ROSE BAY SECONDARY COLLEGE Year 12 TRIAL HSC 2010 EXAMINATION TIMETABLE Monday 2nd August to Monday 16th August 2010 All exams will be in the Hall & Special Provisions will be in A519/Boardroom Students must be in the Hall by 8.45am as the exams will begin at 9.00am sharp Monday 2nd August Tuesday 3rd August Wednesday 4th August Thursday 5th August Friday 6th August 8.45 am to 11:00 Hall ENGLISH STANDARD & ADVANCED Paper 1 8.45 to 11:00am Hall ENGLISH STANDARD & ADVANCED Paper 2 8.45 am to 12:05pm Hall BIOLOGY 1.00 pm to 2.35pm Hall VISUAL ARTS 8.45 am to 12:05pm Hall CHEMISTRY (3 Hours + 5min reading time) (1 ½ hour +5 min reading time) (3 Hours + 5min reading time) (2 Hours + 10min reading time) (2 Hours + 5min reading time) PHOTOGRAPHY ENGLISH ESL Paper 1 ENGLISH ESL Paper 2 (1 ½ Hours + 10min read time) (1 Hour + 5min reading time) 1:00 to 2:30pm In rooms MUSIC 1 - Room C210 (1 hour +5 min read time) MUSIC 2 - Room C216 (1 ½ hour +5 min read time) 1:00 pm to 2:35pm Hall DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY (1 ½ Hours +5 min read time) (1 ½ Hours + 5 mins reading time) RUSSIAN (2 Hours 50 mins) 1:00am to 4:00pm Hall MODERN HISTORY (3 Hours + 5 min read time) VET HOSPITALITY (2 Hours + 5 min read time) ENGLISH ESL in Senior Study - Library Listening paper (1/2 hour) 1 ROSE BAY SECONDARY COLLEGE Year 12 HALF YEARLY 2010 EXAMINATION TIMETABLE Monday 2nd August to Monday 16th August 2010 Monday 9th August 8:45am to 12:05pm Hall GENERAL MATHEMATICS Tuesday 10th August 8:45am to 12:15pm Hall ANCIENT HISTORY Wednesday 11th August 8:45 am to 12:05pm Hall ECONOMICS Thursday 12th August 8:45 am to 12:05pm Hall LEGAL STUDIES Friday 13th August 8:45am to 11:05am Hall ENGLISH EXTENSION 1 (3 Hours + 5min reading time) (3 Hours + 5min reading time) (3 Hours + 5min reading time) (2 Hours +5 min reading time) 1:00 pm to 3:05 pm Hall MATHEMATICS EXTENSION 1 1:00pm to 4:05pm Hall GEOGRAPHY (2 ½ Hours + 5min reading time) MATHEMATICS SOFTWARE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT (3 Hour + 5 min reading time) (3 Hours + 5min reading time) MATHEMATICS EXTENSION 2 (3 Hours + 5 min reading time) 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Hall BUSINESS STUDIES 1:00 pm to 4:00pm Hall PHYSICS 1:00 pm to 4:05 pm Hall PDHPE (3 Hours +5 min reading time) (3 Hours + 5min reading time) (3 Hours + 5min reading time) (3 Hours + 5min reading time) (2 hour + 5 min reading time) SOCIETY & CULTURE MEDIA (2 Hours +5 min reading time) (1 ½ Hours + 5 min reading time) 2 ROSE BAY SECONDARY COLLEGE Year 12 HALF YEARLY 2008 EXAMINATION TIMETABLE Monday 2nd August to Monday 16th August 2010 Monday 16th August 8:45 am to 12:05pm IN ROOMS A520 & A521 FOOD TECHNOLOGY (3 Hours +5 min read time) ENGINEERING STUDIES (3 Hours + 5min reading time) Tuesday 17th August NORMAL CLASSES RESUME ALL STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO BE AT SCHOOL. DRAMA (1 ½ Hours + 5 min reading time) 1:00 pm to 3:05 pm IN ROOMS A520 & A521 HISTORY EXTENSION (2 Hours +5 min reading time) VET CONSTRUCTION (2 Hours +5 min reading time) 3 EXAMINATION RULES Rose Bay Secondary College WEAR FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM AND LEAVE YOUR MOBILE PHONES AND IPODS AT HOME Students are required to be at the Hall or specified exam room at least 10 minutes before the commencement of any examination. All bags are to be left at the back of the Hall. Remember not to leave anything of value in your bag. Students must line up quietly and they will be directed to enter the examination room in an orderly manner. The supervising teachers should be shown all materials taken into the examination room. NO TALKING IN EXAMINATION ROOM - There must be complete silence in the examination room. NO BORROWING – Students are to bring their own correct equipment to all examinations.(Includes calculators, white out, pens, staplers etc.) NO DICTIONARIES - are allowed in the examination room, unless this conforms to HSC subject rules. NO MOBILE PHONES or IPODS - are allowed in the examination room – THESE WILL BE COLLECTED ON ENTRY INTO THE HALL DURING THE EXAMINATION You must follow the day-to-day rules of the school, including FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM. Students must immediately complete the attendance slip. Students must use the exam booklets provided. No paper is to be brought into or taken from the exam room, including the exam paper. Students must not communicate with other students after entering the examination room. Please raise your hand if you require any further information and a teacher will attend to this. You must not leave the examination room (except in an emergency) until one hour after the start of the examination. If you have to leave and want to return and resume the examination, you must be supervised while you are absent from the examination room; the time of departure will be written on your paper. You must not leave the examination room during the last 20 minutes of the examination. If you have completed the examination you must remain seated and quiet; Students must remember to write their name on the top of every booklet they use. If you do not follow these rules, or if you cheat in the examinations in any way, you may be asked to leave the examination room and will be sent to the Deputy Principal. The penalty may be cancellation of papers for the course concerned, or of all papers, and as a consequence you may be ineligible for a Higher School Certificate. Refer to 2009/10 Higher School Certificate RBSC Assessment Booklet in reference to Non Serious Attempt, Misadventure, Assessment Procedure and Rules. It is expected that students will go to the toilet before the commencement of any examination. 4