Boilers Limited Worcestershire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr C Perry 01684 893777 28.52 Smart Development Polyboiler To develop up to production launch a gas-condensing boiler featuring a plastic combustion chamber, whereby the combustion chamber would also become the unit casing. This boiler will initially be marketed as a heater for domestic swimming pools and spas. Molecular Technology Limited Wolverhampton Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr A Parker 01902 797 990 N/A 24.30 Smart Feasibility Low Temperature Curing Coatings The project aims to produce organic coatings for electroplated components. These coatings will be capable of curing at lower temperatures than those currently in use. Ocuity Limited Wolverhampton Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Jonathon Harold 01865 748 176 N/A 30.02 Smart Feasibility Reflective Photonic Component The project is to achieve a brighter screen for mobile phone handsets and other mobile colour display screens. This is to be achieved by focusing the pixel aperture towards the viewer’s eye line using Ocutiy’s polarisation activated microlens. West Midlands 221 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Photo Etch Consultants Limited West Midlands Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr C Stockton 01543 371133 N/A 22.22 Smart Development Etching of Cupro/Nickel Cladding The purpose of the project is to establish the development of an automated, massproduced, etched, cupro/nickel marine cladding, of high quality and low waste that is easy to apply. It will be a cost-competitive substitute for the current anti-fouling, TBT paints, which are to be phased out for environmental reasons. Piltec Rubber and Plastics Limited Warwickshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr A Pileci 01789 778 271 N/A 25.21 Smart Feasibility Flexible Reinforced Control Cable Liner System The project is to study the feasibility of manufacturing a cable liner in which wear resistance and dimensional tolerance are substantially increased whilst the cost of the product is reduced. West Midlands 222 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Proteus Software Limited Birmingham Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr T Pearson 0121 717 7474 N/A 72.20 Smart Development Nautilus To develop an integrated management system to provide centralised control and a common view of all stock and warehouse operations given a situation of multiple satellite warehouses in different geographical sites which may continue to be managed by different stock management systems. Tactile Touch Limited Coventry Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Tony Hitchin 07817 193 574 33.20 Smart Feasibility Tactile Probe The aim of this project is to test a hand held, portable hardness testing machine that, unlike usual testing methods, does not produce any surface damage or indentation. This will allow testing of actual working components, rather than test samples. Transport Design International Limited Warwickshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr M Pemberton 01789 490 247 N/A 22.09 Smart Feasibility Safeguide A study into achieving a design for a failsafe electronic control system to automatically steer passenger vehicles. West Midlands 223 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 YORKSHIRE & THE HUMBER Active Recycling Ltd Otley Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Recell Project details not available. ADD Power Technologies Ltd Harrogate Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Capacitor Electrode Enhancement Project details not available Adrianic Ltd Leeds Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibilty Composite for Sharps Container Project details not available Yorkshire & The Humber 224 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Ai Martial Arts Training Service Layburn Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro A Non Injurous All Body Restraint Project details not available Alan J Hurst Bradford Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Extruded Concrete Piles Project details not available Allgrind Huddersfield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Magnetic Lock/Cable Immobiliser Project details not available Yorkshire & The Humber 225 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Alpha Moisture Systems Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Analysis Project details not available Andrea Hall T/A Anglo American Paper Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Eco Beneficial Recycled Paperboard Project details not available Applied Analysis Ltd Harrogate Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Conversion Of Artemisinin to beta-artemether Project details not available Yorkshire & The Humber 226 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Atomic Programming Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Programmer with USB Project details not available. Baldwin & Francis Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development FLS VSD Project details not available. Bar Graphic Machinery Barton-on-Humber Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Zero Waste Label Production Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 227 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Barry James York Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro TeleMed Communicator Project details not available Blueprint Innovation Ltd Shipley Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility MicroPress Project details not available. Bradwell IT Solutions Ltd Bradford Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Japanese Knotweed Control Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 228 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Capsolutions Ltd Leeds Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Meter for Induction Sealing Project details not available. Capture Projects Ltd Rotherham Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Universal Access Portal Project details not available. Castings Technology International Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Expert System for Titanium Alloy Casting Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 229 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Catchpoint Ltd Barnsley Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Self Adhesive Label Project details not available. Cengar Universal Tool Company Ltd York Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Handheld Power Saw Development Project details not available. Class Panel Ltd T/A QM Architectural Systems Dewsbury Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Aluminium Architectural Systems Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 230 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Coastform Systems Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Automatic Electronic Roller Shutter Locking Project details not available. COE Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Flexible DSP Codec Platform Project details not available. Coex Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Hazardous Area CCTV Camera Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 231 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Colt Industrial Services Ltd Hull Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Portable Decontamination System Project details not available. Controlled Speed Engineering Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Controls, Mobility Products Project details not available. Craftsman Tools Ltd Bradford Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Toolholders – The Next Generation Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 232 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 CTM UK Ltd Pickering Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Variable Output Mixing Head Project details not available. Daco Solutions Ltd Beverley Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Bench Top Diecutting Machine Project details not available. Daytronics Systems (Yorkshire) Ltd Bradford Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Development of Athletes’ Timer Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 233 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 dB Technology Ltd Bradford Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Intelligent Video Surveillance Project details not available. DRFP Holdings Ltd Whitgift Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility New Machinery Project details not available. ECASS Technologies Holmfirth Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Electronic Controlled Shadows Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 234 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Endocrine Pharmaceuticals Ltd Didcot Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Micrin Hormone Characterisation Project details not available. Engel Europa International Ltd Huddersfield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Integral Duct Flange Project details not available. Epitomy Solutions Ltd Leeds Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Engine Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 235 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Fallers International Ltd Helmsley Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Textile Combs Project details not available. Fantastak Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Glue Dot Hand Dispenser Project details not available. Focus Product Development Ltd Brighouse Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Agti-gel Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 236 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Garnet Controls Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Retrofit Crosslapper Control Project details not available. Glass Industry Solutions Ltd Leeds Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development – R & D Grant Fogger Cooling System Project details not available. Glo Leeds Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Wheelchair Innovation Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 237 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Gourmet Woodland Mushroom Ltd Bramham Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Fridge Mushrooms Project details not available. Green Circle Recycling Ltd Doncaster Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Onshore River Bank Barriers & Other Products Project details not available. Greenfactory Productions Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Turf Management Software Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 238 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Greenhouse Industries Ltd Heningbrough Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Polycarbonate Fully Opening Greenhouse Project details not available. Gripple Ltd York Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Loadhog Project details not available. Home Technologies Ltd T/A Voicepower Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Voice Enabled Recorder Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 239 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 HP Technical Ceramics Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Nanostore Project details not available. Institute of Spring Technology Hull Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Measurement of Non Axial Forces Project details not available. Integrams Ltd Wykeham Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Cyber3D Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 240 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 J Hillam Trailers Ltd T/A Hillam Farm Machinery ? Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Multi-purpose Manure Spreader Project details not available. J Muscroft (Engineering) Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Cover Lifter Project details not available. Jaco Tooling Company Ltd Otley Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Coated High Chrome Machine Knife. Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 241 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 James Bailey (Engineers)Ltd Halifax Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Developing a New Shearing Machine Project details not available. Jennic Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Transceiver Development Project details not available. Johnson & Allen Ltd Rotherham Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development – R & D Grant Integrated Fluorescent Dye Penetrant System Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 242 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Keith Barraclough York Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Restrictive Access Barrier Project details not available. Kevin Jarman York Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Anti Impact Propeller Protector Project details not available. Latebridge Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Domestic Glass Bottle Crusher Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 243 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Lexical Systems Ltd Halifax Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Lexical Cataloguing System Project details not available. LG01 Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Digital Map Creation from Point Data Project details not available. Link2 Energy Ltd Brigg Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Development of Comfort Controller Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 244 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 LocalBiz Ltd Beverley Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro- R & D Online Business Services Directories Project details not available. Lorialda Ltd T/A Kingston Caster Grips Driffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Domestic Caster Grip with Rise/Fall Facility Project details not available. Marine Rescue Technologies Ltd Barnsley Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Hand-Held Direction Finder Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 245 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Mformatic York Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Personalised Mobile Computing Project details not available. Michael Eric Flanagan Doncaster Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro CAM Stopper Project details not available. Michael H Bingham Brough Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Improved Concrete Protection Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 246 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Midas Golf Ltd York Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility New Tools for the Game of Golf Project details not available. NavisWorks Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Web Streaming for 3D CAD Models Project details not available. Nik Baumann Leeds Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Optical Sensor Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 247 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Oasis Marquees Halifax Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Rigid Collapsible Mitred Joint Project details not available. PCT Automotive Ltd IIkley Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Non-Invasive Connector Technology Project details not available. Pentatherm Ltd Bradford Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Patient Cooling System Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 248 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Pepik Ltd Goole Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Passive Real-Time CRM Using RF Project details not available. P J H Partnership Ltd Barnsley Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Bioavailability Probe Project details not available. Procon Systems Bradford Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development BeamDrill IMS Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 249 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Pryde Precision Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro – R & D Grant Hopper Feed Project details not available. Pulsonic Technologies Ltd York Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development A Low Power Remote CSO Monitor Project details not available. R B T Window Cleaning Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Top Ladder Stabiliser Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 250 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 R J Mobility Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Lightweight Wheelchair Project details not available. Red Ledge Limited Huddersfield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Genus Project details not available. Refund Exchange Ltd Elland Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Refund Exchange Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 251 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Renaissance Workshop Company Ltd Bradford Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Concertina Home Assembly Kit Project details not available. Richard Ashby T/A The Works Design Studio Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Foldable Electric Golf Car Project details not available. Richard Fenwick Leeds Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Sterile Non-Toxic Weeds Suppressant Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 252 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Rope Technical Site Services Ltd Doncaster Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Flare-stack Robot Project details not available. Ryeburn Ice Cream Leeds Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Chocolate Moulded Ice Cream Project details not available. S & S Electronics Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Integrated Conveyor Monitor Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 253 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Safe-t-trim Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Safe Wallpaper Cutting System Project details not available. Schools & Homes Energy Education Project Bradford Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro PV Catamaran Development Project details not available. Seagen Ltd Huddersfield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Seagen Wave Pod Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 254 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Select Property Ltd Brigg Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro – R & D Grant Cooking Presentation Cone Project details not available. Selestial Ltd York Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Internet Opinion Project details not available. Sheperds Purse Cheeses Limited Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Automatic Cheese Spiking Machine Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 255 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Sheppee International Ltd Wakefield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Development of low cost 3-Axis Lehr Loader Project details not available. Single Use Surgical Ltd York Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Single Use Suction Irrigator Project details not available. SkyLINC Ltd York Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development A Tethered Areostat to Ground Data Com System Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 256 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Soft Solutions Limited Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Rapid Multi-Level Service Deployment Project details not available. Solar GB Ltd Layburn Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility RetroLed Street Lighting Project details not available. Specialised Engineering Services Rotherham Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Productivity Improvements Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 257 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Staine-Brite Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility K-Polish Project details not available. Stuart Hepworth Wakefield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Racing Tyre Warmers Project details not available. Summitglow Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Heat Treatment Process Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 258 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 T B G Solutions Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Auto Fatigue Cracking Monitor Project details not available. The Coolbox Worldwide Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Orototype Pharmaceutical Casing Project details not available. The Natural Engineering Company Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Biomas Conversion Technology Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 259 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 The Salamander Organisation Ltd Cleckheaton Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Knowledge Map Performance Activation Project details not available. Versatile Delivery Systems Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility ShowStream Project details not available. Vox Software Limited Thirsk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Weblog Integrated News Reader Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 260 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 W T Johnson & Sons (Huddersfield) Ltd Huddersfield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Open Width Washing/Milling M/C Project details not available. Weldtite Products Limited Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development 21st Century Tool Kit Project details not available. Wilson Benesch Ltd Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Novel Dynamic Drive Unit Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 261 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Wolstenholm Machine Knives Ltd Hull Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development Horizontal Cutting and Crimping Project details not available. Yorkshire Machine Tools Halifax Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development 3 in 1 Grinding Machine Tool Project details not available. Yorkfest Laboratories Ltd Middlesborough Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Feasibility Allergy Microarray Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 262 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Z Cars Limited Hull Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Micro Computerise Powertrain Management System Project details not available. Zoo Digital Group plc Sheffield Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Not Available Not Available N/A N/A Not Given Development DVDx Project details not available. Yorkshire & The Humber 263 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 SCOTLAND 4i2i Communications Limited Aberdeen Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Martyn Riley 01224 712844 7220 SMART ADSL Powerline Router IP Core 4i2i will use their SMART award to develop a product that unites two of their key technologies - ADSL and Powerline modems. The Award will enable 4i2i to further develop its ADSL and Powerline networking technology and produce an Integrated Circuit design targeted at the cost-effective implementation of a home/small office ADSL to Powerline router product. Abergene Limited Aberdeen Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Stuart Ralston 01224 553025 N/A 7310 SMART Developing Novel Genetic Markers Of Osteoporosis The SMART award will enable Abergene Ltd to develop and validate a range of genetic markers for Osteoporosis. It is likely that the markers will be used alone, and in combination with established technologies such as bone density scans to improve identification of patients at risk of the disease, bringing advantages to health providers in terms of cost-effectiveness and advantages to patients in avoiding unnecessary treatments. Scotland 264 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Alba Ultrasound Limited Glasgow Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Victor Murray 0141 548 2694 3310 SMART Ultrasound Multi Frequency Developments SMART support will allow Alba to investigate the feasibility of manufacture of multilayer, multi-frequency, stacked piezoelectric composite transducer assemblies. This work is of great importance to Alba, as a successful outcome would give the business a world leading technological position not only in underwater sonar applications but also in biomedical and industrial inspection applications which promise to be substantial markets for ultrasound products. Alpha Data Parallel Systems Limited Edinburgh Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Keith Baker 0131 555 0303 7220 SMART FPGA Partial Re-Configuration Platform The SMART award will enable Alpha Data to develop hardware and software for a new FPGA re-configurable computing reference platform providing partial reconfigurablity features based on the Virtex II Pro FPGA from Xilinx. This platform will provide a new environment for the re-programming of FPGA designs in real time allowing leading edge techniques and methods to be used by Alpha Data and its customers. Scotland 265 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Applied Generics Limited Midlothian Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Joe Dixon 0870 240 3694 7220 SMART Stage 2 Urban Traffic Analysis A system that processes data on the location of mobile telephones in urban areas to determine traffic movements, and from this estimate delays in the road network. This technology will eliminate the need for new infrastructure at the roadside or in vehicles. The project will build on the Urban Traffic Analysis algorithms developed under the SMART feasibility project. Applied Sweepers Limited Falkirk Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Gordon Fleming 01324 676218 5165 SPUR To Develop A Novel Cyclonic Separation Suction Sweeper This project will tackle the problem of how to remove dust particles from the incoming suction air stream before the air is discharged to the atmosphere, without using a huge volume of water with its inherent weight. The project will design a machine using swirl plates and cyclones to suppress fine dust particles in the suction air stream, which would become the unique selling point due to the sweeper’s reduced weight. Scotland 266 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Aros Developments Limited Inverness Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Ross Maxwell 01463 667390 N/A 7220 SMART Wireless Medical Instrumentation The SMART award will enable Aros Developments Ltd to develop the emerging technology of digital wireless communications and apply it to medical instrumentation. The technology will enable a new generation of cordless instrumentation to be developed for use in hospitals and clinics, improving safety, adding new functions and making operation more convenient. Arrayjet Limited Dalkeith Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Howard Manning 0131 654 5728 2430 SPURPLUS An Advanced Machine For Making Microarrays Using Ink Jet Printheads The project is the development of an advanced machine using inkjet printheads to transfer biological samples from well-plates onto microarrays, for highly parallel testing. The overall aim is to achieve very high throughput with the quality required for DNA and other biological testing. Scotland 267 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Auvation Limited Aberdeen Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: William T Melvin 01224 355205 2442 SMART Stage 2 To Develop An HTS Assay For Fibrin E Receptor The proposed programme aims to exploit Auvation’s proprietary fibrin E technology to identify drugs that accelerate the healing process by mimicking the natural woundhealing action of fibrin. A diverse array of methodologies will be employed to confirm the identity of the putative fibrin fragment E receptor isolated by the SMART project. Once confirmed, the receptor will be used in the construction of a high throughput assay designed to identify stimulatory ligands. Beat Systems Limited Glasgow Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Roy Hawes 0141 946 5800 7220 SMART Stage 2 To Develop A Secure Information Gateway Multiple Access (SIGMA) Prototype For Mobile Access This project aims to develop a system that would give UK operational police officers real-time access to information recorded on multiple Crime File systems across the country. At present there is no generic access to these systems as they have been developed by individual forces independently of each other and by various suppliers. The project builds on the feasibility work undertaken in a SMART project. Scotland 268 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Biopta Limited Glasgow Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Chris Hillier 0141 631 4888 7220 SMART Novel Instrumentation For Drug Discovery By utilising the latest developments in optics and optoelectronics the SMART project will allow testing and integration of different types of components, each requiring individual assessment and, if successful, optimisation in Biopta’s current Perf-Exion apparatus for the automatic analysis of tissues following drug application. The resulting new technology will significantly reduce production costs and greatly enhance the commercial attractiveness of the Perf-Exion instrument range. Calico Jack Limited Dundee Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Paul Sergeant 01667 38384 7220 SMART Agent-Based Software For Interaction With Mobile Services The SMART award will enable Calico Jack in developing “Jackdaw” – a software technology to enable efficient interaction with mobile services. The design of this system takes into account the need to provide both minimal and fully multi-modal interactions with increasingly complex services. The technology will accommodate all major current and forthcoming mobile platforms and handset technologies including Smart Messaging, WAP, J2ME, Symbian, PalmOS and Windows CE. Scotland 269 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 CardioDigital Limited East Lothian Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Brendan McGuckin 0131 455 2398 8514 SPURPLUS Medical Signal Interpretation This SPURPLUS project will enable CardioDigital to undertake the next stage development of proprietary medical signal analysis algorithms for use in four products in globally distributed healthcare markets. These algorithms reveal information in time varying medical signals, which cannot be found by existing methods. It is recognised as potentially the software of choice for medical devices in the fields of pulse oximetry, defibrillation, the analysis of atrial fibrillation and remote monitoring neonatal phonocardiography. Critical Blue Limited Edinburgh Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Electronic Design Automation Programmable Processors. Ben Hounsell 0131 650 7459 / 07789636602 7220 SMART (EDA) Tools Creating Dedicated This SMART Award will enable Critical Blue Ltd to develop technology that will dramatically reduce the risk, cost and development time of designing to today’s demanding electronic applications by providing high performance, flexible electronic devices that are embedded within system on chip applications such as MP3 players, mobile phones and personal digital assistants. This will enable customers to de-risk development projects, achieve faster time to market and to differentiate their products. Scotland 270 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Critical Blue Limited Edinburgh Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Ben Hounsell 0131 650 7459 / 07789636602 7220 SMART Automated Software Translation For Accelerating System-on-Chip (SOC) Design The purpose of this project is to implement the techniques identified during the SMART feasibility project. This will allow compiled representations of software to be automatically translated to execute on a specially optimised processor. The result of the project will be a prototype system that will be capable of translation for a number of test cases. Cult Hill Innovation Limited Dollar Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Peter McClelland 07946 481350 7220 SMART New Operations Support Software Builder For Telecommunications Cult Hill Innovation Ltd (CHIL) will develop software products to meet the growing crisis in operations support systems (OSS) for telecomms service providers. Its mission is to transform its users’ competitiveness and responsiveness by creating new billing products that are cheaper, quicker and simpler. The SMART Award will enable CHIL to test a new method for building process based software applications, using a specially formulated application definition language that is executed on an ‘application virtual machine’. Scotland 271 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 D-TACQ Solutions Limited East Kilbride Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: John McLean 01355-272511 3210 SMART Advanced Plasma Control Platform A major market for D-TACQ is in research into Plasma Fusion. The main aim of this research is the generation of cheap and clean electricity, free from environmental hazards such as green house gas emission or heavy element radioactive waste. The SMART award will enable D-TACQ to develop and pilot an innovative new platform suitable for Plasma Control systems. D-TACQ's project will make a significant performance advance in this field. Diagnostic Potentials Limited Glasgow Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Kerry Kilborn 0141 951 3455 7220 SPUR Development Of A Diagnostic Tool Kit For The Early Diagnosis Of Alzheimer’s Disease This project will follow on from the work undertaken on the SMART feasibility stage of this development. The project aims to undertake further software development and develop a kit that will comply with medical device standards. This will involve a structured field evaluation and clinical trials programme. Scotland 272 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 W & J Dunlop Limited Dumfries Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: James Davidson 01387 274924 5146 SPUR Mobile Phone Interface To The Veterinary Practice Management System The aim of this project is to design, test and develop a process which would enable vets and the company to trace and record all drug applications given to an individual animal from manufacture right through the entire chain. This would effectively create a mobile consulting room, giving the vet access to COSHH information, medical notes and late account details. Envirogene Systems Limited Helensburgh Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Rob Sleat 029 20682018 N/A 2416 SMART Development Of “Intelligent” Tracers For Use In The Environmental Sector The SMART award will assist THK to develop a range of tracer technologies based on fully quantitative molecular, analytical and microbial technologies. These developed tracers will find use in a variety of environmental applications, particularly measuring and monitoring the dispersion of solid and liquid wastes discharged into the environment, determining the sources of faecal bacteria impacting on bathing beaches and assessing the sources and residence times of potable water in a distribution network. Scotland 273 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 ePOINT Limited Clackmannanshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Gordon Venters 01259 727 200 2231 SPURPLUS To Develop A Touch-Interactive Photo Terminal This SPURPLUS Award will enable ePOINT to create a cost effective, advanced touch interactive photo terminal. This will provide end users with the ability to upload digital images from sources such as digital cameras, select and edit images and obtain high quality prints from local or remote photographic printing systems. Exterity Limited Fife Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Colin Farquhar 01383 427624 / 07867 510357 6420 SMART Synchronisation Of AV Media Streams Distributed Over IP Networks Exterity develops AV networking technologies and products aimed at accelerating the use of IP networks to deliver high-quality audio and video content. The SMART award will enable Exterity to test the feasibility of schemes to synchronise streamed AV output from co-located and collaborating IP network media clients. By overcoming the problem of AV synchronisation in non-deterministic IP networking environments, Exterity will replace large bespoke analogue AV installations with a modular, scalable and flexible digital alternative. Scotland 274 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Fluid Transfer Technology Limited Aberdeen Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Nigel Barnes 01224 869500 / 07860 806338 N/A 2912 SMART Fluid Transfer Technology – Research and Design Fluid Transfer Technology Ltd aims to develop new and innovative products in the field of fluid handling to be applied to industry processes associated with transfer. The principal goal of the SMART project is to prove the concept that fluid dynamic characteristics can be changed as a fluid flows through a specially designed and patented ‘fluid transportation device’ in well production tubing. Formedix Limited Paisley Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mark Wheeldon 0141 561 4150 7220 SMART Stage 2 Clinical Trial Production Suite The objective of the project is to apply advanced XML technologies and programgenerative techniques to specify a complete trial framework and convert that specification automatically into a full “Formedix Express” clinical trial database. A successful outcome could yield a solution, which would be significantly innovative and address several key constraints for the management of the clinical trials process. Scotland 275 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Fortkey Limited East Lothian Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Vanessa Dawson 01875 408044 /07966 161202 7420 SMART Underwater Hull Inspection System The SMART Award will enable Fortkey to develop an automated system for inspecting hulls of ships entering or leaving a port for the purpose of anti-terrorism and anti-smuggling, and also to determine the extent of any damage to a ship. This system gives the potential to vastly increase port security in a cost effective way without the knowledge or intervention of the crew on board the vessel, while reducing the need for divers to become involved in dangerous manual tasks. Haptogen Limited Aberdeen Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Andy Porter 01224 555870 / 07968 175 791 2442 SMART Novel Agents For The Treatment Of Obesity And CNS Disease This SMART award will enable Haptogen to carry out an innovative research programme to isolate, for the first time, a panel of novel ligand binding agents that have the potential to directly block the actions of signalling molecules present in neural tissue. Successful blocking of these molecules may have application in a range of medical conditions including degenerative cognitive diseases, depression, obesity and chronic pain. Scotland 276 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Highland Geology Limited Helensburgh Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: John Nicholson 01436 676326 7220 SMART Intelligent Interpretation Software For Oil And Gas Exploration And Development The first step in this project is to write a sophisticated tracer, which will identify important line segments in seismic data and overlay them on the bitmap image. The second key step is to write a genetic algorithm program which can take these data as input and use them to detect and draw the significant geological boundaries in the image. The program will cut the time taken to interpret a seismic survey by a factor of ten or more, and greatly boost the performance and productivity of the interpreter. Hydrosense Limited West Lothian Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Neil Polwart 01506 84 33 28 / 07905 752416 3320 SMART Real-time Pathogen Detection Hydrosense will use the SMART Award to develop innovative technology for the realtime detection and enumeration of pathogens in water. Drinking water and industrial systems must be regularly monitored for pathogens, however the current technology generally involves a microbiology laboratory culturing bacteria, which introduces lengthy delays. Hydrosense is developing an instrument that will enable measurement to be made, on-site, in less than one hour. Scotland 277 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 IceRobotics Limited Edinburgh Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Robert Boyce 0131 650 7457 2852 SMART Biomimetic Continuum Actuator The SMART award will enable IceRobotics to test the feasibility of using the continuum actuator as the basis for the compliant manipulation of live biological objects. The company will develop a specific set of engineering design rules, appropriate position and orientation sensors as well as an integrated control system for the whole actuator system. The benefits of the biomimetic (mimicking biology) continuum actuator are derived through its ability for natural motion and gentle handling of delicate objects. Ingenza Limited Edinburgh Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Robert Speight 0131 650 7477 2441 SMART A New Generation of Industrial Biocatalysts This SMART award will enable Ingenza to discover and develop a new family of enzymes, which will be used as industrial biocatalysts to prepare a broad range of chiral amines for the pharmaceutical, agrochemical and fine chemical industries worldwide. The advantages of this new technology will be numerous, including improved yields, reduced costs and the removal of waste streams from a broad range of existing and new industrial chemical processes. Scotland 278 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Kelvin Connect Limited Glasgow Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Meurig Sage 0141 339 8855 ext 0918 7220 SMART Mobile Data Capture For Clinical Trials The SMART award will enable Kelvin Connect to develop a system to support Electronic Data Capture (EDC) during Clinical Trials, thus lowering the cost of these trials. Many current EDC systems are cumbersome to use and are not mobile, meaning they are not available when staff require them. Kelvin Connect's offering will enable clinical staff to rapidly and easily capture clinical trial data at the point of care. Librae Limited Aberdeen Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Brian Burnett 01224 263331 7220 SMART Stage 2 Body Doubles For People With Diabetes This project will enable Librae to model a person’s lifestyle and eating habits, then, using computer software, allow people with diabetes to improve management and control of their blood sugar level. Forecasts will be given on how this control will behave in the future and allow the person to view how the changes to diet, exercise or medication could be made in order to improve control of their blood sugar level. Scotland 279 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 LinearB Technologies Limited Edinburgh Contact: Chris Callison-Burch Tel: 0131 557 4394 e-mail: Website: SIC Code: 7220 Project type: SMART Innovative Software For High Volume, Rapid Translation Between Any Language Pair The SMART award will enable LinearB to implement and evaluate a handful of novel techniques for using low-cost machine learning technology to produce high-quality translation software. These techniques will greatly reduce the time and costs associated with producing such software, whilst hopefully producing significantly more natural translations. LinearB are using efficient machine-learning techniques to produce their software and will be able to improve on the "one size fits all" approach of existing suppliers, by adapting their product to suit the different arenas of deployment. LUX Biotechnology Limited Edinburgh Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Patrick C. Hickey 0131 472 4824 / 07974 920 706 7220 SMART Novel Biosensors Based On Living Fungal Cells LUX Biotechnology is developing novel biosensors using genetically engineered bioluminescent (glow-in-the-dark) fungi. The SMART project has two main objectives. (1) Genetically engineer a portfolio of bioluminescent fungal biosensors. (2) Build and test prototype disposable kits containing the biosensors. Following completion of the project, it is envisaged that LUX will form partnerships with clients in the pharmaceutical, environmental and agrochemical industries to develop custom-designed biosensors for specific applications. Scotland 280 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 MACOM Technologies (UK) Limited Renfrewshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Bob Morrow 0141 849 6287 3330 SMART On-Line Sensors And Communications Protocols For The Analysis Of Wear Debris In Machinery Lubrication Systems MACOM Technologies Ltd offers an online sensor which can detect ferrous and nonferrous wear debris in lubrication circuits. The SMART award will enable MACOM to become a world leader after further developing the instrument to distinguish between different types of metal debris, thus pinpointing the exact defective bearing/ gear and improving the sensitivity of the instrument to detect particles down to 30 microns in size for ferrous and 150 for non ferrous particles. MicroScience Technologies Limited Edinburgh Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Andrew Pollard 0131 445 6214 2662 SMART Stage 2 Micro-emulsion Remediation Of Drill Cuttings The aim of this project is to construct a pilot plant capable of quantitatively extracting oils from drill cuttings, a waste product of oil exploration. The process utilises a novel detergent that was developed during a SMART feasibility project. Scotland 281 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 OptoSci Limited Glasgow Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Douglas Walsh 0141 552 7020 3230 SMART Stage 2 Continuous Optical Monitoring Of Landfill Gas This project aims to further develop the methane and carbon dioxide sensing system developed under the SMART project into a pre-production prototype, which offers the full required functionality and reliability in a cost effective package and to verify the system in a field trial environment. In addition, the direct detection of oxygen will be investigated with a view to integration into the existing monitoring system. P.A.C.T. Engineering (Scotland) Limited Aberdeen Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Tim Derval or Bijan Bahari 01224 355388 / 07973 665238 N/A 4521 SPUR “PIGASYS” Prototype Project The PIGASYS™ Project is about the development traction unit for pipelines capable of travelling against and with the flow of product without any external power supplied. Autonomy will enhance the range of such a tool when deployed to operate as a maintenance- or inspection tool. The tool is capable of powering its own traction by drawing power from the fluid flow and will incorporate fail-safe mechanisms to return to its point of launch or a safe site in case of any hazard to its operations. Scotland 282 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Pentland Systems Limited West Lothian Contact: John Walker Tel: 01506 464666 e-mail: Website: SIC Code: 3002 Project type: SPURPLUS To Develop The Signal Acquisition And Digital Processing Technologies For Software Defined Radio This Award will enable Pentland Systems to develop the signal acquisition and digital processing technologies for software defined radio. These radical new technologies will result in the integration of multiple software applications on generic platforms to reduce design and production costs, elimination of errors inherent in traditional implementations to improve system performance, and significant reduction in size and weight to make software Radio attractive to mobile applications. PetroData Limited Aberdeen Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Paul Watkins 01224 357 290 1120 SMART Intelligent Production Monitoring & Control Technology The SMART Award will enable PetroData to research and develop their production data cleaning and analysing product. PetroData have been investigating how intelligent computing techniques might be used to automate production data analyses. This technology allows huge potential savings to operating companies, and will ultimately reduce production downtime, optimise production and provide production teams worldwide with a valuable asset that helps their role. Scotland 283 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Photonic Materials Limited Lanarkshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: J William Buckie 01698 573810 3310 SPURPLUS Development of Novel Scintillator Crystals For Medical Imaging This project aims to develop new high performance scintillator materials for PET medical imaging which will enable superior diagnostic tools for clinicians. This promises earlier diagnosis and improved treatment monitoring in diseases such as cancer. The SPURPLUS Award will enable Photonic Materials to establish scaleable prototype growth processes for large crystals of several new scintillator crystal products, including HDS and LuAP. PhotoSynergy Limited Dundee Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Donald Walker 01334 463327 3340 SMART The Development Of A “Ruggedised” Neodymium Vanadate Laser Operating In The Infrared And Green Regions Of The Spectrum The SMART Award will support the engineering of a basic laser design originally developed at the Photonics Innovation Centre of the University of St Andrews. The output from the project will be a production methodology and design documentation package for use in the manufacture of lasers. The laser products will have a wide range of industrial applications including spectroscopy, industrial materials processing, lighting, the print industry and the medical sector. Scotland 284 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 F J Pirie & Co Limited Ayrshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Iain Pirie 01563 850325 0141 SMART Stage 2 DRAM In-Liner Drier This project will build upon the results of the SMART feasibility project and develop a system which will include a bespoke wet product presentation system that will present a flow of vegetables in a suitable and prescribed way to the drying system. The whole engineered assembly will be capable of exceeding the current state of the art performance standards and will be dimensionally compatible with current commercial vegetable packaging and processing installations. Purple Patch Wireless Glasgow Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Steve Higgins 0141 314 3528 3220 SMART High Density Wireless Antennae Array System This project is concerned with establishing the technical feasibility of a proprietary 2.4GHz antenna array to support high-density call volumes in areas with complex electromagnetic propagation and noise interference characteristics (e.g. airports, railway stations and shopping centres). Using a mixture of theoretical and empirical methods the project aims to assess the proposed array system architecture, determine the optimised system configuration and produce detailed procurement specifications. Scotland 285 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Renewable Devices Limited Edinburgh Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Charles Silverton 0131 535 3301 3110 SMART Novel Silent Wind Powered Rooftop Heating System The SMART Award will support development of a rooftop wind heating system for residential and small business customers that will reduce energy costs. The system will be powered by a novel silent rooftop wind turbine and will augment existing hot water and central heating systems. The technology will eliminate the noise and vibrations associated with existing installations by using a novel rotor design and a new turbine regulation device, ensuring silent operation and constant water temperature over a wide range of wind velocities. Rhetorical Systems Limited Edinburgh Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Marc Moens 0131 525 6800 / 07979 596 770) 7220 SPURPLUS Development Of High-Quality Speech Synthesis Software Rhetorical’s core technology is rVoice™. Apart from its high quality, rVoice is unique in the range of voices it offers in different regional accents and different speaking styles. The SPURPLUS funding will enable us to carry out higher risk research work, focusing on improvements on the processing speed and footprint of the system and increased flexibility through the development of different speaking voices and styles. Scotland 286 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Salent Technologies Limited Nr. Linlithgow Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mike Heinrich 01506 834419 / 07812 113408) 7220 SMART Automated Image Tracking Project The SMART award will allow the Salent to develop the technology required to track a target object using multiple CCTV cameras in a crowded area, with the system automatically ‘handing over’ the target from one camera to the next. Individuals controlling the surveillance system will be able to monitor many sites simultaneously, replay any tracked events, view live video footage and take any action considered necessary, through our web enabled software, from any worldwide location. Sciencesoft Limited Motherwell Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Lindsay Wood 01698 276977 7220 SMART History Matching Using Streamline Simulators Sciencesoft Ltd was formed to develop windows based data analysis software to assist petroleum reservoir engineers to analyse the results from computer models of oil and gas fields. The SMART Award will enable Sciencesoft to evaluate new methods of history matching of oil and gas fields based on the emerging technology of streamline simulation. Sciencesoft propose to investigate techniques that would allow streamline simulators to be included as a routine part of the optimisation workflow of petroleum engineers. Scotland 287 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 SeeByte Limited Edinburgh Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Kelvin Hamilton 0131 447 4200 7220 SMART Intelligent Diagnostics This SMART project will develop an automated fault detection and diagnosis demonstrator, RECOVERY, applicable and illustrated across a range of domains. The system will outperform current technology using advanced techniques to predict failures, address any lack of reliable diagnostic sensor data, provide conclusions within known time limitations, and assist with the overall design process. The result will be a substantial improvement in the fidelity and flexibility of automated diagnosis, thus reducing costs and liabilities. Target Well Control Limited Aberdeen Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Paul McClure 01224 783999 1120 SPUR Instrumented Sub Assembly (I Sub) for Collection of Well Placement Information This SPUR award will enable Target Well Control to design, develop and commercialise an instrumented sub assembly (I-Sub) that will collect formation evaluation, inclination and drilling dynamics data within a few feet of a drill bit. The advantage of the I-Sub will be that it can be used in conjunction with the various drilling systems such as drilling turbines, positive displacement mud motors, rotary steerable systems or conventional rotary drilling assemblies. Scotland 288 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Tayside Flow Technologies Limited Dundee Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Keith Scott 01382 598436 3310 SPURPLUS Synthetic Coronary Bypass Graft Blocked coronary arteries are treated by surgical bypass operations. Current grafts are biological – arterial, venous – because no synthetic graft has been successful. These biologicals are not always available – e.g. for repeat surgery. The company has designed a number of graft prototypes and further testing, development of a preproduction prototype and testing is now required. This project is to take this new graft to human clinical trials. teleIT Limited Glasgow Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Peter Mowforth 0141 204 5297 / 0797 146 4882 7220 SMART Automating Marketing Using Target Market User Profiling. TeleIT has pioneered the production of Target Market User Profiling as a mechanism for capturing and representing linguistic information that optimises the link between a supplier of goods and services and their target customers. The system makes use of the databases of queries that are typed into the major search engines so as to identify what people search for on the Internet combined with systems that “hunt down” top competing websites within niche markets. The purpose of the SMART project is to look at the feasibility of totally automating the production of Target Market User Profiles and to create a prototype automatic system. Scotland 289 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 TerraVista Limited Outer Hebrides Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Fraser MacLeod 01851 621425 / 07810 095018) N/A 7220 SMART Location-Sensitive Information System The SMART Award will enable TerraVista Ltd to address the fundamental challenges involved in proving the technical feasibility of its new location-sensitive information system. TerraVista’s pioneering approach to the delivery of location-related information is based on real-time computer modelling of the geographic area enclosed by the changing horizon of a user. The system will deliver, via mobile devices, information on points of interest visible from the user’s current position. Thin Film Innovations Limited Coatbridge Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Michael Hitchman 01236 702 141 / 0141 553 4189 N/A 7310 SMART High Precision Optical Coatings The SMART award will enable Thin Film Innovations to develop processes that can deposit uniform, multilayer optical coatings onto 3-dimensional substrates; something that cannot be achieved by currently used Physical Vapour Deposition technology. Overall, the project will lead to a new generation of precision optical coatings with improved quality, better performance, and at a highly competitive price. Scotland 290 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Thinkanalytics Limited Glasgow Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Eddie Young 0141 572 3030 7220 SPURPLUS Development Of Real-Time Data Mining And Personalisation The SPUR award will allow Think Analytics Ltd to establish a lead to exploit one of the fastest growing sectors of the IT industry. The current uses of data mining techniques are batch mode on static data and then applying those results later through hard-coded rules engines or static definitions to show certain types of user. The next generation of data mining will be the real-time application of up-to-date data mining models that are in-sync with an up to date view of the customer and business environments. TopoSphere Limited Edinburgh Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: David Mincher 0131 455 2252 N/A 7310 SMART Synthesis And Development Of Novel Anti-Cancer Drugs This SMART Award will enable TopoSphere to synthesise and develop novel anticancer drugs, prepared in latent form, that exploit a key difference between cancer tissue and normal tissue. This technology offers the opportunity to target specific cancer cell types by confining the release of the drug to the site of the tumour. Advantages include delivery of more drug to the tumour, selectivity of tumour versus normal cells and reduced toxicity and side effects. Scotland 291 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Troyanys Limited Peebles Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Juraj Petrik 01721 722 503 N/A 8512 SMART New Therapeutic Approach to Genetically Variable Pathogens Troyanys Ltd aims to develop a new therapeutic approach against genetically variable pathogens, primarily viruses. The SMART award provides a vital support for the proof of concept R&D work, necessary to confirm the viability of this approach for targeting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The aim of this approach is to retarget an existing immunity against a genetically stable virus, such as Measles virus, towards a new, difficult to treat virus such as HIV. Virtual Clones Limited Glasgow Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Colin Urquhart 0141 585 6480 / 07753 610 937 7420 SMART 3D Capture Of Animated Virtual Characters Virtual Clones specialises in turning real people into virtual characters using novel 3D capture technology. This SMART Award will allow Virtual Clones to extend its “virtual cloning” technology to quickly derive high definition animation information from real life people. This will dramatically reduce the time and skill required to create realistic virtual character animation and also allow animation to reflect much more accurately that of an actual real-life person. Scotland 292 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 VIS entertainment plc Dundee Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Laura Calder 01382 341015 7260 SPUR Project House – Real-Time Animated Broadcast Platform The project will design, build and deploy the world’s first 24-hour, persistent-world, and 100% digitally generated interactive TV channel. The channel will show highquality computer generated horse races real-time on cable and satellite systems, allowing the player to interact with the channel through either owning, training or racing a stable of horses. This could lead to a suite of products which could have unlimited uses with varying content. Scotland 293 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 WALES A K Rainbow Limited Penarth Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr S Matthews 02920 515511 2413 SMART Rainbow Proteins Further development of Rainbow Proteins - genetically engineered bioluminescent proteins that change colour when they react with a substance of biomedical importance. The key problem is to engineer and test a protein that will change from red to green on stimulation. The project will allow the concept to be taken to a prototype application stage. Andico Design Limited Tintern Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr A Francis 01291 689222 N/A 3110 SMART Inflatable Staging for Outdoor Events Design and develop a staging system for outdoor venues. Wales 294 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Andrew Reason Limited Castlemorris Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr A Reason 01348 891695 Not Given SMART Sliding Access Washing Machine A sliding drum washing machine with unique load and unload properties, making it an improvement on existing front loading machines. The innovation has a larger drum capacity making it more energy efficient and more consumer-friendly. The automatic unloading mechanism means you do not have to bend down to unload. In addition the water ballasting system makes for a lighter machine as the water can be pumped out when the machine is moved. Aqwan Limited Swansea Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr M Jones 01792 513247 7310 SMART Optical Wireless Networks To investigate the key enabling technology for ‘optical wireless networks’. The technology that this project would deliver will enable optical wireless networks to operate at 155-622 mBit/s offering a significant step improvement over existing wireless system which are based on radio frequency technology and currently operate at 11mBit/s. Future products built using optical devices will give a 10x speed improvement for the same cost. Wales 295 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 ATL Telecom Limited Mid Glamorgan Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr N Harrison 029 2050 0797 N/A 6420 SPURPLUS 3G Transmission Technology Further development of ATL’s core technology – high speed data transfer over copper telephone pairs. Avantis Limited Mid Glamorgan Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr M Pearce 0870 873 4800 N/A 3002, 7260 SPUR Albion CD/DVD Content Delivery System The Albion project aims to develop a system enabling new CD and DVD content to be delivered electronically over the internet to Avantis’ subscribers. This approach overcomes the limitations, such as bandwidth and responsiveness, of accessing content directly from web sites, particularly for ‘video rich’ content as used in education. Initially targeting the UK Education market in which Avantis is already well established, this project will allow the company to explore new sales models and markets. Wales 296 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Biotrace Limited Bridgend Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr G Jones 01656 641400 9305, 3663 SPUR New Generation Luminometer Develop a new generation, hand-held luminometer instrument for the hygiene testing market. It will include the best features of the existing model plus some recently developed ‘colour detection’ techniques (patent pending),an automatic swab recognition system for the various swab tests used and built-in calibration. The new unit will be half the size of its predecessor and will use the latest electronic design and manufacture technologies to complete. Cell Engineering Limited Swansea Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr M Hallett 01792 315460 2613 SMART Extending SLAM Technology to Bio-Medical Applications ICSI is an important strategy for in vitro fertilisation (IVF). However the technique of micro-injection is prone to failure, probably caused by excessive damage to the egg. A more reliable, gentler micro-injection approach such as SLAM may therefore be beneficial. We therefore propose a three stage feasibility study. The first stage is to optimise the formation of the lipid bilayer across the wider bore micro-pipettes needed for ICSI. The second stage will be to optimise the survival of the SLAM Coating as the micro-pipette is inserted through the Zona Pellucida before contact with the plasma membrane. The third stage will be to establish whether the survival and in vitro development of mouse eggs which have been SLAM injected is improved. Successful completion of these stages of the project will permit application for ethical approval to extend the study of human eggs. Wales 297 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Cobra Automotive Products Limited Welshpool Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr G Seale 01938 555488 N/A 3663 SMART New Multifunction Screen Visor for the Automotive Industry This project involves the design of a new visor made from innovative materials, manufactured in a reliable well established process. The project goes into new components that may be embedded in the visor such as energy efficient LEDs for the vanity mirror and the possibility of using solar powered rechargeable cells for the power source. Comtec Europe Limited Gwent Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr S Powell 01633 627500 N/A 7220 SPURPLUS Dynamic Holiday Project The design and development of computer software capable of accessing a multitude of travel databases to provide clients with information to search, choose, book and pay for holidays. The product is being developed to allow travellers to design and personalise their own travel arrangements. The product is geared to those travellers who make their own travel plans to go on holidays or business travel. Wales 298 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Compton Developments Limited Swansea Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr P Ballard 01792 315500 7011 SMART Pollution Free Anti-fouling Paint Earlier research undertaken in conjunction with Cardiff University has identified certain African plants, extracts of which are effective in a terrestrial environment, as molluscide and/or mollusc repellent. Compton now wish to investigate whether any of the African plant extracts are effective in a marine environment. There is a strong market demand for an anti-fouling paint to be used on boat hulls or on the side of docks. What is currently available is tin-based paint, which is not environmentally friendly. Cultech Limited Port Talbot Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Ms S Plummer 01639 825100 N/A 9305 SPUR Probiotic Infection Protection Surgical patients frequently become infected with opportunistic intestinal pathogenic bacteria as a side effect of antibiotic therapy. Research suggests that probiotics may provide an effective natural prophylactic treatment for this costly problem. Currently there is no commercially available product using this technique. The proposed project is therefore to develop, formulate and clinically test a suitable product for this purpose. Wales 299 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Dentron Limited Clynderwen Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Rev J Copus 01994 419792 N/A 3310, 7310, 9220, 9231 SMART Diabetic Foot Ulcer Treatment To assess the feasibility of developing an active dressing for diabetic foot ulcers, which currently hospitalise around 1,500 people a year in the UK. The dressing would use electronic micro-biocidal techniques to kill micro-organisms inhibiting healing. Dragon Baits Limited Port Talbot Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Smith 01639 894111 N/A N/A 7484 SPUR Polychaetes for Aquaculture Feeds Using a patented cold extrusion technology for polychaetes (rag worms), Dragon Baits intend to develop a range of natural fish feed products as a substitute for the current environmentally unfriendly artificial fishmeals which use fish oil and denaturised hot extrusion methods. A range of feed mixes and pellet sizes will have to be developed and tested to satisfy the broad market for artificially ‘farmed’ fish and prawn stocks. Wales 300 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Electronica Products Limited South Glamorgan Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr N Shirazee 02920 388058 3663 SMART Feasibility Study for 5-phase Motor A feasibility study of five phase brushless DC motors with sensorless variable speed drive electronics. This will include temperature and magnetics analysis of the motors as well as electronic motor control design using digital signal processors and microcontrollers for sensorless operations. Cost analysis of the motor and the variable speed electronic control systems will also be carried out for small to medium sized motors. Enfis Limited Swansea Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr S Oxenham 01792 513366 N/A SPUR Stage 2 Development Complete the development of a semi-conductor light source module for acne treatment following the development of an initial prototype using RIN funding. Additionally, it will allow Enfis to commence development on other applications including rosacea. Wales 301 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Engineering Services (Bridgend) Limited Mid Glamorgan Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr M Sterio 01656 662641 2852 SPUR ELV Vacuum De-pollution Design and develop a static system of modular bays to enable rapid de-pollution of end of life vehicles in accordance with EU directive 2000/53/E using a centralised vacuum system concept. ETL Solutions Limited Blaenau Ffestiniog Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr J Biggerstaff 01766 831899 7220 SPUR W3C Standards Transformation Product To undertake further development of a W3C standards data transformation product by addressing three relevant standards recently developed by the Worldwide Web Consortium, namely: XSLT XSD XML QUERY Wales 302 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 First Numerics Limited South Glamorgan Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr G Limbert 02920 682162 7222, 7310 SMART Computer Modelling of Skin To undertake a feasibility study into the development of a novel mathematical/ numerical constitutive model of human skin for potential use on biomedical engineering, human body dynamics and forensic engineering applications. Goppa Fireplaces Limited Flintshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mrs S Everton 01352 713706 3663 SPUR Improved Solid Surface Once the melamine surface of most plastic laminates is scratched or wears out, the wood chip or phenolic base material becomes exposed. This ruins the effect of attempts to grain or pattern the laminate, and can lead to it having to be replaced. The project will develop an improved solid surface material which, since it would be essentially the same material throughout its thickness, would be less vulnerable to such damage. Wales 303 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Igloo Porthmadog Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr P Thompson 01766 512652 N/A Not Given SMART Single Piece Glass Bath Investigate the feasibility of producing a bath from a single sheet of glass using the gravity slumping technique. Kerndale Limited Caerphilly Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Humphries 02920 865152 N/A 2710 SPUR Lining Machine Development The development of a dedicated low volume lining machine which can be enhanced to perform as a case maker for the bookbinding on-demand and related industries. Magnacol Research Powys Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr A Meredith-Jones 01686 621238 N/A Not Given SPUR Development of Ferrofluids Ferrofluids are liquids which are attracted to magnets. They have many uses but are difficult to produce and very expensive, which restricts usage. We are developing a new process to make these liquids cheaply and easily, opening up new applications. With a SMART funded feasibility study successfully completed, we now have SPUR grant funding to take the process to pilot stage, to develop an ISO quality system and to prepare for commercial phase. Wales 304 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Menai Organics Limited Bangor Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr D Potter 01248 354103 N/A N/A 2414 SPUR Catalysts for Combinatorial Synthesis To develop catalytic processes with either organometallic complexes or enzymes acting as catalysts for use in combinatorial synthesis. These catalysts will also be used to produce a range of heterocyclic and chiral small molecules to target the same markets. Micro-Oncology Limited Gwynedd Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr S Chaudry 01248 605089 N/A 7310 SMART Microwave Cancer Treatment System Development of a system that uses new microwave techniques and solid state power technology to enable a controlled beam of energy to be locally focused into tissue, causing the destruction of cancerous cells, whilst leaving adjacent healthy cells unadulterated. Initially the work will be targeted towards the treatment of breast cancer. Wales 305 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Micropharm Limited Llandysul Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Geoff Shellswell 01239 710529 Not Given SMART Treatment of Oleander Toxicity The two most common causes of plant-induced toxicity are toadstool and oleander poisoning and there is no specific treatment for either. Oleander poisoning is due to a number of cardiac glycosides which progressively slow the heart, leading to death. These glycosides will be extracted, purified and used to prepare immunogens with which to raise specific antibodies in sheep. The antibodies will then be used to manufacture safe, highly effective products to treat victims of oleander poisoning. Mid Wales Yarns Limited Powys Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr R Collinge 01597 822713 N/A N/A 1712 SPUR Woollen Spun Wool Rich Single Yarns Traditional low grade wool rich tufted yarns are produced ecru in oil, in 2 or 3 ply, then dyed in yarn form. The project is designed to produce yarns of greater quality with higher appearance retention properties and at lower unit costs. The objective is to utilise a 10% element of special meltbond polyester introduced at blending that will melt during heat setting to produce a scaffold capable of supporting the single strand of fibres. Wales 306 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Nulife Glass Limited Flint Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr S Greer 01663 749199 7310 SMART CRT Dissolution & Recycling The aim of this project is to develop a commercially viable alternative to sending cathode ray tubes to land fill. Experiments have already shown that high temperature and a reducing atmosphere can be used to extract the lead in the glass used to screen the television tubes & computer monitors from the silicon and other elements. This proposal is designed to test a pilot plant furnace prior to international franchising. Proact International Limited Denbighshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr G Parker 01745 816315 7220 SPURPLUS Supply Chain Enterprise Execution Strategy To extend supply chain functionality to enhance full and total supply chain requirements for global logistics operations and provide system management and support for the new trend into fourth generation or asset less/light supply chains. In this environment a web based approach is critical. Wales 307 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Quantum Prospecting Limited Swansea Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Rassi 01792 295418 N/A N/A 1110 SPUR Electro Magnetic Prospecting for Oil and Gas Over the last two years Quantum has carried out extensive research and development of a new EMP (Electro magnetic prospecting) technique for use in the oil and gas industry. The technique combines leading edge technology for ultra sensitive magnetic measurements with an innovative approach to generating primary electromagnetic waves which can penetrate the earth down to typical hydrocarbon reservoirs. In this project we propose to build a commercial prototype EMP system capable of detecting and mapping deep underground mineral and hydrocarbon deposits. Rockfield Software Limited Swansea Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr J Rance 01792 455577 7220 SMART Virtual Reality Tools for Finite Element/Discrete Element Problems The aim of the proposed work is to develop a VR environment operating on low cost hardware to view and interrogate the results of industrial scale finite element/ discrete element (FE/DE) problems. The principal objective is to develop the necessary computational tools to represent events for dynamically changing worlds, with a requirement to interrogate partial results as the analysis progresses. Visualisation of problems up to 1 million variables involving either progressive multi-fracturing or distant particle flows will be considered. Wales 308 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Sparkling Armada Swansea Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr R Parker 01792 295812 N/A 7220 SPUR Code Buyer Development to pre-production stage of a wireless/internet remote data capture system using bar code/DECT/TCP-IP technologies. Spectrum Technologies Bridgend Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr P Dickinson 01656 655437 3162 SPUR 4th Generation Laser Wire Markers Spectrum Technologies has pioneered the introduction of UK laser wire marking as the new international aerospace industry standard for wire marking and has developed a range of equipment which meets the demands of high intermediate and low volume users. Spectrum is the global leader in its market and to maintain this position it now wishes to develop the next generation of UV laser wire making systems. This will involve the development of an in house capability for the manufacture and support of solid state lasers, and the development of a new range of solid state laser based wire markers. Wales 309 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 Starbridge Systems Limited Swansea Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr K Smith 01792 513541 N/A Not Given SMART Lab Star Development of novel micro fluidic devices and systems. Sutton Goldsmith Associates Pembrokeshire Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr G Goldsmith 01646 697707 N/A N/A 3162, 3663 SPUR Electronic Lock Enhancements This project aims to enhance the capabilities of the keywriter and lock processor developed under RIN and SMART. This will be achieved by upgrading the user interface and functions available on the keywriter. Doubling the memory and facilities available within the lock processor will allow the introduction of an IR audit key and an enhanced time key with timed access, timed out access and multi key capabilities. IR Communications will allow data transfer between the keywriter, palm PC’s and personal computers and allow access to the MS windows environment. Wales 310 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 NORTHERN IRELAND Adaptive Communication Systems Ltd Belfast Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Sakir Sezer 028 9029 5688 72.20 Feasibility Software Tools and Intellectual Property Cores The aim of the project is to build a prototype set of software tools and intellectual property (IP) cores to help companies integrate advanced test, verification and debug features into their electronic products. These tools will be invaluable to designers and manufactures of advanced electronics products, as they remove the complex nature of design for testability from the product development cycle, subsequently reducing time-to-market for new electronic products. Hamilton Erskine Co. Down Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Jim Erskine 028 9752 8501 N/A 24.66 Feasibility Transparent Composite Development Hamilton Erskine are developing a range of transparent composites for ballistic and blast protection for commercial use in the specialist construction industry. Northern Ireland 311 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 InspecVision Ltd Belfast Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Dr Jan Antonis 028 9028 0388 N/A 28.52 Feasibility Automated Inspection System This project aims to develop an automatic inspection system for measuring the dimensional accuracy of flat opaque materials at high speed. A high-resolution digital camera captures an image that will be used to create a 3D representation of the component. Complex 3D mathematics, calibration and image processing algorithms will be used to achieve the required accuracy, irrespective of material type, or thickness. This will provide a more cost effective and accurate service for companies and consumers. Memsis Ltd Belfast Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr Mark Glover 028 9080 6999 N/A 72.20 Feasibility Development of Modular Software System This project seeks to develop a modular software system for small and medium manufacturing/assembly businesses. The system will enhance resource planning using dedicated data and process devices and will include integrated customer relationship management (CRM) modules. This will provide information both to company staff and customers via the internet. Northern Ireland 312 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 John Milliken Co Antrim Contact: Tel: e-mail: Website: SIC Code: Project type: Mr John Milliken N/A N/A N/A 29.53 Micro Device to Measure Fat Content of Meat Mr Milliken is designing and developing a low cost device that shall determine the fat content of meat. This product will be hygienic, portable and robust to withstand the harsh environment in which it will be used. It is aimed at a niche market and will be marketed to UK and other EU butchers and meat processors, in particular supermarket butcheries, larger independent butchers and SME meat processors. Northern Ireland 313 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 CONTACTS England Contact Business Link Tel: 0845 600 9 006 Web: Elsewhere in the UK Different arrangements apply elsewhere in the UK. Scottish Executive, Enterprise & Lifelong Learning Department or Business Shop Tel: 0141 242 5560 Web: Welsh Development Agency Tel: 084457 77 55 77 Web: Invest Northern Ireland Tel: 028 9049 0486 Web: CONTACT 314 Directory Of Smart & Grant for Research & Development Awards July 2002 – June 2003 URN 05/196a Crown Copyright